5th House – Sankalpa and Emperor Raghu

God is SatyaSankalpa .He never fails in carrying out the work that he resolves to undertake or carry out. Puranas written at the beginning of each manvantara are Hari sankalpa ,and they occur as it is ordained.God never breaks the rules set by himself.

Humans are on the contrary are sankalp Bhrasta .They always break the resolutions made by themselves. What is sankalpa ?

In our tradition before performing any work we undertake sankalpa ,a kind of declaration to ourselves and the God within us that On such and such day ,at such and such place ,I [ so and so belonging to so and so race and in the lineage of such and such personality ] by name ………… decide to undertake this [work ,desire, karma ] for obtaining such and such thing .

The purpose of this sankalpa is that it is registered and human undertakes many births to complete this sankalpa ,even if he fails in first attempt . If he fails , even then his desire does not vanish away or fade away ,it remains in his heart till death and even after death it remains as” vasana “[samskara] in the mind . This gives rise to further birth and further attempts till the soul acquires vairagya towards the object of the sankalpa.

Without sankalpa no objective can be accomplished. No remedies pooja or karma succeeds without sankalpa. Thus one must always start a work with proper sankalpa . For example ,

Sankalpa is of the form :

  • such and such day ; which day what is the reference ?
  • Aadya bramhane dwitiya parardhe [ From the day Bramha came into existence in universe , in his second half of the life cycle ie after 50 years to Bramha in 51 st year]
  • Shwetavaraha Kalpe [ a day in a bramha's life starts with fresh creation of species ,so each day is special and this day is that when Lord Narayana took the form of White Boar and salvaged the earth from the deep waters and raised it with his tusk .
  • Vaivasvat Manvantare [ in every day of Bramha there are 14 manus of which 5 have passed in the sixth the Son of Vivaswan is the Manu ,hence this is Vaivastwat Manvantara ]
  • Kaliyuge pratham pade [ in this Manvantara 27 mahayugas have passed and in 28th , Krita ,Treta and Dwapar has also passed now we are in Kaliyuga and in the first quarter 5109 years later ]
  • Bauddha avatare [ In the time When lord has taken birth as Buddha]
  • at such and such place ,which geographical reference?
    • Jambudweepe [ In this Bramhanda on the earth Bhumandala there is a Jambudweepa island surrounded by lavan samudra ]
    • Meru: Dakshin bhage [ In the centre of Jambudweepa there is a golden mountain named Meru , to the south of this mountain ]
    • Bharatvarshe [this southern region is divided into three portions 1. Himvat varsha 2,Kimpurush 3.Bharathvarsha]
    • Bharath khande[ there are nine globes in the Bharath varsha ,the ninth last globe bordering lavan samudra is what we call prithvi and is known as Bharath Khand- aasetu himachal paryantam]
    • Godavari Dakshin teere [Land on the to the southern banks of the Godavari river ]
    • Mamagruhe [ In my house]
    • Devata sannidhau [ near the Lord dwelling in my house]
  • description of the day
    • evam guna vishesha vishistayam
    • Sarvadhari naam sanvatsare
    • Uttarayane
    • Hemant rutau
    • Pushya masau
    • Krishna Pakshe
    • Budha vasare
    • Ekadashi tithau
    • Anuradha nakshatre
    • Vriddhi yoge
    • Bava karane
    • Shubhe Shoban Muhurte
  • Who am I ?
    • Angirasa Bharamyashva Moudgalya pravaranvit [In the lineage of Angirasa ,Bharamya and Mudgal ]
    • Moudgalya Gotrotpanna [ directly descending in the line of Moudgalya]
    • Chiraan naamdheyasya [ By Name Chiraan]
    • Mam Gyaan Bhakti Vairagya prapthyartham [to gain knowledge ,devotion and detachment]


    • Bhagavad prernaya prapta vidya anusarenaYatha shakti Hari Guna varnan lekhan sevamaham Karishye                     [Inspired by the lord ,in accordance to my learning and capacity I write blogs about the attributes of Hari]


    • Bharatiya raman Mukhyapranantargata SriLaxmiNarsimha supreeto Bhava.                                                              [ May lord as present in Mukhyaparana be pleased ]

    This is Sankalpa. Sankalpa made thus gives us strength to complete the task thoroughly and accomplish the desired.

    Note :This sankalpa is being uttered by everyone in India from time immemorial . This was used by my ancestors as well and also the ancestors of every Bramhins in India . This was taught from father to son in every family . There does not arise any  scope for doubt in this words as father would never mislead his son.Not every father in a nation of billion people .This goes on to prove that we Indians have a lineage of lakhs of years as dates of the rishis mentioned as forefathers exists in every literature and dates back to many millions of years. There was a prosperous civilization even millions of years ago and we take pride in the fact that they were our forefathers and every story recounted thus is not a myth but a reality and a lesson in humanity.

    This disproves darwin that we have emanated from apes as none of the mentioned above were ever apes .This also proves that kaliyuga is 5109 years old and great war of Mahabharatha was fought before that.

    • The fifth pada if exalted and aspected by jupiter and ninth lord and simultaneously 10 pada be in mutual trine , once sankalpa will be successful.
    • Benefics in trines and malefics in 3 6 11 will ensure success in sankalpa
    • Thus choosing good muhurtha for a task is equally important for success of the task .

    If mental resolution is strong and dedicated and according to dharma then success is foregone conclusion.

    The story of Raghu the Great grandfather of Shri Ramchandra Prabhu is testimony to this .

    Once there was a bramhin sage by name Varatantu who was Kulpati of a school in pratishtapur . Kautsa was  a disciple who had completed the study under his tutorship . After completing the study Kautsa wished to give Gurudakshina to the sage . Sage said an able students zeal in completing the study is enough for a Guru as dakshina. Money is not to be sought for imparting education . 

    Kautsa repeatedly pleaded for the Guru to ask for a Gurudakshina . Angered by this pestering Guru said ok then get me 14000 crores of gold coins for the fourteen years of the study .

    Kautsa was deeply taken aback by this . Now a word is word it has to be carried out . Kautsa set out to earn such a wealth. He contemplated for a while and decided to ask dana to Emperor Raghu .

    Raghu was the son of Dileep and Father of Aja [grandfather of Ram]. Raghu had won entire earth . But he undertook Vishwajit yaag ,where by one gives up all his wealth and then lives all by himself not dependent on the people or land that he has donated.

    So after donating everything he had , Raghu was living in a small hut ,eating in an  earthen vessel and sleeping on a kusha [grass] . The disciple came looking after the King and surprised at his fate and king’s state of existence [Impoverished] ,he cursed unto himself the moment whence he insisted for Guru Dakshina.

    King Raghu welcomed the Bramhin and asked for the purpose of his visit , Hesitatingly Kautsa put forward his necessity for  14000 crores of gold coin . King Raghu asked him to accept his hospitality for  that day and promised to give him the money in a three days. Kautsa agreed .

    King Raghu thought that kind of wealth will probably not be there anywhere on the earth to be instantaneously acquired . BUT Kubera might definitely be having it , so why not wage a war on him and get the wealth . Raghu made a sankalpa to give the Bramhin Kautsa 14000 crores of gold coins from Kubera’s treasury. Thinking so , he prepared to go to the land of Yakshas [ Alkapuri] in the north of Meru . He gathered all the arrows and astras in is trench and slept that night to start towards Alkapuri .

    Kubera having known Raghu’s Sankalpa , thought ” why war for just few gold coins ” Raghu is invincible and would definitely get his desired . So why not give him what he wishes for and avoid conflict .So he deposited much more wealth than what Kautsa demanded on a shami tree in the Raghu’s hutment [during the night] and went away . Next day seeing the wealth got , Raghu was happy and thanked Lord Narayana for having completed his sankalpa . and gave the gold coins to Kautsa.

    Kautsa took just 14000 crore coins and presented it to Varatantu . Sage though happy at his disciples’s feat said , wealth is not meant for bramhins, Bramhins must not accumulate wealth for selfish purpose , The King is the right owner of this wealth as he uses it for the welfare of his subject. Sage returned it to the King for the welfare of the state. Thus great wealth came to city of Ayodhya to the delight of its citizens whose all wishes were fulfilled by it .

    Great is the capacity of the kings in Surya vamsa of Ikshvaku lineage , Great is king Raghu ,who fulfilled his people’s need just by a mere Sankalpa.



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    5th House – Chiratputra Yoga [Vaman avatar]

    • When ascendant lord and fifth lord are in shubha rashi and and benefics and jupier ,venus and mercury are in fifth ,one will have a son after many years of penace[ chiratputra prapti ] .
    • When mars as lagnadhipati is exalted and saturn , sun is in eighth is aspected by benefics one will have offspring after many years of austerities.
    • Benefics in lagna , malefics in 2nd and 3rd , fifth lord benefic placed in benefic rashi will give son in a old age after many prayers.

    King Bali was the son of Virochan [son of Prahlad] , He had defeated Indra and occupied the three worlds . In those days all the yagnya done were accepted by Demons in Swarga ,as INdra had fled. Seeing the plight of her son ,Indra’s mother ADITI decided to get him his kingdom back. She started praying Lord Vishnu ,for twelve years she performed PAYOVRATA . After 12 years of penace Vishnu appeared and gave her a boon that HE would be born to her as VAMAN and get her son INdra his kingdom back.

    After some time Vaman was born to Aditi and Kashyap , He was accorded jatakarma  upanayan  etc by Bramha himself . Then Lord Vaman proceeded to Bali’s Yagnya .As he kept his feet , entire earth trembled and fire in the Yagnyashala extinguishes and Ritwij mantras misspelled .seeing this Bali asked his Guru Shukracharya ,what was the reason ?

    Shukracharya said VAman is coming to take away your wealth and kingdom to give it back to Devatas , your oblations are hence not being accepted by Agni . Do not promise to give anything to Vaman. Bali says I cannot refuse alms to Lord or for that matter anyone during my yagnya .

    Vaman appears before Bali , Bali welcomes Lord with arghya pada etc. He then pleads Hari to let know the purpose of his visit , Vaman asks for three steps Bhumi [land] dana . Bali agrees , So Vamana says if you have agreed then let the water from the kamandalu be poured onto my palm as promise . BALI prepares but shukracharya becomes tiny and obstructs the hole[mouth] of Kamandalu to prevent the fall of water . Vaman with a kusha[grass] clears the hole ,Shukracharya loses his eye . He comes out and speed away to a distant land for penace . water falls onto the palms of Hari

    Instantly the dwarf  Vamana takes on a huge form spanning entire universe [This form is known as Trivikram ] and with one step spans the entire earth and with another he reaches and covers the top edge of Bramhanda . There remains no space in the universe for the third step .

    This is achintyadbhut shakti of the Lord [ making impossible possible] Changing a form from small dwarf VAman to a huge gigantic Trivikram is an impossible task as change of mass and density in time cannot be instantaneous for material bodies. But Lord exhibits this quality instantly , As his foot reaches the edge of Bramhanda , his toes nail pierces the Bramhanda Kharpar , Outside Bramhanda is a layer of Shudhodaka [the original water "  Apa " one of the 24 mool tatvas , not the water on the earth which is panchabhutamaya  "toyam" ] This water as it touches ,adorns [washes is not a right word] Lord’s lotus foot  , it acquires the name of Haripadodaka [ In temples teertha is nothing but water that sweeps through God's idol and collects at the feet ,this is very sacred everyone takes it with reverence as it is sanctified by touch of Lord's feet] .

    Here this water is touching not the idol but the Lord himself [ Hari -> Lord , Pada-> feet , Udaka -> water ] thus this is Haripadodaka and is more important and sacred ,shreshtha ,it flows like a river into Bramhanda , Chaturmukha Bramha realising the opportunity to accept this ,extends his kamandalu and collects the entire water ,rest flows into the swarga as GANGA If ordinary teertha in temples can wash of sins then Ganga can assuredly can cleanse one of Sins as Ganga is very sacred because it has come from the feet of the Lord. But it was all in swarga [ before bali there was no ganga in universe]. Afterwards it came to earth only when Bhagirath brought it through penace .

    So there was no space left for third step , those who fail in fulfilling promise , Varuna captivates them , Thus Bali was tied down by Varun Pasha , Bali offers his head as the third step , Lord Steps onto his head forcing him to Patala , and gives back the KIngdom to Indra and other devatas , Killing all the demons.

    Why did Lord not Kill Bali?  Usually We hear Rakshasas troubling Devatas and Vishnu appearing and killing the Demon . But in this case Vishnu appeared to ask dana , he did not uses Danda neeti . why?

    Because Bali was Grandson of Prahalad . Prahalad never asked a boon in his life to the Lord. But Lord insisted to ask a Boon . Prahalad after much pursuing by Lord to ask for a boon asked Oh my Lord Narsimha let my offsprings never hurt or insult any Bramhin in their lives , and I ask your devotion to all  my offsprings and my father [whom you have killed now] ,for Rakshasa as we are They are bound to commit some mistakes. You [The Lord] forgives all the mistakes of devotee except hurt or insult to a bramhin. [Thus he ensured his  offsprings be saved from being killed by Lord]

    Having given this Boon to Prahalad , Lord never killed Bali or Banasur etc.  Instead personally  protected him in Patala  and Promised him the seat of Indra in the next Manvantara.



    Posted by on January 20, 2009 in Astroanalysis, Bhavas


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    5th House – Satputra The story of ASTIK

    If jupiter as fifth lord is strongly placed and also sun is in ninth then one will have Satputra yoga.Satputra is the one who brings joy to the ancestors of both Father and Mother’s lineage .One whose birth is a meritorious and sets fortune among maternal and paternal relations.He is the one who will be a beacon lamp among the dynasty [kuldeepak] . The whole relatives would see a  sense of hopes in such progeny.He is the one who relieves the father of his Pitru runa and brings sanctity to a mothers’ womb. Blessed is a soul and its lineage where a Satputra takes birth. One such child can wash away the sins of 21 forefathers and 21 grandchildren generations .

    • A man when born in this world is born with Panch Runa[five debts]
    • Pitru Runa [ debt towards the father ]
    • Matru Runa [ debt towards the Mother]
    • Dev Runa [ debt towards Devatas]
    • Rushi Runa [ debt towards preceptors]
    • Bhuta Runa [ debt towards the elements /environment]

    Pitru Runa gets cleared as a child is born to the Man .[he is free from debt of the father]

    Matru Runa does not get cleared at all [ one can never repay what a mother does to his child . We are all ever indebted to a mother for having brought us into this world bearing all the pain and nourishing us selflessly]

    Deva Runa is cleared by performing our duties as worship

    Rishi runa is cleared when we make correct usage of our knowledge and teach it to an able disciple

    Bhuta runa can be cleared only by proper use of materials made available to us by God ,whether it is fire ,water ,air , house utensils and grain and other objects .[By not polluting them and respecting them in its correct usage avoiding abuse and ill distribution]

    These runa if not properly handled and cleared rebounces to us in every births giving us what we have returned. and snatching from us what we  have not returned earlier.

    A satputra relieves one of Pitru runa .

    The following story is one such in MAHABHARATH ,which shows how God readies us a remedy for our problems even before the root of the problem or its cause has taken birth.

    This is  a story of Astik a learned bramhin ,whose birth was awaited by both the lineages of his Father and Mother with lots of hopes and anticipation.

    Once there lived a bramhin named JARATKARU , who was not interested in worldly life .He after studying shastras decided to take up NAISHRUSHTIK BRAMHACHARYA . HE stayed only on air without food and meditated on Lord .He spent most of his time in pilgrimage and rivers and mountains.One day as he was roaming ,he saw a seven old men tied upside down to a branch of tree which was about to fall in a deep well below.The branch had only one string left and that too was being eaten by a worm.

    Surprised Jaratkaru asked those holy men ,what is this sorrowful sight ,why are you all suffering like this.The old men said ,oh we are all a ancestors of a single race yayavar , we have no off springs except one named JAratkaru , but even he is not interested in family life and bent upon ending his life in penace .old as he has grown ,very soon our lineage will end ,this tree is our lineage we are ancestors ,this single string is the Jaratkaru and the worm is the time .which is eating away , this well is the hell that we all will fall , if there is no offspring for Jaratkaru.

    Jaratkaru moved by his ancestors plight said ” Oh my Pitru I am that Jaratkaru , please tell me my immediate duty to relieve you all of this plight”.

    The holy men said ” Go and marry a deserving girl for our upliftment” Jaratkaru said ” I shall not ask for the hand of the woman myself, Anyone who would come all by himself and give his daughter or sister unto me , I shall marry provided her name is also Jaratkaru like mine”.

    Saying thus Jaratkaru roamed entire world but owing to his old age and ascetic like way of life none came forward to give their girl to him. Thus reaching the end of the world , Jaratkaru decided if fate had init a bride for him then He would shout thrice that “My ame is Jaratkaru and anyone having a girl by that name wishes to marry her to me ,can come and do so” if someone comes okay or else would go the ascetic way.

    As he mentioned it twice The great Snake VAsuki appeared and said I am bramhin snake son of Kashyap ,my sister is Jaratkaru and beautiful and I would like to marry her to you if you have no objection to marrying a NAgkanya .

    Jaratkaru accepted with one condition he will stay with her as long as she does not annoy him . If annoyed he will desert her and go away for penace.Vasuki accepted. Once when sage was sleeping in the lap of his wife , it was about time to sunset . Fearing lapse of karma of sandhyavandana after sunset , Wife woke him up for his duties. Sage in anger said ” He never lapsed in his duties , And Sun dare not set till he wakes up and complete his karma , NOt knowing this she has annoyed him and thus he would leave her .” Wife in grief said , it would not be right of him to leave her for no fault of hers. But atleast not before giving her a son. She asked ” is there a child in her womb ?” The sage said “ASTI” [there is ],he would be blazing like sun and Agni well versed in all shastras and vedas.

    Vasuki and all took care of his sister and Astik was born and learnt Vedas under Rishi Chyavan. to the delight of all.

    Why did GOD want a child to be born to a bramhin and a Snake? In this world child has extreme affinity to the relatives of the Mothers’ side . Their plight the child when grows up naturally tries to alleviate out of affection. Also a child takes on the qualities of his Father . So a child who would be as learned as a Bramhin well versed in all shastras and with affinity towards Snakes was what God created here .WHY?

    Parikshit was son of Abhimanyu .King Parikshit ruled justly this world after Pandavas left .One day while he was hunting He saw a Kingly featured ugly man kicking a Cow . King immediately tried to stop him But The wicked man said “Oh King know me as Kali , my time has come I have asked you the permission to enter your kingdom” King resisted ,but when He found out that in Kaliyuga people would get punya easily just by chanting name of LOrd as ” Hare ram Hare Ram ram ram Hare hare , Hare Krishna Hare krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare” This punya would be equivalent to what would be got by doing Dhyana in Satya yuga , Yagnya in a Trtayuga and Pooja in DwaparaYuga  . Thus what is got in a 100 years Krita yuga and 10 years in Treta yuga and 1year in Dwapara can be got in half a day in Kaliyuga .

    Thus seeing this one virtue of Kali and also compulsion to follow YugaDharma , Parikshita allowed Kaliyuga to enter ,but asked him to stay away from his kingdom and subjects except five places where there is ,1 Gambling 2 Prostitutes 3.Alcohol 4 Deciet    5 Gold .  As Parikshit was wearing a golden Crown Kali entered His crown and was on his head.

    This resulted in bad company , King hunted a deer which went deep into the jungle , chasing the KIng reached the ashram of Uttanak Rishi . He asked rishi whether he has seen deer , The king was exhausted and hungry 60 years of age as he frustrated as Rishi was in maunvrata and did not respond .King grew angry out of ego and frustration owing to presence of Kali [ one acquires bad qualities in bad company] , King felt insulted for not being given welcome by Rishi .He took a dead snake and hurled it around the rishi’s neck. Rishi showed no expression and king went away.

    Rishi had a very bright son name Sringi he was all but 10 years of age  very much pious and given to study of vedas ,but highly short tempered. He was returning from his gurukul and on the way he learnt from his friends that his father was insulted by king with  a dead skin and his father did nothing to punish King . So Sringi took the water in nearby pond and cursed King that ” He would die by the bite of TAKSHAK [empowered by my penace ] within seven days. [ what was the penace " Practice of Gayatri for two years "]

    Rishi uttanak said ” king was  a just man by killing him this way he has deprived the citizens of a good king . He requested his son to divert the curse but Sringi refused and said ” my words would never go futile” So Rishi sent his disciple to King to let know of his fate .

    King by then had kept his crown aside and immediately realised his mistake and after hearing from Disciple repented not for loss of his life but for his folly. He constructed a a big palace in midst of sea and  stayed there and asked Sages of a way to get MOksha within seven days . Sages advised him Bhagavat by Sage Shuka would emsure him Moksha . SO Bhagavat was recited for the first time in this world.

    Takshak set out to kill Parikshit , on the way he met a Bramhin Kashyap by name , he asked where he was heading to , Kashyap said he was well versed in art of reviving dead by snake bite and that he would revive king Parikshit . Takshak said lets examine ,

    He showed a tree and bit it ,the tree blasted into ashes by the poison . The bramhin chanted a mantra , onto ashes ,firstly it turned into seed then sprout and two leaves appeared and then a trunk and branches and whole tree was lush green again as earlier , also there was a man sitting on the branches , he also got restored . The man ran  away.

    Seeing the power Takshak asked him why would he revive Parikshit whose longevity was indeed over by the curse of Sringi , Bramhin closed his eyes and after deep contemplation agreed with Takshak , Takshak gave him ample wealtha nd sent him away. There in the middle of sea all the routes were closed and bramhins were appointed to chant sarpa mantras to prohibit direct entry of snakes. Daily fruits were being taken to KIng , Takshak entered one of the fruits and as the KIng opened it HE came out and bit him to ashes and whole palace was set ablaze by poison.

    The Son of Parikshit was child , he was enthroned and when he grew up JAnmaejaya son of Parikshit asked how his father left to heavens , The man on the tree survived by Kashyap narrated him story , Angry Janmejaya thought Takshak could have allowed KAshyap to revive his Father but out of fear that his name and reputation of fierce poisonous snake would get tarnished he has corrupted Kashyap , so he must be punished.

    He summoned all his purohits and ministers , They suggested SARPAYAGA . A yagnya  was prepared for genocide of snake species. Swetaketu Pingal Moudgalya ,Chandbhargava  Jaimini all presided as sadasyas and HOTRI for the Yagnya . The Yaga began and as butter was poured with sacrificial mantras , crores of snakes fell into the fire , with stench and fat converted into a river of marrow of snakes . All the snakes fell one by one into the Yagnya Kunda ”

    Takshaka took shelter of INDRA . Vasuki out of fear of loss of life called Astika to do something for their race. Astika pained by the deaths of maternal relatives headed for the Yagnyashala , he praised Janmejaya in  a very notable fashion comparing his yaga with that of SOMA VARUNA YAMA, Indra , Ajameedha , Ramachandra , YUdhisthira presided by Krishna Dwaipayana , Meanwhile Takshak was not coming due to Indras’ shelter , King was happy with the praises of ASTIK , he wished to give him boon on account of his knowledge of so many yagas and their presiders and  though of tender age and blazing like a sun and agni and having crossed the doorkeepers easily by his charm and tejas inside the Yagnyashala. He offered him a boon.

    The sages stopped him saying Takshak has not yet come , Janmaejaya said to bring him along with Indra into the sacrificial fire. Indra too was getting dragged to Fire , Indra left Takshak , Takshak unconscious and drawn towards fire from heavens , was roling in the air as he was about to fall , King said I want to give you a boon a oh meritorious bramhin ask, ASTIKA said ” oh king let no more snakes be dropped into the fire “stop stop stop ” , King said ask any other boon except this , gold silver damsels , these three worlds kingdom everything dont ask me to stop , Astika refused , Sages of the yagnya said since this noble bramhin has asked nothing else his boon be given , simulatneously uttering STOP , Takshak stood still in air the whole world stopped . Seeing the prowess of the ASTIKA , King janmaejaya stooped the yaga , thus snakes were saved , realatives were saved Uncle Vasuki was saved.

    The extermination of Snake race was halted by an able bramhin , who out of love for snake uncles and profound knowledge  of Vedas and mantras , forewent the wealth of three worlds and other gifts and saved the race of his mother and saved the ancestors of his Father.

    Thus Lord Narayana showed that even before sarpa yaga took place he had already readied a remedy for it in the form of ASTIKA .



    Posted by on January 19, 2009 in Astroanalysis, Bhavas, karma, mahabharath


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    4th House -Sukha Dukha Asha

    • The fourth ,tenth and seventh bhava are sukha sthanas for a person in a horoscope.
    • These denote special happiness that strike humans .
    • These places if placed well man will be happy .
    • Venus in fourth will give all kinds of wealth and enjoyments all through the life.
    • People with venus in the 10th house are rarely found to be hard working ,but surprisingly the whole world works for them , there is something special about a bhog graha in a karma sthana ,that even he enjoys during work hours too. he exerts very little and yet achieves a lot . People are mad about these personalities and form a subject matter of gossip due to envy.
    • 4 th house especially points to general happiness , venus well placed in this house makes one a happy go lucky . He will be a ashavaadi .[" boss Umeed pe duniya kayam hai" , this will be his mantra]
    • But venus in the seventh house is not preferable as this will not give conjugal bliss due to excessive demands of the person. He will have multiple partners and always unhappy about his marital status.
    • However venus in 4th house gives abundant joys , friendships and a place of admire among relatives.
    • Moon in fourth house gives enjoyments with  a woman in a unfinished house .
    • Mars in such position gives enjoyments in a stable of horse
    • Venus and mars makes one enjoy in a cow shed or buffalo shed.
    • ketu will give a  broken house
    • saturn will give a house made of iron
    • sun that of wood
    • mercury will give modern house.
    • moon with rahu makes one adjust to pleasures in a water pump room.
    • Affliction to fourth house will make one weep in his lifetime
    • If fourth house is polluted then the person will fall prey to schemes by others.
    • If fourth lord is with malefics one will leave hopes and become pessimistic
    • Fourth gives what is known as quality of life , standard of living.
    • Fourth in the rasi indicates external signs of happiness
    • Forth in kalamsa gives internal happiness
    • If fourth lord  is badly placed in kalamsa then however happy his position would reflect ,he will be straining his mind in terms of anger and jealousy and inner fear and sense of loss.
    • On the contrary when fourth lord is ill placed in rasi yet well placed in kalamsa , however unhappy a man seems to be , however unfortunate his position may seem to be , he would be infact making merry all the time in solitude.

    Pandavas lost father at a young age

    • Their births were questioned
    • They grew in jungle
    • They suffered murder attempts every now and then all through youth
    • They were denied a place to live
    • They were insulted
    • They were exiled
    • They wandered from place to place
    • They had to marry in disguise
    • They had to live in a broken house
    • They had to live separately from wives time and again
    • They bore children in anonymity
    • Their children grew without their presence
    • They were always war stricken
    • They faced poverty
    • They faced tough enemies
    • They had to serve others as unknowns .[identity]
    • Lost manliness
    • They were repeatedly spied ,chased and troubled
    • They lost all the children before them
    • They had to kill their own relatives
    • When they got kingdom they had none to share it with , only one grandson  of Arjun survived.
    • They reached swarga by walking entire Himalayas and shedding their bodies[death]during cumbersome journey .
    • All this when HImself Lord was with them by their side.

    Can all this be called misfortunes.? Yet they never complained . Infact Kunti [Pandavas mother] goes onto say ” Oh Krishna give us only miseries every now and then , for it will make us remember you all the time and our miseries will definitely be destroyed by YOU”.

    Kauravas had everything in this world that a soul could wish for

    • Parents fully supportive
    • Royal birth
    • Royal upbringing
    • Royal Guards[ Bheeshma Drona etc]
    • Royal friends [ Karna shishupala etc]
    • Obedient advisor [ shakuni]
    • Kingdom at young age
    • Riches of others easily got
    • Mild and patient opponents
    • Many wives and no separations
    • All relatives supported them [everyone wanted to marry their daughters to these and not pandavas or their sons]
    • Whole world leadership
    • All the world admired and obliged
    • Got everything he wished for[material wishes]
    • When in peak he shared his riches fame and wealth among kith and kin [ 100s in number ]
    • Body immortal except thighs
    • Died in battlefield and went to swarga while gandharvas showered flowers on him and a special aircraft[viman ]arrived to take him.
    • He never acknowledged Krishna as Lord .

    Can this be called Fortunes ? Yet he always complained , He was dissatisfied , He grew jealous day by day . He could never sleep .He spent most of time hitting the statue of BHeema as practice. He was preoccupied by schemes to trouble Pandavas and they always failed. He was extremely unhappy all through his life .Gandhari [mother of kauravas] cursed Krishna that his clan be wiped just as her sons had been wiped out .

    On the contrary Pandavas were as happy as in Moksha and lead a contented life as they never had any desires and were only preoccupied with service to Lord Sri krishna.



    Posted by on January 17, 2009 in Astroanalysis, bhagya, Bhavas, mahabharath



    Rebirth-Justice ShriRamachandra and RamaRajya

    Ramarajya is the best rule ever on the earth by any Emperor. It lasted for 13000 years . Raghupati Raghav Rajaram was the just King ,where in his kingdom everyone knew the interpretation of LAW.Not only humans  but also animals enjoyed rights and went to the court for any misgivings or mishaps. The dharma shastra says miseries to the subjects[praja] is due to the laxity of rule by the King. so every citizen in the tretayuga demanded an explanation from the king for his misfortunes.Men never experienced grief on account of death of children ,Wife never faced any widowhood.No one died before the age of 10000 years .everyone lived full and happy life with all the amenities of life .There were crops all the twelve seasons of the year .It never rained in a non agricultural area and Sun never was too hot . Wind blew with full pleasure of citizens.Trees bore only sweet fruits .Jewels were use of everyday items , utensils were only of gold. All the people were born beautiful and women exhibited complete beauty and youth to the delight of their husbands.In the morning when their blouses got stuck in the ornaments of  husband SUN hesitated to rise ,fearing the disturbance in the conjugal pleasure of the citizens. That was Ramarajya

      This story from RAMAYANA is the crown jewel of episodes during RAMARAJYA.

    Once when Shri Ramachandra the great king in the lineage of Ikshavaku, the avatar of Vishnu was ruling in Ayodhya .One day fa bhikshu [sanyasi] was walking all through the streets for bhiksha[alms] , BUT a great sabha was organised in the palace of  Jagatpati Ram . All the saptarishis and celestial beings and citizens had gathered in the sabha. Owing to it all the streets were empty and Bhikshu could not get any food ,As he was walking in the sun [midday] , he saw a dog lying in his way . Angry with hunger and frustration , he showed his ire on the DOG and hit it with his stick.

    DOG became upset and headed straight to the durbar of ShriRamchandra Prabhu. As it was standing at the gates of the palace , Shri Rama asked LAxman to look if someone has come to ask justice.[Shri Ram did not instruct his servants or gatekeepers dwarpala ,sevak  but he asked Laxman the prince to go and check for himself to ensure anybody is asking for justice] Laxman looked for all the places and did not find anyone and at the gates HE found a dog sitting quietly. He went back and told Shri Ram that except a dog none is there at the gates.

    Shri Rama asked Laxman to bring the Dog inside the Hall . LAxman went to the gates and asked Dog if he had any grievance .Dog replied ” Yes but since I am a dog , I should not enter Rajmahal , as there will always be presence of Devatas in Rajpraasad and houses of holy men , by entering will render it impure and Devatas would leave those places and also good fortunes will leave along with them ,So oh prince kindly take my message to LORD ” . Laxman went back to Lord Ram . Ram instructed Laxman to bring the DOG inside the palace with due respect [ because DOG had the extraordinary sense of dharma and behaviour ,it entitled him to enter Rajpraasad] . Laxman brought the Dog before the Lord Rama.

    Rama asked what is the grievance. Dog with utmost devotion said ” Oh King I seek justice , I was unnecessarily beaten by a BHikshu with no fault of mine whatsoever , it was unwarranted ” Lord Rama summoned the Bhikshu .Bhikshu said ” he was hungry and frustrated and took his ire and anger on the dog ” .

    So in the Sabha of ANGIRASA PULASTYA VASHISTHA VISHWAMITRA GAUTAM  PULAHA AGASTYA ETC  were asked by Ram to give a verdict on the appropriate punishment to the Bhikshu . everybody was surprised and after prolonged deliberation asked Shri Ramchandra to adjudicate the punishment himself.

    Shri Ram declared BHikshu be made the mathadhipati [priest head of institution] of the richest matha [temple] at the outskirts of Ayodhya. Everybody was stumped , is this a punishment or Reward ? saptarishis said this seems to be a reward rather than chastising the BHikshu for wrong doing.

    Shri Ram said verdict should be such that it should bring the feeling of justice being done to the petitioner or aggrieved.So the dog should be the primary one who should be convinced of the verdict .So let us ask if the dog is convinced!

    Dog is delighted at the verdict and expresses its deep gratitude towards Lord RAM. Astonished all the rishis request Lord Ram to explain the reason for such verdict. Lord Ram says” why not hear it from the DOG itself”

    Dog says ” he was the earlier bramhin head priest of that temple in his previous birth . He was very sincere and performing his duties towards the deity in the temple with complete devotion and as per shastras .But still out of some unknown sins he had to take a birth and reborn as dog . This bhikshu does not have control of senses at all , he can neither resist hunger nor anger , thus he is bound to be born as a dog  [owing to the preisthood of the temple ] there cannot be better punishment than this for him”

    The use of donations and gifts and materials given to LORD in a temple by priests will ensure them a rebirth as a dog .

    Everybody applauded the knowledge of the dog and Justice of Raghuvanshi Shri Ramchandra .


    1 Comment

    Posted by on January 16, 2009 in Astroanalysis, bhagya, people and astrology


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    Posted by on January 14, 2009 in mantras, stotra


    Venus -The Bhargava Manmath Mohini

    • Shukra is a planet that encompasses all the emotions of a man on the earth.
    • The Shukracharya [presiding diety for the planet] is a great rishi and exhibits all kinds of knowledge .
    • He is daitya guru . But Param vaishnava.He is first to invent Mrut sanjeevani Vidya [ giving life to dead]
    • Venus is the planet that imparts beauty with lustrous hair .[ Rukmini devi had a beautiful curly hair]
    • Venus also gives warrior like nature.
    • Parashurama is the Vishnu rupa that arises out of Venus .
    • Parashurama killed all the kshatriyas on the earth not once but 21 times . 
    • So Venus is also a violent planet.
    • Venus gives great urge for knowledge because its father is sage Brighu ,the ultimate in knowledge.
    • Without the blessings of Bhrigu no knowledge can be mastered in this world.
    • Venus is known as Bhargav
    • Venus is the most sensuous planet
    • Kaamdev is the manifestation in Venus .one who stirs the heart of the people is known as Manmath
      • People can stay calm and unnerved and controlled when their Mann[mind] is still .
      • When this mind whirls due to churning  [mathan] ,one loses self control and is infatuated and yearns for a mate . The very presence of Manmath ,churns ones heart ,wherecome then the senses listen . Manmath is specially present in darkness of night , on the bosom of a woman , in the vicinity of jasmine ,mango leaves ,full moon night and picturesque view of mountains ,forests ,lakes and gardens. Thus these arouse passion in the man. But even this manmath looses his senses before Rati , who is responsible for this [ of course lord Narayana who is sakshat Manmath Manmath. one who churns the heart of Manmath]
      • But the same Manmath can also become ferocious like Skanda [avatar of Manmath, the great commander of Devatas]
      • Shiva under the influence of Venus mated with Parvati for a 1 lakh year .The retas became so hot and energetic due to prolonged mating that it became golden in colour and Parvati unable to bear it gave it to krittikas , thus ferocious Kartikeya was born.Venus gives rise to Martial nature.
    • Same venus [Manmatha] can be very obedient Bharath .
    • Venus also gives rise to innocence and  Vairagya seen in Bharath ,Sanat kumar , Samba [all avataras of MAnmath]
      • Venus is a poet [Kalidasa]
      • Venus is also an Astrologer [Sahadev].
      • Venus strongly placed in horoscope automatically makes one a good daivagnya [Jyotishi]
      • Kalidasa  in uttarakalamrita says  Venus in saturn antardasa exhibits its virakta swabhava [withdrawal tendencies ]
      • Narada was a great poet but also a virakta.
    • Venus in kendra exalted gives  Mahapurush yoga .
      • Kings born in this yoga are handsome ,great warriors ,excellent administrators , knowledged and excellent singers [ King Vikram of ujjain appeases Shani with rare exposition of Deepak Raga]
    • So Venusians exhibits all the qualities that are there in this world .
    • And no planets gives enjoyments akin to Venus.
    • It gives the great intoxication of the self Ahankara to the Souls due to abundance of joys
    • Shiva is the adhipati for Ahankara ,
    • Shiva is Ashvaththama as Ahankara
    • Venus as learned and Angry in shiva gives Durvasa
    • But same Shiva can be most calm and serene and Viraktha as Shuka muni.
    • Lagnadhipati if weak and aspected by Venus and moon attains sanyasa in the later years of the life.

    During samudra manthan when Amruta came up , Devatas and Rakshasas started fighting for it . But Amrut was meant only for Devatas as per the wishes of Narayana . One who partook Amrut he became immortal and rakshas if immortal would create havoc in the universe. So to delude Rakshasa from Amrut[nectar] Narayana took the Form of Mohini , one of the most beautiful female forms of Narayana , a 16 years damsel who could get everyone yearning for her beauty .

    Rakshasa as they were lechers by nature lost their senses and asked Mohini to distribute nectar for them. Mohini in all her beautiful and youthful peak , suggested that she would feel shy at the peircing glances of rakshas [who could just not take their eyes off her beauty even for blinking] , thus everyone must close their eyes and she would pour the nectar in each one’s palm . Demons agreed and Devatas also agreed.

    So Devatas and Demons formed a row and Mohini out of her maya created two pitchers ,one with original Amrit and other with sweet water . Amrit she gave it to Devatas , just water to Demons , who drank it out of their ill senses.

    Shiva was lying unconscious due to consuming of Poison [halahal]that had just emanated  before Amrit , his neck had become deep blue and thus he came to be known as NEELKANTHa .

    He could not witness the Mohini rupa of Narayan. Having heard the beauty of the Mohini , he pleaded Narayana to show him his beautiful rupa once again. Narayana asked him to come next morning alongwith his wife parvati .

    When Shiva came to Vishnus abode , having a look at the Mohini he lost all his control he just embraced her in passion even when Parvathi was present. Narayana smilingly brings back Shiva into his senses.

    This is the same Shiva who had burnt Manmath to ahses when he tried to disturb the tapasya . But such a controlled Shiva who had won Manmath , lost to the MANMATH MANMATH shriman Narayana.



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    5th House,Siddhi and Arjun – The Savyasaachi

    Siddhi is about executing things faultlessly . consider following scenarios

    • Astrologer A studies a horoscope and mutters some predictions recollecting from the few combination that strikes his mind
    • Astrologer B takes a paper pencil writes down some calculations refers few books and gives better prediction than A
    • Astrologer C has a computer and a very good software of astrology and an online predictive notes , he browses through a series of notes and gives perhaps even better predictions than B
    • Astrologer D looks at a horoscope closes his eyes and then after deep contemplation reveals startling incidents about the person . Every word he says is nodded in affirmation .
    • Astrologer E looks at the person even before he places his natal chart before Dr.E ,E starts smiling telling about the life incidents about the person as if he was visualising the whole thing .

    What’s the difference between these astrologers? each has better siddhi than the previous one

    .A has just  knowledge of astrology , B has deeper knowledge ,C has an aided knowledge ,D has siddhi .E has paroksha .

    The level of expertise is greater in each of them than the previous one. so what is siddhi ?

    • Expertise depends upon the practice of the knowledge .
    • Knowledge that is not practiced is akin to a sword that has lost its sharpness and killer edge .
    • So when one practices his knowledge , knowledge itself offers better understanding to the student.
    • when knowledge is practiced with devotion tools become available to the student.
    • when practiced with zeal , one gets hold of advanced tools and also gets knowledge of its usage.
    • When one’s  mind is in unison with the knowledge by constant such practice with advanced tools one’s dependence on tools vanishes . This is Siddhi
    • When such expertise is put to the use of the mankind as a service to God , one attains the vision of the knowledge. |This is known as paroksha.

    so is all this happening in a mechanical way with only one condition of practice ,practice and practice?Well both YES and NO .

    Yes because  Practice is the important tool to gain siddhi .

    No because it is not the only and sufficient condition .It should be accompanied with the grace of the abhimani devata of the vidya that we are seeking siddhi for.

    What is the devata of Vidya ? Yes every vidya that we seek is presided by a devata . It is the grace of this devata that gives us proficiency .These devata are assisted by Vidhyadharas , these are celestial beings living in the sphere around 50000 yojanas above earth and are assistants of the Devatas. They bestow grace on the student who is relentless in studies. These give blessings just if you make an attempt to study sincerely.So you can get one level of expertise .

    Chanars are another set of celestial beings that grace when one practices hard. These give special tools for upliftment of Vidya to a level of expertise.

    Siddhas are celestial beings living around meru and bless with Siddhi to the devotee who considers his job as worship and practises day and a night .

    All these are under the service of Vidya abhimani Devata ,who when completely satisfied by the relentless abhyasa of the vidyarthi grants him Paroksha [One can also attain siddhi by chanting the mantra of the relevant Devata for the Vidya]

    When one surpasses his devotion he is blessed by Goddess Saraswati to attain Aparoksha , the divine Vision.

    If there is a relationship between lagnadhipati and fifth house then the person will be Medhavi, Pratibhashali . When second lord ,fifth lord and lagna are all powerful and mutually related in kendra simultaneously attains 8 or 9 good amshas then one attains siddhi.

    Arjuna was an ideal student . He was practising day and night Dhanurvidya ,without sleep . He practised to master the use of  the bow and arrow by both the hands [left and right] . Thus he was known as SAVYASACHI . Because of this dedication , Agni gave him GANDEEVA bow[tool] .

    Gandeeva was actually used by Bramha , it was 220 quintals in weight. its string was so strenuous that its recoil would kill a 10000 warriors . it could dispel arrows at a speed 100000 times faster the normal warriors in the battlefield . Thus even before 100000 ordinary warriors could fasten their bows they were killed by the arrows of Arjun from Gandeeva . The arrows appeared automatically and infinitely on the bow string of Gandeeva. It made a thundering sound and lightning when pulled .Its string rejoined automatically when cut and regenerated when slit.

    No human or devata could even lift Gandeeva , Bramha gave this Gandeeva to Shiva to kill Tripurasur , From him it came to Indra and then to Chandra and finally Varuna got it. Now this Arjuna being Indra himself could lift the Gandeeva by the grace of Sri Krishna.

    Arjuna practised Roudri mantra in the dark caves on the INDRAKEEL mountain . There he spent six months without food ,water and sleep  and hence achieved the name GUDAKESHA . Shiva happy with his penace gave him Pashupatastra.

    After Abhimanyu was killed in Padmavyuha due to Jayadrath using his boons . Arjun vowed to kill him before sunset next day or commit suicide by jumping into fire.

    Dronacharya assures Duryodhan that he will specially protect Jayadrath from Arjun . So he creates shakataabja vyuha and  puts Jayadratha at the end of it in the last quarter , appoints Karna and Ashwaththama to specially protect him. He gives Duryodhana aYantra on his wrist to render his invincible in the middle , At the intersection he sets Shrotayudh [ who had a special weapon which would never fail but would kill himself if used on somebody who doesn't fight ]and  Alambusa and HImself stands at the gate and entrance to avoid any lapses .

    Arjuna enters the battlefield and after making a pradakshina to Guru he forces his chariot inside at a lightning speed , He knew if he fights Drona it would be sunset by then , so he takes a peripheral route . soon he is attacked by Alambusa . Ghatotkacha gives him covering and takes on Alambusa in an aerial fight . Soon Arjuna confronys shrotayudh ,they fight a fierce battle , in an ecstacy he throws his weapon on Krishna , as Krishna is non fighting sarathi ,the weapon returns and kill Shrotayudha.

    Duryodhana comes to fight with Arjuna, as Arjuna’s arrows does not hurt Duryodhan due to yantra , Arjuna decides to use astra ,Ashwaththama swiftly intercepts al the astras of Arjuna and both fight a day long battle.

    Karna and Ashwaththama and Duryodhana  one after the other ensures a tough battle with Arjun and sunset draws near . seeing Arjuna’s words go in vain to save him Krishna creates a [TAMAS] by his maya , thus night engulfs everywhere on the battlefield .Ashwaththama and others stop the battle . Arjuna prepares for suicide , Jayadratha elated comes out of tent to witness the suicide of Arjuna. Just as Jayadratha is seen in the open , Shri Krishna orders Arjuna to Kill Jayadrath . Arjuna’s Arrow cuts of the head of the Jayadrath , [But Jayadrath's Father had given him a boon that whoever throws his head down on the earth his head would blow off into thousand pieces] . Shri Krishna advices Arjuna to use Pashupatastra ,in such a way that , Astra releases arrows one after the another keeping the head high in air , till it falls into the hands of Jayadrath’s Father on the banks of river Ganga , where he was observing sandhya . As the head fell on the palm of the father , he suddenly terrified threw it onto the ground and simultaneously his head blew off into thousand pieces. Shrikrishna withdraws tamas and Sun is seen in the sky and every kaurava shook his head in disbelief , Bheemasena roared like a lion, Krishna blew Panchajanya shankha and Arjuna blew Devadutta Shankha[conch] All of the Pandava army knowing Jayadratha to be dead rejoiced , Such was the Vidya siddhi of the Arjuna – Savyasachi .



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    Anadi karma

    • Anadi means that which does not have beginning .
    • We suffer or enjoy due to past karma
    • That means we have done some karma earlier that we are reaping today
    • So in the previous birth ,what were we suffering or enjoying ?our past karma again!
    • so if we go back each janma [birth] we will say it was all but past karma .
    • So are we not getting into infinite regress.
    • Where does this past karma begin.
    • Are there any initial conditions.
    • Who determines these initial conditions.
    • Were they same for each of us?
    • If they were same then why did we all not respond to it in similar way?
    • If at all we had responded similarly , wouldn’t we be all in a same equal position with equal happiness and unhappiness.
    • In that case we would be in a static world.
    • But this is not so ! Not only are we seeing the diverse world and diverse people but also diverse karma.
    • So initial conditions were not the same.
    • Were some initial conditions favourable to some and disadvantageous to others.
    • Then whoever has set these initial conditions he cannot be an impartial entity
    • Is God responsible for These initial conditions? NO.
    • Because God is Impartial.
    • Then is there really something called beginning of karma ? no
    • Because then it would give infinite regress
    • Then what id this beginning of Karma ? Infact it is beginingless karma
    • It is known as ANADI KARMA.
    • It is our linga deha
    • It comes natural as a banana fruit comes with a skin , as grains come with a outer layer.
    • So does soul comes into this world with a natural linga deha ,which sets pretexts to karma.
    • This linga deha [anadi karma] loosens its grip on the soul as the soul goes through the series of experiences good and bad .
    • As it loosens completely it becomes porous enough for the soul to see itself .
    • As soul sees more and more of its self , we call it has enlightened .
    • Finally when it has a dip in Viraja river that separates this universe from Vaikuntha
    • It attains Moksha.

    Shrikrishna says in Bhagavadgeeta while explaining Jnyana Yoga ” I had taught this yoga of Nishkaam karma to Surya[Vivaswan] ,he in turn told it to his son Vivaswat manu .Manu taught it to Ikshvaku and slowly it spread to many rajarshis and other rishis as parampara. Then it lost into ignominy .You are my devotee and childhood friend thus I will reveal this most secret dictum to you.”

    Arjuna says ” Recent is your birth in the time , Surya was born many lakhs of years ago ,then how did you teach him this yoga? “

    Krishna says ” You and I have taken many births already .I remember all of them ,You do not know those auspicious births. I am beginning less and endless .My body and self is without end and enters prakruti through my own will .All my avataras are beginningless and permanent .I only appear with my will ,whenever there is lapse in Dharma and adharma vridhdhi ,to punish the sinner and to uplift the Sadhus and to protect and establish Dharma “




    Posted by on January 9, 2009 in Jyotish, karma, sadhana



    7th House – Chaste Wife -[Pativrata upakhyana]

    • If seventh is hemmed between benefics one will get good wife.
    • If 7th lord 7th house and venus are strong and aspected by jupiter one gets devoted wife.
    • If  sun is aspected by venus or mercury ,and 7th lord with jupiter ,the wife will be chaste and virtuous minded
    • seventh occupying quadrant ,and in a benefic navamsa the wife will be a paragon of chastity.

    Shukamuni once asked his Father Shri VedaVyasa , ” kindly tell me the most interesting and surprising incident in this world that would bring lots of punya having listened to and destroy all the sins”.

    Vedavyasa says”oh son listen to the conversation that once took place between a Bramhachari and a Pativrata

    Once there was a bramhin named Kashyap ,well versed in all the vedas and neeti. He had the clear understanding of all the shastras and the meaning they conveyed, and and imparted it to many.He was completely immersed in his Dharma , performing agnihotra ,pitrukarya atithiseva and meditation of  Lord Narsimha .

    He had a equally pious and very chaste wife named Savitri ,she was very dear to him because on account of  her excellence in household work she had attained the Paroksha Gyana and he was very proud of her.The very brilliant and learned couple lived happily in the Madhyadesha ,in a village named Nandigrama.

    In the vicinity there lived another bramhin named YagnyaSharma ,highly learned in many fields alongwith his wife named Rohini.Excellently qualified Rohini gave birth to a male child to the happiness of the husband, who ,after having a holy bath , performed the jatahasamskara to the child .On twelfth day after the punyavachan ,he named him as “DEVASHARMA”

    in the fourth month he took him a temple as nishkrama samskara ,sixth month he performed annaprashana and by the year end he performed choodakarma. In the eighth year he completed vratabandha. After completing upanayan samskara  ,devasharma without fault started his vedadhyayan . As he completed his first veda, his father died .

    Having lost in grief both mother and son completed the last rites with difficulty , Devasharma in the company of sadhus thought of taking sanyasa and leaving his bereaved mother and after a bath in ganga started living on the banks of the river calmly chanting the japa and vedas. He was living by bhiksha in the nandigrama .

    One day as he was drying his clothes ,two birds caught hold of his clothes in their beak , Devasharma tried to scare them , they after excreting on the clothes flew away , Bramhin gave an angry glance to the two flying birds , both birds burnt down and fell on the ground.

    Devasharma was very surprised at his new found power on account of vedic study.completely arrogant of his power ,he went into the village still in an elated and excited state of mind.  Slowly he came to Savithri’s house and waited for the BHiksha . Savithri readied for the bhiksha just as her husband came by , she setting aside the bhiksha , offered a seat to her husband and washed his feet with warm water , having satisfied her husband ,she came back to Devasharma and offered him bhiksha .

    The delay made devasharma angry and he glanced at her angrily , nothing happened , he glanced at her again and again . Savithri smiled and said ” oh Bramhin of a short tempered nature , I am not those two birds lying dead on the banks of the river ,whom you have burnt down, if you wish for bhiksha kindly take it” .

    Surprised by her ability to know the things that have happened far away from her house ,he started thinking what could have made her amass so much power[shakti] , he after accepting the bhiksha , asked her ,” oh punyavati, kinldy tell me the truth as to how you have the knowledge of things that have happened far away at a distant place from your place of living”

    Savithri said ” Oh bramhin listen to my words carefully ,I am always engrossed in my dharma , For  a woman , service of the husband is only primary dharma[Patiseva] ordained by God . oh intelligent and learned bramhachari , I am completely devoted to my husband and his well being I do this as my duty and worship and do not have interest in any other avocation except the means to make my husband happy .I do not get into any act that is not liked by him or not approved by him.Because of my swadharma nishtha ,i have the power of knowing things happening all over the world without actually having seen or hearing or reading about them.If you like to know sincerely then I have something more to tell you listen”

    ” Your father was excellent bramhin living only by unchhavrutti ,thus he was most purified being ,Having learned from him a Veda and having completed his last rites you have come here. Your mother is alone , unhappy ,miserable and widow , instead of looking after her ,you have deserted her come here to fill your belly daily in this village . One who has taken pains to give you a birth ,raised you , protected you and took care of you in the childhood ,you have shunned such mother in the name of Dharma.

    What Dharma will you gain by deserting your mother drenched in misery and pain of separation of near and dears and roaming in the forests . Since you have ill treated your mother and caused her a pain , you are suffering from bad odour of the mouth .And because you have been taught by a illustrious father ,you have acquired the powers of tapasya. But oh sinner , what have you got by killing the birds unnecessarily .Your Tapasya has no meaning

    • One whose mother is suffering with pain and unhappiness [dukha] ,his life is utterly a waste and purposeless.
    • One who looks after his mother well with bhakti and vishvas[faith sincerity], his all karmas give good results
    • Those excellent among men ,who never transgress mother’s words , are worshipped in this and other worlds.
    • So you immediately go back to your mother and take care of her.
    • This is only the greatest dharma and tapasya for you .

    After being advised thus by Savithri , devasharma  asked her to forgive him and further insisted on telling her about ” what should constitute his future course of action”

    Savithri said” First go and protect your mother from succumbing to grief , Perform prayashchitta for killing the two birds and purify yourself . In the next street there is a bramhin named yagyasharma , his daughter will be your wife . If you go to him he will give his daughter’s hand to you in marraige. Live with her according to the dharma , you will beget a son worthy of your family. You will also live like your father by unchchavratti . After your wife would die ,you would take tridandi sanyasa . Having ordained in the yati ashrama and treading truthful path and prayer to Shri Narsimha , you would attain Vishnu Loka. If you believe in my words ,kindly go back to your mother”

    Devasharma expressing gratitude towards the PATIVRATA ,hurriedly went back to his mother and having lead life as predicted by Savithri attained MOKSHA.

    For a Man born on the earth protecting once mother is the greatest dharma and duty [ paramdharma ] One who follows and treads  this path of the Dharma , he will cut off the tree named samsara ,an  imprisonment due to avidya and agyana  and attain SHRI VISHNU LOKA ,thus said Vyasa to Shuka as per Sutas words to Bharadwaj .



    Posted by on January 8, 2009 in Bhavas, karma, people and astrology


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