Effect of the debilitated planet – Yudhisthira

Yudhisthira had a combination of Raja Yoga enabling him to lord over entire 11 lokas. His kingdom /Lordship exceeded that of Indra . Having defeated both Indra and Shiva with the help of Bheemasena and Arjuna. It was during such invasion on swarga Arjuna confronted Urvasi and got cursed. Showing they had transworld interaction in the very human form. But despite such beautiful combination raja yoga (dharma karmadhipati in simhasanamsha) , Yudhisthira was born in vrishchika rasi having moon debilitated. Even if one planet is debilitated ,  during its dasa and antardasa gives loss wealth, postion, and danger of death. and such antardasa repeatedly come in once life. Look how Yudhisthira continuosly at frequent intervals in his life faced dangers of Death ( laksha graha, ekchakrapuri, yaksha prasna ,chitrasena gandharva, vanavasa,virat nagar agyat vasa, arjuna’s wrath on Yudhisthira, karna letting him go alive, dyut krida twice, khandava dahan) .their last rites were performed by people of hastinapur thrice ,even while they were alive, He suffered poverty many times, born in jungle, went to ekchakrapuri lived in a broken house giving rent to a poor bramhin,during vanvasa  Sage Durvasa had come to ask food when everything in his house was empty, a day of poverty(even though he had akshaya patra he could not feed Durvasa, ofcourse Lord Krishna helped him out).when he did ashwamedha yagya after Mahabharata war he had no money to feed bramhins  so Krishna  again saved him  with treasure of Vali from Ramayana. left over wealth of King Bali beyond Meru. All this for a debilitated planet .The avastha described for debilitated planet is Rikta BY Muni Parashar, it does not leave even a great emperor of the 11 worlds.

But continuing from previous post, could all these have been avoided by the living apostle of Dharma of his times.  Answer is Yes , because these souls Yudhisthira, Nala,Harishchandra , Laxmana, all these are above nine planets in terms of strength and calibre. They can very well command these planets to shower good fortune without break irrespetive of their destiny. Then why did they have misfortune take over them. There are multiple reasons for these behaviour. We shall examine them one by one.

1. these were all divine beings descended from the heavens . They were not humans in any way. When super humans descend , they have ,a secret oath ,administered in the court of Lord Narayana that they would ,all the while ,resist from using their divine powers /abilities. Most of these births are to be born as aides to Lord to serve him on the earth . to delude demons into believing that they are just humans. Hence the pact is to remain as human as possible. One who fulfils this condition is given more marks i.e more appreciation from Lord krishna. But not all keep their promises. Some out of anger / ego and sometimes in disgust at the events around them , just remember their original form and regain their abilities and powers. but they lose out in the race . Just as we humans have a race in the life as to who will live an honest and serene life . but many of us fail in given circumstances to keep our honesty and serenity. we sin. These greats do not sin under any circumstances and that is why they are divine . But they are judged by the above criteria. (i shall give some examples of such behaviour in next posts.

2. BhagvadGeetha – says to  remain unaltered (within chittha) in happiness and sorrow and unattached to the  material (events as well as to objects). These greats were param Bhagavata . hence they take things as they come without actually making effort to either avoid the events nor do they make special efforts in aquiring fame,wealth etc. Things come to them naturally and they enjoy them without being attached. for eg Bheemasena never used any astras even though he had siddhi of 9 crores astras. even if it meant immidiate death when faced with agni astra. he did not counter them but made pieces of them with his own heat. Pandavas remained bramhacharya most of the times in their life even if they had most beautiful women as their wife. and many other wives.they were unattached to pleasures and pains of loss of kingdom.

3. Man has many types of karmas binding him a> Sanchita karma b> agami karma c> prarabdha karma. sanchita is one we have accumulated over many births. agami that we are definitely going to perform in our future births without our having any control. Prarabdha is that which we are presently enjoying or suffering. a part sanchita later becomes prarabdha. out of this prarabdha there is one more which is called anadi karma. that which covers the souls like a skin of banana.This is the grand plan of Lord . this is what no one can change. Most of the events that we have mentioned are of this nature. Though Lord is mercifull he showers benefits to even mitigate these . But at that stage a bhakta becomes nirlipta to ask for such favours. instead he chooses to bear the destiny leaving everything to Lord . -a Jeevanmukta. Yudhisthira and all such others and Pandavas were Jeevanmuktas.

i have given the above points to the best of my knowledge and learning it is not complete in itself , more learned may throw more light on it and whatever errors found be forgiven and taken as in  hansaKshirnyaya.




Posted by on October 8, 2008 in bhagya


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Could Pandavas have avoided the dyut krida and Vanvaas?

shri gurubhyo namaha

Yudhistira was an expert in gambling . He could command dices to give out his favourable number.So was Shakuni adept with mystical dice in his hands. Pandavas , the last among whom Sahadeva was an excellent astrologer. He would always predict there would be great war and kauravas would be defeated. He knew they(Pandavas) would be defeated in the gamble.( such was greatness of Sahadeva that even duryodhana had his muhurta for Mahabharata war set by Sahadeva though a rival).

what made Yudhistira lose his magic touch. why did his knowledge of dice betray him on that fateful day? mind you dice was played twice in his life one succeeding other . The first one brought insult to his wife. second one robbed him off his kingdom of entire universe earned in Rajsuya yagna. Man can make mistake once  , but here is the wisest of all men succumbing to vice twice.

Was it really a vice? could Yudhistira put so much on stake? Did Sahadeva not forewarn him as astrologer. In case when we meet with misfortune our Astrologers suggest many remedies. mostly consisting of prayers. So it is meant to appease dieties and get away with the miseries written in destiny. But in our example Pandavas had very God Krishna by their side always ready to lend a helping hand whether asked or unasked for.( such was his love for Pandavas). Then why did he not give success in the Gambling to Yudhistira. Worst still his very art of dice control slipped away in favour of Shakuni.why in this case mighty men of the earth faced defeat/deciet ?

Is astrology really meant for changing our destinies?

we shall try to answer all these queries in our next posts. HOME




Susharma and Susena- a story (asteek vs nasteek)

Vyam Vedvyasaya Namaha

Once two wise bramhins were travelling together .Susena and Susharma were their names . Susena was an atheist did not believe in God believed in his efforts alone. Susharma was asteek but believed only on relying on his luck and was happy with whatever he got without efforts. As they were travelling together both started arguing as to whose is the right path. While they were nearing a village there was a huge Vishnu temple . Susharma started walking such that temple was to his right ( as respect to God) so that he can do a pradikshina of the temple ( circumombulation) he was hurt on his toe profusely bleeding on his way along the temple. But Susena did not believe hence kept walking  keeping Temple on the left . he got a gold ring on his way towards the temple.

Susena made fun of Susarma and said look what you got for your faith, look at my efforts it made me richer? so I am right ” Susharma dejected wanted a clarification from someone wiser . In that kingdom King was a just and wise ruler both went to him to seek the answer. King angrily ordered “these men have no work seems idle tie them in the temple outside the town and let them starve”!

as the night fell both were hungry susarma cried oh God give me some food . Susena laughed said ” idiot use your hands and feet else you will go hungry look i have got something , a bowl full of sweets/kheer” But as he was eating something stuck in his mouth in the darkness he threw those hard thing in the mouth and they fell in the lap of susarma.

Next day King called both of them asked them what happened in the night both related their account susena boasted about his endeavour of filling his stomach through effort. and susarma showed he got some hard pebbles in his lap lo! it was precious stones. King said look at your luck susarma you have become richer . Susena not convinced both continued travel and met a wise sage and realted their account. the sage took them to the village where susarma was hurt . he showed there was a big treasure on the left of the temple guarded by a snake. Susarma at that point had a apamrutyu yoga ( he was supposed to die by the bite of snake) but his instant devotion saved him from imminent death but he got away with minor injury. Susena had a enormous luck to obtain that treasure trove instead beacuse of his irreverance  to GOD got only a ring which he was very happy about, ignorant of his loss.

Secondly in the temple Susena disrespectfully ate the Devi’s offering and susarma kept fast all the night . Susena threw away precious stones thinking as pebbles in the mouth while rejoicing food to fill his belly. yet susarma got the precious stones for his fast.

In all actions done in the right spirit with devotion to GOD is instantaneously rewarded , evils are avoided and benefits are increased manyfolds.Evil people never rejoice .their miseries increase and benefits shrink day by day .

Wise sage could see all this because of his mastery on astrology .only jyotish solves intricate problems of the life & leads to GOD Vision.

in the next post we shall delve deep into how astrology can unravel human goals.

sri krishnarpana



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Daiva vs Purushartha -what is more important Luck or hard work!

Daiva(luck) or hard work? This is age old question asked time and again. When somebody succeeds people say oh he is lucky ! when someone does not make it then usual consolation is you never get anything more than destined , before destined time! This puts us into the delusion of what is our success finally due to luck or hard work? if former is responsible then why at all work.  if later is true then why despite so much efforts i am getting peanuts as rewards. worst still some complain ,

“i try to do good but end up getting hit hard . look at this man he is full of sins yet is enjoying life , what good is my spiritual efforts?” in both cases what is the use of Astrology? if there is luck ,then even if astrologer do not point it out to me i am going to reap ; if it is not there what is the use even if it is pointed to me. if it is my hard work that brings success even then Astrology is of no use to me let me put efforts instead of bemoaning with soothsayers.

So what is more important daiva or purushartha? Yudhisthira  asks thus to Bhishma in Mahabharata.

Bhishma replies. what is luck today is the merits earned in the previous life. it was prushartha of previous life. Our success, pleasures,wife,sons.diseases all are due to previous merits.however presnt actions do counteract this. Extent of our pleasures wealth longevity all undergo reduction or increase due to present action.

 In karma vipaka Yama says man reaps his fruits of action every half day , 1 1/2 days  3 days 3 weeks 3 months 3 years and 3 lifes. repeatedly till he undergoes prayaschitta or donates his good merits.

there are instances such as that of markandeya,indrasena ,chandrahasa ,savitri etc of having changed there destinies due to penace . in all goodness it is purushartha that is going to help you in this birth or other and hence always yearn for purushartha.”

these words of bheeshma are supported by a story of two wise bramhins from vishnu rahasya we shall see this in next post




Navagraha Stotram

Vyam Vedvyasaya Namaha

Shri Gurubhyo Namaha

Bhasvanme bhasyet tatvam chandrshcha ahlaadkrudbhavet|Mangalomangalam dadhyatbudhascha budhatam dishet||Gururme  gurutam dadhyatkavishcha kavitam dishet|shanishcha sham prapyatu ketuh ketum jayerpayet||rahurme rahyedrogam grahah santu kargrahah| navam navam mamaishwaryam dishantvete navagrahah||shane dinamaneh suno svanekgunsanmane|arishtam haramebhishtam kuru ma kuru sankatam|| hareranugraharthaya shatrunam nigrahaya cha vadiraj yatiproktam graha stotram sada pateth||

Let sun give us knowledge of the philosophy and moon give the solace of mind.let mars give the auspiciousness mercury the intelligence. Jupiter confer the greatness and venus the ability to write.let saturn help obtain the peace and ketu lead us to victory. Rahu clear all the diseases and all the planets be handy towards the comforts.let nine planets increase the wealth nine folds and sani reveal all the many good atributes day by day.let all the undesired vanish and desirable be obtained and let not there be any dangers.With the grace of Narayana let enemies be vanquished as this prayer by the sage vadiraja read all the time.

With this prayer i present the tenets of astrology as taught to me in accordance with the words of sages. Astrology is one of the vedanga .means a study  helpful in understanding vedas.

Astrology is the eyes of vedas hence the name Jyotish. However one learns vedas hard ,it is only with help of astrology the great mystery can be unravelled. Once unravelled  by astrology,it leads to GOD vision.

Normal eyes  can see physical obstacles of life. they can avoid mishaps while walking on the road.what about those mishaps that befall men unknowingly in form of destiny. These are unseen obstacles (adrushta). Only  astrology shows these adrushta and also dryshta as well. so this is boon to mankind given by God to tide over the ocean of birth and death namely Life.

There is a bha chakra in the world in the heavens comprising of stars and zodiac. these are comprised of 12 rasis and twenty seven stars. Aso nine planets that revolve in this bha chakra . Sun is the chief among these planets represents soul. moon the mind .mars the strength.mercury the speech.jupiter the knowledge. venus the pleasures.saturn the miseries.rahu ignorance.ketu liberation.

every thing in this world is governed by these planets.Praying them brings about good fortune and success.

in the next post we shall see can we change destiny?





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Posted by on September 27, 2008 in Free Astro Consultation By Chiraan, Jyotish




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