Vashikaran – The story of Chitrasena

When Venus and moon are in libra one indulges in vashikarana to attract other women.

  • Punarnava root brought in pushyami nakshatra ,if enchanted with sarvalokvashankar mantra seven times and tied on the arm will make one easily attract others . [ the mantra should have been made siddha upto lakh times ]
  • fruit , flower , bark ,leaves , twig , brought on a sunday ,powdered and mixed with karpoor kumkum and gorochan , applied on forehead will attract others.
  • first kamakhya mantra should be practised , then bramhadandi powder mixed with corpse ashes when applied on any person he becomes subservient
  • teeth of neelgay and human when powdered with oil and applied on forehead will bring to toes most difficult of spouse.
  • Bhaskar mantra chanting on kumkum chandan and karpoor with tulasidal in cows milk , applied on forehead will make a king obey to your words.
  • chirchira seeds on pushyami nakshatra if given to king in his ood will make him grant all wishes .
  • Yakshini mantras practised well with japa and homa , chanted on a banana juice mixed with sweat and gorochan will make ones husband always be enchanted .
  • kalika mantra chanted on crossroads for 1 lakh times makes all and sundry enchanted.

Once Indra was tiored of all his wealth and power , he decided to renounce the world and decided to strive for moksha. He went to Kailash parvat and started serving Parvati and Rudra there . oNe day while serving them he sawa beautiful woman . She was Chitrasena , wife of Kubera . Indra lost his senses to her beauty .

Indra called Manmath and ordered him to get Chitrasena to swoon over him . Manmath with his bow of Sugarcane and arrow of flowers caused intense passion in Chitrasena to be attracted to Indra . Indra pulled her into his arms and took her into his plane to a place never known to Devatas and asuras inside the kandara of Mandar parvat .

There he personally looked after the beautiful chitrasena enchanting her with every happiness of the swarga .

Here Kubera became totally devasted at the news of his missing wife from mansarovar. He decided to commit suicide . His minister Kantha kubja advised him not to loose heart and look for his wife and seek her release from the unknown thief . He adised him to take the help of Vibheeshan his brother .

Kubera went to Vibheeshan and in loneliness told him of his plight , Vibheeshan called his most able Rakshashi Nadijangha , who was expert in maya to look for the wife of Kubera , chitrasena among all the devatas and asuras in the world.

Nadijangha tooka a beautiful form , such a form that no one could keep his eyes off her and swooned to possess her .

Soon she reached Amaravati . Indra saw her and desired to possess her . He sent Ashvini devatas to get her to his chamber . Ashwini devatas pleaded her to be with their king Indra . She asked them to briong Indra himself to her to please her and she would not go to him,.

Indra came to the beautiful women . She said she would like Indra to fulfill her wish and only then take her to his palace. Indra gave her a word. Nadijangha asked , she would like Indra to introduce her to all the women he has enjoyed till date , to see if any of them is as beautiful as she is ? only then she would oblige Him . Indra agreed .

He showed her entire Amravati and all his palaces . Nad then said I have one more in madar parvat , I shall show you but you must not tell anyone about it . So both set out towards Mandar in aplane . While flying , Indra [ posessed by Kali ] happened to befront Narad muni , he became shy in the presence of muni , but Narad playfully asked , “Indra is everything Okay in Amravati , and how about you Nadijangha , Is Vibheeshana doing fine “

Indra immediately understanding the deciet of NADIJANGHA , TOOK HER DOWN INTO THE FOREST , and was about to kill her . The forest belonged to the muni Trinabindu , Muni objected to killing of woman in his ashram . But Indra disregarding Muni Killed her . Trinabindu cursed Indra to become a woman . Indra became a woman instantly .

All the devatas worried about ther king in a womans body , went to Bramha to seek his release . Bramha told except Vishnu none will be capable of relieving Indra for his misdeeds . All the devatas , went to Mandar and sent back Chiterasena to Kubera and asked Bramha to give some mantra to relieve Indra from the body of woman .Bramha advised two lakhs japa of Astakshara mantra . Indra practisede ashtakshara and was relieved from muni shapa and became male again to Rule over Swarga.



Rajodarshan- First menses [ Story of Sharmistha ]

When mars aspects the moon [lagna] in a unupachaya place , a girl attains her first menses. If the first menses [rutu] falls on :

  1. Padyami -issueless
  2. Dwitiya – happy
  3. tritiya – wealthy
  4. chaturthi – Wicked
  5. Panchami – progeny
  6. Shashti – cruel mind
  7. Saptami – riches and ornaments
  8. Ashtami – Bold
  9. Navami- sorrows
  10. Dashami – Leader
  11. Ekadashi – Pure [shuchi]
  12. Dwadashi – Scandal monger
  13. Trayodashi – Joyous
  14. chaturdashi – Sinful
  15. Poornima – Strong body
  16. Amavasya – poor
  • Sunday – diseased
  • Monday – Virtuos
  • Tuesday- sorrow
  • Wednesday – good married life
  • thursday – polite
  • Friday – obedient
  • saturday – vicious

Result of cloth on the first menses

  1. white cloth – happy
  2. silk /fibre – queen or fortunate
  3. New cloth – happy
  4. torn cloth – poverty
  5. red cloth – diseased
  6. black cloth – widowhood
  7. diry cloth – poverty

results of number of drops on first menses

  1. drop gives wealth
  2. drops gives good enjoyments
  3. drops diseases
  4. many drops poverty
  • If mars joins the star in which the first menses occurs , the girl will have dead children
  • guru makes her pious
  • ravi will give loss of husband
  • rahu will make her adulterous
  • sani will make her a maid servant .
  • no planets will make her a happy and long lived.
  • moon in eigth will bring dangers
  • venus in seventh will give marriage in foreign lands
  • saturn will give enslavement .

Sharmistha was the daughter of asura King Vrishaparva. Shukracharya was the daitya guru to the King. One day Sharmishtha and Devayani ,daughter of Shukracharya were playing in the garden . Playfully Sharmistha pushed Devayani into well owing to an argument as to who was more powerful , as daughter of king Sharmistha or Devayani as the daughter of Bramhin .

Yayati a powerful King passed by pulled Devayani out helping her through his right hand. As Yayati had held the hand of Devayani , Devayani insisted he marry her owing to have taken her hand [ Panigrahan] .

Yayati with the blessings of Shukracharya married Devayani .And As a punishment Vrshaparva king [ to pacify his guru] made Sharmishtha the maiden of Devayani .

Sharmishtha accompanied Devayani to the land of Yayati . In course of time Sharmistha attained puberty . Yayati was around at the same time.

Sharmistha asked Yayati to marry her . Yayati refused . Sharmistha explained shastra words to Yayati saying :

“Oh king , Those who refuse to marry the girl having attained her first rutu during rutu kala [ out of her own will if wishes to have progeny from a man] will get sin equal to bHrun hatya.

King says ” marriages are to be performed by the wishes of parents of Kanya , and without the wish of the Vrishaparva or Shukracharya it is not possible”

Sharmishtha says ” oh King smriti says , parents have right onto the girl only till she attains puberty , after the rutu kala has passed even when a Parent is unable to find a suitable groom for the girl , then girl has an independence to choose the man for herself. Therfore being the daughter of a king though living like a slave in your house , I choose you to be my husband , kindly accept me. else you will have to embrace the sin of stree hatya and bhrun hatya as if you will not marry then I am surekly not going to be alive. “

hearing this King Yayati secretly married Sharmistha and bore her three sons. Devayani after seeing three healthy babies in her courtyard asked her about their father . When the kids pointed to the KIng , she felt decieved and Shukracharya instantly cursed YAYATI to become old aged . When yayati narrated the circumstances in which he had to marry Sharmistha , Shukracharya said his curse cannot be reversed but he can exchange his old age with any young man.

Yayati called all his sons to accept his old age , none accepted except PURU . Thus puru gave up his enjoyments in young gae and embraced the old age of his father , after a lakhs of years too Yayati found that his thrist for sexual pleasure did not weaken or die. Thus concluding this thirst cannot be quenched unless renounced. He renounced the world and gave back his youth to Puru and also the kingdom .



Optimism – Bhagavat Dweetiya Skanda

  • One who has [shadbal poorna] venus in the fourth house is ever optimistic and happy all through his life.

Optimistic attitude is must in this world. One must be optimistic about one’s fate . One must be optimistic about Lord’s Grace onto us. One must be optimistic about achieving the desired through the efforts and grace of Lord and Guru even in the most challenging situation.

Taking even the most negative incident in one’s life as a an opportunity given by God to betterment is the highest form of Optimism . And yet again blessing those [ who were responsible for such Hardships] for having provided this opportunity and being indebted to Them is again an extreme Vairagya.[coupled with Optimism] .

Maharaja Parikshit exhibited these qualities when cursed by the Rishikumar Sringi to die within seven days. Maharaja did not go into a gloom or despondency at the fast approaching certain Death .But Instead called for a great gathering of the wise to advice him to achieve what a best can be achieved in seven days.

Shuka Muni Arrives there and King Asks Him whether is there anything that can be achieved great in Seven DAYS.. As He has a certain Death awaiting Him in seven days .

Shuka muni explains [ Bhagavat Dweetiya Skanda Prathamo Adhyaya Shloka 13]


khatvango nama rajarshir

jnatveyattam ihayushah

muhurtat sarvam utsrijya

gatavan abhayam harim

There is one Solution for all the problems of the world that a man may face , that is the Knowing the Glories of Lord Srikrishna the Supreme .

[ Note : When someone suggest say Chant These names , listen to Bhagavat etc , an immediate question arises of what use will it be? Then it has to be explained look such and such person had done so and he achieved this result . immediately second question arises , will I reap similar results ? Yes be optimistic and give it a try ! this is what ,a background ,Shuka muni is creating for the Phalashruti of Bhagavat from above verses]

Bhagavat is the Full of Glories of Lord Krishna . But Parikshit wants to Know whether seven days are enough ?

Shuka says there was once a King called Khatvanga , when this rajarishi enquired devatas as to how much longevity was leftover , Devatas said only a muhurtha .

[Note : one muhurtha is two ghati . One ghati is 24 minutes and hence Muhurtha is 48 minutes.]

Khatvanga raja after ascertaining his life would end after 48 minutes , immediately withdrew his senses from all the material enjoyments of life. and attaining unattached mental state to all his belongings and being completely engrossed in the Glories of Lord achieved Moksha.

Shukamuni says ‘ Oh King Parikshit if Moksha has been achieved in one muhurtha 48minutes by king Khatvanga , then by that measure you have complete seven days . each day has 30 muhurtha and you have 210 muhurthas at your disposal.

In this world No one can guarantee whether he will get up alive next day morning to see the rising SUN and his family . [ that means death can strike any moment , it is always uncertain] But Fortunate are You ‘ Oh Parikshit that RISHI Sringi has cursed you to DIE after seven days. He has ensured that you would LIVE Definitely for next seven days . King Parikshit is indebted to RISHI kumar for having cursed him and the recourse[ optimistic ] that King took over next seven days of Listening to SRIMADBHAGAVATA MAHAPURANA, definitely gave him Moksha .



The fate of astrologer post prediction

Once a Yavan King tried to test an astrologer . He asked astrologer to predict from which of the four doors he would leave that day. He asked astrologer to write it in a paper. Astrologer wrote in a piece of paper and it was sealed in an envelop. Yavan King drilled a hole in the eastern wall and went out that day.

Next day the durbar was called . The envelope was opened ,it was written king will leave by a hole in the eastern wall and not by the doors.king was very upset because he wnted to have a last laugh and a dig at astrology but failed and himself became a laughing object.

He ordered astrologer to be thrown away from the top of the terrace of fort . The soldiers threw him down , but Astrologer survived by falling on a heap of gunny bags below.He was brought back alive to the court , King asked whether he had forseen this event , Astrologer took a pocket diary out and showed a scribling today i will be thrown from the height but would survive by the grace of GOD.

How can one predict the future of self while giving predictions ? Incidently one must never predict if the questionaire wants to test.

Addition of lgna chandra and gulika sphuta gives Trisphuta. Similarly one can find Pranasphuta , Dehasphuta , and Mrityusphuta .

Adding these three will give Sukshma Trisphuta . If gulika occupies this Longitude then Astrologer will be in trouble.


StreePrashansha – By Varahmihir

One born in revati star is always conquered by Woman.

  • Woman is the essence of happiness that a man craves for.
  • A king[ even any man] even if he wins entire earth his capital is the essence
  • Even inside his capital his palace is the essence
  • Inside the palace his residential room is the essence
  • Inside the room the royal cot is the essence
  • On the cot the well bejewelled Woman is the only essence
  • Woman decorates a jewel and its not jewels that ornate the woman .Because even without jewels woman can steal the mind or attract attention ,but jewels dont attract attention without being on woman
  • A soldier , leaving all emotions of happiness , fear ,excitement etc fights with the enemies to win them , a trader spends days and nights into millions of business schedules , ministers spend sleepless nights with strategies and policies in all these stressful eventuality the only happiness they expect is the embrace of woman.
  • In the entire creation Bramha has not created any other thing [except woman] whereby its thought can ignite happiness .
  • And only for a women people follow dharma and achieve artha.
  • Woman gives happiness of senses and happiness of progeny .
  • Thus woman is grahaLakshmi and thus deserves respect and honour of one and all.
  • Only evil finds fault with woman.
  • None of the defects in woman are those that are not present in man. first man errs and then woman ie woman have learnt to err only from men . But men cleverly prempts it onto woman and woman accepts because she has more qualities. so says Manu
  • moon has given chastity to woman , gandharvas have bestowed sweetness and cultured words , Agni has bestowed allconsuming quality to women thus women are golden .[ wrt pursuit]
  • Bramhin is revered at feet , cow by the rear , horse by the mouth ,But Woman is revered all over [ ie all her parts are revered]
  • There is no other thing in this world as pure as woman, they regain purity every cycle of mensturation [ destroying all their sins through 3 days of rajodarshan]
  • When woman in rage curses a house [ due to lack of respect] that house gets destroyed just like the one engulfed by the spell from all over four sides.
  • Mankind arises from woman, he takes birth from a Mother and and is reborn [ his part] from a his wife as son . Thus one who dishonours ‘JAYA /Janitri’ cannot prosper.
  • One who pollutes woman can only get pure [relieved from sin ] if he wears a donkey skin inside out and begs in the street for six months clad in it .
  • MAn never exhausts his sexual cravings even after 100 years , but gives it up only account of his inability [ physical due to old age] , but woman gives up sexual wants with courage.
  • Thus one who taunts woman to shun her is akin to a man shouting at the theif to stop .[ after stealing]
  • The man praises woman only in the moment of passion before her and perhaps may not praise her in her absence , but woman embraces a the dead body of her husband and happily enters pyre.
  • The man who has the happiness of beautiful woman , even if he is in poverty is equivalent to King. Because Kingdom has its essence in food and women and rest of the enjoyments are all like sticks that ignite fire of thirst.[ mirage]
  • Nowhere in entire creation the enjoyments [ asexual] can be compared to the happiness obtained from embrace of woman of beauty, slow in movement , soft ,tender ,making a strained voice , heavy upright bosoms , full of youth. The other asexual happiness of sweet songs of gandharvas ,kinnara , [nartakas gitagya vadgya ], or wise words of devatas muni sidhdhas charana etc are all available in bramha loka but cannot be better than a moment of isolation and union with a beautiful woman .
  • Everyone from Bramha to a insect and entire creation is tied in the union of stree and purush . What’s shame in it ? Even Mahadev ran towards the Mohini , continuosly wetting the earth with all his heads concentrated on her .
  • Only NArayana is beautiful . Kapila is the most ustere form of Narayana , when Kapila was in penace , all the apsaras tried to test their beauty by distracting him , when after many such attempts , the annoyed rishi created Urvashi from his thighs , Urvashi was so beautiful that all the apsaras felt ahsamed of themselves after seeing her and fell at the feet of Lord for having brought them to senses , God himself is responsible for all their beauty and hence they need not test it befiore him .They realised , only a most beautiful being NARAYANA can give rise to other beauty .



Posted by on July 12, 2009 in Jyotish


Success in Prediction – Significance of Aarudh

Most of the clocks are inaccurate , not tuned to the IST [ or local mean time]. Perhaps people are not so serious about the accuracy. Or shall we say we do not have yet smart clocks who auto update themselves with IST [GMT or LMT].

This being the case , when the time is 10:45:46 , most hospital may be showing , 10:40 :21 or 10:48:52 or may be 11:00:04 also .

yet all of them think they are right [ Fuzziness of the time sense] . When a child birth occurs seldom do doctors or parents give a serious thought about tuning their watches . when tuned they will certainly have to adjust their clocks by pretty 4-5 minutes.

There are 12 rashis . Each rashi is 30 deg . Each deg has 60 secs.Thus total gunanphal K = 12 X 30 X 60 =21600 .

Incidentally a man in his entire day takes only 21600 breathes.[shwas]

In hamsa mantra Japopasamhara it is written thus : ” purvedyu: pratah suryodayadarabhya aadya pratah suryodyaparyantam madhridistithena mukhyapran kruten shatshathadhikyaekvimshatsahasrasankhyak[21600] shwasroop hamsa mahamantra japen tatha mukhyapranpreriten mayakruten dash hamsa mahamantra japen bhagvan mukhyapran pati: hamsarupi lakshminarayan : priyataam “

In a rashi shashtyamasa is also 60th part of the rashi. The time taken to change one rashi in shashtiamsha is 2 minutes. So a horoscope changes every two minutes.

thus when the time is offtrack by 4-5 minutes then the predictions change drastically.[ shashtiamsa chart is totally unreliable in this case] rest of the charst may differ accordingly.

The moment of the person at any given crucial time is governed by Shashtiamsha and according to vimsopaka this divison enjoys more strength and importance than Rashi.[ vimsopak of 5 ie a strength contribution of 5 out of total twenty 20 ] That means a planet ill placed in shashtiamsha never gives good results .

as there 21600 shastiamshsa operating in a day in a human life. every moment he faces is his private moment and completely influences his existence for that moment.

ie a moment of danger, that moment is very crucial for a life irrespective of whether the person is KING or a beggar that moment both are equally vulnerable. This inner moment of vulnerability is governed by Shashtiamsha .

When a person temporarily loses his cool [ his actual characteristic vanishes and he may become inhuman for a minute. Perhaps may regain his cool and become normal . Such behaviors may be unexplained when a very good man suddenly behaves in a sinful manner for a short moment of time.

How does this happen . The shashtiamsha are elaborated as 1 rakshas amsha , kubera amsha , yaksha amsha , gandharva , heramba etc ; when these are operative man is possessed by such deities /demons to carry out such activity . Woman on silver screen dazzle and look heavenly due to presence of gandharva amsha , when met at other times may look normal and disappointing . When in yaksha amsha some people may give extraordinary performances on stage and yet in interviews they may seem to squeak with their voice when told to sing without microphone and accompanying orchestra.

However This shasti amsha changes when there is defect of 2 minutes in birth chart which usually every hospital may carry as a result of approximate clocks.

Next let us assume moon’s degree at 3 18′ in cancer

moon travels 200 ‘ in 360 min . so when there is difference of 4 minutes in clock then 200/90 = 2 ‘ 02′ ; then moons degrees will have a difference of 2′ ; Then the number of days for which the prediction goes off track is 5 X 360/100 =18 days. approx . So a dasha system of 18 days difference is carried out by the calculation of astrologer . Thus astrologer will never be able to identify the events of importance like marriage or loss of job etc.

If someone has just lost the job after a beautiful stint astrologer would still be giving better results to the native.

Thus in absence of accurate time , predictions will never be successful . In such situations AARUDHA is the best tool to decipher the events. Aarudh is the piece of gold laid out by non astrologers over a rashi chakra or the direction in which querist is sitting this determines the exact nature of the query and its result .Aarudh gives the result accurately .



Linga Lakshan

  • The person with small ling[ penis] will be rich
  • Large ling will make one poor
  • Bent towards Left will give financial troubles and troubles from children
  • bent towards right will have fortunate child
  • Bent downwards will give poverty
  • Vsible nerves on the ling will give less children
  • Knotty ling will make one happy
  • Soft ling will give death due to diabetes
  • One testicles [anda]will give death by drowning
  • Uneven ‘and’ will make one run after females [ lecher/flirt]
  • Even ‘and’ will become a leader
  • stressed upwards ‘and’ will reduce longevity
  • And elongated long ‘and’ will make one live 100 years.
  • If ‘mani’ [ under/lower skin edge of penis] [ lingagra] is red in colour man will be wealthy .
  • if mani is white and dirty [faded] man will lose his wealth
  • If while urinating there is noise then man will enjoy happiness
  • If there is no noise then one will become poor in later life
  • If urine falls clockwise in two three or four streams respectively then one becomes a king.
  • Those who urinate in a dispersed manner face poverty
  • Only single stream urination will make one very beautiful but without children
  • Drop by drop urination will make one very learned
  • If there are bubbles while urination person is potent.
  • Those whose ‘mani’ are raised ,even and viscous they will enjoy women wealth and precious stones in abundance
  • if centre of Mani is cut and small depressed They will give birth to only females.
  • Those whose mani centre is raised will own many animals
  • If mani is absent they will be wealthy.
  • Those whose semen smells like flowers become King
  • Those whose semen smells like honey will have many children
  • Very less semen will give female offsprings
  • Those whose semen smells like meat will enjoy many women and are addicted to sex
  • Those whose semen smells like alcohol will perform yagnya
  • Astringent smelling semen will give poverty
  • Those who finish satisfying copulation in a whisk live longer
  • Delayed ejaculation will give less life span.
  • Six packs [natural] on stomach will make one learned
  • Four packs will make one enjoy many woman
  • two packs will die by weapons
  • Eight packs will make one own a diary
  • No packs but stomach like that of lion will make one king.
  • Uneven packs [two four six] will not give above result but man will have illicit relationships aka incest.
  • Even packs or lines will make one turn away from other woman and be attached to only wife.

Once on the banks of river sarswati , All the rishis had gathered to perform satra yaga . The saptarishis were presiding . Just then rishis nArad came by and asked ,all the humans are engaged in doing yaga japa etc , but who is actually recieving them in heavens , have they ever inspected this . Is it not right to inspect and find whether the Deities are capable/worthy of recieving thses offerings and giving them fruits.

If it is truth then who is the supreme deity that receives these offerings and should be prayed to.

Kashyap then deputed Bhrigu muni to inspect and sent him to heavens. Sage Bhrigu went to Maharloka and Shiva was busy with Parvati in ekanta and did not bother to welcome Bhrigu . Bhrigu cursed him that henceforth none should worship Shiva in his idol form but instead Shiva be worshipped in his ‘ LINGA’ form. Also he cursed one who partakes offerings to Linga lose his punya.

Then Bhrigu proceeded to Bramha and here too Bramha ignored him [ Both Shiva and Bramha ignored on purpose to declare the supremacy of Vishnu and it was not a disrespect to Muni or defect in their characteristics of getting engrossed in respective wife]

Bhrigu cursed Bramha that he be not worshipped at all on earth and let there be no temples in his name. Owing to thgis curse there are no Bramha temples in the world. except at Pushkar which was constructed at the arly stages of creation .

Then Bhrigu went to Vishnu , seeing Vishnu in Yoga nidra he kicked him in the chest. Lord pacified Bhrigu by pressing his feet . this angered [ mock anger] Laxmi . She left Shwetadweepa and settled in Kolahpur.Lord came down looking for her ended up Marrying Padmavati and then stood as TIRUPATI BALAJI .



Posted by on July 7, 2009 in Jyotish


Mahapurush Lakshan -32 features

Beauty of a person is judged by 32 features .Such 32 Features present indiactes a perfect man/woman. These features are

  • Chest ,forehead ,shoulders must be broad -3
  • Navel ,and Satva must be deep [ Gambhir]-2
  • Breasts,stomach,knees,nose,face,hips must be well developed -6
  • Penis ,back,neck,thighs should be small -4
  • Eye edges,palms,foot ,nails ,toungue ,lips,palette should be red in colour – 7
  • teeth ,nails,hair,skin ,pores should be subtle [not coarse] -5
  • Mouth ,eyes , ears ,nose and arms should be large -5
  • additionally three lines should be visible at forehead ,neck and stomach

Only Hanuman has all the Lakshanas .Shiva has 28 Lakshanas and others have lesser and lesser , devatas have 15 and above rishis have eight best lakshan and beautiful humans have 4 or 5 good lakshanas ,Demons have all distorted lakshan , Kali has all 32 durlakshanas only.

Those who have more than 20 lakshanas there words on Vedas can be accepted .

More the lakshanas more the happiness . More will be devotion towards Vishnu .For women beauty is the only indicator for good qualities .More beautiful a women more devoted will be she towards God.

Abenefic in Lgna or a benefic aspecting Lagna makes one beautiful



Posted by on July 6, 2009 in Jyotish



Man born on earth is ordained to perform certain karma which is compulsory and non adherence results in sin and punishment in hell. These karmas are known as Nitya karma .

Ekadashi vrat and Chaturmasa , Krishna ashtami are nitya karmas which every human being must adhere to .

Chaturmasa is four months of austere ties to observed starting from Ashadha shukla Ekadashi to kartik shukla dwadashi. In the four months of the rainy season, from the Ekadashi of the bright fortnight of Ashadha when the Sun is in the Cancer to the Ekadashi of the bright fortnight of Kartika, Lord Vishnu sleeps on the serpent-bed[ YOGA NIDRA] This period is pious and most appropriate for devotion to Lord Vishnu.

Today is Ashadha Shukla Dwadashi and Chaturmasa begins.Chaturmasa the four months are observed thus ; Ashadha Shukla Ekadashi to Shravan Shukla Ekadashi – Shaka Vrat In this month no vegetables are used in the kitchen a and recipes.

Vegetables like Onion, garlic, drumstick, eggplants, radish, and bottle gourd are some of them which induce passion and hence ever prohibited.

But specially prohibited in Shaka vrat are

Prohibited ingredients
All types of vegetables
Fruits (except Mango)
Dry grapes
Cardamom ,hing, scented articles.
Nuts like Cashew, etc.

Allowed ingredients
Pulses (except Bengal gram and fried gram)
Cumin seeds
Amla powder
Sesame seeds
Gingelly oil
Amchur powder (dry mango powder)

Dadhi vrata – Shravan Shukla Ekadashi to Bhadrapad Shukla Ekadashi -All items made of curds and curds are prohibited in this period.

Ksheer vrata – Bhadrapad shukla ekadashi to Ashvayuj shukla ekadashi – All items made in milk and by products and milk are prohibited to be used.

Dwidala Vrata – Ashvayuj Shukla Ekadashi – Kartik Shukla Ekadashi – all the seeds [ dals ] which break into two when hit with stone [ dicotyledons] are prohibited and all plants sprouted from these are also prohibited , also fruits and vegetable containing multiple seeds are not to be used.

This gives control of the senses for longevity. Among the five sense organs the tongue is most vulnerable and susceptible for the temptation and it is very difficult to control. This is the last sense organ ceases its operation before the death.

A bath in holy waters,visits to holy places, temples, charities and merits take shelter in Lord Vishnu. One bathing in a river in the Chaturmasa becomes accomplished, and if one bathes in holy waters, one’s sins are destroyed.

If one mixes sesame seeds and amla powder, takes a bath with this water, he will get purged of all sins.Compassion to living beings is particularly recommended in Chaturmasa and the giving of food, water and cows etc. reading of scriptures and fire sacrifices afford immense religious merit. Giving food bestows the highest religious merit. It can be given at any time of the day;

It is a rare virtue to have the inclination to abide by dharma, to serve the saints, have darshana and satsanga of saints to worship Lord Vishnu and practice alms giving in Chaturmasa.

If one, for the sake of the Lord’s pleasure, voluntarily forswears sense-enjoyments dear to one’s heart in Chaturmasa, one gets those sense-enjoyments in unlimited quantity. One doing so with full faith gets immense Punya .

  • One not using metal utensils and taking food on Palasha leaves in Chaturmasa attains to vairagya.
  • One should particularly refrain from taking food in copper utensils during Chaturmasa.
  • Wearing black and blue is prohibited in Chaturmasa.
  • One, who refrains from shaving in Chaturmasa, saves himself from the taptraya.
  • Sleeping on the ground, observing brahmacharya, eating on leaves, fasting, Mauna (silence), japa, meditation and charities in Chaturmasa gives results manyfolds.
  • If one remains steadfast and takes moderate quantities of food only once in a day throughout Chaturmasa, he gets absolved of all sins and goes to Lord Vishnu’s abode.
  • One eating only a single cereal throughout Chaturmasa is saved from diseases.
  • One taking only one meal in a day in Chaturmasa attains punya of performing twelve yagyas.
  • One living on milk or fruit alone gets thousands of sinful births destroyed.
  • Complete fasting on one out of fifteen days destroys all ailments of the body and converts all the food taken in past fourteen days into ojas. That is why fasting on Ekadashi is so highly celebrated. Chaturmasa.
  • continuosly fasting for 12 days is known as parak
  • taking a single morsel and increasing each morsel every day uptill Poornima and reducing till Amavasya is known as Krichcha .
  • eating only once in the morning and fasting in evening is known as Nakta
  • Eating in evening and fasting during daytime is known as ekabhukta .
  • All these austerities give complete results in chaturmasa and are multiplied crores of times in absolving heinous sins.
  • It is specifically required to keep the mind engaged in reading shastras during this period , it is known as PARAYANA .
  • It is very easy to attain mantra siddhi during chaturmasa
  • Woman can serve Lord by taking up austerities like making 100000 battis [ wicks lamp] for the lord .
  • Woman can also opt for making 10000 namaskaras to Lord in four months .
  • Ascetics Vow to stay in one place and do not cross city borders , they perform 10000 Tulasi archana to the Lord Anantshayan.

Lord Vishnu sleeps in yognidra during Chaturmasa; therefore, no marriages or other ceremonies or sacrifices with desire of future reward should be performed in Chaturmasa. This four month period is for austerities. Lord gets up from his YOGNIDRA on Utthan DWADASHI [ which is also TULASI VIVAH ].


Posted by on July 4, 2009 in Jyotish


Palabha Prashna Phalaprapti kaal

  • A 12 angul Shanku when erected on a plain ground gives a shadow on to the ground due to sun at various times at a given place. This shadow is known as Shankuchaya
  • The prashna Ascendant [rashi kala vikala] when converted to vikalas gives kalapinda
  • Each planet has a gunaka[multiplier] ,sun=5 moon=21 mars=14 mercury=9 jupiter=8 venus=3 saturn=11.
  • Kalapinda when multiplied with chaya be divided by 7 whatever remainder R is obtained .[1 -7 sun -sat] that planets ‘ gunak be multiplied by kalapinda and chaya.
  • Kalapinda X chaya / 7 =remainder R
  • Z= kalapinda X Chaya X [R corresponding gunaka]
  • Z / 7 =remainder if sun mars or shani then the prashna will have negative result else positive result is obtained.
  • Kalapinda X chaya /71 =remainder K
  • Keep deducting sun 5 moon 21 from this K where deduction is not possible that planets and remains will the number of days months or years time taken to attain the result.

Here chaya is important in knowing both prashna lagna and timings. What is chaya . In olden days Astrologers used to have a stick 12 angul erceted in the house and year long shadow markings for various hours at various months were marked .This is impractical in todays times.

So without erecting shanku [stick ] can we find the chaya . Lets use some mathematics.


Chayakarna² = chaya ² + Shanku ²

This principle can be found in grahalaghav , sarvanandkaran ,makarand etc treatises of Astrology.

Vishuvat is sayan mesha sankranti and Sayan tula sankranti normally falls on 21 march and 23 september .On these days at NOON, 12 angul shanku at whatever place gives the shadow , that shadow is known as PALABHA .

At Vishuvat rekha ie akshansha 0° deg at equator shadow will be zero.

As we go northwards or southwards the shadow increases so does Palabha proportional to lattitudes. that means if akshansha is known [ longitude /lattitudes] then plabha can be known. and vice versa.

ie If shadow is accurately cast then lattitudes and longitudes of the place can be found out.

Palabha ²= {625 -(Akshansha X 10 )} ²

if Palabha is known then chaya can be found out as follows

Y= [charapala / {palabha X 10 }]² X 2 ;

Bhajya= Y+ Y/5 +114 ;

Bhajak = charapala /5 ± 114 ;

Sama= {Natkal +0.30 }² / 2 ;

Palakarna = [Palabha ² /25] + 12 ;

Abhista har ={Bhajak- sama } / Palakarna ;

Chayakarna = Bhaja / Ishta har ;

Chaya ² = chayakarna ² – Shanku ²

This is shadow at the time of prashna .

Example :

Let there be a question at 10 am delhi when ascendant was 4. 22° .46′.

kalatmakpinda = 4X 30 =120 +22 =144° X 60 =8640 +46 = 8686 ;

Let chaya be 9.13

kalapinda X chaya = 8686 X 9.13 = 80055.58

80056/7 = remainder 4 [ Mercury ] gunak =9

8686X 9 = 720504

720504/7 remainder =1 [ sun] thus the result will not be favourable.

80056/71 = remainder 36 .

36- surya 5 = 34

34- moon 21 = 13

13- mars 14 [ deduction not possible ] thus thus 13 days trouble are indicated as sun is not favoravle.

if remainder is sun mars = days ,venus moon =fortnight , jupiter =months , mercury = 2 months , saturn =years ; as many days months years etc. should be predicted for timing of the event such as travel , return from foriegn trip , loss gain , destruction of enemies ,advent of finance etc.

For details One can refer Surysidhdhanta triprashnadhikar.



Posted by on July 3, 2009 in Astroanalysis, Jyotish


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