Itiidam keertitam yasya Vishnoramitatejasah |trikale yahpaThennityam paapam tasya na vidyate ||
In the previous posts many of the qualities of Lord Srinivasa has been enumerated , with such qualities Srinivasa is amitatejasah ………infinitely radiant ……… Such Srinivasa if worshipped with the eight shlokas beginning with ” VENKATESHO VASUDEVAH …..” three times a day ,i.e morning , afternoon and evening at sunset ..everyday ……all the sins of a person will get destroyed and no new sins will touch him in future …..By the grace of LORD SRINIVASA …
rajadware paTethghore sangrame ripusankate | Bhutsarpapisachadi bhayam naasti kadachan||
rajadware – at the gates of palace of KING [ president PM , BOSS , Interview , Officers , any other person of importance who would get the work done for us ]
ghore – dangerous ………
sangrame – during wars
ripusankate – when caught in between enemies , trapped by opponents .. in difficulties created by enemies ….
bhoot – goblin
sarpa – snakes
pisaach – spirits /zombies
aadi – all other such cruel creatures ……
bhayam – fear
naasti – does not occur
kadachana – never again
Note : This is a very important , time tested , shloka ……… it has a deeper impact when understood properly ………. EVeryone in their lifetimes become anxious about a probable high profile meeting , which may carry a life turning consequences …. it may be a meeting with high profile minister for a businessman resulting in royal favours ..
it may be a hearing in a court for a favourable judgement ….
it may be a interview call for a probable job prospect …
it may be a board meeting /general body meeting for a favorable placement / response and applause ……..
it may be a crucial appearance for a selection /audition etc
it may be a appraisal with a superior / boss/ professor for a promotion / project submission /credits /PhD etc
it may be crucial meeting with PM or party president for a plum post in cabinet …
In all such events , one becomes anxious /nervous when the D day arrives and especially at the gates / door of the premises of performance ……..
This extreme anxiety, fear is difficult to curb .. sometimes it becomes impossible to overcome this syndrome …… most of the time this gives way to mental blockade and many people fail or underperform tilting under pressure , even though they are quiet capable / efficient intelligent and deserving , they fail ………
REASON extreme anxiety and fear ……… One needs divine intervention to overcome this ………. SO all these are classified under the term ” RAJADWARE “
so when in above situation known as Rajadware when one recites this Venkatesha stotra all this fears will vanish and never appear again ………..
[ there will be crores of madhvas who will vouch for this statement of mine , this need not be doubted even for a second ... and one should make it an habit to rceite this stotra at every meeting ]
2. Many of us have the habit of getting into troubles … especially when one is troubled with Ketu .. one gets entangled into dangers every now and then ,,,, fear is imminent in such circumstances ,,,,,,,,, all such events are known as ghore … and fears will vanish after reciting the shloka … ghore also indicates times as floods earthquake tsunami …volcanic eruptions ,,,, tornado …… hurricane ……famine …landslide .. breakdown of aircraft ship vehicles in unhabitated areas .etc … reciting stotra brings in instant relief …
3. sangrame – when a war breaks out ……. both soldiers and citizens anxiety rises to a uncertain levels … an outcome of war cannot be predicted … a losing side ends up paying a heavy price …… your home is no longer yours … it is forcibly taken away by the invaders … your stable life [ business / family / employment ] everything gets disturbed .. for no fault of yours …. someone loses a war and you pay the price … your belongings are looted at gun point with external force … abuse of all sorts awaits a losing side … a loss may be even for a day …. [ next day your forces may recapture ] but that day is horrible …. it shows how our stability is no stability at all ,,, how we all living in our own box of comfort …….. and think this is permanent and plan for a great future and even think our destiny is in our hands and we can create our fortunes [ all these looks good only in stable economy and stable kingdom , once destabilisation occurs one loses everything without misefforts --- and then one thinks yes there is something called destiny ] forcible eviction from box of comfort is something one never anticipates or even thinks about … all such people suffer at the hands of destiny …
a WAR is horrible in consequence … no efforts can save us from disaster ….. one man cannot change the events in a war … lest a common man is utterly helpless ,,.. fear is but very natural … THEN WHO IS THE SAVIOUR in such times ,,,,,
SRINIVASA ….. recite this stotram many times during such times ,,,,relief will come in a personal manner ……..
WAR also gives jitters to soldiers ,,. they first time realise that life is just a bullet away … all the near and dears come to remembrance …. but unhappiness nothing seem to strike the mind ,,, along with it fear of loss of life becomes paramount and misery of losing near and dear ones ….brings in extreme agony … all this leads to fear of starting war ….
ARJUN too felt jitters at the beginning of war ……….
SRNIVASA stotra recitation will allay all such fears gives extreme bravery and peace …. it will also bring relief from ill effects of WAR .sangrame …
Ripu sankate – when caught in the grip of enemies …… it becomes extremely fearful moments …….. prisoner of war .. kidnapped persons …. ransom ……..blackmail …..detention ……… victims of secret enemies .. abhichara black magic ,,,,,,,,,, machiavelian traps ….. business rivalry .. conspiracies ……….. chall kapat ……civil war …..racial attacks ..riots …… in all such situations .. every other person becomes enemy and is out to harm ……….
In all such situations there is no hope and self efforts does not serve any useful or meaningful relief …… SRINIVASA alone helps in such situation just he helped DRAUPADI …….. reciting this stotram brings in that invaluable help instantly ……. need not doubt an iota ……….. SRINIVASA is very merciful to those who recite this stotra daily ……
BHOOT SARPA PISACHADI ——– bhoot are the attendants of LORD SHIVA ……They are absolutely single minded … they only create havoc in the life of the people … some people continuously suffer at the hands of some family members as physical abuse ,,,, mental torture … or ill treatment or differential treatment … this also extends to office atmosphere or some premises …. People always feel why a particular relationship is going sour or why the atmosphere on office is not conducive and why each day ends up with fight , unhappiness or some dissatisfaction ..
they never get an answer …… the answer is presence of bhootgana in the vicinity …. these are extremely hardhearted cruel creatures ,… as long as they exist there will be miseries …….They create extreme fear …. fear to face the abuse / torture /misery ..
sarpa – sarpa snake is an extremely vengeance full creature … any harm done to snakes in any life .. snake keeps on tormenting the offender , it does not even forgives once even after repeated repentance ………. this sarpa dosha gives rise to frequent failures …. loss of words at crucial juncture ,,,, failed marraiges ,,,, difficulties in every undertaking ……… nothing materialises ………… once life becomes a drudgery ……….
SArpa not knowing kindness , troubles endlessly and remotely invisibly …… driving person to low self esteem and fear of failure becomes manifested ,,,,,
PISACHA – all those who are buried after death ,,, whose sanskaar after death has not been performed properly ……… those whose shraddhas are not performed regularly … those who die with unfulfilled dreams ……. those who have unusual deaths …. become pisacha ………. These pisachas are extremely troubled themselves from hunger thirst and lust ..all the bodily feeling and needs trouble them but due to lack of body …. these constantly lookout for bodies , grab them and satisfy their hunger thirst and lust … the body of the person suffers unknown miseries and breakdowns ,,,,,,,,,,, pisachas do not have any tenderness or understanding they use the bodies with utmost disrespect ………. this causes extreme fear in the body …
There are many such beings like rakshasas , apsmara etc ……. who behave very brash with possession …….. These fears are very hard to remove ,…….. slowly victims lose life …. self esteem and disinterest in life .. SRNIVASA stotra removes these fears once for all and they never appear again in ones life…………….
Aputro labhate putran nirdhano dhanvaan bhavet | rogarto muchyate rogatbadhdo muchyet bandhnaat ||
Those who do not have children …….. [ aputro ] they will beget child [ labahte putran ] nirdhano – those suffering from poverty or in dire need of money ….. will get money and become rich [ dhnavaan bhavet ] by reciting these stotram with devotion and faith …
Roagarto [ roga artah ] those who are suffering from diseases they cry in bewilderness as only they can understand their misery and pain .. this pain is individualistic and relative to the past sins ………. it becomes unbearable ………. reciting this stotram in such situations .. reduces the pain and gives relief and diseases also subside never to trouble again ……[ rogat muchyate ]
bhaddho – those who are languishing in jails [ undertrials / convicted ] those who have been held in custody …….those who are undergoing judicial cases … they will be released from custody ………. fear of jail will also be destroyed …… reciting this stotram daily ….
Yadyatishtatamam loke tattatprapnotyaasanshayah |Aishwaryam raajsanmanam bhuktimuktiphala pradam ||vishnorlokaikasopanam sarvadukhaika nashanam |sarvaaishwaryapradam nrunam sarvamangal karakam ||
Those who recite this shloka daily … they will
loke – In this world [ three worlds - swarga antariksha bhumi ] ….. yatyat – all that that — ishtatamam —is most desired …. [utmost desires , even desires of highest kind .. impossible types but most ishta desirous ] ……….. tat tat- .….. all those those ……….. prapnoti -— will be fructify [ materialise attained ] ……asanshayah - without doubt … do not even doubt it …….. your desires of imposible kind and yet most desirous in the three worlds , it may not be just one desire ….. all that has been desired by the one who recites this daily …. [ man keeps desiring and probably everyone takes it for dejection that all desires may not be fulfilled ..] but madhvas who recite this stotra daily … all those fortunate initiated into reciting this as daily part of their daily pooja …… can rest be assured that , their every desire as they get up early in the morning and as life progresses ,,,,, however difficult , far fetched , impossible desires they may ……….. each and very such desires … and all such desires that prop up in future …… all those even if they are somewhere in other worlds too …. will be fulfilled without doubt ……… condition attached is recite the Venkatesh stotram three times a day …. everyday ……….and forget how it fructifies … just desire .. and lo it gets materialised …. SRINIVASA has one palm in vara mudra … he is here to grant wishes ……..
AISHWARYAM - prosperity wealth ……… RAajsanmanam – awards /recognitions /felicitations / academic excellence /trophies /world cup / championship / bharat ratna / padmashree / national awards /oscars /nobel prize / olympic medal / scholarships everything will be materialised …[aapnoti ]
Bhukti – all kinds of enjoyments of wealth vehicles house of material kind
mukti – relief from cycle of birth and death……..
phala – all such fruits
pradam – SRINIVASA gives …
VISHNUH – NARAYANA …. LOKAIKAsopanam – vishnulok means VAIKUNTHA eksopanam – to get into the VAIKUNTHA loka it is foremost step …….. reciting this stotra forms first foremost step in sadhana to reach vaikuntha …..
NRunam – for all humans ………. SARVAAISHWARYAPradam ———- it gives all the wealth of various kinds [ yogaishwarya , sidhhaishwarya ,ashtaishwarya ] to the one who recites this stotra with devotion ……..
Sarvadukhaiknashanam - for all sorts of miseries , unhappiness , dissatisfactions , this stotra is foremost instrument of destruction ..
Sarvamangal karakam – All sorts of auspiciousness is brought in by this stotra …
In this world one desires … desires many things ……. things after things ……
even if desires are fulfilled … one is unhappy because of lack of qualities [ asihwarya ] even if they are there , there may be no dearth of good things ……. but still there may be miseries ………all these miseries arising out of sansaara will be destroyed ..
even if desires are fulfilled and no miseries exist ……… inauspiciousness may cause dissatisfaction … so this stotra brings more auspiciousness ,,,,,
All material benefits may be enjoyed .. fame may be enjoyed …….. desires may be manifested ……all auspicious may hit our perfect life .. but with death all ends …. BUT with this stotra even after death these remains intact as it gives relief from sansaara and places one at the pedestal of VAIKUNTHA ……….
Mayavi parmanandam tyaktva Vaikunthamuttamam | swamipushkarniteere ramaya saha modate |
In sansaarvastha all the souls will have their svaroopananda covered by a sheath .. thus they are not able to realise true self happiness …When they reach Vaikuntha , this sheath is uncovered and all souls experience unrestricted free flowing their svaroopananda ……… Thus this VAIKUNTHA is known as Sarvottama loka …… VAIKUNTHAUTTAMAM …….[ in all other lokas this ananda is less and in Vaikuntha it is highest that is why it uttam loka because soul cannot find happiness of the kind in Vaikuntha in any of the other lokas .. in the least on earth .. ]
BUt Srinivasa NARAYANA has no constraint with respect to his ananda in any lokas ,,, In any lOka he may be He exhibits his ananda in a poorna manner completely …..It neither reduces or increases with LOkas ….. Thus He can stay anywhere everywhere as per HIS wish [ MAYAVI ]… So For sometime LORD SRINIVASA decided to leave VAIKUNTHA [ VAikuntham TYAKTVA ] and stay for a while in SWAMIPUSHKARNI at VENKATACHALA ….
Laxmidevi preconstruing the desire of the LORD [ a excellent wife construes her HUSBANDS' desires along with his contemplation ......... ] Now as LORD desired to stay in pushkarini on earth .. SHe too decided to LEAVE VAIKUNTHA [ in one form ] , to stay with her Husband .. so she took up a dispute ……throwing wanton tantrum [ PREMA KALAHA ] over sage BHRIGU’s kick and left for earth ..
Now SRINIVAS is staying in PUSHKARINI teere …banks of SWAMIPUSHKARNI .. sporting [ modate ]along with [ Ramaya saha ] LAXMIDEVI [ one form in his vakshsthala ... mole on chest srivatsavaksha ... and one form in invisible mode ] expressing his complete PARAMANANDA …as MAHALAXMI serves her LORD ……
Kalyanaadadbhutgatraya kaamitartha pradayine | Srimadvenkatnathaya srinivasaya te Namaha ||
Kalyan – auspicous adbhut – full of surprising , spell bounding, ashcharyakar , gatraya – bodied …….. kamit – desired …. arth – things
pradayine – one who bestows …………..
Srimad venkatnathaya - the most fortunate and full of wealth and mysteriously auspicious .. sarvasoubhagyadayak ……. Venkatachal — mount venkatachal … is being presided by SRINIVAS thus he is SRIMADVENKATNATHA …
SRINIVASAYA— Lord who is known in all the universe by name SRINVASA Oh such Lord
Te-NAMAHA— Namaskaras to YOU ….
Oh LORD you have a APRAKRUT deha … Thus You are full of auspicous qualities and thus you are KALYANA …..such a body no other person has thus it is ascharya .. and ADBHUTGATRA ….. You grant all the boons to the devotees more than their expectation and satisfaction in this world and other world , in this birth and after death too … so you are KAMITARTHA PRADAYINE … You are the presiding Deity [ worshipped in whole universe as SRINIVASA ] of VENKATACHALA and thus it has become very auspicious and fortunate for those who touch it or land on it ……. Thus OH LORD SRINIVASA , namaskara to YOU ….
KRishnarpanamastu ..