दधि मधुरं मधु मधुरं द्राक्षा मधुरं सुधापि मधुरैव ।

मधुरादपि तन्मधुरं मधुरानाथस्य नाम यद्गीतम ।।

VASUDEV in the form of TURIYA alongwith SRIDEVI  and BHUDEVI resides in the 72000 nadis of the human body accepting the service of MUKHYAPRANA alongwith TATTVA DEVATAS and their wives . Those who do this nadi UPASANA  of LORD in this form are like the swargavasis on the earth.

[ swargavasi means  1.devatas living on the earth  , 2. those who enjoy swarga like enjoyments on this very earth . 3. who can attain the higher swarga[ maharoka etc ] through this sadhana .]

Nadi is tejomay rashi [ a channel of light ] within the body . They are 36000 in the right side of the body and 36000 to the left side of the body .

There are eight rupas of LORD

  1. Vishwa
  2. Tejas
  3. Pragnya
  4. Turiya
  5. Atma
  6. Antaratma
  7. Paramatma
  8. Gnyanatma

Each set of eight is grouped by LORD’s Moolarupa .

So total 9 rupas . each forms eight sets . 9×8= 72

IN each of the 72 sets Lord expands into 1000 rupas . Thus making it 72000.

Thus says BHEESHMA to YUDHISTHIR in shanti parva .

These Rupas of eight Vishwa tejas pragnya etc enter in the eight prakruti

  1. Bhu
  2. jala
  3. agni
  4. vayu
  5. akaash
  6. mahattatva
  7. ahankara
  8. avayakta

So NADI is composed of primary prakruti with eight VISHNU rupas expanded to 72000.

Lord along with prakruti exists in these NADIS inside the human body and makes the jeeva act asper his yogyata into satkarma and dushkarma .

These nadis further classify themselves into 12 shaktis .[ every six thousand is governed by 12 shaktis ]

  1. shakti
  2. pratishtha
  3. samvit
  4. sphurti
  5. pravritti
  6. Kala
  7. vidya
  8. mati
  9. niyati
  10. maya
  11. kaal
  12. purush

There are six tastes[ rasa ]

  1. salt
  2. sour
  3. chilly
  4. sweet
  5. astringent
  6. bitter

LORD resides in each taste with the same name . EACH taste has four more rupas of HARI namely

  1. suruchi  [ excellently tasty]
  2. ruchir     [ visually appealing rasabharit look ]
  3. sugandha [ aromatically appealing tasty ]
  4. shuchi  [ looking clean and pious sacred pavitra ]

Then Lord stays in this tastes in three forms alongwith SRI as VISHNU  alongwith BHU as BRAMHA and alongwith DURGA as Rudra giving it a distinction of

  1. satvika ras
  2. rajasik ras
  3. tamasik ras

6x4x3 = 72 [ a 1000 rupas expansion  like vishwam vishnu of vishnusahsranaam] = 72000

36000 to the right and 3600 to the left , one must meditate VASUDEV in every nadi .

  • There are 12000 + 12000 in the foot to waist
  • 14000 + 14000 in the middle body waist till neck
  • 4000 + 4000 in the arms
  • 6000 + 6000 in the head
  • total 72000 nadis .
  • 36000 to the right are presided by AJANAJ devatas presiding deities of DAY
  • 36000 to the left are presided by their wives presiding deities of Night
  • Each set of days is headed by MUKHYAPRANA
  • each set of night is presided by BHARATI devi
  • Each nadi bramha etc all devatas are present These must be worshiped everyday
  • Such a worship will make one as pure as SNANA in all the rivers of the universe .

The longevity of a human is 100 years . each has 360 days so 36000 days and nights is what a human lives . Each day is presided by the devatas present in the nadi presided by BHARATIRAMAN MUKHYAPRANANTARGATA SRI BHU SAMET TURIYA NAMAK VASUDEV .

With this understanding if one feeds even one bramhin he gets phala of feeding 72000 dampatis .

One must feed satvikas only and not tamasikas because , when you feed fooder to cow it gives milk , but even if you give milk to snake it gives poison only .

There are 24 Devatas [ tattvedevats in each nadi ] each devata is accompanied by his wife . so there are 48 devatas . each devata also has a HARI RUPA in it .

Thus a human body is supported by 72000x 48 = 34,56,000 thirty four lakhs fifty four thousand forms of LORD NARAYANA . IS not this body a temple in itself ? Is not human body under total control of LORD .

Lord protects a human body as per his yogyata with 34,56000 forms .

This lord is in the form of BIMBA to every jeeva and all jeevas are spewn by this bimba like a twine that binds the manis [ preciosu stones ] in a garland . So all the jeevas are bound by BIMBA.

  • The central NADI is known as Sushumna .
  • This sushumna is  made up of arya vajrika prakashini , viadhruta and sushumna
  • Each upanadi of sushumna has 25 branches
  1. ARYA =       25
  2. Vajrika =      25
  3. Prakashini = 25
  4. Vaidhruta =  25
  5. Sushumna =  1
  6. Total =          101

the sushumna is surrounded by

  1. IDA = 25 branches
  2. PINGALA = 25 branches
  3. ARYika =   25 branches
  4. Vajrika  = 25 branches
  5. total                 100
  6. Each hundred further consists of 100 branches
  7. so total is 100 x 100 = 10000 + 101 = 10101

Out of these  10100 are nadis [ 101 is sushumna branches together they form one sushumna ] sub-bramnches rise to make up 72000 nadis

  1. 100 nadis of 9 sub- branches  = 900
  2. 300 nadis of 8 sub-branches = 2400
  3. 9600 nadis of 6 sub branches = 52600
  4. 100 nadis of 10 sub branches  = 1000
  5. Total                                            = 61900
  6. original 10100                           = 72000

Lord as present in these nadis and secondarily MUKHYAPRANA gets the JEEVA soul to do the sadhana , it is lord who gets the sadhana done and not jeeva who does it independently . HOW let us see .

NADI                 INDRIYA         HARI RUPA                    TATTVA DEVATA

  1. Sushumna nadi  controls manas . LORd as GOVINDA  through INDRA
  2. shabda grahya      auditory [ear]        Vishnu                                   DIGDEVATA
  3. Rupa nadi             chakshu eye         Madhusudan                         SUN
  4. sparsh nadi             tvaga [ skin ]        trivikram                               ahankarik prana
  5. rasa nadi                 jeevha [ tongue]   Vaman                                  varun
  6. gandha nadi          nasika   nose           Sridhar                                  ashwini devata
  7. hastijivha/alambusa hands                   Hrishikesh                           Daksh
  8. yashasvini                  speech                 padmanabh                          Agni
  9. gandhari pusha          feet                      Damodar                                Jayant
  10. shankhini                    Anus                   Sankarshana                          Mitra [sun]
  11. Kuhu nadi                   upastha                   Vasudev                         swayambhumanu

SUSHUMNA runs from vrushana to head shira without any deviations , LORD VAYUDEV with his five prana etc rupas and five naga etc rupas ten rupas safeguards this nadi and prevents daityas to enter these .

Each nadi consisting of these devatas and LORD gives samsaara to the souls and evil souls during evolotion sometimes do good satvik karma like yagnya etc , but they do not submit it to LORD aand thus HARI snatches away their punya as present in this nadi and gives it to SATVIKAS ,

Other nadis consist of both DEVATAS and DAITYAs . DEVATAS in the nadi threaten DAITYAS constantly .

All the activities of jeeva takes place through NAdi only .

Sushumna of manas is divided into four as

  • manas – shiranadi
  • ahankar – asuranadi
  • buddhi – surynadi
  • chitta – bhasviti nadi

101 nadis are distributed in the body as

  • 1 navel
  • 1 penis
  • 1anus
  • 5+ 5 legs
  • 5+5 hands
  • 2 back
  • 32 heart
  • 2 tongue [ speech = taste ]
  • 2 eyes
  • 2 ears
  • 2 nose
  • 2 chest
  • 1 skin
  • 33 head

Like a cloth woven vertically and horizontally by a threads of cotton/silk , similarly human body is held by nadis by vertically and horizontal nadis . Being in this nadis LORD protects DIVIJ named muktiyogya and gives hell to DANUJ named daityas . Yet LORD is untouched by the prakruti and its variations .

Krishnarpanamastu .



Posted by on October 23, 2010 in Jyotish



There are six chakras in the human body . So says Brihadaranya upanishad . These chakras are sukshma kendras where Lord resides to control various koshas of the body .The various koshas are , annamaykosha , pranamay kosha , manomay kosha etc ….

The first chakra is mooladhara situated at the point called kanda which is 2inches above the rectum[between anus guda and vrushana testicles ] , it is 4 inches by two inches spherical. ABOVE this kanda is situated a four petals of LOTUS encompassing a TRIKONA AGNI mandal . [ Triangular basin of fire ] The beejaakshar LAM activates this chakra .

The second chakra is MANIPURA situated at the navel [ nabhi] . It is LOTUS of six petals , encompassing a vayu mandal in shatkona [ hexagon ]. yam is the beejakshar

The third chakra is of anahat  [ hruday chakra ] it consists of eight petals of LOTUS encompassing surya mandal of dwadashkona [ 12 side polygon ] inside this polygon is situated chnadra mandal sphercal in shape embedded is agni mandal in it of trikonaakar ie triangular in shape . rum is the beejakshar

The fourth chakra is in vishuddha  INDRAYONI [ near the backside of the tongue ] ,This two petal LOtus with spherical chandra mandal . ham is the beejakshar.

The fifth is brumadhya chakra of agnya [ forehead ] it consists of four petals of LOTUS with spherical chandra mandal . varun beeja is the akshar .

The sixth is 12inches above head is sahasrar  chakra , it consists of 12 petals of LOTUS and spherical chandra mandal . OM is the beejakshar . turiya is the rupa .

The first three chakras are red in colour and rest are white in colour .

Vasudev etc five rupas o the LORD should be meditated in each chakra .

Vasudev is white in color ,sankarshana is pingala in color , pradyumna is harita in color , aniruddha is neela in color , Narayana is lohita in color .

The mooladhara consists of sushumna which rises till the bramharandra in the head , this is made up of five nadis ie vajrika , arya, avabhasini ,vaidhruta , bramhanadi .

Sushumna[ Narayana ] is surrounded by IDA[ Aniruddha ] to the left  PINGALA                  [ sankarshana] to the right DHARINI[ vasudeva ]  in front and VAJRIKA [ Pradyumna ] in back .

Without seeing the LORD there cannot be moksha . To see him one must engage in shravan manan and after getting his complete knowledge then one can engage in DHYANA and not before that .

There are two types of upasana : Adhyayan Adhyapan is one and DHYAN is second .

DHYAN has limbs like yama niyama asana pranayama .

Pratyahaar dharana dhyan samadhi are for aparoksha ,

Yama means satya asteya ahimsa bramhacharya aparigraha .

Shouch tapasya trupti svadhyaya Haripooja all these are Niyamas .

Svastikaasan , Veerasana , padmasan etc are asanasa .

YagnyaValkya says , not troubling anyone by speech mind and body is known as AHIMSA.

satyam bhutahitam proktam na yatartha bhashanam .

TRUTH is what is beneficial to satvikas and not speaking as is .

Not aspiring[ body and mind and speech ] others wealth and belongings is what is ASTEYA .

Completely avoiding thoughts of sex with  women  by body mind and speech is what is known as BRAMHACHARYA .

Aparigraha : totally isolating self from the worldly pursuits of money mongering and gossip .

Shouch – two types , bahya / antar  . CLEANING the body with water soaps and other cosmetics is bahya shouch . restricting mind from anger lust etc is antah shauch .

Tapasya – concentration[ ekagrata ] of mind and chitta and indriyas is known as tapasya .

ASAN – devata smaran can be done in any position , but dhyana should be in the asana only . if body is fragile , so is mind ,so to get steadfast mind , asan is necessary . PADMASAN is best .

Pranayam ; Rechak poorak and kunbhak are three parts of PRANAYAMA . If pranayam is done without mantra then it becomes preparatoryfor dhyana , if done with mantra and devta smarana [ VISNUM VAYUM SMARET ] then it becomes dhyana itself ,

For MUKTI sadhana shravan is important . those who donot know tattva they must listen to shastras only . Those who have learnt shastra they must do manana to consolidate their learnings , Those who have consolidated the shastras must do dhyana .

BUT Shastra vimarsha [ contemplation ] is 10 times more better than dhyana . ANd hundred times better is teaching atleast one student . EVEN aparokshagyanis teach because HARI is pleased by teaching of shastras ,

In dhyan only few gunas of HARI is what meditated , but while shastra vimarsha there is opportunity to contemplate many qualities of LORD .

SHAUCH and ASAN are means to MOKSHA SADHANA but they themselves are not sadhana so much importance and time should not be spent on only making asanas and shuchi .Otherwise people spend hours in sculpting body with yogasanas .These dont even give punya by themselves ,

Pranayam , aparigraha , ahimsa ,satya,  asteya , bramhacharya , tushti among these , each is greater than other by two times . Shastrabhyasa is one crore times greater . HARIPOOJA is infinite times greater than these . DHYANA is three times better . SHATRA vimarsha and pravachana is manyfolds greater than DHYANA .

One must practise PRANAYAMA for more and more times . One must remove the inner air through pingala and take in fresh air through IDA and hold it in sushumna and then remember VISHNU and VAYU .

If there is break while doing such VISHNU samrana  then it is dharana , if there is no breaks and if it is continous than it is DHYANA . if outer world totally elapses for a sadhak then it is samadhi . SUCH prolonged samadhi gives aparoksha , COntinuous shastra parisheelana [ contemplation also gives aparoksha ] . This should be accompanied by devotion only then aparoksha is possible ,. Affection full of DIVINE KNOWLEDGE of shastras is what known as devotion BHAKTI , This BHAKTI alone is important for  MOKSHA .









Posted by on October 18, 2010 in nadi, yogas


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Chandramukhi – Saraswati VRAT katha !!!

Oh SHaunak and other  rishis listen One should worship MAHALAKSHM , MAHAKALI as present in SARASWATI as also in the form of DURGA during the nine days starting from prathama of Ashwayuj shukla paksha.

For any reason one cannot worship all the nine days then one can start the worship from MOOLA NAKSHATRA ONWARDS . or atleast on the ninth day one should definitely worship godess saraswati .One will get permanent happiness through this vrat and all the sins will vanish .

we shall enumerate a practical example to highlight this vrat . ONCE upon a time in dwapar yuga there was a KING by the name RAAJVARMA of KINGDOM KAUTUMBI  . He was truthful and abiding by the dharma . He was very caring and towards his subjects and also towards his family .

He had a very beautiful , good looking bright  lusturous skinned women of good qualities as his wife by name CHANDRAMUKHI .

One day in kAUTUMBI war broke out among the brothers of the KING to divide the kingdom , All the aspirants of the throne waged the war along with their armies onto RAAJVARMA . 21 days day and night battle went on and lastly owing to vidhi [destiny] RAAJVARMA lost the battle as all his army was destroyed . RAAJVARMA along with his wife went into the forest hit by bad luck . Destiny as it were the king and wife went without food for many a days in the jungle which was dense .

Many days of hunger thirst and sleeplessness made the king suffer ill health and unable to walk in the deep jungle . Pativrata wife Chandramukhi , took her disease struck husband onto her back and making a loud cry went deeper into the jungle in search of shelter food and rest .

SAGE ANGEERAS [ ancestors of chiraan ] was deep into meditation in the forest , hearing the loud cry of anguish of a woman in the jungle sage Angeeras was deeply perturbed and curious too . He went into the direction of the cry and found a helpless woman struggling alongwith her diseased husband . The sage took pity onto the couple , brought them to ashram . after feeding them and medicating the KIng ,. ASKED about his state and advent into the forest ,

CHANDRAMUKHI retold the miseries they had to undergo as a result of defeat in the war and asked for the remedies to end their miseries .

Sage Angeeras said let me tell you the remedy for your miseries to come to an end ,10 yojan from here there is a Panchvati kshetra , by the banks of the river  Saraswati devi has appeared there in the form of DURGA , go and serve her alongwith your husband . Your sufferings will end ,

Ashwayuj month was approaching ,  Chandramukhi learnt all the methodology of the pooja of SARASWATI in the form of DURGA there with the help of a bramhin priest nearby . NINE days she worshipped with concentration and devotion . and on the nINTh day DEVI appeared in the dream of the Chandramukhi blessing her and her husband .

Happy at the dream  , both couples completed their VRATA by offering pada pooja to the Sage ANGEERAS and his wife and gathering whatever they could from nearby places , KHEER [ PAYASAM] was prepared as naivedya [prasad] to goddess Saraswati and with moolmantra of SARASWATI DEVI  a homa was conducted ther in the temple . After as completion of the vRATA Sage Angeerasa and his wife were given dana and CHandramukhi took blessing of the sage .

DEVI SARASWATI was  pleased by Chandramukhi and her vrata . SO chandramukhi became pregnant and after nine months a lovely boy was born . Sage Angeerasa did the jatahkarma to the boy and gave him the name ” SURYAPRATAP ” .

The prince was growing  like shuklapaksha moon . and by the grace of rishi Angeeras and his teachings learnt all the weaponry and astra shastras in a very short time , He was learned  in all the fields to become an able KING .

By the permission of his guru SURYAPRATAP waged a war onto KATUMBI kingdom and with a fierce fight defeated all his enemies and snatched back his Kingdom . Alongwith his mother and Father ascended the throne of KAUTUMBI ,

From that day onwards RANI CHANDRAMUKHI  carried out Saraswati vrat every year with pomp and gait and having obtained the grace of KALI MAHALAKSHMI SARASWATI in the form of DURGA lived happily with all the pleasures and fortunes .

Those born as humans should always yearn for the grace of Godess SARASWATI and by her graceful glance should obtain all the fortunes . Those who tell this story or listen to it get the KrUPAKATAKSH of GODDESS SARASWATI and his sins will be destroyed and one will obtain SAYUJYA by divine blessings of LORD PARSHURAM as present in MA SARASWATI in the form of DURGA .

krishnarpanamastu .




Posted by on October 13, 2010 in Astrology and purana


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Pravrajya YOGA !!!

There are many types of sanyasis :

  1. yati
  2. dandi
  3. tridandi
  4. ajeevaka
  5. sakya[baoudhak]
  6. charak
  7. kutichaka
  8. nirgrantha
  9. vivasa
  10. vanyasan
  11. vanaprastha
  12. bhikshuk
  13. naga
  14. kapali
  15. chakri
  16. vriddhashravak
  17. hansa
  18. paramhansa


When there are four or more than four [ five six seven ] planets in a single rashi than the person becomes a sanyasi of the order of the planet which is stronger among the four .

if sun is stronger he becomes a tapasvi, moon  a kapali , mars one wearing red robes , mercury one becomes a dandi [ staff holder] , jupiter a yati [ hansa paramhansa ] , venus a chakri , saturn a digambar [ Nirgranthika ]

similarly when more planets are involved , or aspects are cause of ascetism , mars gives  shakya , mercury  ajeevak , jupiter a bhikshu[dandi ] , moon a yati hansa etc , venus , charak, saturn a nirgrantha or vivasa , sun  a vanyasan or vanprastha .

tapasvi engages is penance , vanprastha lives in nearby jungles with wife and  disciples , vanyasana lives in deep jungles , vivasa dwells on hills and deep forests with a deerskin , naga is naked sanyasi, nirgrantha is digambar inside society , bhikshu is always engaged in study of scriptures and has a bowl and a staff .  charaka is roaming sanyasi , shakya is baoudha sanyasi with tonsured head , a yati is sanyasi attached to a institution which teaches and is endowed with royal attributes like pallaki etc . ajeevak is glutton and is given to feeding his stomach and senses .

hansa and paramhansa are the sanyasis of highest order .A hansa bird when given a bowl of milk mixed with water , it drinks only milk filtering the water out of it . SO also this world and its events are ever mixed with acts of LORD the divine  [ milk ] and materialistic or the wordly [ water ] , when a person only partakes the divine and is unaffected by the wordly , he is known as paramhansa .

one must always seek knowledge , every incident is engrained with a knowledge that we must learn and also it is just a worldy event , most of us get lost into success and failure of wordly events and its result of happiness or unhappiness but rarely we try to seek a knowledge or divine tattva hidden in our day to day events .  one who does that is hansa .

When a planet is combust among the sanyasa giving planets , one gets into the order withour initiation , if the same planet is defeated in planetary war , one leaves sanyasa after the initiation .

if the combust planet is strong and also ravi is strong than one becomes  tapasvi .

if the planet owning the house where moon is placed [ janma rashi adhipati ] if aspects saturn without being aspected by any other planet , will enter the order signified by rashyadhipati or saturn whichever is stronger .

if rashyadhipati is weak and is aspected by saturn than one becomes a digambar .

one becomes a naga if moon is in saturn or mars navamsa / dreshkana aspected by saturn

Saturn in ninth with strength gives sanyasa even if one has rajyoga , after becoming a king one becomes a sanyasi .

One will establish a new system of philosophy if jupiter moon and ascendant are all aspected by saturn and jupiter is in ninth

Madhvacharya established TATVAVADA .

As a child when he decided to gain sangatyaga [ and regain permanent sanga with LORD ] he decided to enter sanyasa ashrama . The opponents of HARI must always be punished , but as HANUMAN , BHEEMA he had done all that , now opponents o hari were present as bramhins ,these were not fit for physical punishments , and also , for others who were fit for punishments , DURGA DEVI had decided to take avatara on the banks of river payasvini .

SO to make people understand the real meaning of vedas , VAsudevacharya decided to take up sanyasa . BUt Father was very upset with the decision of the son . SO father MAdhyageha bhatt said , oh son , one who takes up sanyasa should not have a father , mother or anyone , but must have to rely only on LORD .

your decision is wrong why do you trouble me at this age , please change your mind , I beg you i bow to you , and Father makes  a namaskara . VASUDEVA [ MADHVACHARYA 's name before taking sanyasa ] says , one must only bow to elders or sanyasis, look BRAHMA the creator himself has given the permisiion by making you bow , father you have bowed to show I can become sanyasi [ elders aged bow before a young sanyasi ] as your child I am not eligible to be made namaskara by YOU !!!!!

Father anguished at the childs’ adamancy laments , I would end my life with suicide if you persist .

VASUDEV tearing a piece of linen and making a kaupin setting aside with a firmness says ” let me see how you dare that suicide “

[ the inner meaning is VASUDEV is MUKHYAPRANA , the life breath of all the souls , only if he leaves than does a person dies , so technically without his permission or will his father cannot die ]

Father says , people bear children so that he can look after them and also shastras say one must always protect and lookafter the aged parents , pativrata wife , a child even if one has to carryout akarya [ prohibited karma ]. You are the only child and earlier children have died ,

VAsudeva says , one should abandon the life and take up sanyasa as soon as one becomes virakta [ unattached ] towards the worldly issues so say vedas , anyhow I would wait till another baby is born to you to take care [ VISHNUTEERTHA is the brother of MADHVACHARYA who is still praying in the KUMARPARVAT of subramanya ]

FAther said I have heard these and i can convince myself but how will you convince if Your mother . VASUDEV said , you give me the permission first OH father than I woud convince mother too .

FATHER permistted with heavy heart , After the another son was born , VAsudev told his mother , MA , if you wish to see your son always in front of you permit me to take up sanyasa and don’t be a roadblock for the work of HARI . if you still do not give permission than I would leave this place and go away and you will never see me again , NOT seeing again is akin to death for a child . SO better I become a sanyasi and be before your eyes .

MOTHER permitted .

Vasudeva performed the timely acts of jeevashraddha etc the activities to be accomplished before taking up Sanyasa . Than on a given day ACHYUTPREKSHA swamy initiated VASUDEV into sanyasa and MADHVACHARYA who was given the name PURNAPRAGNYA by his guru was aptly known so as he is the knower of all the shastras even before he declare “sanyastam ” I offer all my senses and body and soul to you the LORD of all My lORD HARI .

WHen Achyutpreksha offered to initiate in the activities of sanyasa to be carried out for the first time , The teacher himself felt that is disciple is doing things in a extra perfect manner which is worth noting and imbibing .

ADVAITA was prevalent in those days and thus ACHYUTPREKSHA to make his disciple proficient , decided to teach him the grantha ” ISHTASIDDHI ” , MAdhvacharya never had any interest in such books , yet as an order from guru he opened it and pointed out a 32 defects in the evry first shloka of the grantha ,

AChyutpreksha could not give satisfactory answer to the questions raised as reagrds the defects neither did the book address them .AGAIN in the evening when ACHYUTPREKSHA took POORNAPRAGNYAcharya to ANATESHWAR temple as acharya prostarted before the LORD , ANANTESHWAR entered a nearby devotee and with a deep voice took the acharya into his arms and produced him before ACHYUTPREKSHA and proclaimed ” HE is the answer to all your questions in the mind “. THUS ACVHYUTPREKSHA understood that a new teacher has come down to show the path of salvation .

Acharya srimadacharya santu me janmajanmani

krishnarpanamastu .




Posted by on October 10, 2010 in Astroanalysis, Jyotish, yogas


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Raghavendra stotra

श्रीपूर्णबोधगुरुतीर्थपयोधिपारा कामारिमाक्षविषमाक्षशिरः स्पृशंती ।

पूर्वोत्तरामिततरंगचरत्सुहँस देवालिसेवितपरांघ्रिपयोजलग्ना ॥॥

जीवेशभेधगुणपूर्तिजगत्सुसत्व नीचोच्चभावमुखनक्रगणैः समेऽता ।


Tatparya:  Appanacharya the poet [author ] of this stotra was foremost among the disciples of ShriRaghavendra  swamy .  When the news spread that Swamiji is preparing for sajeeva Brindavan pravesh [ entering the samadhi avastha while alive ]  everyone rushed to Manchali [ todays' mantralaya  ] to witness the rare event and as well seek swamiji’s blessing for one last time , Appanacharya was in adjoining village across the river tungabhadra called Bhicchali .  though there was a roadway , Appanacharya in an emotional outburst [ at the very thought of missing Guru Raghavendra's presence once for all ] with tears started towards the Mantralaya . He was apprehensive about reaching Mantralaya before swamiji enters the samadhi . The thought brought extreme agony but nonethless he wished to reach mantralaya at the earliest and in an earnest attempt did not mind crossing the river walking through it . All through he compossed this very beautiful stotra praising Guru Raghavendra in a manner noone could have ever done with some startling revelations about Guru Raghavendra swamiji , his past his capabilities and his greatness [ mahima is the right word ] . The river paved way for him as he was worshipping his living deity his guru ,without drowning , Appanacharya reached Mantralaya just when the last slab was cemented onto GURU RAGHAVENDRA .  Apannacharya had composed the last shloka ” yo bhaktya …………………………vibhutirtula ‘

as he was stating the verse his eyes were filled with tears , he could not bear the separation of the beloved guru and the thought of not seeing GURU again was extremely unbearable , GURU RAGHAVENDRA suddenly appeared in  a golden hue and with abhaya mudra . The appearance of guru in such a magnificient form before him made him fill with emotions of surprise , happiness and devotion and his speech stopped at the word ………….” Vibhutirtula ” the composition was incomplete as meter did not complete ,

At that time Guru Raghavendra was seated in the japa of HAYAGREEVA , and hence a divine voice exclaimed …...” SAKSHI HAYASYOTRA HI “ thus completing the shloka and endorsing that whatever has been proclaimed in the stotra by Appanacharya is true and LORD HAYAGREEVA will be a witness for the long time to come or Lord himself will oversee its truth .

Thus the devotees surrounding were extremely happy at the divine sight and voice and were reassured that GURU Raghavendra is ever with them inside the brundavana ,

This incident took place in the year 8-8-1671 .

This stotra has exclusive stamp of Guru Raghavendra and LORD HAYAGREEVA and thus carries special place in the hearts of MADHVA devotees and is extremely potent in delivering quick instantaneous results and wish fulfillment like kamdhenu and kalpavriksha . May all the readers of this blog be benefitted by the translation of this stotra from today onwards and may lord hayagreeva fulfill their wishes .

Translation :

Appanacharya in the opening stanza compares the speech [ vani ] of Guru rayaru with that of GANGA . Just like GANGA let his voice purify us from sins .

So every word in this stanza can be interpreted from GANGA point of view and also from rayaru point of view ,

1. Bali chakravarty performed the 100th ashwamedha yagnya and LORD VAMAN asked him land covered by three footsteps . When BALI agreed , with one foot Lord covered entire Bhumandala with his second step he covered entire upper heaven seven lokas , while he was measuring his second step as he raised it to the upper crest of the UNIVERSE BRAMHANDA , the upper crest cracked as his nail of the toe touched the BRAMHANDA katah . The Bramhanda kharpar is the inner layer of the universe and externally it is engulfed by the jalavarana the [ prakruti water ]  . This water entered the crack and touching the LORD’s feet washing it , fell through the different LOKAS .

As it gushed through the Lord TRIIVIKRAMA’s  feet [ hari pada prakshalan jala ]  Bramha immediately took it in his kamandalu and again offered it to the feet of Lord Trivikrama [ Lord had appeared for the first time in this roopa and Bramha worshiped him by washing his feet and what more better [pure] water could he get than this new water gushing out of BRAMHANDA [ an out of world experience for the very creator of the world ] .

The same water as it was flowing with unabashed symphony , RUDRA held it in his jata [ hair locks ] and became purified , [ we always take VISHNU TEERTHA and sprinkle it on our head ] but RUDRA permanently keeps VISHNUPADODAKA in his locks , he is everpure and a great BHAGAVAT .

As it flowed further , it became sacred in INDRA LOKA and in SHimshumara loka DHRUVA worshipped and many rishis and devtas worshiped it as progressed , and finally as it fell on the MOUNT MERU , it divided into four streams in four directions ,.

  1. eastern stream got the name  ” seeta ” and flew into bhadrashva khanda
  2. SOuthern stream by the name ” Alaknanda ” flew into BHARATVARSHA
  3. western stream by the name ” chakshu ” flew into Ketumaal varsha
  4. Northern stream by the name ” Bhadra ” flew down the KURU VARSHA

and culminated into the waters of ocean in the jambudweepa .

All through the journey from BRAMHANDA KATAH to the jambudweep it purified all the DEVATAS RISHIs and MANUSHYA ., this sacred river is known as ” GANGA ”

So Ganga is the  only river which has its origin in devaloka and has been passing through the heaven and has touch of great Bramha shiva INDRA dhruv and devatas and rishis , such a sacred river is unique and has come to the earth to bless us all  and rest all other rivers have its origin here on the earth and joins the ocean and loses its entity on the earth itself , thus there is special place for ganga compared to other rivers . It is DEVA nadi , divine river . thus  the adjective ” DEVATA SARITA “

This ganga is like GURU Raghavendras’ Voice [speech ,teachings ] as people bathing in this river gets rid of the sins and the mal [dirt ] is cleansed ,vimali karotu ,  so also Guru’s words cleanse our sins and purify the devotees .

(vigatam malam yasmat sa: vimala: , na vimala: amala: , avimalam vimalam sampadyamanam karotu vimali karotu )

Usually poets when they use comparasions ,they compare very qualitative object with the subject , like face with a moon   , moon is far more beautiful than human face , yet poetic liberty passes it off .so upamaan and upameya [ moon and face ] are out of place , but here Raghavendra ‘ teachings speech vani vak is not compared to GANGA , but GANGA itself is  compared to Guru’s vani suggesting Guru RAGHAVENDRA’s teachings are far more sacred than GANGA because . Ganga cleanses the sins of people who chant its name , who seeks its blessings by  visit and who take bath in the ganges . Such a bath cleanses the sins and purifies , resulting in clean mind taking to shravan [ listening ] of shastras , and finally leading to the knowledge of LORD .

Ganga by itself does not arise the knowledge of LORD after cleansing .  BUT guru’s teachings not only cleanses the sins and purifies but also practically imparts the knowledge of LORD and there by giving MOKSHA , Ganga is aid to MOKSHA but Guru’s words are assurity of MOKSHA and thus greater .

because such a quality exists Our acharyas are also known as SRIRAGHAVENDRA teertha . teertha is ganga [ or river like ] .

Let such words of guru cleanse our sins .

Now this GANGA [ and also GURU RAGHAVENDRA ] is praised through five adjectives [ visheshana ] . firstly we shall see how this adjective applies to GANGA and than to Rayaru .

  1. sripurnabodhaguruteerthapayodhipara :

sri purna – full of brightness , bodha – budha , guru – father [ budha's father moon chandra ] , teertha – birth place , payodhi – ocean , para – encompassing [joining] , rightful owner  . ganga finally joins ocean and hence ocean is one and all for her . such a ocean when churned gave rise to the moon and this moon gave birth to mercury who was full of brightness right from the birth , thus this quality is primarily in the GANGA  .

2. kamarimakshvishmakshshirahsprushanti :

kamari – enemy of kama [ manmath ] is SHIVA [Rudra ]  , ma – gyana knowledge , aksh – eye , vishmaksha – odd three eyed , shirah – head , sprushanti – touches

Shiva is ever engaged in the dhyana of NARAYANA and thus can see him and all the knowledge through his eyes and hence he is maksh [ one who can see the knowledge of NARAYANA , aparokshagyani ]  he is blessed with a third eye of agni along with usual two eyes , this third eye has burnt down even kama manmath when he tried to disturb his penance , such a SHIVA ‘s head is always wet with the touch of GANGA , and ganga has this distinction of being in his hair locks .

3.purvottaramittarangacharatsuhansa :

purva uttara – ganga flows perpendicular to east and west direction , [ ganga flows in nORTH south direction in bharat varsha ] , amit – limitless , taranga – waves ,charat – flows , suhansa – great swan raj hansa .

Ganga flows like a raj hansa through its limitless waves perpendicular to east west direction .

4.devalisevitaparanghripayojlagna :

deva – deities devatas, aali – pankti ,line , array  ; sevita – worshiped by , para – LORD anghripayoj – lotus like feet ;  lagna -engrossed in [ connected to ] .

the array of devatas line up to worship the lotus feet of LORD , which is the origin of Ganga and she is always conjoined and engrossed ever attached to the feet . so also the Devatas .

5. durvadyajapatigilai:

durvadi – unbearable sound ; ajapati – herds of sheep gilai- gulping swallowing

jeeveshbhedhagunapurtijagasusatva nechochhabhavamukhanakraganai:

jeev – animals ; among them eesh – bigger animals [ like elephants etc ]; bhedha – difference or cognizance ;- guna – quality ; purti -  complete filled up  ; jagat – world ; susatva -  well known and famous heroics and greatness ; neechocchabhavmukha – uneven [ large at some place and small at some place ] faced ; nakra – crocodiles ; ganai: – groups

crocodiles have uneven faces and making unbearable noises  and are very wild animals which can engulf swallow sheeps and even bigger among animals like elephants when they come to drink water in the rivers . Ganga is full of such wild crocodiles  which are famous for the strength in the world .

Now these five adjectives let us see how it applies to GURU Raghavendra .


sri – mahalaxmi devi presiding diety for VEDA ; purnabodha – complete authority knowledge and grasp of vedas ; imparting Guru – great auspicious and foremost ; teertha -shashtra  [like ] payodhi – ocean ;para – encompassing  is Guru ‘s teachings vani of GURU RAGHAVENDRA

Humans have natural tendency to cheat ,to misrepresent , to lie .Humans also are susceptible to doubts , ignorance and false incorrect conclusions[ vipareet  gyana ] .

With so many defective tendencies , human deliverables cannot be accepted or brought into practice or considered as supreme truth , Any writings having its origin in human or authored by human cannot be accepted as supreme truth .

So only those teachings which do not have human authorship [ which is not outcome of mere human intelligence and also has allegiance to apaurusheya ] can be believed .

Vedas are apaurusheya and as they are not written by anyone one can completely believe in it and there can be no objections to as it does not have any defects .

Any grantha [ subject ] should be read with complete faith and  belief only then its contents will be understood or conveyed . If someone reads without any belief in any scripture , he may not benefit from the said scripture .

Vedas are complete truth and are beginingless timeless knowledge imparting , if with sucha  a faith  it is read then it imparts complete knowledge thus it is known as “Sripurna bodha .”

Vedas declare  ” ananta vai veda:  “  thus vedas are infinite . it has infinite concepts . thus it is ocean of a very big shastra . guruteerthapayodhi – guru – very big [ infinite ] ; teertha – shastra ; payodhi – ocean .

vedas are thus complete knowledge and infinite ocean of concepts .  para – moola origin .

This veda is the moola or origin or sarvasva [ everything dear to ] the VANI speech or teachings of Guru RAGHAVENDRA .

Voice /teachings of SRi RAGHAVENDRA has its origin in the VEDAS which is full of complete knowledge and is ocean of infininte concepts .

1a . Does this Veda impart anything useful or any timepass subject . Does it convey anything of prime importance , or anything about the supreme . the same word sri purna bodhaguruteertha removes this doubt .

This veda encompasses SRI LAXMI devi ; POORNA – LORD NARAYANA ; BODHAGURU – jagadguru VAYUDEVA [ one who imparts knowledge to the world about SRi and NARAYANA who is purna complete ]   and one which conveys these three entities TEERTHA – shastra is veda , and such a veda is moola for RAGHAVENDRA GURU’s speech .

VEDAS have no doubt in calling LAXMi devi as SRI .

Is NARAYANA called as PURNA , veda pramana is ” ath kasmaduchyate bramheti , bruhanto hyasmin Guna: ” sakalkalyangunapurna NARAYANA is BRAMHA the PURNA .

is VAYU Known as Jagadguru

” sa yenan Bramha gamayati ” etc declare VAYU as JAGADGURU

Veda proclaim the greatness of these three thus Vedas are known as Sripurnabodha guruteertha .

1b . These three entities are highest in the entire creation , and their knowledge is important in getting their blessings and their blessings will lead to MOKSHA and thus Vedas are indeed useful to the mankind , it is just not a scripture but MOKSHA giving scripture .

1c. Can Vedas be deciphered , which other things should be resorted to , to understand VEDAS ?

Again the same word answers this question , Sri PURNA bodha , Bright with Filled KNOWLEDGE is LORD VEDVYASA , his teertha infact guru teertha means many shastras like 18 puranas , mahabharata , many vidyas upapuranas etc should be resorted to decipher vedas and para – all encompassing these are the speech of GUru RAGHAVENDRA .

Lord VEDVYASA is no doubt full of complete Knowledge , but Vedas contain opposing sentences but yet Vedas say they are all correct . Thus many doubts arise with respect to efficacy of vedas in light of mutually opposing statements , Therefore to reconcile these differences VEDVYASA has written puranas and MAHABHARATA .

1d. IF there arises differences in PURANAS and its statements then what should be done ?

the same word Sripurnabodhaguruteertha solves it !

Sripurnabodha – Vedvyasa has written guru – much infinite in meaning [ though fewer in letters and words ]  teertha – bramhasutra   and these form the basis of RAGHAVENDRA swamy’s teachings .

1e. But these SUTRAS were completely misinterpreted by various scholars ?

Sri -VEDA [ laxmi abhimanya ] Purna – complete Bodha – understanding havingAcharya Srimadhva has wriiten GURU – multiple infinitly deliverable teertha – sutrabhashya sarvamoolagrantha is the moola for teachings of RAGHAVENDRA .

Madhvacharya has learnt practically from SRI VEDVYASA only in badrikashram and with his permission he has composed SUTRA BHASHYA and SARVAMOOLA Grantha which is dear to RAGHAVENDRA teertha . and his tecahings reflect them .

1f. SRIPOORNABODHA – Tikacharya also is as per his capacity a complete gyani and his guru shashtra – TIKA nyansudha is base for the RAYARU ‘s grantha parimala

How can we say that ?


and his shastra is NYAYASUDHA etc . is moola for RAGHAVENDRA

Sripurnabodha : guru: yesham  te sripurnabodhagurava: , tesham shastram !!

1g . similarly all the gurus in the yati paramapara like vadiraj ,vijayeendra vyasa teertharu form the moola for RAGHAVENDRA teertha ‘ teachings

1h lastly RAGHAVENDRA guru ‘s followers to come in his lineage like SUmateendra teerth will also have the same moola like our Guru’s vani to impart such infinite knowledge .

2. Kamarimakshvishmakhshirahsprushanti :

Our Guru Raghavendra’s teachings have the approval of KAMARIMAKSHVISMAKSH ie SHIVA [ Rudra ] who gives his approval by shirah sprushanti – by nodding his head .It touches the head of RUDRA as he rejoices in his approval for the speech has its moola in VEDAS .  Is SHIVA approving just for the sake of it , has his approval any special importance yes , because this is the same lord shiva who has won the manmatha, he has the knowledge of NARAYANA so practical that he can see him and and he is the one with a unique odd eye ,eye of AGNI the symbol of purity , so his nod is very auspicious  and makes our GURU’s voice very special .


OUR shastra has two aspects poorvamimamsa and uttara mimamsa. uttaramimamsa is also known as bramhamimamsa

amittaranga – Such to shastra those who have mastered completely by diving into it [ deving deep into it ] are the gyanis[ GURU RAGHAVENDRA Inclusive ] and

charat – following such great gyanis are

suhansa – great paramhansas [ sanyasi of highest order ]  and Guru RAGhavendra ‘s voice abides by these .

normally when studying a concept its relevance to poorva and uttara mimamsa has to be studied under able guru and hence guru is served with utmost honour and  devotion to imbibe such difficult concepts , MAny gyanis have known such deep knowledge by abiding by the vani of Sri RAGHAVENDRA .

BUt have they grasped fully the concepts ? EVEN after spending a lot of efforts they are still surfing[ charat] only the waves infinite [ amitataranga ] of this ocean and have been unale to go the depth and  such is the depth of Sriraghavendra teertha VANI ,

4. devalisevitaparanghripayojlagna

the bees always buzzes around a lotus for the honey , similarly devatas always hover around the lotus feet of LORD and keep meditating on it and are engrossed in it forever similarly RAGHAVENDRA guru’s VANI is always engrossed in LOTUS feet of LORD .


durvadi – those who make annoying debates [ illogical and anti GOD ] dushta vadi such debators

ajapati – like sheeps

gilai: – the VOICE swallows them [ dushta vadi ]


jeeveshbhedha – the difference between JEEVATMA and PARAMATMA

Gunapoorna – the knowledge that Lord is full of Auspicious qualities

jagatsusatva – this world is indeed real

Neechochchabhava mukh – that there is hierarchy of souls in this universe . TARTAMYA

nakra – logic like that very dangerous crocodiles

ganai; such groups of logic

sameta – inclusive is the voice of RAGHAVENDRA .

hile establishing the MADHVA concepts RAGHAVENDRA’s teahings and voice is full of logic like a group  dangerous crocodile which can swallow in single attempt the durvadi the debators of illogical and irreligious beliefs .

Let such VANI / speech of our GREAT GURU RAGHAVENDRA cleanse us off our sins and lead us to MOKSHA .


SRIRAGHAVEDRA swamy’s voice conveys the meaning of vedas , in accordance with Vedavyasa and his teachings , elaborated by MADHVACHARYA , jayateerha till the guru sudheendra teertha of RAYARU and also forms the base for other yatis in parmapara like sumatindraterrtharu etc . It has  nod of RUDRA and other devatas , it is acceptable to thse devatas also . many paranhansa have abided by it , it is very deep , and describes the lotus feet of LORD NARAYANA , with terrible and strong logic it destroys the opponents [ durvadis ] and upholds the difference between jeev and parmatma . establishes hierarchy , extols NARAYANA as poorna complete and sarvottama and declares this world as real . HIS speech is sacred as GANGA , more than ganga it is potent in removing the sins of devotees and lead them MOKSHA .

श्रीराघवेंद्रः सकलप्रदाता स्वपादकंजद्वयभक्तमुद्भ्यः। अघाद्रिसंभेदनदृष्टिवज्रः क्षमासुरेंद्रोऽवतु माम सदाऽयम









श्रीराघवेंद्रो हरिपादकंजनिषेवणाल्लब्धसमस्तसंपत। देवस्वभावो दिविजदृमोयमिष्टप्रदो मे सततं स भूयात॥

haripaadkanjnishevNat  labdh -

  • haripaad – narsimha ‘s feet
  • kanj – lotus [ padma nidhi ]
  • nishevaNat – having served continuously
  • labdha – obtained
  • samast – all
  • sampat – riches [ pleasures and belongings ]
  • devswabhav – devata like qualities
  • divij – divine ,drum – parijaat kalpavruksha trees
  • soyam – sriraghavendra
  • satatam – always
  • me – bestow me
  • ishtaprad: – my wishes and desires
  • bhuyat – be so

In this world there are mnay types of nidhis . Nidhi is a riches that we enjoy , Man becomes rich and donates and enjoys when LAKSHMI devi incharge of various nidhis resides in ones house . There are 18 types of nidhis , of these six are of satvik type which are always available through the grace of LORD NARAYANA , these can be got only devotion and not through hard work or physical labour or serving some industry , army or a KING .The other type of six nidhis are obtained by wishful determination and subsequent charities and austerities towards the deities or kings or other rich men . LAST six nidhis are obtained by tamasik souls through kshudra mantras , dacoity . deciet or by doing only sins . this is the reason why sometimes we find much riches with sinners also .

The highest among the NIDHIS is known as padma nidhi , person having this nidhi will have very auspicious marks on the body and palms , his house will be full of divine bliss and there will books and scriptures in every crner of the house . Such person enjoys bliss in this world as well as in other world , There will be extreme grace of LAXMINARAYANA on the person having padma nidhi ,

Where does this nidhi arise from , haripadakanjnishevanatllabda – obtained by continuous service offered to the feet of LORD NARSIMHA and other avataras which SRIRAGHAVENDRA swamy has served in his various avataras .

  • As PRAHALAD he has served NARSIMHA
  • As BALHIKA he served KRISHNA
  • As VYASA he served VEDVYASA
  • As RAGHAVENDRA he is serving MOOLARAMA , hayagreeva , vedvyasa ,Narsimha ,KRISHNA

What has he earned by this , PADMA NIDHI [ which encompasses all the pleasures and enjoyments ] .  Because of this RAGHAVENDRA swamy who is of DEVA SWABHAV [ having qualities of devatas ] he is not like humans given to anger and desires and selfishness , but like DEvatas , who are generous and always granting wishes  like divijdrum [ divine trees like kalpavriksha and paarijaat ] . Like this tree Let RAGHAVENDRA swamiji grant my all wishes always from the warehouse of padmanidhi that he has accumulated .

note : one can give to others only when one has something in his pocket . SWAMIJI is virakta a a sanyasi , and also he was in a very poor condition [financially] prior to taking sanyas , nor did he have any ancestral property so how can he give ? HE has has padma nidhi which he has earned by continuous serving of LORD NARSIMHA .


note there are many more meanings to this shloka , because of the lack of space and length of the post , i have limited my discussion and analysis , scholars should forgive with a large heart at my alpaprayatna .

For other reads on RAyaru please click following




Posted by on October 6, 2010 in Jyotish


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Urdhwapundra , [ the annointment of gopichandan on the forehead ] has to be done in carrying out every VEDIK karma like japa , homa yagnya tarpana pooja etc . without these the karma remains imperfect and impure annuling its effect.

All the annointments [ dwadash naam ] should be vertical  in a upright manner . vertical pundra , signifies the flow of antahshkti [ internal spiritual force , ojas ] upwards in the body signifying his upward journey towards heavens .

Satvikas are the one who desire upward moments ie urdhwasrotas  . RAjasik [ manushya ] are Arvaksrotas ie they like to direct  their life force in downward direction . that means they misuse their energy to face defetas and disappointments . animals are tiryaksrotas that means their energy or life force moves in horizontal directions . they ever remain in ignorance . with neither progress nor descent .

the pundradharana in a way is first step in guiding the life force ., devotees wearing a vertical mudras , tilak chanting the names of Vishnu assure themselves a place in higher realms . This increases their satvik nature and helps their sadhana.

VIJAYDASARU says  those who anoint themselves with a urdhwa pundra [ urdhwa means vertical ] he need not perform any other karma at all , all his actions guarantee a Vishnu sthana .

Never one must wear a tiryak pundra , ie horizontal pundras  In varaha purana it is enumerated as one among the 32 aparadhas [sins ] while performing pooja .

what material should be used to annoint ?

GOPICHANDANA should be used .

Gopichandana is found in DWARAKA . it is the soil where Krishna has walked upon in dwapara . it is white in colour .

Padmapurana says , just like dwaraka , gopi from srirangam , simhadri , prayaag is also acceptable .

In one of the smritis and sangraha , it is said that , soil , gandha , bhasma , water all the four can be used for Pundradharana .

so this may lead to confusion that bhasma from siva temple may be also valid . to avoid this confusion acharayaratna grantha clarifies ,

when performing japa in jalashaya [ rivers , tanks or ponds ] pundra dharana should be with water , while sitting for homa or havana , homa bhasma should be used for pundra dharana for japa post agnikarya oupasan ,after the pooja  gandha [ sandal paste ] should be used for the pundra dharana , and while in pilgrimage , soil should be used for pundra dharana , and at all times gopichandana remains the best for pundra dharana .

Gopichandana should be used with nirmalaya teertha to form a paste in the palms . Nirmalya teertha is the water obtained from the first bath of the LORD’s murty or shaligrama after removing previous days’ alankara [ offerings of sandal tulasi and flowers etc ]

Three tie gayatri , three ties pranava and three times ashtakshara should be used to prepare the paste . This will give vishesha sannidhi of Lord in the sadhak , This will form the armour , kavach like protection to the devotee .

Firstly gopichandana should be offered prayer ,

dwarkakshetrasambhute sarvapapahare shubhe

krishnamaata: namastubhyam gopichandan te namaha ||”

then Draupadi devi’s prarthana should be offered for protection

” shankhachakragadapaNE dwarakanilayachyut |

govind pundarikaksha raksha mam sharaNagata ||

twelve pundra [ naams ] should be worn with the chant of keshava etc names .

Bramhanda purana says , in shukla paksha it should keshava narayana etc , in krishna paksha it should be sankarshan etc twelve names to be used while annointing .,

  1. Fore head ,  leaf 4 inch
  2. stomach centre shape deep shikha  8 inch
  3. chest  shape lotus flower 8 in
  4. neck front jambu phala 4 in
  5. stomach right deepa shikha  8 in
  6. arm right leaf 8 in
  7. neck right janbu phala 4 in
  8. stomach left deep shikha 8 in
  9. arm left leaf 8 in
  10. neck left jambu fruit 4 in
  11. back lower jambu fruit 8 in
  12. neck back jambu fruit 4 in
  13. additional on head leaf 4 in
  14. right breast  srivatsa 2in
  15. left breast kaustubha 1 in

except little finger all other fingers can be used to put the pundra .

angushtha thumb will give prosperity

madhyama middle will give longevity

ring finger will give good food

forefinger tarjani will give mukti.

All the pundras should contain empty space in between wherby LAXMI NARAYANA stays there to grace the devotee .,

ALL the castes should wear the Pundra . one who sees a man with a pundra dharana on the forehead , even if he is chandala , it will give relief from sins . so chandalas can also wear a pundra dharana .

Pundra means one which exhibits discipline . Pundra is Vaidik chinha [ mark ] .

PUNDA is lethargy inertia , one which removes this is PUNDRA , ” pundam rahayatiti pundram “

SO wearing a pundra is extending discipline to the body by discarding lethargy .

Most of the people think , horizontal indicates SHAIVAITE and verticla indicates VAISHNAVAS


Vertical is sign of vEDIC Study . horizontal is a symbolism . vertical pundra is not symbolism to represent a sect .

EVEN SHAIVAites also on the day of upanayana wear a vertical pundra only to enable the vedic study and then superimpose tripundra to reinforce their sect .

SO Pundra vertical is not sectarian but disciplinary .

Vishnuteertha has said PUNDRA is ” Bramhanadi kramena tu “

Our outer Pundra follows the nadis inside the body .

The flow of energy in our body is from muladhara to sahasrar.  In the stomach region flow is tripartite in the form of IDA PINGAL AND SUSHUMNA ,

thus there are three large pundras of the shape of lighted wick . as it recahed anahat it magnifies into a lotus , arms form the daily instrumenst for such kundalini rise thus two in the arms , as it reaches vishuddha it spreads into all the four directions and thus four in the neck and finally it converges to agnya there by into the sahasrar thus twice on the head pundra is worn to get samputikarna , as the kundalini has to rise from muladhara , a formal push is required so a pundra in the back is also worn . Placing LORD in every chakra and requesting a flow is what chanting of Keshav namaa and finally vasudev mantra enables the samputikarna in sahasrar .



Posted by on October 4, 2010 in Jyotish


Naarsimha Nakhastuti – 2!!!

ल़क्ष्मीऽकान्त समन्ततोऽ विकलयन्नैवेऽशितुस्तेऽ समम

पश्याम्युत्तमवस्तु दूरतरतोऽपास्तम रसोऽयोऽष्टमः।


खद्योतोऽपमविष्फुलिन्गभसिता ब्रह्मेऽशशक्रोत्कराः॥

इति श्रीमदानन्दतीऽर्थ भगवतपादाचार्य‌‌कृता नृसिम्हनखस्तुतिः  समाप्ता ॥


Shri Madhwaacharya  has established in the first shloka that there is no difference between nail of Narsimha and NArsimha and worships HIM .

Now some doubts can  rise in the minds in this aspect as follows :

If there is anyone GREATER than Narsimha  than whatever we can get by worshiping Narsimha something better and more can be got [acquired from] from this Greater GOD without doubt ”

Even if there is no one GREATER than NArsimha ,if only someone is equivalent to NArsimha , then also similar results [ of worshiping Narsimha ] can be got from worshiping other equals . In this case question may arise why alone worship NArsimha when others can give same results too ”

” If worshiping others can give results better than the results that can be enjoyed by grace of NARSIMHA , then praying them should be better option ”

“If similar results and grace can exist than one should equally pray other DEITIES “

All these doubts can arise in the minds of devotees ,as well fear may arise as what if others are not worshipped , then will we miss something , will we attract any sins or will other GOD be annoyed ”

To allay all these doubts and fears , with pramanas , SRIMADANANDATEERTHA puts forward the sarvottamatva [ supremacy of NARSIMHA ] .

Hey Laxmi Narsimha

  1. There is no element living or non living which attracts the heart and mind of Srimahalaxmi in the entire world , thus she is supremely desirable in the universe and is superior to all ., But LOrd NARSIMHA is the only one who attracts her attention and she completely surrenders herself ,There is none who attracts your mind and heart  thus You [ Narsimha ] are supreme .
  2. Laxmidevi is lord of all beings in the universe , you are LORD to LAXMI herself thus You are supreme .
  3. I tried to search the entire universe to see if anything is Superior to you, but I found nothing , then I tried to find anything similar to you , but I was unsuccessful .
  4. Okay may be in present time there may be none equal or superior to you . So I searched for superior or equal in the past . But answer was negative . With gnyandrishti , I tried to peep into the furture , but I found none ever existing equal or greater than YOU .,
  5. I tried to inspect Vedas , vedanukulya purana and shastras , but everywhere You are extolled as , ” na tatsamshchabhyadhikashch drishyate ” we can see nothing equivalent or superior to NARSIMHA .
  6. There is none even equal to you so how can there be anyone superior to YOU .
  7. You are in everyone and everyone is dependent on YOU . therefore at all times and at all places in all shastra you are the only one mentioned as SUPERIOR and Greatest .sarvottam .
  8. In chandogya upanishat , there is mention of PRITHVI etc as superior , this doubt may arise in the minds of devotees . thus Acharya uses the word , ‘ rasoyoashtama;” . In chandogyaupanishat Prithvi is known as superior and then VARUN is given to be superior than prithvi , chandra is shown as superior to Varun , thus seven deities are shown to be superior to one another , and the [ ashtama:] eighth one is superior most that is YOU .
  9. NArsimha you are the eigth deity . Thus prithvi and and their relative superiority in chandogya only assists in establishing supremacy of Lord and is not an objection in itself .  The eigth most supreme LORD is NARAYANA it is you only that is what I conclude as there is none equal or greater than you already established so chandogya is infact refering to NARSIMHA .
  10. ” If NARSIMHA is LORD than what about SHIVA and others who sometimes claim supremacy “. ” the answer lies in raso yo ashtama: ! there are six rasa in the world , sour sweet salt astringent chilly bitter there is no seventh rasa . All these rsas are like deities SHIVA INDRA etc , the seventh could have been someone equal to you but there is no seventh , [ ie none equal ] thus You are the EIGHTH the SUPREME having control over all the six rasas with seventh not in existence .
  11. YOu are the destroyer of the UNIVERSE oh NARSIMHA . when in the end You express anger of pralaya , first your right eye and then third eye and lastly all the three eyes open with [Akrosha]  and by the side glance alone full of ferociousness flames emerge from the eyes . Than the bodies of BRAMHA , RUDRA and INDRA onwards all of them get charred to ashes . flames of lager size akin to SUN and smaller size akin to firefly simultaneously emerge and burn down the bodies of BRAMHA etc , none survives this total annihilation , thus it proves You are the supreme and burn down every being and as none survives this pralaya except NARSIMHA himself YOU ARE THE SUPREME .
  12. Thus YOu are responsible for srishti ,palan ,gnyan , agnyana, samsaar ,MOKSHA  of all the JEEVAs , Thus YOU ARE THE SUPREME GOD !!!!!!!!!

Thus SRIMADANANDTEERTHA describes LORD with adjectives

  1. pratat – OMNIPOTENT Auspicious , without any blemishes [ paripoorna]
  2. bhavita nakivrundai:  – Worshiped by BRAMHA etc for well being, gaining wishes [abhisTapradayak ]
  3. puruhutvairi – one who  removes  sins and obstacles[ anishTanivarak]
  4. yadroshotkar -  Sarvasamharak
  5. Laxmikanth – swami To LAXMI herself

Thus HE LAXMINARSIMHA IS sarvottam .



Posted by on September 14, 2010 in Jyotish


Naarsimha Nakhastuti – 1 !!!

पान्त्वस्मान पुरुहूतवैरिबलवन्मातन्गमाद्यद्घटा कुम्भोच्छाद्रिविपाट्नाधिकपटुप्रत्यैकवज्रायिता:॥

श्रीमत्कण्ठीर्वास्य प्रतत सुनखरा दारितारातिदूर-प्रध्वस्तध्वान्तशान्तप्रविततमनसा भाविता नाकिव्रुन्दै:॥

पदछेद: ————- पान्तु , अस्मान , पुरुहूतवैरिबलवन्मातन्गमाद्यद्घटा कुम्भोच्छाद्रिविपाट्नाधिकपटुप्रत्यैकवज्रायिता: , श्रीमत्कण्ठीर्वास्य , प्रतत , सुनखरा , दारितारातिदूर , प्रध्वस्तध्वान्तशान्तप्रविततमनसा , भाविता:, नाकिव्रुन्दै:

अन्वय : ——— प्रतत श्रीमत्कण्ठीर्वास्य पुरुहूतवैरिबलवन्मातन्गमाद्यद्घटा कुम्भोच्छाद्रिविपाट्नाधिकपटुप्रत्यैकवज्रायिता: दारितारातिदूर , प्रध्वस्तध्वान्तशान्तप्रविततमनसा नाकिव्रुन्दै: भाविता: सुनखरा अस्मान पान्तु


  • pratat ‘ residing[ being present ] At all times and all places with complete auspicious qualities
  • ‘srimatkanTirvasya ‘ -  srimat , along with LAXMI  ‘kanTirav ‘ with a lion’s face  ‘asya ‘ oh LAXMI NARSIMHA
  • puruhUtvairibalavanmatangamadyodghaTakumbhochchadrivipaatnadhikpaTupratyekvajrayita:  puruhut – Indra  vairi – enemy [ enemy of Indra are daityas ] balavat large and strong
  • matangamadyadghaTa – with inflated egos like a bunch of intoxicated  elephants kumbha – neck of [ such elephants ] as such ‘ucchchadri ‘ mountains [large and high ] in the matter of such mountains or for such mountains , like a vajrayudha [ weapon of INDRA ]
  • nakivrundaiyi: – naki means devatas [ one residing in swarga ] vrundaiyi: – group s
  • darita – destroyed thus , arati – the qualities like lust anger etc which are like enemies
  • duur – far away , pradhwasta – driven  , dhwaant – darkness called ignorance  , shaant -  having qualities of peace and calmness , pravi – in LORD parmatma , tat- enlightened [spread] , manasa – in the  mind  , bhavita: – meditated upon thus , tav – your , sunakhara – beautiful great  nails ,, pantu – protect, asmaan -  me !!!!!!


  1. There are three types of VYAPTI :
  2. deshvyapti
  3. kaalvyapti
  4. gunavyapti

NARAYANA is present everywhere , there is no place in entire creation where he does not exist. This is deshavyapti .

HAri is present at all times , before creation , during creation and after creation and after pralaya as well . There is no time when LORD is not there . This is known as kaalvyapti .

HAri has all the auspicious qualities , No good quality ever exists anywhere which is not present in LORD . And all these qualities are ever present in him without diminishing . This is known as gunavyapti .

Thus as he has three types of vyapti ever Lord NARSIMHA is called as pratat .

Hirankashyap had asked for  a boon that he cannot die at the hands of either animal or manushya . It was imperative that he should be killed but at the same time boons should also be honoured . SO lord took the form of NARSIMHA , half lion [ above neck ] and half human [ below neck ] . This form can neither be called as animal nor human . Thus with this rupa  Hiranyakashyap could be killed as well boon given to him be protected . This form of LORD along with LAXMI is known as SrimatkanTiravaasya .

Lords’ nails are not PRAAKRUT [ not made of any natural elements , ie bones , cartilage etc are forms of natural products , as they occur in nature prakriti , human nails are praakrut ]But LORD’s nails existed even before creation[ creation is done through prakriti ie it is made up of satva rajas tamas ] . As it existed even before creation [ srishti] it cannot be of satva rajas tamas . It is apraakrut .

It is made of gnanandaityadigunayukta . ie It is made of qualities like gnana , annda etc . Thus these nails are atishreshTa ie very great and reverential . Thus it is not termed as just nails ‘ NAKHA ‘ but as ‘ SUNAKHAR “  Acharya has described these nails with two adjectives , beautiful adjectives . VISHESHANA.

  • These nails of LORD NARSIMHA has immense capabilities to remove all the miseries .
  • second vishesha is it can grant all the wishes .

The demons [ group of demons ] can be compared to intoxicated elephants . Their inflated egos [ durahankara ] can be compared to the KUMBHASTHALA [ neck ]  . These inflated egos of DEMONS are like kumbhsthala of elephants of size of mountains .  Lions’ nails tears apart these kumbhasthala . This tearing apart is like destroying of mountains by INDRA by his vajrayudha , All the nails together of lion can perhaps kill an elephant . But LORD’s single nail is itself capable of destroying the mountain like garva[ill  pride ]  of demons and kills them effortlessly . Thus NARSIMHA’s nails are more powerful than Vajrayudha and can deter all the demons .LET this NAIL protect us from all the miseries and difficulties and that those of devotees . Thus prays ACHARYA SRIMADANANDATEERTHA .[ this describes first adjective ]

Prior to meditation  on LORD NARSIMHA  , one must have mind equipped with four qualities .

  1. it should be free from enemies like anger ,lust etc .
  2. It should have driven away the darkness known as ignorance and foolhardy  attitude [ vipareet gnyana ]
  3. It should have inner peace and calmness [ Shanti ]
  4. It should have complete concentartion [ ekagrata ]

When all these qualities have been accomplished then mind can prepare itself to meditate on LORD and HIS attributes . All the deities from BRAMHA onwards equip themselves with such a mind and pray NARSIMHA’s NAILS   to get their miseries solved and wishes fulfilled . Let such nail of LORD NARSIMHA  protect me under all circumstances.

note : THERE is no difference between NAIL of NARSIMHA and LORD NARSIMHA himself , as there is abheda, among all the nails just one nail itself is also addressed as NARSIMHA and prayed upon through this SHLOKA by  MADHVACHARYA .

next post second shloka shall be dwelt with .



Posted by on September 6, 2010 in Jyotish


Naarsimha Nakhastuti !!!


ANgeerasa gotra has given rise to many a lineage of scholars . One such lineage is that of LIKUCHI  dynasty [ also known as pejataye dynasty ] which is well known . ALL the bramhins born in this dynasty were great tapasvis and excellent in poetic skills and well versed in all shastras . In this dynasty in vaivasvat manvantara 28th kaliyuga in 43rd century was born a great scholar by name SUBRAMHANYA panditacharya . He had a son by name TRIVIKRAMpandiatacharya who had mastered all shastras in his early years .He was  poet of extraordinary brilliance .

Father being in the ADVAITA parampara in his last days called his son and said ” oh son , when there is realization of the fact [ sakshatkaar ] that jeevatma and paramatma are one , there remains nothing to be known and nothing exists after that !  Me or people before me have never had such a realization . If anyone had had this realization then from that second the lineage would have stopped as world did not exist for him and world neither existed nor did we . But as this is not experienced , world is false[ mithya ] and jeeva and parmatma are one such an idea is not to be believed and do not keep faith in this . To know the truth serve LORD VAASUDEV sincerely !!!!!”

saying this Father died . Trivikramacharya served LOrd with complete devotion . In those days he heard about Shri MADHVACHARYA  of udipi . He debated with ACHARYA MADHVA for fifteen days in defence of ADVAITA , but lost to MADHVACHARYA and became his disciple . From that day onwards , he accompanied Madhvacharya and started learning about the divine DVAITA philosophy .

Acharya Madhva once went to BADRIKASHRAM ,. there  while performing daily pooja to BADRINARAYANA , he asked TRIVIKRAMACHARYA to stand outside the garbhagriha and closed the doors . For  a long time when doors were not opened ,curiosity caused Trivikramacharya to peep through the small hole in the door latch .

There he observed ACHARYA MADHVA worshipping the BADRINARAYANA , LORD HANUMAN in his two rupas doing alankara [ decoration and fanning ] to LORD . BHEEMASENA preparing naivedya for the LORD .

Seeing such a celestial vision TRIVIKRAMPANDITAACHARYA  BELIEVING firmly that MADHVACHARYA is indeed avatara of VAYU , in ecstasy composed the praises of VAYU and his three rupas HANUMA BHEEMA MADHVA . This composition is popularly KNOWN as HARIVAYUSTUTI !!!!!!

Note : HARIVAYUSTUTI remains one of the most difficult to pronounce shlokas till date and occupies the numero uno position among the mantras !!!!!

ACHARYA MADHVA  as he came out of the temple Trivikramacharya submitted this composition to the lotus feet of ACHARYA MADHVA , SRIMADANANDATEERTHA  expressing his appreciation over the composition said that let the composition become a MAHAMANTRA . let each shloka [ it is 42 shloka composition ] give a specific result and wishes when a punascharana is practised on this mahamantra . Thus it became a great boon to the souls coming in this saampradaya [ paramapara ] .

However entire 42 shlokas pertains to only VAYU and not HARI so MADHVACHARYA composed two shlokas of LORD LAXMI NARSIMHA’s nails [ nakha] and ordained that when these two shlokas are recited before and after the recitation of 42 shlokas , let one gain the results of a parayana .

This two shlokas are popular as NARSIMHA NAKHASTUTI . second shloka of this stuti starts with ” LAXMIKANTH ” some scholars raise an objection that this shloka second one speaks only about the NARSIMHA and not his nail nakha . IN UDIPI the tulu version does not have this second shloka , therefore mostly argue that this muist not have been composed by MADHVACHARYA only one shloka has only been composed .

entire 42 shloka does not speak of hari but only vayu but last shloka says ” stutimkrut harervayudevasya cha” also tells about hari so Laxmikanth shloka must have been actually written by Trivikrampanditacharya only thus opine certain scholars .

LORD has no organic differnces and thus NAIL [ NAKHA ] of narsimha is same as that NARSIMHA . THUS NAIL of NARSIMHA aslo qualifies to be LAXMIKANTH and hence second shloka is as well the NAKHASTUTI .

In mangalacharana shloka of RAGHAVENDRA VIJAYA kavya [ poem]

” shrimallaxminrusimhasya sriyam dishatu me nakhah ! svabhaktabhishtadanaay samupattadashakruti:!!

it says all the dashaavtaras have been taken by the nail of NARSIMHA thus opines the poet NARAYANPANDITACHARYA . Thus NAKHASTUTI is NARSIMHA STUTI an we shall see the two shlokas and its translation in next posts !!!!!!



Posted by on September 5, 2010 in stotra



Panchikarana – Modus operandi de creation!

As the previous creation[ universe] is destroyed in pralaya water , Lord takes the form of a child of 7crore yojan size . He transforms the whole of 50 crore yojan bramhanda into a  leaf of vata vruksha and sleeps on it in YOGANEEDRA .This Lord is known by the name “SHUNYA” !

As  12.5 years are left in the lapse of pralaya kala , Lord inspires AMBHRANI devi [ LAXMI DEVI] to sing the Shrutigeet stotra in the form of jayavandana [ suprabhaat] . As AMBHRANI devi commences  the Shrutigeet , Lord takes many amazing  forms . Lord as he wakes swallows up the TAMAS ,the vatapatra merged into BHUDEVI and pralaya water merged into SRIDEVI.

Later SHUNYA namak paramatma [NARAYANA] took forms of

  5. He took 24 forms viz KESHAVA ……. ETC
  6. He took 100 forms viz  AJA ……ETC
  7. He took thousand forms viz VISHWA …….ETC
  • THUS these infinite forms of Lord as they appear ,it is known as ATMASRISHTI .
  • AS LORD takes the various forms so does LAXMI DEVI  takes various forms by the will of Lord , this is known as PARADHEENVISHESHAVAPTI  SRISHTI
  • BRAMHANDA AND JEEVA [SOUL] STHULA DEHA  srishti with trigunatmak prakriti [ satva rajas tamas ] is known as KEVAL SRISHTI


CREATION  starts with 1 part tamo rasi , 2 part rajo rasi and 4 part satva rasi . Total 7 parts  of prakruti .

  • Firstly there are three piles [blocks of gunas ]
  1. A – Tamas [ 1 part ]
  2. B – Rajas   [ 2 parts ]
  3. C – Satva   [ 4 parts ]

ie  the quantum of B = twice the quantum of A


the quantum of C = twice the quantum of B

  • Of these A B C , A unmixed with  B or C is kept aside ———– D
  • Rajas is created by ———————————————————-E
  1. one part Tamo  -A
  2. 100 parts Rajo – B
  3. 10000 parts  Satva – C

ie Rajas is formed by mixing 1A+100B+10000C = 10101 bindus in  —–E

  • Tamas is created by ————————————————————-F
  1. one part Rajo B
  2. ten parts Tamo A
  3. 100 parts Satva C

ie Tamas is formed mixing  10A+B+100C = 111 bindus in ———————F

Now we have A , B , C in one group  these are never used in creation they form the bodies of MUKTA jeevas shuddha satva for muktiyogya and shuddha tamo for yatna sharir of tamoyogya .

second group D E F  , is used in creation of which D only is used to enhance certain tatvas and is never directly a part of composition inside creation in its pure form .

E F effectively form creation of UNIVERSE .

Further references to Satva rajas tamas point to D E F only .

  1. Ambhrani is adidevata for avyakrutaakasha .
  2. Satva rashi is presided by Sridevi
  3. Rajo by Bhudevi
  4. Tamas by Durga
  5. This  prakruti is conspicuous and effect-ive [ karya rupa  ]  and hence is known as ” SAT”
  6. It is also in the Karan rupa [ cause -ative]  and hence known as ” Chit “
  7. It is obstructive to knowledge hence known as ” Avidya
  8. It is infatuating so it is also known as ” MAAYA
  9. It also aids as a check on Moha hence it is “ AMAAY
  10. AMAAY has equal satva rajas and tamas in composition .
  • 100 parts satva + 12 parts Rajas + 1 part tamas = 113 bindus form the avyakta deha or deha of Bramha ie Mahattatva ——————————G
  • Mahattava is divided into 3parts to 1 part . namely Rajas and tamas . ———————————————————————————————–H & I
  • 100000 part of Satva + 1200 parts of Rajas [ H + E ]  + 10 parts Tamas [ I + F ]  is the aniruddha deha or Ahankartaava——————————J
  1. Ahankara is divided into three parts  ; Vaikarik Ahankara presided by son of Brahma , Bramhaputra Rudra [ Garuda ] with wife Varuni
  2. Taijas ahankara presided by Vayuputra Rudra [ Shesha ] with  wife Sauparni .
  3. Tamas ahankara presided by Sheshaputra Rudra[ Shiva ] with wife  Uma .
  4. vaikarik is used to create the bodies of DEVATAS and manas [ mind ] of HUMANs [ MANUSHYA ]
  5. Taijas is used to create Dashendriyas [ Ten indriyas  - panch gyanendra + panch karmendra ]
  6. Tamas is used to create Panchbhuta , Panchtanmatra .

As these Tattvabhimani devatas started praying Lord , LaxmiNarayana enter the Bramhanda and create a Viraatrupa of himself [ Mahavishnu ] and from the Nabhi Kamal[ navel ] rises the Bramha in a Golden Bramhanda . Thus HE is known as PADMANABHA .

This is known as Asansrusta .

hereafter everything that is created inside Bramhanda is known as SANSRUSHTI.

Brahma started the srushti :

  • Shabda tanmatra  gave rise to AKASHA
  • Sparsha  gave rise to Vayu  [ vayu has both shabda and sparsha ]
  • Rupa gave rise to AGNI  [ agni has rupa shabda and sparsha ]
  • Rasa gave rise to  Apa      [ water has rupa shabda sparsha and rasa ]
  • Gandha gave rise to Prithvi [ prithvi has all the qualities of taste shape sound and touch and smell]

Thus from tanmatras were created Panchabhutas

Akasha divided into two parts , second part divided into four subparts to be mixed with other panchbhutas . similarly others vayu agni apa prithvi too divided into parts .

the first part becomes mukhyamsha  and second part becomes samanamsha . lets call mukhyamsha  as $ and samanamsha as #

Gnyanendriya utpatti

  1. #Akaash + $ Agni  = Shrotrendriya [ faculties of hearing ]
  2. #vayu + $ Agni = tvagendriya [ faculties of touch ]
  3. #Apu + $Agni = Jivhendriya [ faculties of taste ]
  4. #Prithvi + $Agni = Ghranendriya [ faculties of smell ]
  5. # Agni + $Agni  = chakshurindriya [ faculties of eye ]
  6. Agni transmits its property of ushnatva [ heat ] to all the other tattvas through its # amsha
  7. agni is responsible for kshattu pipasa nidra alasya vyavasaya

Karmendriya Utpatti

  1. #Akaash + $ Prithvi = vaagindriya [ organ of speech ]
  2. #Vayu + $ Prithvi = Panindriya [ organ of hand ]
  3. #Agni +$ Prithvi = Padendriya [ organ of legs ]
  4. #Apu + $ Prithvi = jananendriya [ organ of reproduction ]
  5. #Prithvi + $ Prithvi =  Guhyendriya [ organ of anus ]
  6. Prithvi transmits its property of kathinatva [ hardness ] to rest of the tattvas through its # amsha
  7. Prithvi is responsible for Asthi mansa snayu charma roma

Tanmatra utpatti

  1. #Akaash + $Apu = Shabda
  2. #Vayu + $ Apu = Sparsha
  3. #Agni +$Apu =  Rupa
  4. #Apu + $ Apu = Rasa
  5. #Prithvi + $Apu =  Gandha ]
  6. apu transmits its property of Dravatva  [ Viscosity/ flow ] to rest of the tattvas through its # amsha
  7. Apu is responsible for shukla medas majja rakta mutra

Prana Panchaka

  1. #Akaash + $ Vayu = Samaan
  2. #Vayu + $Vayu= Udaan
  3. #Agni +$ Vayu = Vyana
  4. #Apu + $Vayu = Apaan
  5. #Prithvi + $ Vayu =  Prana vayu
  6. Vayu transmits its property of chalanatva [ movement ] to rest of the tattvas through its # amsha
  7. vayu gives prasaran akunchan sthairya  uddyan patan

Mano Panchak

  1. #Akaash + $ akaash = Kartru  / Antahkarana
  2. #Vayu + $ akaash = Manas
  3. #Agni +$ akaash = Buddhi
  4. #Apu + $ akaash = chitta
  5. #Prithvi + $ akaash =  ahankara
  6. Akaash transmits its property of  [ accomodaing/resting /forming base /holding ] to rest of the tattvas through its # amsha
  7. akaash gives kaam krodha lobha mada matsarya

Lord himself stay put in all our organs and elements inspires us to do the karma and by surrendering this karma attributing it to HIM , oh lord I seek MOKSHA!!!!!!!!!



Posted by on August 1, 2010 in Astroanalysis, Jyotish


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