Effect of retrograde planet in Gochara

Once there lived a rich man .He had no children. Even after many years of marriage ,his wife was unable to conceive.Once  he went to a saint who was able to talk to God everyday in the night. He asked kindly see whether I have a yoga of the child in my destiny. Saint said I would ask tonight my God and let you know. In the night as usual the saint asked God ,whether this rich man has a yoga of child ,God replied “No” . next day saint said ,I am sorry you do not have a child in this birth.

Dejected ,Rich man spent next years in bewilderment. Once Sri Vadiraaj Swamy of Sondhe came to that city, Rich man went to pay his respect to the swamiji. Swamiji blessed him that he would soon father a child. And by the grace of the God in a  yaer the rich man got a son. Swamiji came by next year and rich man and saint came to Swamiji and narrated how he had personally asked God and got the reply that he has no yoga for child. Then How come God has blessed him a child. Swamiji said the saint had merely enquired to the Go d and God had replied the fact. But he had requested God to grant him a child. So God obliged.

But how come it is possible to have a child in the absence of destiny. The learned

swamiji said it is always possible to borrow our destiny from our sanchita karma , we can prepone what we are about to get in future lives in this birth by the grace of the God. This is called as “Praachinachirna Punya”.Fifth house in astrology denotes this.

In a dasha of a planet , if the planet is associated with 9th lord or jupiter in a yoga, such fortunes can be expected. Fructification of such results happen when jupiter or yogakaraka planet has just resumed the direct motion after freeing from retrogression.


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Posted by on November 21, 2008 in people and astrology, yogas


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Planetary Combinations for Gays in Astrology

Following combinations gives gay tendencies in a subject:

  • Rising sign venus and rising navamsa of saturn
  • Venus and saturn exchange signs in navamsa
  • Venus and saturn in ekamsa in navamsa
  • Venus and mars and exchanging signs in navamsa
  • Venus and mars in the sign of mars or venus in Trimsamsa
  • Lagna navamsa of Virgo
  • Many Virgo amsas for Ascendant in the divisional charts.

Following combinations when found in the chart of the women , will make use of unnatural methods of satisfying carnal desires.Men and women with the above combinations will also indulge in sexual conduct not prescribed by Shastras.



Posted by on November 19, 2008 in Jyotish, people and astrology, yogas



Chara dasa ,Devaki and Kamsa

Devaki was Lord Krishna’s Mother . She had a doting brother Kamsa. They shared a very loving and caring relationship . Kamsa had won three world and brought gifts for his sister, which none could have got. He personally looked after her marriage preparations.He was utmost respectful towards Vasudev ,his sister’s husband. He ,though being most powerful during his times, out of love offered to personally escort Devaki to her in-laws house. Such a loving relationship turned sour overnight ,as there was “AKASHVANI” that Devaki’s eighth son would kill Him.Kamsa imprisoned both his sister and her husband for many 18 years . He killed all her sons as soon as they were born. So drastic and extreme change in relationship!

What makes relationship  suddenly change ? how does something starts in a good and acceptable manner and suddenly ends up in a disaster. why do some events end up giving troubles ? sometimes some bad events also end up into good results.Say a King troubling a citizen to a nasty extent and then rewarding him with a post of minister. Vishwamitra troubling Harishchandra and eventually crowning him as the most truthful person ever born.

  • Chara dasa gives results according to the strength of the lord of the rasi, and also as to whether they are benefics or malefics.
  • When a planet  in a rasi  is benefic and rasi is owned by a benefic , invariably only good happens in that dasa.
  • when benefic is in the malefic rasi ,  that dasa starts in a favorable way and ends up giving unfavorable results.
  • similarly when malefic are in benefic rasi , dasa end yields  unfavorable results.
  • malefic in malefic rasi yields completely unfavorable results
  • When there are both malefic and benefics in a  malefic rasi , mixed results are to be seen.
  • When a benefic rasi is occupied by both benefic and malefic , then initially there will be adverse results and then favorable results will be experienced in the latter part.


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Posted by on November 18, 2008 in Jyotish, people and astrology



Yatra in Astrology

Yatra prakaran in astrology consists of knowledge of tithi,day,karan,star,muhurtha,ascendant,yoga,fluttering of body parts(angasphuran),dreams,victory,king’s victory bath,graha yagnya,ganayaga(seven days before travel ) , agnilinga(shape of agni in homa),the postures of elephants and horses,motivation of army,wind,clouds,,rain,etc, shadgunya( sandhi vigraha,yan,aasan,dwaidibhava,sanshraya) and how planets guide them to success and failure , upaya (sama dama bheda danda) and its successfull implementation,auspicious,inauspicious shakun, army’s placement ,colour of fire,qualities of minister, sepoy,diplomat,deployment of tribes,gain of forts. All these comprise Yatra in Astrology.



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Posted by on November 17, 2008 in Jyotish, people and astrology, stars, yogas




There are 32 types of dashas in Astrology . Of which Vimshottari is followed universally.The other dasas are specifically applicable in unique cases. However vimshottari dasas change by months ,if birth data is inaccurate , but chara dasas remain fairly same even in the event of faulty birth time. Chara dasas give a broad outlook to a persons state and surrounding.Though every good and bad events should have a bearing in the minds of a person, vimshottari being nakshatra dasa instantly reflects good and bad events.

For a very successful person ( say a person just elected in national election, a star who is adorned and in his peak, a sportsperson who has just earned an award) , intermediary moments of unhappiness cannot be found through vimshottari alone. since they would be running major dasha and antardasa of a very strong planet.

consider a foreign minister in power.(his dasha will obviously be more powerful) , if he consults for about a particular foreign mission or diplomatic talks; its success and failure though bears a longing mark in his and nation’s career, cannot be predicted through vimshottari alone. here other dasa would reflect his success and failure. Similarly for a richest man a minor slide of market would result in losses , but his already rich position in dasa will not allow for this minor portrayal of loss, which still will be of huge importance to him.

Rishis have stated kalchakra dasha as more benign in giving accurate results , but in kaliyuga Vimshottari plays major role in giving good and bad results.Dasha has a intermediate dependency on its antar dasha. Antara on pratyantara, pratyantara on sookshma ,sookshma on \prana dasa. There is no interdependency on disjoint dasas, only two sets prevail. Divisional charts results are to be seen in the sub dasa only. Sookshma dasa give independent results. Kala hora reigns in supreme when giving definiteness to the results.

Position of moon on a particular day and its relative position in natal chart and dasa lord determines how one fares on a particular day in a given dasa. Also dasa lord in his gochara if debilitated , cannot give desired results. As dasa changes , there wont’ be an abrubt changes in life, smooth transitions are ensured , as in a new dasa , antardasa of dasa lord comes first. \this period continues the effects of previous dasa to superimpose new dasa , ensuring smooth transition in life.

Dasha though favourable if commences on a day when moon is debilitated , invariably gives bad results. No astrologer can point this out in the absence of faulty birth data. How a particular dasa gives way to another is also known by gochara .Thus a dasa to give positive and good effects ,it must start and end on a auspicious day.



Posted by on November 16, 2008 in Jyotish


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Things governed by krittika nakshatra

White colored objects,flowers,one who performs agnihotra,  one who knows mantras , yagnya,grammarian,mines,sculpture,hair dresser,villager,potter,purohit,and astrologer all these people are governed by krittika star.

krittika is governed by sun. lord agni is the abhimani devata.This star is of mixed nature and simple in disposition. Day to day activities can be carried out on this star. Mixed works (one which consists of both bad and good) ,kamyavrushotsarga etc can be performed on this star.This star is adhomukha nakshatra , ie one can dig wells borewell in this can buy cows and ox on this day.Selling on this star will yield profits.Krittika is a sulochan star , things lost on this day will not be obtained back. Normally harvest is done on this star.In the event of fever on this day, fever does not subside for atleast six days.

people born in krittika are gluttons,clever at amassing others’ belongings,they are very bright and achieve fame easily.



Posted by on November 15, 2008 in stars


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Astrology and dooms day

Time between Sunrise to another sunrise is known as Savan DAY. Time taken by sun to complete one degree of zodiac is known as solar day- saur dina. Time taken between one star rise to another is known as Nakshatra dina. Time taken to complete one tithi is known as Lunar day-Chandra dina.

We have heard many a times people spreading rumours about dooms day. Many a fake self styled gurus have declared their own philosophy of end of world. Sometimes people have taken off from office under the pretext world would end the very day.All this is out of ignorance. Ignorance breeds fear .\knowledge brings happiness.

So ,when will be the dooms day? According to Jyotish Shastra ,  a day is a savan day. There are 365/15/30/22/30 days in a solar year. A savan year is 360 days only. Such 360 days constitute one day for the Devatas in Swarga.

hence 360X360=1 Devamana Year;

  1. 1000 such devmana years is the span of kaliyuga;
  2. 2000 years (devamana) is Dwapara yuga;
  3. 3000 years make              Tretayuga ;
  4. 4000 years make               Kritayuga;

each yuga has a sandhi period.As one yuga ends abrubtly another yuga does not take over . There is smooth transition of yuga effects from one to another through transition period(sandhi) of 1/10 th of each yuga. ie kaliyuga is preceded and succeded by 1/10th of 1000 years ie 100 years before and after kaliyuga. similarly dwapar is preceded by 200 years etc.

  1. kritayuga is  4800 years = 4800X360 =1728000 human years.
  2. Tretayuga is 3600 years = 3600X360 =1296000 human years.
  3. Dwapara  is  2400years = 2400X360 =  864000 human years.
  4. Kaliyuga   is  1200 years = 1200X360 = 432000 human years.
  • One Mahayuga is the cycle of four yugas 12000X360 = 4320000 human years .
  • 1000 + 1000 mahayugas equals a day and a night for Bramha in BramhaLoka.
  • There are 14 Manus in one Bramha day .
  • Each Manu lives for  308571428.57142857142857142857143 human years. This is known as Manvantara. There is a mini pralaya ( involving Swarga bhuvarloka and Bhuloka- BhurBhuvaSwa) in 308571428 . 57142857142857142857143 years .

This pralaya can be called as doomsday for humans on earth and heaven. But this is not the dooms day for the Universe.

Universe ends after BRAMHA COMPLETES 100 YEARS . ie

2000X 4320000X360 X100 = 311040000000000 human years .

of which BRAMHA has completed 50 years , in his fifty first year he is in his first day , completed 13 ghatikas ,42 palas.



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Posted by on November 14, 2008 in Astrology and purana, Jyotish


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King Abareesh was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. He was regularly fasting on ekadashi. Ekadashi fast is completed by a having a meal early before  dwadashi tithi  ends. If one fails to eat on dwadashi he loses the punya of Ekadashi. Once to test Ambareesh , Sage Durwasa came in the early hours of Dwadashi to Ambareesh. He offered to complete the fast along with Ambareesh and went for a bath . As dwadashi was nearing an end , Durvasa muni was not to be seen , King grew anxious , just as one second was left King ambaresh took the Teertha of Hari to complete his vrata , without offering anything to Sage Durvasa who, just appeared after the consumption of teertha. Sage grew very angry and said King had faulted on Athithi satkara by having food even before the athithi. King replied having drunk water is still considered to be in the state of upavasa only. and at the same time it can also be considered as having eaten by Dwadashi time to complete vrata. So he has not done any sin. Sage grew red in anger and plucked his hair , threw it on the ground to create a dangereous demon , to kill Ambareesh. Demon proceeded to kill Ambareesh , Ambareesh meditated on Lord Vishnu, Vishnu pleased with his Vrata nistha of Dwadashi , sent his Sudarshna chakra which protected KIng from Demon (Kritya) of Durvasa. And then it chased Durvasa till the end of tye universe. Durvasa fearing for the Life prayed Lord Vishnu for forgiveness, Lord asked Durvasa to beg forgivance to Ambareesh , Ambareesh relieved Durvasa off the heat of Sudarshana  Chakra . Thus Ambareesh , though ordinary before Durvasa could stand tough because of his Vrata. Troubling Vishnu bhaktas is never tolerated by VIshnu , he instantly comes to their help , whoever the opponent be, however powerful the opponent be, Dwadashi vrata protects  from all.  

Na vasudeva Bhaktanam ashubham vidyate Kwachit


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Posted by on November 10, 2008 in Jyotish



Ekadashi is a day ,when Lord Vishnu is prayed with a complete fast . This is a nanda tithi , which slowly burns out all the sins of the devotee. Ekadasi upavas is a nitya karma( an action ordained as duty , failure of which is punishable by Yama) for all the creatures( not only humans but also other creatures). If done knowlingly or unknowingly , brings immense merits.

Once there was a hunter in the jungle , his only job was kiling animals and passerby , to fulfil his belly.but somehow due to his poorvajanma , he had a fascination for ekadashi vrata. and he regularly undertook the vrata . One day he was caught by a Rakshas in the jungle. the day was Ekadasi. As demon was about to eat him , he requested , kindly leave me tonight , i shall eat, tomorrow morning, fruits offered to the Lord in the nearby temple and come back to you to offer myself . This will complete my vrata also. Demon surprised by the proposition , left the  hunter to complete his vrata. Next day after finishing his vrata , hunter returned to the demon to offer himself. Demon was totally astonished to see sincerety in a Hunter. He asked , you could have escaped , then why did you come back” . Hunter said , he had no fear of death. This surprised demon even more. He thought what could be the reason behind this strange behaviour , wherecome he is drawing so much courage and strength. He questioned , what do you do in your day to day affairs. Hunter replies only killing. Demon asks does he do any sadhana, Hunter replies he understands none. However he says I have been doing fast on this eleventh day since many years. Demon asks would he donate this merit ,and he will leave him in exchange. Hunter thinks , he must be having something precious , which demon wants to steal , in exchange for life. He negates the proposal. Demon offers to leave him for half the merit. NO says hunter , you may kill me if you want but i wont part with merits.

Finally demon offers why dont you give me todays’ merit alone. NO , half  a day’s merit ….. NO …..

an hour’s equivalent merit(punya) of an ekadasi upavasa  …… NO says Hunter ……….

okay why don’t you give me  just one  second’s worth punya of an ekadasi day ‘s upavasa. Finally Hunter agrees. Demon is released from the curse of being demon due to this punya , returns to swarga as devata, Hunter is blessed with great knowledge and is born as a rishi in his next birth.

So much for a punya , done by an illiterate ,unknowingly . Following all other vratas to obtain wishes , when Ekadasi is at disposal is like a King leaving the kingdom and asking for beggance in the neighbourhood.

Wishing for worldly pursuits against ekadasi punya is like giving gold and buying a rag.

Ekadasi burns all the sins from ekadasha indriyas( two hands ,legs,eyes ears , toungue,speech etc and mind as eleventh) during the fortnight in one single day. There is no other vrata or day as auspicious as Ekadashi.



Posted by on November 9, 2008 in Jyotish


Panchavidha Samvatsara

There are five types of years in astrology. year(saura mana 365.266 days) 2.lunar year(chandramana 354days ) 3.nakshatra mana(324 days) 4.brahaspatya (jupiterian year 395 days) 5. Savanamana (360 days year)

Each has its own significance in astrology. For mass regulation solar year is best suited. for day today affairs lunar year should be adopted. For shanti  nakshatra year is adopted . For political forecast brahaspatya is used, For birthdays,longevity,dasas vrata,niyama,yagna,Savana year is used.

Indian panchanga is soli-lunar calendar. It takes into account 360 tithis rather than days. it is unique and very apt for dharma shastras. This takes into account the tithi at sunrise, and this remains for entire day for the celebration of certain festivals. For example, if at sunrise ,it is Navami , then whole day that day will be considered as RAMNAVAMI , though in actual practise dashami might have come by noon.

For shradhha , whatever tithi is at noon is considered as shrahdhha tithi . So eve if you have dwitiya in the morning , but  tritiya at noon then tritiya shradhha can be performed.For vratas , tithi mixed with previous tithi is prohibited, tithi mixed with forward tithi is auspicious. But for sankashta chaturthi , tithi at evening chandrodaya is only apt.Krishnaashtami is celebrated on a day when both rohini or ashtami is bound on midnight , it is more auspicious if it is wednesday on that day. Fasting is done till both ashtami and Rohini are exhausted.

Thus panchanga enables us to perform our daily karmas (Nitya karmas and Naimittika karmas ,and kamya karmas) at a proper time to avail destined results. Nitya karmas are those that are must , like bathing everyday, sandhyavandane ,ekadashi etc.These if not done attracts sins. Naimittika are those which are done on special occassions like Magha snana , Kumbha snana etc. These if done gives merit ,but does not culminate into sin not done. Kamya karma are those which are done to achieve certain goals. All these should be done at right time to get results. Astrology helps to time these with the help of five types of calculation Panchavidha samvatsara.



Posted by on November 8, 2008 in sadhana, Uncategorized, yogas


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