Oh Raghavendraguruvarya , just as large black bees are ever engrossed in the lotus flower lost in collecting nectar from it …. similarly Guru Raghavendra is ever engrossed in the LOTUS FEET OF MOOLRAAMAA …..
Acharya SRIMADANANDTEERTHA’s Philosophy [ Madhvamat] is very pleasant and exhilarating like an ocean of nectar …[ amrutsamudra] … Moon is said to have arisen from the ocean[ during amrutmanthan ] similarly Oh RAGHAVENDRA GURU YOU are the MOON that has taken avatara from this amrutsamudra of MADHWACHARYA’s tatvavada [ sripoornabodhamataramyasudhabdi chandra ] .
You have taken birth in auspicious dynasty of SHRI GAUTAM muni ..Just Like SUN brightens the day in the entire universe . so also you have brightened the lineage of entire GAUTAM clan ..Oh RAGHAVENDRA a very good auspicious morning be to you ….. [ suprabhatam ]
Shloka 9
Oh RAGHAVENDRA swamiye .. you have written a book named “BHATTSANGRAH ” . Shree krishna has shown a very large bramhanda [universe ] in his very small mouth to YASHODADEVI .. similarly JAIMINI rishi and his disciples found all the important topics of their writings about the huge [very large ] ”POORVAMIMANSA SHASHTRA ” covered in minute details in this very small GRANTHA named BHATTSANGRAHA .. It gave them immense pleasure seeing such a compact compendium cum commentary .. and they all are felicitating You and respect you till date … Oh Guru RAGHAVENDRA a very good auspicious morning to YOU [SUPRABHAATAM ]
shloka 10
Oh YATISARVABHOUMA .. YOU HAVE written a granth to elaborate the meanings of ” BRAMHA SUTRAS ” is called as ” TANTRADEEPIKA ” .. it is very compact small granth .. it contains very short sentences …sutras in it are very lucid and compact and of few letters … BUt they elaborate all the meaning of BRAMHASUTRA in a detailed manner … a lamp though smaller in size ,when it gives light enough to brighten entire world .. then it is no longer said to be a small lamp , it is praised as wonder lamp- atishayadeepa .. Oh guru your work namely TANTARADEEPIKA is aptly named so and is like atishaydeepa … by writing this work you have immensely served the author of BRAMHA SUTRA LORD VEDVYASA .. who it seems is also immensely pleased by your work and it can be seen in his grace on you in the form of adoration and fame that comes from all corners of universe , towards you OH RAGHAVENDRA a very auspicious good morning be to you [ SUPRABHAATAM ]
Shloka 11
Oh YATIVARYA … there are many shastras .. each shastra has its own moolpurush [ legacy author] all other authors bequest/bequeath from its original content … in their writings… such moolpurushas like ‘PANINI , JAIMINI , GAUTAM , PARASHAR .. all these authors have inspected your works … ALl the topics from their granthas find place in your books … and what they have missed and what they could not elaborate or dwell upon even such topics also are included in your writings ,… Finding all their contents very well compiled about their shastra All the rishis were extremely happy ,,.. finding newer topics which they could not dwell upon and seeing its elaboration and lucid expression with ease and clairvoyance .. they were extremely humbled …. Not one granthakarta but everyone were humbled by their new experience and exploration of newer concepts in their own shastra … their respect towards RAGHAVENDRA swamy increased ..and they are bestowing their love devotion and admiration … Oh RAGHAVENDRA a very auspicious good morning be to YOu [ SUPRABHATAM ]
note : every scholar studies a shastra .. and majors in that shastra … namely VYAKARANA [ grammar ] MIMAMSA ..[epistemology ] ,nyaya [ logic ] Jyotish [astrology ]etc .. while studying each refers to a particular author and study his texts … but if one studies only one text and concludes he has mastered the subject . then it would be a folly … and the person would not be considered as a pandit …. a PANDIT should have studied all the aspects of topic or subject … one author might have covered only few topics … some might not have been covered .. these might have been covered in other books on same subject by different authors … finally we find that all authors we are studying are bequeathing their contents from an orginal author who is known as MOOLPURUSHA … other proudly call themselves to be of his legacy .. for example MIMAMSA is written by JAIMINI ..then - The foundational text for the Mimamsa school is the Purva Mimamsa Sutras of Jaimini . A major commentary was composed by Śābara in ca. the 5th or 6th century CE. The school reaches its height with Kumārila Bhaṭṭa and Prabhākara . Both Kumarila Bhatta and Prabhākara (along with Murāri, whose work is no more extant) have written extensive commentaries on Śābara‘s Mimamsasutrabhāshyam. Kumārila Bhatta, Mandana Misra, Parthasarathi Misra, Sucharita Misra, Ramakrishna Bhatta, Madhava Subhodini, Sankara Bhatta, Krsnayajvan, Anantadeva, Gaga Bhatta, Appayya Dikshitar, Paruthiyur Krishna Sastri, Mahomahapadyaya Sri Ramsubba Sastri, Sri Venkatsubba Sastri, Sri A. Chinnaswami Sastri, Sengalipuram Vaidhyanatha Dikshitar were some of the Mimamsa Scholars.
reading one authors book will not clarify the issues …
But when you have done enough sadhan or research in a particular subject you find there are certain more issues which remain unexplained ,… for example .. in grammar PANINI is said to be highest authority ,… but whatever given in ASHTADHYAYI of PANINI still falls short of explaining vedic grammar … so more topic is found in CHANDRA ‘s vyakarana …
BUT RAGHAVENDRA’s writings when you inspect you shall find that extra light on the subject hitherto unknown to even the originators of the subject which gives immense pleasure to readers and researchers equally …
This phenomenon continues with every topic and subject under earth .. RAGHVEDNRA SWAMY has mastery on it more than the moolpurushas … who are humbled by the lucidity and clairvoyance and content of the writings of SHRI RAGHAVENDRA SWAMY …..
shloka -12
Oh gurusarvabhaouma – SUDHA means nectar [ amrut ] … this amrut has a divine parimala [ scent ,smell ,perfume ] .. this spreads all over the place and makes amrut even more desirable … Similarly NYAYASUDHA is one such nectar in philosphy ,.. oh Raghavendra you have written a beautiful vyakhyana by name PARIMALA … which indeed is divine parimala of this nectar called NYAYASUDHA …
SACHCHANDRIKA means a beautiful extra divine bright light of fullmoon … chandrika is also a grantha of SHRI VYASATEERTHA it found its special illumination in the form of vilasatprakash - ie PRAKAASH granth written by RAGHAVENDRA teertha a commentary on the former CHANDRIKA …
A Light[ lamp deepa ] especially enlightens the object around it by removing the darkness and people know about the objects clean and clear and it enhances the knowledge of the objects to the viewer … similarly Oh RAGHVENDRA you have written the grantha namely BHAVA DEEPA to explain teekacharya various TEEKA granthas …. that is indeed a DEEPA which enlightens various concepts and gives complete knowledge .. Oh RAGHAVENDRA a very good auspicious morning to you [ SUPRABHATAM ]
- notes … SHri VEDAVYASA has written BRAMHA SUTRAS to elucidate the meaning of VEDAS …
- To give its right meaning … MADHVACHARYA has written ANUVYAKHYANA …
- JAYATEERTHA acharya has written NYAYASUDHA to further explain the ANUVYAKHYAANA
- THIS NYAYASUDHA is like SUDHA nectar …just as NECTAR attracts everyone towards it through its exotic smell …. so also this NYAYASUDHA explains its meaning clearly through PARIMALA grantha of RAGHAVENDRA swamy and and thus attracts the minds of scholars gyanis towards it .
- JAYATEERTHA muni [ ARJUN ] has written TATVAPRAKASHIKA granth to elaborate its meaning ….
- SHRI VYASARAJA has written a commentary on TATTVAPRAKASHIKA known as TATPARYACHANDRIKA to simplify the menaings to lesse intelligent beings …
- This CHANDRIKA grantha is more beautiful than Normal chandrika [ ie bright rays of fullmoon ] thus it is addressed as SACHCHANDRIKA by poet because it has divine rays that attract one and all towards the MOON namely HARI …
- This SACHCHANDRIKA was temporarily clouded .. so its light had diminished …. The clouds of wrongful misleading commentaries by lesser authors had eclipsed to diminish its bright divine rays …
- RAGHVENDRA teertha then wrote a grantha named ‘ PRAKAASH’ as a true commentary to this beautiful CHANDRIKA … and true to its name this grantha removed the clouds of diminish [ misleading explanations ] and brought out the brighter light of DIVINE FULL MOON [ ie true clairvoyant menaing of original grantha ] and thus poet says it was a ‘ vilasatprakaash ’ as it reached all the scholars and just as rays of full moon quench the desires of the onlookers and enhances their joy … this grantha enhanced and quenched the thirsts of philosophers .
- MADHWACHARYA wrote many granthas to bring out the actual purport of VEDAS as told by VEDAVYASA BHAGAVAAN ..
- To these many granthas JAYATEERTHA muni has written many many teeka grantha [ special commentaries ] ,.. they are very elaborate and taxing on scholars brain …
- So RAGHAVENDRA SWAMY has written a single grantha namely BHAVADEEPA as and explanatory notes to all these TEEKAs .. just as small deepa light enlightens many objects … and shows its true nature .. BHAVADEEPA shows many concepts hidden in the various granthas of teekas of ACHRAYA JAYATEERTHA and removes darkness in the minds of pupils of PHILOSOPHY thus the name BHAVA DEEPA is apt to this grantha …
- Oh RAGHAVENDRA suprabhaatam
shloka 13
Oh GURUVARYA , You have written BHASHYA for all the FOUR VEDAS ..[ explaining its meanings ] You have written VYAKHYAN for all the UPANISHATS …VEDABHIMANI devi is MAHALAXMI … You have offered a GARLAND of precious RATNAS [ stones ] namely your GRANTHAS which explain the meanings of VEDA , [ vedaartharatna ] to the VEDABHIMANINI MAHALAXMI … ADORNED with the GARLAND LAXMIDEVI etremely pleased at your devotion has granted [ CROWNED ] you the [ simhasana ]THRONE OF VEDANTA SAMRAJAYA [ KINGDOM ] and SHE is personally protecting You oh the EMPEROR of VEDANTA SAMRAJYA … GURU RAGHAVENDRA a very good auspicious morning to you [ SUPRABHAATAM ]