BhuvanKosha varnanam


Coming SOON ………………………………………………….


Posted by on July 31, 2010 in Jyotish


Dasha vichara !

  1. Dasha graha if it is in kendra to lagna and 2-5-8-11 to moon will give auspicious results . if in kendra to moon as well will give medium results
  2. Dasha lord’s exaltation sign and own sign or friend’s sign , if in these signs moon is posited or moon is in 3-5-7-9-10-11 from dasha lord then the bhava in which moon is placed its good results will also be experienced .
  3. If dasha and bhukti lords if they are  friends good results will flow , if enemies difficulties will be experienced .
  4. dasha and bhukti lords if they are in shashtashtaka or dwirdwadasha then there will be fall in respect and post . [ padachyuti] .especially if one the planets is in mars saturn rahu ketu stars .
  5. moon with sun mars or rahu and ketu or in their stars  will give many mental disturbances .
  6. if dasha and bhukti lords both are in chara signs or have sambandha of 6-10 lords than there will be change of place .
  7. dasha lord or bhukti lord if they own 22nd drekkana and be placed in vrushabha 3rd drekkana or kanya middle drekkana or tula first drekkana then there will be fall from high place
  8. There will abortions if dasha bhukti lords have evil aspects on 5-9 rasi or navamsa
  9. if 2-10 th lord have good aspects dasha lord then there will rise promotion in the dasha bhukti
  10. there will be distant travels if 7-9 lord have any aspect or conjunction with the dasha bhukti lords
  11. dasa lord with good aspect to 10th lord and if in gochara there is  budha guru or shukra in lagna than there will be rise in power and promotion
  12. if there is sixth house link to the dasa bhukti lord and sixth lord transits the lagna or 10 th lord house there will misunderstanding with the boss , memos or mental stress atwork place .
  13. if dasha and bhukti lord being 3rd lord has any connection with 10th brings about change in place transfers etc .
  14. dasa and bhukti lord is 9-10th lord then life will flourish
  15. Retrograde planets gives its results through the dasa for as many years as it takes days to get into normal motion , one day equals one year .
  16. Yogkarak planet if it is in good nakshatra like own nakshatra or benefic nakshatra  life will be rosy with much respect and wealth .
  17. bhukti lord if it is in 3rd-6-8-12  lord star  or in aspect to 2-7 th lord or badhak lord , if the said planet is in malefic conjunction in navamsa or debilitated in navamsa than there will loss of respect , loss of land , insult , and obstructions in the work is seen .
  18. Bhukti lord gives its result in cohesion with the star lord in which he is posited , ie sun bhukti if it is in moons’ star will give revolutionary thoughts ,in mars star it will give destructive thoughts , mercury will give respectful or thoughts leading to fame . jupiter star gives helping nature , venus will give fame through qualities and also wealth through talent , saturn shows hard toil .
  19. bhukti lord mars in mercury star gives less money more work , jupiter star gives power , venus will give below par living , saturn will give struggle
  20. bhukti lord mercury in jupiter star will live  a intellectual life , venus star will live for higher purpose , saturn star will give alternate profession or unconventional way
  21. bhukti lord jupiter in venus star earnings will be from religious institutions , in saturn star will give dual profession
  22. bhukti lord venus in saturn star life will start after the marriage .
  23. …………………….to be continued …………………………



Posted by on July 28, 2010 in Astroanalysis, Jyotish, planets, stars


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Karmavipaka -2

Lord shiva says ‘ hey vararohe ! listen to the types of children born out of one’s karma . May types of wordly children arise in this world .

  1. Those children born out of Punya [ like payovrata etc] are always engrossed in the service of Parents . They are very dear to the father and mother . Lifelong and till death they are obedient to the Parents . and after death they perform shraddha everyday . These children do not eat till they have done shraddha to their parents .
  2. Second are the enemy children ,listen to their acts . owing to previous life events [ poorvajanmaprasang ] enemies are born  as children . From the birth they behave like an enemy opposing every word of the parents . Every act of his should bring about misery and confrontation . He acts only to hurt the parents .
  3. Third type are born out of debts . [Runa sambandhi] . When someone takes a debt and does not return it deliberately , then the donor is born as child without doubt .He forcibly enjoys the wealth of the parents . He gambles , goes to prostitutes and donates among his useless friends day by day decreasing the wealth of the father . If such wealth becomes nil then such children die untimely .
  4. fourth are the friends born as children . If someone has given custody of the wealth and forgets or does not ask back . such people are born as children . They have much affection towards parents and their siblings and dynasty . They exhibit much qualities and bring happiness with their achievements in education sports ,career etc . They do all the acts in the house bringing much peace and pride . Such children then increase progeny alongwith their wives enjoy the wealth of the parents and when such wealth has been completely enjoyed leave their mortal body and go to heavens .

Parvati devi asks SHiva ‘ oh lord ! kindly tell me the karmas and its effect done by the women folks .’

Shiva continues ” Women in their previous lives when they sin the effects are thus  :

  1. women who do always foul mouth their husbands , do not attain puberty[ or has irregular menses affecting child birth ]  in this birth . [ donating silver tree of the size of thumb of about 20 tolas to a ved pandit will give her regular menses]
  2. The women abandoning her husband in sleep goes to another man , such women fail to conceive . [ donating  flowers and fruits made of gold of 40 tola and then abiding by the husband will give child ]
  3. Those women who are attached to another men yet speak sweet words to the husband and engage him . such women beget only daughters . [praying  60 tola silver shivlinga with abhisheka and flowers and donating it to ved bramhins will give a son]
  4. The women engaged in adultery gets repeated abortion . such women alongwith the husband go to prayag ,take bath and pray Lord Vishnu of shankha chakra and gada padma , donate a bull adorning its horns with gold , nails with silver and its tail with pearls . she begets a child
  5. The women who dumps her weak or disabled husband in favour of a lecher . such women faces poverty and is without child . Such women should pray Lord vishnu in a unwed girl by giving her a clothes etc . fast on sundays to get rid of her sins .
  6. The women who eats good food herself and does not give it to her husband ,she gets bad breath and mouth smells foul . She should donate jaggery and honey and sugar candy to bramhins and she will regain her cleanliness of mouth .
  7. The women who kills her husband in the previous life, becomes  a prostitute without doubt . such women should do tulasi pooja everyday , in kartik , magh and vaishakh should bath early in the morning before sunrise . She should do ekadashi vrat and should prayand surrender the self to Vishnu as husband .
  8. The women who forcibly gets an abortion , gets severe fever and pain in the abdomen . They also suffer from diseases of anus and uterus . They must donate the idols of a bramhan and brahmahni in silver . she must pray this idols and get steady in the service of the husband . she must donate cow and help bramhin children in getting education and then she would conceive .
  9. The women always speaking lies to her husband gets diseases of neck throat and is affected by sinus and diseases of nose . She may also get rashes on her body , she should donate tree made of gold with flowers of silver on it to  a bramhin .
  10. The women who kills her new born daughter forcibly gets leprosy . such women should pray SUN with niyam . every month on saturday pray peepal tree[ vishnu in peepal tree] .
  11. Women who abuses everday her in laws wit harsh words gets rashes all over her body , sometimes white patches appear on her skin . 12 tola gold idol of SUN be donated .
  12. Women who have killed to gain wealth beget daughter who becomes widow at an early age . constructing wells and tanks in the way and praying SHiva with 1 lakh mantras homa with kheer will avoid such widowhood .



Posted by on June 4, 2010 in Jyotish


Karmavipaka -1

Parvati devi requests Lord SHiva to reveal the nature of different Karma . Shiva says , People suffering from diseases and misery should inspect their horoscopes after properly propitiating the bramhins and devatas . Praying Vishnu he must address his concerns to the astrologer . Astrologer must inspect his birth chart and prashna lagna and based on the Ashwini nakshatra etc padas must declare the prayashchittas .

The karma is of three types , Sanchita , Prarabdha and AGAMA . Presently we deal with Prarabdha .

Once there lived a bramhin ,who was learned and goodlooking . He was married to a kshatriya girl by name Vishalakshi . He had a  son by name NARHARI who was totally given to vices and diseases . Narhari had a reind by name Lagnasharma who was pious and wealthy with Gold and  sons . One day Lagnasharma visited Narhari . Narhari knowing about his wealth Killed him along with his sons and wife . He started spending gold day by day , In the end he donated 1/6 th of the gold as gurtadanam at the sangam of GANGA and YAMUNA .

Overthe period of time he died owing to grahapeedha . Yamadootas by the order of YAMA put him in the hell for 70 yugas , After spending time in hell he was born as wolf in the deep jungles . Then he became an insect . As his sins exhausted he took birth in a family of fame of gaudas in a town named sundargrama in madhyadesha . He was wealthy ,flesh eating and married to same girl of previous life named as Lokmati . Lokmati month after month could not conceive even though she had regular periods . Even when she concieved she bore dead children .

Parvatu intercepted and asked what makes people suffer like this , isnt karma inspired by maya .

SHIVA says karma are of three types , ISHTA ANISHTA MISHRA . the first gives the swarga , second gives hell and nagaloka , third gives birth in human loka . Diseases and state of mind and sometimes the behaviour of men women give clues to the karma .

  1. Raajyakshma disease is on account of bramha hatya
  2. One who kills a guru or relative  gets repeated death of sons and daughter
  3. one who does not pray fall prey to Panduroga [ malenin destruction]
  4. One who begets only female child must have insulted vedas
  5. one loses his wife /lover  if one has killed birds or a girl
  6. one who has killed his brother/sister is ever troubled by diseases
  7. those who have hurt whistles ,bells , or musical instruments gets diseases of hands
  8. one who has killed a child/animal will beget dead children
  9. one who has disfigured someones body , or instigated miscarriage abortion or stolen a book or copyright is born as blind
  10. Stealing clothes , always teasing others , landgrabbing will result in poverty .
  11. One who ,marries into his own gotra gets a prolonged disease of skin .
  12. killing or binding a buffalo gives a disease of shivering
  13. killing  a bull will make one impotent and have diseases of genitals
  14. Illtreating parents will give leprosy
  15. illicit relationships will give prolonged sickness
  16. Killing a cow will give white leprosy
  17. premarital sex with immature girls will give diseases with poverty .
  18. Stealing perfumes made of flowers will result in bad breath
  19. stealing ghee butter etc will give skin diseases and birth as insects
  20. Stealing perfumes made of bark or trees will make one a crow
  21. grabbing wells ponds will give rashes and itches
  22. robbing tourists in temples will give diseases of neck and throat
  23. one who burns forests or cuts them will get cancer of eyes and nose
  24. stealing oil will make one seller of oils
  25. stealing sugar will give heavy temperature
  26. one will not have children if one steals gold
  27. ears will be affected if one hurts servants and slaves
  28. leukemia if one steals iron etc
  29. milk and curds if stolen will give disease of stomach
  30. multiple diseases will come if one robs on highways .
  31. if one troubles peacocks , hens , chicken ,turtles he will have diseases of wind and be born as impotent again and again
  32. alcoholics , animal eaters fish eaters will i again and again indulge in hide
  33. Those who disrupt grain and water sources will get diseases of teeth
  34. If one steals the house of a bramhin will be troubled by epilepsy
  35. Thus many diseases trouble humans as the karma fructifies .

People suffering Like NARHARI owing to stealing of GOLD and murder . should perform 5LAKHS gayatri and trayamabak pooja to get rid of diseases and get progeny .



Posted by on May 29, 2010 in Astroanalysis, Dosha, Jyotish


Harisamsmaranam- The best mode of Prayashchitta !!!

Krute papeanutapo vai yasya punsa prajayate |

Prayashchittam tu tasyoktam harisamsmaranam param ||

We do many sins everyday . Every sin over a period of time becomes a prarabdha . Once it becomes prarabdha one pays for his sins and is subjugated to dukha .

In Bhagavadgeeta , ARJUN asks on behalf of all of the troubled souls that :

OH Lord , why is it that unwillingly one is forced to do the sins under some influence .Which is this force ?

Geetacharya says :

Primarily it is KAMA [desires] and as a result accompanies Krodha [ anger] etc . which drives people to sin . That means , humans primarily desire something , when it is not fulfilled or if the desired is under threat [ threat of extinction , loss or damage] , one gets emotions like , greed , anger ,jealousy etc and then one is inspired to sin .

These defects like anger lust greed etc are the byproducts of the rajoguna . These are presided by [ inspired by ] demons like KALNEMI etc . BUT LORD is the main inspiration . ie EVEN evil is under the control of LORD .

Lord keeping these asuras [ demons] like kali kalnemi etc as the medium of inspiration ,activates  the rajoguna in the persons according to their capacity ,qualities and karma and efforts , thereby arises lust anger and greed etc in the humans leading to sins .

Though Lord is chief regulator of sins among the jeevas HE himself is not subjugated or influenced by these rajoguna /tamoguna . Thus these defects do not exist in HIM and yet he regulates these qualities and only to grace his devotees makes them sin .

The demons like Kalnemi etc are secondary regulators of the sin by the inspiration of LORD . BUT these demons do get influenced by the rajo/tamo gunas and are chief perpetrators of the sins in other jeevas .

As jeevas sin owing to these inspirations under the influence of KAlnemi etc , chief fruits of the [ greater fruits ] goes to these demons only and as jeeva is also part of the sin though forcibly participated [ owing to prarabdha ] he is also liable for dukha .

We all are reaping the ill effects of the sins of previous births . So sins of this birth may not be instantly fruitful .But in coming births even these are going to trouble . Some sins like bramhahatya etc are forceful in execution and they take effects even in the present birth also . These overlap with existing prarabdha adding to the woes ,

Such sins ,when committed by the unwitting mind , causes fear of ill-effects . To avoid such ill effects and in order to save oneself from the clutches of aftereffects of such sins , the remedy given by the shastras is PRAYASCHITTA . [ PARIHARA]

In bhagavat Parikshit Maharaj asks , what are sins , varieties of sins and its effects and various hells to reap such sins  . How to get rid of such effects . In answer to these  SHUKACHARYA presents the methodology of PRAYASCHITTA . HE says , just as a good doctor ,examines the disease and its extent in a human body and thereafter suggests a suitable treatment , similarly a sadhak [devotee] should examine the sins he had committed in his lifetime and take up appropriate prayaschitta according to the shastras .

Usually when one speaks about Prayaschitta , one is given a list of homa havan japa tapa dana upavasa. Is prayaschitta really about only kriya like homa etc . These are infact only its angas they themselves are not prayaschitta . If it were  so then performing such homa dana is akin to KUNJARSHOUCHA [ the bath of elephant ]  . Thus commented PARIKSHIT .

Srimadananda teertha has given excellent solution to such doubts . He tabulates prayashchitta as follows .

  1. One who has done the sins should have definite remorse[pashchattapa] and should have sincere repentance towards the sins and  inclination towards atonement of sins .
  2. For Such remorse to occur  [ paschattap ] correct information of sins should exist
  3. .Chief part of the prayashchitta is HArisamsmaranam ie remembering lord with devotion .
  4. Secondarily other aspects of homa havan dana should also be undertaken as a service to LORD remembering him during such acts as well .

Here the word Hari smaranam is appended with the word Sam . This indicates that one must remember HARI with complete devotion [ auspiciously] . It should also accompany the contemplation on the quality of HARI ie one who destroys the sins . It is said that human however hard he tries cannot sin to the extent which cannot be destroyed by the chant of HARI . There is no sin in the universe which cannot be overcome by the chant of HARI .

Lord should be meditated[ smaranam, remembrance ] as the one who mitigates sins . At the same time one must realize his magnanimity . He is bhaktavatsal  -one who is very kind towards his devotees an forgives their sins ,however grave they may be .

Tantra sara says one begets the fruits as per his meditation ie , as one thinks of LORD the bhava involved in such thoughts is what the results constitutes . [ if one thinks about LORD as kind and destroyer of sins , one gets the same result contrary thinking will result in otherwise ] .

Rudra -Indra – chandra all these devatas have done grave sins like Bramha hatya etc yet Lord has forgiven them and saved them from harmful effects and on the contrary blessed them with definite Moksha . These incidents are abundant in Shastra and Purana and prove the bHaktvaatsalya of LORD NARAYANA .

Let us first understand different  SINS . Vishnudharmottar purana gives a exhaustive list of sins . Why should we have info on sins , because If we need to atone the sins then we must have remorse[ pashchattap] , the paschattap primarily consists of acceptance of having done the sin and then a strong resolution that such sins will not be repeated . and then when prayaschitta is done one gets relief from the karma .

BUT  if we do not know at all what we are doing is sin then how can we feel remorse and atone for it ! Thus it is necessary to know that”  these are sins which we must not do ” .

Such papa parichaya is known only through the shastras .


each lesser in the order THAN THE PREVIOUS SINS .

  1. Bramhahatya [ killing of bramhin ]
  2. surapaana [ dinking alcohol or drugs]
  3. Suvarnasteya [stealing gold ]
  4. Gurupatni gaman [ abusing wife of preceptors]
  5. Mahapataki sanyog [ association with these sinners ]

These are panchamahapataka ie grave sins [ usually unpardonable by the LORD and at the same time gives instantaneous downfall]

  1. Inviting poor bramhin and not giving him alms ,
  2. bringing obstructions to the living of bramhins ,
  3. disrupting their livelihood .
  4. burning or destroying ashram , houses ,villages or towns [ blasts]
  5. stopping thirsty cows from going towards the pond or water bodies
  6. Without knowing the actual purport of vedas and shastras , demeaning them or insulting them
  7. making fun of deaf dumb blind etc and stealing their articles
  8. Calling teachers and preceptors by their first name or ekavachan ie tu etc
  9. Disobedience towards elders and teachers and making a sound of HUM in resentment towards their words .
  10. If anything is most precious to a weak person [ deen vyakti]  just disturbing his possession .

All these sins are equivalent to BRAMHAHATYA .

Leaving asides vedas , foulmouthing vedas , giving false witness ,killing a friend , eating inedible foods All these are equivalent to SURAAPAAN [ alcohol and drug abuse]

Usurping mortagaged article , illegal human trafficking , horse silver diamonds and land grabbing  come under the pretext of SUVARNASTEYA [ stealing GOLD ]

SEX with

  1. brothers and sisters [ sayoni stree ]
  2. unmarried girls [ kumari ]
  3. outcaste woman [ antyaj stree ]
  4. Friends wife [ sakhyu]
  5. daughter in law [ putra vadhu]

All these are equivalent to GuRUPATNI SANGAM .

These are unpardonable sins .

Dharma viveka says

  1. killing ants are Kshudra papa
  2. killing animals having bones ,and stealing fruits grains etc are known as papa
  3. misbehaving with women is known as upapataka
  4. killing / atrocities on shudras is known as pataka
  5. Bramhahatya etc is known as mahapataka
  6. stealing Anything belonging to devatas ie temple properties are known as sumahapataka
  7. insulting devatas [deities ] and sajjanas [ devotees] is known as sumahhatar pataka
  8. Sins towards LORD KEshava is known as MAHANMAHATTAR PATAKA .

What are sins done  towards  LORD ? Following contemplations are sins :

  1. There is someone equivalent to KESHAVA
  2. I am GOD
  3. Bramha shiva  shakti etc are all equivalent  to VISHNU
  4. There is no qualities in Keshava [ nirgunabramha]
  5. ALL those who have attained MOKSHA become KESHAVA [ GOD]
  6. There is no form to the GOD
  7. Keshava has body just like us souls . [ trigunatmak deha]
  8. Just like souls God too has birth death and old age .
  9. Sometimes GOD undergoes misery and ignorance[ dukha agyana ]
  10. Keshava is subservient to another GOD
  11. Somebody is superior to KESHAVA .

All these form disobedience towards LORD KRISHNA .

Usually God’s qualities are known as SUR . Thinking about these qualities in one’s own self is known as SURAAPAAN . This is mahapataka.

We always keep saying , ” I DID ‘ I ATE ‘ MY HOUSE ” etc . all these statement shows our ignorance towards the fact that we are dependent on LORD and HE alone is independent and everything belongs to HIM . But saying it to be ours is akin to attributing his independent quality to ourselves ,thus it is suraapaan .

Vishnu is known as BRAMHANA . Saying there is no GOD VISHNU is akin to BRAMHA HATYA .Lord is everywhere and HE sees us everywhere , yet we forget this and sin so we think HE[ BRAMHAN VISHNU ] is not there and we commit Bramhahatya on a daily basis .

Thus we are all sinners . Thus we say

aparaadh sahasraani kriyanteaharnisham maya|

taani sarvani me dev kshamasva purushottam ||

Hey Purushottam , ! day and night I have been doing thousands of sins kindly forgive them all !!

WHen we ask with remorse we must remember HOW LORD has saved others from hienous crimes and its sins .


Bramhins are the carriers of Bramha vidya they are the custodians of the DHARMA. Killing such a bramhin or insulting him is known as Bramha hatya . This sin has been done on a largest scale BY SHIVA .

BRAMHA is the presiding diety and chief among the BRAMHINS . SHIVA cuts down his fifth head . Ambhrani sukta says that even after such a grave crime SHIVA was exonerated by VISHNU and he did not suffer much on account of it and was forgiven .

Bhrigu rishi kicked VISHNU who is all pervading bramha . Such a sin was also forgiven by the LORD and  Bhrigu got the grace of LORD .

Tvastra had the bramhin sons by name VISHWAROOPA and Vrutrasura , Indra killed them and BRAHAHATYA engulfed was mitigated by the LORD and DEVENDRA regained his place in the heavens .

Sagar and his sons insulted LORD KAPIL the BRAMHIN , yet LORD brought the GANGA to earth to mitigate their sins and gave then MOKSHA .

Parikshit insulted SHaMIK rishi in samadhi by enroping a snake . FOR This BRAMHAHATYA  of PARIKSHIT LORD graced him with BHAGAVAT through SHUKACHARYA and Parikshit attained MOKSHA .


Goddess LAXMI  is ever present in GOLD , so stealing GOLD is sin towards GODDESS . THis sin was committed for the first time by BALI . BALI once stole the KIRIT [ crown ] of LORD NARAYANA sleeping in the KSHEERASAGAR [ AMUKTA STHANA ] . GARUDA chased BALI and grabbed it . BUT GARUDA placed it on the HEAD of KRISHNA in DWAPARA YUGA while HE was in GOMANTAKA PARVAT . THIS CROWN fitted exactly the head of KRISHNA establishing that there is no differenece between LORD NARAYANA and KRISHNA .

BALI INDIRECTLY BECAME THE INSTRUMENT FOR SUCH A EXHIBITION OF QUALITY OF NARAYANA . BALI infact got punya rather than sin for his acts , such is the magnanimity of LORD towards his devotees .

Shatdahnva and Kritavarma alongwith these two Akrur participated in the filching of SYAMANTAK MANI  . Akrur hid the mani in his clothes from Krishna . LORD forgave him and also allowed him to keep the ruby .


Sons of KUBERA , Nalkubar and Manigreeva , after consuming alcohol , nakedly were sporting in ganga with many women .NARADA cursed them to be ARJUNa trees . Krishna mitigated their sins and curse by his touch .

All yadavas drank mayreyak alcohol and in ensuing brawl killed themselves but their act resulted in the Krishna leaving for paramdham thus giving them more punya .


Moon chandra indulged with wife of his preceptor BRAHASPATI and had to suffer kushta [ leprosy] . BUT LORD saved him from hell BY TAKING BIRTH IN HIS LINEAGE OF CHANDRAVANSHA as KRISHNA .  KRISHNA brought enormous fame to the Lineage of CHANDRA and therby as his forefather [ mane ] moon was exonerated .


When we befriend pataki sinner we share his sins . RAVAN KUMBAKARNA ,SHISHUPALA DANTAVAKTRA , HIRANYAKSHA HIRANYAKASHIPU , NALKUBAR manigreeva all these were residing in the same body alongwith the demons , JAY VIJAY , DHUNI CHAMU ,

SIMILARLY PUTANA had both URVASHI and TATAKI . Karna had SURYA and DAMBODHBHAV   LORD KRISHNA SAVED ALL THESE good souls even when they were in pataki sanyog ,

KAnsa minister AKRUR or his sairandhri  TRIVAKRA everyone were freed from sins by LORD KRISHNA .

THUS when MAHAPATAKAS can be forgiven by LORD KRISHNA by bringing pashchattap among the devotees and through Prayashchitta , then small PATAKAS or UPAPATAKAS wil also be destroyed by LORD . HE forgave

  1. SHringi for giving curse to a sane KING PARIKSHIT
  2. KALIYA snake for biting him in YAMUNA
  3. AJAMILA BRAMHIN for veshya gaman
  4. GANDHARI for cursing KRISHNA to exterminate yadava lineage
  5. KING SATRAJIT for false allegation of SYAMANTAKMANI apahaar .

Thus LORD forgives when devotee does prayaschitta through his samsmaranam by meditating all these events of HARI and paschattap and homa japa dana etc .

. Krichcha is the best form of PRAYASCHITTA . ALL such prayaschitta should start from dwadashi tithi.

Krishnarpanamastu .


Posted by on May 19, 2010 in Diseases, Dosha, Jyotish, karma, sadhana


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Anusandhaan- Ten Contemplations !!!!



THE ABOVE MANTRA  consists of 16 Hari naam sankirtana . The names of the Lord is repeated 16 times . 8 times the name HARI , four times RAAM and Four times KRISHNA .  Mere mechanical chanting of this mantra does not  give any result but result will be more pronounced and multitude if chanted with contemplation of its meaning . It conveys   6 rupas of the LORD and four qualities . The four qualities which HUMANS must know before death without doubt , if they have to reach VAIKUNTHA .  However we may ask when there are only three names in this mantra [ HARI RAAM KRISHNA ] how this corresponds to various contemplations of qualities of  the lord .

For this we need to know what HARI means . Hari means LION [ simha]  in sanskrit . hence Narsimha rupa of Lord is also known as NARAHARI . Is LORD known as HARI just because he happens to have a head of LION ? NO !!!

Atishayen harati pariharati bhaktaanam bhayam duritam cheti HARI:

Lord takes away [destroys] fears and ill effects [ undesired or untowards events that are to come  ] of the devotees . This he does in abundance ,limitlessly . So devotees are saved by HIM and he takes away their fear and avoids mishaps and dangers .

This anusandhaana [ contemplation ] is necessary when chanting Hari .

Again when we chant HARI ,we must remember that LORD who has rescued GAJENDRA in TAPAS manvantara from a crocodile . This LORD known by the name TAPAS is also known as HARI and saves GAJENDRA elephant and relieves from the curse of DEVAL and AGASTYA  and gives MOKSHA. This Lord has been called upon as HARI in bhagavat by the Gajendra .

Thus second contemplation is DUSHTA shaktinaam akramanam pariharati means for all devotees Lord saves from the attack of evil . Such attacks bring about hurdles in the sadhana of the Devotee and HARI saves us from that .

RAAM gives us contemplation of DASHARATHI RAAM and JAMDAGNI RAAM Parshuraam .

Dasharathi RAAM , son of Dashrath , as Madhvacharya praises is the one who has the quality of ” swabhakta santaap harta ” RAAM  kills all the evil rakshasas and thus saves devtas [ his devotees ] from the santaap ie miseries attrocities etc and all along gives happiness to them . For us HE removes TAAPTRAYA and saves us from miseries of the world and gives happiness .

EVil Kshatriyas were killed by PARSURAAM and thereby destroyed their egoes . Similarly RAAM name destroy our egoes and help us in advancing our sadhana . ALso Lord RAAM [ Parsuraam] resides in the AGNI [ agnyantargata PASURAAM] This AGNI is ever present in our mouth enabling us to speak and chant . Let LORD RAAM enable us to chant his mantras with contemplation .We must remember this while chnating RAAM a second time .

KRISHNA name reminds us of YASHODA Krsihna and Vaashistha KRISHNA . As YADAV Krishna HE is most Attractive and cleanses the Kali KALUSHYA [POLLUTION of KALI ] by killing all the RAKSHASAs and masterminding MAHABHARATA .

Vashishtha KRISHNA [ VEDVYASA ] cleanses the pollution of KALI by giving us the right kowledge through Puranas and MAHABHARATA etc granthas , BOTH have done the karshana of KALI hence are Known as KRISHNA .

We must thus remember these rupas along with their qualities while chanting , These Six qualities apart ALL the humans aspiring moksha must necessarily know Four important qualities of the LORD . They are : Sat, chit, ananda, atma [ sacchidanand atma]

  1. Nirdushtatva
  2. Gyanrupatva
  3. Anandarupatva
  4. Swamitva

These qualities should ever be meditated upon by all the humans at all times they must do the upasana of these gunas of LORD in order to get MOKSHA . Thus says Bramha tarka a treatise on Upasana .

When contemplating Narsimha removing fears and dangers and TAPAS saving from Evil we must also contemplate upon the Nirdushtatva that means as LORD saves from fear , dangers and enemies , HE himself does not have such aspects as fears or dangers or enemies . LORD cannot be subjugated to defects like fear , Lord does not fear , nothing endangers him or no enemies ever can trouble HIM and thus HE is capable of removing our defects of fears dangers and enemies .

While chanting Krishna [ Vedvyasa ] contemplate on Gyanrupatva . Lord is all knowing and his body is made up of KNOWLEDGE . He is the one who has brought entire philosophical literature to the light and thus he is GYANSWARUPA ,

While chanting RAAM [ dasharathi RAAM ] one must also contemplate on the ANANDA guna of the LORD . Lord RAMA is embodiment of happiness . anandaparipurna and thus gives complete happiness to the devotees , He does not have any unhappiness [ his lamenting for SEETA is thus not real ,SEETA LAXMI DEVI always resides in the heart of NARAYANA as SRIVATSA mole . she never separates from the LORD NITYAAVIYOGI , as RAAM is no different from NARAYANA SEETA always resides in HIM there is never a separation ] EXcept for 700 years of absence of SEETA alonside RAAM in RAMAYANA RAAM has lived Happily for rest 11000 years , so says SKANDA purana . Thus RAAM name should also give anusandhana of ANANDAguna paripurna .

Swamitva this quality of LORDSHIP over everyone is clearly exhibited in PARSURAAM and GOPALKRISHNA avataraas . Crores of RAKSHAS could not vanquish Krishna and he established HIS Supremacy 21 times as PARSURAMA and KRISNA as well . Thus HE is SARVA SWAMY , SUPREME.

Thus Hare RAAM ……… mantra should give anusandhana of six rupas ie NARSIMHA TAPAS   RAAM PARSURAAM KRISHNA AND VEDVYASA alongwith their mahimas and leelas . Also it should give anusandhana of quaities of defectlessnes , allknowing , everhappy and Supremacy . MAY ALL BE BLESSED BY SUCH ANUSANDHANA |||

krishnarpanamastu .


Apatthrakshana- Mitigation of evil!

The planet in third to any house is known as vedhak . But when a malefic is in third it mitigates the evil , ie it acts as vedhaka to the evil itself .

LORD NARAYANA is complete omnipotent and without any defects . This knowledge should be steadfast . With such a knowledge in mind, the kind of Love that emanates for LORD is known as DEVOTION [BHAKTI]

One must have immense devotion to the Lord . We all love our family members [ father mother brothers  wife children ]. But Love towards Lord must exceed the love towards Family members infinitely . It should increase manifolds day by day . EVEN when 1000s of obstacles or difficulties arise , devotion should not fade or decrease .

Our GURU Shri RAGHAVENDRA Swamiji has shown us this path of devotion, in his previous birth as PRAHALAD . Prahlad had intense devotion towards Vishnu , more than the Love he had towards his family [ father Hiranyakashipu] EVEN under severe stress from own Father , He did not budge to any difficulties and torture . ON the contrary he conevrted all the Daitya balakas [ demons ] into Vishnubhakthas . Hiranyakashipu determined to put an end to his school of VISHNU devotion himself perished . Let shri RAghavendra ‘s blessings be always with us in this path of devotion .

Pandavas were in EXILE . Usual understanding or picturisation of this state of PAndavas by Popular serials or books is such that The five brothers and their wife were leading a lonely life in mid of jungle going about their daily course of life wandering through forests with fatigue and aimlessness .

This is not so ! when Pandavas went to exile  ,crores of Munis and sanyasis and rishis followed them . In the forest when it was difficult to get food for the self , YUDHISTHIR had additional burden of looking after crores of family of rishis . SO Pandavas worshipped NARAYANA as present in SURYA [ surya antagat NARAYANA ] and were blessed with AKSHAYAPATRA .

In the forests , at the break of the dawn , whatever possible was collected from the forests for preparation of food . Then after finishing ahnik and food cooked was offered to LORD as naivedya and after vaishvadeva and baliharana , The same was put in the Akshayapatra and was served to all the people. Once Pandavas ate after everyone was fed  , DRaupadi Devi took whatever left and then the day was closed after the utensil was washed . After the meals nothing would be left for the day . The next days meal would be collected again .

Duryodhan jealous of such a huge following to YUDHISTHIR and his lifestye , bit his teeth everyday and waited for a moment to humiilate Pandavas. Just then DURVASA MUNI came by with his 20000 sanyasi followers . DURYODHAN showed extreme devotion [ dhambhik bhakti] . And impressed with Suyodhan, Durvasa asked him to seek boons . Duryodhan asked that DUrvasa must visit Pandavas only after they had finished their meals . His intention was after the Akshayapatra has been washed , there would be nothing in the camp . But DUrvasa if not given proper food and welcome , he would definitely curse them and that would trouble Pandavas .

Durvasa though aware of his intentions goes to PAndavas as his boon would not go waste . He informs Yudhisthir that he would like to take meals and would be back from the river after ahnika .

Yudhisthir calls draupadi to cook something, but nothing is there in the camp . Looking at the miserable position Draupadi meditates on Krishna . Krishna appears at her request and asks for something to eat . Draupadi tells Lord that nothing is available and worships HIM to save from the anger and curse of Durvasa .

Krishna insists to bring Akshayapatra and there a leaf of the vegetable [greens] still remains in the patra . Krishna takes this offerings from PAndavas and says HE is satisfied with it . HIS satisfaction leads to completeness and fullness of stomach to DURVASA and his team of 20000 followers . when stomach is full to the brim , one cannot eat even a morsel . HAVING instructed PANDAVAS to cook and not even eating a morsel would invite ire of BHEEMSENA and more so if they come to know of the EVIL designs of the DURYODHAN and DURVASA being party to it . DURVASA and others choose to flee the river and forests without attending to the INIVITE .

YUDHISTHIR after finding prolonged delay in appearance of rishis from riverside , asked BHEEM to search for them . AS BHEEM did not find DURVASA muni ,. PANDAVAS were relieved at the evil mitigated .


  1. Worshipping SURYA antaragata NARAYANA helps to attain means of feeding family and dependents .
  2. Poverty and helplessness is always a part of life . one must not fear them .
  3. EVEN Greats face such helplessness on a given day , owing to absence of material wealth .
  4. EVEN in difficulties brave[ YUDHISTHIR] do not shy away from supporting the people who believe in Him, abide by him and show dependency on him .
  5. If you have faith in LORD and good education and capacity supporting many is never a problem even under odds .
  6. WHen in diffciulty never leave faith in LORD .
  7. Remember LORD and look for his HELP , and HE definitely responds.
  8. EVEN a small offering to LORD with devotion gives infinite results .
  9. Phalam pushpam patram toyam , whatever is given to him with devotion he accepts it and saves his devotees . HE grades devotees only on the basis of DEVOTION and not by quantity of naivaidya and offerings .
  10. Devotees never face evil all evil gets mitigated even before it strikes .

What was the necessity for LORD to look for a leaf ? He could have averted the mishap of DURVASA without such inspection !

The answer lies in the verse

“patram pushpam phalam toyam ye me bhaktya prayachchati |

tadaham bhaktyuphrutmashnami prayatatmanaha|”

Bhakta whatever he gives I shall accept and keep the offer and make it remain always in my service .

Such an act of GOD is also adhered to by our Guru Raghavendra swamy . Once many years ago a money order came to MANTRALAYAM from a devotee from Vijayawada . The money was of RS 15 /- and a note said that “I had a dream the previous night to donate Rs 15/- for the repair work of the pooja samagri[ material used for pooja ] I do not know which material , kindly look into the matter and accept my offering to RAghavendra swamiji . “

The manager was astonished at this request and reported to current[ then ] swamiji . On inspection they found that a bell[ GHANTA] used for SHriRAMA’s  Pooja was broken and was duly replaced by a new one . But the old one was not repaired and was relegated to the old stock .

Immediately a goldsmith was summoned to know about the repairs and he after inspection announced it would cost RS 15/- for the repair . This surprised everyone .what was necessary to learn  from this event was ,

  1. why RAGHAVENDRA swamiji who is in brindavan[ samadhi]  required to repair the bell and not be happy with replacements
  2. why should the payment be made through a unknown face in Vijayawada
  3. the same payment could have been made by MUTT itself
  4. perhaps a new one better one could have been purchased or created .

The answer lies in the fact that one who might have donated this bell should have done so with immense devotion and faith and love . Lord wants this to be used forever in his pooja . So that devotee gets the punya of serving the LORD even in his absence and in coming era . The punya of continuing this effort was granted to Vijayawada devotee . It was also a warning[ to management] to correct the procedures of handling the goods offered by devotees , however small they may be and insignificant they may be !!!!!!!! . As Krishna says ….

|||| tadaham bhaktyuphrutmashnami prayatatmanaha ||||



Posted by on May 3, 2010 in Jyotish



The planet in upasana sthana if it is sun or mercury than one will be adhere to vaishnav sampradaya . The asscociation of twelfth lord or sixth from amatyakaraka or amatyakaraka or jupiter with sun and mercury makes one a vishnu bhakta ,

  1. Vishnu bhakta has taken birth in our family ,he will relieve us from hell saying thus rejoice the pitrus[manes] and clap in ecstacy and grandfather dances .
  2. It is better to live for only five days as vishnu bhakta than living for a 1000 kalpa without devotion to keshava . [ without devotion many births do occur and death after death only unhappiness is encountered , but just a few days of bhakti towards Narayana will guarantee the path to salvation .
  3. A human birth is waste a burden onto earth and enemy to food if it does not worship vishnu , by chanting his name ,meditation .
  4. A birth as a bramhin if not as vaishnav one also should not be abhored but a Vaishnav outcaste is [ vishnu bhakta outcaste] cleanses the three world better .
  5. Yama says do not bring to me those people after death in whose house a vishnu bhakata has taken food , do not bring to me those who have friendship with Vishnu bhakta because these peoples sins are destroyed by the association of vishnu devotee .
  6. All the servants of devotee of Vishnu and all the bramhins who have been fed by Vishnu bhakta get sadgati relieved off their sansarik dukha [ miseries of the mortal world]
  7. All the intelligent beings should seek with with efforts the food from a vishnu bhakta’s house .this will destroy all the sins and give honour in Vishnu loka .
  8. Sinners with an aim to obsolution should go to the house of a vishnu bhakta and beg for the food [ naivedya of Hari] . If not food atleast water asked for will also relieve from terrible sins .
  9. All the sins get obsolved if the food offered to Narayana is partaken .
  10. Those Vaishnavas who chant the mantras [ narayanshtakshar and dwadashakshar mantras] after bathing as per vedas , and after duly completing anganyasa , karnyasa and rushichand devta and yantra namaskar , those mantras obtained form propoer guru , entitle him to be known as one with Vaishnav deeksha and vaishnav shreshtha . A look at the face of such people by those who are vishnu bhaktas [ ordinary] themselves get relieved off sins[ like bramha hatya etc] and go to MOKSHA .
  11. One who forgets the gratitude , one who kills the cow , one who seeks reason among the words of VEDA , one who has committed all the patakas get their sins desolved and become pure after coming into contact with GOPICHANDAN .
  12. One risen from the mud from the land of gopi and gopikas , that gopichandan if it is donated to a bramhin will relieve the sins of seven generations of forefathers [ dead manes] the donation can be as small as a piece of gopichandan of the size of mustard .
  13. Donation of grains or even a drop of water should not be made to those who are not Vishnu bhaktas . Donations should be made only to those bramhins who wear the marks of Shankhu and chakra and only then such donations bring happiness to devatas and pitrus .
  14. Veda VYASA says , “ tadvishnu: paramam padam “ with this veda mantra a bramhin should annoint chakra on his right shoulder and shankha on the left .
  15. Yagnyopavit bramhin should tie his shikha and wear the mudra of shankha nd chakra ,so says shruti [vedas] as ‘ pavitram te vitatam “
  16. Rudra [ shiva says ] those who have devotion to Narayana should always annoint themselves with chakra shankha and gada padma and narayana mudras of ayudhas . These panchayudhas must be annointed with gopichandana .
  17. Gada mudra on the forehead , dhanurbana on the head ,. padma on the chest , shankh chakra on the shoulders should be worn .
  18. Those who have seen GOD should also perform karma without aspiring the fruits as laid down by shastras [ vedas]
  19. Those who know past present and future [ trikalgyani] or those who have capacity to alter the events of three worlds should also perform karma as per the time and destiny as prescribed in vedas .
  20. One who performs the karma as per his capacity [ yogyata] and astikya bhavna coupled with guyana [ knowledge ] that gives infinite fruits .
  21. Humans should aspire to live for 100 years as one performs the karma ordained for him .Thus there will be no karma lepa even of sins . But if there is no performance fo karma [ as ordained ] then sins engulf .
  22. What is ordained in VEDA is dharma anything against VEDA is adharma . So also that which gives happiness to sajjanas and that is agreeable to their hearts is DHARMA .

    Explanation : here acharya says ‘ acharshchaiva sadhunaam …..’

    1. what is given in vedas as vihit karma is dharma
    2. anything that is avihit is adharma
    3. but if greats have done something that is against the seemingly vihit dharma …then it os acharshchiva sadhunaam ….. whatever the greats have done is dharma only , just as pandavas marrying Draupadi . ….
    4. thus when pramanas seem to be doubtful and acharana different in such scenario also resort to acharshchaiva sadhunaaam ….. how our learned elders and forefather have done that itself stands good as dharma …….even if it seemingly is against dharma traditions hlds good . When?
    5. When ‘ sadhunaam atmatah tushtirev cha …’ that is when such acts brings happiness to the learned elders and sajjanas and is agreeable to their hearts , then such acts [ traditional if then it is dharma ] if not traditional and against normal dharma even then if it brings happiness to sajjanas [ leared in shastras] and if it is in agreement witheir hearts then even if its adharma it can be stated as dharma only.
    6. In such scenarios one must act as per the atma sakshi of sajjanas and elders.
  1. Karma is of two types nivrutta and pravrutta karma .the karma which gives Moksh is nivrutta . Its features are explained thus .
  2. Without aspiring for the fruits , with [ parmatma gyan ] knowledge of appeasing Lord if a karma is done then it is called nivrutta karma .such karma will lead to anadi nitya gunapoorna Parmatma HARI .
    1. ‘ NAHAM KARTA HARI KARTA TATPOOJA KARMA CHAKHILAM ‘ Lord is supreme and independent HE alone in me [ different from me] gets all the work done and let this work be as a worship to him . With such conviction if one does his karma without aspiring for the fruits , such a karma is nivrutta karma . This karma takes a bhakta closer to the LORD forever .
    2. Pravrutta karma should rejected or not adhered to .
  3. Vedas have proclaimed VAYU as supreme among devatas in Baliththa SUKTA , That bAliththa sukta words say three avataras of VAYU [ one who takes the bhakta nearer to HARI through sadhana as per his capacity in all his three avataras as well] such VAYU in first avatara of HANUMAN who is complete in knowledge and strength as equal in avataras as moolrupa VAYU ,
    1. that HANUMAN took the words of RAMA nearer to SEETA and also he taught the moolramayana to other students taking them nearer to RAMA and laid the path of MOKSHA among the satvik jeevas .
    2. Second one Bheemasena destroyed entire Kaurava army and established the greatness of KRISHNA , thus teaching the real essence of writings of VYASA .
    3. Madhvacharya , to grace the devotees with the knowledge of HARI has written this grantha to be offered to HARI as worship . Let this work fulfill all the wishes and desires of the devotees .

Baliththa sukta [ a vedic sukta ] extolls MADHVACHARYA as the third incarnation of VAYU and acharya himslef proclaims that he is avatara of VAYU incarnated to establish the supremacy of VISHNU .



Posted by on April 22, 2010 in Jyotish


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Kavita Kaushalyam Of Madhvacharya !

Venus in fifth from karkamsha gives one poetic skills

Madhvacharya was an extraordinary poet . His work namely YAMAK BHARAT is an excellent example of his skills in expounding the qualities of HARI . YAMAK means repeated usage of a letter . In every shloka /stanza of Yamak bharat , entire mahabharata is told with use of repetitive letters.

One such stanza is of excellent composition . It contains only letter Bha repeated 32 times .

This shloka


The meaning as given by NARHARITEERTHA is as follows .

First letter Bh is addressing letter .

  1. Bh – he bh – deeptau – that is one with immense lustre
  2. subsequent letters become ABH – one who is residing with brightness in anantasan ,shwetadweepa and vaikuntha also inside the jeevas and also outside the bramhanda .
  3. Abh – sarvagnya – All knowing
  4. Abh – one who is supporting entire Bhumi upto Adhaar shakti
  5. Abh- one who is supporting entire upper bhumi upto prakruti
  6. Abh- unlimited in space and time
  7. Abh – one who is dear to Bramha the devotee
  8. Abh – one who can grant moksha and unlimited aishwarya
  9. Abh- one who grants rajo guna to jeevas to do karma
  10. Abh – one who accepts only satvik jeevas
  11. Abh- one who is nearer always to sajjana jeevas
  12. Abh – one who is served by devatas
  13. Abh- one who graces the sajjanas
  14. Abh- one who grants moksha to even ordinary bhaktas
  15. Abh – one who resides as ATMa and antaratma in everybodies heart
  16. Abh – one who is saluted by sajjanas in preference to every material pleasures .
  17. Abh – leaving atma and atmi bhava and prayed by Sajjanas
  18. Abh – one who is superior to Muktas [ already liberated]
  19. Abh – One who is independent than Mukta and AMUKTA devatas
  20. Abh – being independent thus HE is complete in happiness
  21. Abh – Known only by Vedas at all times
  22. Abh – Worshipped by ALL
  23. Abh- one who grants knowledge and pooja materials in plenty to all who wants to worship
  24. Abh- one who destroys those who bring obstacles to pooja
  25. Abh- Master to all
  26. Abh- one who remains a master at all times [ unlike some who profess equality to GOD in Moksha, he reamains a master to liberated souls as well]
  27. Abh- One who is supremely extolled by vedas
  28. Abh- one who deludes the minds of evil
  29. Abh – one who moves about in everyone’s heart
  30. Abh- one who slays the daityas who think there is none other than AHAM .
  31. Abh- Meditated by Bramha and others as Supreme
  32. ABHA – Oh the one with infinite beauty .In the last Abh + A the last A is to indicate infinity . [ bhatiiti = Bha: sambaddhau vishishta]


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Posted by on April 21, 2010 in Jyotish


Story of Karna – as told by NARADA

Shanti Parva – Mahabharata

Yudhisthir Asks NARAD muni “ How did Karna get curses ?”

Narad muni says , this is Dev Rahasya but yet I would tell you . To decrease the Kshatriya population Sun got a brilliant son from Kunti . He was named KARNA . Karna learnt dhanurved from Acharya DRONA in hastinapur . But since childhood he was jealous of strength of BHEEM , astra vidya of ARJUN , Your intelligence and Nakul sahadevs’ vinay .He was also weary of freindship between Krishna and ARJUN . Seeing extreme support to Yudhisthir in the praja , he made friendship with Duryodhan during childhood .

After inspecting extreme brilliance of Arjun in dhanurvidya , he asked Acharya Drona in solitude that I want to learn Bramhastra its prayog and samhar .

Acharya Drona said , this vidya is only reserved for BRAMHINS and KSHATRIYAS WELL ESTABLISHED IN BRAMHACHARYA AND VEDAS .

Acharya SAID THIS taking into consideration Karna’s proximity to Duryodhan and rivalry with Arjun . After knowing this Karna went away from the place .

He reached MAHENDRA PARVAT . There he met Lord Parshuraam and introduced himself as Bramhin from Bhargav gotra .

Karna was practising astra vidya on mahendra parvat , one day he mistakenly killed a cow while practising . He was cursed by the Bramhin saying his wheel will be stuck in the ground and he will slain . Even after promising to give many cows , gold and land Bramhin could not be pacified . He did not take his curse back .

Dejected Karna went to his preceptor and served him with devotion and bramhacharya . Parshuram happy with his service taught him Bramhastra , its use and reversal . One day when Lord Parshuram was tired chose to rest in the lap of KARNA . There by a insect which feeds on flesh and blood , bit through karna’s thighs and a pool of blood disturbed the sleep of LORD Parshuraam . Parshuram cast his eyes on the insect immediately it turned into a Rakshasa , Lord asked who he was , he said he was A daitya from Satyayuga by name DANSH . One day he had tried to abduct the wife of BHRIGU muni . Rishi gave him curse to become an insect . On repeated lament and request Bhrigu said he would be relieved once eys are set on him by one of his progeny in his lineage . Parshuraam is of Bhargav gotra in the lineage of Bhrigu . Thus I am relieved of curse .

Looking at Karna Parshuram said , such a terrible pain could not be sustained by a bramhin , you seem to have kshatriya qualities , Karna fearing a terrible curse , immediately fell on the feet of Parshuram and said , I am from the caste SUTA and in greed of Bramhastra I lied to you . But as teacher is akin to a father , I introduced myself as the Bhargav gotra as you are from the lineage of Bhrigu and my Father .

Looking at the shivering KARNA Parshuraam smilingly addresed , ‘ fool , owing to the greed of astra you have cheated me , hence you will forget the astras and face defeat whenever you will fight with a sense of competition [ or whenever you fight a warrior you feel worthy to be vanquished]

There is no place in this ashram for liars and greedy . But I also bless you with a bow and chariot as long as you are fighting without the spirit of competition sitting in this chariot you will not be vanquished .

After saluting Parshuraam Karna returned to the Hastinapur and declared to Duryodhan that I have learnt Bramhastra!!!!!!

Notes :

  1. Initial dhanurvidya was taught to Karna by DRONA himslef , he was denied astras .
  2. Karna could win battles with others [ other than ARJUN BHEEM etc ] only because of Parshuraam’s boons , not by self strength or proficiency .
  3. Curses to karna were owing to his own misdeeds . He was not victim of circumstances . Gohatya cannot be a victimisation , lying to lord cannot be a circumstantial .
  4. Greed was predominant in karna
  5. jealousy was main factor in zeal for astras . Karna did not want to acquire astras for a just ruling or dharma yudha , he wanted them to excel Arjun . With or without astra karna had terrible ill feelings towards ARJUN ,



Posted by on April 19, 2010 in Jyotish


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