Stree dharma–Duties of women !



Every married woman wishes that her husband be always under her spell ! To fulfill this desire of theirs ,women seek many tricks and tips and try various ways !  To make women understand the the veracity of such attempts Mahalaxmi resorts to a question to Draupadi !

Once while in Pandavas were in  vanavasa , Srikrishna along with Satyabhama [ avatara of Srimahalaxmi ] visited them ! Satyabhama while sitting near Draupadi , asks her

“Draupadi  you have five husbands ! You are a pativrata of highest degree , Even Lord vedvyasa has declared it in full sabha of Dhritarashtra [ Hastinapur ] ! now there is no doubt on this topic ! Your husbands are very powerful ,they can be compared  in valour with LOKPALAKAs . Your husbands always stay together as joint family . They never think of even separating . To maintain such a family is impossible . But you seem to be at very ease in maintaining them . This is very surprising to all the people in the world . Its difficult to get along well with one husband itself , patiently getting along well with five is a great feat ,how do you manage this ? There is not a single instance of Pandavas having angered on your behaviour or getting upset with you . They never go against your word either ! They have no complaints about you at all ! Not a single reason for dissatisfaction among them ! Their faces are testimony to all these. What is the reason for this extreme cooperation among them towards you ? Do not hide anything ! Let me know everything ! Let me the real secret ! I too want to apply the concept on Srikrishna  and keep him under my Control ! Such mighty Pandavas are under your sway for this you must have used some trick ? What could be this trick ? is it MANTRA ? or is it a MEDICINE  ,a CONCOCTION  ? or is it some VRATA ? or is it due to special bath in some river or pilgrimage ? or is it any special VIDYAA ?  What is that trick that has enabled you to enslave your husbands ? LET ME KNOW ? “

Draupadi replies “ Oh MOTHER ! You are ALL KNOWING ! DOUBTS , QUERIES do not emanate for the fully knowledgeable person ! YET your query is not for the clearance of doubt , many satvik people have these doubts and you want them to be clarified through me and hence you have asked this question ! AND thus it is my duty to answer this ! FIRST OF ALL THE QUESTION IS NOT CORRECT ? IT IS EVIL TO DESIRE TO KEEP THE HUSBAND UNDER CONTROL OR UNDER OUR SWAY OR ENSLAVED !  Applying tricks to achieve these is still more evil ! To think this way and women thinking as such are evil personified ! To answer such women is itself a sin ! satvik women under the influence of evil women should never apply such measures !

The moment any male gets a feeling that his wife is applying certain measures to keep him under control via mantra medicine etc. ,that very moment fear enters his  mind . He gets a feeling that he is in fact living with a poisonous snake in the form of his wife everyday in his house . He fears even to enter the house !  One who is ever gripped with fear , how can he be peaceful ! Peace is not possible for him even in dreams ! One who is not peaceful how can he ever be happy ?

Many feel that pleasure objects , sense objects and material prosperity are the fundamentals of happy life . This is fallacy .  Those who are materially prosperous even they are not happy , this is widely experienced in this world ! Even if materially not prosperous, still there are people happily living the life , even this is seen in this world through experience !Thus I feel that peace is most important and fundamental to the happiness and joy in this world . If husband is not at peace then how can wife live peacefully ! That peace will be a mirage ! SO any women who wishes to be happy and peaceful will never think of enslaving their husbands or apply measures and  tricks to keep them under control ! And just by mantra husband cannot be under control , its not possible forever !

I will tell you my own day-to-day lifestyle , this can be taken as sadachaar ! Sadhvis must tread the way that enhances saumangalya ! I will humbly  present  before you  [ rather recite what I know like  a good student before a teacher , as MAHALAXMI is all knowing] the methods that are fundamental to soubhagya !

What is not desired by the husband I never desire them at all . My husband cannot be without me , this feeling I never harbour . I do not have pride on account of my high birth , my beauty my lustre , my youth or my wealth . Pandavas have other wives also other than me . I look at all of them with respect . I do not think of other men nor do i look at them . I eat after Pandavas have eaten , I take bath after the have taken their bath . I sleep after Pandavas have gone to sleep and also after all the servants have completed their work and meals .

When my husband returns after a tour ,forest or their work , I welcome them with smile and a happy fame of mind . And knowing their tiredness , i arrange for water to wash their feet, arrange beds and chair and other furnishings to relieve their travel fatigue .

I use the appropriate vessels for appropriate work ! I sincerely lookafter their cleanliness. I cook varieties of food items in interesting manner and feed my husband and other dependents at appropriate times . I keep tab on the grains and stock in an updated manner . I see to it they do not get wasted or spilled everywhere . Time to time keep the household clean and sanitised . I never speak to anyone in a demeaning manner . I see to it that my words never hurt my husband . I do not resent anyone with words and deeds . I do not entertain or associate with evil women at all . For dharma and its application association of evil women is detrimental . I never show laziness with respect to dharma and my duties towards my husband .

I do not laugh without reason . I do not stand at doorstep at every second . I will never stay alone in uninhabited place . Will not wander alone inside as well as outside in gardens . Do not speak much . Always wear a happy look . Do not disturb others in their work . never laugh at workers , nor speak with extreme even if there is a fault . I would never make others angry too . My speech brings good to satvikas and my husbands service is my worship . Without husband even a second is waste for me .

When husband leaves the house and town for some work , i do not use flowers and perfumes and articles of decoration . I keep various vrata and niyam during such periods . Even if I like certain things I would never go for it if it doesnt suit my husband’s taste . I forego such food and clothing voluntarily .

I sincerely follow all that is told to me by my husband for my own good . I decorate myself  for the happiness of husband and accompany them in their hobbies and works that are of interest to them . I take part in their ventures .

I listen to my mother in law and her sermons with utmost sincerety and bring them into action as per her directions . I follow utmost care and sincerety during bhiksha bali and shraddha and other preparations of santarpana. I stay in front to welcome the respected and elders . And whatever dharma I know ,I follow it with niyam . And during such attempt and practise I forget even day and night in carrying out my duties .

I strongly believe that wife should be under the shelter of husband and to she shoudl carryout it with full enthusiasm .Husband is  a devata and husband is the wealth for women , so for such loving husband which women would not spend a lifetime .

No women should try to surpass husband . This is detrimental to her siddhi . so in clothing etc i do not wish to surpass husband . I do not talk ill of mother in law . I keep utmost care in this issue . I never behave in a uninhibited manner before elders and always take note of their words . Looking at these qualities my husband always like to listen to me . I need not go for any special tricks to keep them under sway and control .

My mother in law is a qualified lady . qualified with many good qualities and auspicious too . Just by the fact that she has given birth to such valorous sons good with many auspicious qualities is pointer to her soubhagya  and greatness . Kuntidevi is steadfast in TRUTH . This fact is ever present before my eyes . I do her service personally , under no circumstance do I delegate my duties with respect to her to anyone . Her food , dinner ,medicines , service  everything i personally do it . I beget extreme satisfaction by doing this all through the day . My mother in law PUTHADEVI is equal to PRITHVI herself when it comes to patience .

In my Husband’s house first everyday 8000 Bramhins eat in golden plates . Then 80000 graduate students [ bramhins ] and then 80000 gramhasthas have their food happily . Apart from this Yudhisthir has 100000 personal assistants . each has 30+30 dasis  . All these peoples welfare and food and other responsibilities Yudhisthir has given it to me ., part from this 10000 yati[ sanyasis ] also eat daily in our household .

After the vaishvadeva of all these bramhins, Then family members eat . This default sequence is never missed and I look after these arrangements everyday . These bhojan [ food distribution ] happens with all gait ,pomp and respect . I personally give all of these bramhins , ahaar, tambul ,vastra and dakshina  everyday with devotion and respect to the satisfaction of each .

There are special dasis for Dharmaraj , they are one LAKH in  number , they wear thick gloden necklaces around necks and in their arms .Some are completely bejewelled and readily available for service to help in managing . Another One LAKH paricharikas specialised in songs and dance and music . I know each of these skilled and unskilled labours’ names , interests , hobbies , their likes and dislikes with respect to food habits and clothing .I see to it they get those food and articles of their taste and liking time to time  to their satisfaction and happiness . I supervise and monitor all the work  given to these , I schedule their works according to their abilities and manage it to the best of the situation to keep the schedule on time without lapse and delay and to perfection .

Apart from the above there are another one lakh set of dasis whose work is to serve food day and night with a plates in their hands . Another set of Lakh dasis look after the guests . This is their work . I schedule their works and employ them appropriately .

There are paricharaks inside the antahpur [ palace ] and outside , apart from them , there are gopalakas , manual labours , security guards , whom I keep watch on and pay timely salaries to them all . I keep tab on the accounts of these all through my work schedule . Apart from paying salaries and auditing , I do see that their other needs are also taken care of and fulfilled and they live a comfortable life .

While doing all these I keep special thought process on what should be done to increase the wealth fame and prosperity of  PANDAVAS . I monitor the gains and expenses [ credit and debit ] of all the PANDAVAS , and I do keep them secret as well . I also control their expenses . Pandavas also have given me all these responsibilities of the family with utmost confidence in me . They go about their daily chores without worrying about all these and carry out their duties as worship to the LORD Krishna .

I too keeping my personal comforts aside , carryout these duties as a worship towards my husband with all happiness , And do not mind about day and night in carrying it out and this is my worship to the allmighty as well .

I sleep after Pandavas sleep and I get up before PAndavas get up . i never give  a feeling of having too much work to do .Those who carry out work with Love they never complain about the work .

This is the secret for keeping my husband under control , apart from these I donot think anyother methods or indulge in tricks . Rather I do not require any other tricks , What evil women resort to , I do not approve them and there is no happiness in that .

OH jagan MATE ! I know only this much and What I do is only This ! You know all these ! yet I have told all these only to carry out your order ! That was my duty ! “

Draupadi resumed her calm after this !

LAxmidevi SATYABHAMA became very happy with her answer and and Embraced her with all the blessings .

THese words of DRAUPADI DEVI are eternal and apply to all satvika stree . By treading this path of Draupadi devi MAHALAXMI’s blessings will be definitely there is what this story suggests .

Krishnarpanamastu .

Note : this story indicates clarifies many things about our culture and position of women in our society . It is a big fallacy that women were not educated . women had utmost education , they were educated to be good managers. MANAGEMENT of time , management of resources , management of workforce , management of money , management of material , auditing . supervision , scheduling , multitasking , training of staff , decoration , art of managing events on a day to day basis . if everyday affair was so celebrating , then celebration would have been more innovative .

Apart from doing all these giving personal attention to family members , it is no doubt every girl was trained to be  a superwoman !


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Saturn & Sade Sati – The cycle of Seven and Half Years !

Saturn is the most fascinating planet of the nine planets ! I am a great fan of Shani antargat Bharatiraman mukhyapranantargat Shimshumaar abhinna Kurma rupi HARI !

Saturn is great teacher! It teaches with a stick in the hand ! Dharma is very important in one’s life and society . No individual can progress without accumulating dharma . 1- 5- 9 denotes dharma . 2-6-10 denotes artha . 3-7-11 kama . 4-8-12 gives moksha !

The three entities that undergo binding [ bandha ] samsara is

  1. ATma [ soul ] [ Sun ] [ karkamsha ]
  2. Manas [ mind ] [ moon ] [aarudhamsha ]
  3. Deha [ [body ] [lagna ] [ lagnamsha ]


  • 9th denotes atma dharma
  • 5th denotes manas dharma
  • 1st denotes kayik dharma
  • 10th atmaartha [ vrutti ][ agaami karma , 10th from lagna ]
  • 6th mano artha [ panchruna ] [prarabdha karma 10th from 9th ]
  • 2nd deha artha [ wealth ] [ 10th from 5th sanchita artha ]
  • 11th atma kaama [adhyatmik ]
  • 7th mano kaamana [ adhidaivik ]
  • 3rd dehik kama [adhibhoutik ]
  • 12th [ sadhana vehicle 4th from 9th atma ]Moksha atmanivrutti [ 8th from 5th mano nirayana ][maran karma 11th ]
  • 8th [ 4th from 5th manas ] prananivrutti [ 8th from 1st deha nirayana ][ marana karta 7th ]
  • 4th [ 4th from 1st deha ] deha nivrutti [ 8th from 9th atma nirayana ] [marana karana 3rd ]


In every karma chaturvidh purushartha is aspired . Saturn is karmakaraka ! Saturn makes prarabdha come alive !

It is in Saturn cycle of gochara that person resigns to fate ! Saturn is terrible on individual when transiting 1 ,12 , 4 , 5 ,7,8 from moon’s sign and lagna !

Let us see some of the results that Saturn attributes in these houses when in transit :

  • In the 1st house Saturn destroys the tejas of a person , person becomes lusterless , then he introduces matibransha -loss of reasoning , then manahpeedha-mental agony , some disease and bandhuvaira-enemity with relatives ,vyasana-some vices catch fancy of the native !
  • 2nd house – matibransham continues , manhklesha – mental struggle and irritation towards some person/s , sarvakaryavinashkrut – destroys all undertakings , dehaalasyam- laziness (more so one becomes inactive due to less motivation ) , manastapam – continuous tention in the mind !
  • 4th house – shool vaat dadhchehedam- continuous pain swelling etc , bhayam-fear , svasthan hani krut –destruction of place of settlement , masurika –sores pimples piles etc , dehapeedha – physical distress !
  • 5th house – karyahani- destruction of work undertaken ,failure ; manastapam-mental pressures, gnyativyajyakalapkrut – manternal side relatives , forefathers litigations , business litigations ; heenastreebhogsantapam-intercourse with base woman ,and fears and pressures arising out of it !
  • 7th house – vyadhipeedha pravasam klesham – pain due to disease , travels , litigations , unhappiness [ adversities in pleasures ] , losses , dushta chintam- evil thoughts , worries on account of evil people ;
  • 8th house – failures in everything ; physical torture ; financial loss ; fears & loss of life ;
  • 9th house –depression , diseases ,little happiness , fever , problems from children
  • 10th house – anxiety , depression , troubles , loss of profession , resistance at workplace , sins , enterprise agriculture losses;
  • 12th house – insults ,loss of reputation , ill fame , scandals , travels [useless] , less work less earnings , less appetite , always arguments in every sphere , poverty ;


Let us see how Saturn has troubled great personalities in several ways! How the above results hold truth in every such cases! Almost every person religious and theist unswervingly accepts supremacy of Saturn in troubling endlessly without recourse! And then in such troubled times might have gone through most of the contents that I present here and thus instead of highlighting story contents; I would be more elaborate in behavioral analysis of these characters to the best of my capacity!

Once in Ujjain King Viram was ruling justly ! He was honored by kings and subjects equally ! He was king of kings ! One day he called gathering of all pandits . There in that gathering a debate on planets was mooted . Which planet is most important ?

Gathering saw pandits arguing in favour of Sun ! Sun is Lord of planets , it is responsible for day and night , without Sun world would collapse etc and thus Sun is most beneficial !

Some argued in favour of moon as giver of potency to medicines and agriculture produce without which world would be hungry etc

Yet some said mars was good some mercury and some Jupiter . Some favoured venus yet some said RAHU ketu .

At last a pandit said None of the above is as important as Saturn . Saturn is planet to be feared of , as soon as he was born sun lost his radiance , he split into thousand parts , his charioteer arun lost his legs . Saturn’s glance is most fierce ! He is the Lord of miseries , he bestows good senses and wealth when happy and takes away everything when adverse ! He gives vairagya and he leads to Moksha !

King laughed and said what good is son who brings destruction to the father . such a birth is abhorred !

Saturn was moving in he akaash over Ujjain when such remarks were made against him ! Immediately Saturn appeared in the court of Vikram . Vikram raised and welcomed Saturn [ as he is devata a set above manushya ] Vikram’s pleasing manner did not appease Saturn , He angrily said , Oh Vikram You made scathing remarks against and this sabha laughed at me making fun of me , so I shall show you my prowess when I am in the kanya rashi [ 12th to the rashi fo Vikram tula ].

Despite many pleadings from King Saturn went away in anger ! King was very depressed ! many a pandits asked him to undertake japa and homa to appease Saturn to reduce his wrath , But King waved aside all that saying fate cannot be changed , he is destined to suffer and these will not help him in any manner .

In came Saturn in KAnya rashi . Ministers started japa in the name King ! but king was in no mood !

One day Saturn came in the form trader to the kingdom . He was attracting whole kingdom with many new items on display , and many a beautiful horses . slowly news reached King about good adbhut horses . So king decided to try one , Saturn /trader showed him a horse that could fly . King sat on the horse to test it ! Horse took him to a distant land ! king could not return back and trader took money from ministers and went away deeming the purchase done !

[Notes : matibransha phala can be seen here ! the first thing saturn gives is sense of dejection resignation , this leads to loss of reasoning , loss of faith in established principles , person acts in a way detrimental to his own interests ;

All the arthshastra classics proclaim from the top of the roof that King should never try anything that is new without getting it tested by his subordinates! Here King Vikram is so overconfident about his riding skills and overrides the classic rule : 1 matibhransh – loss of reasoning : Saturn specifically tests the persons steadfastness in shastras . usually people with vipareet gyana brush aside shastras and give more importance to self-acquired knowledge or experience . with repeated failure of self applications or ekalavya style learnings they become digbramntha [ directionless] and then owing to bitter experiences , they seek solace in shastra . [ lesson number one at any cost shastra should not be shunned ]

Secondly Saturn brings a great change in environment , one can be pretty settled in one environment and draws his own box around himself ; he feels world starts and ends in that box { kupastha mandook } ,one feels world does not exist any beyond , even if it exists it has no meaning or impact on his day to day activities .

One must have seen many people especially when they are in settled mode , good income steady life , they ridicule others saying ” I never go to any temple ,Nor I do any pooja , I just work hard , my life is pretty straight , I never felt any necessity to ask anything , I get what I want by my hard work and efforts !! why should we trouble planets and GOD ?

When Saturn hits , their steadiness is disturbed , environment changes , box no longer exists even before they realize they are in mess which may take years to understand !

This sthan chyuti is remarkable aspect of Saturn . lesson two one ust never get attached to place of stay and environment etc and be ever ready to face new circumstances , new challenges and new paths !


Vikram was into a new land and there horse dropped him in the middle of jungle and vanished. King immediately knew bad times have started . Thinking of Saturn , he smiled at his destiny and started crossing dense forest seeking some open land . He was exhausted ,without water and food , fatigue overcame him ! King Vikram prayed forgiveness to Shanidev !

[ note ; aimless wandering , without knowing destination and result of the destination is another marked feature of Saturn ]

Vikram finally landed in the city of Tamralipti ! there after prolonged roaming , he sat near a shop pavement [ of vaishya ] a rich merchant ! That day the business of the merchant was unusually low , but as soon as the handsome young man sat on the pavement , the business grew manifolds , unusually greater than everyday sales ! Merchant had a whooping profit ! Merchant thought this man is very lucky for him , why not get him permanently into his household ! besides he looks charming, radiant and with all the auspicious marks ! Merchant asked Vikram [king] about his whereabouts ! dejected Vikram said he is a Kshatriya and has come from a distant land , is struck by a heavy bad luck and has lost his way and is terribly thirsty and hungry ! .

Merchant took Vikram to his house , gave him an excellent meals and asked him to take rest in a very comfortable bed !

[ People with fortunate signs and radiance always bring luck to people in their association irrespective of their own fate and dasha ; one must always thus associate with people of high birth from fortunate and pure lineages ! One must seek company of pure breds and one must always give shelter to a person who has lost everything [ if he is of pure lineage ] ;Even during bad phases some solace is always found if planets are propitiated ]

Vaishya Merchant now thought of marrying his daughter to the Kshatriya . So he called his daughter ALOLIKA , who was very beautiful and expressed his desire to get her married to the Kshatriya . The girl said ,” he is a stranger ! yet I do not know whether he suits me ,what are his views about me and in a short a VARAPARIKSHA is necessary ! ” . Father agreed , and told ” do what you find fit ! ”

[note : Varapariksha is done on person to determine his nature and potency , A king has to undergo this is a height of bad days ! The associates always feel superior during the phase of saturn , people around suddenly rejoice in newfound right to test the skills of skilled or worst so undermine the capabilities of the able personalities ! Most unwarranted advices flow during these times , even the King of Kings is not spared of a test and analysis ]

In the night , the guest was given a fine bed fully bejeweled and cushioned with most expensive makhmal [satin ] ! The room had picturesque view with many garden and many animals birds ! on close inspection one caould observe that they were actually a painting ! which looked as real ! There was also a painting of a Rajhansa !

[Note : here King has more luxuries than a vaishya , but in the given circumstances , a lesser enjoyments are also deemed more auspicious ,such a fate strikes , whatever is got is a fortune , mind reduces to such a state . choice itself is luxury ]

In the night , ALolika came completely dressed in astounding garments and jewellery , she could surpass as any apsara [ angel from on the heavens in beauty ] on that day ! her beauty coupled with full moon night was bewitching ! She brought all the items that would incite a cupid’s arrow and placed it in the room and slept by the side of Vikram ! King Vikram was flabbergasted , he thought of shani and impending danger coming ! He thought this could be another bad event in offing , Not knowing How to react, he chose to stick to basics that any man of virtue[ sheelasampanna ] would do ! He slept sideways without looking at beautiful ALOLIKA !

[note: Even the most pious associations behave awkwardly during the phase ! Although runanubandha makes all the behaviours even out later , but in the consciousness of the moment [that moment ] things look very testing , but the golden rule is never leave sadachaar, it always saves ! here no advances from Vikram carried the risk of him being labeled an impotent and yet King chose sadachaar ! what to say trying circumstances are forte of SHANIdev ]

Alolika took him to be impotent and dumb witted and with a ridiculous smile went into deep slumber setting aside all the jewelry in a casket { especially a pearl necklace } by the bed ! By the prowess of Shani , The Raj hansa in the painting came alive and gulped entire pearl necklace ! All these Vikram was observing and wondering at the new twist about to come in his life ,He resigned himself to the fate !

Next day morning when Alolika found her necklace missing ! She made a big ruckus about it and accused Vikram of theft ! She complained to her Father ! Merchant got his servants and guards to tie and beat Vikram mercilessly to let know the whereabouts of the Necklace ! Vikram denied any theft ! When Merchant said , ” I was anyhow making you my son in law , this entire wealth would have been yours ! but like a petty thief you chose to swindle only necklace ! I gave you shelter and food and this is how you repay my kindness” ; King Vikram told he has not swindled , it’s his bad days that are making things happen like this !

[note : the more powerful one feels , the more strangely and surprisingly Shani troubles , illusions and false implications are common features of Saturn cycle ! King was capable of fighting many warriors , he was adept in warfare and fighting skills yet he gives in to be captured and beaten by petty guards ! this is classic sign of resignation to fate ! in such situations one loses ineterst in daily chores of life , one does not even protect ones interest and losses become a common feature one gets vairagya towards profit loss win failure , display of talent and winning accolades etc . For king his display of valour would have lead to discovery of being king of kings and his plight would have become even cumbersome shame , in order to save oneself of greater danger and humiliation one undergoes humiliation of different kind ! such forced behavior is trademark of Saturn punishments . Underperformance and acceptance of failure is biggest achievement in these periods ! cause becomes more important than personal success ]

This sentence made merchant red with anger , one the theft of necklace second a philosophy that would conceal the crime ! So it was decided to hand over the thief to the KING Chandrasen ! King Chandrasen was kindhearted man. He asked in stern voice whether the theft was done , if accepted he would be liberal ! KingVikram said the RAJHANSA in the painting ate the necklace !

[ note ; words of wisdom do not look nice from the mouth of the person in deena avastha ; one must never speak philosophy during down time ; silence is the only golden rule ! the more u speak the more people misunderstand and more philosophy leads to more adverse comments as chips are down , only thing visible to the surrounding is helplessness and inability to achieve success, philosophies and Vedanta and planetary adversary is not socially acceptable reason for failures and downfall ]

King with anger commanded the confession as it was impossible to believe such a story ! to this Vikram said , when planets are adverse all calamities strike in impossible ways , He cannot justify his stance as his planets are adverse and all he would say would look like a story or fairy tale !

This statement of Vikram angered the Chandrasen even more and He ordered amputation of legs and hands of Vikram and be thrown in jungle ! it was ordered None should give food or water to the criminal ! Vikram was amputed [all the limbs ] and thrown in jungle ! There in terrible pain he cried day and night with thirst and hunger , wild animals lurking near him and no one to help ! Not able to move , not able to do anything Vikram extremely pained at his plight started praying SHANI with distraught and agony . He repeatedly sought forgiveness from Shanidev ! After few days Shani bestowed some mercy , Chandrasen allowed food and water be given to Vikram .

[ note : People in administration always expect practical answers , one cannot attribute one's failures to unknown forces even though it may be true . if spoken in such manner authorities feel person has lost his senses or perhaps is hiding a bigger controversy ! punishments are bound to be harsher ! But even the most intelligent commits mistakes ! here a King was standing before a KING , he knew all the mindset of the counterpart , yet he pleads in a different tone partially due to EGO , oh what r you going to judge my credibility , U see I am a set above ! if not for my bad days even You would tremble standing before me in battle field ! This mindset makes one err more before superiors [ temporary phase superiors] ! Thirdly Uttam person should never be under ADHAM or MADHYAM personalities , it always causes the ire of the others ! However we are good and claim to be judicious , just minded , All these hold true only till we are surrounded by people lesser than us , once we confront superior beings , we become a prey to jealousy complex etc we err , so one cannot judge superiors and should abstain from doing so ! VIRAT was a just King but failed to be just to YUDHSITHIR under HIM ,Bheeshma failed to deliver justice to Draupadi , RUTUPARNA was just king but failed to oblige BAHUK under him , SUGREEVA failed in his duties before RAM ]

One day a newly married girl from Ujjain happened to be coming to tamralipti , her in laws house ! She recognized the KING and looking at his plight, decided to take him Home . Her father in law was engaged in the business of pressing oil from grains nuts and sesame. Father in law of the newly wedded bride went to King and asked permission to give shelter to Vikram . King agreed !

Vikram everday with his forehead started pushing the axle of the turbine to extract oil from the seeds . While doing his work he prayed Lord Shani with devotion !

[note :One must always realize presence of HARI in every person irrespective of upbringing and intellect . When one sees a anulomaj one must worship Aniruddha namak parmatma in him ! You never know Lord comes in which form and with whom we would be indebted to in troubled times , an ego of high birth dwindles down when one is forced to take help of anulomaj pratilomaj subjects . more so when one's livelihood becomes dependent on such individuals , pride of high birth is vanquished ! in short pride of every nature is vanquished in Saturn cycle , A king of the entire world , is now seeking refuge with a anulomaj and is paying for his caretakership through manual labour : A kshatriya serving a anulomaj , there is no possibility of getting his kingdom back or restoration of fate as without limbs he is useless ! so neither can he say in ego I would one day repay the debt with wealthy rewards ! I am KING ! he is in absolutely at the mercy of anulomaj oilman till death ! total indebtedness !complete slavery ]

Everyday til oil was offered to Shani and as seven and half years neared an end, Vikram who was adept in 64 arts , suddenly got inspired by the grace of Shanidev to sing Raag Deepak . He was singing with brilliance and perfection ! Such was the rendering of raga perfect that entire kingdoms lights were lit automatically and it seemed as if there was a festivity in the capital ! Princess Padmasena was astonished by the dancing lights by the side of her pool ! She immediately ordered the singer to be brought before her !

Soldiers caught Vikram and presented before princess ! Vikra again rendered Deepak raga and the whole palace was lit ! Seeing the amazing lights Chandrasen also came to the princess chamber !

[ note : All through seven years he never felt like singing deepak raga ! though talented , talent never shows up during bad phase. Even if it shows up , it does not find right ear /eyes to appreciate ! ]

By the vaious rendering of different ragas in perfect manner , Shani became appeased and appeared before Vikram ! Vikram happy at the sight of devata , he worshipped him in all possible ways . Shani Dev asked him to seek a boon !

Vikram said promise to give a boon that you would not trouble mankind again so harshly ! saying this Vikram fell on the feet of the Saturn ! Saturn said I give you your limbs back ! now say seek another boon ! King stood on his feet and became radiant again ! the whole gathering was astonished at the sight of King of KINgs and shani dev ! But Vikram fell on the feet of Shani and pleaded to promise never he will trouble mankind so harshly !

Vkram said oh Lord , I am the greatest among the humans in these times , fully blessed with prowess and wealth and happiness yet you made a twig out of me , What poor creatures of earth can do before your magnanimous self ! I on behalf of entire human race ask forgiveness for our ingrained follies , kindly spare us your KRUR drishti , mellow dow on the people ! Saturn gave back his kingdom and said Oh KING , what I have done to you is nothing compared to others ! My teacher brihaspati reached gallows in a span of few hours , Ganapti lost his head , Shiva went into hiding , Nala lost his kingdom and wife , So did Yudhisthir , Vishwamitra went without food , Vashishtha lost his hundred sons , Ravana lost his kingdom and life so did Kauravas by my wrath ! Every soul undergoes prarabdha under my supervision .!

[Note : King was a true Kshatriya , even when he lost everything , his satvik buddhi and varna dharma never left him , his rajyaparipalan , hich includes prajakshema ,welfare of subjects , made him seek boon from Saturn to spare punishments and mild troubles ; Any other person would have sought limbs , pleasures kingdom etc , but King sought welare of mankind ! This what separates great from ordinary , even during testing times , morality , duticonsciousness and upright nature sacrifice of selfish interest are never forsaken by the satvik devotees ! MAY BE dejection might have been a cause for pseudo sacrificial tendency , so shani tests him with restoration of radiance and strength and limbs ! here a normal man would jump towards the enemies , CHANDRASEN and vaishya and punish them in filmy style , boy I was innocent yet you people tortured me and now take it from me I HAVE THE POWER !! !! but NO KING VIKRAM is still holding on to his thought spare the mankind ! This is Vikram the great , deservingly he got all the wealth and prosperity and chaturvidh purushartha ]

Saturn showed Chandrasen that it was indeed , the painted rajhansa which had gulped the necklace , the painting was brought back and the Rajhansaa spilled out the necklace much to surprise of Everyone ! King chandrasen was ashamed and he begged pardon from King Vikram and offered him Padmasena his daughter ! Vaishya marchant too offered his daughter ALOLIKA in marriage and asked pardon !

Vikram said its all in the hands of planet , when they were adverse so was everyone now when they were favorable so was everyone beneficial ! Vikram worshipped Lord Shani and forgave one and all and went back to his Kingdom with two wives [Kshatriya and Vaishya ] and amply rewarded the oilman , Everyone were blessed by the grace of Shanidev .

Note { Shani dev troubles owing to presence of KALI , as VAyu has no Kali avesha , Shani could never trouble him on the contrary lost a leg for making an attempt ! So Shani declared that he would never trouble Nishkaam devotees of VAYu anatargat NARAYANA ! He would not trouble those who remember nala damayanti rituparna ! Those who worship him with stotra by Dasharath and pippalada ! }

Bharatiraman mukhyapranantargata Shimshumaar rupi RAMANARAYANA supreeto bhava !









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तामस मंत्र कोष:॥ { मोह शास्त्र }!

नास्ति नारायण समो देवो न भूतो न भविष्यति । ऐतेन सत्यवाक्येन सर्वाऽर्थान साध्याम्यहम् ॥

रावण उवाच ।

Ravan asked Rudra sitting on Mount Kailash , ” kindly enlighten me about the science that gives instant results “

Rudra said” I shall explain you tantra which can move the oceans and mountains .Those who do not master tantra, what use is their anger ? “

A man without GURU is akin to a  night without moon ,day without sun , kingdom without King !

Without guru upadesha no mantra in tantrashastra will be fruitful .One does not have right to practise without gururpadesha .

Shatkarma is very important aspect in this shastra . Resorting to it will give all sot f success !

  1. Shantikarma
  2. vashikaran
  3. stambhan
  4. vidweshan
  5. uchchatan
  6. Maran
  • The act with which one can subside diseases , abhichara , and planetary ill effects is known as shantikarma !
  • One by which people can be controlled is known as vashikaran
  • One by which the motion and direction of the person [ and his mind ] can be stopped is known as stambhan
  • Creating enemity between  friendly persons is known as vidweshan
  • The act by which one is forced to leave his own place is known as uchchatan
  • the one which life is destroyed is known as maran !

Every such act will be successful only if ishta devta ishta kaal and ishta disha is known and obliged .

  • Rati is deity incharge of shantikarma
  • Vani for vashikaran
  • rama for stambhan
  • jyeshtha for vidweshan
  • durga for uchchatan
  • Kali for maran

first these have to be worshipped and then proceeded for the shatkarma .

  • NE for shantikarma
  • N for vashikaran
  • E for stambhan
  • SW vidweshan
  • NW for uchchatan
  • SE for maran
  • hemanth for shanti
  • vasant for vashikaran
  • shishir for stambhan
  • greeshma vidweshan
  • varsha for uchchatan
  • and sharad for maran

Maran with neemoil by doing abhichara with the fire / ash or lamp from the house of enemy [ with sankalpa of enam maray ] and hawan and after hawan [kunda sameepe krutyamaaradhye kantakam chantike ] order the krutyaa to eat the flesh of enemy ! [ japa shud be with the beads made of teeth of human not dead in war and beaded in human nerves  , beads shud be 15 in number , japa shud be with angushtha and anamika sitting in south , homa with nails or hair  of enemy with sheep milk mixed with human bones and flesh and cotton seed in mustard oil will kill enemy  ]

protect the agni for nine days with japa in the night and on tenth day enemy dies !


  • ॐ शान्ते शान्ते सर्वारिष्टनाशिनिस्वाहा
  • this gives jwara shanti
  • ॐ संसांसिंसींसुंसूंसेंसैंसोंसौंसंसः वंवांविंवींवुंवूंवेंवैंवोंवौंवंवः हंसः अमृतवर्चसे स्वाहा
  • this gives abhichaar shanti
  • आपत्त शान्ति  ,भूत प्रेत पिशाच राक्षस नर व्याघ्र सिंह रीछ श्रृगाल नाग गज अश्व पीडा शान्ति
  • ॐ हंहांहिंहींहुंहूंहेंहैंहोंहौंहंहः क्षंक्षांक्षिंक्षींंक्षुंक्षूंक्षेंक्षैंक्षोंक्षौंक्षंक्षः हंसः हम्
  • क्रोध शान्ति
  • ॐ शान्ते शान्ते प्रशान्ते सर्वक्रोधोपशमनि स्वाहा
  • 21 time face wash with above mantra to get rid of anger of deities or men !



ॐ नमो भगवते उड्ड्ामरेश्वराय मोहय मोहय मिलि मिलि ठः ठः

make a small balls of priyangu ,tagar ,koshtha ,chandana nagakeshar and krishn dhatura [ bark flowers seeds leaves and fruits powder ]  in equal portions each , mix it with food of the one to be controlled or attracted . [ seven times write the name in the mixture ]

30000 japa will give vashikaran[ single commited mind is necessary ]

2> on a pushya nakshatra the roots of punarnava when energised with following mantra will give vashikaran if win on arms .

ॐ नमः सर्वलोकवशंकराय कुरु कुरु स्वाहा

similarly leaves of bilva and matulungu in sheeps milk when ground with mantra chant and applied on forehead will give vashikaran .

3> RAAJvashikaran

kumkum chandan gorochan karpur in cows’ milk if made into a tilak with following mantra will bring even kings under control

ॐ ह्रीं सः [ नाम अमुकं ] मे वशमानय स्वाहा


the following  mantra will make a woman become a kinkari to the man .

bramhadandi and corpse ash with following mantra when put on the girl she will swoon on to the person .

ॐ नमः कामाख्यादेवि [अमुकी नाम ] मे वशमानय स्वाहा

black lotus , bee feathers , tagar root , white kakjangha powder when sprinkled onto the woman , she gets attracted to the person .

ocean salt honey and saliva of pigeon if applied on private parts and copulated the woman will ever be enslaved by the charms of man .


gorochan ,fish fat , or peacock feather ,honey , and ghee when mixed and applied onto the coitus ,husband and wife experience  orgasm and husband will never leave the wife .

kulathi, bilva ,gorochan and manahshila when marinated in oil in copper vessel and this oil if applied on the yoni and if copulated with husband , husband will become a slave will never go for other woman .



ॐ नमो दिगंबराय [अमुकासन ] स्तम्भनं कुरु स्वाहा

put soil in the skull along with white ghunghuchi seeds and sow it . everyday pour milk and when they sprout , wherever the roots are thrown there asan will be still .


ॐ नमो अग्निरूपाय मम शरिरे स्तम्भनम कुरु कुरु स्वाहा

ghee and sugar should be drunk and then dry ginger chewed will not burn mouth .

fat of frog with the liquid of kaumari juice when applied on body fire is stalled ,


ॐ अहो कुम्भकर्ण महाराक्षस कैकसीगर्भसंभूत परसैन्यस्तम्भन महाभगवान् रुद्रोपर्यति स्वाहा

kharjur in the mouth , ketaki in the waist and aak in the shoulder will stall weapons .

bel leaves tender when brought on sunday if the paste is apllied on the body no weapons trouble .


ॐ नमः कालरात्रि त्रिशूलधारिणि मम शत्रुसैन्यस्तम्भनम कुरु कुरु स्वाहा


ॐ नमो भयञ्कराय खड्गधारिणे  मम शत्रुसैन्यपलायनं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा

if the name of the enemy is written on bhurjpatra and the yantra is tied to a owl and left , as this bird reaches the army the army runs away .

ॐनमो भगवते रुद्राय जलंस्तम्भय स्तम्भय ठः ठः ठः

padmak when energise with mantra and mixed with water it stops the overflow .

ॐनमो भगवते रुद्राय मेघं स्तम्भय स्तम्भय ठः ठः ठः

the fire of burning corpse if got onto the burning brick and buried in the forest stops rains .

ॐनमो भगवते रुद्राय नौकां स्तम्भय स्तम्भय ठः ठः ठः

any milky weed when put on a boat on the bharani star will stall the boat .

ॐनमो भगवते रुद्राय [अमुकं ]स्तम्भय स्तम्भय ठः ठः ठः

a cloth wet with mensturating women dipped in gorochan and with the name of enemy written on it will stall the enemy

ॐनमो भगवते रुद्राय निद्रां स्तम्भय स्तम्भय ठः ठः ठः

the powder of bruhati and mulethi when inhaled will stall sleep

ॐनमो भगवते रुद्राय गो महिष्यादीन् स्तम्भय स्तम्भय ठः ठः ठः

bones of camel if buried around the stable will stall animals

ॐनमो भगवते रुद्राय [अमुकं पशुं ]स्तम्भय स्तम्भय ठः ठः ठः

any animal will stop when  a  camel hair is dropped before it .


ॐ ह्रीं कालि कपालिनि घोरनादिनि विश्वं विमोहय जगन्मोहय सर्वं मोहय मोहय ठः ठः ठः स्वाहा

white gunja with brmahdandi when juice is extracted and applied onto body will attract one and all .

tulasi with bhang seeds and ashvagandha when pasted with milk[cow] this mixture if taken daily will make one very attractive to crowds .

shwethkarmool root and sindur with juice of banana flowers if applied on forehead will make one popular among masses .

the tilak of bilva powder in cows milk will also give fame .


ॐ नमो नारायणाय [अमुकस्य अमुकेन ] सह विद्वेषं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा

elephant hair and lion hair tie it to the idols of the two people as hair and then bury it in the soil . on it establish a homa kunda and in the agni give homa of malati pushpa , both the people will start hating each other .

take the teeth of elephant and lion and  grind it on a stone with butter and then apply it to the two people ‘s forehead , both will hate each other forever .


ॐ नमो भगवते रुद्राय दंष्ट्राकरालाय अमुकं स्वपुत्रबांधवैः सह हन हन दह दह पच पच शीघ्रमुच्चाटय हुंफट् स्वाहा ठः ठः

Apply bramhadandi and ash to a shivalinga and in the evening of saturday remove the paste and put it onto the doors of the enemy , enemy will leave the place in no time .

ॐ नमः आदिपुरुषाय [अमुकस्य ] आकर्षणम् कुरु कुरु स्वाहा

write the above mantra in blood from the little finger on a bhojpatra , dip the patra in a bottle of honey . the loved one who has left you away for different foreign land will come running back to you .


one must never do maran in life only when hit with life and death situation one should resort to maranam .

maranam when applied wrongly kills self .

the following mantras when done with rituals will kill the enemy in no time .

the below mantra when written on bhurjpatra with gorchan and kesari on tuesday or saturday and worn as yantra will kill enemy

ॐ चाण्डालिनि कामाख्यावासिनि वनदुर्गे क्लीं क्लीं ठः स्वाहा

sarvakaal mantra if it has been achieved siddhi . then following procedure will give death to the opponent .

ॐ नमः सर्वकालसंहारय अमुकं हन हन क्रीं हुं फट भस्मीकुरु स्वाहा

get the soil below the footprints [ both legs]  of the enemy . mix it with ash of the corpse .and pour the blood of middle finger into it , make a small doll . cover the doll with a black cloth and black thread and place it on  a grass bed in a sleeping position . lit  a lamp . get japa done till siddhi . pour the bengal gram dal into the mouth of the doll at midnight . then in the early morning get the last rites done for doll in the cemetry . most powerful enemy will also be laid to rest .

ARDRAPATI vidya by durvasa muni if practised for a month will sent enemy to abode of yama ,

ॐ नमो भगवते आर्द्रपटेश्वरि ……………………एहि एहि …………. हुं फट ………शत्रून ……………पिब पिब ……….हुं फट ……………

all as previously create a doll and give bali of a sheep . with the sheep blod soak the doll . by the time blood dries enemy would have left the mortal remains .

Aghor mantra will put the life back into the dead .

ॐ अघोरे ………………..रुद्रेभय

ॐ रामायै रामाय ………………………………..शोषय …………….देहि स्वाहा

KAli mantra with give one capability to disappear

ॐ हुंफट कालि कालि …………………………हुंफट स्वाहा


Ravan says what are different doshas in a mantra oh lord ,

There are many dosha in a mantra , [ like chinna hina parngmukh , badhir , hatveerya ,heena shakti , chyut , keelith etc ] these doshas have to be removed before doing japa of the same .Doshas can be removed by keeping the mantra in mooladhara and raising each letter towards bramhrandra with puraka and kumbhaka , alternatively matruka samputikaran will give dosha nivrutti .

Ravan asks what if mantra does not get siddhi even after jap . Rudra says then seven techniques must be applied to the mantra ,.

these are

  1. bhraman
  2. rodhan
  3. vashikaran of mantra
  4. peedhan
  5. soshan
  6. poshan
  7. dahan

each kriya is done with a beeja mantra like vayu beeja sarswati beeja agni beeja ,kamabeeja , mayabeejam , lajja beejam ,varun beejam etc

any mantra begining and ending with maya kaam and lajja beja will give siddhi .

keelan mantras if not unlocked will not give siddhi even if one crore japa is completed . Utkeelan , uddepan and and samputikarana gives siddhi .

Ravan what is symptoms of siddhi .

Rudra says , the fulfillment of desire is first sign of siddhi .increase in longevity is second sign . devata darshan is thrid sign .

mantras when resorted to tapasya will give devata darshanam .

Such a siddhi will make one move in unknown lands . Can listen to secret talks of devatas and other celstial beings .

some smaller siddhis have following characteristics ,

  • a sweet smelling body
  • fame in all directions
  • many vehicles
  • many jeweleries accessories
  • long life
  • rewards from kings
  • royal service
  • Man becomes a wonderman for others and keeps exhibiting magical personality and lives a happy life
  • people experience gain of fortune and relief from misery just by seeing him and visiting him
  • he will know all the shastras
  • will master four types of advisory skills
  • will become desireless
  • immersed in devotion
  • he can at will engage in attracting many people and at will be able to get disengaged
  • he will be able to involve with others deeply and at the same time come out of  the involvement with ease .
  • he will have ease of yoga
  • completely unattached to senses
  • compassionate with all the people
  • patient
  • lineant
  • All knowing

All these qualities are known to be had by having madhyam [ medium level siddhi ] siddhi .

uttam siddhi will lead to qualities of levitation , entering others bodies , entering palaces and forts without obstructions . moving thru fire water with ease  etc .

Finally Man aspires to be at the lotus feet of LORD .












Posted by on January 28, 2011 in Astroanalysis, japa, Jyotish, mantras


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VENUS MARS combination -a compilation !

Venus is a lovely planet in astrology , it is a planet of pleasures ! Most novice astrologers are pessimistic in predictions when they see a afflicted Venus in a horoscope .Affliction to venus especially by mars , i would not be surprised if every astrologer would hesitate to give a clean chit to the subject , in a hush hush tone he would like to suggest a extramarital affair or break in relationship or troubled marriage to the native !  This study consumed a greater part of my life all the more because my both parents have fifth lord {son}venus and fifth house exalted , my wife has seventh lord{husband } venus in peak , my brother in law has exalted venus [ his fifth ie seventh from 11th lord {elder sister's husband } ] , my son has ninth lord [father ] venus in mooltrikona myself though do not have exalted venus[ according to suryasiddhant my venus is in moolatrikona ] but venus is  most strongest planet in kendra in my  horoscope making me a Venusian in all aspects .My entire two generation  above in my family each and every member[ all the siblings of my mother ] has an exalted venus , some afflicted some clean . One thing was common in them[ people having exalted venus ] is  their quality of living and sense perceptions were optimal , they are extremely beauty conscious , there is an extreme appreciation for anything artistic and their choice of objects of desire were too selective and standardized as if borrowed from character of epics or novels .

every abstract aura stimulated them ! Shuchi being prominent ingredient in their daily life . People who might have spent time among these exalted venus will definitely not miss one thing that these people leave a long lasting impact on the psyche of the people around them . Their interaction will throw up an array of like and dislikes , which would be found wanting in a person of non venus exalted , ie the comparison will be too evident to the naked eyes . In nutshell people who might have interacted with venus exalted natives will find fault with other interaction in their life as that experience will never be found with others except for another venus exalted person .

Venus in exaltation even if afflicted does not give malefic results . In general Affliction of venus with mars should be carefully delineated with other combinations especially in shadvargas and only then malefic results should be attributed because many a venus affllicted natives have been seen to lead  a happy conjugal life . Certain questions do arise in minds of astrologers while learning viz

  • venus is karaka for wife
  • venus is karaka for passion
  • venus is karaka for potency
  • venus is karaka for sexual tendencies
  • venus is karaka for veerya
  • venus is karaka for objects of happiness

So does affliction of venus gives perversion ?

does perverted people get perverted wife ?

does affliction denote affliction to potency ?

does affliction denote lesser passion or lesser accumulation of objects of happiness ?

Its very difficult to analyse these all by mere logic and intelligence ! let us resort to classics on these .

We shall restrict our compilation to affliction by mars alone .

What does parashara say on this ?

venus conjunct mars or aspected by mars in any house will give loss of spouse in its dasha .

venus in exchange of house with mars in shadvargas or in ekamsa with mars only then creates perversion .

Brihatjatak says :

Venus mars conjunction makes one a GOpalaka [ owner of cattle ] if lesser in strength then one who supervises cattle .

he may become  a wrestler , a driver of boat vessel streamer , an able administrator or a club owner where gambling and betting is revenue model .

thirdly he says parayuvatirata: – one who will cohabit other women !

if we literally take this as dictum then all drivers of water bourne  vehicles , wrestlers , diary owners cattle breeders and able administrators definitely will cohabit other women .

Just as the dictum cannot make every venus mars combination a driver administrator or wrestler all at the same time . some may become drivers others may become wrestlers , yet others may become administrators . One may not become the other in his entire lifetime . So also all these cannot become adulterers !

So what is it that differentiates these services ? one must look into other combinations . so also for fructification of venus mars adultery some more confirmatory test are necessary !

Let us further see how venus mars gives varied results in different bhavas .

  1. kapha roga/dosha , unsuccessful ventures , cheat others , ungrateful , a successful offspring \
  2. artistic
  3. good qualities , pilgrimage , upright character , professional artist
  4. very handsome , artistic
  5. inimical, insulted, hates bramhins
  6. other women , shackled in love of prostitutes , sinful , wicked , no learnings
  7. frequently spurned by women , severe wounds [cancerous ] , schematic
  8. enthusiasm to do kukarma , deceitful, inappropriate expenses
  9. beautiful physique , atithipriya , pleasing personality , head of the family , cultured .
  10. very modest , large palacial house , build shrines , dhandhanya samriddhi
  11. religious , will undertake vows and deeksha , well read , attain higher post , close confidant and loyal trustee of king
  12. alpadhani , son troublesom , miser , sick, ungrateful .

In most of the places the reference to perversion is absent except in sixth and other malefic houses .

Lets also examine how aspect of mars affects venus in various houses .

  • ARIES -SCORPIO [VENUS ] ASPECTED BY MARS  – bereft of happiness ,honor ,and money , pitiable condition and excessively shabby
  • VRISHABH-TULA [VENUS ] ASPECTED BY MARS – will not be happy with his house , troubled in getting accomodation , always in some disputes
  • MITHUN-KANYA [VENUS ] ASPECTED BY MARS – will have good wife , highly expert in kaamshastra , will spend huge fortune on his women
  • CANCER [VENUS ] ASPECTED BY MARS – will have excess training in vocal and music and dance , will  win over enemies , will achieve happiness through his intelligence [ alternatively will think too much about happiness only in mind ] , always in troubled state of mind wrt women .
  • LEO[VENUS] ASPECTED BY MARS – will be liked by kings and employed by them , will have abundant grains and gains , will be addicted to women due to uncontrolled passion .
  • DHANUR-MEENA[VENUS] ASPECTED BY MARS -  enemies will not withstand his prowess , rich , happy , madly adored by womenfolks [ female fanfollowing] , will acquire punya and do acts of dharma , will have excellent vehicle .
  • MAKAR-KUMBHA[VENUS ] ASPECTED BY MARS – will be extremely fatigued by heavy work load and diseases , will lose money on account of treachery or dubious people . will have always some disease pertaining to mind due to unfulfilled desires .

As a second lord venus being in second if aspected by mars makes one a good logician .

So as we can see there are many good results that venus and mars combination bestows on the native . only in malefic houses does the malefic results occur , if these are aspected by benefics then malefic results do not occur ,  And venus in meena aspected by any malefic gives only good results .

krishnarpanamastu .


Posted by on January 20, 2011 in Astroanalysis, Jyotish, planets


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Vridhhkanya itihasa – importance of marriage to Girls !

Stree is the composite of ‘s’ and ‘tri’ !

Stree is assistive in attaining three ‘dharm artha and kama ‘ ! One who is sahagamini in these three is stree . ——–Mahabharat !

Skanda purana says , what is not prohibited by dharma  to attain such happiness ,grahasthashram is important and  anukool [ she should be anu and cool ]  agrahini is instrumental for it . Husband can get fruits of dharma artha and kaama only if he has a anukuul sati .

secondly tri also refers to manasa vacha karmana . Patiantaryami Parmatma aradhana [ sadhana ] should be carried out sincerely through mind , speech and body !

Only if mind to serve husband is there is not enough .it should reflect in speech , just few good sweet words also doesnt qualify for uttam sadhana towards Lord , it should be through actions as well . All actions [ not against shashtra ] should be carried out to please Husband [ Pati antarayami Parmatma ] .

tri karan seva one who does is stree . if done properly towards Pati then SHRIPATI [ Vishnu ] will be happy and grace her Moksha . So says Katyayan !

Gautam dharma sutra describes stree as one who exercises regulation over tri – vaak ,chakshu and karma .Stree is one who does not desire anything from thought ,vision and actions not liked by the husband .

Markandeya purana says . what a man earns [ punya ] by lot of efforts and miseries , wife gets half of it by just by serving him wholeheartedly .

But in devakarya and pitrukarya , stree gets half punya only when she accompanies and assists him in it .

So what is DHARMA ?

when elders prescribe that this act will bring auspicious results and gives the desired ,then that actions [karma ] is known as dharma . What gives misery and not clearly prescribed or recommended y elders [tradition ] is not dharma .

Dharma is of two types , sadharan and vishishta .

sadharan dharma applies to everyone . everyone must carry them out . Swadhyaya , bramhacharya , patiseva these are vishishta dharma . These cannot be carried out by everyone , These can be carried out only buy those who have undergone sanskara .Sanskaara gives adhikaara [ entitles to right to carry out dharma ]

Upanayana is sanskaara for males and VIVAHA [ marraige is sanskaara ] for kanyas .

As bramhacharis [ vatu ] does agnikarya and guruseva , so also a grahini does pati seva and her gruhakarya is quivalent to agnikarya .

Shikha yagnyopaveeta maouna ,vedaadhyayan bhiksha  all these are prohibited for girls .

Similarly Sanyasa is also prohibited for WOmen .

Once upon a time in the Garga rishi’s lineage there was a rishi by name KUNI . He was mahatapasvi [ very austere ]. Knowing this world to be inconclusive and miserable , he decided to stay as bramhachari all through his life and did not marry . Except Hari dhyana , japa , tapa , anushthana he did not spend his time in any other activity . The time went  by and he became aged and old . As he became old and weak , he aspired for someone to assist him in his daily chores . He aspired if only I had a child .[ but still he did not wanted to marry ]

Visnu bhakta !!!!! can a vishnu bhaktas’ desire go unfulfilled !!!! As he wished strongly , a grown up girl took birth from his mind and stood before him as his child to serve him . Witnessing the  extreme grace of  HARI , KUNI ‘s mind exhilarated n ecstasy ! HE continued his tapasya .

Kuni’s daughter also engaged herself in tapasaya . All the proposals that Kuni brought for her , she found no match for her . she rejected all of them . At the end no proper match could be found for her .  As the time passed by , KUNI also died . Now munikumari [ daughter ] was even more free to carry out her tapasya . She undertook severe austerities , what was not possible for men even those vratas also  she undertook  with zeal . Finally she undertook Kaumar bramhcharya and she became aged and old . Her youth passed by in her jest for vratas . neither was she ever interested in marriage .

She became a VRIDHHAKANYA , she was frail ,lost lustre of youth and wrinkles appeared onto her body . SLowly with age hands and legs too lost strength . Now she was in no position to do any dharma karya or tapasya .

She decided to end her life by casting off the body and get good loka [ a place in heaven ] .As she was thinking of casting her body away , Sage NARADA came to her and said , ” oh Vriddhakanya , you have done many vrata and tapasya ! with all these austerities you have dried by your youth and body , also you have attained high wisdom and knowledge . All these will be fruitful for you [ to attain heaven , nariloka ] only  if you had done PATISEVA  [ served a husband ] . That you have not done neither have you given birth to a  child [satputra] , so you how will you get a good place in heaven . These are not just my words but also the talk in the heavens  ,So do not hurry to cast away your sadhan instrument , the body and think again what is to be done with cool mind .{ thinking his work is accomplished sage NARADA dissappeared } .

Vriddhkanya thought over the matter seriously . She came to a conclusion and called upon a gathering of all the rishis .

In the meeting she floated a proposal , that she has amassed a lot of punya . so whoever will marry her , she would give  half of her punya .  Easily and effortlessly   punya will come , in such anticipation , A rishi from the lineage of GALVA by neame ‘ Shringavaan ‘ accepted her proposal . But he insisted upon a condition . that he too wished for a austere life at that age and cannot accept to be trapped in sansaara , so he would marry vriddhakanya and stay with her for only one night .

Vriddhakanya agreed . Marriage took place .  To please Shringavaan vriddhakany with her tapas shakti acquired beauty and youth and annointing herself with all the beautiful ornaments and garments she consummated her marraige and saw to it that Shringavaan was happy . Serving him one fine day She left her body and gained upper lokas . Shringavaan also attained a good place on account of her punya .

This story suggests that marraige is just very important for fructification of the karmas for Women . All the karmas for women fructify with saoubhagya ,

What is saoubhagya ?

the shabdakalpdruma gives the meaning of subhaga as ‘patipriya ‘ . Who is more soubhagyavati , one who is most priya to her husband . [ dulhan wahi jo piyaman bhaye ]

So how to get Soubhagya [ patipriyatva ] , katyayansmriti  says it in a beautiful manner .

why only pati husband , elders , devata , gurus and supreme NARAYANA all these become pleased with santosha . So Santosha is very root of human bond and for preeti to take roots in the heart .

How to give ‘ SANTOSHA” to husband is a big question ?

Each person may have his own desires ! which desire is valid and SADHU . it is very difficult to determine . MONEY , FIGURE , BEAUTY ,CAREER ,FAME , TAPAS , PATIENCE ,  this way the list can be endless as to what makes a husband be pleased .

Money may please a person and perhaps such a person could be pleased as well but such a pleasure is temporary and preeti out of such pleased husband may also be temporary .

May i get this wife for ever in every birth and birth after birth such a feeling to come is impossible from pleasures of money fame etc . Such a feeling is possible only through Santosh !!!!!!

The lotus blooms only due to one factor , SURYAKIRAN . ie rays of SUN .

Whats one factor that makes Santosh bloom between couples , let us see what rishis say on this >>>>>

1> Bharturaadeshvartinya : one who obeys the husband [ undertakes all his words which are not against shashtra ] . such a action increases love and strengthens relationship .

2> bahubhi: vrataih agnishch toshita;  – Paramatma resides in heart of PATI [ husband ] he is the one hwo gives the feeling to love his wife and HE is the one who increases it with time and strengthens it .  SO pleasing such AGNINAMAK Paramatma residing in the husband through vrat and niyama . [ pati agnya is important in starting such a vrata ]

3> Agni can be pleased by : a. agni is symbol of speech , so keeping clean speech is agnivrat , agni is in kitchen , keeping suchi in paaka[ cooking ] is agnivrata and assisting in agnihotra  is agnivrata .

Such a upasana will give Santosha to the husband and paramatma which in turns give Soubhagya giving fructifcation to all the karmas.

Just as GURU is prateek [ idol ] for UPASANA of Vishnu for males so is HUSBAND [ PATI } is prateek for Upasana of VISHNU for females .

krishnarpanamastu .


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Surya Upasana !


। जपाकुसुम संकाशं काश्यपेयं महाद्युतीम्  तमोघ्नं सर्वपापघ्नं प्रणतोऽस्मि दिवाकरम् ।

Suryanarayana The SUN is the visible form of VISHNU for all the devotees . It is an excellent pratima for upasana for quick siddhi and Moksha . It is a Nitya upasana for all the BRAMHINS , the GAyatri Upasana is towards Suryanarayana . Vishnu present in SURYA devata is the most quick to give results and ever protecting . Acharya Srimadanandateertha when confronted with the muslim King proclaimed ” We are the followers of Great God who is ever present in SUN and worship HIM “, Hence its not surprising if there is entire upanishad dedicated to Surya UPASANA . Those who aspire for physical ,material and spiritual success  must pray LORD SURYANARAYANA .

  • Suryopasana with daily arghya to Suryanarayana helps maintain dwijatva .
  • All sankalpa at Suryodaya accomapanied with Suryopasana will  be successfull .
  • Upanishads declare SUN as the centre of UNIVERSE .
  • Devatas attain aparoksha though Suryopasana .
  • It is Graha RAJa ,, King of planets . Praying SUN will give excellent planetary effects and ill effects will get minimized .
  • The chakshopanishad gives Surya mantra to ward away eye problems like cataract  ,short /long sight , to get rid of spectacles , blindness etc .
  • Suryopanishad gives SuryaUpasana to get excellent health .
  • Suryopasana gives win over enemies [aditya hrudaya of Agstya Muni incidental not instrumental in Killing RAVANA by LORD SRIRAM ]
  • SURYOPASANA GIVES EXCELLENT EDUCATION and excellence in vyakarana shastra [ Hanumanji did his schooling under Surya narayana with Suryopasana ]
  • Suryaupasana relieves one of skin diseases ,heart diseases , strengthens bones and  increases Longevity .[ Samba ,son of Srikrishna and Jambavati   ,when tired of his incurable skin disease tried to take permission from Srikrishna to suicide , Srikrishna advised him to do Suryopasana , Samba was relieved off skin disease regained his beauty and Longevtity ]
  • Surya Upasana gives excellent wealth . [ Raja Satrajit got syamantak mani through Surya Upasana  ,which would give him 8000 kg of gold  every day ]
  • In yogashastra Dharana /samayama on Surya gives knowledge of entire creation .
  • Exercising early morning with Surynamaskaar with twelve surya mantras give extreme physical strength and excellent wrestling capacity .
  • Varahamihira Bhatt  amassed excellency in Jyotishshastra through Suryaradhana for a one complete year .
  • Suryopasana gives excellence in medical field ,it gives aushadhsiddhi [ Chyavan rishi got his Ayurved siddhi through Suryopasana ]
  • Suryopasana gives excellent proficiency in Architechture science shilpavidya [ Maya became a great architect by Suryopasana ]
  • Suryopasana gives Rajayoga .[It gives political power and  it gives easy success in exams For high Govt Posts ie IAS IPS IES IRS etc ] All  FAVOURS FROM GOVT  can be had through Suryopasana .

SO Suryaupasana is a way of life for all vedic followers . How this Suryopasana can be done ?

Fast on every Sunday without taking salt , oil , vegetables , alcohol , nonveg , honey , and no cohabitation with females . Get up early morning before sunrise and pray SuryaNARAYANA with following prayers .

Surya dwadashnaam stotram

आदित्यम प्रथमं नाम द्वितीयं तु दिवाकरं । तृतीयं भास्करं प्रोक्तं चतुर्थंम् तु प्रभाकरं ॥

पंचमम् हरिदश्वं च षष्टं त्रैलोक्यलोचनम । सप्तमम तु सहस्रांशुमष्टमं तु विभाकरम ॥

नवमम स्याद्दिनकरं दशमम् द्वादशात्मकं । एकादशम् त्रिवेदात्म द्वादशं सूर्यमेवच ॥

द्वादशैतानिनामानि प्रात:काले सदा पठेत् । कुष्ठादिहृद्रोगो दारिद्र्यं नैव जायते ॥

॥ इति ब्रह्मांडपुराणे सूर्यद्वादशनामस्तोत्रं संपूर्णंम ॥


॥ सूर्यकवच स्तोत्रं ॥

याज्ञवल्क्य उवाच ॥

शृणुष्व मुनिशार्दूल सूर्यस्य कवचं शुभं ।शरीरारोग्यदं दिव्यंसर्वसौभाग्यदायकम् ॥

देदीप्यमानमुकुटम् स्फुरन्मकरकुण्डलम् ।ध्यात्वासहस्रकिरणं सतोत्रमेतदुदीरयेत ॥

शिरो मे भास्कर: पातु  ललाटम् मेऽमितद्युति: । नेत्रे दिनमणि: पातु श्रवणे वासरेश्वर: ॥

घ्राणं घर्मघृणि: पातु वदनम् वेदवाहन: । जिव्हां मे मानद: पातु कण्ठं मे सुरवंदित: ॥

स्कंधौ प्रभाकर: पातु वक्ष: पातु जनप्रिय: । पातु पादौ द्वादशात्मा सर्वांगं सकलेश्वर: ॥

सूर्यरक्षात्मकंस्तोत्रम लिखित्वाभुर्जपत्रके । ददाति य: करे तस्य वशगा:सर्वसिद्धय: ॥

सुस्नातो यो जपेत सम्यगोऽधीते स्वस्थमानस: । स रोगमुक्तोदीर्घायु: सुखं पुष्टिंच विंदति ॥

॥इति याज्ञवल्क्य विरचितम सुर्यकवचसतोत्रं संपूर्णंम ॥


।सूर्याष्टकं ।

सांब उवाच ।

आदिदेव नमस्तुभ्यं प्रसीद ममभास्कर । दिवाकर नमस्तुभ्यं प्रभाकर नमोऽस्तु ते ॥

सप्ताऽश्वरथमारूढं प्रचंडं कश्यपात्मजं । श्वेतपद्मधरं देवं तं सूर्यंम् प्रणमाम्यहम ॥

लोहितं रथमारूढं सर्वलोकपितामहं । महापापहरं देवं तं सूर्यम् प्रणमाम्यहम  ॥

त्रैगुण्यं च महाशूरं ब्रह्मविष्णुमहेश्वरं । महापापहरं देवं तं सूर्यंम् प्रणमाम्यहम ॥

बृंहितम् तेज:पुंजं च वायुमाकाशमेव च । प्रभुं च सर्वलोकानाम् तं सूर्यंम् प्रणमाम्यहम ॥

बंधूकपुष्पसंकाशं हारकुण्डल भूषितं । एकचक्रधरं देवं तं सूर्यंम् प्रणमाम्यहम ॥

तं सूर्यम् जगत्कर्तारं महातेजप्रदीपनं । महापापहरं देवं तं सूर्यंम् प्रणमाम्यहम ॥

तं सूर्यम् जगतां नाथं ज्ञानविज्ञानमोक्षदं ।महापापहरं देवं तं सूर्यंम् प्रणमाम्यहम ॥

सुर्याष्टकं पठेन्नित्यं गृहपीडा प्रणाशनम् । अपुत्रो लभते पुत्रं दरिद्रो धनवन भवेत ॥

आमिषं मधुपानं य: करोति रवेर्दिने । सप्तजन्म भवेद्रोगी प्रतिजन्म दरिद्रता ॥

स्त्रीतैलमधुमांसानि यस्त्यजेत्तु रवेर्दिने । न व्याधी: शोकदारिद्र्यं सूर्यलोकं स गच्छति ॥

।इति सुर्याष्टकं संपूर्णं ।




Adityam prathamam nAm  dwitIyam tu diwakaram | tritIyam Bhaskaram proktam chaturtham tu prabhAkaram ||

panchamam hardashvam ch shashTam trilokyalochanam | saptamam tu shasranshumashTamam tu vibhakaram ||

navamam syaddinkaram dashamam dwashatmakam | ekadasham trivedAtmA dwadasham sUryamev ch ||

dwadashaitaninamAni prAtahkAle sada paThet  tasya kuShThAdi hrudrogo dAridryam naiv jayate ||

|| iti sribramhaNdpurane sUryadwadashNaam stotram sampUrNam ||


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PrarthnaDashak Stotra – A new begining !

। प्रार्थनादशकस्तोत्रम ।

रमारमण मध्वादिदेशिकश्रीहृदब्जग । हयग्रीव कृपालो मे प्रार्थनाम श्रुणु सादरम्॥

अयोग्य विषये स्वामिन् सर्वथा न मनो भवेत। चांचल्यम मूलतश्छिंधि दुराशां हर दूरत:॥

दुर्बुद्धिम् च न मे देहि दु:शास्त्रावर्तने रतिम्। हापयस्व च दुर्मानं दुर्गुणम मोचय प्रभो ॥

दु:संगम दुष्क्रियाम छिंधि हर लोकाटनात्पदौ । न नियोजय चक्षूंषि परदारादिदर्शनं ॥

दुष्प्रतिग्रह दुस्पर्शे करौ मा चोदय ध्रुवं । अगम्यागमने गुह्यं घ्राणमाघ्राणनेऽसताम ॥

अपकर्षतु जिव्हां मे लोकवार्तादुरन्नत:। दुर्वार्ता दुष्टशब्देभ्यो निवर्तय हरे श्रुती ॥

भवदिच्छानुगम चेतो योग्यसद्विषयं भवेत। यदृच्छालाभसंतृप्तं निश्चाञ्चल्यं भवेत्त्वयि ॥

सुज्ञानम सर्वदा देहि सच्छास्त्रावर्तने रतिम । सत्संगम सत्क्रियाम चैव पादौ त्वत्क्षेत्रसर्पणे ॥

श्रीमध्वशास्त्रश्रवणे नियुंक्ष्व  श्रवणे सदा । हयास्य चक्षूंषि चेमे दर्शने सन्नियोजय ॥

करौ तदर्चने नित्यम सुखतीर्थस्य लेखने । त्वदालापे त्वदुच्छिष्ट भोजने कुरु जिव्हिकाम ॥

घ्राणम भवतु निर्माल्याघ्राणने नमने शिर:। देहि मे तु ज्ञानभक्तिपशुपुत्रधनादिकम ॥

प्रार्थना दशकम चैततत्रिकाले य: पठेन्नर: । तस्याऽभिष्टम  हयास्योसौ दत्वा रक्षति सर्वदा ॥

॥इति श्रीवादीराजयतिकृत प्रार्थना दशक स्तोत्रम ॥


Let the new Year begin with a prayer composed by Shree Vaadirajyati   . This is an excellent composition which forms the first step towards the sadhana . This stotra pleads Lord Hayagreeva to direct our senses in the right direction .

Oh hayagreeva with Ramaaraman and Madhva and other gurus in the heart I pray to thee kindly hear to my pleaA .

do not let my mind wander unto unwanted [ not fit ] subjects . fickleness be destroyed from the roots , let unwanted evil desires be stopped at the outset .

Do not give evil mindset that will take me to evil shastras and act according to it .Let evil pride be subdued and evil qualities be washed out .

tear apart the evil company and evil karma and save me from this evil travail . Do not let my eyes be employed towards the lure of other woman .

Never let me not accept evil dana or touch evil things with hands at any cost .let me not engage in the company of those prohibited  nor smell those not fit to smell .

restrict my tongue in engaging in gossip and eating inedible things . Let my ears not hear evil news and evil words as well .

By your grace alone eligible subjects [sense objects ] will be known . So whatever profit has been obtained whatever has been given against desires make my mind be happy and satisfied and totally unperturbed in your thoughts .

Kindly give good knowledge always  and let me lead life according to satshastra .Give satsang[good company ] satkriya and with legs let me visit your pilgrims .

Kindly employ my ears in shastra preached by Srimadanandateertha , arrange for  a darshan of HAYANAN to these eyes .

Let my hands always be employed in your archana as per writings of Sukhteerth [ madhvacharya ] . Let my mouth sing your praises and  let the tongue taste only your UCHCHISTA[ prasad ,leftovers] .

Let my nosehave the good fortune of always being in contact of your nirmalya and the same be adorned by my head .Bless me with gnyana,bhakti , cattles , sons , and wealth etc .

Prarthana dashak if recited thrice in a day at three sandhyas everyday by humans , Hayagreeva will bestow all the desired and will protect always .







Posted by on January 1, 2011 in japa, stotra


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Japa Pooja Homa ![ Tantrasara View ]

One who is worshipped by Bramha Rudra and Indra ,one who has infinite happiness and strength and knowledge and who is husband to Laxmi Lord Narayana is Supreme [ sarvottama] .

One who has tender lotus like feet resting on the thighs of Ramadevi , one who is lotus eyed ,Such Vishnu created chaturmukh Bramha and in answer to his first question preached Tantra sara as the first shastra .

Tanu is a dhatu [ in sanskrit ] describing what is  elaborate[ extensive] in nature .[ vistara ] . the shastra that is extensive is known as Tantra . One that gives knowledge of tatva mantras [ tatva mantra samanvitaan ] and protects [ tranam ch kurute ]  yasmat tantramityaabhidhiyate [ from the fear of sansaar ] is known as tantra .

Tantra sara is Vishnodita preached by Vishnu [ this shastra is no longer available in the mortal world . But Acharya Srimadananda teertha has collected the best out of this grantha and given us Tantrasara Sangraha .

Tantra shastra is also known as Agam . there are Shakta Shaiva and Vaishnav Agama . Acharya has only collected satvik Vaishnav  agam for the upliftment of Satvikas .

The first word that LOrd NArayana uttered in this creation is " OM " . It is known as Pranav .

It has eight aksharas each representing eight forms of Lord Vishnu namely Vishwa Taijas Prajnya Turiya Atma Antaratma Gnyanatma , Paramatma [ akar ukar  mkar naad bindu kala shant atishant ]

Narayanashtakshar mantra is born out of eight akshara of OM .

Three times avrutti of Ashtakashara gies rise to GAyatri .

Ashtamahamantras are

  1. Pranav
  2. Vyahruti
  3. Vishnushadakshar
  4. Naryana Ashtakshar
  5. Vasudev Dwadashakshar
  6. Bramha Gayatri
  7. Mtruka mantra
  8. Purushsukta

These are ashta mahamantras .

Amantrak kriya kvapi naivaarchadeeshu vidyate !

there is cannot be any pooja without the mantra .

manan sarva satvanam tranam sasaar sagaraat , manan tran sanyogat mantra ityuchchyate budhai:

mantra is the one which is used for manan to get moksha . it is a uttam sadhana . it is a best available passtime activity for those who have achieved aparoksha .

Brahma gayatri different from Vishwamitra gayatri that is used in Sandhyavandan .

Mantra should be always chanted with shuchi . It should be accompanied by Pranayama , angnyasa karanayasa .

Devalaya , naditeere ,parvat , samudra teer , forest , teerthkshetra , vatvruksha , ashwath tree , give quick siddhi in mantra . or one must have  a kutir [ hut] in a clean sacred place .

one must be seated on kusha , krishnajin , one must always have  a ring in the finger seated in a quiet place .

Of all karmas japa is the most beneficial . A upadesha from satvik guru , Faith that this mantra will give results and complete concentration and sincerity in japa karya is the only means for siddhi .

without gurupadesha , without gurudakhina /dana even a crore japa will not give siddhi .

Any mantra if it has to be chanted ,priori chant of matruka nyasa is a must . this gives vishesha siddhi . these are of three types

1 Acharya says , the nyasa should accompany devta naam like Om Am Ajaya Namha

2. Shruti says .’Om Am Om” this is enough

3. Smriti pancharatra agama advises to carry nyasa as ” Om Am Nama: “

THough varnas are fifty , and nyasa has to be in saptadhatu , tvak charma mansa ,rakta , medhas , majja asthi  . There is fifty first Kshkara which has to used as nyasa in jeevatma .

rechak apuurak an khumbak should be the krama for pranayama , mantra should be used for pranayama else only pranava matra can be used , Those who are capable should do kumbahk of 36 matras .

When there is change in the vayu in ten nadis , one get inclined to sins and diseases , thus pranyama with kumbhak , cleanses the nadi and inspires to get into satkarma .

Before japa papapurushvisarjana must be carried out with the help of vayu , agni and varun beejaksharas .


Kalash must be prepared for the abhisheka of Lord Narayana as a part of Devatapooja .

Kalash must have the presence of following devatas ie these must be invited [ avahan ] .

  1. Matruka rupa from A kara to Kshakara [ ajadi narsimha rupa ] 51
  2. Keshavadi 24 rupas
  3. Atmadi 4 rupas
  4. Vasudevadi 4 rupas
  5. Vishvadi 4 rupas
  6. matsya kurma till kalki ten rupas
  7. Vyasa dattatreya Shimshumar 3 rupas

Total 100 rupas of Lord  forms a kalash . Alongwith this moolrupa should be invited with ashtamahamantraas .dhoop deepa naivedya must be given to kalash devata .

previously installed kalash water should be used for Abhisheka of the Idol and prior to that 1000 ashtakshar japa [ not less than 1000 ] should be done with avahan mudra over Pratima .

After the snana , aksharnyasa and tatava nyasa must be done in the pratima . this brings vishesha sannidhi to the pratima .

Such a kalashabhisheka brings increase in kirti , ayushya , buddhi , dharna shakti , kanti , aishwarya and also yogyata manifests [ ones actual potential comes out  ] it reduces sins and increases the punya .

Homa :

To calm down adhidaivik ,adhibhotik adhyatmik utpat [ shanti ] apamrutyu parihar , ayushyavriddhi , aishwarya prapti , punyavridhdhi , manifestation of yogyata , mantrasiddhi and vishnu preeti , one must carry out homa of 1000 , 10000 , 100000, 1000000 ahutis in sanskrutagni [with peeth avaran pooja of Lord Parshurama in the agni  ]  .

famine tornado , tsunami etc are adhidaivik , fever , plague outbreak are adhibhoutik , bad dreams etc are adhyatmik . These should be accomapnied by ashtamahamantra homa .

Homa should also be done to remove obstacles that come in good satvik karma , to get desires fulfilled or they should also be performed to increase the potency of the mantra . [ mantra samarthya vriddhi ]

Homa kunda should be squarish , it should have three steps , each should be two three or four angul wide , it should be twelve angul height and twelve angul wide , it should als be twelve angul deep inside the earth .m

12 , 24 ,36 angul should be pramana for ayut homa and laksh homa ,

for koti homa it should be 8 hasta . if homa is done in anything lesser place no fruits can be obtained ,.

In the third step one must construct a yoni of the form of leaf of ashvattha vruksh .

It should slide downwards into the kunda by two angul .it should be twleve angul in length .

In this homa kunda , one must do dhyana of RAMA NARAYANA sporting with each other  and AGNI as the veerya [ semen ] of VISHNU . with Pranava agni should established [ pratishtha ] and with vyahruti shodash sanskaara [ garbhadanadi ] must be carried out .Garbhadanam karshyami with this anusandhana one must do pushpaarchana of VASUDEV etc chaturmurti ] with vyahruti mantra and give ajyahuti with vyahruti only . then anusandhan should be garbhadanam krutam swamin . and one must do prarthana ,Similarly 16 other sanskaras must be carried out .

For the preeti of Agni and agniantargat Vishnu , shastrokta dravya homa must be done . ghee , kheer , white dravya bramhavruksha samit rice , til, madhurtraya , palash , amrutvalli homa can be done .

In the end , if acharya does homa , he must be given a dana of 100 cows for 1 lakh japa . if one himself does homa , one should give according to the capacity .

Without dana no homa japa tapa vrata niyama gives any result .

So one must give dana to ved pandits only as per capacity .

Amrutvalli should be 4 angul samit .This is excellent for shanti karma .

ghee should be one karsha for each ahuti [ 16 ml]

24 ml milk

36ml jaggery/sugar

one small cup til , half bowl kheer half mushti grains . 4 angul samit .

these constitute one ahuti

2 lakhs of japa of mahamantra with 10000 ahutis increases longevity .

til ishit charu gives strength and health .

ten thousand lotus will give richness .wealth etc . but one must only wear white and drink milk while japa .

108 ahuti of anna [ cooked rice ] will remove dearth of food

amrutvalli increases vitality removes obstacles .

all homa should be done only after devtaarchana and punhyavachan .

krishnrpanamastu .









Posted by on December 30, 2010 in japa, karma, mantras, sadhana


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yantra !

“Poojyascha Bhagavan nithyam chakraabjamandale.”

In course of consultation we have found that most of the readers / solution seekers have failed to procure proper yantras advised to them , .

Starting from wednesday , I am sitting in vishesha anusthana , I will be making some yantras myself , and samarpana to saligrama will be done .

These yantras will be freely distributed kindly fill the below form and let us know your postal address and type of yantra required . along with other details . the form will automatically send us a notification and yantra will be sent to your postal address .Kindly note NO FEES will be CHARGED .

NOTE : if you are pious and in a state to maintain purity wear the yantra on the body and reap good results , if not negative results is not to be ruled out . These are energised by powerful mantras . so do not wear one on the body . others can keep it pooja room and worship it with dhoop deep naivedya just they do for  idol ,. YANTRA is manifestation of LORD himself . it gives ulterior protection and fulfillment of desires .

For those wearing it for any reason if ashuchi occurs , you can give give ksheerabhishek to yantra and then dhoop offered to salgrama to the yantra to reenergise it .

HOpe this will give some solution to those troubled by diffculties beyond their capacities , and for those who cannot perform remedies themselves . Kindly allow 30 days time to properly complete the mantra japa and yantra anushthana and to reach your homes .

Let Lord give all the yantra dharis shuchi and satva to fulfill their desires .

kindly fill the form below


Posted by on December 28, 2010 in Jyotish, mantras



वैष्णव स्तोत्रमञ्जरि !!!!!

नृसिंह कवचम

नृसिंह कवचम वक्ष्येऽ प्रह्लादनोदितं पुरा । सर्वरक्षाकरं पुण्यं सर्वोपद्रवनाशनं ॥

सर्वसंपत्करं चैव स्वर्गमोक्षप्रदायकम । ध्यात्वा नृसिंहं देवेशं हेमसिंहासनस्थितं॥

विवृतास्यं त्रिनयनं शरदिंदुसमप्रभं । लक्ष्म्यालिंगितवामांगम विभूतिभिरुपाश्रितं ॥

चतुर्भुजं कोमलांगम स्वर्णकुण्डलशोभितं । ऊरोजशोभितोरस्कं रत्नकेयूरमुद्रितं ॥

तप्तकांचनसंकाशं पीतनिर्मलवासनं । इंद्रादिसुरमौलिस्थस्फुरन्माणिक्यदीप्तिभि: ॥

विराजितपदद्वंद्वं शंखचक्रादिहेतिभि:। गरुत्मता च विनयात स्तूयमानं मुदान्वितं ॥

स्वहृतकमलसंवासम कृत्वा तु कवचम पठेत

नृसिंहो मे शिर: पातु लोकरक्षात्मसंभव:।

सर्वगोऽपि स्तंभवास: फालं मे रक्षतु ध्वनन । नरसिंहो मे दृशौ पातु सोमसूर्याग्निलोचन: ॥

शृती मे पातु नरहरिर्मुनिवर्यस्तुतिप्रिय: । नासां मे सिंहनासास्तु मुखं लक्ष्मिमुखप्रिय: ॥

सर्वविद्याधिप: पातु नृसिंहो रसनां मम । वक्त्रं पात्विंदुवदन: सदा प्रह्लादवंदित:॥

नृसिंह: पातु मे कण्ठं स्कंधौ भूभरणांतकृत । दिव्यास्त्रशोभितभुजो नृसिंह: पातु मे भुजौ ॥

करौ मे देववरदो नृसिंह: पातु सर्वत: । हृदयं योगिसाध्यश्च निवासं पातु मे हरि: ॥

मध्यं पातु हिरण्याक्षवक्ष:कुक्षिविदारण: । नाभिं मे पातु नृहरि: स्वनाभिब्रह्मसंस्तुत: ॥

ब्रह्माण्डकोटय: कट्यां यस्यासौ पातु मे कटिं । गुह्यं मे पातु गुह्यानां मंत्राणां गुह्यरुपधृत ॥

ऊरु मनोभव: पातु जानुनी नररूपधृत । जंघे पातु धराभारहर्ता योऽसौ नृकेसरी ॥

सुरराज्यप्रद: पातु पादौ मे नृहरीश्वर: । सहस्रशीर्षा पुरुष: पातु मे सर्वशस्तनुं ॥

महोग्र: पूर्वत: पातु महावीराग्रजोऽग्नित:। महाविष्णुर्दक्षिणे तु महाज्वालस्तु निर्रुतौ ॥

पश्चिमे पातु सर्वेशो दिशि मे सर्वतोमुख: । नृसिंह: पातु वायव्यां  सौम्यां भूषणविग्रह: ॥

ईशान्यां पातु भद्रो मे सर्वमंगलदायक: । संसारभयद: पातु मृत्यूर्मृत्युर्नृकेसरी ॥

इदं नृसिंहकवचं प्रह्लादमुखमंडितं । भक्तिमान्य: पठेन्नित्यं सर्वपापै: प्रमुच्यते ॥

पुत्रवान धनवान लोके दीर्घायुर्उपजायते । यंयं कामयते कामं तंतं प्रप्नोत्यसंशयं॥

सर्वत्र जयवाप्नोति सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत । भुम्यंतरिक्षदिवानां ग्रहाणां विनिवारणं ॥

वृश्चिकोरगसंभूतविषापहरणं परं । ब्रह्मराक्षसयक्षाणां दूरोत्सारणकारणं ॥

भूर्जे वा तालपत्रे वा कवचं लिखितं शुभं । करमूले धृतं येन सिद्ध्येयु: कर्मसिद्धय: ॥

देवासुरमनुष्येशु स्वं स्वमेव जयं लभेत । एकसंध्यं त्रिसंध्यं वा य: पठेन्नियतो नर: ॥

सर्वमंगलमांगल्यंभुक्तिं मुक्तिं च विंदति ।

द्वात्रिंशतिसहस्राणि पाठाच्छुद्धात्मभिर्नृभि: । कवचस्यास्य मंत्रस्य मंत्रसिद्धि: प्रजायते ॥

आनेन मंत्रराजेन कृत्वा भस्माभिमंत्रणम । तिलकं बिभृयाद्यस्तु तस्य गृहभयं हरेत ॥

त्रिवारं जपमानस्तु दत्तं वार्यभिमंत्र्य च । प्राशयेद्यं नरं मंत्रं नृसिंहध्यानमाचरेत ।

तस्य रोगा: प्रणश्यंति ये च स्यु: कुक्षिसंभवा: ॥

किमत्र बहुनोक्तेन नृसिंहसदृशो भवेत । मनसा चिंतितं यस्तु स तच्चाऽप्नोत्यसंशयं ॥

गर्जंतं गर्जयंतं निजभुजपटलं स्फोटयंतं हरंतं दीप्यंतं तापयंतं दिवि भुवि दितिजं क्षेपयंतं रसंतं ।

कृंदंतं रोषयंतं दिशिदिशि सततं संभरंतं हरंतं । विक्षंतं घूर्णयंतं करनिकरशतैर्दिव्यसिंहं नमामि ॥

॥इति प्रह्लादप्रोक्तं नरसिंहकवचं संपूर्णंम ॥


॥विष्णुपंजरस्तोत्रं ॥


परं परस्मात प्रकृतेर्नादिमेकं निविष्टं बहुधा गुहायाम । सर्वालयं सर्वचराचरस्थं नमामि विष्णुं जगदेकनाथं ॥

विष्णुपंजरकं दिव्यं सर्वदुष्टनिवारणम । उग्रतेजो महावीर्यं सर्वशत्रुनिकृंतनं ॥

त्रिपुरं दहमानस्य रहस्यं ब्रह्मणोदितं । तदहं संप्रवक्ष्यामि आत्मरक्षाकरं नृणाम ॥

पादौ रक्षतु गोविंदो जंघे चैव त्रिविक्रम:। ऊरु मे केशव: पातु कटीं चैव जनार्दन: ॥

नाभिं चैवाच्युत: पातुं गुह्यम चैव तु वामन:: । उदरं पद्मनाभश्च पृष्ठं चैव तु माधव: ॥

वामपार्श्वंम तथा विष्णुर्दक्षिणं मधुसुदन: । बाहु वै वासुदेवश्च हृदि दामोदरस्तथा ॥

कण्ठं रक्षतु वाराह: कृष्णश्च मुखमण्डलं ।माधव: कर्णमूलेतु हृषिकेशश्च नासिके॥

नेत्रेनारायणो रक्षेल्ललाटं गरुडध्वज: ।कपोलौ केशवो रक्षेद्वैकुण्ठ: सर्वतोदिशं ॥

श्रीवत्सांकश्च सर्वेशामंगानाम रक्षतो भवेत । पूरवस्याम पुण्डरीकाक्ष आग्नेय्याम श्रीधरस्तथा ॥

दक्षिणे नारसिंहश्च निर्रुत्याम माधवोऽवतु ।पुरुषोत्तमे मे वारुण्याम वायव्याम च जानार्दन: ॥

गदाधरस्तु कौबेर्याम्यैशान्याम पातु केशव: । आकाशे च गदा पातु पाताले च सुदर्शनं ॥

सन्नद्ध: सर्वगात्रेषु प्रविष्टो विष्णुपंजर: । विष्णुपंजरविष्टोऽहं विचरामि महितले ॥

राजद्वारेऽपथे घोरे संग्रामे शत्रुसंकटे । नदिषु रणे चैव चोरव्याघ्रभयेषु च ॥

ढ़ाकिनीप्रेतभुतेषु भयं तस्य न जायते । रक्ष रक्ष माहादेव रक्ष रक्ष जनेश्वर ॥

रक्षंतु देवता: सर्वा ब्रह्म विष्णु महेश्वरा:। जले रक्षतु वाराह: स्थले रक्षतु वामन: ॥

आटव्याम नरसिंहश्च सर्वत: पातु केशव: ।दिवा रक्षतु माम सूर्यो रात्रौ रक्षतु चंद्रमा: ॥

पंथानाम दुर्गमं रक्षेत सर्वमेव जनार्दन: । रोगविघ्नहतश्चैव ब्रह्महागरुतल्पग: ॥

स्त्रीहत्याबालघाती च सुरापी वृषलीपति: । मुच्यते सर्वपापेभ्यो य: पठेन्नात्रसंशय: ॥

अपुत्रोलभते पुत्रं धनार्थी लभते धनं ।विद्यार्थी लबते विद्यां मोक्षार्थी लभते गतीं ॥

आपदो हरते नित्यं विष्णुस्तोत्रार्थसंपदा । यस्त्विदं पठते स्तोत्रम विष्णुपंजरमुत्तमम॥

मुच्यतेसर्वपापेभ्यो विष्णुलोकं स गच्छति। गोसहस्र फलं तस्य वाजपेयशतस्यच ॥

अश्वमेधसहस्रस्य फलं प्राप्नोति मानव:। सर्वकामं लभेदस्य पठनान्नात्र संशय:॥

जलेऽविष्णु स्थलेऽविष्णुर्विष्णुपर्वतमस्तके । ज्वालामालकुलेऽविष्णु: सर्वं विष्णुमयं जगत ॥

॥ इति चंद्रनारद संवादे वुष्णुपंजरस्तोत्रम ॥




हयग्रीव संपदास्तोत्र


श्री श्रीशगुणदर्पणम

या सुगंधास्यनासादिनवद्वाराऽखिलेन या । दुराधर्षा सर्वसस्योदयार्थम या करीषिणी ॥

यानित्यपुष्टा सर्वांंन्गै: सौंदर्यादिगुणैरपि । ईश्वरीं सर्वभूतानां तामिहोपह्वये श्रियं ॥

मातर्लक्ष्मी नमस्तुभ्यं माधवप्रियमानिनि ।युवां विश्वस्य पितरावितरेरतयोगिनौ ॥

सुमना किल मातस्त्वममुना ततयोगिनी । मम नाथेन देवश्च विमनाश्च न स त्वयी ॥

त्वम वेदमानिनी वेदवेद्य:  किल स ते प्रिय: । त्वम मूलप्रकृतिदेवी स चादिपुरूष:किल ॥

यस्त्वामुरसि धत्तेऽम्ब कौस्तुभद्युतिभासिते ।स त्वाम् नैवाच्युत: सर्वस्यात्ययेऽसत्यपि त्यजेत ॥

देवी त्वम् ललनारत्नम् देवोसौ पुरुषोत्तम: । युवाम युवानौ सततम युवयोर्न वयोधिक: ॥

त्वम पद्मिनी पद्मवक्त्रा पद्माक्षी पद्मविष्ठरा । पद्मद्वयधरा पद्मकोशोद्यत्स्तनशोभना ॥

पद्महस्ता पद्मपादा पद्मनाभमन:प्रिया । पद्मोद्भवस्य जननी पद्मा च वरवर्णिनी ॥

अम्बाम पितांबरश्रोणीम लंबालकलसंमुखीम ।बिंबाधरोष्ठीम् कस्तूरिजंबालतिलकाम भजे ॥

रत्नोद्दीप्तसुमांगल्यसूत्राऽवृतशिरोधराम ।कुण्डलप्रभयोद्दण्डगण्डमंडिताम ॥

कूचकंचूकसंचारिहारनिष्कमनोहराम । काञ्चीकिञ्कणिमंजीरकञ्कणाद्यैरलंकृताम॥

सुवर्णमन्डपे रत्नचित्रसिंहासनोत्तमे । नमामि हरिणा साकमिंदिराम् कृतमंदिराम्॥

ब्रह्माद्या विबुधश्रेष्ठाब्रह्मणाद्या: सुरांगना :। याम पुजयंते सेवंते सा माम पातु रमा सदा ॥

सरवालंकारभरितौ सर्वज्ञौ सर्वसद्गुणौ । शर्वादिसर्वभक्तौघसर्वसर्वस्वदायकौ॥

सुमुखौ सुंदरतरौ सुनासौ सुखचित्तनू । सुराराधितपादाब्जौ रमानारायणौस्तुम: ॥

चतुष्कपर्दा या देवी चतुरास्यादिभि: स्तुता । चतुर्वेदोदितगुणा चतुर्मूर्तेर्हरे:प्रिया ॥

घृतप्रतीकाम् ताम् नित्यं घृतपूर्णान्नदयिनीम्। यथेष्टवित्तधात्रीम् च नतोस्म्यभयदाम् श्रियम ॥

वादिराजेन रचितम श्री श्रीशगुणदर्पणम । इमम स्तवम पठन मर्त्या: श्रीमान स्यान्नात्रसंशय: ॥

॥इति श्रीवादिराजपुज्यचरणयतीरचितम श्री श्रीसगुणदर्पणस्तोत्रम ॥


॥यंत्रोद्धारक हनुमत्स्तोत्रं ॥

नमामिदूतं रामस्य सुखदम् च सुरद्रमम । पीनवृत्तमहाबाहूं सर्वशत्रुनिवारणम ॥

नानारत्नसमायुक्तकुन्डलादिविराजितम । सर्वदाऽभिष्टदातारम् सताम् वै दृढमाहवे ।

वासीनं चक्रतीर्थस्य दक्षिणस्थगिरौ सदा ।तुंगांभोधितरंगस्य वातेन परिशोभिते ॥

नानादेशागतै: सद्भि:सेव्यमानं नृपोत्तमै: ।धूपदीपादिनैवेद्यै: पंचखाद्यैश्च शक्तित: ॥

भजामि श्रीहनुमंतम हेमकांतिसमप्रभं ।व्यासतीर्थयतींद्रेण पूजितम् च विधानत: ॥

त्रिवारं य: पठेन्नित्यम स्तोत्रम भक्तया द्विजोत्तम: । वांछितम लभतेऽभिक्ष्यणम षण्मासाभ्यंतरे खलु ॥

पुत्राऽर्थी लभते पुत्रम यशोऽर्थी लभते यश: । विद्याऽर्थी लभते विद्याम धनाऽर्थी लभते धनं ॥

सर्वथा माऽस्तु संदेहो हरी: साक्षी जगत्पति: । य: करोत्यत्र संदेहं स याति नरकं धृवम ॥

॥इति श्री व्यासराजविरचितम् यंत्रोद्धारक हनुमत स्तोत्रं ॥


॥सरस्वती द्वादशनाम स्तोत्रम् ॥

वाग्वाणी भारती ब्राह्मी भाषा गी: शारदा स्वरा । सरस्वती कामधेनु : वेदगर्भाऽक्षरात्मिका ॥

द्वादशैतानि नामानि सरस्वत्यास्त्रिसंधिशु । जपन् सर्वज्ञताम मेधां वाक्पटुत्वं लभेद्धृवम् ॥

षण्मासान्नि:स्पृहो लब्ध्वालभेज्ज्ञानमविमुक्तिदं ।

॥इति सरस्वती द्वादशनामस्तोत्रं॥


|गरुड़ द्वादशनाम स्तोत्रम् ।

सुपर्णम् वैनतेयम च नागारिम् नागभूषणम ।विषांतकम् शशांकम च आदित्यम विश्वतोमुखं ॥

गरुत्मंतं खगपतीं तार्क्ष्यंम् कश्यपनंदनम । द्वादशैतानि नामानि गरुडस्य महात्मना: ॥

य: पठेत प्रातरुत्थाय सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत । विषं नाक्रमते तस्य न तं हिंसति पन्नग: ॥

संग्रामे व्यवहारे च कार्यसिद्धींम् च मानव: । बंधनान्मुक्तिमाप्नोति यात्रायाम सिद्धिमाप्नुयात॥

कार्यसिद्धीम् कुरुष्वार्य विहगाय नमोस्तुते ॥

॥इति गरुड़द्वादशनाम स्तोत्रम ॥


॥ रुद्र द्वादशनाम स्तोत्रं ॥

प्रथमं तु महादेवं द्वितीयं तु महेश्वरं । तृतीयंशंकरं प्रोक्तं चतुर्थं वरषभध्वजं ॥

पंचमं कृत्तिवासं च षष्टं कामाञ्गनाशनं  ।सप्तमम् देवदेवेशम् श्रीकण्ठं चाष्टमम् तथा ॥

नवमम् तु हरं देवं दशमम् पार्वतीपतिं । रुद्रमेकादशंप्रोक्तं द्वादशं शिवमुच्यते॥

एतद्द्वादशनामानि त्रिसंध्यम् य: पठेन्नर:। गोघ्नश्चैव कृतघ्नश्च भ्रूणहा गुरुतल्पग: ॥

स्त्रीहत्याबालघातकश्चैव सुरापो वृषलीपति: ।सर्वम् नाशयते पापं शिवलोकं स गच्छति ॥

शुद्धस्फटिकसंकाशं त्रिनेत्रं चंद्रशेखरम् ।इंदुमण्डलमध्यस्थं वंदे देवं सदाशिवं ॥

॥ इति रुद्रद्वादशनाम स्तोत्रं संपूर्णम ॥

|| navagraha stotram ||

Bhasvanme bhasyet tatvam chandrshcha ahlaadkrudbhavet|Mangalomangalam dadhyatbudhascha budhatam dishet||Gururme  gurutam dadhyatkavishcha kavitam dishet|shanishcha sham prapyatu ketuh ketum jayerpayet||rahurme rahyedrogam grahah santu kargrahah| navam navam mamaishwaryam dishantvete navagrahah||shane dinamaneh suno svanekgunsanmane|arishtam haramebhishtam kuru ma kuru sankatam|| hareranugraharthaya shatrunam nigrahaya cha vadiraj yatiproktam graha stotram sada pateth||










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