The Teachings of the Buddha
Chapter One Shakyamuni Buddha
I. The Life of The Buddha
- II. The Last Teaching of The Buddha
Chapter Two The Eternal and Glorified Buddha
I. His Compassion and Vows
- II. Buddha's Relief and Salvation for us
- III. The Eternal Buddha
Chapter Three The Form of Buddha and His
I. Three Aspects of Buddha's Body
- II. The Appearance of Buddha
- III. Buddha's Virtue
Chapter One Causation
I. The Fourfold Noble Truth
- II. Causation
- III. Dependent Origination
Chapter Two The Theory of Mind-Only and
The Real State of Things
I. Impermanency and Egolessness
- II. The Theory of Mind-Only
- III. Real State of Things
- The Middle Way
Chapter Three Buddha-Nature
I. The Mind of Purity
II. Buddha-Nature
III. Egolessness
Chapter Four Defilements
I. Human Defilements
II. Man's Nature
III. Human Life
IV. Reality of Human Life
Chapter Five The Relief Offered by Buddha
I. Amida Buddha's Vows
- II. Amida Buddha's Land of Purity
The Way Of Practice
Chapter One The Way of Purification
I. Purification of the Mind
- II. The Good Way of Behavior
III. Teaching in Ancient Fables
Chapter Two The Way of Practical Attainment
I. Search for Truth
- II. The Ways of Practice
III. The Way of Faith
- IV. Sacred Sayings
The Brotherhood
Chapter One Duties of the Brotherhood
I. Homeless Brothers
II. Lay Followers
Chapter Two Practical Guide to True Way of Living
I. Family Life
II. The Life of Women
III. In Service
Chapter Three Building a Buddha Land
I. The Harmony of Brotherhood
II. The Buddha's Land
III. Those Who Have Received Glory in
Buddha's Land
Source References (Removed)
The Appendixes
Buddhist Promoting Foundation and Distribution of "The Teaching of Buddha"