what is karma?

It is often most used term KARMA ! But exactly what is Karma ?

Karma is  the actions left behind by the soul .Actions from manasa vacha kaya!!!

All these karma are interaction of 24 tattvas in the universe. Our bodies are made of 24 tatvas .

  1. Avyakta
  2. sookshma prakriti [satva rajas tamas]
  3. Mahat
  4. Ahankar
  5. 5 panch gyanendriya [chakshus ,shrotra,ghran,tvak ,jivha]
  6. 5 panch karmendriya [ hasta , pada , payu upastha , vaak]
  7. 5 panch tanmatra [ roopa,shabda ,gandha,sparsha ,rasa ]
  8. 5 panch bhoota [ tejas ,akash, prithvi, vayu, jal]

Gayatri [24 syllables ] represents these 24 tatvas , its japa energises these tatavas . Human body [ infact entire creation] is made of these jada tatvas. When the world interacts , there is exchange of these tatvas from one body to other and one element to the other. Thus there arises a need for equilibrium of this tatvas both in micro and macro levels of creations[ pindanda and bramhanda] . This exchange of sookshma tatvas and its debt and credit are termed as Karma. Creation and its sustenance and destruction is process of bringing the cosmic balance of this tatvas .

Thus we are born in the same city where we would have performed in our previous lives ; we use the same utensils that have been recycled from previously used materials. etc etc.

As we think act and speak a huge amount of tatvas are used and expended forming a anubandha. This are depostied as karma [sanchita , agami ,prarabdha] as huge as mountains beyond Lokalok parvat. As the bramhanda is covered with 24 layers of Tatva [kharpar] like a coconut shell. The bookkeeping of these karmas are in the very nature and also inside our bodies in the form 72000 nadis. A look at a person’s astral bodies gives a picture perfect view of his karma , Astrology only reconfirms this Karma through mathematical calculations and planetary motion. So Planets are only indicative phenomena , real karma is our deeds , and is present in our own bodies.

When we have excess of Papa karma , our antah karana is heavy and sagged due to presence of excess tamo guna and we are unhappy. Tamo guna is slow in movement and hence our thoughts move slowly and man is brooding . A visit to a temple removes this tamo pradhan akaash  from the mind and replaces with the satva pradaan antahkarna , we feel a sense of calmness and relief and our burdens are lightened. So we say we are at peace after visiting the temple.

Such is the greatness of Lord vishnu that even if one bows to him in arrogance or ignorance or through hautiness or jokingly or with cunning attitude , Papa[sins] accrued in 100 births vanish .

Shattyenapi yatkrutam namaskaram shata janma papam vinashyati.


Posted by on March 27, 2009 in Jyotish, karma



Swargarohan -Fate after death

  1. If eighth lord or decanate is in the sign of jupiter indicates journey to heaven [swarga] after death ;
  2. If eighth lord or decanate is in the sign of moon or venus indicates journey to land of manes [pitru loka] after death
  3. If eighth lord or decanate is in the sign of mercury  indicates journey to martya loka  after death ;
  4. If eighth lord or decanate is in the sign of mars or saturn indicates journey to hell [naraka and tiryank loka] after death

After Srikrishna left the earth ,Arjun went to Dwaraka and completed last rites of the remains of Srikrishna [left by leela by God for illusion] . While returning he escorted the wives of Srikrishna [except rukmini satyabhama and shanmahishi ,who had taken to sati] . On the way ordinary bandits from Abhir attacked Arjun . Arjun could not recollect any astras [he was 110 years old] nor could hit hard the arrows from Gandeev to stall the Abhirs . Abhirs abducted  the women ,and Arjun in  a devastated state went to Hastinapur and fell on the feet of Vedavyasa for soalce . Vedavyasa told All he had the glory with Gandeev only till Krishna was present on the earth ,since HE has finished his avataar ,it is indication for you all to leave this place and stop from bhubhar harana .Arjun taking the cue , established Parikshit and asked him to teach abhirs a lesson . Abducted wives of Srikrishna [ as adviced by Dalbhya rishi , performed ashadha ekadashi vrata to purify themselves and jumped into river saraswati.

Anirudhha son Vajra was made king of Indraprastha and Kritavarma's sons were given panchal and other countries . Thus establishing new order , Pandavas left for Himalayas. They reached gandhamadan in a days journey by their yogic powers and then headed for NArayana Ashrama.

As they were reaching atop , first Draupadi fell [ fell dead according to Yudhisthir but technically left their bodies as they had no attachment to the body.] Then Nakul and sahadev fell . subsequently Arjun Fell . Bheema askedYudhisthir the reason for the fall , Yudhisthir explained , because they had defects .

Draupadi liked Arjun much more then other five.

Arjun had pride of manlihood

Nakul had pride of Beauty

Sahadev had pride of  being just

Bheema you always boasted as being superior most in strength and valour .

Thus Bheema also fell down . However a dog was quietly following the Dharmanandan. A chariot came to take Yudhisthira to Swarga .Yudhisthir refused to go to swarga alone and insisted on dog to be also accompanied. the sarathi argued that it is not possible then Yudhisthir asked him to give up the Idea of Swarga. Suddenly Dog assumed its original roop of Yama Dharma. Pleased with Yudhisthir , asked him to step in the chariot.

Yudhisthir went to Swarga there he saw Duryodhan in a swanky throne enjoying. Yudhisthir red with anger refused to be in one place with Duryodhana. He pleaded to be taken to his brother’s place. A sevak was assigned to take Yudhisthir into darkness and land of filth and foul smell , suddenly there were loud cries of   Bheema , Arjun etc ,as ” Oh brother save us from this dirty environment and sufferings , our presencedivine has reduced some pain for us” , Yudhisthir angry again at the justice of yama and Indra meted out to his brothers , He refused to go futher and preffered staying there . Suddenly Indra appeared and all the darkness and filth disappeared and a beautfiul swarga appeared with all the Pandavas with their original[mool rupas ] enjoying with their respective wives.

Surprised Yudhisthir asked what was that ? Indra said it was actually a punishment meted out to Yudhisthir for going against the words of Lord Krishna [ refusing to lie for Ashwatthama episode] he was given a illusion of naraka and temporary pain of suffering [illusion of brohers suffering narak darshan etc].

Infact other Pandavas were never at wrong so no hell or illusive hell either. Neither did they have any defects , Bheemasen was greatest in the strength among his contemporaries and was boast cing about . One can confidently speak a truth about one’s abilty if its absolute truth ad one has knowledge about it. This can not be treated as pride else Lord Krishna declaring himself as the superiormost and beginingless endless etc will become a  defect and pride.

They all left their bodies out of their will as their karma ahd ended and they ahd nothing to do with a human body.But Yudhisthir still had attachments to his body and was not leaving it and thus suffered still hatred towards Duryodhan although he was dead [ he could not forgive him for his misdemeanours ,and remembered him as a enemy who had given untold miseries]. Dead are dead and story should end there , but owing to human body , human elements of raga dwesha were remenant in Yudhisthir. Thus Yudhisthir ashamed , took a bath in holy ganag in swarga and regained his devata swaroopa. And enjoyed bliss of heaven.



Posted by on March 26, 2009 in Astroanalysis, Astrology and purana



Importance of KAma – Bheemasena’s View

  • 1,5 ,9th house represent dharma 
  •  2,6,10 represent artha
  • 3,7,11 represent the Kama
  • 4,8,12 represent the Moksha

Once after the Mahabharath war was over , in a sabha Yudhisthira asked Vidura ,and his pandav brothers , which was more important among

  1.  Dharma
  2. Artha
  3. Kama
  4. Moksha

Vidura replied Man’s after life is dependent on Dharma and all others do not follow him , thus Dharma is most important among chaturvidh purushartha.

Arjun’s verdict was Artha is most important as it gudes the dharma to be undertaken. Artha is of two types 1.  daivaartha 2.manushyaartha. gyana[knowledge siddhis  obtained are daiva artha ] and money and other articles of enjoyments are manush artha. since obtaining vidya and other things precedes the dharma and its carriage , Artha is more important than Dharma.

Nakul Sahadev agreed with Arjun .

Bheemasena said Kama is most important. Because one has to desire to get anything . If one does not desire then nothing can be achieved ,Even purushartha word is laden with desire , purush and artha [ that which is desired] , Lord Narayana is most desired goal for  life . He is the desire and the desired. Lord as desire in the humans , desires himself. Thus such desires lead to better lives and moksha.

There are three types of kama 1 uttam kama one that leads to Dharma and Artha . Dharma and artha that are not mutually opposing , like gain of knowledge from a renunciate teacher who does not desire anything against his teachings. Thus dharma of learning under the teacher is obtained and artha of knowledge is obtained.

2.Madhyama kama, one which has sanctioned Dharma and unsanctioned kama or vice versa. like performing of Vishwajit yaga , where dharma is obtained but loss of vidya is possible , or other yagas where much money hads to be spent to obytain swarga etc. here there is artha haani but dharm sadhana , thus this kama is madhyam

Also day to day business of men , where there is gain of wealth but loss of dharma can be categorised under madhyama kama.

3.Adhama Kama -one which does niether facilitate the Dharma or give any real artha , like parstree sanga , it leads to loss of life longevity wealth and also amounts to sin. Thus such kama  of desiring others wealth women and possesions leads to destruction of dharma as well as artha. These should be avoided.

Only those wealth women and possesions should be entertained that are conducive for Dharma and Artha leading to Moksha.

Yudhisthira declared Moksha is supreme Purushartha to be desired by all the humans.


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Posted by on March 23, 2009 in Astroanalysis, Astrology and purana



Curse-An Astrological perspective

Many a times we get such horoscopes where everything is fine , excellent positioning of planets , a good dasha ,a good gochara , yet the personwill be lamenting with problems . The source of problems unknown . All sorts of remedy towards the planet yield no results.

Such people usually [if] know a few combinations of astrology , do point out , sir I have such and such yoga , but I have not yet got any such results. What is the reason for these sufferings?

Curse is the only answer for such cases. Carefull observation leads to presence of curses in the horoscope , which does not allow the subject to enjoy any pleasures in the life. Old timers in astrology with experience proclaim that curse if present in a horoscope does not give fruits of normal yoga unless it is alleviated .

Curses are combination of lanets irrespective of lagna sometimes operative on a horoscope. infact every horoscopic combination indicates somekind of  latent curse . some take off early some late in life or few births away.

Till these curses are obsolved the subject does not gain fruits of his good karma. Just as if yogakaraka graha opearates its dasha only after longevity is exhausted ,no effect of raj yoga etc can be seen [ ie , if raj yoga is present but dasha giving this yoga is operation in 70's but the person dies before 60 ,then such yoga is fruitless.] sinilarly a curse ridden horoscope is useless in terms of giving the good results.

Curses  are found in the horoscope by the placement of badhaka graha and its relation with sixth eighth and twelfth. The placement of badhaka in a inimical condition usually indicates curses.

What are curses?

A curse is a inimical thought of a helpless man/woman in condition of torment or annoyance. A curse can also be a order for fall frm a powerfull. Acurse is a punishment from a the heavens to the guilty when done with complete consciousness .A curse is a mitigation of excess favours one has to recieve By GOD .[ Like Gautam ' case]

In all curse has to be identified and then sevral remedies must be taken to mitigate them and recieve the proper yogas fruits.Curse can only be mitigated by sincere apologies and prayaschita.

Sometimes curse conjoin a dynasty , especially ruling class when they falter they undergo curses from masses and this can be seen in the eway coming generation suffer.

Such curses can only be removed by expert and empowered Yogis.


Posted by on March 16, 2009 in Astroanalysis, Jyotish


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Marriages and Astrology- an opinion

Many a times we see People claim marriages are made in heaven.

  • Then we see many people calmouring after women folks to marry them . 
  • Parents of eligible girls flock around to get a suitable match for their daughters.
  • In the process many seems to be strongly opining their likes and dislikes wrt each groom or bride. 

If marriages were to be made in heaven , does this not seem to be a superflous exercise?

  • Just wait for a right right time and the prospective people would be married? is it possible. Do we believe in it? 
  • If marriages are made in heaven then why at all we see a break in a marriage ?
  • If marriages are made in heaven why one goes through so much of grind in identifying prospective groom or bride.
  • Finally almost every star matches with other star in some way or te other does that mean people of these stars eventually marry
  • even after Astrologer proclaims a match is good , people dont’ marry , talks fall off !
  • Even after horoscopes dont match people marry
  • Some elope to marry
  • some suffer in marriage
  • some elate in marriage
  • Some marry to be happy ever after!!! What’s so heavenly about it , how astrologer can say whether the two horoscopes in question will definitely marry or not?

Astrology does have answers to all this……………..?

WHen two horoscope are matched , its the nimmitta that suggests that whether the marraige will occur or not. The position held by the messenger speaks a lot about the marital proceedings . The nadi of astrologer primarily holds sway on the marriage to be solemned . Also muhurtha chosen sometimes lays foundation for destroyed marriages. Called off baraats.

There are three types of people in this world , for the fisrt category Marriages are indeed made in heaven. These people need not wory about their marraiges , they inavariably marry those they are destined to , whether the world agrees aor not , whether it is practical or or not aor howvevr impossible , the marriage takes place even if these two prospective groom and bride live at the opposite pole of earth  , they marry ,simply because they are destined.

The second type undergoes marriage yoga every 10 years and every month in a year. These people if make an effort end up marrying someone or the other and  its the muhurtha of the marriage that determines the qualities of this marraige. Here marraiges are not made in heaven. Its the instantaneous Karma that brings about such union.

The third type of people , marriages are only meant to give unhappiness . Such people invariable marry wrong types , get decieved in marraige, marriage is a curse for them ,they suffer for it . It is there destiny to suffer.

Most of the males if born as females in this birth , marry only for conveneince and rarely there is any sense of belonging between the pairs. 

For those who have been not lucky to have a partner born for them , usually with remedial measures marry the second types. 

So the real true devotees of God need not worry about the marriage at all . Just wait for heavens to shower the blessings. But excessive contemplation will result in early marriage with the second types. So choice is your’s.


Posted by on March 15, 2009 in Jyotish


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Dara Pada -Supportive/Inimical Wife

When Lagna Pada and Dara pada are in mutual kona or kendra the realtionship between wife and husband will be friendly and supportive , if second from the Lagnapada contains a benefic exalted or aspected by exalted planets , one will have many beautiful and pativrata wives.

A supportive wife is one who cares  for her husband and always sides with him even if he is a debauch , evil or impotent. Such woman have been praised heavily in Puranas and are known to have stopped even Sun moon in their movements , some have reversed the cycle of time and other impossible feats have been accomplished by such women through the power of penace of Pativratya.

Mandodari the queen of Ravan was a very pious woman. She advised ravan against all evils yet she never deplored him for his dastardly acts. She always prayed the Lord in Him ,even if He went on to bring a thousands of  wives in a unethical manner .Even when the whole world was against her husband for taking a stand against the Lord Narayana, she stood by her husband , God Ram praised her  for her partivratya and granted her Mangalya . [ Ravana was dead ,yet she remained sumangali forever How?] .

In Vedic culture Woman are considered to be sumangali as long as the pyre of husband in the cremation ground does not subside. But Lord Ram granted that the Funeral pyre of Ravana be never subside and fire be always blazing from his funeral altar . This is known as Ravan kashtha which keeps blazing ever and Mandodari remains a sumangali.

similarly when Lagnapada and darapada are in mutual 6th 8th or 12th, there will be enemity between the wife and husband.

Prabhas the Vasu was cursed by the Rishi that he be born as human and because he had attempted to steal the cow on the insistence of his wife , there be enemeity between him and his wife in the human birth.

Prabhas was born as Bheeshma and his wife was born as AMBA . Amba vowed to kill Bheesma , As his wife was not available to him in this birth owing to rishis’ curse , Bheeshma converted the curse to his advantage by taking Bheeshma vrata [ ajanma bramhacharya] and advanced his spiriual journey.

For the greats and devotees of Vishnu even curse is a great source of sadhana.


Posted by on March 7, 2009 in Astrology and purana


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AyuhKshinam Ayuhvriddhi

When 8th and ninth lord in 12th then one will lose his longevity by the dishonouring the elders. Aspect of benefics on 8th house and its lord increases the longevity.Having good Ayur yogas also increases the strata of longevity .12th sun for libra ascendant also confers longevity.

One loses his longevity by

  • disrespecting elders, fire ,cow,idols
  • eating in iron plates
  • having hair cut on saturdays sundays and tuesdays or amavasya ,chaturdashi etc
  • having haircut in the noon
  • drinking curds in the night before sleep
  • going to places where one is not respected
  • when elders make sasthtanga namaskar [bow ]
  • marrying woman elder in age
  • having sex in the morning
  • having  intercourse for an unusually longer time

Once there was a very learned bramhin by name Srinivasachar in 18th century. He was a great scholar in sanskrit and philososphy . He was very proud of his scholarly aptitude . It was also around same time ,when bhakti movement had gained importance in south India and Das culture was on the rise . Das way of life was initiated by Purandardas [incarnation of Narada] in the south when Vijaynagar empire was at its peak under the able guidance of Vyasateertha [Incarnation of Balhik] a pontiff in the line of Madhvacharya. Das culture mainly emphasised the delivery of Vedic Knowledge in local language [Kannada] through poems and melodious songs for the Lord Vittala .Thus common men and women were suddenly bestowed the nectar of geeta and puranas in the common man’s language then prevalent. Vijaydas [ incarnation of sage BHrigu] was also one such illustrious personality of those times. VijayDas was also maternal uncle to Srinivasachar.

Srinivasachar owing to the pride ,he had cultivated, did not recognize the fact that philososphy could be delivered to common man in simple man’s language. The philosophy which could not be guaged by immense learning in sanskrit ,how could they be delivered in simple dismal languages.

True ! Sanskrit is a complex language ; its grammar is vast ; its difficult to master it ;perhaps takes many years for the same; Then comes the grasp poetry in sanskrit ! still difficult ; upon that philosophy ; its totally incomprehensible ; Almost all the philosophic literature is available in archaic sanskrit in poetry form ; difficult to decode. it takes many years of study and mastery to exhibit command over such philosophic understandings. All such efforts would seem ridiculous , if somebody claims he understands philosophy although he does not understand sanskrit. Amazing still will be the statement if one says he can express all the intricacies of the Vedas in common man’s language! even if we were to accept this  ; How come the common man is going to understand them; Can such claim be accepted ?

SrinivasAchar felt these Das culture guys were fooling people in the name of God for common man and dancing around with bells in their anklets;He seriously doubted their credentials and claims of sainthood.

One day VijayDas came visiting to his place and even visited his house. Srinivasachar out of ego and pride did not respect the Learned VijayDas and did not even welcome him in his house. VijayDas went away smiling .But soon after this insult , Srinivasachar started losing out on health.Slowly his health deteriorated. He contracted Kushtha [skin disease ] and slowly his moments became restricted.

SrinivasAchar  now contemplated he is heading for Apamrutyu [ his longevity has decreased ]. He however could not comprehend the loss of longevity[ Ayuhkshina] . So to gain longevity he prayed Lord Hanuman in the mountains near Panchamukhi on the banks of TungaBhadra river. After 42 days of Vayustuti Purascharan ,he had  a dream , where Lord Hanuman directed him to pray Shri Raghavendra swamy in Mantralaya for further directions. [ Shri Raghavendra has been specially sent from heavens by God to grant the wishes of the humans, hence the direction ].

Srinivas achar spent next few days under austere conditions as penace towards Shri Raghavendra Swamy  at Mantralayam. The following night Shri Raghavendra swamy appeared and explained to him the reason for his loss of longevity .[ Disrespect towards very learned VijayDas] ,so he asked him to seek his pardon and blessings.

Srinivas Achar went to VijayDas and sought pardon and accepted the supremacy of poetry and dance in gaining lords’ Grace . VijayDas directed him to go to his disciple Shri GopalDas [incarnation of Ganapathy] to seek blessings and accept him as Guru  .GopalDas was a very learned man , he kept the entire place clean of pebbles lest his disciple would be hurt [ Srinivasachar was troubled by lack of moment and kushtha ] .

When SrinivasAchar came and bowed to GopalDas , he transfered his 40 years of longevity [ through yoga] to a Roti of Jowar[Bhakri] and asked him to eat it to gain a 40 years. When one loses longevity owing to disrespect no austerities can actually increase it . someone has to donate his longevity to make a person live more. [SO never ever lose longevity we would not find anyone to donate life] Without life and longevity all the riches and fame are useless.

Despite donating 40 years GopalDas lived for 80 years of age and gave to this world  a wonderful science and technique of Vishwopasana . He rechristened Srinivasachar as JagannathDas [ srinivasachar is incarnation of AHLAD brother of Prahlad , and hence had a very special relationship with Shri Raghavendra swamy ,a incarnation of Prahlad]

JagannathDas gave a magnum opus “HARIKATHAMRUTASARA” a treatise on the qualities of God Narayana in the comman man’s language specially to be read by women and others inelligible for Vedas.



Posted by on March 1, 2009 in karma, people and astrology, sadhana


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Ninth lord exalted in the kendra aspected by jupiter , man acquires everything in his life by luck and grace of the Guru.

Once there was a simple ,poor,average bramhin .[ Not very brilliant or charismatic] . But he had immense faith and devotion in the Shri Raghavendra swamiji . He was serving swamiji with single minded reverence. After many years of worship and service , he decided to visit his native place and his parents. To take the leave of the Guru he waited patiently at the gates of the abode of HIs Holiness Shri Raghavendra swamiji.Swamiji had just finished his daily chores was out from the toilet and was washing the hands with the soil in the garden .

The disciple wished the guru and insisted on giving him some momento to carry home from the Guruji. Guru picked up the mrittika[soil] from the earth and gave him . He happily [ and piously] tied it into his angavastra[ mufler cloth] and set out for the village. All the while thoughts crisscrossed his mind , that he had served the teacher for so long , Swamiji was known to change people’s life , but nothing actually did happen in his case. Perhaps [he thought to himself ] I was not very bright student and thus did not deserve any special attention . Or may be I had not impressed him by my service. Well just accepting the fate , the lad set out towards the goal.

Night fell on ; thus he had to take shelter in the nearby village . It so happened he slept in the verandah of a noted rich noble family of the village . Now this family had history of miscarriages and birth of dead child from many years. There was no male issues to the lady of the house except for a grown up daughter . For past ten years every child born was dying under mysterious conditions.Today also the lady was about to give the birth.

IN the midnight a huge Rakshas appeared at the door of the Noble man . But this day Rakshasa was not able to enter the house as a fire was emanating from the doorstep . It so happened that our hero [disciple] was sleeping with the angavastra [ the one which contained the soil from the Swamiji] under his head near the doorstep in the verandah. Rakshasa woke him up , somehow the lad was not afraid a bit at the sight of a gigantic huge demon. Instead sleepily he rebooked him , Rakshas said , his prey was about to take birth and he was unable to enter the house . What was it he was carrying in the mufler . Feeling insecure the disciple hid his mufler and shyed away from the demon . Not to part with it  as it was a momento of the Swamiji. A tussle arose between the two , angered disciple hit the demon with the mufler. Demon died on the spot.

Day broke out and people were surprised to see the huge demon dead at the doorstep of the noblemen and inside lady had delivered a baby boy ,ha;e and healthy. Now understanding the mystery behind their misfortune , they thanked the bramhin .

Thinking the disciple to be very blessed personality and also being indebted to him , the noble chief offered his daughter to him and also his half wealth. He called upon his parents and with a great pomp and show married the couples off gifting them all the amenities of house utensils , ornaments , cloth,chieftainship of village as livelihood and many more gifts. The couple and family lived happily by the grace of SHri Raghavendra swamiji. So much for a average man’s selfless service.

Pujyaya Raghavendraya Satyadharma ratayacha !Bhajatam kalpavrukshaya namatam kamdhenave!!



Arishta Bhanga-[Avoidance of unfortunate Yoga]

There are many arishta yogas in Astrology . These bring misfortunes or even death to the native and his prospects.But a single strong benefic in the kendra destroys all the evils .If malefic causing arishta yoga is hemmed between the benefics then the maleficence will cease and only benefic results will flow.

Once Shri Raghvaendra Swamy was on a pilgrimage towards south India . On his way he stooped along with his entourage at a village . A village is headed by the Desai . Desai accorded a welcome to the entire Swami’s disciple at his house and requested for the MoolRama ‘s pooja to be held in his house that day. The whole village and nearby people had gathered in his house.

[ All the Swamiji's carry some Idol of divine presence with them given their respective gurus . They must perform daily pooja in a detailed manner as prescribed to Sanyasi's to this idol and saligrama etc. The lapse in this routine causes the Sanyasi to lose his post and authority . Shri Raghavendra Swamy had Shri MoolRama idol with him . This Idol was handed down from Bramha to Sanatkumar to Durvasa and others on to the earth. Even Lord Shri Rama  prayed this Idol himself . Thus Shri MOOLRAMAidol and its pooja is held in high esteem even to this date]

Desai arranged for the prasad [ grand lunch ] to all the participants in his house . The whole atmosphere got festive as Shri Raghavendra swamiji performed Pooja to Lord Rama . The atmosphere resembled that of Bramha’s abode resplendent with all the devatas as the pooja commenced [ primarily because Devatas themselves come everyday to witness this grand pooja].

Delicious sweets were being prepared in the large kitchen . A vessel full of KHEER was also prepared. Desai had a son of eight years age. He merrily went into kitchen at the smell of sweets . Everyone was busy in the prayer hall attending to guests and witnessing pooja. Boy accidentally slipped into the vessel and died. The parents having noticed this went into untold grief . But laying aside the grief and their son in another room , they hid their emotions and also the news of their son’s death , lest it would put an end to the celebration in the house and guests would return without partaking food.

Thus with  a heavy heart they ordered the neighbour to carry on with the serving of food to the guests and completion of the ritual. Shri Raghavendra swamiji enquired about the hosts Desai and his family and their well being. But the relatives refused to divulge the details. Swamiji ordered to bring the Family before him. The couple appeared with heavy heart . Swamiji also ordered their son to be brought out in the open .

The whole atmosphere was grief ridden as the body of the infant was brought before the Swamiji.  Shri Raghavedra swamiji sprinkled the holy teertha of shri Moolrama on the body of the boy and chanted the mantra . The boy’s life was restored. The boy got up as usual and went to his mother playfully unaware of the details. The entire family was moved to tears with gratitude towards the great saint . EVEryone had a hearty meal all the while wondering the greatness of the MoolRama teertha and Swamiji’s mantra shakti and his merciful act .

Aapadi mouli paryatam gurunam akrutim smaret! ten vignaha pranashyanti sidhyanti cha manorathaha!!

krishnarpana mastu




When there are benefics in 3rd and 9th house and Ninth lord is in gopuramsa ,one will have upadesha of secret mantra and blessings of a Guru.

In 17th century there was a bramhin boy by name venkanna. He had no parents and was living in his uncle’s house. Though being  a bramhin he did not have opportunity to study the shastras .Also his guardians were not interested in spending on boy’s education.They had set upon him the task of grazing cattle . The boy was very sad but had resigned to his fate.

One day a Great seer by name Shri Raghavendra Swamy [ peethadhipati of Madhvacharya's Mool samsthan ,and author's ishta guru ,beacon light of Madhva school of Vedanta , Kalpavruksha to many devotees in the country] came to the village . Everyone rushed to take the blessings of the seer . Shri Raghavendra was known to grant all the wishes of his devotee . He was known for his magnanimity, merciful and quick to grant boons .

Venkanna too went to the Acharya and after a sashtanga namaskaar ,and expressing his desire to study , gazed at the guru for some heartening words. But His holiness called the boy and uttered a upadesha in his ears and guided the boy to “remember him in the time of distress and chant the mantra”.

Venkanna keeping faith in the Guru went about grazing cattle as usual. Many days passed by ,the boy had grown adult but yet was uneducated. One day Nawab of  Adoni was passing by on a war trail . His troops were tired and reluctant .A terrible battle was anticipated. Just then a messenger came by with a written message in sanskrit . Unfortunately none in the camp were educated. All the troops were unable to decode the message . Nawab happened to see the Bramhin boy grazing cattle in the ground nearby .

Now it was foregone conclusion that bramhins were adept at sanskrit . Thus he ordered the boy to be brought before him.As the soldiers presented the Venkanna before the Nawab . Nawab requested him to read out the message for him. VEkanna as illiterate he was , pleaded he did not know to read and write. This angered Nawab ,he excalimed ” Bamman ka bachcha aur padhna nahi ata ;Bewakoof banata hai ” He threatened to kill him if he does not read out the message.

Venkanna closed his eyes remembered the Guru Shri Raghavendra and chanted the mantra to save himself . Alas !!!!

He instantly became the scholar of seven languages , he decoded the message that there was no need to go for war as friendly neighbourhood had intercepted the army and enemies had retreated looking at the friendly armies encircling from all sides.Infact the attack was planned thinking that Nawab was deprived of friends ,but as he amassed strength from neighbourhood they dropped their plan . At the same time Nawab was also blessed with a son. [All this was translated into pharsi for the nawab by venkanna]

Nawab was overwhelmed ,seeing the good omen in the bramhin he made him his Diwaan . Venkanna’s life changed in a moment ,not only was his desire of studying fulfilled but also he achieved the notable post to serve his people and the GURU.

Venkanna having witnessed Guruanugraha in his life, continued with faith and worship in MoolRama of ShriRaghavendra swami.

Many years later Swamiji came to Adoni ,Venkanna was overwhelmed and decided to give royal welcome to the Guru. He took permission from Nawab and as a routine expressed the mystique that is Guru Raghavendra . He obliged but at the same time decided to test the Swamiji .

Diwaan was anxious and nervous at the prospect of possible insult that would come Guru’s way. but there was no solution to his dilemma . He remembered Guru and chanted the mantra . Something in him assured that everything would be allright.

Next day Swamiji was accorded Royal welcome. Nawab himself came to pay his respect ,but Nawab had a plate full of nonveg covered and presented it to the Swamiji to accept it to be offered to Lord Ram that he prays. Swamy Raghavendra took water from his kamandalu and sprinkled it on the plate to purify it as ritual before offering to the Lord Rama .

Lo!!!! when plate was uncovered it was full of fruits and flowers !!!!!!!!

Nawab was taken aback ,he was quiet ashamed and at the same time was afraid that if Swamiji is outraged than he may very well turn his kingdom into null .Petrified he offered to donate land and riches to The Saint . He offered many well nurtured lands with plantation and agricultures and mines. But Shri Raghavendra swami refused to take them but as a token gift he requested him to donate the barren lands of Manchala village. Nawab donated it along with lots of riches and arrangements to establish the mutt there at manchala .

This is the modern Mantralaya on the banks of Tungabhadra river in Adoni taluk , Kurnool District Andhra  pradesh . Swamiji took jeeva asampragyat samadhi in this place is still present in th Brundavan at Mantralayam blessing his devotees .

Mukopi yat prasadena mukund shayanayate !RajRajayate rikto Raghavendram Tamashraye!!



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