Astrology and Mantra Shastra-2

  • Mahendra and varun mandal nakshatras are best for sthamban,mohan and vashikaran .
  • jyeshta,uttarashadha,anuradha , rohini are mahendra mandal
  • uttarabhadrapad,moola,shatabhishaga ,poorvabhadra,ashlesha are varun mandal
  • vahni mandal and  vayu mandal are suited for vidweshan and ucchatan .
  • swati,hasta,mrugashira,chitra,uttaraphalguni,pushya,and punarvasu are vahni mandal
  • ashwini bharani,ardra,dhanishta,shravana,makha,vishakha,kruttika,poorvaphalguni,revati are vayu mandal.
  • divide a day into four parts,
  • vashikarana in first part
  • uchchatan
  • shanti
  • marana during sandhya
  • stambana in simha ,vrishchika lagna
  • uchchatana in karka tula
  • vashya in mesha , kanya dhanu meena shanti pushti ,shatrunivaran
  • when faced with danger any time can be chosen for the karma.
    • Mantras are of different types
    • pallav
    • yojana
    • rodha
    • naam
    • samput
    • vidharbh
  • mantras are again of three types
    • stree
    • purush
    • napumsaka
  • agneya
  • soumya
  • when breath is in left nostril, mantra is supta
  • when in right nostril, it is jagrut.
  • padmasana for pushti
  • swastikasana for shanti
  • kukutasana and bhadrasan  vashya
  • vikatasana for stamban
  • ardhsthapanparshinikasan for maran
  • ardhswastikasan for uchchatan
  • krishnarpana

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    Posted by on December 17, 2008 in Jyotish, karma, sadhana



    Astrology and Mantra Shastra -1

    There are nine crores mantras in the world which could give various amazing results to the one who has siddhi. Hanuman has siddhi of all the 9crores mantras.Hanuman never uses any mantras not even to save himself from astras. He is shuddha Bhagavat .He never does any sakaam karma [only nishkaam karma]. Ordinary people resort to Mantras to obtain desired fruits.There are three crores satvik mantras,3 crores rajas mantras and 3 crores tamas mantras.

    Different tantras are

    • Panchratra,brahmayamal,rudrayamal,shambhav,jamal,kalottar,
    • kakul,rajtantra,uddisha,batul,siddhayogeshwari,maul,siddha,
    • shabar,swacchanda,malini,bhutdamar,apara etc.different sadhanas are,
    • shatkarma,koutuk,indrajaal,chetika,anjan,paduka,gutika etc vidyas.

    Shatkarma are

    1. shanti [rati devi] – ritual to calm/appease diseases,misfortunes etc
    2. vashikarana [vani] – ritual to attract people
    3. sthambana [rama] – ritual to immobilize
    4. vidweshan [jyeshta] -ritual to create hate
    5. ucchatan [Durga] – ritual to evacuate
    6. maran [Bhadrakali] – ritual to give death blow.

    following tithis give success to shatkarmas.

    • 2,3,5,7 tithis wed,thu,fri and monday are best for shanti
    • 10,11,15,9,1st tithi , sun,friday for akarshan
    • saturday/sunday+poornima best for vidweshan
    • saturday+6,14,8th for ucchatan[evening]
    • krishna 14,8,15 +sat.tue sunday for marana
    • wed,monday+5,10,poornima for sthamban
    1. when benefics are rising ,shanti and pushti karma are successful
    2. malefics are rising ,sthamban,vidweshan etc .
    3. In mrutyu yoga marana will be successful.
    4. vishti vyatipata vidweshan ,uchchatan will be successful.

    there are 51 syllables in sanskrit.This forms matrukadevi. mantras are formed from these . Mantras from these syllables cause fear in three worlds.

    1. one syllable[ekakshar] mantra is known as kartari
    2. suchi
    3. mudgar
    4. musal
    5. krur
    6. shrankhal
    7. vrukach
    8. shool
    9. vajra
    10. shakti
    11. parashu
    12. chakra
    13. kulish
    14. narach
    15. bhushundi
    16. Shodashakshari mantra  is known as padma

    stamban is easily achieved through vajra ,maran by bhushundi,shanti pushti by padma,vidweshan by parashu etc.

    Men when recite mantras with desire ,they get fulfilled.



    Posted by on December 16, 2008 in Jyotish, stars



    Panchsiddhanta: 5 Principles for Analysis of Horoscope

    Th five basic principles in study of horoscope are

    1. Graha sheela [nature of planets] siddhanta
    2. Karakatva [ significators] siddhanta
    3. Nakshatra siddhanta
    4. Vargottama siddhanata
    5. Adhipatya Siddhanta


    Graha nature is described by

    • form
    • temperament
    • satva rajas tamas guna
    • Direction
    • age
    • rays
    • indications
    • strength
    • grains for dana
    • stones


    • chara karakatvam [atma ,amatya etc]
    • sthira karakatvam

    Nakshatra siddhanta

    • janma ,sampat etc
    • 3,5,7 are malefics from janmatara
    • planet in 8 th will give good only if strong
    • planet in 9th will give only good

    Vargottama siddhanta

    • Shadvarga strength be determined from rasi,hora,drekkana,navamsa dwadasamsa and trimsamsa
    • 60,45,30,15,8,4,2,1,0 are the strengths for ucchadi till neecha planets
    • planets also give results as per deepta ,swastha,……….khala,neecha,kopa avasthas

    Adhipatya siddhanta

    planets owning different bhavas give different results in the bhavas they are placed , as per the ownership .planets also take the role of bhavakarakas such as jupiter is karaka for ninth house ,second house etc.Planets give results as per upachaya and apachaya placements . aspects or association with trika gives annihilation .Kendra kona placements give strength. malefics in chaturasra destroy,the karakatva. two benefics in kona removes all the blemish.



    Posted by on December 15, 2008 in Jyotish, yogas



    Upagrahas in astrology

    1. Dhooma   [Sun + 133'20]
    2. Vyatipata [Dhooma + 53'20]
    3. Parivesha [Vyatipata + 180] Parivesha is also called as Paridhi.
    4. Chapa       [Paridhi  - 53'20]  Chapa is also called as Indra Dhanus
    5. Dhwaja     [Chapa + 16'40]   Dhwaja is also called as Upaketu or Sikhi
    6. Gulika       A day divided into eight portions ,eighth is gulika
    7. Pranapada  [Pranapada varies with the birth time . birth time /15 +sun] if it is in 2,5 9 ,10,11,4 from lagna ,person born is auspicious else inauspicious.

    These are all upagrahas ,aprakash graha they can never be conjuct Sun ,however they can afflict sun ,moon or ascendant.

    • when with sun ,native’s dynasty will not grow.[loss of sons]
    • when with moon natives’ knowledge will be destroyed[mental afflictions]
    • when with ascendant one’s longevity is afflicted.[short life is indicated]
    1. the portions of Sun in a day is known as Kala
    2. the portions of Mars in a day is known as Mrityu
    3. the portions of Mercury in a day is known as Ardhaprahar
    4. the portions of Jupiter in a day is known as Yamagantaka
    5. the portions of Saturn in a day is known as Gulika


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    Posted by on December 13, 2008 in Jyotish, stars


    Ketu in Astrology

    Ketu is a mysterious planet in astrology.It is the body of the dragon(saimhikeya).Ketu is also a sarpa.Ketu is theplanet which gives mysterious results ,it keeps the matter in abeyance on all the issues concerned with it.
    Ketu when in malefic rasi gives extreme difficulties. Associated with every planet it delays stubbornly every matter it giverns through that planet. At the same time ketu is chief of thieves when placed advesely in navamsa . I
    t brings about deadly poisoning in navamsa ,when ill placed from karkamsa.Ketu also indicates mechanical engineering if placed well. It brings about courage and piousness. People with ketu in lagna invariably convert their weakness into forte.
    Ketu gives troubles of the kind never understood , hence bends the mind philosophically and leads to Moksha.


    Posted by on December 10, 2008 in Jyotish



    Rahu in Astrology-1

    Rahu is quiet dreaded in astrology , it is the dragon head , hwich gives malefic results in the house it occupies.Rahu is the sarpa , rahu is the smoky tamograha,Rahu is the aprakash graha.

    Many theories suggest they are just a points. But shastra give it a dimension and presence in the physical form in the surya mandal.

    Rahu kala is also feared a lot , but works of conspiracy and robbery and poisoning are most effective during Rahu kala. Infact marriages for europeans and other african  nationals bear very good results if performed in rahu kaala. rahu kala is effective in the areas Rajasthan ,gujrat , mumbai, and kashmir , here yamagantak kala will be more disastrous.  

    rahu is the pollutant, he is representative of poison and treason. But when aspected by jupiter it gives very beneficial results. In the signs of sagitarius it represents shesha and his benevelance kaal sarpa in the sign of dhanu and meena is auspicious with native having many mystical powers and gaining through it.

    On the whole Rahu gives rise to the inexplicable,intrigue and clandestine results. But when it comes to Raj yoga Rahu delivers one of the deadliest dictators ,army chiefs and conquerors.

    rahu is governed by Varaha Murthy Narayana with protruding tusk and

    It has saved the earth from the clutches of destroyer evil Hiranyaksha.



    Posted by on December 9, 2008 in Astrology and purana, Jyotish



    Sun-Birth of Ashwini Devatas The celestial Twins

    Aditya (sun) was born to Aditi ,the daughter of Daksha prajapati.Aditya was married to Sangya devi ,daughter of Tvashtrva (architect of devatas).Sangya was very beautiful and Sun was very happily living with her. However Sangya finding the heat of Sun as unbearable , one day went back to her father’s house. Father assured that he would reduce the brilliance of his son inlaw in due course ,but it is not wise of chaste woman to leave their husband. So Sangya returned and carried on with Sun, givimg birth to Manu , Yama,and Yami.

    But unable to bear Sun’s brilliance , Sangya created her replica ,Chayadevi [who resembled her in appearance] ,went away to forest in Uttara Kuru in the disguise of Mare [female horse] .Chayadevi serving Sun as Sangya (his wife), within one year gave birth to Manu,Sani and Tapti.

    However Chaya grew partial towards Sangya’s children and Yama noting this complained to Father . Father showed discern towards Chaya . Chaya out of anger Cursed Yama ,” You lord over the dead ” and to Yami as ” You be a river (yamuna)” . Sensing mother never curses her child , Sun suspected Chaya . Then He found out the truth and cursed Saturn ” You become lame and cruel planet” , Tapati to become the river.

    Sun out of his Divyadrishti found out Sangya was roaming in the forest of Kuru as mare , he took the form of Horse and lived with her again in the forest .Thus were born two beautiful horses(twins) Ashwini. Bramha came to the forest and appointed the Ashwini as Physicians of Devatas and offered them a boon of being extremely handsome .

    Vishwakarma then prayed Aditya and subsequently he reduced his brilliance to accomodate the growth of civilization on the earth .

    This story also gives the philosophical reason behind the results of Sun in seventh house.Sun in seventh house invites seperation from husband in a woman’s horoscope. Sometimes husband abandons the lady. In some cases lady has to compromise as second wife.

    Thus this story of birth of Ashwini devatas, narrated by Vyasa ,brings beauty and health to those who listen or reads it.



    Posted by on December 7, 2008 in Jyotish, people and astrology


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    Sun has square body and is short in stature.He is dark red in color.He has very little hair on the head ,honey colored eyes,with strong bones ,with upwards gaze.He is steadfast,and wrathful hot tempered .He is billious in nature ,Sattva guni ,ruling eastern direction ,around thirty years old ,having five dimensions.

    He represents kings ,intelligent persons ,gold copper ,lead,brass,jewels on ear,nose ,head ,chest. fruit bearing trees,animals living on grass,thatched house,girls aged eight years,brinjal,beans,coarse thick clothes.wheat,and ruby.

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    Posted by on December 7, 2008 in Jyotish



    Dasha Bhukti

    Effects of different dashas depend on

    1. inherent qualities of the planet( naisargik shubhashubha)
    2. qualities determined by ownership(adipatya)
    3. Signification(karakatva)
    4. Five fundamental principles(panchasidhdhanta)

    Planet which is a benefic according following eight factors will extend good results in its period:

    • Natural benefic
    • placement in benefic sign
    • exaltation
    • retrogression
    • Benefic by ownership
    • Ruler of benefic star from janmaNakshatra
    • Shubha varga
    • Motion towards exaltation

    Planets which is malefic according to the following eight points will give negative results:

    • Natural malefic
    • inimical  and debilitation sign
    • Heliacal setting(astangata)
    • Atichara
    • Malefic due to ownership
    • Ruler of evil star from janma star
    • Malefic in trines and angles
    • moving towards debilitation.

    Rasis , navamsa and the lord of the star in which malefic is placed becomes malefic and yield evil results.

    Rasis , navamsa and the lord of the star in which benefic is placed becomes benefic and yield good results.


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    Posted by on December 5, 2008 in karma, stars



    Bhojan Patra Vichara – Dining Plates And Astrology

    • Second lord in trines or angle ,in vaisheshikamsa or second lord in deep exaltation in Mriduamsa ,one eats only in golden plates all through the life.
    • second lord in kendra or trikona with moon and venus ,one eats in silver vessels.if joined by jupiter alongwith moon and venus ,one eats in golden plates and cups.
    • If these moon ,venus ,jupiter and mercury are in own navamsas ,if second lord is also exalted in navamsa then the golden plates will be heavy and thick in its shape .
    • If second lord in kendra ,trikona in mriduamsa ,is aspected by a friendly planet ,then one eats in a bronze plates.
    • if second lord is strong in kendra , moon and venus not associated but in vaisheshikamsa ,then one eats in a strange and attractive (vichitra) type of plates.
    • if second lord’s dispositor is aspected by a malefic ,weak and karaka is also weak then one will eat in a plate made of two metals.
    • if second lord is in eighth with saturn then one will eat in iron plates.
    • if the lord of the rasi in which navamsa lord of second lord is disposed is associated with benefics , one will eat in bronze plates.
    • if second lord is with malefics in davagni,dandayudha and kala amsas or neech navamsa one will have uncontrolled hunger
    • If second lord is debilitated in navamsa one will always eat others food
    • if aspected by debilitated planet in navamsa one will speak ill of food given.
    • if second as saturn ,or saturn aspecting second lord itself being in debilitation ,one will live by eating  in shraddha ceremonies.
    • if second lord is with gulika ,saturn and mars in neecha navamsa ,one will eat burnt ,belated food.
    • one will eat fast and happily if the second lord is exalted in benefic shashtiamsa.
    • if second lord and lagna lord are associated one will have food from time to time without any difficulty.
    • if second lord is in vishesha amsas ,aspected by jupiter or venus ,one will eat with full satisfaction very tasty foods.
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    Posted by on December 5, 2008 in yogas




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