Chapter I. The introduction to the work, with some account of the nature of the Saints' Rest.
Chapter II. The great preparatives for the Saints' Rest.
Chapter III. The excellencies of the Saints' Rest.
Chapter IV. The character of the persons for whom this Rest is designed.
Chapter V. The great misery of those who lose the Saints' Rest.
Chapter VII. The necessity of diligently seeking the Saints' Rest.
Chapter VIII. How to discern our title to the Saints' Rest.
Chapter IX. The duty of the people of God to excite others to seek this Rest.
Chapter X. The Saints' Rest is not to be expected on Earth.
Chapter XI. The importance of leading a Heavenly life upon Earth.
Chapter XII. Directions how to lead a Heavenly life upon Earth.
Chapter XIII. The nature of Heavenly contemplation; with the time, place, and temper fittest for it.
Chapter XVI. Heavenly contemplation exemplified, and the whole work concoluded.