ArdhaikVimshopaka – Marriage Muhurta & SEETARAAMAKALYANA

  • What is the importance of VIVAHA muhurta ?
  • Why should a marriage be solemnised on a good auspicious time ?
  •  If man and woman and their married life is prewritten or predestined , then why people run helter skelter to PANDITS to get a muhurta !
  •  WHy one cannot marry as they wish at whaterver convenient time in a day or night on  a convenient SUNDAY where all the relatives and friends can attend the marriage without having to take a LEAVE from office .

Marriage is about getting a good wife . Who is a good wife , Shubh sheel sanyukta is what is called as good wife . Why it is required ? because it is then TRIVARGAkaranam ! what is that ?

dharma arth kaam are trivarga , this can be obtained only through a wife who is shubh and sheel sampanna . What makes a  marraige shubha sheela sanyukta ?

The vivaha lagna is largely responsible for subh svabhava and sheel and materialisation of trivarga sadhana .

And also the quality of progeny and their behaviour is also subjective to vivaha muhurta .

How should be a VIVAHA fixed ?

usually parents get a horoscope and and they refer to a pandit or if they are astro savvy , use software to know if the nakshatra are matching and then declare yes marriage would be good or bad as the case may be .

a PANDIT may at the most see additionaly the chart for  a possible manglik kuja dosha and reject or accept a horoscope for a yejamana , once a accepted then family bursts into happiness and a muhurta is chosen as per convenience ,  oh my daughter has no leave , uncle cannot come in may ,my best friend has to attend two more weddings on that day ,  all the bujjis have exams , groom wants to leave for offshore assignment , choultry is not available . PANDITJI give a convenient date ! Least people are bothered about importance of muhurta and whether it matches vadhu and vara for a long happy journey .

So what should be the right procedure ?

as soon as the horoscope probable comes , take it to a good astrologer with ratna vastra phala tamboola and dakshina . after paying respects to the astrologer , ask him a prashna , that daivagnya we have recieved the horoscope of  prospective groom and will it be suitable  for the groom or bride .

After seeing preliminary nakshatra etc … Astrologer in a good frame of mind should see the prashna chart .

if moon is in 10 , 11 , 3, 7 , 5 from ascedant lagna and if jupiter aspects this moon , then immediately the marraige will be fixed with said groom or bride .

if lagna is vrishabha tula or karka with benefics in it or aspected by benefics , even then marraige will take place .

if the question is from a girl asking ” panditji will I marry the person of my choice ?”

then if venus and moon are in odd signs in BHA AMSHA and if strong planet aspects the lagna or if lagna lord with strength aspects the moon . then girl will get the desired groom .

if the same question is from a boy then moon and venus should be in even signs in BHA amsha .

When the question is o behalf of girl , then in prashna moon should not be in 6 or 8th from asc ; mars planet should not be in seventh  or eighth , this would bring end within 8 years of marraige .

when a question is on behalf of boy , 5th house must be inspected especially during prashna , if it contains malefic , and if that is aspected by enemy and or is debilitated in fifth , the marraige will be trouble owing to misconduct of the girl . [ such a match should be avoided ]

if only fifth is afflicted then dead children will be born .

even if moon is exalted and in  own house in 6th or 8th , if aspected by inauspicious planets , engagement or marriage breaks .  

if such yogas are found and still couples insist on marraige then , girl should resort to savitri vrata or pippalavadh etc remedies should be undertaken and then given to a good longevity groom .

When looking  for bride , on nakshtras , uttarashadha , svati , shravana , purvaphalguni , poorvashadha , purvabhadra , anuradha , dhanishtha , krittika , after giving good dresses and fruits and gifts when girl is happy , she should be proposed for a marraige , such a marriage lasts longer .

when looking for  a boy , girls brother along with  a bramhin   and purohit on a auspicious day , with yagnyopaveet flowers ,sweet fruits and dresses , go to the groom on dhruv nakshtras , krittika purvaphalguni , poorvashadha and poorvabhadra and fix engagement or marraige date . [ such a act will not give shocks of negative behaviour from grooms ]

Boys should marry in odd years of their age , and girls in even years of age . girl should have guru bala and boy should have ravi bala . BOTH should have chandrabala on marraige day .

  • VISHAKHA nakshatra pada 1 2 3 girl will bring auspicious results to the younger brother of the groom .
  • MOOLA nakshatra pada 4 will bring auspiciousness to Father in law
  • ASHLESHA nakshatra pada 1 will bring auspicious results to MOTHER IN LAW
  • GANDANTA NAKSHATRAS like jyeshta revati ashlesha is insuaspicious only for the last 48 min
  • magha ashwini ,moola are inauspicious only in first 48 min .
  • As GANDANTA rashi only initial  12 minutes is inauspicious
  • As GANDANTA lagna only last 24 minutes is inauspicious .

the shadvarga of lagna should have atleast 4 benefic rashis .

The Vivaha muhurta shoudl not have a retrograde planet in second and a planet in 12th , this will bring misfortunes and misery owing to separation etc .

Vivaha moon with sun gives poverty , with mars gives death , with venus enemity and with shani it gives disinterest in sexual life after marriage .

Marriage in 8th lagna of girl will see her come back to her parents house after marraige .

If navamsa lagna of vivaha is 8th of girl’ asc or moon then wife and husband will quarrel and separate .

YOG PANCHAKA and BAANA should be seen properly for a muhurta to avoid , theft of jewelery , fire mishhaps , sudden attack of disease or any misfortunes like income tax raid or problems with authorities  on marraige day .

SHUBH navamsha is a must for vivaha muhurta  if one aspires pativrata stree .

where a planet should not be there !

  • 12th saturn ,
  • 10th mars ,
  • 3rd venus ,
  • afflicted  moon in asc ,
  • asc lord , venus or moon in 6th ,
  •  8th moon , asc lord ,benefics and mars
  • all planets in seventh are unfavourable

where planets do good !

  • ravi ketu rahu shani in 3 6 11 8
  • mars in 3 6 11
  • moon in 2 3 11
  • mercury and jupiter do good in places other than 7 12 8
  • venus does good in places other than 8 3 7 6 12

WIth a lagna having above said planetary positions  shoudl be chosen .

Ardhaikavimshopaka - 21and 1/2 point formula .

the following points are accorded to each planet

  • mercury – 2
  • venus – 2
  • moon – 5
  • sun – 3 1/2
  • jupiter – 3
  • shani 1-1/2
  • rahu 1-1/2
  • ketu 1-1/2
  • mars 1-1/2
  • total 21-1/2

In the previous paragraph Various places have been enumerated as good for a planet ,some places as bad .

  1. Cast a muhurta chart
  2. lacate the lagna ascendant
  3. count the positions of moon jupietr shani etc nine planets
  4. if the planet is in exact position as given in good placement table add its points .
  5. the planet placed in exact good position as per table will contribute full points
  6. the planets in other than good and bad positions table will contribute half
  7. the planets in exact bad positions will contribute zero points .
  8. Take only auspicous places of planets and add the points
  9. make a total
  10. if the total is below 5 do not even touch the muhurtha
  11. if the total is between 5-10 this is ashubha muhurta , [ should be used only in emergency ]
  12. if the total ARDHAIKAVIMSHOPAKA is between 10-15 it is medium muhurta
  13.  if the total ARDHAIKAVIMSHOPAKA is above  15 it is a good muhurta .
  14. see if doshas exist with some bad placements of planet in mixed muhurta .
  15. then if jupiter in kendra or 5th and 11 sun destroys doshas
  16. vargottama lagna or chandra destroy doshas
  17. mercury in kona and 1 4 10 [ not seventh ] destroys 100 doshas
  18. venus in same place destroys 200 doshas
  19. Jupiter in same place destroys 1 lakh doshas
  20. Just as fire destroys a  heap of cotton so also lagna lord in 11 1 4 10 places destroys evil .

VIVAHA lagna is the body of  bride , venus is mother in law , sun is father in law , seventh from lagna is groom , moon is mind of bride , BASED on these planets the happiness and misery of the following realations should be ascertained . The state of mind of the bride is known by moon on the day of marraige , CHANDRA BALA as per ashtakvarga will make it a happy event .

If the above planets are in bad avasthas so shall be the rekationships and the marraige will result in unhappiness for ex if venus is badly placed , mother in law will be unhappy with the marriage . if sun is badly placed then Father in law will be uncomfortable with the marraige . ALL marraiges in month of oct nov and jan feb will bring misery to Father in law . Marriages in the month of march april brings enormous happiness to parents of grrom .

For all LOVE marriages gandharvadi vivaha tripadi nakshtra should be chosen for muhurta .

Count the days nakshatra from SUN’s nakshatra , first 4 are inauspicious , next 2 are good , next 3 ashubh , next 1 shubh , next 4 shubh , 6 ashubh ,3 shubh , 1 ashubh , 3 shubh .  choose shubh for love/ register marriages

WHEN cows are returning from the forests in the evening , the dust seems to be raising from the hoofs of the cows and atmosphere is filled with  dust and dispersion with rays of setting sun , SUCh a time is very auspicious and no lagn a planet placement dosha etc should be seen at this time , ie 12 minutes before and after sunset this time known as GODHULI MUHURTA is best for marraige .


SRIRAAMA and LAXMANA along with SAGE VISHWAMITRA stayed in the KINGDOM of SUMATI born to VISHAL who was son of IKSHVAKU [ ANCESTOR of RAAMA ] and very beautiful  apsara ALAMBUSA of swarga .

HAVING spent the night in his Kingdom , SRIRAMA left for MITHILA .

In the small forest[upavana] near Mithila ,sage Vishwamitra showed an ashram to RAAMA and said thus :

Oh RAAMA , to cut down the excess punya of sage GAUTAM , INDRA in his absence , mated AHALYA to accomplish the Devakarya .[surkarya ] 

note ::[ INDRA did not mate AHALYA with lust , he violated Ahalya for the welfare of GAUTAMA as decided once in the devasabha ]This point is enumerated in valmiki ramayana also

kurvata tapaso vighnam gautamsya mahatmana: | krodhamutpadya hi surkaryamidam krutam || -(valmiki ramayana 1/49/2 )

AHALYA too did not lust INDRA . she mated him as he was in the dsguise of GAUTAM rishi her husband . Indra having violated her did not annihilate her pativratya .

Gautama when he came back to ashrama ,with his divyadrushti came to know of the events and immediately in anger cursed INdra to have meshvrushana [ testes of sheep ] and one with 1000 eyes. HE cursed AHALYA to be immovable as stone [ not a stone ] and invisible to others . She remained as herself but immovable as stone and yet invisible for others .

INDRA having meshavrushana and 1000 eyes was his prarabdha and gautama curse was only a nimitta .

GAutama said AHALYA will be relieved off the curse BY SRIRAMA .

DEVATAS and pitrus cut out the extra teste of Sheep of INDRA by their yogasiddhi .

As Sage VISHWAMITRA retold the events to RAAMA , sage said , ’OH RAAMA mahendra [ INDRA ] is your devotee , kindly fulfill his desire , please bless this auspicious women AHALYA . [ what was the desire of INDRA , INDRA thought AHALYA was unnecessarily punished , she did not do any wrong , she is VISHNU BHAKTA and her condition is definitely owing to the act of INDRA , though my act did not render her impure , though it was for the benefit of GAUTAMA ,yet she is pained and being VISHNU BHAKTA , this tantamounts to giving pain to vishnu devotee , thus he had the desire that RAAMA should immediately relieve her off the curse .

2. once misunderstandings between wife and husband creep in and they separate , usually the bitterness reamains for rest of the life . It is difficult for them to live harmoniously with same enthusiasm and love as before . this may be due to non forgiveness of either towards each other . EVEn if one has forgiven , the incidents might come to rememberance again and again , factors like jealousy attachments and anger may arise temporarily again and gain , thus creating unhappiness between them momentarily even after they come together .

SO INDRA pleads VISHNU in his heart , that let GAUTAM accept his wife AHALYA wholeheartedly and again the old incidents be not come to their memory ever again , and let the two live happily  with LOVE and affection of the kind even more than ever before . SATVIK INDRA thought of these wishes day and night and pleaded VISHNU and when SRIRAMA came to mithila upavana was eager to get his desire fulfilled and through his SON [ VISHWAMITRA is son GADHI incarnation of INDRA ] pleaded again LORD RAAMA to relieve AHALYA of her curse .

 SRIRAAMA casting his glance on AHALYA , immidiately made AHALYA visible and relived  her from the shilikrutavastha . [ note : popular belief is SRIRAMA touched the toe to the stone , in VALMIKI such a reference is not there , neither did AHALYA become a stone nor did SRIRAAMA touch his toe , he relieved her off thecurse by his GLANCE - sandarhana ] the verses in valmiki ramayana are thus

sa sangraha ramayan taddarshanmatrena kanta kantpriyaa babhau | – sangraha ramayana

sa hi gautamvakyena durnirikshya babhuva h | – valmiki ramayana

The lord who reduces to ashes the whole universe with his galnace , this should definitely not come as a surprise so says valmiki .

GAUTMA rishi seeing his wife became very happy and both couples having recieved new lease of life worshipped RAAMA in various ways . and also expressed gratitude towards sage VISHWAMITRA .

THEN proceeding towards northeast SRIRAAM came to the large yagnyashala of RAJA JANAK in mithila . HAving heard of arrival of a apoorvapurusha along with sage VISHWAmitra , KING JANAk along with his kulguru Sage SHATANANDA [ son of sage GAUTAMA and AHALYA ] came to welcom sage vishwamitra .

After yatha vidhi pooja of sage VISHWAMITRA , JANAKA alongwith his family , looking at the apoorvapurusha SRIRAAMA , said :

“oh sage , who is this radiant person , with the blueish hue of markatmani [sapphire ] , with eyes like that of lotusleaves and with full of new found youth ?

shoulders and back as a lion , very broad chest , face as beautiful and attractive as full moon , deep navel , who is this person with neck of the shape of Shankha and huge wellbuilt arms .

hey muni ! with a all knowing smiling face , movement of an elephant , absolutely humble ,knowledgeable and with a multitudely meaningful speech , who is this handsome man ?

who is he ,who seems like a MANMATH to women , a humble student to thyself , a freind to needy , and death personified [ yama ] to enemies , and verily LORD himself to the yogis , who is HE?

at the same time HE seems to be very mild and sukumar and infinitely tender and handsome as a festival to the eyes , as his tender feet lands on the earth , i myself cannot withstand the thought of it getting bruised .

And by his side who is this another gentleman just like HIM ?

[ note : LAXMANA is just like RAAMA because, VAYU is pratibimba of NARAYANA and rudra and sesha are pratibimba of pavan . more importantly LAXMANA IS SANKARSHAN avesha ]

JANAK amidst his subjects who had gathered to see the beautiful verily NARAYANA RAAMA having asked thus  , sage smiled and then said

RAJAN ! HE is purushottama manohar RAAMA , son of DASHARATH , has come for the devakarya . The one similar to him is his brother LAXMANA , i have brought them from AYODHYA to sidhdhashrama .

He has protected my yagnya by killing rakshasa with an illusive ease , He was relieved Ahalya the wife of GAutam rishi from the curse by just his glance . The foremost among the archers who yield the BOW , he has come to see your SHIVADHANUSH . He is akin to the gold of highest hue among the golden heaps of archers , with a valour quotient as large as ksheersagar the milkocean , he is Puranpurusha [ one extolled by puranas] full of auspicious qualities , Make him your SON IN LAW .

Listening to the words of VISHWAMITRA , sage SHATANANDA looking towards SRIRAAMA said with absolute happiness ,

” hey DEV SRIRAAMA ! JAGANNATH [ the creator of world ] Welcome alongwith your brother ! By your Kindness my mother has found a new life !

This sage for whom you oh RAAMA , purushottama , you are showing to be his disciple , sage Vishwamitra is highly blessed in this world ‘

story of VISHWAMITRA as told by shatananda

This sage , son of GADHI once ruled as a powerful KING . HE once stole the cow KAAMDHENU [ one which gave whatever desired ] from the great sage VASHISHTHA .

note : GADHi is INDRA avatara in the lineage of moon chandravanshi kings . His daughter was wedded to RUCHIK sage . Sage RUCHIK had created two fruits with abhimantrana . [ one  to give birth to  a son full of bramhinical qualities to be taken by his wife  and another fruit with a mantra to give birth to a son full of kshatriya strength and violence to be given to GADHI's wife ., Mother daughter duo met and unaware of the Mantra of the fruit , Gadhi's wife thought , son inlaw might have made his own son more powerful , so she exchanged the fruits ; rishi having known that his wife has eaten KSHATRIYA fruit , expressed anger that son born would be violent . Ruchiks' wife pleaded innocence and asked a way to mitigate the mistake , Ruchik said he can only delay the violent offspring by a generation . so JAMADAGNI was born to rRuchik in the next generation PARASHURAM the warrior bramhin rupa of HARI pradurbhava and here GADHI gave birth to a VISHWAMITRA who became bramharishi ] the reference GADHI is given by SHATANANDA is to show that VISHWAMITRA attained BRAMHANA caste by the abhimantrana  shakti of the RUCHIK sage and not by just efforts .

when VISHWAMITRA king took away the KAMADHENU , the cow created from its different organs , many armies of SHAKA , YAVANA , MLETCCHA , PALLAVA , all very powerful soldiers and destroyed the army of KING .

King then went away to forest to appease SHIVA and Rudra pleased gave him many divine astras and along with the bRAMHASTRA ,With all the astras , Vishwamitra came to fight with VASHISHTHA .

VASHISHTHA son of BRAMHA , with a VAISHNAV BRAMHADANDA , nullified all the astras of Vishwamitra got by SHAIVA aradhana .

Shatananda continues , this Sage vishwamitra created a TRISHANKU heaven for the king who had become chandal by the curse of offsprings of VASHISHTHA .

Sage accepted the meat of dog owing to hunger . Then finally decided to engage himself in the tapasya of VISHNU .

He encountered many obstacles and hinderances in his tapasya , and failed in his endeavours many times , once owing to kaama to menaka , owing to krodha to RAMBHA and again he continued his tapasya after lapses .

Completely fasting , with controlled breath , without making any movements and without any lapses and lacuna he meditated on chakrapani LORD NARAYANA  for tens of thousands of years ,  

Bramha and other devatas , at different stages of tapasya as it progressed ,  showered on Vishwamitra , rajarishitva , rishitva , maharshi and bramharishi posts .

Thus oh RAAMA , he is the most deserving and you being Bramhanpriya , you have chosen him with affection  , it comes as no surprise .

SriRaama listening to shatananda sage , looked at VISHWAMITRA [ though RAAMA is allknowing , his such action of feigning ignorance , asking approvals ,seeking  permission is only for daitya mohan , CAN there ever be darkness in the city of SUN .]

story of SEETA

Next day King JANAK , along with sages came to RAAMA near yagnyashala and said with complete devotion and humility .

” Hey Vishwamitra muni ! once while I was ploughing the the land for conducting a Yagnya , a girl incomparable to anyone in the world became pradurbhava [ manifested ] . I was struck with a happiness just as a impoverished man would be struck with joy on finding a large  hidden wealth , i found a girl struck to the edge of the plough .

note: a plough is known as ” SIRI”  , just as LORD NARSIMHA came out of pillar , so also LAXMIDEVI , came out of the LAND yagnyabumi from the PLOUGH . hence she became “SIRIJATA” the shortform of which became popularly as SITA . This is also pradurbhava .

Just as she grew from a child into a girl , I was filled with worry . How can I find a GROOM to her , just as SHRUTI [ vedas ] cannot be given to incapable people so also this beautiful incomparable girl cannot be given to an AYOGYA .

note: also JANAK was 99000 years old by then .

So I undertook a long tapasya and pleased SHIVA , who blessed me with a BOW . This bow could not be lifted by anyone other than PINAKIPANI [ shiva , the wielder of bow PINAK ] none can even touch or move it just as this earth cannot be raised by any other than VARAHA .

With this bow SHIVA had destroyed and cut to pieces DAKSHA in Dakshayagnya . and later with his power he had restored them . That kshipraprasad [ giver boons very quickly ] [ usually kshipraprasaad is GANESH but being his FATHER SHIVA is definitely a more KSHIPRAPRASAD .]

 JANAK said I did take a oath – that one who ties the string to this bow , I would  give the hand of this girl to HIM . This spread to all the directions like a sun’s rays .

Many yaksha rakshas , princes , and daityas came to test their strength . Some ran away after seeing the bow , some touched and fainted , some gave up after trying to move . Many accepted their inability and went back , others went back seeing these greats failing ,.Some gave up trial owing to fear of failure .Ten faced RAVANA too tried and fainted , But some even after failing , tried to abduct SITA by force and then a war ensued for one year , and everyone fled , BRAMHA’s boon[ that none can forcefully take SITA away ] was in  a way helpful for me ,

So Let RAAMA tie the string to the bow and marry SITA just like light merges into SUn , chandrika merges into ful Moon , JANAK urges to fulfill his oath .

[ interesting to note is the point that in mahabharata , Bheshmak raja is said to have incurred sin owing to calling for swayamvar for Rukmini . But JANAK does not get this sin for arranging the swayamvar ,

reason ACHARYA MADHVA gives is, Bheeshmak under the influence of RUGMI his son , with an intent to give RuKMINI to SHISHUPALA , arranges the swayamvar , whereas JANAK with a resolute mind that let SITA marry RAAMA arranges swayamvar .

Bheeshmak is also SATVIK and hence this sin is washed off by KRSIHNA by showing him his VISHWAROOPA . ]

Vishwamitra asked to get the bow immediately .

By the order of the King , the bow was brought in a huge box mounted on eight wheels pulled by 5000 veerottama men who were given boon by SHIVA to be able to pull the bow well protected in the box .

the fact it was kept in box of eight wheels shows how huge the bow was . and fact that it was pulled with difficulty by 5000 very brave  men not by natural strength but due to boons , shows the wieght of the bow .

vishwamitra said RAAMA , tie the string to the bow ! RAAMA said ” Ok ” and Got up towards the box .

As RAAMA walked , the sound of his earrings and radiance of his body filled the atmosphere and looking at them the women in the vicinity exclaimed and conversed with each other

” The princess of KAusal KAUSALYA devi is very blessed for having given birth to such a radiant and brave RAAMA , a look at him reduces miseries of the world and Dasharath is really a happiest person when RAAMA calls him as FATHER .

Bramha could not have created with all his might the beauty known as SITA . She has come all by herself in the land with a beauty incomparable to any thing in this universe MAhalaxmi herself has been pradurbhava as SITA and she should marry RAAMA , He alone is capable and fit for her HAND . She is alone fit for HIM .

note : this goes on to show that even common man in MITHILA knew that SITARAAM are LAXMINARAYANA .

The tieing of Bow need not be the point of cognizance for RAAMA to be a fit husband for SITA . one need not test him through this , Just as one need not test the light of the SUN with a small lamp . RAAMA’s strength and SITAPATITVA is a foregone conclusion .

Let this PRINce RAAMa who is NARAYANA himself get the hand of SEETA and we ll be blessed with the view of this incident of marraige as we prepare ourself to surrender our punya through SEETA to NARAYANA RAAMA .

SRIRAAMA with his left hand easily lifted the SHIVA DHANUSH .as thousands viewed and JANAK RAAJA got up and VISHWAMITRA recited svastivachan , as LAXMAN smiled RAMA tied the string to the bow . As RAAMA pressed the bow head , the bow as high as baniyan tree , broke into pieces . in the hands of SRIRAAMA , just as sugarcane breaks into pieces in the trunk of INDRA’s elephant AIRAVAT . [ INDRA's elephant is a huge elephant multitudes times stronger than ordinary elephants in the world , sugarcane stick breaks in any elephants trunk easily more so very easily like twig in the trunk of AIRAVAT ] breaking shivadhanush was pointer to enormous strength of LORD RAAM .

The sound of the bow breaking into two propagated into the space travelling fast in all direction in three worlds , as though it was eager to announce ” RAAMA has wed SEETA ” in all the world like a speeding messenger filled with joy and uncontrollable urge to spread  the message .

The sound triggered the celebrations in the three worlds with people devatas animals bursting into joy .

Accomplishing the feat not possible by anyone in the universe , exhibiting enormous unparalleled strength RAAMA with a smiling face akin to moon , stood gazing MUNI vishwamitra and his brother LAXMANA .

Just as VEDA emanated from creator BRAMHA , LAXMIDEVI in the form of Princess of mithila emerged from the palace . The rings of the bells in the anklet and with a walk and gait that would put RAJAHANSI to shame slowly walked towards RAAMA with extreme happiness increasing with every step and step after step .

EVERY time as viewed SEETA DEVI looked anew , even though not smiling her radiance seemed to make fun of everyone else [ who looked ordinary before her ] even though silent her beauty seemed talking to everyone SEETADEVI was a bright festival to eyes of the people gathered .

The kindness , beauty and attraction and infinite qualities of SEETADEVI , who on this earth can describe? Those qualities when out of curiosity when attempted to describe , even CHATURAANAN would seem ACHATURAANAN ! wont’ he ?

note : LAXMIDEVI has all the qualities crores of times greater than rujus and even BRAMHA cannot describe qualities  her in words , if attempted even he would seem achaturanan [ with a mouth without chaturya ] even though he is chaturaanan [ four faced ]

As though a divine river dashed against a ocean , forcefully flowing river named shyness suddenly encountered a huge ocean of devotion , SEETADEVI shyly vieweing RAAMA by side glances , suddenly owing to devotion , gasped at RAAMA slowly . SEETADEVi initially had shyness and at the same time devotion towards RAAMA . finally devotion took upper hand and SHE GAZED at RAAMA .

HAPPY elated FACE , LOTUS EYES . BLUEISH hue , PERFUMED with shrigandha and devadaru ,an  epitome of bravery , youthful ,and shelter to his subjects ,Such a RAAMA is her HUSBAND , the very thought made her happy again and again.

SEETADEVI continuously gazes her husband as LAXMI she does that ceaslessly towards NARAYANA , yet NARAYANA seems evernew to her . This is a adbhut quality of BHAGVAAN VISHNU , that he always seems new to his WIFE every second he exhibits a new quality and new rupa to LAXMI and this activity goes on infinitely . [nityanutan navayauvanyukta  ] he gives happiness to his wife LAXMI again and again .

THEN SEETADEVI puts the garland of golden LOTUS smeared with newly grated chandan still wet and fresh ., onto SRIRAAMA . SRIRAAMA also immediately bestowed  the look swelled with wetness of  amritarasa [ nectar ]of affection and LOVE towards SEETADEVI .

LORD RAAMA’s marraige was fixed with SEETADEVI  on uttaraphalguni nakshatra , amidst loud music and stotras and vedaghosha entire universe including BRAHMA RUDRA AND INDRA and DEVATAS showered flowers from the heaven to their creator  PARAMPURUSHA ADIPURUSHA  SRIRAAMA and SEETADEVI.

Krishnarpanamastu . .


Posted by on April 22, 2011 in ramayana


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Parmatma Vasudeva to create this world manifested Chaturmukha bramha from his navel . Bramha created devatas , asuras and manavas .

bramha created Sanatkumar etc to further procreate but they being totally Virakta engaged in tapasya and bramhcharya . Seeing this Bramha expressed anger . From anger Came RUDRA SHIVA from his forehead . He became deity incharge of AHANKAARA . He in turn procreated but only BHOOTA PETA PISACHA etc . Seeing this vikruti , BRAMHA asked him to stop further creation and himself engaged in further srishti .

Just as seeds of trees further growth in population of trees in to forest , similarly Bramha gave rise to seeds like MARICHI VASISHTHA etc saptarishis . And sons like Bhrigu Narad and Kardam rishi .

The greatest seed of the todays human population SAge KASHYAP was born to MARICHI . To ADITI by Kashyapa was born SURYA , just like agni emanates from ARINI .If this world is a big tree then KASHYAP is the seed of this jagadvruksha .

Surya gave birth to MANU by name Shraaddhdeva . In this lineage great Kings like Ikshvaku took birth .The brilliant lineage with personalities  like pearls of garland [ ratnamala ] and among these array of precious stones ,like a main MANI Dasharath was born . he was the leader among his race .

Dasharath wa born to King AJA . DASHARATH is avatara of SWAYAMBHU MANU .

Dasharatha ruled from the city named AYODHYA and ruled over the land spread over SEVEN seas saptasamudra BHUMANDALA . under single banner of his kingdom and thus was Chakravarti DASHARATHA .

In his Kingdom , dharma was venturing like a ox with artha and kaama  as its horn and moksha as its hump and complete with four limbs of dharma as shuchi, tapas , daya , satya . He ruled justly .He was extremely daanveer and none ever went empty handed from his palace . None ever dared to attack him and those who aspired enemity with him never raised their heads .

But he had only one dosha of not having a child .Just like the spot in the moon , though He was praiseworthy in all aspects he could not beget a child .not able to get child from either of three wives , He introspected :

just like a Jignyasu after studying three  Vedas still introspects without getting the conclusion about [ TATVANIRNAY ] . just as having three wives despite being not bale to see a child a MIMANSAKA  struggles to see the LORD [ aparoksha ] tatvanirnaya despite having mastered three vedas .

Without studying BRAMHASUTRAS tatvanirnay is not possible is the goodartha [ hidden meaning in this ] . Mimansaka is described as VEDAADYAARTHAVICHAARKARTA .

also further DASHARATHA undertakes Atharvavedopaya to beget CHILD is noteworthy .

Struck by fever named childlessness , King lost interest in all activities and called upon the meeting of his ministers SUMANTRA and others to discuss the solution . One struck with fever loses his sense of taste and everything seems tasteless and also when health takes a backseat everything else in the life is affected . Just as one seeks medical advise during illness KING sought advice of his able ministers .

Dasharatha concluded , that He would pacify Lord NArayana to seek a son , if Lord is pleased what is impossible in this world , everything can be had by pleasing NARAYANA. So Dasharath decided to perform ASHWAMEDHA YAGNYA to please NARAYANA . And asked Sumantra to seek best of the bramhin ritvijas well versed in mantra and tantra and yagnya vidhi and He himself would take shelter in VASISHTHA the kulaguru just a yesteryears Kshatriyas took shelter in Bramhins akin to Anil and anala [ air and fire ] . Kings always make progress if they are in able guidance of Brahmins .

Thus with antargat bhavana of VASUDEVA in Dasharatha bowed again and again with devotion to the bramhins brought by his ministers .

Suyagnya ,VAAMADEVA , Jabali  , Kashyapa and Vashishtha were invited with devotion and increased the gait of the event like panchagni [ five fires ] – avahniya ,garhapatya ,dakshina , rukmak , ahitagni .

Finding the blessings of the rishis King Dasharath along his family started collecting the ingredients of yagnya and preparations for the grand event .

In a lone moments when King was still sceptical about procuring SON , the wellversed learned SUMANTRA advised King Thus . “ Oh king I wish to reveal to you a DEVARAHASYA that i had overheard during a sabha [ gathering ] of Munis by revealed by SANATKUMAR rishi . Vibhandak rishi, son of KASHYAPA  is very adept in shastras and very stringent in austerities [ teekshnatapasvi] . Such A rishi Vibhandak has given rise to a yet another gem of austerities RISHYASHRINGA rishi just like agni from arani is fit for yagnya , so also Rishyashringa from VIBHANDAKa is fit for the yagnya you are envisaging .

Lomapada king of ANGA desha wanted to bring Rishyashringa to his country [ as the country was reeling under famine ] Rishyashringa , who had horns of deer on his head , was ever engaged in bramhacharya and good conduct . Women of kingdom of LOMAPADA , dressed as munis somehow managed to get RIshyashringa into the Kingdom of ANGA . As he set his foot the soil of the kingdom , RAINS poured down heavily on the famine struck country , giving much pleasure to its citizens and KING himself . KIng Lomapada with an aim to keep the rishi in his Kingdom and as a token of gratitude married his daughter SHANTA to Rishyashringa .

Sanatkumar said , DASHARATH will also call this rishi Rsihyashrunga and get a yaga done then LORD ADHOKSHAJA SRIHARI will be born to him as SHRIRAMA as his SON . SRIRAAMA with his bright fame akin to the full moon night will destroy the andhakaara [ darkness ] and give happiness to the entire universe .

SANATKUMAR’s this revelation of DEVARAHASYA i have heard and now revealed , so oh KING go and get the rishi from the house of LOMAPADA and he will get you your desire fulfilled . “

note when a highly devoted person starts to get some doubts or chinta , LORD himself appoints advisors to clear off his apprehensions beyond doubt with a clairvoyant prophecy [ ASTROLOGY for SATVIKAS is nothing but clairvoyance to carry out the duty without any apprehensions and reap happiness even before the fructification of KARMA . similarly in MAHABHARATA too SAHADEVA , Mandhata , MAndukya many rishis keep on encouraging YUDHISTHIR during vanavasa and other troubled times to keep faitha nd one day he will win the great WAR and get rid of his enemy permanently , astrology gives immense happiness and steadfastness to SATVIKAS ]

Dasharatha having heard SUMANTRA took the permission of VASHISHTHA and went personally to LOMAPADA and brought  Sage RISHYASHRINGA [ born to a deer and SAGE VIBHANDAK ] to AYODHYA for the ashwamedha yagnya .

After getting the HORSE make a round of the entire BHUMANDALA[ BHUPRADAKSHINA ] KING Dasharath took the deeksha of the YAGNYA on the northern banks of SARAYU .

RAJA Dasharath was as impressive as KUBERA himself in wealth and finding his invitation all the Kings of bhumandala came to witness the yagnya like ordinary vaishyas brought precious gifts to to impress the KUBERA of the KINGS . They paid respects to him for his stupendous feat . EVEN ordinary men from all walks of life rushed to witness the great yaga .

In the whole place of deeksha and yaga , only words that were heard were ‘ please be seated ; kindly eat , please drink to your satisfaction ; kindly wear this beautiful garment , accept this wonderfull dress “ No one ever mentioned the word ‘’ DEHI’ ;’give me  this ‘ or can i have this ‘ where is my so and so “ all these words were never heard at all .

That means guests were made available everything even before they wished for anything ; There was no scope for even asking , all the necessities were accessible and within reach and given by royal attendants , people and invitees alike were just dumbfound at the stupendous arrangements .

[note : this is very important point that one must all learn especially the madhvas , as everytime RAYARA aradhana comes  , hundreds of madhva volunteers spring into action to celebrate the aradhana , but rarely we find that there is man management or time management or resource utility to maximum .

ALways even after 300 years aradhana experience the common sight of thousands of footwear outside mutt or facility exists , the guests are seated hours before the spread and it takes a while to announce RAJARAJADHIRAAJ gurusarvabhouma govinda govinda ! much to the surprise that even before the sentence ends , the leafs will be empty gasping here and there [ swamy innu alankaar pankti mugillilla , appa nammaur ge sambharu sigalilla , payasa ee pankti ge badasale illave , even before majjige comes half the pankti is heading towards the blocked door , yaradru bagilu tegire maharaya kai tolakobeku ] and then after the Krishnarpana , it is again a common  sight to see raised hands with buttermilk still dripping from wrists and taps overflowing with indiscriminate struggle to reach the ordeal .

And then endless saga of missing shalyas dhotis and tambige is usual sight . and ofcourse it will be great relief if you come back with your own footwear amongst the ocean of footwear ! I hope someday good senses will dawn ! Our culture is optimisation to the core , our youngsters must know this and implement it in day today life  ]

Expert in Vibhandak’s son Rishyashringa and Bramha’s son VASHISHTHA and other ritvijas  completed the Yagnya successfully . Ashvamedha is the great  among the yangnyas

LOrd SRIHARI was especially present to the full in sannidhi in every aspect of yagnya such as Mantra , tantra ,upkaran , kartru , vahni ,desha , kaal ,blemishlessly in every visible aspects and thus it completed to the fullest and in a highest way .

All the subprocesses of the yagnya such as , pravarga , somarasa trisavan , varieties of havis and many other things owing to perfection satisfied VAYU and other devtas to the full .

Pravarga is a special ahuti ; pratah madhyandin and sayam are the tri savanas .

WIll words be enough to describe the yagnya when Yejamana is someone like DASHARATHA and YAJAKA  is sage VASHISHTHA and the phala is SRIRAMA PRADURBHAVA . Great is such event as this indescribable is its mahima .

Dasharatha gave away his entire Kingdom in divisions to the RITVIJAS , but they refused it [ just as ritvijas refused kingdom from pandavas  and instead opted for dhana money ] Thus DASHRATHA instead gave them billions [ arbud] of gold coins to each of the ritvija . He also gave lakhs of cows to each . [ TANTRASARA recommends giving 1 lakh cows to the pradhan archaka in a yagnya ]  .The king of all castes RAJA DASHRATH donated silver  four times the amount of gold to each bramhins . and everytime he donated HE bowed touching his head to the ground with reverence that VISHNU be pleased with me .

When the cloud named DASHARATH rained gold in billions , the entire universe filled with happiness like an ocean just ready to erupt in joy breaking the boundaries during tide . Just as bramhins flew like ocean water into his kingdom , when he sighted poor among them , daridra among them he rewarded them with his own bracelets and personal belongings [ personal belongings of a chakravarti would be more precious than ordinary gold . [ This reminds of BHEEMSEN rewarding bramhin in the midnight by his bracelet for upanayana of his son ]

Seeing the datrutva bhava of KING the subjects praised him wholeheartedly .

Totally pious and cleansed by the avabrutha snana of the yagnya when along with the wives DASHARATHA bowed before bramhins they blessed him wholeheartedly to get his desired .

Rushyashringa muni then advised PUTRAKAMESHTHI yaga from upanishads of ATHARVAVEDA to beget a son and to completely achieve the KARMAVIMUKTI .

This time by the power of Rushyshringa muni , to accept the havirbhaga [ the oblations of yagnya ] devatas personally came to yagnyashala .Having spotted the devatas , with folded hands RUSHI RISHYSHRINGA pleaded to Devatas “ oh devatas , my Yajamana , RAJA DASHARATHA , one who has just concluded ASHWAMEDHA yagnya , is seeking your shelter and surrenders to your feet , to seek a SON for his lineage . Kindly grant him  SON . “

Rishyashringa makes a plea on behalf of the KING [yejamana ] [ Note the culture of SANTANA dharma , vedik dharma , people here make pleas for the others with sincerety and devotion , the one who is hit by shoka [ emotional breakdown , hit by destiny may perhaps make mistakes or may not be in right frame of mind so the yajak makes the plea ]

“Oh devatas , DASHARATHA is aspiring for a unrivalled SON , even the destiny also is due for one for LOKAKALYANA , kindly bless him his desire “

DEVATAS after giving RAJA DASHARATHA a boon fulfilling his desires , immediately hurried to Bramhaloka .

DEVATAS worshipped BRAMHA , “ SWAMY ! Kindly save this world from the clutches of RAVANA and Kumbhakarna etc RAKSHASAS “

After listening to the Plea Bramha said with a smile “ that Only VISHNU looks after us all about our YOGA KSHEMA , HE has already readied a solution , lets go to HIM “

Yoga means – getting the desired or availability of desired ; kshema means – praptasya parirakshanam – safeguarding the desired that has been got or made available ;

Bramha says just as the ox is controlled by the strings through its nose held by the owner , so also we are controlled by SRIHARI and we pray HIM and he would bring mangala auspiciousness to our lives .

Thus along with SHIVA BRAMHA took all the devtas to KSHIRSAGAR .[ the ocean of milk ].

ALL the devatas who lived on nectar , saw the kshirsagar , it seemed to be a reflection of the ocean of qualities of GOD , white like a necklace of pearls .It looked like a big podium often raised  by the waves of the ocean leading into some big city of the GOD . The ocean was making a huge splashing sound like the stotra of the HARI in a baritone voice and at the same time seemed like the mind of the devotee seeking fruits , which is irrestive from inside due to anxiety of a boon , and rising like dancing maid full of devotion to KRISHNA .

Bramha and Rudra and others standing at the crease of the Ocean , praised the HARI with a relaxed mind .

Oh NARAYANA ,resting on the Sesha and complete with many pleasures and without beginning , middle or end oh Lord salutation salutation salutation salutation to you .[ four times salutations to beget four purusharthas ]

You are the only entity who can impart  srishti laya niyama stithi gynana agnyana bandha moksha .

You have infinite qualities , even if all of us together , separately start counting the quantum of your single quality , all of us puttogether also cannot reach conclusively to the end of it . You have unfathomable depth of quality . what about others qualities which you still have infinite in you , We are just too infinitesimal in all aspects before you  OH NARAYANA .

SWAMY ! Raavana the fire is ready to burn the entire world , even before it does so , please take birth as the SON of DASHARATHA and douse this fire with the infinite  water of your infinite veerya . and free from misery the devotees who have immense faith in you .

Lord with kaoustubh mani , immensely radiant like crores of sun at the time of sunrise , wearing a yellow silk very attractive NARAYANA appeared before BRAMHA and others .

With a smile that brings happiness to the Devatas , HARI said in a voice akin to the thunderous cloud ,which destroyed the fear in the devatas , said “ oh devatas leave aside the fear and get back to your places , I shall slay the Demon soon . [ Again satvikas have ensured a prophecy to allay their fears and increase happiness and cast away doubts , astrology helps , it is word of GOD’s will to satvikas  ]

Devatas went back to swarga .

Here a devata from BRAMHALOKA by the order of LORD NARAYANA , appeared in the fire of putrakameshthi yagnya . This bright devta gave a golden  bowl of KHEER [ payasa ] and that mahadbhut vyakti said this will give you a SON ;

RAJA DASHRATHA gave half of the kheer to KAUSHALYA devi[ 1/2 ]  . From remaining half , he gave another half of it to SUMITRA[ 1/4 ] . from the remaining half  , he gave a half to Kaikeyi [ 1/8 ] and reamaining Half he gave it to Sumitra devi again  [ 1/8 ] ;

having eaten the payasa , the women were looking bright and happy as the fuller queen bees who have just suck the nectar of flowers of the plants of the vasant rutu . Soon they became pregnant to enlighten the lineage of RAGHU .

Seeing the birth of LORD eminent in the kings palace , Bramha ordered all the devatas to be born to themselves among the bears and monkeys and other animals and also as humans  to serve the LORD .

Soon devatas were born among these kapis , Jambavan was already born from the yawn of bRAMHA as bear mighty to kill many rakshasas . HANUMAN was born to anjali devi . Some devatas were born as goangulas , ie black faced monkeys too .

Indra took birth as VALI , he had HARI avesha , Surya took birth as  SUGREEVA and he had BRAMHA avesha . Chandra was born as ANGAD with Indra sannidhan . Agni was born as NEEL .VARUN came down as sudeshna , vishwakarma as NAla , Mainda and vividha were Ashwini devatas . vividha with Indra avesha was stronger than Maindha .

Pran apaan etc were born as gaja gavaksh gavay vrush and gandhmadan , they were born to kubera .

Sweth and Sampathi are maruts with vasu avesha of panas and shatabali .

Braihaspati took the vatara of TAar kapi . Sachi became his sister TARA . Kubera took birth as kaththan kapi . Nirruti [ gatotkach ] became durmukh vanar . Kesari is marut . parjanya became sharabh kapi . then 1000 of rishi gandharva and siddhas took birth as humans to serve SRIRAAMA .

These vanaras monkeys were extremely strong , they could lift trees mountains and could stop rivers and in anger can even split the earth , each had the strength of 10000 elephants and required no weapons except their own nails and teeth ,

earth became a glorious place by the birth of these extreme warriors who were akin to mountains in size and attacked like a tumultuous rains during pralaya . expert in many types of warfares were ready for the service of SRIRAMA .

Thus in VAIVASVAT manvantara , in TRETAYUGA uttarayana , chaitra shukla paksha Navami morning in PUNARVASU NAKSHATRA , when JUpiter and MOON were in kARKATAKA [ cancer ] in cancer ascendant SUn in ARIES and five planets in exaltation , PARAMAPURUSHA NARAYANA manifested from the the complete austere clean and pure KAUSALYA DEVI just as a tatava gyani gets his realisation after pure and clean and austere life . This is SRIRAMA pradurbhava .

As he descended , Satvika delighted and tamas demons were rejected and dejected and went into deep slumber but world on the whole rejoiced .

Bramha and other devatas showered flowers from the heavens and AYODHYA filled with happiness and atmosphere went into frenzy with the beats of dundhubi and drums .

The bed of The SRIHARI ADISESHA thereby descended onto earth to serve the LORD , SRIRAMA , in ashlesha nakshatra when SUn was in cancer . LAxman actually took births few months later . SRIRAMA in chaitra masa and Laxmana in Ashadha masa as son to SUMITRA

Then Abhimani devatas of CHAKRAPANI HAri’s chakra KAMA took birth in PUSHYAMI nakshatra as son to KAIKEYI as BHARATH .

PANCHAJANYA shankha abhimani devata ANIRUDDHA [ kaamaputra aniruddha avatara] took birth again to SUMITRA devi as SHATRUGHNA .


SRIRAMA from VASUDEVA rupa , LAXMAN with avesha of SANKARSHANA , BHARATH avesha of PRADYUMNA rupa and SHATRUGHNA as avesha of ANIRUDHHA rupa of HARI .

Suddenly when daridra gets abundant wealth ,he loses his state of mind , similarly RAJA DASHARATH lost his senses by the happiness of birth of the sons . Similarly entire AYODHYA witnessed the a strange kind of happiness never seen before in the household of every citizen be it women or men , they danced and sang with mahasambhrama ,

VASISHTHA rishi made the jatahkarma rituals and DASHRATHA gave away infinite wealth in dana as vipras gave ashirwaad to new born child ,

RAJA Dashrathaalongwith many sages named his Chid [ NARAYANA of ananatanaama infinite names ] as RAAMA ,

  1. one who attracts everyones mind
  2. one who stays inside the heart as ATMARAAM and is of blueish hue like that of markatmani , Thus he is known as RAAMA .
  3. As HE is always accompanied by Ramaaa so also he is called as RAAMA .
  4. He grants all the wishes dear the the minds of a women so also HE is called as RAAMA .
  5. He gives happiness muda to everyone thus HE is called as RAAMA .



Posted by on April 13, 2011 in Astrology and purana, karma, ramayana, sadhana


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DASARU shows how a day today cooking can also be done with bhakti , contemplating on MADHVA siddhdhanta .


Posted by on April 3, 2011 in Jyotish





One of the most potent and quick to give result is ShriRAAMA upasana .this upaasana which everyone can adhere to gives extraordinary progress in one’s career !

  • It guarantees a very sincere good natured husband for the unmarried .[ PARVATI DEVI MARRIED SHIVA THROUGH THIS UPASANA ]
  • It improves marital life [if only sadhakas carry out oupaasana of SRIRAAMA AND SEETADEVI AS NITYAAVIYOGI ] .
  • It gives enormous wealth to those who are severely in cash crunch .
  • For those who wish to be more upright , dharmic and wish to be austere , this upasana gives them a definite progress in spirituality.
  • It is excellent upasana for the beginners , and advanced yogi alike.
  • It gives immense cleansing of sins for the beginners to get a clean mind fit for shravana manana and dhyana .
  • For an advance yogi it speeds up path to aparoksha
  • just for the spiritually initiated ,it is most fascinating rupas of HARI ,which is appealing and easy for dhyana  in hrutkamal .[.[ it opens all the chakras ]
  • it gives immense peace and moda . [ everyday will be a festival ]
  • it is excellent upaasana for those who aspire big and want to achieve big .
  • If you dont want to err in life and want to be called as a good man to be remembered ,get on to this upaasana ,the results will be visible within first few weeks .
  • If you have  a big family to support , this upaasana sails you through .
  • If you want to be a just ruler , continue this upaasana till death , people will love you forever .
  • If you want to accomplish impossible tasks , Srirama upasana is sure shot karyasiddhi mantra .
  • if you have a dangerous enemy to tackle ,Start RAAMA upasana , the most dangerous will look tiny before  your stature .
  • If you are working in  a big organisation and you have no friends and no god father , this upaasana will get you one immediately ,.
  • If you are on  a major assignment and are seeking help and collective efforts , sincerely immerse in the upaasana of RAAMA , you will get lifelong associates who would be ready to die for you and help you in your assignment ,
  • If you have marital distraught or conjugal disturbances ,separation from spouse , Sriraama Upaasana will get you to your beloved faster than thoughts .
  • It will give famous and extraordinary progeny .
  • SRIRAAMA upasana will immediately end family disputes and bring harmony in joint and nuclear families alike .
  • Sriraama upaasana will shower  blessings of all the Deities .
  • It will give chaturvidh purushartha .
  • It will make spiritual journey a cakewalk .


  1. Get up early  on a SUNDAY before sunrise .
  2. MAke a sankalpa of the UPAASANA
  3. Sitting on the bed , remember LORD SEETA RAAMA along with LAXMAN and HANUMAN . recite RAMESH STUTI !
  4. Remember LORD  NARAYANA with eight arms and eight weapons while brushing teeth [ use neem or mango twig ]
  5. Take bath with Tulasi mrittika mixed in the water bucket .
  6. While taking bath remember NARAYANA with SRI and BHU on his two laps , and other deities bathing him with amruta [nectar ] from the CHANDRA MANDALA.
  7. REMEMBER UPENDRA namak HARI while wearing a dry clothes [ Upendra is brother of INDRA and VISHNU Avatara ]
  8. After wearing dry clothes , remember BRAMHA etc devatas ,, KASHYAPA etc rishis and VASU etc pitrus .
  9. DO sankalpa [ remember your Great grandfather , grandfather and FATHER and resolve that this punya be shared by them] that You will carry out the UPAASANA this day and RAGHAVENDRA SWAMY antargata HANUMAT antargata Seeta RAAMA be pleased ]
  10. Apply gopichandana [ Bramhins 12 naamas and others only one ]
  11. make a space between the naama invite HARI there .[ bramhins papapurusha visarjana , bhutochchatan , asan shiddhi , digbandhan ,pranayama anganyasa karanyasa ]
  12. Bring in the fresh water and filter it with muslin cloth thrice .
  13. make five  patra [ fill one with sandal and flowers , 2 with padmaka and flowers , 3 with lavancha ,4with  kumkum kesari karpoor 5 plain water ][ ganga avahana moolamantra ,ghantanadam deepa prajwalan shankha pooja , pooja dravya shuddhi]
  14. keep ready some Tulasi leaves or tulasi kastha .
  15. mix some sandal powder with tulasi kastha [ BRAMHINS make a sandal paste with sandal stick with saffron and karpoor and tulasi kastha ]
  16. Achamana .[ asan mandal shuddhi ]
  17. Keep a RAJYABHISHEKA SRIRAAMA PHOTO before you on a clean raised altar [ if there is no alter use a peetha ][ Bramhins bramha paara stotra ]
  18. clean the photo with a spoon of water and clean cloth . [ Bramhins use shaligrama and recite ambhrani sukta  and make nirmalya visarjana make a dhyana of rudra holding the nirmalya on his head  ]
  20. DO dhyana of SHRIRAMA as present in HANUMAN in the PHOTO [ shaligrama ] [ Bramhins 108 moolmantra japa , tatva nyasa , akshara nyasa , avahana of hrutkamal stith SRIRAMA shavasa margena into pratima through a pushpa flower ,or bimbaaikya chintana in shaligrama , nirmalya snana is bimbaaiykya chinatana ]
  21. Recite RAAMA nama for 108 , 1008 as per capacity .
  22. offer a tulasi dala to the LORD . Ask Lord to be seated firmly happily on to simhasanam.
  23. Put plain water as padya
  24. put some padmaka agaru and karpoor with flowers in a small patra and offer arghya to the RAAMA .
  25. Kukum kesari water as achamaneeya
  26. sandal water with flowers as snana . [ BRAMHINS recite  pururshsukta ] for a photo just sprikle water with a flower .
  27. place a tulasi dala [ vastra ]
  28. place a tulasi dala [ yagnyopaveeta]
  29. Then apply gandha sandal paste [ gandham ]
  30. recite RAAMA dashakam [ women need not offer tulasi instead place flowers and recite dashakam ] offer flowers
  31. Recite Vishnu sahsranaam, use akshata or kumkum haridra parimala for archana ,
  32. Bramhins can do avarana pooja here .
  33. Offer deepam soak well in ghee or til oil five batti and then lit the wicks .
  34. Offer dhoop [ only hand rolled ones or get  charcoal and put dashanga powder on it ] [ all the while read rama stuti ]
  35. recite nAivedya prakara stotra and offer coconut , bring some cowdung lit it , hold a small pan put some ghee , after ghee is hot pour some wheat floor and jaggery,[ if possible you can use dry fruits , and cows milk only ]  in three minutes you will get a good cooked mixture . make five laddoos out of it .
  36. keep laddos in a silver plate or panchaloha plate or plain banana leaves .along with coconut . make a mandala and then place plate . if not mandala draw a good rangavalli .
  37. Put some tulasi dala on it , [ Bramhins use gayatri and parisinchan mantra paryavekshana mantra ] . [ show mudras ]
  38. recite Naivedya prakara stotra
  39. if time permits dwadash stotra .
  40. with lavancha water offer naivedya with prana apana mantra ..
  41. give two spoons of water as madhy madhye paaniyam samarpayami [ use sandal and lavancha water ]
  42. recite RAAMA naammantra 108 time[ bramhins moola mantra ]
  43. offer the same naivedya to HANUMAN [ narsimha prasadoyam pratigruhyataam  Acharya Srimadacharya santu me janma janmani ]
  44. recite avatar traya stotra .
  45. recite SriRaama kavacham .
  46. pushparadhana [ offer remaining flowers and kumkum ]
  47. Give dhoopa again
  48. Give aarti [ recite Venkatesh stotra or kuldevta stotra NARAYANA only ]
  49. Make a pradakshina namasakaara
  50. read once kuru stotra . [ Bramhins show chamara darpana vyajana and shankha bramana mantra pushpa and then read once manyu sukta  vayu sukta and Raghavendra astottara .and end with moolmantra japa ]
  51. sit quietly and read adya anta shloka of RAAMCHARITRA MANJARI .
  52. take teertha and prasaad
  53. Out of five one is for self ,one for family , one for homa [ if you do anuyaga ] one for atithi if he comes during the pooja . Last one invite one bramhin couple to the house , offer it to then along with tamboola and dakshina and other upacharas as per capacity . Say krishnarpanamastu .
  54. eat along with family and friends good festive food .
  55. sprinkle the remaining kalash water to all corners of the house .

It is for this Same RAAMA upasana RAYARU has come on the earth from BRAMHALOKA . As Shankukarna he was deity incharge of bringing Tulasi to the RAAMA upasana that BRAMHA was doing in BRAMHALOKA ,. Everyday as BRAMHA was worshipping MOOLARAMA  VIGRAHA , Shankukarna secretly nurtured the desire to do the archana of SRIMOOLARAAMA . One day As SHRIRAAMACHANDRA present in SHANKUKARNA inspired him to delay the supply of TULASI to Bramha . BRAMHA [ though a sampoorn saatvika and adhipati of MAHATTATVA does not have an iota of tamas in him to have dosha like anger ] yet showed anger on SHANKUKARNA and cursed him to be born on earth firstly as demon and later as human . The idea behind the curse was let SHANKUKARNA fulfill his desire of worshipping the RAAMA vigraha on the earth .This is known as ANUGRAHA SHAAPA !

Shankukarna was born as Prahalada . and then as SHRI RAGHAVENDRA SWAMY ,

Bramha gave the MOOLARAMA vigraha to MANUputra KING IKSHVAKU and then it remained with SURYA VANSHI KINGS including LORD RAAMA whereby it was worshipped by BHARAT SHATRUGHNA VIBHEESHANA and HANUMAN , from there it came to BHEEMSENA during DWAPARA , from there it remained with GAJAPATY kings in orissa ,  FROM ORISSA NARHARITEERTHA [ disciple of MADHVACHARYA ] who ruled KALINGA for 12 years [ as a result of RAAMAUPASANA as stated above ] brought it and gave it MOOLSANSTHANA of MADHVACHARYA . as the parmapara descended , GURUSARVABHOUMA RAGHAVENDRA teertha worshipped this MOOLARAAMA VIGRAHA fulfilling his long cherished desire .

MOOLRAAMA is still being worshipped in MANTRALAYAM by the saints of this Great PARAMAPARA of which we are all proud to be part of !


रमेश स्तुतिः

ॐ ॥ प्रातः स्मरामि वरकुण्डलशोभिगण्डं शीतांशुमण्डलमुखं सितवारिजाक्षम्।आताम्रकम्रमुदिताधरबिम्बजृम्भिध्यातृप्रहर्षकरहासरसं रमेशम् ॥ प्रातर्भजामि शुभकौस्तुभकम्बुकण्ठं स्फीतात्मवक्षसि विराजितभूरिहारम्। भीतस्वभक्तभयभञ्जनपाणिपद्मं शातोदरार्पितजगदभरमब्जनाभम् ॥ प्रातर्नमामि शुभकिंकिणिमेखलांगम् पीताम्बरं करिकरोरुमुदारजानुम् । ख्यातांघ्रियुग्मरुचिरंजितकञ्जजात वातादिदेववरमौलिमणिं मुकुंदम् ॥ वादिराजयतिप्रोक्तं श्लोकत्रयमिदं शुभम्।प्रा्तःकाले पठन् मर्त्यः पापेभ्यः प्रविमुच्यते ॥



प्रातः स्मरामि रघुनाथपदारविन्दं मन्दस्मितं मधुरभाषविशालफालम्।कर्णावलंबिचलकुण्डललोलगण्डं कर्णान्तदीर्घनयनं नयनाभिरामम् ॥ प्रातर्भजामि रघुनाथपदारविन्दं रक्षोगणाय भयदं वरदं द्विजेभ्यः । यद्राज्यसंसदि विभज्य महेशचापम् सीताकरग्रहणमण्डलमाप सद्यः ॥ प्रातर्नमामि रघुनाथपदारविन्दं वज्रांकुशादिशुभरेखध्वजावहं मे। योगीन्द्रमानसमधुव्रतसेव्यमानं शापापहं सपदि गौतमधर्मपत्न्याः॥ प्रातःश्रये श्रुतिनुतां रघुनाथकीर्तिम् नीलाम्बुदोत्पलसितेतररत्ननीलाम् ।आमुक्तमौलिकविभूषणभूषणाढ्यां ध्येयां समस्तमुनिभिर्जनमृत्युहन्त्रीम् ॥ प्रातर्वदामि वचसा रघुनाथनाम वागदोषहारि सकलं शमलं निहन्ति । यत्पार्वती स्वपतिना सह भोक्तुकामा प्रीत्या सहस्रहरिनामसमं जजाप ॥ यः श्लोकपञ्चकमिदं नियतं पठेद्यः प्रातः प्रभातसमये पुरुषः प्रबुद्धः । श्रीरामकिञ्करजनेषु स एव मुख्यो भूत्वा प्रयाति हरिलोकमनन्यलभ्यम् ॥ वादिराजयतीप्रोक्तं पञ्चकं जानकीपतेः।श्रवणात् सर्वपापघ्नं पठनान्मुक्तिदायकम् ॥



ॐ॥ हे राम जलदश्याम स्वामिन्निर्दोषपूरूष । भीम तामसयोनीनां मा मा मुञ्च तवानुगान् ॥ उपकृत्यै सज्जनानामपकृत्यै तथाऽसताम । नमतामंहसो हत्यै भूत्यै सर्वदिवौकसाम् ॥ भीत्यै खरादिदैत्यानां प्रीत्यै च वनवासिनाम् । स्वस्यापि महिमोन्नत्यै नीत्यै चारण्यचारिणौ ॥ ब्रह्मरुद्रादिभिर्देवैर्रचितौ श्रुतिचर्चितौ । ज्ञानानन्दमयौ ध्यातृप्रियौ सर्वगुणाश्रयौ ॥ ध्वजवज्रांकुशाम्भोजराजितौ राजपूजितौ । रक्तपद्मोपमौ ध्वस्तश्रमौ विद्रावितभ्रमौ ॥ नारीकृतशिलौ रम्यतळौ दिव्यांगुलीदलौ । वृत्तमौक्तिकसङ्काशनखौ त्रिजगतीसुखौ ॥ विचित्रभूषणोपेतौ भीषणौ त्यक्तदूषणौ । लक्ष्मीधराकराम्भोजसेवितौ सिद्धभावितौ ॥ अनन्तवैदिकपदास्पदौ स्वजनसम्पदौ । अजाण्डभञ्जनौ धूताञ्जनौ भुवनरञ्जनौ ॥ क्ष्माभारहारिणौ मुक्तिकारिणौ भववैरिणौ । पार्थदत्तधनौ युक्त्याऽपार्थीकृतसुयोधनौ ॥ तेवनौत्सुक्यतो भूमिपावनौ प्रणतावनौ । सीताभीरामौ श्रीरामचरणौ शरणं मम ॥ इमानि दश पद्यानि श्रमापह्रतये सताम् । यतिना वादिराजेन कृतिना रचितानि वै ॥





कौसल्यासुत ताटकामथ मखत्रातर्मुनिस्त्रीहित छिन्नेष्वासन जानकीवृत वनवासिन् खराद्यन्तक । मारीचघ्न हनूमदीश रविजार्तिच्छेद बद्दाम्बुधे सेनाभ्रातृसमेत रावणरिपो सीतेष्ट रामाव माम् ॥


नैवेद्य प्रकारःस्तोत्र

ॐ॥ नित्यानन्द चिदाकृते त्रिजगतीचित्रान्नभुक्तेऽनिशं विष्वग्व्याप्त बृहच्छरीर निरनिष्टावद्यविद्रावण ।मुक्ताधीश्वर दुर्घटान्नघटनाचातुर्यधुर्य प्रभो कः कुर्यात्प्रति ते विनाऽञ्जलिपुटं भक्तोऽल्पको वा महान् ॥ सर्पिः पायसकर्दमामृतनदीनाथेदमाद्यं किल क्षुद्रक्षीरमपूपशाकविविधान्नाद्यं किलेदं तव । दुग्धाब्ध्युन्मथनोत्थसद्धन सुधाविश्राणनं योऽकरोस्तस्य श्रीश तवान्वहं नम इति प्रह्वत्वमेवार्हणम् ॥ भक्त्या नाभजमीदृशं त्वसदृशं त्वां सद्वशं मादृशं प्रत्यप्यार्दृतया दृशं निजमनस्याद्यादृशं तादृशं । सोऽहं दुर्विषयौघमोहविषमो दोषोत्थरोषो द्विषो नाथेमां सुरयूथनाथ कुरुते गाथाब्धिपाथःपथम् ॥ वादिराजयतिप्रोक्तं श्लोकत्रयमिदं सदा पूजावसानसमये पठेत्केशवसन्निधौ ॥






Posted by on April 2, 2011 in japa, Jyotish, karma, mantras, ramayana, sadhana, stotra


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Runamochana stotra & Avataartraya stotram !

ॐ ॥ देवताकार्य सिद्धयर्थं सभास्तंभसमुद्भवम् । श्रीनृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌रूणमुक्तये ॥

लक्ष्म्यालिञ्गितवामाँगं भक्तानाम् वरदायकं ॥ श्रीनृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌रूणमुक्तये ॥

आंत्रमालाधरं शंखचक्राब्जायुधधारिणं । श्रीनृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌रूणमुक्तये ॥

स्मरणात्सर्वपापघ्नं कद्रूजविषनाशनं । श्रीनृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌रूणमुक्तये ॥

सिंहनादेन महता दिग्दन्तिभयनाशनम् । श्रीनृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌रूणमुक्तये ॥

प्रह्लादवरदं श्रीशं दैत्येश्वरविदारणं । श्रीनृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌रूणमुक्तये ॥

क्रूरगृहैः पिडीतानां भक्तानामभयप्रदं । श्रीनृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌रूणमुक्तये ॥

वेदवेदांतयज्ञेशं ब्रह्मरुद्रादिवंदितम् । श्रीनृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌रूणमुक्तये ॥

य इदं पठते नित्यमृणमोचनसंज्ञितम् । अनृणी जायते सद्यो धनं शीघ्रमाप्नुयात् ॥


लक्ष्मीद्वादशनाम स्तोत्र

श्रीदेवी प्रथमम् नाम द्वितीयममृतोद्भवा । त्रितीयम् कमला प्रोक्ता चतुर्थम् सुरसुंदरी ॥

पंचमम् देवगर्भा च षष्ठं च मधुसूदनी । सप्तमम् तु वरारोहा अष्टमम् हरिवल्लभा ॥

नवमम् शार्ञ्गणी प्रोक्ता दशमम् देवदेवता । एकादशम् तु लक्ष्मी : स्यात द्वादशम् भुवनेश्वरी ॥

एतद् द्वादश नामानि त्रिसंध्यम् य: पठेन्नर: । आयुर्ारोग्यमैश्वर्यमतिपुण्य फलप्रदम् ॥

द्विमासम सरवकार्याणि षणमासाद्राज्यमेव च । संवत्सरम् तु पूजाया: श्रीलक्ष्म्या: पुज्य एव च ॥

लक्ष्मीम क्षीरसमुद्रराजतनयाम् श्रीरंगधामेश्वरीम् । दासिभूतसमस्तदेववनिताम् लोकैकदीपांकुराम् ॥

श्रीमन्मंदकटाक्षलब्धविभवब्रह्मेंद्रगंगाधराम् । ताम् त्रैलोक्यकुटुम्बिनीम सरसिजाम् वंदे मुकुंदप्रियाम ॥

॥इति लक्ष्मीद्वादशनााम स्तोत्रम् ॥



ॐ ॥ मध्वहृत्कमलस्थितम् वरदायकं करुणाकरं लक्ष्मणाग्रजमक्षयं दुरितक्षयं कमलेक्षणम् ।

रावणांतकमव्ययं वरजानकीरमणं विभुं अंजनासुतपाणिकञ्जनिषेवितं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥

पालयस्व निपालयस्व निपालयस्व रमापते वादिरामुनींद्रवंदित वाजिवक्त्र नमोऽस्तु ते ।1।

देवकीतनयं निजार्जुनसारथिम् गरुडध्वजं पूतनाशकटासुरादिखलान्तकं पुरुषोत्तमम् ।

दुष्टकंसनिमर्दनम् वररुग्मिणीपतिमच्युतम् भीमसेनकराम्बुजेन सुसेवितम् प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥

पालयस्व निपालयस्व निपालयस्व रमापते वादिरामुनींद्रवंदित वाजिवक्त्र नमोऽस्तु ते ।2।

ज्ञानमुक्तिसुभक्तिदं वरबादरायणमव्ययं कोटिभास्करभासमानकिरीटकुण्डलमण्डितम् ।

वाक्सुदर्शनतः कलेः शिरघातकं रमया युतं मध्वसत्करकञ्जपूजितमक्षयं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥

पालयस्व निपालयस्व निपालयस्व रमापते वादिरामुनींद्रवंदित वाजिवक्त्र नमोऽस्तु ते ।3।


सर्पराजस्तुति ः

फणाष्टदलशेखरम्  धृतसुवर्णपुंजप्रभम् सवज्रवरभूषणम् नवसरोजरक्तेक्षणम् । सुवर्णमुकुटोज्ज्वलम सकलवांछितार्थप्रदम् नमामि शिरसा सुरासुरनमस्कृतम् वासुकीम् ॥ सहस्रवक्त्रम् द्विसहस्र जिव्हाम् पिशंगनेत्रम् कपिलाशुकाद्यम । विषायुधम् प्रोज्ज्वलदंष्ट्रबाहुंतम् नागराजम् प्रणतोस्मि नित्यम् ॥ सहस्रशीर्षम् जगदेककुंडलम् पीतांबरम् धूम्रसहस्रलोचनम् । उदारवीर्यम् विषदंष्ट्रकाननम् नमाम्यनंतम् भुवनैकनाथम् ॥


शृणु पुत्र प्रवक्ष्यामि नराणामिष्टदम् परम् । सुब्रह्मण्यद्वादशनामस्तोत्रम् शुभप्रदम् ॥ प्रथमम् स्कंद इत्युक्तः शक्तिधारी द्वितियकम् । हेमचूडस्तृतीयम् तु भद्रसेनश्चतुर्थकम् ॥ भवानीजः पंचमम् तु भवपुत्रश्च षष्ठकम् । अन्नदानादिशीलश्च सप्तमम् कुक्कुटध्वजः ॥ अष्टमम् नवमम् चाथ मयूरवरवाहनः ॥ दशमम् च गुहः प्रोक्तो देवसेनापतिस्तथा ॥ एकादशम् द्वादशम च महासेनः प्रकीतितः । द्वादाशैतानी नामानि षण्मुखस्य महात्मनः ॥ त्रिकालम् यः पठेनित्यम सर्वाभिष्टमवाप् नुयात । सर्पबाधाप्रशमनम्सर्वसिद्धिकरम् शिवम् ॥ गृहपीढ्ाहरम् व्याधिदुःखदोषनिवारकम् ॥ गोप्यादगोप्यतरम् स्तोत्रम् त्वयि स्नेहात्प्रभाषितम् ॥



Posted by on March 31, 2011 in stotra


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Sati should get up early in the morning , change her dress and with clean dress she must do namaskaara to her husband and then Pati antaryami Parmatma should be worshiped thus ..

In one way this stotra enumerates the qualities that a husband should have or a husband should cater for and strive to achieve these qualities . A woman should look forward to having these qualities in the husband and thus pray for it to HARI .

पति स्तोत्र
नमः कांताय भर्त्रे च शिरश्चंद्रस्वरूपिणे । नमःशांताय दांताय सर्वदेवाश्राय च ॥
नमो ब्रह्मस्वरुपाय सतीप्राणापराय च । नमस्याय च पूज्याय हृदयाधाराय ते नमः ॥
पंचप्राणाधिदेवाय चक्षुसस्तारकाय च । ज्ञानाधाराय पत्नीनां परमानंदरूपिणे ॥
पतिःब्रह्मा पतिर्विष्णुः पतिरेव महेश्वरः । पतिश्चनिर्गुनाधारः ब्रह्मरूप नमोस्तुते ॥
क्षमस्वभगवन् दोषं ज्ञानाऽज्ञानकृतं च युत्। पत्नीबंधोऽ दयासिंधू दासीशेषं क्षमस्व मेऽ॥
‌इदं स्तोत्रम् महापुण्यं सृष्ट्यादौ पद्मयाकृतं । सरस्वत्या च धरया गंगया च पुरा वृज ॥
सावित्र्या च कृतं पुर्वं ब्रह्मणे चापि नित्यशः । पार्वत्या च कृतं भक्त्या कैलासे शंकराय च ॥
मुनीनां च सुराणाम् च पत्नीभिश्चकृतं पुरा । पतिव्रतानाम् सर्वासाम् स्तोत्रमेतच्छुभावहम् ॥
इदं स्तोत्रम् महापुण्यं या श्रुणोति पतिव्रता । नरोऽन्यो वाऽपि नारी वा लभते सर्ववांछितम् ॥
अपुत्रो लभते पुत्रं निर्धनो लभते धनं । रोगी च मुच्यते रोगाद्बद्धो मुच्येत बंधनात ॥
पतिव्रता च स्तुत्वा च तीर्थस्नानफलं लभेत । फलं च सर्वतपसां व्रतानाम च व्रजेश्वराः ॥

इदं स्तुत्वा नमस्कृत्य भुंक्ते सा तदनुज्ञया ॥ ब्र. वै .

shloka 1. namaha kantaya bhratre ch shirashchandrasvarupine | namshshantay daantaya sarvadevashrayay ch ||

Oh husband you are my beloved very dear to me . In all circumstances you look after me ,you feed me and protect me , You are my husband , namaskar to you as  blessings of the one having moon on his head are there on you . My husband is always cool shanta towards me . Always engrossed in the mind about HARI , Keeping all his senses under control and he being the abode of all the devatas in his body . I bow before you .

shloka 2.

Oh my husband , ever engaged in the pooja of gunapurna LORD . Pleased Lord has blessed him with the exceptional qualities . He never steps back and is ready to forego everything for me and my happiness . Thus he is eligible for my worship and is respectable to me My mind is steadfast in him and my heart is dependent on him it beats for him .Thus i bow with my head down to my husband my support system .

shloka 3.

my adhidevta of my panchaprana , as if Seeing you[ husband ] with fondness and love is the only duty of my eyes [ my eyes continuously is focussed on you and as such its a festival for my eyes ] . You are the adhaara /foundation for the my knowledge leading to MOksha . Oh Lord as present in my husband you are the real happiness[paramananda] for all satis .

shloka 4.

oh my husband , you have complete blessings of srishtikarta bramha , you are totally subservient to Vishnu , You are blessed by sadashiva the destroyer .You are the refuge that i seek for my qualities .Though I have not strived hard to gain bhakti gyana vairagya but with steadfast knowledge and devotion in HARI you also bestow the same to me out of love and affection making me thus eligible for Bramhanugraha . Thus I bow before you wholeheartedly .

shloka 5.

Whatever mistakes I have done knowingly or unknowingly YOU forgive them all out karunya bhava .This qulaity of yours I always cherish and have faith in you .Husband is the only relative for a wife , You are a ocean of patience and karuna . Thus taking me for your dasi kindly always pardon me in my moments of aparadha .

This stotra was done in the begining of creation  by LAXMIDEVI to HARI . Then SARASAVTI and GANGADEVI others everyday worship their respective husband with this stotra .

This way even savitri has worshipped BRAMHA , PArvati has done stuti of SHANKARA with devotion .

Indra and devata and their wives have worshiped through this stotra . Even wives of munis have benefited with this stotra . Early in the morning reciting this shloka increases pativratya .

If any woman human or otherwise ,even if she listens to this stotra with devotion [this stotra is param punyaprada ] it gives all the desired . This is also good for unmarried girls to listen to get the desired .

Those who are aspiring for children beget children by daily reciting this shloka . Those desirous of wealth become wealthy through this stotra . Diseased gets relief from diseases , imprisoned gets released by reciting this stotra .

This stotra enables a pativrata stree to get all the punya of teerthayatra , it will bring all the benefits of tapasya and it is akin to all the vratas done at a time in giving results . One should always eat only after reciting this stotra .

One must always aspire for a Vishnu bhakta as husband . One who sees a agnihotra bramhin , a pativrata stree , a cow or a deep or yagnyakunda early in the morning never gets misfortunes .

Those who illtreat wife or leave a religiously wedded wife become a woman in the next seven lives and are left by their husbands and also suffer widowhood for next seven births .One must never leave a yogya stree but if one has to leave a dushta stree then one must give her 1/3rd of his property if one does not have any property then one must earn the same upto 1/3rd and then leave . so says yagyavalkya smruti .

The wife who is sahdharmini and satvik should never be left in the young age [ this hsows that in old age she can be left ] yes in the old age if sanyasa has to be taken then she has to be entrusted in the safe hands of her brother or able children and then  take sanyasa . For a vanaprasthi if patni wishes to accompany him to forest then he must  take her to forest too .

One who has left his wife if he wants to atone for his sins then prayashchitta ordained is covering oneself with donkey skin with hairs /pores outside and taking bhiksha from seven houses and eat for next six months ,thus he gets relieved of the sins .

A woman should never ever get married to a qualityless man [ gunaheena ] Vishnu bhakti is the prime guna . EVEN if she has to sit at home as kanya for a long period or till death but avaishnav husband should not be resorted to . One must resist if one of the family memebers , father mother etc force for such marriages and resort to strike till they accept the wish . Shastra accords such a right to kanya .

Thus ends the extract from bramhavaivarta purana

Krishnarpanamastu .


Posted by on March 22, 2011 in Jyotish, stotra


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Nitya Shrimanta Hanumanta ! – Kartru Tartamya

Shri Varaha Swamy says ” 20000 namaskara phala will be obtained by the one who lights 1 Lakh diyas to Hari , each diya should be dipped into  ghee . Half of this phala will come to those who dip it in the oil . If not dipped then only 1/4 th phala will be obtained . If cotton is brought from outside than the one who donates cotton gets phala as per his dana to the extent of half phala .Sudras and women if they have made namaskaras then 1/10th tarpana should be given ,and 1/100 times homa should be done , 1/1000th number bramhins should be fed . If done in this manner they will get twice the phala .

When someone employs a bramhin to do the one lakh  homa with ghee and til , he is known as yejamana , he gets 50000 namaskara phala if appropriate dana is given to the bramhin else no phala comes to him . If dana is made then yejamana gets 3/4 phala and 1/4 gets destroyed .

If yejamana is too weak and ridden with ill health then  y employing the bramhin , he may get complete punya – 1/16 th which gets destroyed ,

Women do not have right to perform any vedic rituals . So japa homa etc should not be done by them . If stree shudra engage in japa homa etc themselves or employ other stree shudra etc ,they will not get any phala out of it .

pradakshina namaskaara lighting of diyas should be done by the women and shudras themselves and homa tarpana etc they should get it done by the bramhins. In this manner they will not get any dosha . [ all those who do not have sanskaara come under shudra category ! as by birth everyone is born shudra only sanskaara makes them a dwija ]

When a one lakh vyahruti homa is done , one should  give as dana a wheat grain sized gold for every 1000 japa . By this 3 parts of punya will go to the yejamana . so for 1 lakh japa 100 grains of gold should be given as ideal dana .

If yejamana is Dhanik [ rich man ] then he should give twice the said dana . If yejamana is MAHADHANIK then he must give thrice the dana to get the 3 parts punya .

If yejamana is daridra then he should give half the dana . If yejamana is atidaridra  then he must give dana as per his capacity .

VARAHA rupi HARI continues :

Women should do austerities like vrata niyama etc only after taking the permission of their husband.

  • A mother can do austerities for a son ,
  • a wife can do austerities for her husband ,
  • a son can do for parents ,
  • a upadhyaya can do for his students ,
  • a poshaka [ guardian , caretaker ] can do austerities for his ward .
    But all of these should do the austerities by taking the permission of a bramhin , then they do not get any dosha . But they must do the austerities and then surrender the punyasanchaya that comes with it to the yejamana .
  • When mother is doing austerities , son is the yejamana ,
  • when wife is doing austerities husband is the yejamana
  • when upadhyaya is doing , student or abhyarthi is the yejamana .
  • anybody employing a bramhin is yejamana because bramhin is  a universal teacher .
  • By donating the punya sanchaya with the uddesha of yejamana , yejamana gets half punya of the austerities .
  • and the kartru will get 1/3rd punya ie mother wife upadhyaya etc will get 1/3rd punya .
  • If yejamana himself gets this done by someone other than the above mentioned kartru , then he gets only 1/4th punya . But if the kartru is well versed in vidhi then he gets half the punya .
  • If kartru [ the doer of austerity ] after getting permission from yejamana and promise of the austerity , if he does not do the austerity sincerely or abruptly messes with austerity , then kartru does not get any phala of the austerity .
  • However the yejamana gets his due of 1/4th phala  as according as the bramhin’s capacity ,despite lapse , if he resorts to proper dana .
  • If on account of greed of dana and out of curiosity or fun , bramhin agrees to do the austerity and lapses , he gets sins[ of yejamana and additionally the sin of lapse ] on account of it .after accepting the dana .
  • And the entire punya of his austerity [ till the moment of lapse ] goes to yejamana .
  • Marana etc karma if one resorts to and accepts the shulka [ fees ] for such abhicharik karma , such a bramhin is dwijaadhama .
  • This dwijadham gets 1/4th of the sin of abhichaara .
  • The acharya who suggests such abhichara gets half the sin .
  • yejamana gets complete sin of the abhichaara .
  • In this manner sins go on multiplying with every member included .it never gets nil and one suffers forever .
  • Whether one participates with enthusiasm or unwillingly sins will be definitely accrued , unwilling will get half of the willing .
  • Other sinful activities also bear the same sins , so one who desires progress and happiness , must never indulge in abhichara
  • By selling ved mantras if a bramhin earns money , then to mitigate the sin out of it , he must donate 1/4th of his earnings to get relief from vikrayadosha .
  • If the said bramhin is daridra then he can donate 1/4th , if he is atidaridra then 1/8 should be donated from his earnings , if mahadaridra then 1/16th .
  • If bramhin is dhanika then he must donate half of his ill earnings
  • if the bramhin is mahadhanika then he must donate 2/3rds to achive dravya shuddhi .
  • This should be always resorted to whenever one gets dushta dana Note : [ in kaliyuga dana is made by accepting some work from the reciepient so all shulka [ fees, salary ] is dana only . in previous yuga dana was given as at home as gift .] so all earnings which are not as prescribed by veda ie not in accordance with varnashrama dharma is dushta dana only . one  partakes sins of yejamana ie employer ,contractor or master .
  • In all dushta dana the above mentioned krama should be maintained to achieve dravya shuddhi , [ if this is not resorted to then one gets sins of employers and as employers in MNC are mletchas or contractors are mostly mletchas yavanas , their vishnu dwesha sins and panchapataka is shared by the salaried . this has increased in the miseries of the workers in these establishments which is evident from rising separation , divorce and murders and other harrasment cases ]
  • dravya shuddhi will avoid such mishaps occuring on account of sins of dushta dana .
  • When for money if one does homa etc then also such a krama should be followed .
  • If austerities are done for the others and one gets wealth out of it then by donating 1/8th of such belongings one gets free from the dosha .
  • Daridra and atidaridra can resort to half of it to get the relief .

Listening to all these issues DHARANI DEVI asked

hey dev! Whom we should call as daridra in this world ? Who are Dhanikas ,who are madhyamas [ middle class] ? who is mahadaridra and who are mahadhanika ? How should be shulka [ fees ] given in punya karya ? kinldyenlighten me ? “

Shree VARAHA deva says ” A vipra who is engaged in sadachara [ austerities ] and who is a kutumbi [ having family ] and stithpragnya yet does not show any interest or is not keen in amassing wealth [ dhanarjanparanmukha ] is daridra .

one who earns easily the dhan and dhanya sufficient to feed his family for a year and does not have any loans is madhyama .

One who has capacity to increase the moola dhana apart from the dhana dhanya required to run the family year long is dhanik .

If one has dhanadhanya sufficient to run a family for two years and some moola dhana , he is knwon as dhanyatara .

More than dhanyatara is dhnayatam . If one earns sufficient grains only ,for a year for family  but does not have moola dhana he is known as Veera .so goes veeryatar and veeryatam .

The amount of money required to run a family for a year is known as mooladhana. so a dhanik should have mooladha plus grains worth a year . ie his family should run for  a year easily yet he has equivalent mooladhana as well .

Whatever is apart from mooldhana [ extra earnings of money ] is known as actual dhana .

One who has twice the amount of mooldhana apart from basic  mooldhana , he is known as dhanyatar. One who has more than the previous is known as dhanayatam .

Dhani and dhanyatar are known as madhyam [ middle class ] in a affluent nation .

dhanayatam is a rich man . similarly veera veeratar are madhyamas as well . Veeratam is dhanika.

One who has twice the capabilities of dhanika is mahadhanika .

  • similarly a veera who has capability to feed 100 families is mahadhanika .
  • one who can support 1000 families is NRUPA .
  • a little more is Samant
  • More capable [ ie of supporting more families] than samant is known RAJA.
  • One who controls and feeds and supports the families residing over 5 yojana [ 40 sq miles ] is known as  Samanta .
  • 50 yojana control is known as KING RAJA . a king must control atleast 400 sq miles of kingdom .
  • A MAHARAAJ  controls the area of  500 yojana  .
  • Ten times bigger kingdom is that of RAJADHIRAAJ [5000 yojanas= 40000 sq miles ie circumference of the modern earth ]
  • Ten times more is the one who is known as CHAKRAVARTI [ a earth is not enough for chakravarthi ]
  • half of madhyam is daridra . and half of daridra is mahadaridra .
  • so all those who do not have enough money to support their families for six months atleast are all daridras , and those who cannot support their families for three months in advance . are mahadaridras , and lesser than this are known as AKINNCHAN
  • note [ salaried class today does not even have capabilities to support the family for a month so we are all mahamahaakinchanas garva yattako ninage pamara manuja ]
  • Those desirous of punya should do godana , Dhanika onwards each should do greater godana by the factor two .
  • Mahadhanika should do godana of the cost of 32 masi gold . Nrupa 48 masi gold . Raja 64 , Maharaja should do 4 karsha gold and chakravarti 8 karsha .
  • Madhyama should give go of the cost of 160 grains .
  • daridra 80 grains
  • mahadaridra 40 grains
  • akinchana 20 grains .
  • Suvarna dana and shulka should also follow this krama .
  • Now we shall describe shulka
  • when bramhin does  1000 japa , yejamana if not capable he should give 12 ser of the wheat grains .
  • BUT ONE WHO TELLS MY[ VARAHA DEVA ] STORIES ,to him one SHOULD NOT  give any shulka , because by giving the punya to the listeners audience , LORD VARAHA gives him the shulka in the form of adrustha so , the shulka reaches him .
  • By telling the stories of the lord  when audience praise the vachak out of happiness , that praise is itself the fees from the audience , this gives vruddhi to the speaker /writer in all directions because it is me out of happiness , pleased with him praise him through the audience . This is itself a good omen and fees that reaches him as destiny .
  • If the audience and the lecturer both are nishkaami then both get mahatpunya .
  • one who gives grains to such bramhins engaged in the katha shravan adhyayan , such people are known as poshaka , Such poshaka will get punya as long as the grains donated by him stays in the house of bramhin and as a bonus he gets the half of the punya thereupon on every lecture made by the bramhin .
  • Vedadhyayan and bramhamimamsa pathi bramhin if his family is supported by a anyone , until the support exists , all the punya done by the bramhin , half of it will belong to the donor .
  • If someone gives  a bramhin even before asking the favour , he gets one fourth of the punya of the bramhin , but if one gives after asking , then he gets 1/6th only .
  • But after asking , even if capable if yejamana does not give the bramhin , then bramhin takes away all the punya of the yejamana .
  • If someone returns with empty handed with broken heart from the house of yejamaan , he gives his all sins to yejamana and takes away all his punya ,
  • BY Insult a bramhin gets tapovriddhi . By sanmaan a bramhin loses his punya and tapah bala . So if someone badmouths insults a bramhin , its a good day for the bramhin as the abuser takes away all the sins of bramhin . on the contrary when someone praises the bramhin , he walks away with all the punya of the bramhin .
  • So insults and daridra are bhooshana to a bramhin it increases his strength .
  • so to obtain good punya and increase in favours one must always look after bramhins and satisfy them . bramhins who do auserities for the yejamana ,
  • After seeing  Bramhin one must get up and with words deed and mind one must pay respects and give him seat with respect , this is sanatan dharma [ so says VARAHA GOD ]
  • One who abides by such rules , such yejamaana will always flourish with grains and money , water , lands and sweet speech and truth remains always in his house ,
  • By whatever is got through labour and hardwork if given to yachaka , why should it not bring prosperity ? definitely it will bring .
  • EARNINGS good or bad , if a part is given to Bramhins it cleanses one of the sins and dhana shuddhi is obtained .
  • If one gets  work done by the bramhins and then gives him some money then it is not known as dana but it is known as shulka .,
  • animals  birds ,snakes and reptiles if they feed their own belly it is not  a surprise . But very difficult to obtain this human life if in this human life if a BRAMHIN is not satisfied then it is  a surprise .
  • I have [ Varaha deva says ] two types of idol manifested , one is moving and other immovable . I reside in this idols , shaligrama is achala pratima and BRAMHIN is a achala pratima . VEDAS declare BRAMHINS as mouth of the LORD .
  • In this world people eat through mouth and get satisfied , So feeding bramhins is akin to satisfying HARI.
  • so feeding on paurnima , amavasya and specially DWADASHI fetches more punya .

This way world is divided into various tartamya of richness and daana gets static phala ,

Rich is one who has capability to get desired . In this world we do not see any rich getting his desired . EVEN if temporarily one gets desired the very next moment desired gets destroyed , So at all time we are not rich , Our richness wealth is incomplete and temporary ,

But everlasting fulfillment of desire and achieving accomplishing whatever desired is very natural to HANUAMAN when everyone was down fighting ,struggling with life desirous of medicine , no amount of wealth could come to the rescue ,neither for rakshasas nor the vanaras . though LANKA was full of grains and gold , the situation demanded a wealth of different kind , . and even if knowledge of this wealth existed , it was not accessible . BUT  HANUMAN could access sanjeevani and give life to many , a life to enjoy wealth .  He is the one who brought the wealth of the golden ring[ wealth of Hari samarpana gyana ] to seeta [the jeeva ] . a welathy only  can give wealth , and such a wealth like ring of SHRIRAMA can be given only by NITYA SHRIMANTA HANUMANTA !


krishnaarpanamastu .


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Krishna Nee Begane Baro

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Posted by on March 9, 2011 in Jyotish





Posted by on March 4, 2011 in Jyotish



AstroConfusions !

Parashara enumerates the qualities of astrologer who can give accurate predictions :

  1. Expert in mathematics
  2. Must have toiled hard to gain proficiency  in grammar [science of sounds and words  ]
  3. Well versed in Law of the land .
  4. Intelligent
  5. Having complete grasp of geo political situation of the Land at the time .
  6. Having grasp of time zones ,directions and space .
  7. having conquered Senses. [ principled ]
  8. Fertile imagination , well versed in logic and adept at reasoning and logical inference .
  9. Uses his knowledge in accordance with treatise on astronomy and astrology .
  10. Truthful

Such an astrologer will never fail in his words .

Why so much of stringent qualities have been put on Astrologers ?

Astrology is a complex shastra ! It has many variants in practise . Each Practitioner has his own interpretation of shastra and consequently a new theory ! In the overall run to master astrology , if these theories are not carefully filtered , astrology remains a fascinating jugglery in the realms of statistics and probability !

Lets look at variants .

>To start with Astrology is science of Planets and its motion around earth and subsequently their impact on Human beings .

counterview 1 : Planets and its motion around SUN .

Implication : If Planets affect the humans then every object circling SUN should affect human beings so URANUS NEPTUNE and scores others should also affect human beings . so if a some effect is due to Neptune and if it is not mentioned in shastra that is because , astrology is still evolving and rishis of yesteryears were not adept in astronomy as much as NASA so they could not find Neptune etc and hence could only predict for NINE planets only . Now that NEPTUNE etc have been discovered , additional  results have been attributed . HOW ? trial and error !

Objection : Suppose if few more planets that are not yet discovered , if discovered later will change astrology ! The result that I am facing may be due to some unknown Planet not yet discovered but still we are trying to fix it to existing planetary configuration ! Isn’t it unscientific ! Oh I think its hard to say which planet discovered /undiscovered is currently responsible for my miseries ! No one cannot say it with authority ! WHo knows there dozen other RAHu ketus in system ? By the PARASHARA did mention there are may ketus in the space .

Oh ASTROLOGY is probabilistic science , its evolving ! Nothing can be said definitely !

> The Zodiac [BHACHAKRA]  is constant

counterview: Zodiac – BHACHAKRA is moving .

Implication :  Say sun moves in zodiac , lets say on Mar 21 xxxx Sun was at 00 Aries .

 So when Sun returns after one year on Mar 21 xxxx+1 . Is Sun at 0 deg Aries or Zodiac has moved ahead . so Which Zodiac should we consider moved one or previous one .

Counterview : Mar 21 occurs taking into consideration  moved zodiac . so the current position of SUN is new year .

No the position of planets should be calculated as per fixed zodiac . So  correction be made .

The above problem is classically known as AYANAMSA .

As the fixed zodiac and moving zodiac meet or overlap with common start points , such a point can be taken in recent times to fix a ayanamsa . Unfortunately scores of astrological treatises exists giving various points of coincidences of Nirayana and SAYANA bhachakra .

> Classic issue of Planetary motion : old treatises give Motion of Sun around zodiac in one year ie 360 deg  revolution in 365 days 6 hours 9 min 12 seconds . The actual figures in para and apara truti [ milliseconds etc ]renders the calculation to leave a residual year after year , which English calendars add as LEAP year day .

But Classics have ordered to use practical observations to rectify such differences arising out of accumulation of residuals . Let me be more elaborate ,

If we approximate Suns revolution time for a year to second , ignoring milliseconds etc , over 1000 of years , the exact position of sun will differ by few second min and hours and over few lakh years it may go off by days even .  instead of one leap day we should perhaps add two .

So corrections are necessary to these and hence Driksiddhanta should be used is one such opinion ,. Driksiddhanta means , physical observation of Eclipses and other astronomical phenomena to verify the calculations . and subsequently rectify the planetary calculations

Based on this dictum many Beeja sanskaras  have been suggested to arrive at accurate planetary positions .

Some have resorted to NASA based data to calculate Planetary positions .

Objections :

  • Much before NASA came into existence were astrologers not calculating the planetary positions ?
  • Were these astrologers not competent ?[ as far as we know yesteryears astrologers were accurate and mystique ]
  • As there were no telescopes and  space laboratories , how come the data of these astrologers given by rishis is so much nearer to the modern day speeds of the planets .
  • So when a dispute arises out of such calculations , should we resort to age old wisdom or recent experimentation we keep ever changing in theories and data .
  • Final does the acid test of accurate eclipse moment is achieved by any of the NASA or traditional or corrected calculations ,. Answer is NO !

Let me illustrate how these affect a human horoscopes !

case 1 ! Driksiddhanta  chart of a person X  Chart A 


navamsa  chart
sat in ascendant  
moon in second house
sun venus and mer in 9th navamsa libra 
rasi  chart
sun moon mer in ascendant  
venus in second house



Chart B with a different ayanamsa



chart b
navamsa position has considerably changed
sat moon in second house
sun mer venus in scorpio navamsa rendering malefic results . 



Chart C Same data but with traditional calculations


chart c where traditional astrology is used
all the planetary position in navamsa has changed .
with moon saturn in ascendant
venus in scorpio
sun debilitated
mer in sagittarius .
Jupiter in exaltation .


Three astrologers with different concepts would give three different predictions ranging from good , mixed to bad results for a the same person . In some typical cases One astrologer may declare a subject to be MANGLIK and other as NON MANGLIK ! Which one is correct ! Can one believe any of them ! IS ASTROLOGY TRULY A DEFINITIVE SCIENCE ?

Confusions of BHAVA :

Astrology is combination of bhava , rashi , graha .

Here a classic confusion arises , when a person is born in LEO 10deg . Does planet in 6 deg LEO belong to first bhava or twelfth bhava . that means IS BHAVA and rashi same or different !

  • Some people take BHava and rashi as one . ie IF 10 deg Leo is asc . The LEO is first house and Virgo is second house  so on .
  • yet some people think Bhava is 30 deg each and it starts from 10 deg LEO to 10 deg Virgo . so planets in 11 deg virgo onwards form second house , if any planet in 5 deg virgo it still is in first bhava . so bhava chart varies .  So venus in virgo is debilitated but it should give result of venus in lagna debilitated or venus in second house debilitated . first one gives health hazards owing to women , second one gives financial liabilities owing to women .
  • Yet some say , as sunrise is taken as visibility of suns half disc over horizon in the east .So 10deg LEO means bhava midpoint and bhava extends from 25deg cancer to 25 deg LEO . In this case planet in 26deg cancer happens to be in first house and virgo firmly becomes second house but any planet in 26 deg virgo will go to third house . 


Bhava chart example

bhava A

Bhava chart A
mars has moved from 3rd house to second
from RASHI
Rahu from 12 th to 11th
venus from 2nd to asc
jupiter from 11th to 10th .

There are  entirely different predictions

Bhava chart example 2.

bhava b


Confusion of Divisional chart !

Parashara has given 16 divisions of rashi chart to be minutely studied to give accurate predictions .

Whether divisional charts should be viewed or only varga signs be considered .

For example when analysing jupiter in rashi chart , only its varga signs in other divisions should be considered .

Should higher divisions be considered ?

Let us assume  birth occurs at 12 : 12 pm

the chart in Rashi changes a degree every 4 minutes , with a change in degree there can be change in planetary positions in bhava chart .

A chart in trimshamsha changes every 4 minutes only lagna changes .

A shashtiamsha ascendant changes every two minutes .

View one ;

See Rashi chart , look at various divisions obtained for each of the  planet and predict .

here most of planets have fixed amsha positions except moon which changes its shashtiamsha position every 50 minutes ,and navamsha position every 6 hours .

So Karkamshas in amshas are relatively constant even if birth time is erratic and can still give good results .

View 2 : divisional charts should be seen and houses in the divisional charts must be weighed before giving predictions . But With a change in birth time by two minutes , a shashtiamsha chart will be thrown off gear with planets moving from 5th house to sixth house in the span of two minutes and thus rendering the planet useless and malefic .

How confidently can we predict in such scenario . What is the guarantee that querist [ owner of horoscope ] is giving accurate time of birth .

Parashara has given four schemes

Shadvarga [6charts ], saptavarga[7 chart ] ,dashavarga [10 chart ],shodashvarga [16 chart ]

While this is good news for people who would be put off by just 12 signs and nine planets in astrology and say how can humanity be divided into 12 parts and predict . Here are 16 charts for a human being and this combination is unique for a birth every two minutes apart .

But confusion arises as to what is the relative importance of these charts , are they weighted linearly or nonlinearly . But Parashara surprises even more .

The weighted configuration are

Varga shadvarga saptavarga dashavarga shodashvarga result
rasi 6 5 3 3.5 body
hora 2 2 1.5 1 wealth
dreshkana 4 3 1.5 1 brothers
navamsa 5 4.5 1.5 3 spouse
dwadashamsa 2 2 1.5 0.5 forefathers
trimshamsa 1 1 1.5 1 evils
saptamsa   2.5 1.5 0.5 progeny
dashamsha     1.5 0.5 glory
shodashamsa     1.5 2 pleasures
shashtiamsha     5 4 complete
vimshamsa       0.5 spirituality
siddhamsha       0.5 Education
Bhamsha       0.5 strength
turyamsha       0.5 fortunes
khavedamsha       0.5 auspiciousness
Akshavedamsha       0.5 entirety
total weights 20 20 20 20  


Here arises a confusion , if the scheme changes why is it that weights of the divisions changing . some say in saptavarga its actually dwadashamsa which gets 4.5weight  and not navamsa .

The problem is if  a chart A has exalted planets in navamsha , its weight will tilt a planet favourable in shadvarga scheme , but becomes unfavourable in dashavarga scheme .

So how can a planet be favorable and unfavourable at the same time . These schemes give results in dasha bhukti  periods , so if an astrologer is considering only six charts , he may declare a planet good and healthy in a dasha whereas another astrologer choosing another scheme or perhaps going into depths of 1o charts may render the same dasha as useless .

What is the secret behind the schemes ?

Does that mean deeper insight into a horoscope may give lesser results than superficial analysis . What about the predictions given only on RASHI CHART as usually all astrologers do , It will definitely go off the mark .

SO what is right 16 charts , 10 charts or seven charts , or six charts or just 1 chart ?

Confusions in aspects Drishti :

Should drishti be taken from sign or longitudes ?

if signs are absolute then signs in seventh from a planet receives full aspects , if longitudes are taken then sign in eighth from a planet may also receive full aspect , then should we consider beneficence to eighth house ? with just a chart and no minute details of longitudes an astrologer will declare the planet in 8th as dangerous for longevity but longitudinal aspect will show increase in longevity !

Oh GOD what is right ?

Is there a drishti in divisional chart ?

View 1: how can there be a aspect in divisional chart , there is only one zodiac and planets in zodiac cast aspects drishti via rays , if subdivisions chat is erected and if it is said to have aspects  , then planet in Libra in amsha , and planet in Capricorn in Aries amsha , how can they aspect , how can rays of makara reach Libra navamsha .?

View 2 : aspects are not a ray phenomenon , it is equally debatable that a planet in zodiac can see selectively 3 rd house 10 house etc , if rays are responsible then rays must reach equally at all signs . Aspects are special phenomenon and hence  can be extended to even amshas .

Karkamsha specially looks into planets in different signs and good and bad aspects also count .

View 3: only rashi drishti should be seen in amshas .


Confusion with IShta kashta phala !

The planet is supposed to give shubha phala as per shubha rashmi :

view 1 : shubha rashmi is calculated as  [ square root ( Uccha rashmi X chesta rashmi )]

U= uccha rashmi rays due to exaltation to debilitation

C = rays due to motional strength

S = effective rays  [ which should always be less than 8 ]


View 2 :  If U is zero ie planet is in deep debilitation and retrograde 

then S = sqr root (0 * 60 ) = 0

ie the concept of NEECH BHANGA RAAJ YOGA does not exist as even if retrograde the planet in deep debilitation is still having 0 auspiciousness . This is against dictum so shubha rashmi should be average of uchha and chesta rashmi .

S= (U + C )/2

But this formula does not ensure the upper limit of eight for S .

Confusion confusion .

View 3 : why do we require ishta kashta ,? What are strenghths ?

Why should we use shadbala when Vimsopaka is there ? when analysing strength of planet should we use shadbala or just vargottama and benefic aspects in navamsa and rashi is enough ? does planet in debiliatation with good shadbala give more miseries or gives happiness ? A malefic with strength does it trouble more or gives good results ? A malefic aspected by benefic of lesser shadbala will it overcome bad result or add to bad result ?

When shadbala calculations itself takes care of aspects and associations of malefic benefics why additionally ishta kashta phala be multiplied in case of aspect of malefic and or benefic ? is it not repetitive exercise ?

confusion confusion

Confusions in Ashtakavarga

Should we include Lagna in sarvashtakavarga ?

Should total be taken from longitudes of planets or bhava of rashi ?

whether prastara ashtakvarga is contribution of benefic on rashi or benefic from rashi ?

Is Gochara important or ashtakvarga ? why sade sati to my friend is not a s severe as mine though we both are same RASHI ?

Will one get same results every 12 hours , 12 minutes  12 monthss and 12 years according to sudarshan dasa ?

Lastly the mother of all confusions !

Which dasha should be used and what is the definition of year .

Some say Vimshottari is best , some say kalachakra dasha is best .

But varahamihira never mentioned about vimshottari he used pinda dasha . Pinda dasha makes sense as it is individualistic to horoscope . and results are due to ashtakvarga which is again chart specific .

Do all the planets in divisional chart give results in dasha or antardasha ?

Whether all dashas have to be applied ? how can I know I am getting miseries owing VIMSHOTTARI or  Pinda or kalachakra ?

Finally what is my dasha as of now ?

If the solar year is taken i am running  MARS dasha

But if Lunar year is taken I am in Moon dasha saturn bhukti

Should I take 360 days dasha . then it is MOON dasha Mercury bhukti.

Okay let me rectify by the data , yes My son was born in xxxx date , with solar year it is moon jupiter bhukti ****** yes birth of son can happen in jupiter bhukti as jupiter is karaka for children ******************* yes solar year is correct !!!!!! WAIT A MINUTE

With lunar year  it comes to MOON SATURN  BHUKTI and PARASHARA says saturn bhukti gives birth of a son **********************

Oh God which is correct ?

As far as I know i was born on 15 oct , should I say my year begins and ends with 15 oct .

But we usually see in shastras birthdays of saints as on panchami navami , krishna astami is done on rohini nakshatra in shravan , so i should use 360 thithis as one year .

But then My birthday is never on 15 oct every year it changes every year .

So how can i say i am so much year old >

with 354 days a years , in 50 years I am off  [ 365 –354 ] * 50 = 550 days , WHEW that is two years behind , means , i may say 50 but i am actually  48 .

so my dasha is off mark .

finally a difference of  5 minutes in birth time will cause

moon traverses a 3 min arc in 5 minutes .

200arc minutes = 5 years maximum in venus dasha .

180 months / 200 = 9* 3 = 27 days .

so a difference of 5 minutes in recording birth time will give dasha difference of +- 27 days

An astrologer should safely say that two months margin of error remains in timing of the events  But he can never be accurate when all these confusions prevail in his mind . Ye MAN one can never be sure what is correct and what is not ? Its all intuition u see ! No scientific base ! Can you definitely say this result occurred due to jupiter in rashi in ninth house , or venus in tenth in dashamsa or perhaps , a exalted mars in chaturthamsa gave this result and why do you worry I said so it happened , See This astrologer can never fail ?


note : Readers would You go to any astrologer after reading this !!!!!!!!!

AS all the sciences , KALI has not left even VEDANGA to be tarnished ! Madhvacharya resurrected tattvavada from the Confusions of MANIMAAN adi daityas ! He gave precise hints in yati pranav kalpa , jayanti nirnaya and KRSIHNAMRUTA MAHARANAV  to lead us a steadfast Astrology !!!!1




Posted by on February 28, 2011 in Astroanalysis, Bhavas, planets, Rasi


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