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Discipleship in the New Age II - Teachings on Initiation - Part VIII |
II. The Formulas from the angle of Discipleship
- Formula 1. Concerns integration into the Ashram; it concerns the "revelation of
group feeling." It is related to sensitivity and conditions the life of the Ashram.
- Formula 2. Concerns alignment in the three worlds with the soul. It is related primarily
to the higher alignment between the Personality and the Spiritual Triad, via the
antahkarana. It conditions the whole spiritual man.
- Formula 3. Concerns the soul and the egoic lotus. It is related to the transfer of soul
energy into the antahkarana, producing conscious awareness of time and space in terms of
the Eternal Now. Right interpretation of this formula gives insight into the past and into
the Law of Cause and Effect; it also gives intelligent appreciation of present opportunity
as well as an intuitive perception of [365] the future possibilities which confront the
- Formula 4. Concerns dynamic energy and is the basis of the true Laya-Yoga; this yoga
deals ever with the point within the circle and its relation to other points which
condition the evolutionary process.
- Formula 5. Concerns the Will and is related to divine purpose. It conditions the
establishing of all correct relationships.
- Formula 6. Concerns the processes of death which have a most definite effect upon
already established relationships. It concerns life-transference and has relation to the
presentation of opportunity.
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