I HAVE long pondered this problem with such
mind as I have and all the light that God has lent me. Now, having set it forth
in logical order and cast it into literary form, I venture to submit it to your
judgment, for which I care as much as for the results of my own research. You
will readily understand what I feel whenever I try to write down what I think
if you consider the difficulty of the topic and the fact that I discuss it only
with the few--I may say with no one but yourself. It is indeed no desire for
fame or empty popular applause that prompts my pen; if there be any external
reward, we may not look for more warmth in the Verdict than the subject itself
arouses. For, a part from yourself, wherever I turn my eyes, they fall on
either the apathy of the dullard or the jealousy of the shrewd, and a man who
casts his thoughts before the common herd-- I will not say to consider but to
trample under foot, would seem to bring discredit on the study of divinity. So
I purposely use brevity and wrap up the ideas I draw from the deep questionings
of philosophy in new and unaccustomed words which speak only to you and to
myself, that is, if you deign to look at them. The rest of the world I simply
disregard: they cannot understand, and therefore do not deserve to read. We
should not of course press our inquiry further than man's wit and reason are
allowed to climb the height of heavenly knowledge.1 In all the
liberal arts some limit is set beyond which reason may not reach. Medicine, for
instance, does not always bring health to the sick, though the doctor will not
be to blame if he has left nothing undone which he ought to do. So with the
other arts. In the present case the very difficulty of the quest claims a
lenient judgment. You must however examine whether the seeds sown in my
mind by St. Augustine's writings 2 have borne fruit. And now let
us begin our inquiry.
2 e.g. Aug. De Trin.
3 The terms differentia, numerus, species, are used expertly, as would be expected of the author of the In Isag. Porph. Commenta. See S. Brandt's edition of that work (in the Vienna Corpus, 1906), s.v. differencia, etc.
4 This metthod of mental abstraction is employed more elaborately in Tr. iii. (vide infra, p. 44) and in Cons. v. pr. 4, where the notion of divine foreknowledge is abstracted in imagination.
5 By Cicero (Tusc. v. 7. 19).
6 Cf. the similar division of philosophy in Isag. Porph. ed. Brandt, pp 7 ff.
7 Sb. Though they may be separated in thought.
8 , of Aristotle. Cf. (Alexander Aphrod. De Anima, 17. 17); (id. De anima libri mantissa, 124. 77).
9 This is Realism. Cf. "Sed si rerum ueritatem atque integritatem perpendas, non est dubium quin uere sint. Nam cum res omnes quae uere sunt sine his quinque (i.e. genus species differentia propria accidentia) esse non possint, has ipsas quinque res uere intellectas esse non dubites". Isag. In Porph. ed. pr. i. (M. P.L. lxiv. Col. 19, Brandt, pp. 26 ff.). The two passages show that Boethius is definitly commited to the Realistic position, although in his Comment. In Porphyr. A se translatum he holds the scales between Plato and Aristotle, "quorum diiudicare sententias aptum esse non duxi" (cp. Haureau, Hist. De la philosophie scolastique, i. 120). As a fact in the Comment. in Porph. hemerely postpones the question, which in the De Trin. he settles, Boethius was ridiculed in the Middle Ages for his caution.
10 e.g. if I say "one, one, one," I enounce three unities.
11 The same words are used to illustrate the same matter in the Comment. in Arist. 2nd ed. (Meiser) 56. 12.
12 Gilbert de la Porree in his commentary on the De Trin. Makes Boethius's meaning clear. "Quad igitur in illo substantiam nominamus, non est subiectionis ratione quod dicitur, sed ultra omnem quae accidentibus est subiecta substantiam est essentia, absque omnibus quae possunt accidere solitaria omnino" (Migne, P.L. lxiv. 1283). Cf. Aug. De Trin. vii. 10.
13 i.e. according to their substance.
14 The doctrine is Augustine's, cf. De Ciu. Dei, xi. 6, xii. 16; but Boethius's use of sempiternitas, as well as his word-building, seem to be peculiar to himself. Claudianus Mamertus, speaking of applying the categories to God, uses sempiternitas as Boethius uses aeternitas. Cf. De Statu Animae i. 19. Apuleius seems to use both terms interchangeably, e.g. Asclep. 29-31. On Boethius's distinction between time and eternity see Cons. v. pr. 6, and Rand, Der dem B. zugeschr. Trakt. De fide, pp. 425 ff, and Brandt in Theol. Littzg., 1902, p. 147.
15Dominus and seruus are similarly used as illustration, In Cat. (Migne, P.L. lxiv. 217).
16 i.e. which is external to the master.
17 i.e. which is external to the whitened thing.
18 Cf. Cons. v. pr. 4 and 5, especially in pr. 5 the passage "quare in illius summae intellegentiae acumen si possumus erigamur."