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Initiation, Human and Solar - Glossary F-L |
Fifth Principle The principle of
mind, that faculty in man which is the intelligent thinking principle, and which
differentiates man from the animals. Fohat Cosmic electricity; primordial light; the ever-present electrical energy; the universal propelling vital force; the ceaseless destructive and formative power; the synthesis of the many forms of electrical phenomena. Guru Spiritual Teacher. A Master in metaphysical and ethical doctrines. Hierarchy That group of spiritual beings on the inner planes of the solar system who are the intelligent forces of nature, and who control the evolutionary processes. They are themselves divided into twelve Hierarchies. Within our planetary scheme, the earth scheme, there is a reflection of this Hierarchy which is called by the occultist the Occult Hierarchy. This Hierarchy is formed of chohans, adepts, and initiates working through their disciples, and, by this means, in the world. (See diagram page 48.) Initiations From the Latin root meaning the first principles of any science. Process of penetrating into the mysteries of the science of the Self and of the one self in all selves. The Path of Initiation is the final stage of [219] the path of evolution trodden by man, and is divided into five stages, called the Five Initiations. Jiva A separated unit of consciousness. Kali yuga "Yuga" is an age or cycles. According to the Indian philosophy our evolution is divided into the four yugas or cycles. The Kali-yuga is the present age. It means the "Black Age," a period of 432,000 years. Karma Physical action. Metaphysically, the law of retribution; the law of cause and effect, or ethical causation. There is the karma of merit and the karma of demerit. It is the power that controls all things, the resultant of moral action, or the moral effect of an act committed for the attainment of something which gratifies a personal desire. Kumaras The highest seven self-conscious beings in the solar system. These seven Kumaras manifest through the medium of a planetary scheme in the same way as a human being manifests through the medium of a physical body. They are called by the Hindu "the mind-born sons of Brahma" amongst other names. They are the sumtotal of intelligence and of wisdom. Within the planetary scheme the reflection of the systemic order is also seen. At the head of our world evolution stands the first Kumara, aided by six other Kumaras, three exoteric and three esoteric, who are the focal points for the distribution of the force of the systemic Kumaras. Kundalini The power of Life. one of the forces of nature. It is a power known only to those who practice concentration in yoga, and is centered within the spine. Lemuria A modern term first used by some naturalists and now adopted by Theosophists to indicate a continent [220] that, according to the Secret Doctrine of the East, preceded Atlantis. It was the home of the third root race. Logos The deity manifested through every nation and people. The outward expression, or the effect of the cause which is ever concealed. Thus, speech is the Logos of thought, hence it is aptly translated by the "verbum" and the "word" in its metaphysical sense. (See John 1, 1-3.) Lord of Civilization (See Mahachohan) Lords of the Flame One of the great Hierarchies of spiritual beings who guide the solar system. They took control of the evolution of humanity upon this planet about 18 million years ago, during the middle of the Lemurian, or third root race. |
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