The Shadow of the Dalai Lama – References

© Victor & Victoria Trimondi






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The following is a list of the cited newsgroups including details of the forum, author, date and subject. The  e-mail addresses of the individuals who posted the cited contributions to discussion are available from the authors on request.


Newsgroup 1: Yahoo dejanews
Forum: alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan, talk.politics.tibet, talk.religion.buddhism, uk.religion.buddhist, alt.religion.buddhism.nkt
Author: James Burns
Date: 21.09.1997 and 15.02.1998
Subject: Latest news from India on Dorje Shugden

Newsgroup 2: Yahoo dejanews
Forum: alt.showbiz.gossip
Author: Don Lattin
Date: 18. 06. 1997
Subject: The tibetan book of Gossip

Newsgroup 3: Yahoo dejanews
Forum: soc.religion.eastern
Author: Arianna
Date: 23. 02. 1997
Subject: Dalai Lama's Quote regarding sex with students

Newsgroup 4: Yahoo dejanews
Forum: alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan, uk.religion.Buddhism
Author: Christopher Fynn
Subject: Sex with monastic Lamas
Date: 23. 12. 1995

Newsgroup 5: Yahoo dejanews
Forum: alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan
Author: Mary Finnigan
Date: 18. 02, 1997
Subject: Lama Sogyal Rinpoche

Newsgroup 6: Yahoo dejanews
Forum: talk.religion. buddhism
Author: Rodney Peterson
Date: 30. 09. 1997
Subject: Sexual misconduct?

Newsgroup 7: Yahoo dejanews
Forum: alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan, uk.religion.buddhist, alt.religion.buddhism.nkt, talk.religion.buddhism
Author: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Date: 19. 12. 1997
Subject: Replies to Chris Fynn - part one

Newsgroup 8: Yahoo dejanews
Forum: soc.culture.asian.american, soc.culture.china, soc.culture.taiwan, soc.culture.hongkong, soc.culture.singapure
Author: NoSpamlchow
Date: 22. 05. 1998
Subject: The Dalai Lama supports Bharat's N-Tests

Newsgroup 9: Yahoo dejanews
Forum: mlist. TIBET-L [email protected]
Author: James Burns
Date: 10. 05. 1998
Subject: Dorje Shugden Reaction and Repression, Part 5

Newsgroup 10: Yahoo dejanews
Forum: talk.politics.tibet, soc.culture.china, soc.culture.taiwan
Author: Brigitte Yves
Date: 08. 04. 1998
Subject: The snow lion, the chrysanthemum and the red dragon

Newsgroup 11: Yahoo dejanews
Forum: talk.religion.buddhism
Author: Richard P. Hayes
Date: 30. 12. 97 and 25.03.98
Subject I (30.12.97): Re: Sanskrit in the Bible
Subject II (25.03.98): Re: The nun who forgot her shadow

Newsgroup 12: Yahoo dejanews
Forum: talk.politics.tibet
Author: Peter Kauffner
Date: 08.02. 1998
Subject: 1913 massacre?

Newsgroup 13: Yahoo dejanews
Forum: alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan
Author: O. Neuibert
Date: 10.
01. 1998
Subject: Dalai Lama/Dorje Shugden/Swiss TV Reports

Newsgroup 14: Yahoo dejanews
Forum: de.soc.weltanschauung.buddhismus
Author: Ron
Date: 20. 01. 1998
Subject: Schweizer Fernsehen SF1/ Dalai Lama/ Dorje Shugden

Newsgroup 15: Deja News
Forum: alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan, alt.religion.buddhism.nkt
Author: Tseten Samdup

Newsgroup 16: Yahoo dejanews
Forum: alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan, uk.religion.buddhist, alt.religion.buddhism.nkt, talk.religion.buddhism
Author: Sam
Date: 27. 05. 1997
Subject: religious supression of the Dalai Lama

Newsgroup 17: Yahoo dejanews
Forum: alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan, alt.religion.buddhism.nkt
Author: Lattin
Date: 10. 11. 1994

Newsgroup 18: Yahoo dejanews
Forum: alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan, uk.religion.buddhist, alt.religion.buddhism.nkt, talk.religion.Buddhism
Author: Sky Warrior
Date: 10. 12. 1997




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