2nd House – Truth Lies And Yudhisthira

  • When second lord and second house is not tenanted by a malefic ,if second lord is in kendra trikona man will always speak truth.
  • If second lord is in the rasi of Saturn or mars with malefic in kendra or trikona ,one will speak lies.
  • If second house and second lord both are with malefics then certainly the native is a liar.

What is Truthful words ?

Shri Krishna says ” Truth is not about saying things as it exists ,as it is seen and heard.” once there was a Bramhin , who never spoke a lie. one day certain bandits were chasing a group of villagers . These villagers came and took shelter in the Bramhins house. Bandits also came by , they asked Bramhin has he seen villagers and where are they? Bramhin showed them the place. The bandits killed all the villagers. Bramhin went to hell. Hell for saying truth. thus

“Na bruyath satyam apriyam” never speak truth that has ill consequences and not dear to good people .

Yudhisthira was the most truthful person on the earth. His chariot was four angul[inches] higher in space during war. This was because he never transgressed Dharma on all four quarters. Krishna asks him to utter a lie that Ashwatthama had died , Yudhisthira refuses to say a lie , Bheemasena kills an elephant named Ashwatthama , and asks his brother to say now Ashwatthama has died ,you can say so. Yudhisthira says Ashwatthama died , and slowly utters the words ‘Elephant’ !

[ his chariot comes down by one angul] why? Surprises Yudhisthira looks at Bheema for explanation .

Bheema says

Speaking truth and all other Dharma are primarily to please God . They independently don’t hold any special place .[or meaning] ,By refusing God’s order you have transgressed Dharma ,thus your chariot has come down

. There is no bigger dharma than following Lord’s dictum.



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Ascendant – Qualities of Individual

Ascendant is the sign rising in the east ,at the time of birth. Ascendant determines the qualities of an individual.

  • When aspected by benefics one will have beauty and happiness of the body.
  • when tenanted by benefics ,one will have bodily beauty.
  • When moon is conjunct benefics , one will be beautiful.
  • when moon is aspected by benefics ,one will be beautiful.
  • when in good bhavas, one will be righteous.
  • Jupiter or venus in kendras will make one righteous

Pandu wanted a son who would justly rule the world. Thus he asked Kunti to pray Dharmaraj[Yama] to bestow a son by his grace who would be Just and righteous.Thus Yudhisthira was born.

Again at the end of the year Pandu thought ,it will just be not enough to be good and righteous ,one requires strength to save oneself from the enemies , thus he asked Kunti to pray the most powerful in the universe to bestow son. Lord is most powerful ,after him Lord vayu is most powerful ,thus Kunti prayed Vayu to bestow her a strong son. Bheema was born. as she was holding him[child] on the peak of a mountain[shatshrunga] ,the child slipped , mother was in a state of shock ,but Lo! as the child fell on the mountain ,it broke it pieces [such was the strength of Bheema ,even as a child] ,now it rightly justified its shatashrunga[mountain with hundred peaks owing to cracks.]

Pandu again contemplated , when enemy attacks ,Bheema may save him from external aggression , on an expedition, other enemies might attack the land ,hence there has to be one more strong warrior son to save the land during such times. Now Vayu was the most powerful , he has already been approached , Kunti cannot call him again[ as per the boon of Durvasa], after Vayu , Garuda shesha and Rudra are powerful , Garuda does not take birth on earth[as principle] , Shesha and Rudra are very hot tempered personalities ,thus it would not be wise to have such sons. So next in line is INDRA , so Kunti prays Indra to bestow a son ,thus Arjuna is born.

Pandu now wished to have more sons ,but this time a handsome one, with bodily felicity. Kunti refused ,just as previous requests were justified for the sake of kingdom , this one was purely personal and did not justify the niyog process of obtaining a son.So Pandu insisted on giving the devavashikarana mantra to Madri , Kunti gave upadesha to Madri with a condition that she could use it only once [ because if she had more sons than her ,then they may engage in mutual fight] .Madri wanted two sons and hence thought to call Ashwini twins to get two sons in one stroke. thus Nakul and Sahadev were born .They were extremely beautiful.

Bheema and Arjuna were also beautiful[handsome] but their bodies were extremely hard and well toned . Probably people consider only tender bodies to be handsome and beautiful in the world.Beauty is of two types 1. inner beauty of qualities,beauty of mind[suniti] and external beauty of features.

Nakul was very handsome [beauty of body] and Sahadeva was extremely noble  with expertise in neetishastra[beauty of mind].

  • All women like people who are noble .[Sahadev]
  • Women like people who have good features more than noble persons. [Nakul]
  • Women like truthful people more than men with beauty.[Yudhisthira]
  • Women like dynamic ,brilliant, successful people more than truthful men[Arjuna]
  • Women like well built , intelligent saviour men more than anything else in this world[Bheemasena].

Thus Bheema was most liked by Both Krushnaa[Draupadi] and Krishna[Lord Vishnu].



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5th House – MantraSiddhi

  • Fifth house indicates Mantras earned by the Native.
  • Fifth lord in swanavamsha unaspected by malefics in mriduamsha gives mantra siddhi
  • Jupiter in own navamsha in gopuramsha gives mantra siddhi
  • Two malefics in trikona from Karakamsha gives Mantra siddhi
  • If these combinations are aspected by benefics ,mantras will be used for benefit of mankind
  • if aspected by malefic ,they will be used to destroy or terrorise people.
  • Mars when associated with mantra conferring planet gives killing power.[maran vidya praveen]
  • Mercury thus associated gives ability to carry out black magic.
  • Rahu gives expertise in energising chemicals through mantras.
  • Ketu employs kxhudra articles in rituals.

Mantra means one that is secret.

  • Mantra also means secret advise.
  • Mantra is also a consultation.
  • Mantra is one that nourishes the mind.
  • Mantra is one which cleanses the mind.
  • Mantra gives the desired .
  • Mantra which is recited without knowing the chandas ,rishi,devata and nyasa , reduces longevity.
  • Mantra recited without gurupadesha ,brings hell to the native after losing all wealth.
  • Mantra siddhi is obtained when Guru gives upadesha with complete satisfaction to a disciple on a eclipse day through abhisheka of mangal dravyas by the river side or agni or in a secret place .
  • Mantra without proper nyasa restrains itself .
  • Mantra when dissipated into body is self destructive.
  • Mantra which are locked ,if recited even for a crore times does not give results.
  • Mantra which have been themselves cursed , does not give results to the native even if it  is recited million times.
  • Mantra which are cursed have to be processed with shapvimochan kriya to obtain results .
  • Shapvimochan kriya is another mantra that had to precede it before activating.
  • without its knowledge no mantra gives result.
  • Mantra recited without giving rishi tarpana ,reduces wealth of the native .
  • Mantra reciting without knowing dhyana shloka of the devata brings insanity.
  • Mantra recited with anger destroys the near and dear of the natives.
  • Mantras recited with impurities of body and mind[dehashuddhi] brings misfortunes like theft to the native.
  • Mantras recited sitting on a plain ground ,near ocean etc brings downfall of the self.
  • Mantras recited without performing homa to the deity brings diseases.
  • Most popular mantras are locked.
  • All veda mantras are [tirroddhan]covered ,by heavy sheath which blocks its radiance. it has to be superlit[uddipan] to obtain results.
  • These have been carried out by Devatas ,since in Kaliyuga people easily given to anger and greed [by nature],thus use of mantras have been defferred in kaliyuga.[They do not give results].
  • Yet some secret mantras have been extraordinarily lit by ShriKrishna to give results in Kaliyuga.
  • Only these mantras give results.

Continuous chanting increases Taposiddhi.

After Pandavas lost Dyut , Duryodhan and brothers ,teases them a lot, asks his servants to snatch their clothes. Attempts to disrobe Draupadi . He asks her to leave Panadava and live with him in his house, orders her to be forcefully taken to his house. Bheemasena readies to attack them , Dhrutarashtra sees all kinds of Apshakun in Homashala , asks  Vidura , what are the results of this Apshakun . Vidura says your sons are going to die very soon by the siddhi of Draupadi. He asks for remedy , Vidura says give her boons.Drutarashtra asks her to take boons, Draupadi asks for release of her husbands from slavery.

Dyut was played a second time for Vanavas.

All Pandavas look downwards during the entire proceedings. WHY?

Not because they were ashamed ,but because their anger in eyes would have burnt the Kauravas . The anger in the eyes of tapasvi is always mixed with his Taposiddhi . This can kill  the perpetrator of Sin towards these . EXCEPT BHEEMA, all others did not have capacity to seperate anger from siddhi. Thus all kept their gage downwards. Dhoumyacharya [Purohit of Kuru vansha] recited Pretasukta denoting death to KAURAVAS.


Note: Duryodhana had siddhi of 3 thousand Kshudra mantras which he never used [lest their power would reduce] ,preserved them to use at a time on Bheemasena to kill HIM. Thus Krishna specially advised other Four Pandavas to stay away from him [None of them could have killed him]. Bheemasena had siddhi of 9 crore mantras. On the last day Duryodhana hid inside the river in the middle in the water by jalasthamaban siddhi. There he was performing a very rare secret sadhana , which  if completed would have brought back to life all the soldiers dead in the war again. He could have started Mahabharath all over again.

Thus his plans were foiled by Krishna ,who instigated him to stop his sadhana and come up to fight. Sadhana stopped in middle brings definite disaster.Yudhisthira offered him a choice to choose between 5 of them to fight and win back kingdom [ A folly for which he was taken severely to task by Krishna] Krishna induces Duryodhnans’ mind to choose Bheema only through his maya.Bheemasena killed Suyodhan and thrust his head into the ground under his heels. Balarama objected to such killing ,devatas welcomed Suyodhana to Swarga for dying in battlefield and washing feet of Durvasa [the only punya performed]. Bheema the greatest ended the evil with his Might single handedly reciting Vrushabha sukta and offering it as a service to Sri Krishna.


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Posted by on December 25, 2008 in Astrology and purana, karma, sadhana, yogas


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5th House -Poorvapunya

What is poorva punya?

A man when attains a age of 14 years ,everyday [each day] he performs karma ,which can be exhausted by enjoying or suffering in next 10 births.That means it takes 10 births to exhaust a days karma performed after the age of 14. thus in a life time a man performs karma that would make him take 2 lakhs of  of births if he lives for 65 years. Then in every next birth he would again amass these karma , thus backlog of karma to be exhausted piles up , in few initial births itself ,it assumes a form of mountain. This is sanchita karma. Of these sanchita karma some are punya and some Papa and some mishra.

This Punya is known as Poorva Janma punya .this is denoted by 5 th house in astrology. whenever fifth house lord operates , this punya assumes role and gives happiness to the native. Thus 5th house is very auspicious and any association with 5th house lord or bhava ,gives immense happiness due to that factor.

When malefics or debilitated planet aspect fifth house or lord, it is said there is loss of poorva punya.What is meant by loss of poorva punya?

on a plain terms loss of punya means loss of a chance to enjoyment that was destined to come. This missing of a chance to enjoy benefits can be as a loss to win over a maid, win a competition or lottery or a election.When such loses occur on account of forced mistakes , it can be understood that there has been a loss of poorva punya.

When suddenly a bad incident occurs amidst good days ,cutting short a good run of successful stint, it can be recorded as loss of poorva punya.

Poorva punya is lost by vrata bhanga, hurting elders, abusing elderly, ill treating parents, bringing frown in parents minds, guru’s mind,bramhins,teachers,and vaishnavas.Cursing the one who is unblemished also destroys poorvapunya.

Curse in general reduces poorva punya.quality of poorva punya determines efficacy of a curse given by an individual. If a poorvapunya is not operating , then one’s curse will not take effect. Similarly a good wishes also reduces poorva punya , they take effects immediately if there is poorvapunya operating, else they will take off in another realm of time.

Sometimes poorvapunya becomes unwanted to Jeevanmuktas , thus they would like it to be destroyed [ as they do not want it to become a reason for a birth again on the earth].

Dyut Krida was not played on account of misfortune of Yudhisthira [ it was not the result of sins of previous birth of Yudhisthira] , it was played to reduce the poorva punya of Yudhisthira [ on his own will] , thus causing distress to his brothers and wife , which reduced his Punya .



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4th House-Maya Sabha

If ninth lord is in kendra ,and fourth lord and fourth house are exalted one will get very strange and beautiful Palace to dwell.

Mayasabha was built by Maya for Pandavas in Khandav forest , which then became Indraprastha.Maya Sabha was very mysterious beautiful palace . It had all kinds of surprises , and novelty to put into bewilderment visitors. It created illusions through architectural marvel.

Pandavas after completing Rajasooya yagnya were all seated on a throne in the darbar at Indraprastha. Yudhisthira was seated along with Krishna and his wives. And all others were seated and enjoying the moment which was no less than Narayana sabha with Bramha and others.

Duryodhana also wanted to join , so outside the hall he was looking for a door to enter. Door as such was present and was studded with Indraneel mani which emanated a brilliant light which had covered the door rendering it to be invisible due to thick light of Indraneel mani. just by the side of it was a wall of sphatik which was made to be see through . thus all the proceedings in the hall was visible ,and due to translucence it appeared as a door.Duryodhana tried to enter through it and smashed his face into the wall. Yudhisthira sent Sahadeva to personally escort him to sabha. where he was seated for a few minutes but unable to bear the grandeur of Pandavas ,bitten by jealousy made his way out.

On his way he found a beautifully carved pond emanating jalaneel mani light and in the centre was a  lotus made of celestial ruby ,thus whole craft resembled a pond , Duryodhan lifted his clothes to avoid getting wet while stepping on to it ,but could not find any water there . Just as he stepped further  there was actually a pond which had rubies manis fitted at the bottom and covering entire water to give a reddish hue of floor  and paints of flowers and designs from other emeralds and sapphire. This Duryodhana stepped and slipped into the pool.

Everyone in the sabha had  a hearty laugh except Yudhisthira ,who offered him new dry clothes brushing aside ,Duryodhan went away angrily . There with Shakuni he expressed , that he was extremely sad at the opulence of Pandavas, if only he had strength and capability he would have snatched it there by force , but These Pandavas have defeated Indra himself , thus it is not possible to defeat them in war . But after today’s insult he felt his being alive as futile  , So uncle Shakuni ,I want to bring tears into the eyes of these Pandavas ,especially Bheema ,who is dear to both Krishna and Krushnaa[Draupadi] ,by snatching their wealth and opulence. suggest some way so that I can get a reason to live.

Shakuni suggested a game of dice with which he can deceitfully gain the Kingdom of Indraprastha.Thus the Kali was inspired to unfold the dirtiest plot of the time Dyut Krida in Mahabharath.


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Posted by on December 23, 2008 in Astrology and purana, Jyotish, yogas


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Swamsha Results- Pandava Vanavasa

When A planet is in own Navamsha or vargottama, ,the results if benefic will be experienced to full , if malefic the result will be reduced in effect ,sometimes fully nullified. So it is always better to have planets well placed in Navamsha and trimshamsa rather than Rasi. For a women trimshamsa and Navamsha results are more pronounced. SITADEVI HAD ALL THE PLANETS EXALTED IN NAVAMSA.

Pandavas went to exile , popular notion is of pandavas in valkal clothes ,making their way alone through thick forest ,as along with Draupadi and five brothers. Wrong.

There were 10000 sanyasis [yati] .88000 grahasthas ,each had 30 dasa dasis .nearly a crore people were always with Yudhisthira all through his Vanavasa[exile] . He was worried about their food and other necessities. Thus Yudhisthira prayed Surya and got AkshayaPatra ,which could feed everyone till Draupadi ate .So when all had eaten Pandava brothers except Yudhisthira ate and then Yudhisthira ate ,and lastly Draupadi ate. Yudhisthira was donating 20 kg’s of Gold everyday. Whole  day was spent in the discussion on Spiritual topics and discourses by holy men and a sumptuous meals with fearless dwelling due to protection from worlds mightiest Bheema and Arjuna. [can this be called exile] he had virtually a kingdom of his own even in exile. it was a dwelling that could put to shame greatest of cities.

Of the 12 years exile , a year in Indrakeel parvat to amass astras, 5 years were spent by Arjuna in Swargaloka by the side of INDRA[ where he spew the advances of Urvashi] . Bheema and others spent  four years in the  gardens of city of KUBERA in the gandhamadan parvat .Last four years together all the six spent on MERU parvat with Bramha  and others .Last year[13th] was spent in matsya desha in Virat raja’s Palace in disguise.

Thus even in exile these lived as royally as ever. with no touch of sadness[natural yogis as they were by the grace of Krishna] . All this is the blessing of a shubha amsha planets. They ensure happiness even in bad phase. Rightly it is said that Pandavas were as happy as in mukti even in Vanavasa.



Efforts : Bheema and Yudhisthira-A dialogue

Bheema was the greatest Pandava. He was the main hero of Mahabharath . Bheema was extremely intelligent , knowledged and foremost in Dharma and most dearest to Krishna [more than Arjuna]  . Yudhisthira was eldest among Pandavas .He had a fetish for worldly Dharma only.

Yudhisthira while in exile[Vanavasa] in forest , had almost become a recluse and withdrawn personality. He had more or less given up the desire to get back his Kingdom , and planned to spend rest of his life in the forest. Bheema knew this was against Kshatriya Dharma.He sent Draupadi to inspire Yudhisthira to gear up for a war against Kauravas ,in case they refuse to return their Kingdom[which was eventual given the nature of Kauravas] .

Draupadi said” Oh King ,it is not a Dharma to let the criminals go free ,for they should be punished and this is the duty of a King.”

Dharmaraj said ” Man suffers by the will of the GOD , Kauravas have not insulted on their own without the will of the LORD , lest it is not right to keep a revengeful attitude towards them , Forgiveness is the best quality needed , moreover a war with Kauravas means ,killing Bheeshma and guru Drona ,Kripa etc which is completely adharma and full of Sin. Please do not inspire me towards such heinous act , there is nothing wrong living rest of the life as hermits here. Be in your limits as wife and woman .”

seeing Yudhisthira adamant and melancholic, Bheema the wisest added” oh king , Listen to my words carefully

  • It is right both good and the bad are under the control of the GOD
  • But it is also true that a soul has to make efforts  .
  • It is the efforts according to which a fruits are given by the Lord.
  • Know this efforts to be also under the control of this LORD.
  • one must make efforts[prayatna] to please God.
  • Efforts should be in accordance with the law laid down by the God.
  • Kshatriya should punish those who are against the laid down Law.
  • those who steal others property ,wife,kingdom,and wealth
  • those who kill people for the sake of wealth
  • those who trouble other innocents without any purpose
  • All these are known as atatayis
  • There is no sin in killing these atatayis
  • even if one surrenders ,if he has commited those heinous crimes ,he must still be killed
  • however this time he must be killed through one’s servants and not by self [king].
  • Kauravas are atatayis , there is no sin in killing them through war.
  • whatever is lost by giving to a woman [ while being taken away by her beauty] , in a gambling ,and whatever given out of fear can always be taken back.there is no sin in it.
  • So make efforts towards war , without your permission we cannot wage war.
  • One gets fruits due to action
  • Action is dependent on
  • Yogyata[Capacity]
  • anadi poorva Karma[past merits,horoscope]
  • prayatna [efforts]
  • Yogyata is determined by the will power[Hatha]
  • Poorva janma karma is in accordance with the Yogyata
  • Prayatna follows the poorva karma.
  • All the three are under the control of God
  • but we must always do karma with prayatna
  • Prayatna should be full and sincere , as per the shastra
  • When there is complete proof of a action in accordance with all the three pramanas
  • efforts should be made towards the object as laid in shastra.
  • when one of the pramanas conflicts the stronger pramana should be adhered to , but efforts should still be made irrespective of consequences . It is only the efforts that qualifies the action to a fruit [phala].”
  • listening to this discourse Yudhisthira finally agrees to wage a war and Thanks his brother to have got him into the right Path.

    Likewise Bheema is the Vayu present as breath in all of us , inspiring us to do the  right karma , efforts is the only way with which we can show gratitude to this Jeevottama[ the greatest among the souls].



    Interpreting strengths- Graha Bala

    Planets are considered strong in various ways in different circumstances.

    1. A planet by just being in good houses is declared strong when analysing effect revealing capability of the planet.
    2. A planet when analysing to deliver auspicious results can be considered strong over others if it is vargottama.
    3. A planet when differentiating between two aspects , delivers stronger results if in own navamsa or mitra navamsa
    4. A planet to give exemplary results can be considered for strength only when exalted .
    5. A planet if considered for magnanimity of results becomes strong only by occupying vaisheshika amsa only.
    6. A planet is strong to deliver effort only when it is retrograde or with moon.
    7. A planet will dominate if it has strength in saptavargaja bala.
    8. A planet will deliver[ results of amsas]in proportion to half its strength of saptavargaja bala .
    9. In both above cases saptavargaja bala is multiplied by planetary anka due to exaltation or debilitation etc placements
    1. for ex. planet gets 60 ,45,30,15,8,4,2,1,0 ankas in rasi and amsas etc for exaltation to debilitation.
    2. This anka is multiplied by the saptavargaja bala.
    3. that means if a horoscope 1 has  fifth saturn exalted in rasi chart with shadbala of 3 rupas his effects will be 60X3 =180
    4. if horoscope 2 has fifth saturn in own house in rasi chart with shadbala of 8 rupas ,his effects will be          30X 8=240
    5. The horoscope 2 will have more happiness of fifth house than horoscope 1 even though horoscope 1 has exalted saturn
    6. similarly when such position occur in navamsa effects will be 60X3/2 =90 . this much will be effect of navamsa, trimasamsa etc.
    7. now if a planet gives one result in rasi chart say seventh house , its anka X bala = y;  and same seventh house result in navamsa is comes to be 2y then navamsa result will prevail rather than rasi if two marriages are predicted in navamsa and one in rasi , than person will have two marriages only even if rasi is not showing any signs of it. contrarily if rasi is poweful only one marriage will take place , however the other one will end up as affair[ not shown in rasi].
    8. Thus horoscope results should not be declared purely on rasi chart.
  • When many people take part in the race , some end up 3rd …….10 th 11 th ……. last .These results are due to 1/4 , 1/2 aspects.
  • Sometimes a sportsman does well in particular country and fails in other , this is because of digbala in that direction.
  • A particular day also happens to be good because of digbala.
  • We always get saved at the nth moment in a crisis , this is due to aspect of the benefic.
  • However things go wrong , we come out unfazed , the planet is well placed in amsas
  • We are happy with whatever little we have , so all the planets are in kendra.
  • krishnarpana.

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    Posted by on December 20, 2008 in Jyotish, people and astrology


    When Death Nears!

    • Supreme God Pradyumna as present in the eye is present in Aditya.
    • Pradyumna present in the eye and Aniruddha in heart are one and the same.
    • Aniruddha in the heart and Pradyumna in Aditya are also one.
    • When these leave the body ,some indications occur to the individual:
    1. The sun is seen like a moon
    2. Sun’s rays are not visible
    3. sky looks red like manjishtha
    4. the bottom of the body [payu] opens up
    5. The head swells like a nest of crow and foul smell emanates
    6. This indicates death is nearing ,one should perform deeds ,that would be helpful in the other world.
    1. visible indications of nearing death are:
    2. one sees hole in the sun
    3. sees his shadow broken into pieces
    4. sees in the mirror one’s head upside down
    5. pupil of the eye seems to fall off
    6. one does not see white patches when his eyes are pressed
    7. on pressing the ear ,one does not hear the sound of burning fire or arrival of chariot
    8. seeing fire as blue as peacock neck
    9. seeing lightning without clouds
    10. Unable to see a lightning among clouds
    11. earth burning
    12. suns rays among thick clouds
    13. one must realise death is nearing ,when in dreams viz
    1. seeing a person with black teeth
    2. being beaten by such a person
    3. being beaten by boar
    4. being attacked by monkey
    5. being carried by storm
    6. eating and vomiting gold
    7. eating honey cake
    8. eating stalks of lotus
    9. holding a lotus on the head
    10. riding a sleigh drawn by donkeys
    11. taking a black cow and calf southwards wearing red garland
    12. these dreams are inauspicious ,

    offer homa with ratrisukta ,eat homa sesha .



    Posted by on December 19, 2008 in Jyotish, karma, sadhana, yogas



    Planetary results

    1. Planets give results according to the vimsopaka bala.
    2. Planets give results also according to its distance from the sun.
    3. Vimsopaka bala is sum of strength on account of panchdha maitri in shodash varga .
    4. It is normalized on a scale of 20 .
    5. anything above 15 points gives extraordinary results
    6. lesser gives ordinary results.
    7. results proportionately increase if away from the sun .
    8. Planets away from the sun are brightest.
    9. so a result will carry brilliance and be noticed by others only when planet is farthest from sun.
    10. When nearer to sun , the planet’s brilliance is overshadowed by Sun and hence technically planet is invisible so are the results.
    11. Closer to sun Planet gets astangata [combust], this is kopa avastha.
    12. results are frustration on account of underperformance ,underachievement .This is inspite of having talent promised by vimsopaka bala.
    13. Contrarily when farthest from sun, planet is retrograde ,is brightest and hence even if planet has scant strength ,owing to retrogression ,it is visible and noted by the people and appreciated.[a launch of son of superstar , even if film flops he is promoted and made to take note of]
    14. retrogression also increases chesta bala, ie much efforts are made to get success.
    15. Normal planets give results by the rule of three.[trirashika]




    Posted by on December 17, 2008 in Jyotish, stars, yogas


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