
IF there is Rahu or mars and Saturn inthe fourth house one will be kapati[ man of evil intentions]

When Pandavas were in exile , Duryodhana wanted to show his prosperity to them and wanted to make fun of them. So to show that he has performed better yagnya than Rajsooya of Yudhisthir , He opted for Paundrika yaag . Sent invitation to pandavas . Bhemasena sent away his emissary by saying there can be only one yagnya now and that is Yudhdha yagnya. Duryodhana completed yaag , but is intention of showing wealth to others and pandavas did not materialise as Pandavas did not attend .[ Yagnya or other austerities done without pleasing Vishnu bhaktas dont give good results] , unhappy Duryodhan and Karna went to forest to tease the Pandavas under the pretext of Go samrakshana [ yagnya ends withe cattle grazing and feeding them] . Since Duryodhanas main intention was to insult Pandavas , Indra [lord of yagnyas] wanted to teach Duryodhana a lesson and save pandavas from embarrassment. So he [ Bramha] and other dieties gave boon to one Gandharva Chitrasena as to be invincible for a day and sent to instigate Duryodhan.
Duryodhana was taking a bath in the pond , guarded by his soldiers . Just when gandharva descended to the pond. Guards objected , Gandharvas replied they were from heaven and were not obliged by the rule of a human king[chakravarti] . Duryodhana and guards became angry and waged a war.
Chitrasen with the boon soon overpowered duryodhan. Karna fought with him but as he was fighting with a jeal to insult pandavas,[ parshuram had cursed him if he fought with jeal or competition he would lose] , he lost and ran away .
Gandharva tied Duryodhan and dragged him towards heaven ,
Kaurav ministers ran to Pandava camp and asked Bheemsena to help to save family prestige. Bhema refused , But Yudhisthira was in a days’ deeksha and hence asked Bheema to rescue Duryodhana.
Bheema and others went and fought with Chitrasena and released Duryodan.
Chitrasen told in front of all the gathering the eveil intention of Duryodhan.Yudhisthir and other eldrs scolded him to discontinue his evil ways like a child.
Duryodhan totally ashamed returned to his camp and undertook fast unto death [for he could not avenge pandavas yet had to take their refuge ].

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Posted by on February 19, 2009 in Jyotish




If the Atmakaraka is in scorpio navamsa ,one will be troubled by snakes. If 8th lord is in sarpa drekkana or 22nd drekkana is sarpa drekkana then one will be troubled by snakes.

Once Bheemasena went to the forest for hunting .There in the forest , a python [ajagar] attacked Bheema and caught him in its grip. Bheemasena did not make any attempt to release himself .Bheemasena also did not attack it back. He stood still . Because of Bheema’s hard body , python was under distress while strangling , [if you grip a hard substance and press it hard ,your hands pain ] Bheema was stronger and his body was tough ,tougher than diamond ,iron casts and indra’s vajrayudha . Then Snake [python] asked few questions to BHeemasena , if answered it offered to leave him. Bheemasena did not offer to answer him . [ one must not use Vidya to earn money or benefits , this applies to Bramhins so also to Kshatriyas ; one must not be vidyopajeevi] .Slowly Python started losing grip and tiring ,its body started to pain and wither .The snake started losing strength.Bheemasena was in deep meditation of Narayana . That was his natural charactreristic and he was not meditating to get rid of snake.

WHo was python ? Why did Bheema not Kill it ?

Once when Indra had killed a demon named Vratrasura , the sin of Bramhahatya chased him [Vratrasura was bramhin] . Fearing Bramhahatya he hid in a lotus stalk on the earth . The kingdom of Swarga was kingless ,thus devatas decided to replace Indra with another worthy person . After Long  thought and discussion ,it was decided The son of king AYU , Nahusha ,who had done many yagnyas was worthy of sitting on the Indra’s throne .Thus a human king was selected to preside over the three worlds . Thus to enable him to rule over three worlds ,they bestowed him with the boon that he would get all the punya and tapasya shakti of the one whom he sees. Thus Nahusha became the King of the three worlds .

Nahusha grew in strength day by day by acquiring the punya of everyone he saw. Thus he became arrogant with excess punya and lost his balance . He then demanded union with Shachi [ the wife of earlier Indra ] as he was indra for all purpose now ,he thought he was entitled to gain Shachi as well . All the sages grew anxious at the evil thought of Nahusha , but they could not stop him from doing sin as they were all powerless , Their power to curse him was no more as their punya and shakti would be his as he sees them.

Shachi was very scared but there was none she could turn to . Indra had given her one advice before leaving the Swarga to be used in such situations. As Nahusha sent his emissary to her palace that he would arrive for her , She said she would accept only if he comes in a Palaki which is carried by Agastya and other prominent Rishis.[She knew rishis would save her]

Nahusha ordered Agastya and others to carry him on their shoulders to Shachi’s palace . Sage Brigu was always present in the Jata[hairlocks ] of Agastya . Now while carrying Agastya initiated a discussion with Nahusha ” whether Vedas are pramana [valid statements ] “

intention was , if Nahusha says yes ,then parastree sanga [ cohabitating other woman ] is prohibited in Vedas , then why was he doing such ghastly thing ? If Nahusha persists then he will be entitled to curse !!!

But Nahusha was quick to grasp this intention and thus said ” He did not consider Vedas as Valid” , Agastya persisted with argument of proving Vedas as Valid , angered Nahusha kicked the jata of Agastya . Now Bhrigu was in the jata of Agastya , and he was not yet seen by the Nahusha and his powers were intact ,thus cursed him ” that he become python ” [Those who copulate with friend's wives or wives of elders become python in the next birth] .

Nahusha prayed Bramha for relief , thus Bramha said when he will be effectless against a human stronger than him and if he does not budge to his grip and neither answers him , then all the punya gathered by him from rishis will be transfered to him and he will be released from his curse .

Yudhisthira seeing apashakuna everywhere , enquired about Bheema , and started to look for him . There they found huge trees fallen in a arranged manner in the forest , it confirmed Bheema might have gone in that direction [ When Bhemma runs ,his mere touch of thighs towards forest trees fell them] . There Yudhisthira saw Bheema in the grip of struggling python. Yudhisthira asked python as what was his intention , it asked him few question , Yudhisthira answered them for Bheema , and Nahusha appeared in celestial form went away to Swarga.



Posted by on February 16, 2009 in Astroanalysis, mahabharath, people and astrology, yogas



5th House -Putrika Putra Dattaputra yoga

If 5th house be owned by saturn or mercury and be occupied or aspected by saturn and mandi ,one will have adopted issues

Once there was a king named Pratip in the lineage of Kuru. He had three sons, Devapi ,Balheek and Shantanu . Devapi the eldest was disinterested in the worldly affairs and hence seeking the permission from Father went away to other lands for tapasya , He will be under penace till the end of this kaliyuga and come back for the procreation of subjects in the new mahayuga.

Balheek was a very auspicious birth , as he took birth there was a loud roar in the heavens , and this roar created a fear among the rakshasas at the time and they fled away to caves and forests ,and many horses and animals vomited blood as the earth shook with tremors. Thus Balheek was the most powerful of his time . very strong by the grace of Vayu and terror for evil during his times. Balheek was the reincarnation of Prahlad . Balheek was given as dattak putra to the inlaws of King Pratip and thus became king of Balhik country beyond Gandhar[modern afganistan] . Balheek had son by name Somadatta who had three sons Bhuri ,Bhurishravas and Shalya.

As Balhik was given away in adoption , Shantanu became king of Hastinapur even though he was the youngest . BAlhik was elder to Bheeshma as he his uncle and the oldest warrior in the Mahabharath . He was the only Vishnu Bhakta whom Bheemsena Killed . Balheek had the capacity to die at will , He was more aged than Bheeshma . Balheek requested Bheemasena to kill him . Balheek had a wonderful chariot which could fly into heavens , He donated this chariot to Bheemasena when struck with Mortal blow as mark of respect and obsolvence of sins to have fought against Krishna and his devotees.He happily accepted death at the hands of Bheemasena.

Similarly Babruvahan was also adopted by Chitrangada’s Father ,ruler of Tripura and Kaamrupa desha. Babruvahan though son of Arjun and alive after Mahabharath war did not ascend the throne of Hastinapur . Because when Arjuna was being married to , Chitrangada , her father took a promise from Arjun that if a son would be born to his daughter ,he be known as his son ,as he is without a son . This is known as Putrika Putra vidhana . { one can accept the son of the daughter as adopted son , but this has to be done before marriage of daughter }In such cases , daughter never goes away to the land of husband but remains with her father and her lineage is continued as father’s. Thus Babruvahan was not made heir to the throne of Hastinapur.

After the battle of Mahabharat was over , Pandavas decided to perform Ashvamedha yagnya. Thus Arjun took up the mantle of winning the world again . Winning across the world , he came to the land of Babruvahan. Babruvahan came with kamandalu and sandal paste flowers to welcome Arjun his father. Arjun felt unhappy that a lad being kshatriya is devising ways to avoid war. He challenged the boy to fight then resort to worship . Babruvahan enraged fought bravely . But unable to contend Arjun by mere arrows decided to use astras. [He was also anxious whether his astras that he had learnt were really potent ] Thus remembering a astra taught by Uluchi , he used it on Arjun . Arjun died on the spot . Babruvahan bereaved at fathers’ death and his own folly prepared to kill himself , just when uluchi appeared and with her mantra shakti brought Arjun back to life [ She was a nag kanya and was aware of mrutsanjeevani vidya] .

Arjun happy at the prowess of his son was immensely delighted seeing his son cross over the valour of Father. Blessing his son to be worthy and accepting supremacy of Hastinapur [ Victory of son is Victory of Father] Babruvahan prayed his Father. Apsara and Gandharvas showered flowers on Him.

Worthy son of  a Worthy Father


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Posted by on February 15, 2009 in Astroanalysis, mahabharath, people and astrology



Ninth House – Bhikshashanam

When ninth lord is debilitated and 10th lord and 3rd lord are weak , the subject will go begging for the food .

Vedvyasa took all the Pandavas to Ekchakra nagar to a Bramhin and told him that these were his disciples and He should give them shelter. Bramhin agreed as per the Lord’s words. Pandavas and Kunti devi were living in the house of bramhins . Pandavas were engaged in study of vedas and lived by Bhiksha.

Kshatriyas should not ask BHiksha . Bhima was param Bhagavata and hence would never go against Dharma. but here there was no option but to beg. How to save themselves from defaulting Dharma?

Just then a potters house got caught fire  from all the side . Bheemasena , standing a few feets away from the house amidst fire , kicked hard in the ground . By the force of his kick , the house on the otherside emerged out of the ground along with the earth beneath it. Bheemasena lifted entire house by his hands and put it out of fire on to the other side.

Indebted potter created a earthen vessel as big as the village itself and  gifted it to Yudhisthira. Now Bheemasena taking the earthen vessel just roared into the air, panicked by his roar , villagers gave away Bhiksha into the vessel even without their asking for it . This was akin to Kings giving their wealth as a tax to Indraprastha for the fear of losing kingdom and acceptance of Pandava supremacy.

But Yudhisthira said , this type of roar and eating  vessel full of meals would alert Duryodhana and his friends about their whereabouts and thus requested Bheema to stay away from BHikshashan and eat whatever they would bring for him . Bheema was happy to save his dharma.

One day the bramhin and his family were bereaving and loud cry’s were heard. Bheema asked Kunti to find out the reason for the distress of their host. He could have gone himself but woman in the family would get uncomfortable at the sight of another man ,thus he sent his mother.

Kunti standing by the wall heard their conversation before asking them .

The bramhin said ,” oh my wife I had already told to leave this place you were not ready look now its time for embracing death ! I shall go from my family and embrace death . “

Wife said ” oh my lord , Let me go into the mouth of death , for i would attain good lokas for having saved you.”

Daughter said ” a daughter is of no use , why not let me go to the den of BAkasur ?”

Father said ” Shruti[vedas] say a daughter is the one who graces the dynasties of both father and husband by her deeds and good virtue , a son only uplifts one family.birth of  a daughter is more auspicious , sending you will only put me further into naraka ,so as worthy son of my lineage let me take on death”.

the child in the family tottered and with a small twig in the hand said ” oh father I will kill bakasur with this twig let me go!”

Taking these words of child as good omen [ Bheemasena her child would break Bakasura as easily as a twig] , Kunti entered to ask Bramhin for their plight.

Bramhin said , there is a demon named Bakasur in the vicinity , who demands a cart full of food ,milk, animal ,birds and a human as bali , every thirteen years a family has to send a human from their family to satisfy the demon . Its now their turn. Kunti said she has five sons and would send one of her sons. Bramhin says it will be a sin to take someone else’s life to save oneself . Kunti assured that his son has a VIDYA which cannot be confronted by devatas and demons and hence she is not afraid.

Kunti came back and told Bheema about the Bakasura.Bakasura was a demon and maternal uncle of Ravana. By the fear of RAMABANA  of Lord Rama had hidden in the caves, After Ramayana , he came out and was not defeated by Bharath , jarasndha,narakasura etc was freely creating havoc. Now Bheemasena killing him would have an opportunity to please Lord .

Yudhisthira and others came back from Bhiksha and seeing BHeema in a very happy mood asked Kunti ” Ma ,why is Bheema so happy?” Kunti said he is going tommorrow to Bakasura’s den . Yudhisthir panicked said ” what a bad decision , we are all living by the hope of BHeema , owing to his strength and protection we are dreaming of gaining back our kingdom , now Bakasura is living giant from tretayuga , how will we live without BHeema?”

Kunti said , ” let there nopt be a doubt about Bheema ‘s strength , even as a child he powdered the entire mountain range Shatashrunga , NO [MAI KA LAAL ] among devatas and demons can kill him as he is very VAYU himself . ”

Thus next day Bheemasens set out with the cart full of food and milk . He thought to finish the meals even before demon touches it and makes it impure. as demon swa him eating his food , he became angry and uprooted a tree to hit the Bheema, Bheema  stooping the tree with his left hand drank all the milk and then did ACHAMAAN . [ this implies that food should be eaten in  a pure manner untouched by others and achamaan should be done after meals] .

Bakasura threw a mountain on the bheema , it broke to pieces , after long battle , BHeema set his foot on one foot of the  Bakasura and he held the other feet with his palms and slit him through middle like a sugarcane . Thus Baka was killed . He brought the dead body to the village gate and left it , People afraid of the giant body ran here and there in fear . After Bramhin assured them about his death , Villagers became happy and agreed to pay the cart full of meals to Bheema from then . BUt Bheema asked them to offer it Lord Narsimha in the village temple.

Thus from there Pandavas went to Draupadi swayamvar.



Posted by on February 13, 2009 in Astroanalysis, mahabharath, people and astrology, yogas



What are Planets?

Planets are not just mass of elements in space that have extraneous influence on the humans and world affairs. These influence cannot be termed as a result of some gravitational or electromagnetic or other cosmic influence on each other and on the system as a whole. The popular methodology to seek scientific explanation for each and every phenomena around us does not apply to planetary system . The ways of God are systematic , Anything systematic and organized is scientific , but they need not be physically evident through some bizarre interaction of rays emanating from planets. Seeking such understandings and explanations would  be erroneous.

SO what are planets and how do they influence us?

The plane in which we are living is Bhuloka . The plane above this is known as Antariksha Loka or Bhuvarloka .This Bhuvarloka is below Swarga loka and is full of Planets ,subplanets and stars . Some group of starts from Rasi . Thus entire Bhuvarloka is subdivided into 12 Rasis or Bhachakra . Above this Bhachakra are innumerable starts . The entire Bhuvarloka is Supported by Lord Narayana in the form Shimshumara .The various limbs of this lord are various stars ,Rasi and Planets. This is half human and half scorpion body. The tail of the scorpion is towards the Swarga and Head is atop the MERU. The tail edge consistes of Dhruva the \pole star. It is the Dhruva through which the entire Bhuvarloka and bhachakra are bound alongwith the planets.

The Planets are governed by the Devatas by Name Sun ,moon etc. These have normal bodies as well as Astral bodies. How can a devata control a planetary mass? If we look at our body , we find that it has many parts , toes,fingers ,thighs ,abdomen , chest, neck ,head ,eyes etc. Each is placed at a distance from each other . It is all controlled by one souls who is residing in the heart . How can one small soul control such a huge body ? . WHy is it that if a small ant bites the toe and we get a sensation. The medical experts may say , it is the nervous system that gives the pleasure and pain to the soul residing in the heart. Thus it is the connection that exists between a body and  a soul that makes it work and experience. Body is not Soul. This connection is by the grace of GOD . It exists by his will and it is destroyed by his will. When this connection ceases , soul leaves the body , wesay body is dead. # Thus the body is immaterial ,it is the connection that God establishes makes it as a body of  a soul. [Soul is not present in the every part of the body yet it controls ].

Now This connection can exist even between a soul and a mass. Just as a human body can respond to the stimulus or desires of a soul , so can a mass of planetary body can respond to a the soul incharge ,if the Connection described earlier exists  the soul can even control the entire mass of the planet. Also by the Will of the GOD , a soul can acquire multiple bodies if God extends multiple connections. Thus the Devata named Surya has a body of his own ,which is akin to us but illustrious of light [ tejomaya] ,He also has a control over Suryamandal , Surya Rashmi and Surya tatva.The God within Surya makes this possible .

Just as we get up in the morning and go about our daily chores , so does Surya with his astral body .But our chores and its effect are limited to our family and surrounding and society in which we live and have influence, Sun has a the whole world under its influence. So does other planets.

  • Brahaspati is foremost
  • Then comes Sun and Moon
  • The Mars ,Rahu,ketu and Shukra
  • Mercury
  • Shani

These are the planets that are destined to affect human life and world in general. Other erroneuous bodies like pluto, neptune etc do not have Divine sanction to affect human life. If we think that planetary mass as a scientific phenomena affects us and just because pluto and etc also exist alongwith them and should affect us extending the principles of planetary interaction , this would be folly and the whole Jyotish would become indeterminate .

How do these planets influence us?

  • The jyotish has  four  entities
  • Bhava
  • Graha
  • Nakshatra
  • Rasi
  • Thus we have yuti phala
  • Bhava -rasi yuti
  • Rasi -graha phala
  • Graha -bhava phala
  • Graha – Nakshatra phala.

These are well established by  God in the Vedanga and thus are orders of Lord to Planets to act accordingly as per their positions. Planets do not default on this . Thus runs the great cosmic Clock in the bhuvarloka.

  • God never breaks the rules established by him as he is SatyaSankalpa .
  • Yet he always bestows his grace on the his devotees
  • Both statements being right the world witnesses a dynamic display of auspicious qualities of GOD in upholding the righteousness even under anomalies.



Posted by on February 12, 2009 in Astroanalysis



Purpose of remedy

Most of us are always puzzled at the uncertainty that life exhibits! In such scenario we are perturbed at the thought of losing the things dear to us . We have a desire to acquire  things that are not with us . Sometimes we succeed in acquiring the desired and sometimes we fail to protect the loss of precious possession.Sometimes there is fear of loss , we feel threatened at the prospect of loss of money,fame and life .This brings in grief ,the thoughts itself are disheartening and person is agitated. Those who are undergoing strenuous conditions in life hope for better days to come. They live on hope.Everyone consults an astrologer for betterment!

What can an astrologer do?

Astrologer can only predict .Predict what is destined in the horoscope.He is not the master of the destiny that horoscope reflects. What is the purpose of consultation? Sometimes it brings solace to the aggrieved . Sometimes an astrologer says ,he is forewarning ! Forewarning why ? Is astrologer a custodian of chronology of the world ? or can he regulate the chronology? The answer to both of these is no! Then what is the purpose of prediction ?

When we read the above notes , we can see only indefiniteness ,ambiguity in everything that is around us. for a successful life these very uncertainties should vanish. When you have a clear understanding of what you have to do and what you should not ,when you have descended on earth , we say life is successful!

How to remove uncertainty ? An astrologer helps in giving you a clear purpose of your life and life events that a person is going to face. As per the nature of the individual , these events bear different impact on the person. Some improve upon their knowledge  an understanding ,some wither away in the pursuit of pleasure.

When faced with bad times ; understanding of the cause of bad events gives rise to repentance towards the evil we have done . If this feeling arises in an individual then remedies suggested by the Astrologers to nullify the evil ,works wonders and life progresses. But if individual feels remedies are a way out, for a past karma and can just get away from it by dana ,homa ,yagnya etc. Then thousands of such remedies ,will never ever solve any problems. Sometimes remedies are prescribed to certain individuals whose events are unavoidable , remedies are performed and yet events takes place! was remedy ineffective ? if it was totally unavoidable event then why did remedies were prescribed.

Remedies never go unanswered!!!!! Remedies work for different people in different people in different ways. For stronger characters ,it gives strength to face the events . It gives a calmness of mind to digest events in all eventuality good or bad.

For advanced souls it helps in detachment of karma with its karma phala. For very determined soul it achieves the objective of the purpose of remedy irrespective of the outcome of Karma as destined. ie. Though Karma shows up in an unavoiding manner , the endresult doesnot affect the Indiviual . example : When Shachi devi ,Parvati ,Shaymala devi, Usha devi , Were cursed by Bramha for being born as humans and married away to other than their husbands ie Indra ,Rudra ,Yama And |aswini devatas . They performed remedies of 1000 years of tapasya to appease Bharati Devi [ wife of Vayu] . To protect them from losing their PATIVRATYA. [being married to other than their husbands on earth would still tantamount to loss of pativratya] But All these are blessed by Bharathi devi to protect their pativratya and yet the Bramha’s shapa [curse ] also was carried out . Thus was born Draupadi , Draupadi is the most PATIVRATA stree ever born and had yet had five husbands.

Had there been no remedy on part of these women then , they would be born as women on earth , but owing to their devata nature they would be extremely beautiful . In general these women are so chaste that they would marry only if their husbands would also be born on the earth else none else, but as Bramha had cursed them to lose their association with husband , the chances are Rakshasas can also take them away , this would mean loss of pativratya. To avoid this they did tapasya together  in a single body of INDRASENA . Thus their remedies were answered and Draupadi born out of Fire directly as a adult ,was married to all the five Pandavas.

Krishna says ” Ahalya ,Draupadi ,Tara ,tara, mandodari Panchkanya smare nityam ,panchpataka vinashayti ” Note the word PanchKANYA , these  are all the women who have some kind of blemish associated with them yet their names when taken removes even those sins which God never forgives. That means these are special women and very auspicious . And the word Kanya is very interesting Lord uses the word kanya even though these are marries woman. This points to a new concept of Nitya Kanyatva.

Thus remedies work for those events also which are unavoidable. And all avoidable events definitely vanish with remedies ,Like that in case of Chandrahasa ,in caseof Markandeya Dhruva etc.

So one must always undertake remedies with sincerity and devotion to obtain solace from graha and graha chara.





Abhramam Bhangarahitam Ajadam Vimalam sada ! Anandteerthamatulam Bhaje tapatrayapaham!!

  • Madhvacharya is the incarnation of LORD HANUMAN .[MukhyaPrana] .
  • What is the purpose of this Avatar?
    Eternally evil and good [tamasic jeevas and satvik jeevas ] are at loggerheads.Tamasic jeevas continue their dwesha sadhana ,birth after births and satvik souls progress in Bhakti sadhana birth after births .
  • Tamasic souls initially in the SATYA yuga,due to yuga prabhava , also tend to do good and acccumulate lot of punya . In the tretayuga these acquire merits to get good births , but as dharma is on three legs , there is scope for some mischief and adharma within limits.So most of the tamasic souls resort to adharma in an inhibited manner . This is not liked by the God .Tamasic souls as long as they are inhibited , they are not entitled to being killed . only uninhibited sinning entitles one to killing . Thus God and [Mukhyaprana ] enact a plan , they send their own man [devotee] Ravana to go berserk with uninhibited crimes . All the tamasic souls [given their nature to sin] allign and group themselves under Ravana .Declare him as their King ,inspired by his uninhibited prowess. Now Lord and Hanuman [This is first Avatar] came down as Vanar and finished entire rakshasa clan gathered under Ravana in one single go.
    Round 2:
    All the Rakshasas gather and decide ,why are they always defeated by Lord Vishnu and killed .Now if only Lord Vishnu does not interfere ,then Its purely Rakshasas and Devatas . Devatas are very emotional people , so if we are all born as their relatives then there will be no stopping for us and we can freely sin. [So think Rakshasas and take birth as brothers uncle and relatives of Devatas] all are born as Kshatriyas. Krishna did not fight , Bheemasena[ second Avatar] and Arjuna killed all the relatives [with the effect of Bhagavadgeeta by Krishna ] without mamatva[me and mine ] .
    This strategy of Rakshasas failed .Krishna and Bheema won again in Dwaparayuga.
    Round 3:
    Rakshasas gathered at the Meru top and discussed , why does Lord favour Devatas and good people ? Because these people pray him through the teachings of Vedas and Puranas .
    What if these are misled from the path of God .[Lord will automatically stop his grace towards these good people as they faulter] .
    So what is the way to faulter good people from righteousness ? Just misinterpret the meaning of vedas and puranas . Just let it be shown that they actually mean nothing , they are all false [mithya] etc.Such misinterpretation is only possible and believable if it comes from the mouth of Sanyasis and Learned Bramhins and other influential people.So all the Rakshasas took birth in Kaliyuga as Bramhins and religious teachers and established many philososphies and misinterpreted vedas puranas and other shastras to suit the ways of sinning. Kaliyug as it were, the tendency of sinning is natural ,as dharma is only on one single leg. Also Gautam rishi had cursed all the Bramhins and learned to lose their learnings in the beginning of the KAliyuga . Aiding all these, many ways of reaching God concept ; gained popularity and people at large got deluded from the actual path of Sanatan dharma and many alternate ways of life emerged. This lead to fall of Yagnya ,dharma, karma and other vedic ways of life.
  • Everywhere a new teacher gave sermons on a new interpretation to Vedas . The world was pushed into Chaos.
    Slowly people lost faith in the dharma and became athiests by the onslaught of CHarvaak and other materialistic philosophies. Slowly absence of God [Nirishwar waada ] also gained strength. When world was reeling under this situation , All the devatas requested Lord Vishnu to re-establish the real meaning of Vedas. Lord has no Avatar in the Kaliyuga ,thus Mukhyaprana came down as Madhvacharya [ Moolaguru Jagadguru third avatar ] to dispel the misinterpreation of Vedas and establish the correct Dharma and ways of reaching GOD.
    This is known as Tattvavada.
    HE showed the lapses and lacuna in all the 21 prevalent interpretations of vedas and established Madhva Sidhdhanta through profound pramanas [proofs] .
  •  And thus even in the third round of VAagyudhdha [war of words] Devatas emerged victorious.
    The satvik found the right path to Moksha.
  • Na Madhava samo Devo ,Na Madhva samo Guru
    !! Acharya Srimadacharya Santu me Janma Janma ni!!
  • There is no God equal to or Greater than Madhav and no teacher like Madhva ! Let Acharya Srimadaanandateertha be my guru in this birth and birth after birth.

Today is Madhva Navami .By the grace of Shri  SarvagnyaAcharya  I have completed 100 posts . Hope readers are benefiting from these writings . Let us all take blessings of the great Guru to achieve Grace of Lord Narayana.


Posted by on February 4, 2009 in Jyotish


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DwiPitru Yoga – The story of MitraVarun

When  Sun and moon are in the same rasi and navamsa then the child so born will be raised by Two Fathers.

This story when read with devotion gives children very soon to those who have not conceived  , without doubt .Those who read this everyday will live happily by the grace of devatas and their  forefathers .The following story relieves one of all sins when read early in the morning .

Once there lived a very learned Daksha a prajapati . He had thirteen daughters by name aditi,diti,danu,kalamuhurta,simhika,muni,ira,krodha,surabhi, vinata,surasasvasa,kadru,devashuni , He married all of them to Kashyap . The eldest Aditi gave birth to 12 adityas akin to Agni in lustre. They were Bharga, amsha ,aryama,Mitra ,Varuna , Savita ,Dhatru ,Vivasvan,Tvashtru,Pusha,Indra , Vishnu .

The world is illuminated by these twelve suns [Adityas] and thus there is day and night . The heat and rains are due to these Adityas . Varun is the middle among the twelve and attained fame as Lokpalak and obtained the ownership of western direction.He shines over the western ocean [pashchim samudra] .There is a golden mountain by name Shilochchaya It is very beautiful mountain with many mines of precious stones , beautiful ponds ,rivers and many a fauna and flora.Many parts of this mountain range were inhabitatedby siddas , gandharvas . When Sun goes beyond these ranges  the inhabitants of the region near this part of the world experience the night. Vishvakarma the devashilpi has constructed a beautiful golden city by name Vishvavati for Varun . Varun himself gives sunlight to this western part of Meru . He is served by gandharvas and apsaras by the grace of Bramha

Once Varun  along with his brother Mitra went to the Kurukshetra ,where bramharishis were always engaged in penace ,which is full of vanamool kanda [edible roots ] and flowers. There both the brothers decided to wear deerskin and engage in tapasya. Nearby a beautiful Pond named “Paundarik” was full of lotuses ,creepers ,birds and colourful fishes and tortoises .Suddenly “URVASI” along with her maids , descended in the pond and singing beautifully ,started taking the bath playfully . Her beauty was bewitching ,fair skinned ,with lustre of newly sprung lotus flower illuminated by morning sun , she was carelessly venturing in the pond with exuberance.Her lustrous wavy hair locks wet with water , face like that of moon in full bloom , lips like a buds ,Her every part of the body was oozing with beauty reflecting her equally beautiful mind ,with a bewitching smile and gait of intoxicated elephant that symbol Youth Urvasi ,attracted both Mitra and Varun engaged in tapasya .

Both of them suffered retahskhalan [ejaculation] at the sight of Urvashi ,by the wish of Lord Narayana. The retas fell at three places equally from both Mitra and Varuna [mixed] . One on a lotus flower , one on the pitcher on the ground and other in the water in the pond . As both were engaged in long penance , their semen was very potent  . The one that fell on lotus gave rise to VASHISHTHA rishi , one in the pitcher gave birth to AGASTHYA rishi and one in the pond developed into a a big fish . As this was happening , Urvashi left for swarga unaware of all the incidents.

Thus Vashishtha and Agasthya came to be known as sons of both Mitra and Varuna. And Mitra Varun continued their tapasya and then Virinchi appeared and assured them that Vishnuloka will be given to them , but for now let the two remain as Loksakshi the observers of world [Karma of people] . For having begotten such illustrious Sons their lives were as well very auspicious.

Any one who desires a child ,when he listens to this [papanashak] story with purity of mind and body begets a illustrious child.



Posted by on February 1, 2009 in karma, people and astrology, yogas


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Rahu- A prelude to Kurma Avatar

Rahu was a demon ,son of Simhika He took penace or many years to obtain Amrut [nectar] .Bramha gave him the boon to obtain thus. Amrut gives one immortality.

Once Sage Durvasa was giving a discourse on Lord’s supremacy .Indra was passing by . So the rishis listening to the discourse ,made a garland and offered it to The Indra as a mark of respect . Indra out of haughtiness ,kept the garland on the Elephant [kumbhasthala] ,As elephant  shook its head the garland fell down . Seeing the disrespect and carelessness of Indra , Durvasa cursed him to loose his opulence.

Immediately Demons took over the kingdom of swarga and Devatas lost their charm. All of them went to Kshirsagar and requested Narayana to end their plight . Narayana advised them ,since their time is presently not favourable ,they must make mends with Demons and get ready for great churning of the ocean together and share everything that comes out of it.

Devatas and Danavas agreed . To churn they chose the Mandar parvat . But none could lift it . So God effortlessly plucked it and summoned Garuda[Anantha] and he took it to the place of action . But again both Devatas and demons together tried to grip the Mandar parvat , but it slipped and fell on the earth and many got disabled and crippled under it . Again God with his left hand plucked it and placed it on Garuda ,and also cured those crippled . Garuda with his wings held it for Churning but ocean could not be churned and it slipped to the bottom of the ocean .

Lord Narayana then took the form of the Tortoise [Kachchap] Kurma , held the mountain Mandar on its back and brought it above the ocean and it stayed still supported on the Kurma. Narayana entered the mandar , devatas and demons to renew their strengths to churn the ocean with the Vasuki the snake offering the services as rope to churn the ocean with the golden Mandar.

Demons preferred to hold the face of the Vasuki as tail was inauspicious. But as the churning would commence ,Vasuki breathed heavily and dispelled poison and fire though its mouth causing distress to Demons and Devatas at the tail were at ease. [Evil intentions bear always negative results and discomfort even if good choices are made , here though a face is more auspicious than tail ,it turned out to be uneasy option]

While churning the deadly poison of KaalKuut emerged . This was very embodiment of Kali . By the boon of Bramha ,it could not be even touched as it burnt heavily . Lord Vayu took it in his palm and in a Golden Vessel . He took a drop out of it , placed in his palm and rubbed it to reduce its potency , and then a small portion of it ,placed on the tongue of Shiva , Shiva before it could reach his throat , fell unconscious , his Neck turned blue [ He was thus called NEELKANTH] . Lord Vayu drank the whole vessel full of poison and nothing happened as he digested it.

As the drop was being given to Shiva , a few droplets fell on the earth , as it was Kali himself ,it spread rapidly and the poison assumed various forms of manifestations as .serpents , wolf, lions and other poisonous creatures and Poisonous tribes of maneaters and cannibals. Many weapons of poisonous nature also emanated from it .

Lord Narayana placed his gracious palm on the Shiva ,he got up ,but unable bear heat of the poison , He chose to stay in the cold snow regions of Kailash near  Meru ,but still his pain and heat was unbearable ,thus he kept Ganga in his hairLocks [Ganagadhar] ,still he could not relieve severe headache ,thus he Kept the Moon on his head . Yet to save himself from pain and swelling ,he invited serpents round his neck to give soothing effect.

Churning continued a whole vessel of intoxicating Madya came up Demons accepted it ,and out came Uchhaishrava ,Bali kept it for himself . Then came Airavat ,it was given to Indra . Many Apsaras emanated they were all sent to Swarga . Then came Moon , Parijat , Kamadhenu and Kalpavraksha ,Kaustubha gem , Lord Narayana accepted it as a present from Bramha. Then came IndiraDevi as Mahalakshmi , She adored the chest of Narayana as Srivatsa.

Then finally Lord Dhanvantari came up with a kamandalu and a vessel full of nectar[Amrut] . Rakshasas snatched it from HIM . God allowed it to be snatched. as one must commit crime to be punished , Demons transgressed the rule that everything must be shared ,thus were entitled to be punished .Demons started fighting amongst each other as Narayani the beautiful form of the Lord appeared .

Demons struck by her beauty handed over the pot of nectar to her distribute . Devatas and Demons sat in opposite rows and Mohini , poured the nectar to Devatas and just water to Demons.Here God betrayed Demons to validate the dictum according to the Dharma

Dharmachhellam papajaneshu Dharma

Cheating evil people is akin to Dharma or One must not apply usual parameters of Dharma to sinners. one must pay back in the same terms as used by sinners.


But Rahu took his position between Sun and the Moon among the devatas . Lord put a drop in his palm [to honour the Bramha's words] But when alerted by Sun and moon , he slit of the throat of the Demon with his Sudarshan chakra. But by then the Nectar had already entered his neck . Thus his both head and the Body [headless kabandh] became immortal . Head became one of the navagrahas and the body is still in the Shubodh Sagar . Aspiring for things undeserving always results in disaster . Though Rahu aspired for Amrut but failed to obtain grace of Lord Narayana ,he suffered .But vowed to avenge ,Thus time and again eclipses Sun and Moon ,who suffer at the hands of Rahu owing to his immortality . Though Rahu’s head was severed by Narayana , just a mere touch of Amrut entitled him to survive .[ what a greatness of Amrut the nectar !].


Posted by on January 31, 2009 in Astroanalysis, people and astrology


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May Lord Narayana bless all those who have been relentlessly seeking solutions through this site.
In order to get going our task of free consultancy ,eclipse was a wonderful opportunity . Eclipse offer a scope to rejeunate your inner strengths to combat bad times. This is the period when one must focus all his energy to get rid of obstacles.
Eclipse though unsuitable to begin new works or enterprise or auspicious events , it still is the best time to do austerities . Every small penace undertaken gives 1 Lakh times the fruits that you get in normal times , when done at the time of eclipse.
Eclipse had many parts to it
1. Vedha
2. sparsh
3. madhya
4. moksha
5.Shuddha Bimba darshan
Vedha is 12 hours or sunset and sunrise prior to actual start of eclipse whichever is earlier.
During vedha a temple is closed .
One does not partake any food during this period.
one does not sleep during this period
One does not go about daily chores of cleaning during this period.
Eating brings in diseases,Sleeping reduses longevity , and urinating etc brings mental disorders.
Children ,pregnant woman and old men and women ,patients and those who cannot control their hunger are all exempt from this rule.
Usually a bath gives a lot of punya everyday . Bath[Snana] is process of offering the lord within us a worship.It is also a way of expressing gratitude towards lord for having given us a body to carry out our sadhana .
There are many types of snana;
SNAN is the one that gives internal and external purity . Only external cleansing is not the purpose of bath , bath should also give us a cleansing of mind .
Snana has a procedure.
vaarun snana is bathing with water , teertha snana is bathing in rivers oceans etc , here bathing such that only waist is wet is known as kati snana , bathing upto neck is kanth snana,Standing amidst returning cows in the evening and bathing by the dust of their hoofs is godhuli snana,applying soil from the tulasi pot or garden to the entire body is mrittika snan ,After the completion of Homa or yagnya , taking the fumes of the yagnya all over the body or a hot smoke is known as Avbruth snan, reciting the mantra ” Apo histha …….” is equla to taking a bath this mantra snana , this can be done when there is no water available and yet you have to finish your sandhyavandan or daily pooja .
Some people observe certain vrata where they dont take anything to eat or drink till they take bath in the morning , when faced with water shortage or during travel mantra snan has to be followed and daily pooja can be completed but should not be skipped on the excuse or pretext of absence of water body.
Snan is abhishek for the lord within us.
hence purushsukta should be recited after sankalpa while bathing. When there is no water , no place to sit and we are stuck in a dirty polluted environment or surrounding,one can resort to Dhyan snana.
Dhyana snana is making ganga yamuna nd saraswati flow thorugh IDA PINGALA AND SHUSHUMNA , it is yogic way of bringing various rivers into 72000 nadis and oozing 3 and half crores rivers thorugh our pores . This is the superiormost of all snans , this way one is unperturbed by the surrounding he is in [however apavithra or polluted that may be] and yet becomes eligible for all the karmas of vedas.
Dhyana snana gives 100 crores of times the more punya than normal ganga snan ,so says sanatkumar to Narad.
Such snan when taken at the time of sparsh of eclipse [ie when eclipse starts when sun or moon disc is affected] bears 10000 times the ususal punya. In the middle of eclipse it gives 100000 times the usual punya and while leaving [moksha] a snana is worth crores of time.
If simple bath can give you so much punya than what about other austerities like dana ,japa,tapa, homa ,shradha etc.They will be akin to performing them crores of time.
In the post of matra sidhdhi it was made known that a mantra can be potent only when they are recited with austerities a few lakhs times. IN general lifetime this is not possible as it takes years to achieve this even if one recites 1000 times daily. During eclipse even if reciting ten or hundred times makes it equvivalent to have recied crores of times and thus mantra becomes potent. So people desirous of potent mantras take upadesha during this period .
eclipse is divided into three parts, first part is for Devatas ,second portion is for Pitru , and last part is for Rakshasas, so a japa has to be conducted only till first part , shradhdha is performed during middle part , as cooking is not allowed shradhdha is done with floor paste. Dana is given in temples for nag dosha etc.
The last portion is used by tantriks and evil mantriks to increase or invoke devils. this should be avoided.
Thus after eclipse is over having a look at the clean and free sun or moon , one can take a bath again and have his daily pooja and meals.


Posted by on January 29, 2009 in Jyotish


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