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Initiation, Human and Solar - Chapter XIX - Rules for Applicants |
To fulfil this injunction all applicants need to do two things, first, to study their origin, to realize their own true psychology occultly understood, and to become, scientifically aware of the real nature of the Ego, or the Higher Self, functioning in the causal body. Then they have to assert upon the physical plane, through the medium of the three lower bodies, their innate divinity, and to demonstrate in ever increasing degree their essential value. Secondly, to study the constitution of man, to understand the method [196] of functioning in the lower nature, to realize the interdependence and interrelation of all living things, and thus bring the lesser lives, which compose those three bodies of manifestation, under control. Thus the solar Lord, the inner Reality, the Son of the Father, and the Thinker on his own plane becomes the intermediary between that which is of the earth, earthy, and that which finds its home within the sun. Two verses in the Christian Bible hide something of this idea within themselves, and students in the occident may find it helpful to meditate upon them: - "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ." - "O Lord, our God, other lords beside thee have had dominion over us, but by thee only will we make mention of thy name." The last verse is particularly interesting, as it demonstrates the suppression of the lower sound and creative force by that which is of higher origin. |
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