Raghavendra Suprabhaat-3 !


Oh Raghavendraguruvarya , just as large black bees are ever engrossed in the lotus flower lost in collecting  nectar from it …. similarly Guru Raghavendra is ever engrossed in the LOTUS FEET OF  MOOLRAAMAA …..

Acharya SRIMADANANDTEERTHA’s Philosophy [ Madhvamat] is very pleasant and  exhilarating like an ocean of nectar …[ amrutsamudra]   … Moon is said to have arisen from the ocean[ during amrutmanthan ] similarly  Oh RAGHAVENDRA GURU YOU are the  MOON that has taken avatara  from this amrutsamudra of MADHWACHARYA’s tatvavada [ sripoornabodhamataramyasudhabdi chandra ] .

You have taken birth in auspicious dynasty of SHRI GAUTAM muni ..Just Like SUN brightens the day in the entire universe . so also you have brightened the lineage of entire GAUTAM clan ..Oh RAGHAVENDRA a very good auspicious morning be to you ….. [ suprabhatam ]

Shloka 9

Oh RAGHAVENDRA swamiye .. you have written a book named “BHATTSANGRAH ” . Shree krishna has shown a very large bramhanda [universe ] in his very small mouth to YASHODADEVI .. similarly JAIMINI rishi and his disciples found all the important topics  of their writings about  the huge [very large ] ”POORVAMIMANSA SHASHTRA ” covered in minute details in this very small GRANTHA named BHATTSANGRAHA  .. It gave them immense pleasure seeing such a compact compendium cum commentary .. and they all are felicitating You and respect you till date … Oh Guru RAGHAVENDRA a very good auspicious morning to YOU [SUPRABHAATAM ]

shloka 10

Oh YATISARVABHOUMA .. YOU HAVE written a granth to elaborate the meanings of ” BRAMHA SUTRAS ” is called as ” TANTRADEEPIKA ” .. it is very compact small granth .. it contains very short sentences …sutras in it are very lucid and compact and of few letters … BUt they elaborate all the meaning of BRAMHASUTRA in a detailed manner … a lamp  though smaller in size ,when it gives light enough to brighten entire world .. then it is no longer said to be a small lamp , it is praised as wonder lamp- atishayadeepa  .. Oh guru your work namely TANTARADEEPIKA is aptly named so  and is like atishaydeepa … by writing this work you have immensely served the author of BRAMHA SUTRA LORD VEDVYASA .. who it seems is also immensely pleased by your work and it can be seen in his grace on you  in the form of adoration and fame  that comes from all corners  of universe , towards you OH RAGHAVENDRA a very auspicious good morning be to you [ SUPRABHAATAM ]

Shloka 11

Oh YATIVARYA … there are many shastras .. each shastra has its own moolpurush [ legacy author]  all other authors bequest/bequeath from its original content … in their writings… such moolpurushas like ‘PANINI , JAIMINI , GAUTAM , PARASHAR .. all these authors have inspected your works … ALl the topics from their granthas find place in your books … and what they have missed and what they could not elaborate or dwell upon even such topics also are included in your writings ,… Finding all their contents very well compiled about their shastra  All the rishis were extremely happy ,,.. finding newer topics which they could not dwell upon and seeing its elaboration and lucid  expression with ease and clairvoyance .. they were extremely humbled …. Not one granthakarta but everyone were humbled by their new experience and exploration of newer concepts in their own shastra … their respect towards RAGHAVENDRA swamy increased ..and they are bestowing their  love devotion and  admiration … Oh RAGHAVENDRA a very auspicious good morning be to YOu [ SUPRABHATAM ]

note : every scholar studies a shastra .. and majors in that shastra … namely VYAKARANA [ grammar ] MIMAMSA ..[epistemology ] ,nyaya [ logic ]  Jyotish [astrology ]etc .. while studying each refers to a particular author and study his texts … but if one studies only one text and concludes he has mastered the subject . then it would be a folly … and the person would not be considered as a pandit …. a PANDIT should have studied all the aspects of topic or subject … one author might have covered only few topics … some might not have been covered .. these might have been covered in other books on same subject by different authors … finally we find that all authors we are studying are bequeathing their contents from an orginal author who is known as MOOLPURUSHA … other proudly call themselves to be of his legacy .. for example MIMAMSA is written by JAIMINI ..then - The foundational text for the Mimamsa school is the Purva Mimamsa Sutras of Jaimini . A major commentary was composed by Śābara in ca. the 5th or 6th century CE. The school reaches its height with Kumārila Bhaṭṭa and Prabhākara . Both Kumarila Bhatta and Prabhākara (along with Murāri, whose work is no more extant) have written extensive commentaries on Śābara‘s Mimamsasutrabhāshyam. Kumārila Bhatta, Mandana Misra, Parthasarathi Misra, Sucharita Misra, Ramakrishna Bhatta, Madhava Subhodini, Sankara Bhatta, Krsnayajvan, Anantadeva, Gaga Bhatta, Appayya Dikshitar, Paruthiyur Krishna Sastri, Mahomahapadyaya Sri Ramsubba Sastri, Sri Venkatsubba Sastri, Sri A. Chinnaswami Sastri, Sengalipuram Vaidhyanatha Dikshitar were some of the Mimamsa Scholars.

reading one authors book will not clarify the issues …

But when you have done enough sadhan or research in a particular subject you find there are certain more issues which remain unexplained ,… for example .. in grammar PANINI is said to be highest authority ,… but whatever given in ASHTADHYAYI of PANINI  still falls short of explaining vedic grammar … so more topic is found in CHANDRA  ‘s vyakarana  …

BUT RAGHAVENDRA’s writings when you inspect you shall find that extra light on the subject hitherto unknown to even the originators of the subject which gives immense pleasure to readers and researchers equally …

This phenomenon continues with every topic and subject under earth .. RAGHVEDNRA SWAMY has mastery on it more than the moolpurushas … who are humbled by the lucidity and clairvoyance and content of the writings of SHRI RAGHAVENDRA SWAMY …..

shloka -12

Oh gurusarvabhaouma – SUDHA means nectar [ amrut ] … this amrut has a divine parimala [ scent ,smell ,perfume ] .. this spreads all over the place and makes amrut even more desirable … Similarly NYAYASUDHA is one such nectar in philosphy ,.. oh Raghavendra you have written a beautiful vyakhyana by name PARIMALA … which indeed is divine parimala of this nectar called NYAYASUDHA …

SACHCHANDRIKA means a beautiful extra divine bright light  of  fullmoon  … chandrika is also a grantha of SHRI VYASATEERTHA  it found its special illumination in the form of vilasatprakash - ie PRAKAASH granth written by RAGHAVENDRA teertha a commentary on the former CHANDRIKA …

A Light[ lamp deepa ] especially enlightens the object around it by removing the darkness and people know about the objects clean and clear and it enhances the knowledge of the objects to the viewer … similarly Oh RAGHVENDRA you have written the  grantha namely BHAVA DEEPA to explain teekacharya various TEEKA granthas …. that is indeed a DEEPA which enlightens various concepts and gives complete knowledge  .. Oh RAGHAVENDRA a very good auspicious morning to you [ SUPRABHATAM ]

  • notes …  SHri VEDAVYASA has written BRAMHA SUTRAS to elucidate the meaning of VEDAS …
  • To give its right meaning … MADHVACHARYA has written ANUVYAKHYANA  …
  • JAYATEERTHA acharya has written NYAYASUDHA to further explain the ANUVYAKHYAANA
  • THIS NYAYASUDHA is like SUDHA nectar …just as NECTAR attracts everyone towards it  through its exotic smell …. so also this NYAYASUDHA explains its meaning clearly through PARIMALA grantha of RAGHAVENDRA swamy and and thus attracts the  minds of scholars gyanis towards it .
  • JAYATEERTHA muni [ ARJUN ] has written  TATVAPRAKASHIKA granth to elaborate its meaning ….
  • SHRI VYASARAJA has written a commentary on TATTVAPRAKASHIKA  known as TATPARYACHANDRIKA to simplify the menaings to lesse intelligent beings …
  • This CHANDRIKA grantha is more beautiful than Normal chandrika [ ie bright rays of fullmoon ] thus it is addressed as SACHCHANDRIKA by poet because it has divine rays  that attract one and all towards the MOON namely HARI …
  • This  SACHCHANDRIKA  was temporarily clouded .. so its light had diminished …. The clouds of wrongful misleading commentaries by lesser authors had eclipsed to diminish its bright divine rays …
  • RAGHVENDRA teertha then wrote a grantha named ‘ PRAKAASH’ as a true commentary to this beautiful CHANDRIKA … and true to its name this grantha removed the clouds of diminish [ misleading explanations ] and brought out the brighter light of DIVINE FULL MOON [ ie true clairvoyant menaing of original grantha ] and thus poet says it was a ‘ vilasatprakaash ’   as it reached all the scholars and just as rays of full moon quench the desires of the onlookers and enhances their joy … this grantha enhanced and quenched the thirsts of philosophers .
  • MADHWACHARYA wrote many granthas to bring out the actual purport of VEDAS as told by VEDAVYASA BHAGAVAAN ..
  • To these many granthas JAYATEERTHA muni has written many many teeka grantha [ special commentaries ] ,.. they are very elaborate and taxing on scholars brain …
  • So RAGHAVENDRA SWAMY has written a single grantha namely BHAVADEEPA as and explanatory notes to all these TEEKAs .. just as small deepa light enlightens many objects … and shows its true nature .. BHAVADEEPA shows many concepts hidden in the various granthas of teekas of ACHRAYA JAYATEERTHA and removes darkness in the minds of pupils of PHILOSOPHY thus the name BHAVA DEEPA is apt to this grantha …
  • Oh RAGHAVENDRA suprabhaatam

shloka 13

Oh GURUVARYA , You have written BHASHYA for all the FOUR VEDAS ..[ explaining its meanings ] You have written VYAKHYAN for all the UPANISHATS …VEDABHIMANI devi is MAHALAXMI … You have offered a GARLAND of precious RATNAS [ stones ] namely your GRANTHAS which explain the meanings of VEDA , [ vedaartharatna ]  to the VEDABHIMANINI MAHALAXMI … ADORNED with the GARLAND  LAXMIDEVI etremely pleased at your devotion has granted [ CROWNED ] you the [ simhasana ]THRONE OF VEDANTA SAMRAJAYA [ KINGDOM ] and SHE is personally protecting You oh the EMPEROR of VEDANTA SAMRAJYA …  GURU RAGHAVENDRA a very good auspicious morning to you [ SUPRABHAATAM ]



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yoga Narsimha


oh Prahlaad Shrihari has exclusively incarnated as NARSIMH …. He even sent your father Demon king HRANYAKASHIPU to VISHNU’s abode [ despite he being most inimical to HARi full of HARIDWESHA [ hate towards HARI ] …  only on account of love and affection towards you as you are his greatest Devotee …. Oh Raghavendra swamy  you are the one who had taken birth as PRAHLAAD …. a very good auspicious  morning to you  [ SUPRABHAAT ]

note : In bhagavat { yadnindatvitatubhyam …….. tvadbhakte mayi chaghvaan | tasmatvita me pooyet durntaaaddustaraadghaat ||

this bhagavat shloka says …. Prahlaad asks a boon to NARSIMHA … OH NARSIMHADEVA  .. my father  has hated you all along his life ….. reason me Being your devotee , he also hated me …………. For both these sins there is no prayashchitta … these sins do not wash away by prayashchitta [ they are unpardonable ] just because they are unpardonable  if one ventures to say OKAY i shall exhaust it by suffering its prarabdha … means Okay i shall experience the results of these sins and exhaust it …. i shall bear the pain … even then it is inexhaustible and one can never come out the misery due to this sins … [ hating bramhins vishnu bhakta VISHNU is unpardonable sins ... ones misery never ceases ]

SO such sins which cannot be washed by either anubhava [ experience ] or by prayashchitta ..Please be merciful to pardon and save my Father from eternal HELL and misery ….

This is the boon Prahalaad asked NARSIMHA …. AND LORD NARSIMHA granted him the boon … [ Intha makkalu yellargu Aa NARSIMHANU kodali ]

What could not be achieved in this world … what was never achieved in this world before … Such a feat PRAHALAADA achieved through his BHAKTI …. LORD changed his rules for PRAHALAADA and pardoned HIRANYAKASHIPU just because he was father of PRAHALAAD … this goes on to show oh RAGHAVENDRA .. how much LOVE and affection SRIMAHAVISHNU has on You … what a great grace he always keeps on YOU .. OH RAGHAVENDRA ,….. A very good auspicious morning be to you …. and let all the devotees of yours also seek such miraculous escapes from prarabdha [ unpardonable unavoidable miseries ] by worshipping you …. and Just as LORD has greatest grace on you … LORD NARSIMHA never refuses any of your demands recommendations … kindly keep your graceful palm on me too OH RAGHAVENDRA i am a slave to senses … and commit very heinous sins everyday …. but I know only one mantra … that is ardently worshipping YOu … even this mantra YOU inspire from within my heart sitting in my heart … OH raghavendra ther never can be again any Great SAINT like you .. who fulfills the desires of his disciples and cleanses him from heinous sins and saves him from miseries and All at the same time brings the grace of HARI through recommendations …., Oh RAGHAVENDRA swamy let there be only one  desire in my heart … that I be always in your good books …. I always remember YOU for then not I fear any prarabdha … any sins … any desires unwanted … I fear not the KIngs of this world ../ I fear not the bad days … I fear not the miseries … If i FEAR I fear only loss of sight of your LOTUS feet in my heart … LET there not be moment without your presence in MY HEART ….

I am incapable of describing the mahima of your BHAKTI towards NARSIMHA oh RAGHAVENDRA …..  end of note by chiraan ]

shloka 6

Oh RAGHVENDRA you were bon as BALHIKA raja … You were KIng among KINGS of the chandra vamsha .. so you were the CROWN among the Kshatriyas .. With your mere strength of arms you relieved this earth from Rakshasa and evil kshatriya and pleased KRISHNA with this act of lightening in the burden of earth … You were the abode of many countless qualities that a KING should be ordained  with  .in that birth as BALHIKA ….  Oh RAGHAVENDRA SWAMIYE a good auspicious morning be to you ! SUPRABHAATA

Note : MAny people with vipareeta gyana allege how PAndits come to self conclusions that BALHIKA was RAYARU ’s previous incarnation ….  for them here is pramana ….

hiranyakashipoh putrah prahlaado bhagavatpriyah | VAYUNA ch samaavishtoh mahaabalasamanvitah || BHUBHAARkshapaNe VishNohragtaamaaptumeva sah | prateepputrataam praapya Balhikeshva bhavatpatih ||

this is mahabharat tatparya nirnay words …. by ACHARYA MADHVA …. MADHVACHARYA the avatara of VAYU is saying here  that  ” one very dear to NARAYANA’s affection ..hiranyakashipus son known as Prahalaada has taken birth, to please and serve KRISHNA , in the dynasty of MOON chnadravamsha …as a son to PRATEEP … HE had special VAYU AVESHA , due to this sannidhaan He had extreme strength and hailed as most powerful …and since he ruled the country named BALHIKA [ eurasia ] , he came to be known as BALHIKA RAJA ….To reduced the burden of the earth  from demons  KRISHNA took avatara .. as if to aid him in his work he contributed heavily into this work of KRISHNA   and  pleased HIM … ]  these are the words of none other than VAYU himself ..

Prateep raja is father SHANTANU and grandfather of BHEESHMA …. BALHIKA RAJA as elder brother of SHANTANU that means UNCLE TO BHEESHMA …. PRATEEP was married to daughter of BALHIKA  princess … at the time of Marraige then BALHIKA king [ who had no son ] had taken a promise  from PRATEEP that he would give his son to be adopted by BALHIKA  for the future of BALHIKA kingdom … Prateep as  a promise gave his in adoption  to his father in law …. Thus SHANTANU next born became King of HASTINAPUR …

BALHIKA raja was uncle to BHEESHMA and so as a relative and under order of KRISHNA fought for the KAURAV army in MAHABHARATA WAR …. many people think BHEESHMA was the oldest warrior in MAHABHARATA  , but here is his UNCLE BALHIKA was several hundred years older than BHEESHMA  and fighting a war  .. it is said HIS war cry would KILL hundreds of warriors …. his pound of foot on ground would raise dust so dense that soldiers ran away in fear and confusion …. Such was the might of BALHIKA  …. When KRISHNA urges him to fight from the side of KAURAVA …. BALHIKA accepted it as order from ALLMIGHTY and obeyed but with a condition that His death be at the hands of BHEEMASEN the jagadguru ….BHEEMASENA Obliged and in battlefield BALHIKA RAJA WAS KILLED BY BHEEMSENA and just before DEATH BALHIKA DONATED HIS DIVINE CHARIOT TO BHEEMSENA …. for which BHEEMSENA blessed him to have many chariot sevas in furture birth [ rathotsava ] ….  this is a very strange test KRSIHNA PUTS to his devotees .. HE asks the greatest devotee to fight against HIM and HE demands KARNA TO  come over to PANDAVAS Camp   …… devotee obliges come what may truth or sins … right or wrong … YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND OH KRISHNA  thus MADHVACHARYA  SAYS HE PLEASED KRISHNA ………end of Note by chiraan ]

Shloka 7

Oh RAGHAVENDRA SWAMI , You were born as VYASARAJA guru … then the chakravarti SRIKRISHNADEVARAYA served you with utmost devotion ….. HE surrendered himself and his KINGDOM [ erstwhile VIJAYANAGAR EMPIRE ] to you ….YOU saved him and his Kingdom … You have a divine a body and are the greatest among the saints , your wisdom is divine ,,,,Oh RAGHAVENDRA , born as VYASARAYA ,, a very very good auspicious morning to YOU ! SUPRABHAAT !

Vyasaraya has given VIDYA  to many a stalwarts in MADHVA SAMPRADAYA ….. Vijayeendra teertha VADIRAJA .. KANAKDASA .. PURANDARADASA …and many many yatis … KINGS bowed before him …. Once there was declared that KUHU YOGA [ a yoga in astrology which destroys the KINGS and KINGDOMS ] existed on the THRONE of VIJAYANAGAR EMPIRE … fearful KING KRISHNADEVARAYA ran to VYASA RAAJA …

KUHU YOGA says whoever sits on the throne dies of mishaps and strange experiences … Vijaynagar empire ,HAMPI was thriving capital and one of richest empires in INDIAN HISTORY in KALIYUGA …. this was the golden era of SOUTH INDIA … where arts culture and wealth was at peak …. it is said diamonds and pearls and gold coins  were sold on the streets in open market in heaps ….it was a bustling economy ……every citizen of the empire  were adept in 64 arts … the specialists exhibited mastery …. women were extremely beautiful and very colorfully clad .. while men exhibited extraordinary talents ….. it is said in writings of that era as thoigh KING INDRA had himself come down to RULE the empire ….. as streets of KUMBHAKONAM HAMPI MADURAI TANJORE SriRANGAM  defeated AMRAVATI in splendour …… SUCH a bustling empire covering entire central india and south India and far east  upto cambodia …and all parts of south east ASIA  …… falling into KUHU yOGA seemed a fearful proposition to people of KINGDOM and KINg as well [ this was known through astrology  RAJYA  PRASHNAM  goes on to show how people were adept in SAMHITA ] ….. when in such distress   when saviour himself is in danger … and when kingdom at large is in danger…. people became sad [ we must realise .... this is early 16th century medieval period when invasions were rampant an social fabric was tearing apart  a  stable kingdom was a bane to citizens when culture was paramount to society .... so such  a danger brings sadness and a GODSENT help is what people expect   especially when KING himself has lost confidence ...

Thi enhnces the prominence of VYASARAYA .. a MADHVA STALWART  .. whom KRSIHNADEVARAY seeks refuge ... and like his earlier births ...oh  RAGHAVENDRA SWAMY  ... HE with his mantrashakti and KRISHNA BHAKTI ... sat on the throne of KRSIHNADEVARAYA and warded of evil for not one day two day but TWELVE YEARS ...and saw to it that KINGDOM WAS INTACT people were happy and no evils ever entered KINGDOM .... HE warded of the evils of throne [ it is widely believed that  this throne is in mysore and even to this day it gives a cerebral shock to the occupant owing to which subsequent GOVTS [ both foreign and native ] or individuals never ever tried to besiege  it …. ]

During the time VYASARAJA … yatis like VIJAYEENDRA TEERTHA exhibited mastery in 64 arts ….  VYASARAYARU taught him entire vedas and puranas and other arts in just eight days …. so much to say about this great GURU …..

He gave shelter to PURANDARDASARU .. and praised him in his song that HE was one dasa  who worshipped KRISHNA with a live vision ……

EVERYDAY during the reign of VYASA RAJA was eventful  with scholars debating …. sungers singing celestially … people engaged in dharma ….. VYASARAYA worshipped VENKATESHA in TIRUPATI personally … and till date there is VYASARAYA mutt staright oppsite the temple ….

HE gave us VAADIRAJARU who lived ripe till the age of 120 years .and gave us innumerable stotras and vyakhyana ….

HE gave us KANAKADASA  who also lived to ripe age … and met both VYASARAJA and RAGHVENDRA swamy in his lifetime [ both avatara of rayaru ] …

VYASARAYA  gave ashram to VIJAYEENDRA and again took ashrama from hIm as disciple as RAGHAVENDRA teertha …..

ADVAITIS and NON MADHVAS ran away from the kingdom unable to face the logic of VYASARAYA …. people of those days murmured as long as VYASARAYA is there like abhinava VEDVYASA   there is no scope for vipareeta gyana to reign the spiritual world …. He was like a LION to the wolves of  MAYAVADIS …. [ remembering these lines of mine will give all the desired in one stroke ..below shloka is testimony to it ] Vyasaraja lived from 1447 – 1539 AD ..

 Arthikalpita kalpoyam prathyarthi gajakesari/. Vyasathirtha Gurubhoryarth asmad Ishtartha siddhaye||

oh RAGHVENDRA teert ha suprabhaata to you ………



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Shree Raghavendra Suprabhaatam !

Shri gurubhyo namha

Shree Raaghavendra suprabhatam

AUTHOR  - tarka vidwaan jyodishvidwaan vedaantshiromaNi , mysooreaasthanavidwaan , panditbhooshan , vidyaavaachaspati , Shree Raghavendra mutt aasthaan vidwaan



translator – chiraan

Shree raghavendra mangalashasanam !

shrimate raaghavendraaya sarvaabhishTapradaayine | mantraalaynivaasaaya gururaajaay mangaLam ||

Oh Raaghavendra teertha gururaaja [ Just as emperor is the man with  a highest qualities and of highes order in terms of greatness among the men .... so also among the men qualified to be gurus [ spiritual teachers ] Raghvendra swamy is emperor among such men , ie with  highest and greatest place attributed by LORD narsimha ]

Oh guru Raghavendra , you give all the material desires to your devotees sitting in Mantralaya with vishesha sannidhi [ why vishesha sannidhi ?] Rayaru is still alive in Mantralaya … He has been there since 1671 …… in these 340 years many a saints scholars sadhaka … who were of celestial amshas …. aparoksha gyanis …. themselves yet before achieving aparoksha gyana have visited Mantralaya and performed seva and attained their desires ….and knowledge … after they have achieved aparoksha gyana too they have praised RAYARU in their devotional songs …..

Some were devatas born on earth who were lesser in tartamya to RAYARU [ Prahlaad rayaru ] like Ahlaad [ brother of PRAHLAAD ] ie Jagganath Dasaru …. like GANAPATY [ GOPALADASARU ] etc …. Some were highere in tartamya like VIJAYADASARU [ sage BHRIGU ] …… while they have praised rayaru as jagadguru even after attaining aparoksha gyana shows on to say they revered RAYARU because RAYARU has vishesha VAYU sannidhi , and all the devatas reside In RAYARA vrindavana … and praising Rayaru also becomes automatically the praise of LORD Pradyumna present as five fold HAYAGREEVA NARSIMHA KRISHNA RAAMA VEDVYASA  in RAYARU to bless all the normal and aparoksha gyanis their desired on earth alnd that too instantly as KALIYUGA KAAMADHENU ]

hence the word vishesha sannidhi ….. Oh raghavendra let there be auspiciousnness …..

Shree MOOLARAAMA suprabhaatam

seetaapate vidhikaraarchita koormaraajbhanDaarto Nrahareeteerthamuneendralabdha | aanandateerthamunivanshyayateendrapoojya  shreemoolaraama bhavataattava suprabhaatam ||

Oh Moolraama dev  seetapati , Bramha has himseff worshipped you … Then Narahariteertha swamy has obtained you from the stores of gajapati kings of Koorma Kingdom of Orrissa … Madhavacharya and ShriRaghvendra teertha   and all the yatis [ peethadhipatis ] coming in his tradition have worshipped you .. Oh raama let there be Auspiciousness !

note – Moolarama and moolseeta idols were created by BRAMHA .. and BRAMHA himself worshipped it for many years …..Then pleased with the tapasya penace of Vaivasvat Manu son Ikshavaku  .. Bramha gave him the IDOLS …. For generations Ikshvaku and his sons in his lineage worshipped MOOLARAMA so that someday LORD will bless his dynasty with a birth ….So also RAJA DASHARATH worshipped with piety MOOLARAMA and was finally blessed with a son LORD HIMSELF LORD RAAMA …. as thesse idols were primary cause of birth of VISHNU avatara …. RAAMA the idol is known popularly as MOOLARAAMA ….

Later after tretayuga dwapara in KALIYUGA 43rd century these idols went to the KIngdom of orissa whose capital was at Koormakshetra  where gajapatis were ruling …..

in the same year SRIMANMADHVACHARYA took established KRISHNA at UDUPI and sent his disciple NARAHARITEERTHA to orissa to fetch the idols …NAHARITEERTHA sat outside the kingdom on the banks of  a river for penace … few months later the KING of the Koormanagari died …. his son was too tender a age to rule ….. SO ministers of the kingdom decided to decorate an ELEPHANT with Vishnu avahana …. give it a GARLAND and a golden vessel with sacred incanted water… [ matrapoota jala ] … The ELEPHANT was left in the kingdom to roam about freely … the idea was whoever the elephant garlands and then bathes with the water from golden vessel will be appointed as the KING of the KOORMAnagar …

The elephant chose to garland NARHARITEERTHA and did abhisheka with the water from golden  vessel ….. NARHARI TEERTHA ruled justly for 12 years the kingdom justly …. and after the Prince became of eligible restored him to the throne and while leaving the KINGDOM prince offered him the IDOL of MOOLARAMA from the stores as Gurudakshina [ prince had a  dream to that effect  that night ]

Narhari teertha offered the IDOL to MADHVACHARYA and from then on all the yatis in his dynasty [ tradition ] includimng Shree RAGHAVENDRA swamy worshipped MOOLARAMA devaru . EVEN till today SHREE MOOLARAMa is worshipped in SHREERAGHAVENDRA SWAMY mutt by the PONTIFFS …

Oh SHREEMOOLARAAMA deva  let there be auspiciousness …..

Shree VAYUAVATARATRAYA suprabhatam

Shreeraamadootahanuman yadunaathdaas Shree Bheemsen vararoupyapuraavataar | shreevyaasahrutprayatmaameetashuddhabuddhe shreemadhvaraaj bhavataattav suprabhaatam ||

Oh hanumaan the messenger of LORD RAAMA , Oh Bheemsen the attendant of LORD KRISHNA , Oh MADHVARAAJ of clean mind and infinite intelleigence , very dear to the LORD VEDVYASA , SUPRABHAATA to you [ Good auspicious morning ]

note : from here onwards 38 shlokas are  RAGHAVENDRA swamy suprabhaath  …. 14 15th 16th August SHree RAGHAVENDRA swamy ARADHANA starts …. its a earnest directive to take part in this samaraadhane at the nearest Raghavendra swamy temple …. contribute to various sevas ,… give for bramhan abhojana …. partcipate in geeta vaadya  nrutya  seva ….. on these three days especially worship Raghavendra swamy in special ways to attain all the desired …..   in the previous posts I have given various stotras  fo various problems … these stotras work when there is only karma relating to the problem alone  … but f curses are operating in the horoscope , then the desired results dont come even after 100 recitals …. if other doshas exists even then these remedies dont seem to work …. when there is prabala prarabdha then too remedies dont work …. and one suffers endlessly …. what to do in such situation ….?  except with head down and accepting the fate one has no option …. One option is to ask for strength [ to HARI ] to face the situation … another option is borrow good fortune from RAGHAVENDRA SWAMY ….. usually one has to return whatever borrowed , but RAGHAVENDRA swamy does not expect things back .. so its for free … condition …. VISHNU BHAKTI … VISHNU SARVOTAMMATVA VAYUJEVOTTAMATVA GYANA ….

But to get this devotion our day should start with peace so we have necessary mindsetup to concentrate on HARI … but with prabala prarabdha day starts with jolts and endlessly draws into whirlpool of sins and misery ….. unless [ mangal vastu darshan occurs in morning , no good descends ]  …. there is no mangal [auspicious ] vastu than auspiciousness personified MOOLARAMA DEVA VAYU DEVA AND SHREE RAGHAVENDRA SWAMY …. hence getting up early in the morning and reciting this suprabhaata will give necessary auspiciousness to begin the day in a good way and get fortunes from SHREE RAGHAVENDRA which will offset our prarabdha … and also as a bonus we get SHRIHARI BHAKTI which will set us free from SANSAARA ….


Bramhagnyayaa ditikule bahudoshapoorNe jaatoapi bhaktibharito bhuvanam samastam | yoapeepavo diviShadaam var shankukarNa Shree RAAghavendra bhavataatav suprabhaatam ||

Oh shankukarna the best among devatas …You have taken birth [ as per the instructions of BRAMHA ] in the lineage of DITI by the name PRAHALAAD ….. this dynasty known to have  qualities  full of countless  HARIDWESHA  … etc …and many many defects …. BUt still none of these , not a single of defects ever manifested in YOU oh PRAHALAADRAYA ….. Instead VISHNU BHAKTI and infinite satvik qualities are seen in PRAHALAADARAYA … with such qualities PRAHALAADRAAYA you are completely clean and pure and auspicious and you make all those who serve you with devotion similarly [ as per capacity ] clean pure and auspicious ….Oh Prahalaadraaya , you have now descended again on earth as GURU SHRIRAGHAVENDRA SWAMY .. suprabhaata to you [ a very good auspicious morning ]

Note- some people may ask how do MADHVAS declare Such and such person is avatara of such and deity … isnt it glorification of self philosophy and self assumed glorification of our pontiffs …

To refute such illogical arguments …… the following lines from NARSIMHA PURANA presents the prooof of PRAHALAAD having descended as RAGAHVENDRATEERTHA …

ShankukarNaakhyadevastu bramhavaakyascha bhootale | Prahlaad iti vikhyaato bhoobhaar kshapaNE ratah | sa eva RAAGHVENDRAAKHYA:  kalau MANTRALAYEABHAVAT |


to be continued …………………………


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Nadi Tartamya – heirarchy among rivers !

srigurubhyo namha

  1. Ganga
  2. godavari
  3. Krishnaveni , swamichandrapushkarani , manas sarovar , kaveri ,saraswati
  4. sarayu , tungabhadra
  5. kalindi
  6. narmada , sindhu sarita , bhavanashini
  7. kumudvati
  8. malapaha
  9. tamraparni
  10. Bheemarathi , manjula , pinakini  , all the rivers that merge in ocean are equal to bheemrathi
  11. others which do not merge in ocean are lesser
  12. taTaka
  13. other Pushkarini , devaakhata
  14. vaapi
  15. kuupa

when giving arghya to one nadi other nadi should not be mentioned …

This nadi tartamya by SHree RAGHAVENDRA swamy teertha appears in bramhanda purana .

krishnarpanamastu …


Posted by on July 29, 2011 in stotra, tartamya


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SHREE SEETAARAM STOTRA – for happy married life !

श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः

नमो नमो रामा देवो ।त्तमांजनेय प्रेमा । क्षमापश्रितजनसमूह कल्प । द्रुमापराध क्षमापनम कुरू ॥ अजात नररूप रघुजाम् । जजाप्त कुलदीप ॥ अजेश भुजगाद्विजेंद्र मुखसुर ।व्रजाधिपति हरे गजेंद्रवरद ॥ अयोध्यापूरि निलया नित्याऽ-।वियोगिनि प्रिया ॥ दयाप अस्मदभयापहर  रुषि । सुयाग रक्षक त्रयिमयात्मा ॥ सनातन सुमित्रा दशश्यम् – । दनाख्य नृप पुत्रा ॥ अनादिमंगल सुनाम चरिता ॥ घनाशनभिनव जनार्दनविठ्ठल ॥

Those who long for happy married life …. those who have been separated and want to reunite .. those looking for loving husband …those looking for long lasting marriage .. those looking for infinite qualities in wife /. husband ….. those looking for a perfect spouse ….perfect relationship between spouse …. harmony in conjugal life ….. those aspiring for made in heaven jodi …..those struggling with dissatisfaction in mutual relationship …. those trying to mitigate misunderstandings amongst beloved couples ….. those who do not have access to estranged  spouse and yet aspire for a new beginning …. those who are missing something in marital aspects ,,,,,those who have committed grave sins against spouse and want to atone for it ….those who cannot come to terms with each other due to ego …… those who just want things magically to set up for themselves .

All those can recite this stotra daily with shuchi ….. and most importantly anusandha should be

seeta raama nityavayogini priya ……

SEETA RAAMA are never separated … RAMAYANA is for daitya mohana …. SEETADEVI always resides in the heart of RAAMA as Srivatsa mole .. she is never separated from her husband ….. neither was actual seeta at RAVANA’s ashoka vatika … it was seetakruti led by INDRA .. RAAMA never missed SEETA ..  RAAMA looking for Seeta in RAMAYANA is Lokvidamban ……

LORD RAAMA gives instant results … he gives all the desired to his devotees and his name is RAAMA …. one who attracts everyones and grants all his wishes to his fullest satisfaction and then seats permanently in their heart ,….

LORD RAAMA , as He is in our hearts similarly  HE is also present in others heart … RAAMA in our heart is no different than RAAMA in our spouse’s heart ,,,,  so if RAAMA in our heart is pleased with us  , so also the RAAMA in our spouse’s heart is pleased ,… thus when RAAMA in our heart is pleased with someone standing before us … we have a benign charm on them …. we think positively about the person and so also the other person responds favourably [ one need not ask a mortal spouse for our happiness when RAAMA does everything for us ] …. As RAAMA is especially a MODAMOORTY , he causes immense pleasure ….  RAAMA means one who gives bliss  happiness and creative sporting joy …  when he decides to shower his grace .. one finds heaven in his house …..

So oh HANUMADANTARGAT SEETA  RAAMA  be pleased with me !

With this anusandhana if one reads this stotra ,will get all his marital issues solved ….



Posted by on July 28, 2011 in ramayana, stotra


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Dhanvantari Stotra – for good health !

श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः

रोगनिवारण वागुवदिदु महा- । योगीगलु नेरेदु निगम सुपुराण ।भागवत पंचरात्रागमव शोधिसि । वेगदिंदलि दुग्धसागर मध्यदोलगे । नागराजनमेले योगनिद्रेयोलिप्प । वागीशपितन  इंबागिनेनिसलु । पोगुवुदघवेदु योगीश्वररु शिर ।दूगि सारुवरू चेन्नागि श्रीहरिनाम । ईग संसारवेंबो ब्यागि मध्यदि नररु ।जागुमाडदे बलु जागररागि तंबलागुवंते ऊंडु । तेऽगि तृप्तिबडुवुदु भोगानंद निमगे योगानंद । हागार हागवित्तु लोगर कैयिंद । तूगि बेलेगे वस्तु वेग तरुवुदल्ल । श्रीगुरु धंवन्त्री विजयविठ्ठल नाम द्वेष । भागिगलिगे सल्ल श्री गौरी पति बल्ल ॥॥

The above shloka will relieve one off all the long term diseases , it will give immense faith in LORD as present in DOCTOR , LORD as present in medicines ,, Lord as present in treatment ,,,,,and it will drive away daityas as present in diseases ,… it will give new strength ….. it will rejuvenate and make one fit for further sadhana through this body ….

it will destroy diseases arising out of eating unhygienic food , unhygienic lifestyle , by excessive work … excessive enjoyments by excessively keeping awake late till night ,,,  it will finally destroy the disease namely samsaara …

Shloka for heart disease …and diseases of mind …

Rudrantargat Srilaxminarsimha Shloka

रुद्रांतर्गत नारसिंह । पाहि । भद्रमूरुति निर्गताम्ह ॥ हृद्रोग कलेदु ज्ञानार्द्रस्वांतन् माडू । पद्र सामगघसमुद्र दाटिसो बेऽग ॥ एसेऽसु जन्म गलल्लि । निन्न दासनेन्दु  एन्न बल्लि ॥ ईश नीनेम्बुदु लेऽशवरिये क्लेश । नाशन प्रभुवे वाराशिजेवल्लभ ॥ वासवानुज वनधि शयन । महेश वंदित वरद हे करू । णा समुद्र करालवदनने ॥ नी सलहदिरे काणे कावरा॥ हेमकश्यपु तन्न सूतन नोयिेसे । श्री मनोहरने अनाथन । प्योऽमपर्वतांबुधि धामदोलुलुहिद । भौम सनमुनिगण स्तोमवंदित पाद ॥ सामजेंद्रन सरसियोलु सु- । त्रामनंदनना रणदि कुरु -। भूमिपति सभेयोलगे द्रौपदि -। या महात्मर काय्द करुणि ॥ वेदगम्य वेदव्यासाकपिल । यादवेश महिदासा ॥ श्रीद श्रीश अन्नद विश्वधन्वन्तरि । मेधाविपतिये वमादिरूपक विष्णु । कादुको निन्नवर मनद वि- । षाद रोगंगलनलिदुमहदादि देव जगन्नाथ विठ्ठल । आदरदि प्रह्लाद वरद ||

this stotra removes all kinds of epilepsy ,, mental tensions … mental disturbances ,,. mental instability … fears … phobias …. mental illness .. schizophrenia …. dementia … heart ailments … hypertension … disorders of blood … disturbances of tridosha ..Drishti dosha … administration of poison ….etc ..

Sometimes it becomes difficult to come out of infatuation for somebody , something or some issue ….even though brain says this is not good for us … heart makes in the invariable folly putting at risk reputation , self respect and honor …. sometimes it becomes impossible to come out of shackles of influence of people around us … sometimes due to some self imposed logic we cannot answer a certain person .. nor can we regulate them … all such mental weaknesses will be destroyed by this stotra

This also removes wrong notions about spirituality ,,, it gives clear conscience …. it creates fear of right and wrong ….. of hell and heaven …. it removes sins accumulated by mind ,,,,,, it gives clairvoyance needed for accurate vision ….. it brings one closer to JAGANNATH VITTALA ..



Posted by on July 28, 2011 in Diseases, karma, stotra


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Panchamukhi Maruti Karavalamban Stotra !

श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः

श्रीरामपादसरसीरुहभृंगराज ।संसारवार्धि पतितोद्दरणावतार॥ दुस्साद्यराज्यधनयोषिददब्रबुद्धे। पंचाननेश मम देहि करावलंबम् ॥

आप्रातराश्रितकुनाथनिकेतनाली । संचारकृत्यपटुपादयुगस्य नित्यं ॥मानाथसेविजनसगमनिष्कृतम् नो । पंचाननेश मम देहि करावलंबम् ॥

षड्वर्गवैरिसुखकृबहुदुर्गुहायाम् । अज्ञानगाढतिमिरातिभयप्रदायम् ॥ कर्माऽनिलेऽन विनिवेशितदेहधर्तु ः । पंचाननेश मम देहि करावलंबम् ॥

सच्छास्त्रवार्धिपरिमज्जनशुद्धचित्ताः । त्वतपादपद्मपरिचिंतनमोदसांद्राः ॥ पश्यंति नो विषयदूषितमानसं मां । पंचाननेश मम देहि करावलंबम् ॥

पंचेंद्रियार्जित महाखिलपापकर्म । सक्तो न भोक्तुमिह दिनजने दयालो ॥ अत्यंत दुष्टमनसो दृढनष्टदृष्टेः । पंचाननेश मम देहि करावलंबम् ॥

इत्थं शुभं भजकवेंकटपंडितेन । पंचाननस्य रचितं खलु पंचरत्नम् ॥ यः पापठीति सततं परिशुद्धभक्त्या । संतुष्टमेति भगवान खिलेष्टदायी ॥

॥इति श्रीमत पंचमुखीमारुतीस्तोत्रम् संपूर्णम् ॥



this stotra removes fear of attending interviews …. gives a good job very quickly … this stotra gives mode of earning to those who have lost their livelihood …. this gives right form of living … it stops excessive expenditure …. it increases wealth and gives stable income and satisfaction …


Posted by on July 26, 2011 in japa, stotra, yashas -success in career


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DinTraya Vrata – Essentials of being VAISHNAVA !!!




Dashami Ekadashi and Dwadashi tithi are known as Dintraya … fasting on these days is known as Dintraya vrata …Those who do not undertake this vrata their pitrus do not attain heaven …. they do not partake shradhdha havishya given by these …. LORD does not accept poojas done by those who do not observe this vrata ..

Those desirous of doing dintraya vrata must getup early on dashami and complete nitykarmas and then pray thus to ACHYUTA ” Hey devadevesha Janardana ! today is dashami tithi ..I will observe the dintraya vrata on the following three days …Kindly bless me and grace my vrata to be accomplished  without obstacles …. I bow before thee with devotion “

On the three days dashami onwards one must not take hot water [ bath ] paan saunf or mouth fresheners ….oil ….one must not engage in intercourse … must not sleep during daytime …..should not eat food prepared in copper brass vessels …..must not gamble ….must not exercise ….play ….should not annoint the body …shave or take massage …should not speak with paashandis …..should not watch teleserials or cinema [ vaarstree natanatya vilokanam ] ….should not eat nonveg …..should not eat outside or at  others house …..should not eat udid daal [ black gram ] should not engage in violence … and should not eat twice a day … one must adhere to these rules to the maximum with great efforts ….

If two ekadashis occur then one must worship thus ” hey shrihari ! i shall eat once on dashami and fast for next two days and again i shall partake food on dwadashi …Hey parmeshwar ! Kindly be pleased with me by the fast on these four days …and let my devotion towards you increase with your grace …”

After the prayers after twelve in the afternoon one must take food on dashami ….

If on dashami and dwadashi if one takes food without salt and only once then one gets twice the phala of the dintraya vrata ….

On Ekadashi one must pray thus ” hey madhusudana ! i shall fast completely on ekadashi and eat on next day dwadashi as parana …Hey pundarikaksha achyuta  kinldy always stand as my protector ” and if there are two upavasas then one must pray thus ” hey devaa ! I shall fast on ekadashi and take parane  on dwadashi be alwayes pleased with me “

One must always do mahapooja on ashadha shudhha ekadashi night ….the prayers should accompany music and dance and mahamangalaarti and should be surrendered to LORD and pray ” hey jagannatha ! Kindly take a deep sleep in kshirsamudra on the cot named SHESHA till chaaturmasa completes and bless your devotees with happiness ! i shall observe chaaturmasa vrata in seriatim leaving vegetables in ashadha …. curds in shravan …. milk in bhadrapada …. and dwidala and bahubeeja in ashwiyuj masa ..and let Lord Shreedhar alongwith Shridevi and Bhudevi  be pleased with me … ” in this way one must put Parmatma to sleep ….[ YOGANIDRA } ..

On this shayanotsav day one must invite 120 bramhins or 60 bramhin or 30 bramhins or as per capacity .

One must not accept food , water on Ekadashi .. one must not perform shraddha on ekadashi.... no homa should be performed ....tarpana shoudl not be given on ekadashi ...

even if done  unknowingly ekadashi vratahaani occurs will be considered as a sin towards VISHNU[ vishnudrohi ] and such a person along with his forefathers goes to hell …..

If shraddha occurs on ekadashi then VAISHNAVAS should be performed on dwadashi or trayodashi …others can perform on the same day ….[ just as shraddha that occurs during sutaka etc is performed after ashouch is over ekadashi shraddha should be done on dwadashi ... if preta dahan has to be done on ekadashi than it should be done by giving ghruta aahuti and rice should not be boiled to give pinda  ... next day shraddha should be performed ] This is for VAISHNAVAS ….applicable to all shukla and krishna paksha ekadashi …. This in no way becomes adharma …..


LORD varaha says “whatever is done with devotion towards me even if it is adharma that becomes dharma and what is done withoiut devotion towards me , even if it is dharma it becomes a sinful karma  “

At this point DHARANI devi asks ” How does one become a VAISHNAVA [ VISHNU BHAKTA ] and also do enlighten with what if done constitutes VISHNU DROHA and one becomes AVAISHNAVA…”

VARAHA DEVA says ” hey devi ! earlier same question was asked by NARADA , whatever I told him then now I repeat to YOu , Listen carefully! ……The smallest particles of Prithvi [ smaller than atoms etc ] are   sukshma kaNa  .. My veerya[ semen ] is infinite and greater than these prithvi sukshma kana ….They cannot be known by BRAMHA or LAXMI herself to the full … neither are these capable of counting them …..NONE is equivalent or greater to me NOR was anyone there earlier …Neither would anyone be there equivalent or greater to me in future . All the deities including bRamha onwards are under my control and subservient to my command …They create destroy and regulate as per my command and instructions ..Without my command no one is capable of even moving a small twig …. The complete creation , regulation,destruction ,maintenance , knowledge ,ignorance ,bondage and liberation namely eight activities I ALONE CARRY OUT and hence VEDAS declare me as ‘BHAGAVAAN ‘ I creat bodies of BRAMHA , laxmi and entire creation and regulate them thus all the vedas praise ME as ‘PURUSHOTTAMA ‘ .. This is the gist of all vedas upanishats and vedangas .

In this way with this knowledge [ unswerving knowledge ] about Vishnusarvottamatva , one who surrenders his body , his wife children , wealth and keeps his faith and  affection more than all that over [ body wife children and wealth ] towards KRISHNA and follows all the DEEKSHA of VISHNU as per the dictums of pancharatra agaama .. one who wears the signs of My [ VARAHAS' ] weapons [urdhwapundra  mudra of shanku chakra gada padma ] … one who does all the karma aiming towards me  [KRISHN] …… One who definitely knows that gaining grace of LORD is the only highest fruit …. one who thinks that LORD alone can get us to the shores of this huge ocean named SANSAARA ….. there is no other sadhana to overcome this bondage and get liberated ….. VISHNU alone is hailed as sarvottama PARAMATMA in vedas .. and one who with this constant knowledge always engaged in the dhyana smarana of SHRIHARI surrenders ……One who always shows interest in listening to my stories ..and always stays in the company of my devotees ….one who shows immense respect and devotion towards my devotees ..always engaged in swadharama who engages in dintraya vrata every month /fortnight …. and also tries to gain more knowledge about other vratas to observe them to gain more grace of VISHNU ….especially does chaturmasa vrata and does not do any act/karma which is prohibited by the shastras … one who earns through fair means … gains tatva gyana and stays put in it ….one who is ever engaged in athithi seva and does shradhdha without fail ….always practises truth …such a person whether he be GRAHASTHA , sanyasi yati , bramhachari or vaanprasthi …., such a person whether he /she be a bramhana , kshatriya , vaishya ,. shudra  anulomi or pratilomi , such a person manava qualifies  as VAISHNAVA …..All those who act conversely are termed as AVAISHNAVAS ……

Even though bereft of all dharmas …. who is  devoted towards me  , such a person will soon achieve moksha ….

  1. one who anoints Mudras
  2. one who recites My mantras
  3.  one who always engages in shaligrama pooja
  4. one who partakes only those food that is offered as naivedya to me and eats no other food
  5. one who partakes tulasi before and after meals and similarly takes teertha
  6. one who wears padmakshamala or tulasi mala
  7. Such a punyavaan person is hard to look at with anger even by YAMA himself ….
  • And those who engage in MY ninda [ bad mouthing insulting ]
  • those who show interest in the events where such insults occur
  • one who hates those who wear Mudras
  • those who bring obstacles to the vrata by devotees
  • those who contemplate that there is someone greater than KRISHNA or contemplate someone is equal to HIM [ or perhaps all are equal ]
  • Those who contemplate a different GOD other than KRISHNA
  • Those who think they are independent and PARMESHWAR
  • Those who think everything is under their control
  • Those who think VEDAS are not pramana , they are myth
  • those who think there is no swarga naraka mOKSHA etc
  • Thise who think even if swarga moksha exists may exist may not exist , but what difference it would make to me if bramhins are happy or unhappy with me ? and behave without regulation
  • those who do not respect atithi
  • Those who bring harm to Bramhins and try to pollute them
  • all such durguna persons are AVAISHNAVAS
  • They all attain hell
  • Those who go to heaven and also take their foefathers to heaven with their karmas such a persons’ lineage is indeed great , but conversely those who do karmas which take them hell and also take their manes to hell , such a AVISHNAV birth is deplorable and abhored ,…
  • A VISHNU BHAKTA  takes his all manes and pitrus to VISHNULOKA but a  AVAISHNAVA takes all his pitrus to andhatamas [ permanent hell ]whereby there is no liberation even for a hundred crores of kalpas .
  • Hey devi I have said whatever has been told to NARADA .. KNOW this to be a eternal truth  !!!!





Posted by on July 25, 2011 in Astrology and purana, japa, karma, sadhana


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Vaishnava Stotras for women and Non-Dwijas !

Srigurubhyo namaha


a aa e ee u oo ae ai O ou

k kh g gh

ch Ch j Jh

p ph b bh m

ta th d dh n

Ta Tha D DH N

ya ra la La va sh Sh sa ha Ksh tra gny

Note :The following shlokas can be recited by anyone irrespective of shuchi asuchi and caste creed and nationality and gender ….at all times and yet results will be guaranteed ……


Narsimha Stuti

laT laTaa laT laTaa LaTkaTisi vanajanDa | kaTah paT paT puTutkaTadi bichchu taliralu | puT puTa putanegadu chirihrutta pa | lkaTakaTa kaT kaDidu roShadinda | miTi miTi miTane raktakshiyalli noDi | taTitkoTi OOrBhaTaga aarBhaTvaagiralu KuTil rahita vyakta vijayaviTTHala shakta | diTa niTil netra surkaTaka paripalaa ||

नरसिंह स्तुति
लट लटा लट लटा ळटकटिसि वनजान्ड | कटह पट पट पुटुत्कटदि बिच्चुतलिरलु | पुट पुट पुतनेगदु चिरहृत्त प | ल्कटकट कट कडिदु रोषदिन्द | मिटि मिटि मिटने रक्ताक्षियल्ली नोडि | तटित्कोटि ऊरभटग आरभटवागिरलू  कुटिल रहित व्यक्त विजयविट्ठल शक्त | दिट निटिल नेत्र सुर्कटक परिपाला ||

Durga mantra

durge haa hey ho haa: durge mangaLa durge | durgati koDadiru vijayaviTTHala priye ||

 दुर्गा मन्त्र
दुर्गे हा हे हो हा: दुर्गे मंगला दुर्गे | दुर्गति कोडदिरु विजयविट्ठल प्रिये ||

durga stotra

durgaa durgeye mahaaduShTajana samhaare | durgaantargata durgey durlaBhe sulabhe | durgamvaagide ninna mahime bomme | bhargaadigaligella gunisidaroo | swarga bhumii paataaLa vyaaputa devi | vargakke meerida balu sundari  | durguNadavar Bhadhe bahaLavaagide taayii | durgatihaare naanu peLuvade | durgandhavaagide sansruti noDidare | nirgama na kaNenamma mangaLaange | durge hey durge mahadurge bhudurge viShNU | durge durjaya durdaksh shaktii | durgkaanan gahan parvatghor sarpa | gargar shabda vyaaghra karaDi mrutyu | varg bhoot preta paishaach modalaad | durgaNa sankaT praaptvaag | durgaadurgey yendu uchchaswaradinda | nirgaLitnaagi omme koogidroo | swargaapavargadalli hariyoDane iddaru | surgaNa jaya jaya vendu pogaLutir | kargaLindali yetti saakuva saakshibhoote | nirguDHidante  loka leele ninage | swaragangajanak namma vijayaviTTalananghri | durgashrama maaDi badukuvante maaDu ||

दुर्गा स्तोत्र
दुर्गा दुर्गेये महादुष्टजन संहारे | दुर्गान्तर्गत दुर्गेय दुर्लभे सुलभे   | दुर्गम वागिदे निन्न महिमे बोम्मे | भरगादिगलीगेल्ल गुनिसिदरू | स्वर्ग भूमि पाताल व्यापूता देवि | वर्गक्के मीरिद बलु सुंदरी  | दुर्गुणदवर भाधे बहळवागिदे तायी | दुर्गतिहारे नानु पेळुवदे | दुर्गन्धवागिदे संश्रुति नोडिदरे | निर्गम ना काणेनम्म मंगलांगे | दुर्गे हे दुर्गे महादुर्गे भुदुर्गे विष्णु | दुर्गे दुर्जय दुर्दक्ष शक्ती | दुर्गकानन गहन पर्वतघोर सर्प | गर्गर शब्द व्याघ्र करडि मृत्यु | वर्ग भूत प्रेत पैशाच मोदलाद | दुर्गण संकट प्राप् त्वाग | दुर्गादुर्गेय येन्दु उच्चस्वरदिन्द | निर्गळितनागि ओम्मे कूगिद् रू| स्वर्गापवर्गदल्लि हरियोडने इद्दरु | सुर्गण जया जया वेन्दु पोगळुतिर | करगळिन्दलि येत्ति साकुवा साक्षीभूते | निर्गुढिदन्ते  लोक लीले निनगे | स्वरगंगजनक नम्म विजयविट्ठलन‍ँघ्रि | दुर्गश्रम माडि बदुकुवन्ते माडु ||

Panchamukhi hanumaan stotra

kapimukhamapi poorvam dakshiNe naarsimham | garuDamukhamapi pashchaaduttare sookaraasyam || hayavadanamatordhvam chintayet vaayusunoom | sakalduritaharam sriiraamadootam shirasaanamaami ||

पंचमुखी हनुमान स्तोत्र

कपिमुखमपि पूर्वम दक्षिणे नारसिंहं | गरुडमुखमपि पष्चादुत्तरे सूकरास्यम || हयवदनमतोर्ध्वम चिन्तयेत वायुसुनूं | सकलदुरितहरम
श्रीरामदूतम शिरसानमामि ||

rudra stotra

dhavaLagangeya gangaadhar mahaalinga maa-| dhavan torisayya gurukulottunga || archisidavarigebhiShTaya koDuva | hechchina aaghgaLataridu bisuDuvaa || duShcharitagaLella doordalliDuvaa na-| mma chyutagallada asurara baDivaa || maaranna gedda manoharmoorti | saar sajjanarige Shubhchakravarti || DhaaruNiyaoLage tumbida ninna keerti | muraariya torisayyaa ninage sharaNaarti || chinna prasanna shreehayavadananna | anudin nenavante maaDo nee yenna || anyanallavou naanu guruvemba ninna | innadaroo tOrO hariya mukkaNNa ||

रुद्र स्तोत्र
धवळगन्गेय गंगाधर महालिन्ग मा-| धवन तोरिसय्य गुरुकुलोत्तुन्ग || अर्चिसिदवरिगेअभिष्टय कोडुव | हेच्चिन आघगळतरिदु बि सुडुवा || दुष्चरितगळेल्ल दूर दल्लि इडुवा न-| म्म च्युतगल्लद असुरर बडिवा || मारन्न गेद्द मनोहरमूर्ति | सार सज्जनरिगे शुभचक्रवर्ती || धारुणियओलगे तुम्बिद निन्न कीर्ति | मुरारिय तोरिसय्या निनगे शरणार्ति || चिन्न प्रसन्न श्रीहयवदनन्न | अनुदिन नेनवन्ते माडो नी येन्न || अन्यनल्लवौ नानु गुरुवेंब निन्न | इन्नादरू तोरो हरिया मुक्कण्ण ||

Gauri stotra

bhadraaNi dehi me gauri gauri | bhadraaNi dehi gauri rudraaNI bhooryaabharaNi || garvaadi nirmitaani durvaas sukhdaayini | sarvaaNi paatakaani sharvaaNi Bhinditaani || ambhojanaabh sahit rambhoru shambhudayite | gaambhirya suguNa sahite kumbhodbhavaadi vinute || indivaraabhanayane vandithayavadana | kundakuDmalardane chandrasahasravadane ||

गौरी स्तोत्र
भद्राणि देहि मे गौरी गौरी | भद्राणि देहि गौरी रुद्राणी भूर्याभरणी || गर्वादि निर्मितानि दुर्वास सुखदायिनी | सर्वाणि पातकानि शर्वाणि भिंदितानि || अंभोजनाभ सहित रंभोरू शम्भुदयिते| गाम्भिर्य सुगुण सहिते कुम्भोद्भवादि विनुते || इन्दिवराभनयने वन्दित हयवदन | कुन्दकुड्मलर्दने चंद्रसहस्रवदने ||

raaghvendra stotra …

raaghavendra raaghvendra raaghavendra paahi maam |  raaghavendra raaghvendra raaghavendra raksha maam ||

राघवेन्द्र स्तोत्र …
राघवेन्द्र राघवेन्द्र राघवेन्द्र पाही माम |  राघवेन्द्र राघवेन्द्र राघवेंद्र रक्ष माम ||
अच्युताय नम: अनन्ताय नमः गोविन्दाय नमः अच्युतानन्तगोविन्दाय नमः

Benefits of shloka

These are all stotras very powerful to be recited when in danger of enemies ,….abhichara and stiff resistance at work place …. much hurdles in getting accomplishments …. when troubled harassed by evil people …. when discriminated by superiors …. attrocities of powerful …. when in acute loss of wisdom words and when limbs fail ….. when life is in danger ….. when in debts …. when spouse is not under control …. when abused by in laws ….. when one wants to leave a  bad company ….. when a son is not obedient ,.,…. when in foriegn countries …… when one wants cleanse oneself of sins ……

in all such situations these stotras which are very ugra and brings downfall of the opponents within short time …. enemies give up and fall on feet ….. some will earn from their enemies too ,…. those who recite this shlokas will speak unabshedly in courts and gathering even though inimcal …
one will get extra daring attitude and be  shelter to others …..

there are many benefits of this hslokas if it is done continuously for 108 times in a day for seven days …. eleven days … 21 days …. one month and one year .. one gets many unimagined results that is called as anusandhana and anushthana …… even women and non bramhins can gain siddhi by doing parayana these shlokas


Hindi transliteration courtesy Smt SHUCHI SHUKLA


Posted by on July 24, 2011 in stotra, tartamya



A day in the life of a sadhaka !

A day has 60 ghatikas [ 24 hours = 60 gh ] [ 1gh = 24 minutes ] …..

A night divided into two parts  15 gh each …

the latter part of night last 6 ghatikas remaining , one should get up …

off these 6 gh …….. 4 ghatikas one must contemplate on shastras .

remaining 2 ghatikas one must contemplate on HARI as per the method taught by guru ..

In 30 ghatikas of daylight ………

  • 2 ghatikas snana [ all morning chores details to be given in paradharmo section ]
  • 2 ghatikas Japa
  • 2 ghatikas Deva pooja
  • 2 ghatikas LUNCH bhojana
  • 2 ghatikas rest and break [ one can lie down , take  a nap ]
  • 20 ghatikas adhyapan … yaajan …. paath pravachan shastra shravan  and livelihood

In 30 ghatikas of night … first half of 15 ghatikas should be spent as

  • 2 ghatikas sandhyavandan deva pooja
  • 8 ghatikas  pustakavalokan [ studying books ]
  • 14  ghatikas of sleep …..

One must follow these steps to the best of one capacity and to get the swaroop yogyata expressed one must spend more and more time on shastra vyasanga …..

One must only do the work allocated by the LORD as per birth for  a livelihood …doing anything else even if 1000 sadhana other than one ordained by LORD [ varna ashrama dharma ] will only tantamount to disobedience towards the LORD’s command …

Doing anything else will only be a labour leading to more sweat tiredness and no result ….

One must always keep oneself engaged in activity till sleep and worldly pursuits will automatically follow us ..

To be satisfied with whatever comes naturally [ desire and gains and happiness ] is most important …even if one has to beg ,,, it should be limited to keep oneself alive ….. anything more would only contribute to excess labour …

It is only a good fortune to have descended on the human to be born in BHARATKHAND and to be sermoned with good tenets of shastras …leading to liittle knowledge about Paramatma …. instead of  making use of this good fortune and improving his knowledge of LOrd and improve parmartha …. if one pursues fame from ignorants ..little wealth or four days of living in ones own house …. having few good sweet dishes and few good copulation and knowing them to be a great achievement and disowning the life of knowing  LORD and yet calling themselves as successful and much intelligent and all knowing …. by engaging in the lifestyle which would only lead to nether world .. how on the earth can these claim to be realised ….. do they not feel ashamed of abusing their lives … given preciously  by HARI to to do moksha sadhana ?

To get into the mode of sadhana is very difficult ………. there are many obstacles ….They are -

  1. this is kaliyuga … yugadhipati is kali …
  2. Kali nearly destroys all the available resources of sadhana ..
  3. He stands in every major instrument of sadhana
  4. In every adhisthana he tries a pollution to destroy the punya collected by the sadhaka ..
  5. In a guru ,when near by tries to harm sadhaka by igniting svaninda and svottamaninda…
  6. One must ignore ones insult and curb the tendency to insult or point defects of elders …
  7. if one is not equipped mentally to ignore or curb …. if completeness [ pakvata] has not yet descended in the mind …. then one must maintain a distance from elders and always try to get affection from them …
  8. then after pakvata … practically people will like and affection will be permanent
  9. BUT Kali also enters wife/lover and in lonely moments makes her speak …” why on the earth are you so religious …. look people are making fun ….. why cant we be just normal …. is this much of devotion necessary ….. why cant we be like others …. I cannot bear people commenting on you … look your brothers make fun of you …. your sister is also a party to such loud talk …. these do not go well with me …. i feel very much pained when someone talks ill of you …. I want you to be appreciated , why not reduce some of your pooja time ,,,, you seem to be spending almost a whole day into it ,,…. you have stopped noticing me …..i am unable to answer them they seem to be thinking that I am less attractive thus you are drifting …. i will give my life away …. i rather die than listen to such words which i cannot defend ….. Come lets live a good life “
  10. these are the words till children come in the life …. once children comes ,.she laments again “ if only our child could get some better life … some better education …. look others are faring better where are we ? how can we not get all those to our child …. isnt it our responsibility ?  “
  11. then comes upanayana , marriage and now the new question is “ our daughter’s in laws are thinking like this …. we are allowing our children to be bogged down by their in laws …. why cant we do something ? “”
  12. and this dushtabhashana parampara continues till death knocks our doors …. only to be dragged into asaar sansaara again in next birth ,.,,,,
  13. This santaap yatra continues as kali takes on the [ avesha ] of guru . mata  pita bandhu , svashur , mitra , putra etc and in a most intimate way he troubles giving dukh santaap chinta of these relations …
  14. One who does not give away his manogranthi to these talks and stays still as a stone only to advance his sadhana is the wise man …
  15. One who can find out defects in the logic of relational talks and also is ware of his own weaknesses is the wise man …
  16. One who concentrates on HARI … and partakes only HARI granth anveshana food discarding the distastes arising out of the  Kali  relishing which only diseases spring which he effectively cures with a rasayan namely HAribhakti .. only to get all his desires fulfilled …….

Krishnarpanamastu ..


Posted by on July 21, 2011 in sadhana




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