What does God require in the sixth commandment?
That neither in thoughts, nor words, nor gestures, much less in deeds, I dishonour, hate, wound, or kill my neighbour, by myself or by another:1 but that I lay aside all desire of revenge:2 also, that I hurt not myself, nor wilfully expose myself to any danger.3 Wherefore also the magistrate is armed with the sword, to prevent murder.4
But this commandment seems only to speak of murder?
In forbidding murder, God teaches us, that he abhors the causes thereof, such as envy,5 hatred,6 anger,7 and desire of revenge; and that he accounts all these as murder.8
1 Matt. 5:21, 22; Matt. 26:52; Gen. 9:6.
6 1 John 2:9, 11.
7 James 1:20; Gal. 5:19, 21.