Strong Meat for Hungry Souls

The Gospel of St. Mark

CHAPTER 3:20-27


   "And the multitude cometh together again, so that they could not so much as eat bread.  And when his friends heard it, they went out to lay hold on Him: for they said, He is beside Himself.  And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and, By the prince of the devils casteth He out the devils.  And He called them unto Him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?  And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.  And if an house be divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.  And if Satan hath risen up against himself, and is divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.  But no one can enter into the house of the strong man, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house."     MARK 3:20-27 (R.V.)

WHILE Christ was upon the mountain with His more immediate followers, the excitement in the plain did not exhaust itself; for even when He entered into a house, the crowds prevented Him and His followers from taking necessary food.  And when His friends heard of this, they judged Him as men who profess to have learned the lesson of His life still judge, too often, all whose devotion carries them beyond the boundaries of convention and of convenience.  For there is a curious betrayal of the popular estimate of this world and the world to come, in the honor paid to those who cast away life in battle, or sap it slowly in pursuit of wealth or honors, and the contempt expressed for those who compromise it on behalf of souls, for which Christ died.  Whenever by exertion in any unselfish cause health is broken, or fortune impaired, or influential friends estranged, the follower of Christ is called an enthusiast, a fanatic, or even more plainly a man of unsettled mind.  He may be comforted by remembering that Jesus was said to be beside Himself when teaching and healing left Him not leisure even to eat.
         To this incessant and exhausting strain upon His energies and sympathies, St. Matthew applies the prophetic words, "Himself took our infirmities and bare our diseases" (8:17).  And it is worth while to compare with that passage and the one before us, Renan's assertion, that He traversed Galilee "in the midst of a perpetual fete," and that "joyous Galilee celebrated in fetes the approach of the well-beloved." (Vie de J., pp. 197, 202).  The contrast gives a fine illustration of the inaccurate shallowness of the Frenchman's whole conception of the sacred life.
         But it is remarkable that while His friends could not yet believe His claims, and even strove to lay hold on Him, no worse suspicion ever darkened the mind of those who knew Him best that His reason had been disturbed.  Not these called Him gluttonous and a winebibbler.  Not these blasphemed His motives.  But the envoys of the priestly faction, partisans from Jerusalem, were ready with an atrocious suggestion.  He was Himself possessed with a worse devil, before whom the lesser ones retired.  By the prince of the devils He cast out the devils.  To this desperate evasion, St. Matthew tells us, they were driven by a remarkable miracle, the expulsion of a blind and dumb spirit, and the perfect healing of his victim.  Now the literature of the world cannot produce invective more terrible than Jesus had at His command for these very scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites.  This is what gives majesty to His endurance.  No personal insult, no resentment at His own wrong, could ruffle the sublime composure which, upon occasion, gave way to a moral indignation equally sublime.  Calmly He calls His traducers to look Him in the face, and appeals to their own reason against their blasphemy.  Neither kingdom nor house divided against itself can stand.  And if Satan be divided against himself and his evil works, undoing the miseries and opening the eyes of men, his kingdom has an end.  All the experience of the world since the beginning was proof enough that such a suicide of evil was beyond hope.  The best refutation of the notion that Satan had risen up against himself and was divided was its clear expression.  But what was the alternative?  If Satan were not committing suicide, he was overpowered.  There is indeed a fitful temporary reformation, followed by a deeper fall, which St. Matthew tells us that Christ compared to the cleansing of a house from whence the evil tenant has capriciously wandered forth, confident that it is still his own, and prepared to return to it with seven other and worse fiends.  A little observation would detect such illusory improvement.  But the case before them was that of an external summons reluctantly obeyed. It required the interference of a stronger power, which could only be the power of God.  None could enter into the strong man's house, and spoil his goods, unless the strong man were first bound, "and then he will spoil his house."  No more distinct assertion of the personality of evil spirits than this could be devised.  Jesus and the Pharisees are not at all at issue upon this point.  He does not scout as a baseless superstition their belief that evil spirits are at work in the world.  But He declares that His own work is the reversal of theirs.  He is spoiling the strong man, whose terrible ascendancy over the possessed resembles the dominion of a man in his own house, among chattels without a will.
         That dominion Christ declares that only a stronger can overcome, and His argument assumes that the stronger must needs be the finger of God, the power of God, come unto them.  The supernatural exists only above us and below.
         Ages have passed away since then.  Innumerable schemes have been devised for the expulsion of the evils under which the world is groaning, and if they are evils of merely human origin, human power should suffice for their removal.  The march of civilization is sometimes appealed to.  But what blessings has civilization without Christ ever borne to savage men?  The answer is painful: rum, gunpowder, slavery, massacre, small-pox, pulmonary consumption, and the extinction of their races, these are all it has been able to bestow.  Education is sometimes spoken of, as if it would gradually heal our passions and expel vice and misery from the world, as if the worst crimes and most flagrant vices of our time were peculiar to the ignorant and the untaught, as if no forger had ever learned to write.  And sometimes great things are promised from the advance of science, as if all the works of dynamite and nitro-glycerin, were, like those of the Creator, very good.
         No man can be deceived by such flattering hopes, who rightly considers the volcanic energies, the frantic rage, the unreasoning all-sacrificing recklessness of human passions and desires.  Surely they are set on fire of hell, and only heaven can quench the conflagration. Jesus has undertaken to do this.  His religion has been a spell of power among the degraded and the lost; and when we come to consider mankind in bulk, it is plain enough that no other power has had a really reclaiming, elevating effect upon tribes and races.  In our own land, what great or lasting work of reformation, or even of temporal benevolence, has ever gone forward without the blessing of religion to sustain it?  Nowhere is Satan cast out but by the Stronger than he, binding him, overmastering the evil principle which tramples human nature down, as the very first step towards spoiling his goods.   The spiritual victory must precede the removal of misery, convulsion and disease.  There is no golden age for the world, except the reign of Christ.


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This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on January 26, 2001.
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