Dharana – Results of Yogasiddhi ![Bhairav Tantra]

Bhairava says ,

  1. Jeeva resides in moola , prana in heart , Taking jeeva to the heart and prana to dwadashanta [sahasrar] , and dharana of this moment will give completeness and fullness of existence .
  2. When apana and prana merge into one another and that instance if it is mediatated upon , one experiences shakti [ bhairavi] in the body .
  3. If one holds his focus on the moment where prana does not arise in the heart and apana has merged and this moment is held and expanded in the madhyanadi and no other thoughts flow then one becomes a yogi .
  4. When one practises , rechak , bahya kumbhak , purak and antah kumbhak regularly , one gets peace of mind because shant namak shakti manifests .
  5. If a small ray which becomes finer and finer as it rises from mooladhar , to dwadashant such a dharana arises kundalini .
  6. If lightning is meditated in every chakra one after the other then kundalini arises superiorly .
  7. If twelve aksharas are meditated in janmagra , moola , kanda , nabhi , hrut , kanth , talu , bhrumadhya , lalat , bramharandra, shakti and dwadashant , one will have svatma anubhuti , realisation of presence of omnipotent LORD ,. when this meditation is carried out in three folds , sthula sukshma and para , jnyana , bhakti vairagya arises . [ homa , japa dhyan , mudra yantra mantra are all sthula , shatchakra sadhana is sukshma , and paroksha sadhan is para ]
  8. Raising prana from janma to murdhni [ aapurya] and then by the grace of guruupadesha raising it from murdhni to dwadashanta , in between cutting across bhrumadhya via a bridge towards the sahasrar again mitigating all the duality of thoughts in the mind , maing it steadfast in the mukhyaprana then all pervading qulaity will be known , one can be at various places without moving .
  9. Just like a mayurpiccha [ feather of peacock ] has five zeros in it in different colors , so also one must withdraw all the senses from eyes , nose , two ears and mouth by placing these zeros in these places [ shambhavi mudra ] , mind become completely still and stops reacting to senses .
  10. If these chakras are meditated upon in the picture [ body ] of the ishta devta , one attains vara [ boons ]
  11. One gets extreme will power if one meditates with closed eyes [ eyes brought together ] and completely focussing on the centre of the head .[ just below bramharandra in the centre of head ] one can purssue larger purpose in life .
  12. If one meditates in the centre of heart[ hrudayaakasha ] a lotus[ paramatma and mukhyaprana at the feet ] in the sushumna [ and prana enters chidakaasha ], bimba [ prateekalamba bimba akruti ] can be seen . [ complete vairagya towards siddhi is must in this dasha ]
  13. To get paramsthiti ,the granthi in the bhrumadhya must be cut , to cut this one must practise karan mudra with thumb and fingers [ close all the indriya dwaras ] and meditate upon a bindu prakash in the bhru . The prana reaches bhu madhya and relentless meditation cuts the granthi .
  14. All the thoughts of the mind calm down and one attains laya if one meditates upon a deepshikha in the heart or tej [ the sparks that are seen when eyes are pressed ] if one mediatates on this tej in the forehead .
  15. One attains meanings of all the words if one mediatates upon the sound emanating from the body , this sound is generated without collision of any objects and hence is knwn as ‘anahat ‘One gets the knwoledge of shabdabramha .
  16. If one meditates on pranava in various intonations , one understands all the eight aksharas of paranava and knows the Omkara rupi parmatma .
  17. One meditates on the individual aksharas of a mantra then mantra rupi Purusha is known .
  18. If one meditates on the sounds of various musical instruments in between the swaras , then one gains the knowledge of naadbramha . NAADa in paramaakaasha is known .
  19. One should keep meditating on pinda mantras to attain the knowledge of bindu . [ one must be aware of the shodamasha of matra in pinda mantra ]
  20. If one meditates on all directions chanting ghosha [syllable in pranav mantra ] everything in this world can be known . [ paroksha gyana ]
  21. When one meditates on the pranava [ shanta syllable ] as present in dikpalajs , one becomes foremost among his kinsmen and achhadana breaks down .
  22. One who continues his pranava sadhana in the body even for a second meditating on [ atishanta ] attains the state of nirvikalpa .
  23. One attains stability in life if one meditates in skin blood , bones etc the presence of Lord .
  24. Meditating on skin as the wall encompassing the self , one knows everything inside the body and can enter any body .
  25. If one meditates the Lord as present in centre of lotus in heart with eyes like lotus and the same lord is present everywhere , one gets good fortune ,.
  26. Meditating on sahasrar will give knowledge of tattvas .
  27. If one remains in sahasrar and as the mind focuses on each of the issue , there special aspects of the subjects can be known . [ vibhuti rupa will be known ]
  28. One can burn self thru yoga [ yogagni laya ] by meditating fire emananting fom the toe of right leg and chanting the mantra ॐ र क्ष र य ॐ तनुं दाहयामि नमः । the body instantly turns into ashes [ yoga siddhi is required ,]
  29. dharana of above concept increases vitatlity .
  30. Dharana on tatvas in the body gives knowledge of bramhanda ,
  31. \one can become thin or fat as per his wish if one can hold prana in the hrudaya chakra .
  32. Bhuvan , tatva ,kala mantra pada ,varna are the shadadhva in tantrashastra . They are manifestation of shabda and artha . Shabda gives rise to varna pada and mantra , artha gives rise , tatva kala and bhuvan . Threefold meditation [ sthula sukshma and para ] gives rise to the knowledge of the world .
  33. Anuttar [ a] iccha [ e] and unmesh [ u ] one who knows this will know the shodashkalatmak purusha .



Posted by on December 23, 2010 in Astrology and purana, japa, Jyotish, sadhana


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Swara Gnyana !

Parvati asked ” Oh lord bless me with the shastra which gives all types of siddhis and knowledge [ gnyana ]

Rudra deva answered :” The secret among secrets , essence of all auspicious , this science of swara is like crest jewel , i shall describe it as present in the body and moves like hamsa the reailsation which gives rise to knowledge of past present and future “

  • athiests pose wonder towards it and theists [ believers ] make it a fundamental base .
  • one who is peaceful , pure , full of austerities , gurubahkti ,and restraint mind , firm ,resolute and grateful will learn this science else not !
  • adulterous people do not understand and should not be given this  knowledge
  • mere practise and proper application one becomes allknowing
  • Astrologer without knowledge of swara is like body without a head , a home without a protector  .
  • Lord is manifest in swara
  • Nothing is more powerful than swara
  • enemies can vanquished , friends acquired  and wealth accumulates , fame and happiness occurs with help of swara
  • one can obtain a good wife , meet great people [ without appointments ] , attain devtasiddhi and attract everyone with the help of swara
  • one can overpower strong , eradicate illness with swara
  • This shastra should not be used merely for answering questions , but should be used for self mprovement and spiritual development .
  • one adept in swara need not look out for day , time tithi vara nakshatra yoga karana , swara helps him achieve success .
  • No yoga or kuyoga hampers the pure strength of swara and everything every moment is auspicious to swara yogi .
  • There are many nadis in the body , the wise should know them in their body every now and then for his spiritual pursuits .
  • from navel to shoulder and above there are seventy two thousands nadis  all through the body,
  • Kundalini shakti exist in these nadis lying in the form of a snake .
  • Sarpa mantra : ” ‍ॐ आयंगो पृष्रिक्रमि दसदं मातरं पुर पितरं च प्रयंत्स्व “
  • TEN nadis upwards ten downwards and two -two each criss cross horizontally . totally 24 nadis hold like a wheel . of these ten are dominant .
  • of Ten, ida pingala sushumna are important.
  • the others are gandhari hastijivha poosha yashaswini alambusha kuhu  and shankhini .
  • Ida is on left of the body , pingala is on right , and sushumna in the centre ,gandhari in the eye [left]
  • hastijivha in right eye , poosha in the right ear , yashasvni in left ear , alambusa in the mouth .
  • kuhu in linga  , shankhini in moola , in thia manner all the openings have been pervaded by nadis .
  • ten nadis are presided by ten vayus , prana apana vyana udaana samaana , naga kurma ,krukala devadutta , dhananjaya ,
  • prana is in the heart , apana in moola , samana in navel , udana in throat , vyana all over ,.
  • naga is for udgara [ belching ] , kurma for opening closing eyes [unmilan] , krikala for sneezing , devadutta for yawning , dhananjay is allover body and stays even after death .
  • moon is in ida , sun is in pingala , agni [sankarshana ] in sushumna . in the form of Hamsa .
  • on exhaling sound is Ham , on inhaling its Sa .
  • when dana is made in sakara it becomes infinite .
  • With steadfast swara in tattva dhyana gives fulfillment of desire ,victory gains etc.
  • left is sustainance and right is creation . middle is destructive .
  • in all auspicious left channel gives success .
  • Leaving the house with ida is auspicious . entering with pingala is also auspicious .
  • Roudra karma should be carried out in surya nadi and enjoyments bhukti bhoga is good in sushumna
  • in shukla paksha on wednesday , friday ,thursday monday , if ida flows it brings success .
  • all movable changeable undertakings in pingala on sunday ,tueday and saturday are successful
  • pingala at sunrise ending with ida at moonrise all undertakings will be successful
  • All difficult and unknown can be known during solar flow .
  • If morning the opposite swaras flows for one day it creates disturbance in mind , two days loss of wealth , three days travel , four days destruction of liked thing , five days destruction of kingdom [home] six days destruction of belongings , seven days diseases ,misery and eight days death .
  • All these happen if swara is opposite for all the three sandhyas [ morning afternoon and evening ] if one period any change is observed there will be break in misery and some solace .
  • Stepping forward with the foot of active swara gives success .
  • giving with the hand on active swara does not give loss or failure in vyavahara .
  • moon swara is good for distant travel , solar swara is good for short travel
  • Getting up early in the morning and touching the face with the palm of active swara gives desired goal
  • Always keep guru minister King and other powerful people on the side of active swara .
  • All negative people whom you wish to punish like thieves corrupt , keep them on inactive swara .
  • Swara comes by karma , it imparts power to weak and makes powerful weak ,thus one should act according to swara .
  • Ida is nectar nullifies poison , pingala brings poerful under control , sushumna gives moksha .
  • works in ida :
  • Stable , longlasting work should be done on ida .
  • construction of  temple , purchase of jewelry , collection .
  • digging wells , ponds , devata pratishtha , travel , donation , marriage , clothing fashion ,decoration . etc
  • shantikarma , poushtika , medicine , rejuvenation, meetings , business
  • grihapravesh , taking charge of service , sowing seeds , alliance , moving out all these are successful in ida .
  • vidyaarambha, relatives , birth death , dharma and mantra deeksha in ida is good  .
  • studying astrology , bringing home a new car , meeting a master  , treating a disease in ida is good
  • riding elephant horses etc , new vehicle , going in space , release of satellite , practising archery , keeping wealth in secret place is good in ida .
  • singing , dancing , arts , entering a new destination , tilak or acquiring lands building property in ida is successful
  • arrival of rain , worship and remedies are good in ida .
  • ida brings perfection siddhi in yoga .
  • works in pingala:
  • Maran , mohan ,vidweshan stambhan vashikaran , copulating with women , enticing women , prostitution , boarding a ship .
  • mean actions , corruption , drinking , vir mantra prayog , kshudra upasana , terrorism , giving poison , burning houses blasts , cheating enemy , destroying the country .
  • shastra abhyasa , hunting , selling cattle , grinding , pasting , cutting stones , polishing gems will be successful in pingala
  • yantra  tantra , speeding , gambling , scaling fort mountain ,expedition , controlling planes spaceships ,conveyances etc ,
  • exercise , gymnastics , spellls , uchchatan , shatkarma , overcoming powers of yakshini . employing bhut preta pishacha . snakes etc .
  • riding donkey camel buffalo, swimming rivers , writing letters
  • murdering , attracting , paralyzing , inspiring , disturbing , kraya vikraya , war , sensual pleasure ,feasting , bathing accomplishing excellent deeds all will be successful in pingala .
  • wise should always do the following in solar flow , eating , stimulating appetite , captivating women and going to bed
  • all cruel harsh works and those involving dynamism should be done in solar flow .
  • Sushumna
  • Shunya swara is destroyer of all actions .
  • fire in sushumna burns up all karma
  • if for a second ida and then pingala flows its irregular , it gives opposite results .
  • when both flows its like poison , no results occur .
  • Praying Hari is the only option in such situation .
  • In such situation people desirous of  auspicious results must engage in yogic pursuits only .
  • when solar flows and sushumna immidiately take over ,whether one curses or blesses all goes in vain .
  • during sushumna if one remains without food and with austerities one attains knowledge of bramha .
  • Womans’ ida is active and is absorbed by man through his pingala ,if man retains it in anahata then the woman is captivated forever [ she falls in love with him forever ],so say tapasvis.
  • if after holding the prana in anahata if the prana is put back into the woman then woman is controlled throughout her life .
  • if sushumna of the woman is drunk my man in the last three hours of night when woman is asleep he takes her youth away .
  • if after a brief sushumna , ashtakshara japa is carried out then , instantly ida is flown towards women , love develops between them
  • During sex if lunar swara of woman is captivated by solar swara of women , man looks like cupid himself to woman .
  • if opposite swaras flow during dakshinya [ dating ] one can attract upto hundred women .
  • one must copulate odd number of times in pingala and even number of times in ida to satisfy a woman .
  • one must kiss a woman drawing both ida and pingala simultaneously like a serpent , and it should last till the last stretch of prana , this puts the woman to sleep , when she gets up , one must kiss on the throat and eyes .
  • after the mensturation , woman should drink shankhavalli mixed in cows’ milk , and pray her husband for a son , if husband enters her when his solar swara is active one gets a brave child . woman should have lunar swara .
  • But if man puts his solar swara in woman’s sushumna then crippled child is born .
  • union on uneven days after mensturation in solar swara of man and lunar swara of women , even sterile woman would give birth to a son .
  • while ejaculation moons swara becomes active then no birth will occur .
  • Devi asks ” who is the greatest friend  of the human. “
  • Shiva says “Prana is the greatest friend of the human . there is no companion closer than prana in the universe “
  • Maruti , residing in the centre of body is rakshapalaka ie guard . On entering body prana vayu is ten angulas and while exhaling it is twelve angulas .
  • While walking 24 angulas , running 42 , copulating 65 , sleeping 100 .
  • eating it will be 18 angulas .
  • If yogi succeeds in reducing length of this prana by one finger he becomes desireless . two fingers less he gets ananda , three angula less he becomes sex virility personified .
  • reduction by four angulas vaksiddhi [ whatever one says becomes true ]
  • by five angulas he has telepathy [ doordrishti ]
  • by six akaashgamanam [ can move in air ]
  • by seven angulas chandvega [ moving with enormous speed ]
  • reduction of vayu by 8 angulas ashta siddhi
  • nine angulas nava nidhi
  • ten will give ability to change forms of the body in ten ways
  • 11 angulas will leave no shadow of the body
  • with twelve angulas one attains amruta .
  • One  who knows this shastra gains three ghatika of longevity everyday
  • One must sit in padmasana , close the apana and take apana to flow upwards and merge it with prana and take it upwards and release it into air through bramharandhra ,
  • No amount of practise or study gives success in this shastra , it can be attained only through agrace of GURU .

krishnarpanamastu .


Posted by on December 14, 2010 in Free Astro Consultation By Chiraan


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Amsha Amshi Avatara Aavesha !!!!

॥ अ‌वतारान हरेः  ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‌ज्ञात्वा नावतारा हरेष्च ये । तदावेशान  तथा सम्यक ज्ञात्वा मुक्तिर्न  चान्यथा ॥

Moolrupi Narayana amshas are :

  • Matsya  – krutyuga
  • Kurma – krutyuga
  • Varaha – krutayuga
  • Narahari – krutayuga
  • Vaman – tretayuga
  • ParashuRama – tretayuga
  • DasharathiRama – tretayuga
  • Krishna – Dwaprayuga
  • Buddha – dwapra-kalisandhi
  • Kaliki – kaliyuga anta
  • Kapila -sankhyashashtra bodhak
  • Vaikuntha – son of VIkuntha rishipatni
  • Hayanana – gnyanopdeshak
  • Narayani – mohini in amrutmanthan
  • Hansa
  • Aniruddha
  • Trivikrama
  • Sridhar
  • Hrishikesha
  • Vyasa

All these and many more infinite amshas of Narayana exist forever

Krishna is abhimani rupa for present Kaliyuga

Lakshmi devi avataras :

  • Sridevi – in the form of water
  • Kumbhini – vatapatra rupi Bhudevi
  • Mahadurga – andhkaar of pralaya
  • Ambhrani – One who worshipped Lord to create the world .
  • Rukmini – Bheeshmak putri daughter
  • Satyabhama – daughter of Satrajit
  • Shanti – wife of Aniruddha [ blue in color]
  • Kruti – Wife of Pradyumna [ red in color]
  • Jaya – Wife of Sakarshana [ yellow ]
  • Maya -wife of vasudev [ dark]
  • Mahalakshmi – wife of Moolarupi Narayana [ Golden color]
  • Padma – daughter of BHrigu
  • Trilokeshwari – Mother of three worlds

these are infinte rupas of Lakshmi devi

Bramha etc avatara :

  • Bramha
  • Virinchi
  • KAAL

VAYU avatara are

  • Sutra namak VAYU
  • Hanuman
  • Bheemasen
  • Rochan namak INDRA
  • Srimadanandteertha

Vayu has capacity to get smaller in body shape 100 times lesser than Rudra etc . Vayu does not have a quality to sleep and ignorance . even when all are asleep , mukhyaprana remains awake and gives respiration to all the jeevas . So also his avataras do not display any sleep or ignorance or misery  . similarly he can be 100 times bigger in shape than rudra etc .

Saraswati avatara :

  • Saraswati
  • shraddha
  • Gayatri
  • savitri

Bharati devi Avatara :

  • Kaali
  • Draupadi
  • Kashij [ daughter of KAshiraja]
  • Panchaali [ daughter of Panchaal raja ]
  • Dyu
  • Shivkanya [ in kaliyuga ]
  • Indrasena [ Daughter of Nala damyanti ]
  • Kaalmani
  • Chandra

Sesha avatara

  • Nara
  • Laxman

Nara is Balarama who also has Avesha of NARSIMHA [ shukla keshi PAramatma ] and VAYU

Laxman has avesha of Sankarshana AVESHA .

Rudra avatara :

  • Hara
  • SADASHIVA [ tamoabhimani ]
  • Tapa [ one who does tapas in lavan samudra for 10 kalpas ]
  • Ahamkratu [ Khageshwara ]
  • SHUKACHARYA [ SON of VEdvyasa ] [ vayu avesha ]
  • Urdhwapati [ Vayu avesha ]
  • Tatpurusha [ rudra gayatri rupa ]
  • Aurva [ Son of URU ]
  • Jaigeesha [ One who gave upadesha to JAMBAVATi devi ]
  • Drauni [ Son of dronacharya Ashwaththama ]
  • Vyadh
  • Durvasa [ Son of Atri ]

Garuda has no avatara

  • Neela
  • Bhadra
  • Mitravinda
  • Kalinidi
  • Laxana
  • Jambavati [ laxmi Avesha ]

This jamabavati with Laxmi avesha has an avatara of TULASI .


  • Sauparni is wife of Garuda no avatara .
  • Varuni is wife of SESHA
  • REVATI is varuni avatara with SRIDEVI avesha
  • Peya is also varuni with shanti avesha
  • Parvati vatara is Sati Shailaja Girija .

Indra avatara

  • Purandara
  • Arjuna [ NAra avesha + VAyu Avesha + NArayana Avesha  ]
  • Gadhi raja
  • Kusha [ Son of SriRamachandra ]
  • Mandardhyumna
  • Vikukshi
  • Vali

Avatara of Manmatha

  • Bharat [ Braother of SriRamachandra + Brama Avesha ]
  • Samba
  • Sudarshan
  • Pradyumna
  • Sanatkumaar
  • Shanmukha ,kartikeya Subramhanayam
  • All of the above have Narayana Avesha ]

Sthuladeha  abhimani is AHANKARIKA PRANA

  • Kaamputra Aniruddha has two avataras
  • Shatrughna Brother of Sriramchandra
  • Aniruddha Grandson of Krishna
  • Both have Avesha of Anirudhha rupi Hari

Ratidevi avatara

  • Rugmavati
  • Laxana

Paulomi Shachidevi Avatara

  • Chitrangada
  • Tara [ wife of Vali ]

Brihaspati avatara

  • Tar namak kapi vanar
  • Uddhava [ dear friend of Krsihna ] + vayu avesha
  • Dronacharya [ Bramha avesha ]

Yamadharma avatara

  • Yudhishtir  [ vayu avesha ]
  • Jamabavanta
  • Vidur
  • Satyajit

Svayambhu  Manu  is Dasharath  Sahtarupa devi  Kaushalya

Surya avatara

  • Sugreeva [ Bramha Avesha ]
  • Karna [ NARAYANA avesha ]

Chandra avatara

  • Anagada [ Indra avesha ]

Varuna avatara

  • Mahabheshak raja
  • Dardur
  • Shantanu
  • Sushena

Agni Avatara

  • Neel namak Vanar
  • Lava [ son of Sriramchandra ]
  • DhrishtaDhyumna

Bhrigu muni on account of kicking Lord NARAYANA gets Vyadha janma which is responsible for Krishna going to Paramadham

Prahlad though a karmaj devata by virtue of Upasana enjoys the happiness of Bhrigu Kaksha ]has avatara of BALHIKA with VAYU aevsha


  • mind gave rise to MARICHi
  • Eyes gave rise to ATRI
  • Mouth – Angirasa
  • nose- Pulah
  • limbs – Kratu
  • prana Vasistha
  • ears – Pulastya

Gadhiraja’s son Vishwamitra and Vaivasvat manu are equals to Saptarishi

Mitra namak Surya has two avatara

  • Bheeshmak raja [ RAHU avesha ]
  • Tara vanar

Nirruti has two avatara

  • Durmukh vanar
  • Ghatotkach [ Rudra Avesha ]

Kubera avatara

  • Kaththana
  • Bhagadatta [ Ganesh avesha ]

Ganesh avatara

  • Charudeshna [ son of Srikrishna ]

Ashvini Devata avatara

  • Nasatya vividha vanar dasra is maindha vanar
  • Nakul Sahadev
  • Vibhu trishikha
  • All have Indra Avesha and are twins .

Dyu Vasu is Bheeshma with Bramha Avesha

Drona Vasu is NANDA Gopa .

Ahirbudhnya avatara

  • Bhurishravas
  • Shala
  • Virupaksha
  • Kripacharya
  • Vishkambh
  • Sahadeva [ rudra aevsha ]
  • Somadatta [ rudra Aevesha ]

Ajaikpada avatara is BHURI .

Satyaki is Shukla paksha abhimani Devata with Garuda Avesha

Kritavarma is Krishnapaksha abhimani devata .

Savitru namak Surya avatara is Son of SriKrishna by name BHANU

Tvashtra Surya with YAMA Avesha was born as Veersen .

Paravaha marut avatara is PANDU with VayuAvesha

Shweta marut is KESARI and SAMPAATI

Prana avatara are

  • pratibhvaat
  • chekitaan
  • viprathu
  • saumya
  • marut
  • etat
  • sharvottunga
  • Gaja


Apana is Gavaksha

Vyana is Gavaya

Udaan is vrushaparva

Samaan avatara

  • Atul
  • Sharvatrat
  • gandh
  • sumadan

Kurma namak marut avatara is KUnti BHOJA [ father of  kunti ]

Vishwedevatas are ten in numbers

First five are SOns of Draupadi second Five are known as Kaikeyas .

Draupadi’s sons

  • Prativindya [ Pururava vishvededvta + Abhitmara Gandharva avesha ]
  • ShrutSoma [ Ardrava  + Chitraratha gandharva  Avesha ]
  • Shrutakeerti [ Kaal + Gopa Gandharva Avesha ]
  • Shatanik [ Kaam vishwdevata + kishore Gandharva Avesha ]
  • Shrutkarma [ Dhuri + Bal gandharva avesha ]

Prithu priyavrat mandhat gaya kakushtha dushyanta bharata rushabha shashibindu ,All these 100 kings  always carry VISHNU Vayu  AVESHA .

Parjanya avatara is Sharabh

Mars mangal avatara is Iravant [ NAGARJUN son of Arjun ]

Shukra is Shukracharya

Yamapatni Shyamala avatara is Devaki

Ganga is Ganga

Aniruddha Wife Virad is born as USHA . Sangya Rohini Usha are all equals .

Budha avatara is ABHIMANYU with Avesha of Sudarshan [ manmath ] , Indra , Chandra , Ashwini Devata , Vayu ,Parmatma Aevsha .

Agni patni Svaha and Ashwini patni Usha are equals . [ Jarasandh Daughter and Shalya 's Daughter ]

Tumburu Gandharva avatara are VIRADH RAJA and SANJAY [ Udhwah marut avesha ]

Chitrarath gandharva is Janmejaya with Tvastra surya Avesha

Danu gandhrava avatara are Kabandh and Damghosha  Raja

Kishor gandharva avatara is AKRUR with Aevsha of Syambhu manu and Bramha

Dhritarashtra gandharva avatara is dhritarashtra Vayu avesha

HUHU gandharva is Drupada [ Draupadi's father ] and NAkra Avaha  marut Avesha .

HAHA gandharva is VIRAT raja with Vivaha marut avesha

Vidhyadhar gandharva was ajagara

Ugrasen gandharva is Ugrasen king father of KAnsa .

vishwavasu gandharva is Yudhamanyu with Bramha avesha

Paravasu gandharva is uttamaujas with ARYAm surya Avesha

Chitrasen is Satyajit with Mitra surya Aevsha

rest 88 gandharvas were Krishna sakha Gopakumars [gvalas] who played with him as cowherds .

  • Pingala apsara is Sailendri
  • Tilottama apsara avatara is one Nakul’s wife Parvati
  • rest 100 were gopika stree in gokul
  • shabari apsara is shabari in ramayana
  • Agni putras rishis were 16100 wives of Srikrishna [ all had Ramadevi avesha ]
  • All above are known as ajanajas
  • Satyavati is daughter of Chirapitrus .
  • Dharini is Yashoda .

Without the Knowledge of Avataras of HARI and Avesha and Taratamya  of other Devatas Moksha is not possible !



Posted by on November 23, 2010 in Jyotish


Pralaya Vivar !!! –

Shaktiprada sarvatantra svatantra paramamangal doshagandhaduur sriramabahulatagata svaramana sarvottam sriman narayana

In poorvakalpa Brahma’s fifty years of life created a bahirbramhanda [ outeruniverse ] srishti creation .  Then 37 -1/2 years bramhamana  He created inner UNIVERSE and maintained it . After this 87.5 years on the last day of Bramha day in the morning

  1. for 100 human years there was continuous rains and entire species were destroyed .
  2. for next 100 human years all the dwadash[12] adityas [suns] blazed at full temperature and at the same time Shesha in PATAALA loka opened up a slew of fire through poison named SAMVRUTAGNI  which burnt entire universe
  3. for next human 100 years Chanda VAYU wind blew non stop and dried up everything .
  4. for next 100 human years SamvrutMEGHA rained .THESE rains were like elephant trunk in width and size . THis washed away the entire UNIVERSE.
  5. Slowly PANCHAAHABHUTAS prithvi onwards started dissolving [ laya ] into one another . similarly all the 24 tattvas jadatattvas dissolved into one another
  6. All the jeeva rashi [ souls ] dissolved into their superiors [ laya ] as per GARUD MARGA and SHESHAMARGA .
  7. Lord NARSIMHA danced in this PRALAYA TANDAVA nartana with BRAMHA’s body as a cap and SHIVA’s body as a NUPUR ,anklet
  8. Then after the dance He drowned BRAMHA in VIRAJA of AVYAKRUTAKAASH and other karmaj devtasand manushyottama [ trina included ] in VIRAJA withing BRAMHANDA , this removed the Linga sharira of the MuktiYogya , VAYU then made a FIRECE HUNKARA with this NITYASAMSARIS linga Sharira broke down and they attained Santanik Loka . ANd the VAYU with a hard blow of his mace broke the linga sharira of TAMOYOGYAS
  9. Sri LAXMI gathered and dissolved all her Rupas in the bramhanda into one another and finally SRIRAMAA alone attained a extreme closeness to HARI for his SEVA This is ATISAAMIPYA LAYA for SRIMAHALAXMI .
  10. Sri HARI all the rupas within BRAMHANDA dissolved into one rupa And other RUPAS with samsleshaaikya and other JEEVAS  HE kept them in his navel .
  • NABHI adho vaambhage [ below left ] PRAPTA TAMASKAAN [attained  tamoyogya  ]
  • NABHI adho dakshine [ below right ] TAMOYOGYAAN [ yet to attain ]
  • NAbhi pradeshe  [ exactly in NAVEL ]  NITYASAMSAARI
  • NABHI upari dakshine [ above right ] MUKTAAN [ attained MUKTI]
  • NABHI upari vaambhage [ above left ] Muktiyogyaan [ yet to attain Moksha]

This way arranging all the jeevas in his navel [ VAIKUNTHA etc do not have any destruction ] By the command of VISHNU , SRI  becomes the PRALAYA water [lalana  jala ] BHU becomes the VATAPATRA [ the celestial leaf ] And DURGA becomes the tamas [ ANDHAKAAR , darkness of PRALAYA ] . and nothing remains .

AT the moment SRIHARI in that mahapralayodaka [ dense pralaya water ] in the SHREE BHAGA [ shree region of VAIKUNTHA ] of VAIKUNTHA on the BHURUPI  VATAPATRA of 50 crore yojana  that SHUNYA NAMAK paramatma VISHNU takes the form of a small baby of 7 crore yojana size , with his toe in the mouth and sucking the toe [ notifying that in the past infinite BRAMHA srishtis creations ,all the service that has been offered to his lotus feet  by BRAMHA and other SOULS , HE is slowly slowly accepting and enjoying it remembering every such service with joy and contemplating the way this joy be given to them in MOKSHA ] THUS THAT GREAT VATAPATRA SHAAYI  sleeps into YOGANIDRA !!!!


  • SUNRISE to SUNRISE  = 1 human day
  • 360 human days = 1 devamana day [ 1 devata day ]
  • 360 deva day = 1 deva mana year = 360 X 360 human days .
  • 1000 deva year = 1 KALIYUGA = 1000 X 360 X 360 + [ 200 X360 X 360 ]
  • 2000 deva year = DWAPAR yuga
  • 3000 deva YEAR = TRETA YUGA
  • 12000 deva year = 1 MAHAYUGA  = 43,20,000 HUMAN years
  • 1000 MAHAYUGA =  day for BRAMHA = 432,00,00,000 human years
  • 1000 MAHAYUGA = night for BRAMHA =432 ,00,00,000 human years
  • 1 DAY for BRAMHA = 864 ,00,00,000 human years =864 crore years
  • 360 days of BRAMHA = 1 BRAMHA YEAR = 1555200,000,000 human years .
  • 100 years of BRAMHA is KALPA = 155520,000,000,000 human years .
  • In this BRAMHA day of 4320000000 human years . there are 14 manus .
  • SO each MANU rules for
  • 308571428 years 6 months 25 days 17 hours 21 min .

Posted by on November 16, 2010 in Jyotish


Vijayadasaru !!!

Vijayadasaru has a unique place in madhvaparapara especially Dasa parampara . Dasa parampara is unique to Madhvasampradaya > here on one hand there were great saints renouncing all the worldy comforts have educated satvik subjects about srimadanand teertha’s philosophy , and also on the other hand are Dasa like Purandar dasa Vijayvittaldasaru who have composed excellent songs in kannada to bring out the essence of MAdhva literature to common man irrespective of birth and status and gender to carry out Sadhana . Before the advent of Dasa culture the philosophy was restricted to only Sanskrit scholars now even women and others were dancing to the tume of DASA rayaru’s melody singing the glory of HARI in simple prakrut language .

Vijayadasaru was born in a very poor Brahmin family in Chekalaparvi of Manwi Taluk in Raichur District. He went to Kashi (Varanasi) for four years for studies and later returned to his native land.

He married at the age of 16 . He went back to Kashi (Varanasi) after his parents’ death. He became a renowned sanskrit scholar

Vijayadasaru is known to be an incarnation of BHRIGU RISHI , Bhrigu rishi is higher in tartamya to spatarishis and shishya to NARADA , Purandar dasa is NARAD himself and from him mantle was passed to Vijayadasru to carry the flame of bhakti .

From the life of Vijaydasaru we come to know that BHRIGU is chief instrument for acquisition of KNowledge and without his grace one cannot achieve great academic success or scholastic aptitude . All the devatas surround BHRIGU rishi to gain the knowledge and attain siddhi , Even in the great gathering in Naimisharanya when it was discussed as to who the greatest LORD was among the TRINITY , it was BHRIGU who was designated to inspect different LOKAS and arrive at comclusion for the human welfare ,

Bhrigu was instrumental in bringing LORD BALAJI  to TIRUPATI and MAHALAXMI to KOLHAPUR . [ all the devotees should be indebted to him ]

Most of astrological treatise owes its origin to BHRIGU SUTRAS . BHrigu NADI is famous in PUNJAB and NORTH INDIA . BHRIGU NANDI NADI is famous in south INDIA . BHrigu is the originator of two impostant gotras , BHARGAV [ SHUKRACHARYA ] and PARSHURAAM .

MARKANDEYA was given upadesha of VASUDEV  mantra by BHRIGU Rishi and he overcame death .

Such mighty BHrigu Rishi descended on earth as Vijayadasaru . The greatness of Vijayadasru can be seen from the fact that When dasaru went to Tirupati to have  a darshan of the LORD VENKATESHA , he somehow could not get it . frustrated Vijayadasaru went far away from the temple and sat on a small pedestal resolving he would see Venkatesha only if he calls him else he would just sit there forever .

In the evening when utsav moorty of Lord Venkatesh was brought out for RATHOTSAVA chariot , the chariot did not move at all . many a elephants were pressed into the service yet the chariot did not move /. This was very surprising as chariot would normally move with few persons in front dragging it but that day even elephants could not drag the chariot . Immediately astrologers were pressed into the service to find the reason . The REASON Lord wishes for a special devotee to be present and carry out the seva . The direction was noted and also there  was a AKASHvani  . Thus people ran towards the pedestal and requested VIJAYADASARU to appease LORD VEKATESHA and carry out Rathotsava . Surely LORD could not have ignored the very person who was responsible for his descent ON the BHUVAIKUNTHA TIRUMALA .

Vijayadasaru with tears in his eyes composed a beautiful song on LORD HARI which then made the chariot MOVE .

His songs on VAYU as pavamana is simply a deva gana and songs on rudra inspire many madhvas to pray Rudra with fullfledged devotion , He has wriiten 25000 songs and suladis which enumerate the rare secret knowledge of  deha vivar , nadi sadhan , bramhanda vivar and srishti suladi are all very deeply ingrained in shastras .

Vijayadasru was a beacon light for great dasaru like GOPAL DASARU and JAGANNATHA DASARU . who has written HARIKATHAMRUTSARA . Together all these dasaru have special affinity to RAYARU GURUSARVABHAUMA and make no secret that they reached the said position in life with his seva to the Brindavan , making RAYARU a deity of the order of BHRIGU though RAYARU belongs to karmaj devata kaskha in tartamya .

In one of the incidents a scholar of very high intellect was carried away by the pride of scholarly achievements , In one of his lectures , Vijayadasaru entered the gathering as a cook and called upon a person who was a known idiot and metally retarded . He placed his palm onto him and the man of less intellect started delivering a scholarly discourse which even the scholars present had never heard of or could decipher easily  .

This went on to show that Vijaydasaru’s grace was enough to be a great scholar and not rote learning or years of sadhana in sanskrit literature .

Thus VYASA VITTAL DASARU wrote a beautiful kavach in praise of VIJAYADASARU : which I try to translate for the benefit of  readers to the best of my capacity although I am not capable of describing the prowess of grace of VIJAYADASARU .

  1. The smarana[ constant remembrance ] of Vijayadasaru’s name and his sacred feet is all that is required to get rid of miseries coming in day today affairs .
  2. Vijadasaru has seen the blemishless complete auspicious  LORD and his grace through other dasa greats.
  3. Vijayadasaru is highly knowledged and gyani with complete peaceful appearance with a gait of orators and honourable saints .
  4. Vijayadasaru is everengaged in Hari bhajan and yajan of Narahari ,constantly tackling the miseries of the devotees and pouring them with happiness such that joy overflows.
  5. Filled with joy and having clear knowledge of panchbhedha ,with a lifestyle of  a sadhu /hermit untouched by mental distortions .
  6. Believers of Vijayadasaru do not have rebirth , this is the point of view of our sampradaya .
  7. crores of sins do not attach by his smarana and tensions in the life all vanish by the grace of this kind hearted ocean named vijaya dasaru
  8. He worships Lord hari  in KAVAN rupa he saw lord Madhav in the form of VAMAN
  9. Vijayadasaru has capacity to bring back the people from clutches of the death and is very auspicious and fulfills wishes just by knowing the mind of the devotee [ one need not ask at all ]
  10. He has obtained grace of VYASA in the city of KASHI , all this he has witnessed himself in excitement .
  11. Just forget your depressions and get free of tense miserable thoughts ,and keep engaged in the faith of lotus feet of serene GURU Vijayadasaru
  12. You will be out of miseries and pain and only joy will flow and also you will get the grace of ADIDEVA [ VISHNU ie MOKSHA ]
  13. He will dismantle the worldly heat [ misery] and cut down the sins and will place you near the lotus feet of SRIPATI [ VISHNU ]
  14. One will not be able to find means of reading VEDAs or debating shashtras without bowing to feet of Budha [ wise] Vijayadasaru
  15. DIpping in GANGA may only be helpful in reducing the mala sins of the body but RANGA [ KRISHNA ] will grace only if one aspires for the sanga [ presence /company ] of great devotees like VIJAYADASARU
  16. If one roams in all the pilgrimages it will only give tiredness and pain but will not give any increase in BHAKTI
  17. The knowledge to give dana or sing a  divine [ gana] song will not cross the mind without the subservience to Vijayadasaru .
  18. Why all the pain ,trouble and hardwork in maintaining NISHTHA ,just why dont you touch the feet and sing the glory of Vijayadasaru [ bhajan ]
  19. What can be had with continuous pooja and every form of remedies through mantras [ beeja] all these can be had in simple way ! Worship Vijayadasaru
  20. Because then  all the Devatas will protect and  extend their helping hand and all demons run away from devotees of VIJAYADASARU .
  21. All the planets with helpful and friendly infact they will aid the devotee , and will give only happiness day and night .
  22. Diseases will not strike and Physical pain/discomfort  will not occur and yet ADIDEVA ‘s grace will occur .
  23. Being patit pamar [ fallen and less ] and mandmati [ stupid /moorkha ] i am not capable  describe more and more or completely  though Vijayadasaru is great Dasavarya .
  24. Yet I know with a kind heart and deep affection and pity on us he drives away crores of  miseries quickly .
  25. Fools do not understand him and critics will definitely experience hell
  26. Indirapati [ Krishna ] dances before him and will bring to truth all that has been said till now .
  27. Reciting this in the morning even a fool will become a scholar
  28. This is truth and VYASAVITTALA knows this . This can be recited by SATVIKAS .

tommorrow is VIJAYADASAR ARADHANA , let us all worship his lotus feet to attain our desires and gain knowledge of shastras and reserve the GRACE of ADIDEVA .


krishnarpanamastu .



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Bramhanda Vivar ! – Divine CosmoS !

To understand the extent of universe one must understand the figures and numerals .

  1. Ek 100
  2. dash 101
  3. shat 102
  4. sahasra 103
  5. dashsahasra 104
  6. Laksh 105
  7. dash laksh 106
  8. koti 107
  9. dash koti 108
  10. shatkoti 109 = 100,00,00,000
  11. Arbud 1010
  12. Nirbud 1011
  13. Kharva 1012
  14. Mahkharva 1013
  15. Padma 1014
  16. Mahapadma 1015
  17. Kshoni 1016
  18. Mahakshoni 1017
  19. Shankh 1018 = billion times billion
  20. Mahashankha 1019
  21. Deepti 1020 = 100000000000000000000 = 100 X 1billion X 1billion

Bramhanda karpar is shatkoti yojana =  109 = 100,00,00,000 yojanas [ yojana = 8miles ]

  • Prithvi tattva is outside bramhanda karpar and is also shatkoti yojana
  • Ap tattva is 10 times greater than prithvi  arbud yojana
  • Tejotattva is 10 times greater Ap    ie Nirbud yojana
  • Vayutattva is 10 times greater              Kharva yojana
  • Akashtattva is 10 times >                       Mahakharva
  • Ahankar tattva is 10 times >                  Padma yojana
  • Mahhatattva is 10 times  >                    Mahapadma
  • Avyakta tamo avarana is                      Kshoni yojana
  • Avyakta  Rajo avarana is                   2X kshoni yojana
  • Avyakta Satva avarana is                  4 X kshoni  yojana
  • Avyakta akaash is infinite
  • Aniruddha avarana is infinite
  • Pradyumna avarana is infinite
  • Sankarshana Avarana is infinite
  • Vasudeva Avarana is infinite
  • Narayana Avarana is Infinite

Bramhanda , inside Karpar is 50 crore yojana . Its spherical with diameter of 50 crore yojana from all sides . The centre of this bramhanda is BHULOKA . There are seven lokas inclusive of Bhuloka above it and seven lokas below Bhuloka .

HAri in his VIRADrupa supports this bramhanda with each loka finding refuge in each of his limbs ,

  1. Nitya Vaikuntha     8,12,50,000 Yojana   MUKUTA crown of VISHNU
  2. Satyaloka                  4,06,25,000  Y             Head
  3. Tapoloka                   1,68,25,000   Y            Bhrumadhya  between eyes
  4. Janoloka                   1,12,50,000    Y           Mouth
  5. Maharloka                    85,00,000  Y           neck/shoulder joint
  6. swarga Loka              13,00,000      Y          Heart
  7. Antariksha                 36,00,000       Y         Navel
  8. Bhuloka                       1,00,000 Y        Waist

Total                                   16,25,00,000 YOJANA

These are vertical heights of the lokas .ie These lokas rise that high in their existence. They are equally wide .

The difference of distance between each lokas are as follows

  1. Vaikuntha             2,98,50,000 Y
  2. satyaloka                1,50,00,000 y
  3. tapoloka                  1,50,00,000 Y
  4. Janoloka                 1,50,00,000 Y
  5. Maharloka              1,25,00,000 Y
  6. SwargaLoka            50,000           Y
  7. Antariksha                1,00,000 Y

Total                           8,25,00,000 Y

Add                                            16,25,00,000 Y

25 ,00,00,000 Cr Y  Urdhwaloka Vistara .

There is Meru Parvat in the center of BHULOKA it is 84000 Y above Bhu and 16000 below .

All these lokas are like Fruit of KAPITTA .

Antariksha Vichaar

  • 16000 bhukand above Bhuloka
  • 12000 Y above Meghamandal
  • 12000 Y above Yaksha Loka
  • 18000 Y above  vidhyadhar loka
  • 12000 Y above   Chaaran loka
  • 12000 Y above    Siddha Loka
  • 10000 Y above RAHU mandal  [ width 40 yojan ]
  • 10000 Y above Surya Mandal    [ width 10000 yojan ]
  • Total 100000 yojan along Meru height .
  • Above this Surya Loka  100000 Yojan is Chandra Loka [20000 width ]
  • 100000 Y above is Nakshatra mandal
  • 200000 Y above is SHUKRA graha mandal
  • 200000 Y above is BUDHA graha mandal
  • 200000 Y above is MANGAL graha mandal
  • 200000 Y above is JUPITER graha mandal
  • 200000 Y above is  SHANI GRAHA Mandal
  • 1100000 Y above is  SAPTARISHI mandal
  • 10000 Y  SUTAL LOKA  KNEES
  • 10000 Y RASATAL LOKA       HEEL
  • 10000 Y  PATAAL LOKA         FEET
  • TOTAL  86000 YOJAN
  • TOTAL 89000 + 11000 EXTRA  SPACE
  • 1000000 YOJAN ADHOLOKA
  • 250000000 SHESHADEVA
  • 250000000  VAYUKURMA



Posted by on November 15, 2010 in Jyotish


Deha Vivar – No. of bodies over soul !

Soul jeeva is covered by numerous bodies . Each body is supported by numerous Hari rupas . The following is the elaborate description of the human body .

  1. svaroop deha                                      2000000109  bhagavadrupa                                   [lord exists in as many forms in the svaroop deha of the jeeva ]
  2. Icchhaavarana                                     1
  3. LIngasharira                                         67
  4. Avyakta sharira                                    179
  5. Avidya sharira                                        27
  6. Karmaavarana                                        63
  7. Kamaavarana                                           68
  8. Jeevachchadika                                        9
  9. Paramachchadika                                     9
  10. Narayanaavarana                                      1
  11. Vasudevaavarana                                        1
  12. Sankarshana avarana                                1
  13. Pradyumna avarana                                     1
  14. Aniruddha avarana                                       1
  15. Aniruddha sharira                               202494 rupas
  16. Vasudev kavach                                               1
  17. Narayana kavach                                             1
  18. Ananadmaya kavach                                       1
  19. Vignyanamay kavach                                       1
  20. Manomaya kavach                                           1
  21. Vangmaya kavach                                             1
  22. Shrotramaya kavach                                        1
  23. chakshurmaya kavach                                      1
  24. pranamaya kavach                                             1
  25. Annamaya kavach                                             1
  26. Sthula sharira                                  32,07,93,817 rupas
  27. total                                                     2,32 09,96,858 rupas exist in a human body

Posted by on November 14, 2010 in Jyotish


Daitya Taratamya !!!

In the previous post we had elaborated hierarchy among the muktiyogyas [ those eligible for moksha ] i.e  satvik jeevas . Similarly there are Nityasamsaris [ those ever engaged in mixed experience of happiness and misery at a time ] i.e rajasik souls . Similarly there are tamasik jeevas who are eligible for nitya naraka [ permanent hell ] andhatamas .

Just Like Bramha is highest among the muktiyogya with 100 kalpa sadhana so is KALI is evil with similar longevity .

just like devtas hold tattvas so also daityas and as manushyottama exist in the similar correspondence naradham exists .

  1. kali                                    infinitely evil
  2. Alakshmi [kali's wife ]  100 times less evil than kali                                                 [ manthara in Ramayana  ]
  3. Viprachitti                         100 times less than previous category
  4. Kaalnemi                             100
  5. madhukaitabh                     5
  6. Aila viprachit                       5
  7. narakasur                              5
  8. hiranyakashipu                   100
  9. hiranyaksh ,manimanth    3
  10. bakasur                                  1-1/6
  11. tarakasur                                20
  12. shambarasur                          6
  13. salva sankar                           10
  14. hidimbak ,banasur                                                                                                 dwapar [ shakuni] keechak  6
  15. namuchi ilval paak                  10
  16. vatapi                                           100
  17. dhenukasur                                100
  18. vaman                                          40
  19. keshi                                              40
  20. trinavart lavanasur                     11
  21. arishta                                            5
  22. hansa                                              5
  23. dibik  ven paundrak                    80
  24. dushyasan vrushasen jarasandh 100
  25. vikarna kuhanda                               100
  26. kansa koopvikarna rugmi               100
  27. mahasur shatdhanvi kirmir            100
  28. madirapani kalikeya                          100
  29. saindhav                                                100
  30. indriyaabhimani daityas                  100                                                                           [eyes ear nose speech etc ]
  31. karmabhimani daitya                        100
  32. daitya bhritya                                       100
  33. anakhyaat daityas                              100
  34. pishachas                                              100
  35. aprasiddha daitya                                100
  36. Manushya adhama                           100
  37. dushta pashu pakshi trina              100


Nitya Samsaari: manushyamadhyam

  1. swarga prachur
  2. bhuprachur
  3. narakaprachur

the qualities of nityasamsaari are mixed in nature and they think as follows

  • Hari is just like any other Kings of the world ruling over the devatas
  • Hari is one among the trimurtis BRAMHA VISHNU RUDRA
  • these three also have dukh agyana bhaya krodha etc
  • All the devatas are equal and HAri is one among them
  • Surya ganapaty etc are greater and Vishnu is subservient
  • Vishnu is sarvottam but all others devtas  are equal
  • Vishnu may be Greater is a doubtful concept others may also be greater later
  • There is no taratamaya ,
  • they make show of bhakti and acharana and regard themselves as righteous
  • with mixed knowledge and qualities these attain santanik loka .

Daityas are tamoyogyas ,

kali etc are eligible to attack manasindriya . the next set also attack gyanendriyas and karmendriyas , Rudra onwards all the devatas are susceptible to Daityaavesha .

ALl the good karma is done deva tattvadipatis , all the evil karmas in a humans are inspired by devtas into daityas and daityas later induce it into humans ,.

BRAMHA SARASWATI VAYU AND BHARATI never suffer from Daitya avesha even in Avataras .

Narayana is present in daityas as well ,but he never protects them and gives them misery only thus one must never Pray or worship NARAYANA as present in daityas or lowly creatures like pigs etc . The knowledge of presence of LOrd in them is all required , namaskaara pooja etc is not allowed ,

Daityas must be condemned this is appreciated by the HARI and Such Daitya ninda does not attract naraka but gives much punya ,Daitya ninda is akin to dushta pashu vadha . as snakes and scorpions death gives pleasure to the people as a relief from their fear and is  a act of punya so also daitya ninda is an act of punya .

The above is an extract from bramha kanda of garuda purana ,





Posted by on November 14, 2010 in Jyotish


Tartamya -The hierarchy !!!!

||om vyam om ||

  1. Shri Vishnu                                          The complete infinite auspicious qualities
  2. Shri RAMADEVI                                 Infinitely lesser than NARAYANA
  3. Bramha Vayu                                        1 crore times less than LAXMI
  4. Saraswati Bharati                                 100 times
  5. Garuda Shesha Rudra                           100times
  6. laxana etc shanmahishi                       5 times
  7. Sauparni Varuni Parvati                        2 times
  8. Indra KAAM                                               10 times
  9. Ahankarikaprana                                      10
  10. Aniruddha Brihaspati Sayambhu                                                                                    manu daksha prajapati Shachi Rati       10
  11. Pravahavayu                                                   5
  12. Surya chandra Shatrupa Yama                  2
  13. Varuna                                                              1-1/2
  14. Narad                                                                 1/4
  15. Agni Bhrigu Prasuti                                        1/4
  16. Marichi etc Saptarishi vaivasvat                                                                                      manu Vishvamitra                                           2
  17. Mitra [sun] nirruti tara pravahi                    1/16
  18. Kubera ganesh vishwaksen 100 [somapani]  1/16
  19. Karmaj devata 100 rishis                                      2
  20. Parjanya                                                                      4
  21. Anakhyaat devata [ 9 crores ]                                 1/4
  22. svaha                                                                              1/4
  23. Budha                                                                               1/4
  24. Usha wife of ashvini                                                     1/4
  25. Shani                                                                                  1/4
  26. Pushakar                                                                           1/4
  27. Akhyaat Ajanaj devata agni putra 100 gandharva 1/4
  28. Apsara Vibhuda                                                                 1
  29. 100 crore  -100 rishi                                                         1
  30. Chira Pitru                                                                           100
  31. Deva gandharva ,siddha charana vidhyadhar                                                              Kinnara , kimpurusha                                                   100
  32. Manushya gandarva                                                         100
  33. Manushya Chakravarti kings                                         100
  34. Manushyottama Bramhan YATI                                   100
  35. Paramhansa   [ekdandi without yagnyopavit]            1/4
  36. Hansa with yagnyopavit                                                    1/4
  37. Bahudha [ akaal jal snana tridandi ]                             1/4
  38. Kutichaka [ putradi sahita svagruhe jeevankarta ]     1/4
  39. vanina                                                                                       1/4
  40. audumbara [moolabhakshaka ]                                        1/4
  41. Valkhilya [phalabhakshaka]                                              1/4
  42. Vaikhanasa [sarvabhakshaka ]                                         1/4
  43. Shiloncha [ sasye kshetre dhanye jevankarta ]               1/4
  44. Grahina: Shalina [ek varshe dhanya sangraha ]            1/4
  45. asanchaya [ ekahivrata ]                                                        1/4
  46. varta [ yayivareshu jeevan]                                                    1/4
  47. Bramhachari bruvanhattara [ naishthik ]                        2
  48. Bramha [ vivaha paryant vedadhyayan]                             2
  49. Prajapatya  [ ek bharya rutugaminah ]                                2
  50. Savitra [12 years gurukul vasa ]                                              2
  51. Savitra Kshatriya                                                                         4
  52. Vaishya                                                                                           5
  53. Shudra                                                                                             6
  54. Anuloma [ father higher caste than mother ]                      7
  55. Pratiloma [ Mother higher caste than father ]                     8
  56. Antyaja      [ Mletcha yavan etc ]                                               2
  57. Elephant [ gaja ]                                                                           10
  58. Horse [ ashva ]                                                                               2
  59. Mruga                                                                                                2
  60. Pashu                                                                                                 2
  61. Pakshi                                                                                                2
  62. Vruksha [ trees ]                                                                               2
  63. Lata                                                                                                      2
  64. Gulma                                                                                                   2
  65. Aushadhi [ herbs ]                                                                            2
  66. Truna [twig]                                                                                        2

33 crores Deities

  1. Bramha upto shatastha devtas                                                  3300
  2. Agniputra and Karmaj till Shani                                              29700
  3. Tatvabhimani  [total]                                                                  33000
  4. Pushkar and shani/budha wife                                                                                        including 3 and half core nadi abhimani devata                                                        inclusive of non tatavabhimani devata                         8,99,67,000
  5. Total  [Nine crores ]                                                               9,00,00,000
  6. Anaakhyaat devata                                                             24,00,00,000
  7. Total deities                                                                           33,00,00,000

Thirthy three crore ajanaja devta does not include the rishis of 100 crore numbers

103 shatastha

Kubera , ganesha , vishwaksen these three excluding 100 remains

In this 100

Ashvini devta

asta vasu – drona ,dhuv , dosha , arka , agni, prana . dyu ,vibhavasu

except Agni rest are equals

ekadash rudra – Bhima [ 9 ] raivat [10 ] oja [11] ajaikpaad[12 ] mahan , bahurupaka [14 ] bhava [15] vama [16] ugra [17] vrushakapi [18] ahirbudnya [19]

Vama is umapati is 5th category

dwadash Aditya – Indra ,urukrama , mitra, varun, parjanya, bhag,pusha , vivasvan, savitru , dhata, aryama, tvshtra,

In this Urukrama is Sakshaat Parmatma ,


47 Maruts = 31+47 = 78

  1. Prana
  2. apana
  3. vyana
  4. udaana
  5. samaana
  6. naag
  7. kurma
  8. krukal
  9. devadatta
  10. dhananjay
  11. avaha
  12. paravah
  13. samvah
  14. shamyu
  15. udhvah
  16. vivah
  17. shanku
  18. kaal
  19. shvas
  20. nal
  21. anil
  22. pratibha
  23. kumuda
  24. kaant
  25. shuchi
  26. shveta
  27. ajit
  28. guru
  29. jhanjh
  30. samvartak
  31. keel
  32. jeet
  33. saumya
  34. kapi
  35. jada
  36. manduk
  37. samhrut
  38. siddha
  39. rakta
  40. krishna
  41. peek
  42. shuk
  43. yati
  44. bheema
  45. hasu
  46. pinga
  47. kampana

Paravaha is PANDU chakravarti with VAYU AVESHA

Shveta is Kesari and SAMPATI .

78 devatas along with 47 maruts

add 10 vishvedevatas to become 88

  1. pururava
  2. ardrava
  3. kaal
  4. kaam
  5. dhuri
  6. lochan
  7. satya’
  8. vasu
  9. daksh
  10. kratu

Ashvini devata 1 nasatya 2. dasra

88+2 =90

rest 10 are

  1. Dyava
  2. prithvi
  3. rubhu
  4. brihaspati
  5. yamadharma
  6. chandra
  7. kavyavaah
  8. pradhaan vayu
  9. ahankarikaprana
  10. pravahavayu

Total 100 memebers +3 kubera ganesh and vishwaksen are eligible for somaras paan during yagnya .

let us elaborate certain kaksha of souls  in karmaj and ajanaj devatas

Agniputra pavak chavan uchatyamuni chakshush raivat svarochish uttama bramhsavarni rudrasavarni indrasavarni devasavarni dharmasavarni dakshasavarni savarni tapas svayambhu vaivasvat

tapas is HARI himself ,

100 kings like Prithu , Priyavrat , mandhaat , gaya,kakustha m dushyanta, bharat, etc 100 …

14 indras in manvantara

divasvati , shambhu , adbhut, bali , vidhrut . dhurtshuchi , krutdham , These seven are Indras by the grace of HARi and not by status ,

rest seven who also become INDRAS ,

  1. Yagnya namak HARI himself
  2. Rochan [ VAYU ] ——————–Bheema
  3. Satyajit [ YAMADHARMA ] ———Yudhishthir
  4. Trishikh [ NASATYA ashvini ]——-Nakul
  5. Vibhu [ Dasra ashvini ] —————-Sahadev
  6. Mandar DHYUMNA [ Shachipati ]—–Arjun
  7. Purandar [ shachipati ]

Previous Indras were PANDAV

rest seven become Indra in later manvantaras like Bali

Asta gandharva

  1. haha ——————virat raja
  2. huhu —————–drupada
  3. dhritarashtra ——–dhritarashtra + Vayu AVESHA
  4. tumbura —————sanjay
  5. chitrarath ————janmejaya
  6. Vishwavasu ———Yudhamanyu
  7. paravasu ————uttamauj
  8. vidhyadhar ———-ajgar [ nahush ]


  1. Urvashi
  2. grutachi
  3. menaka
  4. rambha
  5. tilottama
  6. sukeshi
  7. manjughosha
  8. pingala
  9. poorvachitti
  10. sahajanya
  11. vishwachi
  12. trijata

rest 92 apsaras , 92 gandarvas ,16000 krishna patni gopikas  , form the ajanaj devtas among gopikastree kasheru [ daughter of tvashtra surya is shreshta .]

ajanaj are akhyaat and anakhyaat ,

anakhyaat are unnamed devatas [ not famous by name ] they are

  1. 100 vibhuda
  2. 100 devabhrutya chirapitru
  3. 100 asuras
  4. 100 singing gandharva
  5. 100 dancing apsaras
  6. 70 siddha
  7. 30 shibika paalki carrying rakshaka
  8. 30 service oriented charanas
  9. 70 attending bhuta
  10. 70 preta
  11. 70 vidhyadhar
  12. 70 kinnaras
  13. 70 pishachas
  14. 7 kubera bhruthya guhyaka
  15. 5 varuna bhrutya nagas

Though these have names of pishac preta etc the are all Haribhaktas and carry out service to their superiors .

All these are muktiyogyas  when their sadhana is complete they ascend to VAIKUNTHA .

Krishnarpanamastu .


Posted by on November 8, 2010 in Jyotish



Suta says :

HEY RISIS , Infinitely brave KING Manu asked LORD MATSYA about the PATIVRATA women and their stories .

  1. WHo is great among the pativrata women ?
  2. Who has defeated the Death ?
  3. WHose name should be always chanted by humans ?
  4. Kindly narrate to me the story that destroys the sins quickly !


Hey dutiful KIng ! EVEN DHARMARAJ [ deity of death ] can not act against the pativrata women because even these women are held in high esteem and respect by him . I shall narrate a story in this aspect as to how a women of high devotion towards husband managed to rescue him from the shackles of death himself .

In the previous era , in the country of MADRA [ present day SIALKOT ] there was a KING in the lineage of SHAKAL vansh by name ASHVAPATI . He did not have a son . So to get a son, King consulted the bramhins . By their advice he started the worship of SAVITRI devi , after ten months , once when KING finished homa of hundred ahutis  with white mustards and gave scores of bramhins the dakshina and dana . DEVI SAVITRI appeared in his dreams on a chaturthi day and said , ” Oh King you are my devotee and am pleased with your continuous devotion ,so I would bless you with a GIRL child and she would be most beautiful . With a lightning the goddess disappeared

AT AN appropriate time MALATI gave birth to a very beautiful girl who resembled goddess Savitri and hence all the bramhins present gave her the name “SAVITRI” .

Savitri grew into a marriageable girl and KING promised her hand to KING DHYUMATSEN ‘s son SATYAVAAN . Sage NARAD then appeared and said that prince Satyavaan has only one year of his longevity left .

King was highly disturbed at the words of SAGE NARAD but to keep his words He said to himself that GIRL ‘s KANYADAAN is done only once  so there cannot be reversal of the decision .So SAVITRI married SATYAVAAN and was serving the in laws and husband with utmost devotion even though the words of sage were disturbing her day and night with utmost pain and misery .Her plight was pitiable yet she served her elders and Husband with utmost devotion in the jungle in a hut because Suddenly KING DHYUMATSEN and his wife lost their eyesight and also their Kingdom .

Her devotion and selfless serving was giving more misery to the King DHYUMATSEN who felt that he had spoilt the life of beautiful princesses and also they could not see her exceptional qualities owing to their blindness .

WHen astrologers  came and told her that , “fourth day from now her husband would DIE “ SAVITRI taking the permission of in-laws manifested herself into ” TRIRATRA VRAT ANUSHTHAAN ” a three day marathon vrat austerities .

On the fourth day when SATYAVAAN asked her to accompany her to the jungle to collect flowers and fruits and some wood for fire . SHE accepted as refusing would constitute ‘ YACHANABHANGA ” [ note : however austere the rules of vrata may be , but for a married woman , advice/ order /desires /needs /command of  husband is paramount , not heeding to these constitutes vratabhanga , giving into desire of husband , obeying his commands , looking after his needs even if they are against the austere measures of vrata niyama , is the only dharma , it does not constitute vratabhanga but in the name of vrata niyama , if husband is neglected his desires not fulfilled , that actually constitutes vrata bhanga ]

She followed Satyavaan although fearing the words of sage NARADA with extremely unhappy mind and very thought of losing husband that day was bringing tears in her eyes , yet she collected her calm and followed the husband deep into the jungle .In  order to hide her state of mind from the husband and to keep him happy and engaged, she asked him to educate about the flora and fauna of the forest . Though she knew most about the forests and its inhabitants and trees and flowers , she asked  her to keep him, his mind  and herself  engaged . SATYAVAAN too kept on showing various animals trees and flowers to the beautiful large eyed SAVITRI and assured her of his love towards her just to relieve her of the tiredness of walking into deep jungles .


” Oh large eyed SAVITRI , look at the green soft grass of this jungle as if spring has dawned , and MANMATH along with rati have come down to enhance the atmosphere of lOVE with these mango trees lush green full of ripe mangoes giving delight to eyes and nose with ripe smell contributing to increasing  romance in the air ..

These ashoka trees full of flowers seems to be teasing me and perhaps laughing at me amidst the spring . Just look at the captivating array of  kinshuk trees with flowers like flames of burning charcoal . These sweet smelling flowers and its scent carried by the breeze is kindhearted in refreshing us by curing the tiredness and freshening US .

Look at the west how appealing is the beauty of bushes with golden flowers of kaNer tree . The weeds and creepers of TINEES have blocked the way . Flowers over these are looking great all through the way . How enchanting is this earth with these flowers  . The bees humming all through over these is indicating that Deity MANMATH is surely drawing his bow [ to strike the cupid's arrow] .

These small dense groups of tilak trees with kokila birds singing over it and harmonizing the atmosphere with their sweet notes which have been sweetened by the tasting the various tasty fruits of the forest . this scenery is as beautiful and attractive as YOu yourself are oh SAVITRI .

The mangoes ripe on the tree have imparted their yellow colour to the kokila and this kokila is singing the notes as if a cultured man is giving his introduction to impress a attractive damsel .

Look at the bees among the backdrop of beautiful arrays of colourful flowers seems like following their beloveds madly in love .

The male kokila even though there are many fruits on the trees still they are eating from the fruits in the mouth of the beloved . The crow is dragging its children in its feathers and still giving its food in the beak to its pregnant lady .

The lovestuck KAPINJAL [ teetar ] is not eating anything just sitting on the ground .Oh large eyed SAVITRI , this chatak [ goraiya bird] is playing with the feathers of its counterpart . The parrot sitting on the branch of a tree is pulling the fruit laden branch with its feather to tease and help its beloved.

The meat eating LION is asleep with satisfaction and the lioness is sleeping amidst its legs . The tiger couples are so lovestruck that their eyes are illuminating the caves differently nearby . The hippopotamus is licking the tongue of its beloved again and again . The monkey is getting its beloved free of lice and giving a good massage onto the head . The big cat is lying on the ground showing her stomach and the other one is pinching and striking its teeth onto it but the cat is not feeling hurt or pain . Look at the pair of rabbit , they have moved into each other in a such a way that except ears nothing can be seen of them .

The elephants in the pond full of lotus is hitting each other with lotus stalks and sporting in the water . The wild boar is uprooting the bushes on its way which its children and family are eating along . The she buffalo with all the dirt and mud onto it is chasing the male with passion . Oh beautiful one ! look at this deer staring at both of us with atrractive eyes in wonder . ANd the other deer is pushing it back lovingly with its horns all at the same time scratching her ears with the legs .

Look at the wild cow moving lazily towards the oX , and this ox is struggling to get the crow off his back . just as a neelgay makes an attempt to shoo the crow away . Look at the sheep trying to place its legs onto its male and trying to eat the fruits from the tree .

The cranes in the pond are enchanting and looks like a moon in the shining sunlight . The chakrawaak is circling around the female amongst the lotus and she is blooming like lotus in sun .

SATYAAVAAN said ” I have collected the fruits and you have also collected the flowers , let me make some arrangements for wood !! Oh bhamini !!! you rest here near the pond for a minute under the shade and I shall get some wood .”

Savitri said . ” KANT !!!! as you say , i shall abide , but do not go away from my sight as I fear staying alone in this forest !!!!!”

So SATYAVAAN stayed nearby collecting the wood but little distance separating them still made savitri as having lost HIM !!!!!

While cutting the wood , SATYAVAAN experienced a severe headache and ran towards his wife and keeping his head onto her LAP , he said ” I am perhaps tired and am in pain , I feel like entering darkness and i am unable to think anything and I just want to sleep in your LAP . !!!!”  Thus he slept in her LAP .

At that time SAVITRI SAW , DHARMARAJ coming himself with bluish[ lotus ] hue on the body wearing a yellow silk pitambar , He was appearing as cloud  amidst the lightning and golden Crown on his head was akin to a SUN , bright and shining , he even had two earrings . The garland was beautiful dangling down his chest . There were shoulder cuffs . He was accompanied by MRUTYU and MAHAKAAL .

YAma as he arrived , with his pasha took away the PRANAby drawing a man  from the body of SATYAVAAN , who was of the size of THUMB . ANd THUS YAMA sped away towards the southern direction .

SAVITRI realizing that her husband has died without wasting a moment in laziness and distress , ran towards YAMARAAJ and with folded hands near the heart told DHARMARAAJ :

” By the devotion towards the mother  one gets the enjoyments on the earth , By devotion towards the FATHER one gets enjoyments in the loka of swarga etc medium planes . By the devotion and concentration towards the Teacher GURU , one gets the BRAHMALOKA . One who has served these three he has served everyone and and has adhered to all the dharma . One who has not served any one of these three all his karma is fruitless and all his merits go waste . Till these three are alive in this world , there is no necessity of  any other dharma . Spending time in the welfare of these three itself is dharma and one should spend his time in it . If by their command one has to undergo slavery even that should be acceptable and should be offered to them by speech mind and action . ALL the karma of a man starts and ends with mother father and guru !!!

Yama says “  LEAVE the wish that is driving you to follow me , and kindly return back !!!YES there is no karma and dharma bigger than serving mother father and guru !!! But  you are hurting yourself by taking this strenuous path and also creating an obstacle to my work !! You are fully tired and hence I am saying so . Oh dharmik lady !!! your husband was indeed devoted to guru and you are also devoted to your husband , at this point of time you are in trouble , kindly return back !!! “

SAVITRI said ” For a woman , husband is  a DEVATA , husband is the one who protects her and thus all the women should follow their husbands wherever they go ! Father brother and SON give limited  [ whatever they can give  ] but husband gives infinitly everything ! Then HOW will one not worship such a husband . Oh Best among the deities !! wherever you are going or taking my husband , I should also be going there !!

DEV! If at anypoint I am unable to follow you in the journey of my husband , I shall leave my mortal body and embrace death !!! Its unfortunate to live like  a widow even for a second !!!!!

YAMA said ” Oh most FORTUNATE  pious lady !!!! I am very pleased with you so except the life of your husband ask a boon I shall grant it . !!!”

SAVITRI said ” DHARMAGNYA !!! One who is bereft of KINGDOM and eyes as such My father in law , kindly grant him KINGDOM and EYESIGHT !!! “

YAMA said ” Oh protected one ! you have travelled a long way , kindly return , Your these wishes will be fulfilled !! Your walking behind me will cause obstacle to my work and also cause tiredness to your self kindly heed my words !!!!!

SAVITRI said ” Oh the great amongst devatas ! What’s tiredness / hardship in the process of begetting the company of  satpurush [ a satvik holy men ] . I do not feel unhappy or any misery in the company the great men like yourself . In this world only holy drive the goals of both sadhu [ pious ] and asadhu [ unholy sinful ] people . Sinners neither are helpful to pious , unpious and not even to themselves . Poison , fire and weapons do not cause much destruction as a evil man who without reason takes up enmity with the world .Just as good men sacrifice their lives to the benefit of others so also evil men give up their lives in quest of causing harm to others .

To attain the upper worlds [ heavens ] the holy men do not care for self and own lives , so also to stop the holy men from recahing heavens evil makes everyattempt without caring for their lives . Thus BRAMHA has chosen and appointed a KING to control such evil people in this creation . KINg should keep testing people and his subject , those who are holy he should protect and honour them and those who are evil he should punish them . One who does this is great among the kings !! Honoring holy and punishing evil makes him the KING !!!!! Hevaens will open gates for such KINGS !!! THere is no other dharma for the KINGs except ruling the subject in this manner !! Those who cannot be chastised by such KINGS , such evils are taken to task by YOU oh Dharmaraaj ! Thus you are the most powerful and important among the kings and DEVATAS . This world is lead by the holy men , and YOU are the leader amongst such holy men and hence I have no hardship in following you !!!!!!”

YAMA said ” I am very pleased by your words full of wisdom and DHARMA !!! Thus You can ask any boon except the life of SATYAVAAN!!! Do ASK without delay !!!!”

SAVITRI said ” Oh the author of destiny VIBHO ! I want to be the sister of a hunded brothers , my father is without a son and so let him be bestowed with the happiness of son !!!!”

Yama said ” Oh woman of no blemish !!! just return the way you have arrived , and get the preparation done for the creamation of your dead husband’s body . Satyvaan has now entered another sphere[ loka] , now you cannot walk behind him . But as you are a PATIVRATA , you can walk another few minutes ! Oh protected one , Your HUSBAND has served gurus well and has amassed a lot of punya and thus I am taking him personally !! Oh beautiful one !!! learned always should spend time in serving elders like mother father and guru . Satyavaan has done all the three very well in the forest and has pleased them all . Hence he has gained swarga , On account you being his wife you have also reserved a place in swarga . Oh auspicious one ! men attain swarga with tapasya , bramhacharya and serving agni and guru !  SPECIALLY ONE MUST TAKE CARE IN NEVER  INSULTING BRAMHINS TEACHERS FATHER MOTHER AND ELDER BROTHER !!! because acharya [bramhin ] is image of BRAMHA . father of PRAJAPATI , mother of PRITHVI , ELDER  brother is an image of the SELF !!!!!!! The amount of hardship that parents undergo in giving birth to a child cannot be repaid in crores of lives . So humans should strive hard to satisfy the desires of parents and guru , because when these three are pleased all the tapasya is said to have been accomplished !!!!

SERVICE to these three guru [ father mother and acharya ] is highest tapasya and no other dharma should be undertaken without their exquisite permission !!!!!

These three [ mother father and acharya ] are the three worlds [ lokas . swarga antariksha and bhumi ] , these are the three vedas , these are the three agnis .

Father is grahyapatya agni , mother is dakshinagni , acharya is avahaniya agni !!!!

These three agnis are great and grahasthas should never get inattentive in the matters of these three agnis . they should be always alert and then they become eligible to win over the SWARGA with their deity like bodies .Oh Protected one ! your work has been accomplished , you must return ! whatever you have asked for will be fullfilled , this way by following you are obstructing my work and also you are too tired , that is the reason why I say so to return !!!!”

  • Savitri said ” Oh great among the deities ! what can there be hardships and miseries in accomplishing dharma . The Dharma is in the very worship of your feet !!! Oh DEV ! men of wisdom should be engaged in the activity of accumulating the dharma , because gain of dharma is infinitely greater than all gains !!!!The birth is the result of DHARM ARTHA KAAM all in a single go !!!!
  • Because one without dharma his artha and kaama is akin to a son of a barren women !!!! Dharma alone gives rise to artha and kaam and also with the help of dharma alone one gets the heavens !!!!!
  • The one who goes anywhere with his will [ jeeva ] is always accompanied by his DHARMA alone , ALL other material things associated with body [ wife relations sons wealth honor etc ] everything ends with the end of the body , JEEVA  takes birth alone and dies alone ,but dharma alone accompanies the jeeva after his death not his wife , nor brothers nor relatives or friends none gives you company !!!!!
  • Success in undertaking , good fortune , beauty everything is possible through dharma only .
  • Oh the ruler of men’s lives [ purushantak ] !!!! VISHNU Bramha Shiva Indra ,chandra yama ,surya ,agni , varuna vayu vasu ,ashvini kuber etc devatas who fulfill the wishes and their worlds are all obtained by Dharma alone ,
  • HUMANS live in pleasure giving beautiful islands and varshas [ harivarsha plaksh dweep etc ] only by DHARMA
  • DEvatas’ gardens like NANADAN VANA etc is obtained by Dharma/punya  alone
  • SIMILARLY amazing aircrafts swarga apsaras are all obtained by punya through dharma alone !!!!
  • The lusturous valorous bodies of men are result of punya alone.
  • The kingship , kingdoms , honor from kings ,obtaining long cherished desires and well cultured upbringing are all the result of accumulated punya alone ,
  • Oh the presiding Deity !!! One with punya alone can have a chamar of gold and vaidurya and will be bright as SUN .
  • Like a full moon the chatra will look decorated with cloth spun in precious stones over a ma of PUNYA
  • The beat of success by the magadhbandi’s with their shankh and other auspicious instruments ready with abhisheka for a man on the ROYAL THRONE [ SIMHASAN ] are the fruits of  puya alone ,
  • Good food , water , songs , servants , garlands , sandal paste , precious stones , and precious clothes all these are results of PUNYA .
  • Lovely and highly attractive damsels  full of compassion and beauty and life in  palacial house are all the outcome of PUNYA through auspicious deeds .
  • The horses with golden bells on the head and chariots attached to such horses are results of PUNYA
  • ELEPHANTs like a walking mountains , with golden seats [ ambari ] with cushioning steps is the property of people with PUNYA .
  • Such wishes can be fulfilled in swarga , and these swarga are obtained only through PUNYA , and bhakti in such swargas can only be had through PUNYA again .
  • SUch PUNYA can be obtained by -
  1. yagnya , tapa , dana, indriyanigraha , kshama
  2. ,bramhacharya , satya , teerth yatra ,
  3. swadhyaya , seva , satpurusha sangati , devatarchana ,
  4. gurujan sushrusha , bramhana pooja ,
  5. controlling senses , and jealosyless  bramhcharya !!!!!
  • Wise learned should always strive to amass these because death never waits for anyone . DEATH does not reason whether one has accomplished his work or not , whether anything is pending or not , it just strikes mercilessly !!!!
  • DEv! thus one should strive to accumulate punya from the childhood because life is never permanent . who can say who will die today ?
  • oh great among the deities ! As we stand death stares at us yet we live as if we do not have death! this is most surprising !!!!! a youth feels he is away from death more than an old and child feels he is away from death than youth !!!!! But whom will the old compare with sitting in the lap of death !!!!!!
  • AND what will be the fate of those who try to find ways to escape death !!!!!!
  • HUMANS in this world not only have fear of death but they also do not have any place to get away from it or save themselves from DEATH !!!!!
  • THUS ONLY PUNYAVAAN holy  lives on this earth fearlessly in this world !!!!”

YAMA said ” oh wide eyed beauty !!!! I am very much pleased with your words of wisdom about dharma !!! Except the life of your husband ask for a boon !!!”

SAVITRI said ” I ask for  a boon of hundred sons from my womb [ putram aurasam ] . because without son there will not be good afterlife !!!! “

YAMA GRANTS her the boon !!!!!

SAVITRI recites a very beautiful stotra for YAMA Thus .

Oh deity KNOWER of all the dharm and adharma and himself the abider of SUCH DHARMA !!! You are the Lord of this wold and lord of all the men

  1. , you make people abide by dharma hence sarvadharmapravartak
  2. You are the destiny of the person and hence you are vidhanagnya
  3. You are ruler of the world hence jagatonatha:
  4. You regulate and carry out niyaman of these men thus you are Known as MANU
  5. because you regulate all according to their karma  you are known as DEV YAMA
  6. You rule and regulate as per DHARMA and hence you are DHARMARAAJ
  7. men come before you with both their good and bad karma hence are MRUTYU
  8. You keep record of all the seconds kshan kalaa etc thus you are known as KAAL
  9. You are MAHADHYUTE  as you emanate like a light among all the deities .
  10. You end everything you are known as ANTAK
  11. You are the son of VIVASWAAN the SUN so you are known as VAIVASWAT
  12. Once the longevity is over you catch people by surprise thus you are SARVAPARANAHAR
  • The dharma as ordained by RUk YAJUS and SAAm is steady in this world only by your grace .
  • By your grace alone people in this world are engrossed in dharma
  • By your grace people  will not beget children of  intermixed castes
  • By your grace holy men achieve their goals
  • by your grace jagannath , this world is intact in its maryada [ boundaries of behaviour and physical boundary limits  ]ie everybody is in their limits !!!!
  • Oh great among the three worlds and ten directions . I am in distress and in your sharan. [subjudicated abode ] Please help me and this prnces’ father and mother are also unhappy !!!!! “

YAMA SAYS ” I am pleased with your devotion and stotra and thus I release your HUSBAND  SATYAVAAN from the shackles of death !!!!!!  Oh frail one ! return to your place with all the wishes fulfilled !!!! This SATYAVAAN will live with you for FIVE HUNDRED years and happily enjoying the kingdom and then will be happy in swarga as well along with other devatas . He will give you hundred sons all having devata like qualities and able kshatriyas , will live complete life and be famous . Your Parents will also beget hundred sons in the country of MALAVA and hence they will be famous as MALAVS and will live full lives alongwith their children and grandchildren   , they will all possess qualities like devatas and will be worthy kshatriyas .

Oh The virtuous women Whover recites this stotra early in the morning will be blessed with long life !!!!!! “

SAYING these golden words , YAMA leaving Satyavaan disappeared alongwith KAAL and MRUTYU !!!!!

Later SAVITRI came back through same way towards the jungle and took her husband head in her LAP !!! . SATYAVAAN , slowly got up and asked ” where did that man go who was dragging me along ! Oh beautiful one , I did not know who he was , oh one with complete beauty  !!! complete day has passed by in this jungle , you must be hungry due to fast and tiredness !!!! Because of my laziness my parents have gone hungry and have undergone some discomfort !!! Oh one with beautiful eyebrows !!! I would like to see them instantly let us go !!!”

SAVITRI said ” Oh dear LORD !!! sun has set , if you like we shall go back to the ashram , as parents are blind they would be worried . LEt me tell you about the man after we reach the ashram !!!”

Thus they went to the ashram . DHYUMATSEN and his wife had regained the eyesight but not finding their daughterinlaw , were worried ! ALl the tapasvis nearby had gathered and they were consoling them . Just then  FRAIL SAVITRI and SATYVAAN came by , SEEING them DHYUMATSEN was very happy ., SATYAVAAN paid his respects to the gathered TAPASVIS . SAVITRI retold all that happened , TOGETHER all of them resided there in the ashram and in the night completed the vrata .

AS the dawn broke , ALL the subjects of the KING DHYUMATSEN arrived with loud auspicious sounds and requested KING to rule his kINGDOM again as , the old KING who had usurped the kingdom from DHYMATSEN OWING to his loss of eyesight had been killed by the ministers and PEOPLE wanted the old KING to come back !!!! .

By the grace of LORD YAMA DHYUMATSEN regained his Kingdom . SAVITRI got hundred brothers , In the time to come she also bore hundred children .

Thus MAHASADHVI PATIVRATA SAVITRI upheld the honor of both her lineage and husbands lineage [ PITRU PAKSHA < PATI PAKSHA ] and FREED  back her husband from the shackles of MRUTYU  !!!!!!

MEN should always respect the women of high virtue !!! By the grace of such virtuous women these worlds stand !!! Their words in this world never go waste or false  !!!! Those wishing to get their desires fulfilled always worship women !!!! Those who listen to this story wholeheartedly with devotion , get success in all their undertakings and experience happiness and never experience miseries in life !!!!!!!

Krishnarpanamastu .

Note :

The words of astrologer , destiny , misery ,happiness  all are limited in knowledge and all are under the grace of lord , If with devotion anyone prays LORD and with conviction that his miseries will be erased . LORD protects and fulfills their desires , no matter how big the astrologer may be . no matter what his rants of predictive achievements may be ! HARI can remove any misery provided one worships him with DEVOTION > NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE < !!!!








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