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Initiation, Human and Solar - Chapter XI - The Participants in the Mysteries | ||
Departmental Heads
As has been said, these three great Beings, represent the triplicity of all
manifestation, and might be expressed under the following form, remembering that all this
deals with subjectivity, and therefore with the evolution of consciousness and primarily
with self-consciousness in man. |
Consciousness |
The Manu | The Bodhisattva | The Mahachohan |
Matter aspect | Spirit aspect | Intelligence aspect. |
Form | Life | Mind. |
The Not-Self | The Self | The relation between. |
Body | Spirit | Soul. |
[110] Or, in words strictly dealing with self-conscious realization: | ||
Politics | Religion | Science. |
Government | Beliefs | Civilization. |
Races | Faiths | Education. |
All human beings
belong to one or other of these three departments, and all are of equal importance, for
Spirit and matter are one. All are so interdependent, being but expressions of one life,
that the endeavor to express the functions of the three departments in tabular form is
liable to lead to error. The three Great Lords closely cooperate in the work, for that work is one, just as man, though a triplicity, is yet an individual unit. The human being is a form through which a spiritual life or entity is manifesting, and employing the intelligence under evolutionary law. Therefore the Great Lords are closely connected with the initiations of a human unit. They are too occupied with greater affairs and with group activities to have any relationship with a man until he stands upon the probationary path. When he has, through his own effort, brought himself on to the Path of Discipleship, the particular Master who has him under supervision reports to the Head of one of the three departments (this being dependent upon a man's ray) that he is nearing the Portal of Initiation and should be ready for the great step during such and such a life. Each life, and later each year, report is made, until the final year upon the Path of Probation, when closer and more frequent reports are handed in. During this final year also, the applicant's name is submitted to the Lodge, and after his own Master has reported upon him, and his record has been briefly summarized, his name is balloted, and sponsors are arranged. [111] During the initiation ceremony the important factors are:
In the case of the first two initiations, two Masters stand, one on each side of the applicant, within the triangle; at the third, fourth and fifth initiations, the Mahachohan and the Bodhisattva perform the function of sponsor; at the sixth and seventh initiations two great Beings, who must remain nameless, stand within the esoteric triangle. The work of the sponsors is to pass through their bodies the force or electrical energy emanating from the Rod of Initiation. This force, through radiation, circles around the triangle and is supplemented by the force of the three guardians; it next passes through the centers of the sponsors, being transmitted by an act of will to the initiate. Enough has been said elsewhere in this book anent the Lodge of Masters and their relation to the applicant for initiation, whilst the work of the initiate himself has been likewise touched upon. That work is not unknown to the children of men everywhere, but remains as yet an ideal and a far-off possibility. Yet when a man strives to reach that ideal, to make it a demonstrating fact within himself, he will find that it becomes not only a possibility, but something attainable, provided he strives sufficiently. The first initiation is within the reach of many, but the necessary one-pointedness and the firm belief in the reality ahead, coupled to a willingness to sacrifice all rather than turn back, are deterrents to the many. If this book serves no other purpose than to spur some one to renewed believing effort, it will not have been written in vain. [112] |
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