Strong Meat for Hungry Souls

The Gospel of St. Mark

CHAPTER 5:1-20


   "And they came to the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gerasenes.  And when he was come out of the boat, straightway there met Him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit, who had his dwelling in the tombs: and no man could any more bind him, no, not with a chain; because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been rent asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: and no man had strength to tame him.  And always, night and day, in the tombs and in the mountains, he was crying out, and cutting himself with stones.  And when he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and worshipped Him; and crying out with a loud voice, he saith, What have I to do with Thee, Jesus, Thou Son of the Most High God? I adjure Thee by God, torment me not.  For He said unto him, Come forth, thou unclean spirit, out of the man.  And He asked him, What is thy name?  And he saith unto Him, My name is Legion; for we are many.  And he besought Him much that He would not send them away out of the country.  Now there was there on the mountain side a great herd of swine feeding. And they besought Him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them.  And He gave them leave.  And the unclean spirits came out, and entered into the swine: and the herd rushed down the steep into the sea, in number about two thousand; and they were choked in the sea.  And they that fed them fled, and told it in the city, and in the country.  And they came to see what it was that had come to pass.  And they come to Jesus, and behold him that was possessed with devils sitting, clothed and in his right mind, even him that had the legion: and they were afraid.  And they that saw it declared unto them how it befell him that was possessed with devils, and concerning the swine.  And they began to beseech Him to depart from their borders.  And as He was entering into the boat, he that had been possessed with devils besought Him that he might be with Him.  And He suffered him not, but saith unto him, Go to thy house unto thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and how He had mercy on thee.  And he went his way, and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men did marvel."    MARK 5:1-20 (R.V.)

FRESH from asserting His mastery over winds and waves, the Lord was met by a more terrible enemy, the rage of human nature enslaved and impelled by the cruelty of hell.  The place where He landed was a theatre not unfit for the tragedy which it revealed.  A mixed race was there, indifferent to religion, rearing great herds of swine, upon which the law looked askance, but the profits of which they held so dear that they would choose to banish a Divine ambassador, and one who had released them from an incessant peril, rather than be deprived of these.  Now it has already been shown that the wretches possessed by devils were not of necessity stained with special guilt.  Even children fell into this misery.  But yet we should expect to find it most rampant in places where God was dishonored, in Gerasa and in the coasts of Tyre and Sidon.  And it is so.  All misery is the consequence of sin, although individual misery does not measure individual guilt.  And the places where the shadow of sin has fallen heaviest are always the haunts of direst wretchedness.
         The first Gospel mentions two demoniacs, but one was doubtless so pre-eminently fierce, and possibly so zealous afterward in proclaiming his deliverance, that only St. Matthew learned the existence of another, upon whom also Satan had wrought, if not his worst, enough to show his hatred, and the woes he would fain bring upon humanity.
         Among the few terrible glimpses given us of the mind of the fallen angels, one is most significant and sinister.   When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, to what haunts does he turn?  He has no sympathy with what is lovely or sublime: in search of rest he wanders through dry places, deserts of arid sand in which his misery may be soothed by congenial desolation.  Thus the ruins of the mystic Babylon become an abode of devils.  And thus the unclean spirit, when he mastered this demoniac, drove him to a foul and dreary abode among the tombs.  One can picture the victim in some lucid moment, awakening to consciousness only to shudder in his dreadful home, and scared back again into that ferocity which is the child of terror.

                                       "Is it not very like,
            The horrible conceit of death and night,
            Together with the terror of the place.
            .    .    .    .    .    .
            Oh! if I wake, shall I not be distraught,
            Environed with all these hideous fears?"
                                            Romeo and Juliet, iv. 3.

         There was a time when he had been under restraint, but "now no man could any more bind him" even with iron upon feet and wrists.  The ferocity of his cruel subjugator turned his own strength against himself, so that night and day his howling was heard, as he cut himself with stones, and his haunts in the tombs and in the mountains were as dangerous as the lair of a wild beast, which no man dared pass by.  What strange impulse drove him thence to the feet of Jesus?  Very dreadful is the picture of his conflicting tendencies; the fiend within him struggling against something still human and attracted by the Divine, so that he runs from afar, yet cries aloud, and worships yet disowns having anything to do with Him; and as if the fiend had subverted the true personality, and become the very man, when ordered to come out he adjures Jesus to torment him not.
         And here we observe the knowledge of Christ's rank possessed by the evil ones.  Long before Peter won a special blessing for acknowledging the Son of the living God, the demoniac called Him by the very name which flesh and blood did not reveal to Cephas.  For their chief had tested and discovered Him in the wilderness, saying twice with dread surmise, If Thou be the Son of God.   It is also noteworthy that the phrase, the most High God, is the name of Jehovah among the non-Jewish races.  It occurs in both Testaments in connection with Melchizedek the Canaanite.  It is used throughout the Babylonian proclamations in the book of Daniel.  Micah puts it into the lips of Balaam.  And the damsel with a spirit of divination employed it in Philippi.  Except once, in a Psalm which tells of the return of apostate Israel to the Most High God (78:35), the epithet is used only in relation with the nations outside the covenant. Its occurrence here is probably a sign of the pagan influences by which Gadara was infected, and for which it was plagued.

By the name of God then, whose Son he loudly confessed that Jesus was, the fiend within the man adjures Him to torment hem not.  But Jesus had not asked to be acknowledged; He had bidden the devil to come out.  And persons who substitute loud confessions and clamorous orthodoxies for obedience should remember that so did the fiend of Gadara.  Jesus replied by asking, What is thy name?  The question was not an idle one, but had a healing tendency.  For the man was beside himself: it was part of his cure that he was found "in his right mind;" and meanwhile his very consciousness was merged in that of the fiends who tortured him, so that his voice was their voice, and they returned a vaunting answer through his lips.  Our Lord sought therefore both to calm his excitement and to remind him of himself, and of what he once had been before evil beings dethroned his will.  These were not the man, but his enemies by whom he was "carried about," and very literally "'possessed."  And it is always sobering to think of "Myself," the lonely individual, apart from even those who most influence me, with a soul to lose or save.  With this very question the Church Catechism begins its work of arousing and instructing the conscience of each child, separating him from his fellows in order to lead him on to the knowledge of the individualizing grace of God.
         It may be that the fiends within him dictated his reply, or that he himself, conscious of their tyranny, cried out in agony, We are many; a regiment like those of conquering Rome, drilled and armed to trample and destroy, a legion. This answer distinctly contravened what Christ had just implied, that he was one, an individual, and precious in his Maker's eyes.  But there are men and women in every Christian land, whom it might startle to look within, and see how far their individuality is oppressed and overlaid by a legion of impulses, appetites, and conventionalities, which leave them nothing personal, nothing essential and characteristic, nothing that deserves a name.  The demons, now conscious of the power which calls them forth, besought Him to leave them a refuge in that country.  St. Luke throws light upon this petition, as well as their former complaint, when he tells us they feared to be sent to "the abyss" or their final retribution.  And as we read of men who are haunted by a fearful looking for of judgment and a fierceness of fire, so they had no hope of escape, except until "the time."  For a little respite they prayed to be sent even into the swine, and Jesus gave them leave.
         What a difference there is between the proud and heroic spirits whom Milton celebrated, and these malignant but miserable beings, haunting the sepulchers like ghosts, truculent and yet dastardly, as ready to supplicate as to rend, filled with dread of the appointed time and of the abyss, clinging to that outlying country as a congenial haunt, and devising for themselves a last asylum among the brutes.  And yet they are equally far from the materialistic superstitions of that age and place; they are not amenable to fumigations or exorcisms, and they do not upset the furniture in rushing out.  Many questions have been asked about the petition of the demons and our Lord's consent.  But none of them need much distress the reverential enquirer, who remembers by what misty horizons all our knowledge is enclosed.  Most absurd is the charge that Jesus acted indefensibly in destroying property.  Is it then so clear that the owners did not deserve their loss through the nature of their investments?  Was it merely as a man, or as the Son of the living God, that His consent was felt to be necessary?  Was it any part of His mission to protect brutes from death?  Was the ocular evidence of deliverance, thus given to the demoniac, worth less than the property which it cost?
         The loss endured was no greater than when a crop is beaten down by hail, or a vineyard devastated by insects, and in these cases an agency beyond the control of man is sent or permitted by God, Who was in Christ.
         A far harder question it is, How could devils enter into brute creatures? and again, Why did they desire to do so?  But the first of these is only a subdivision of the vaster problem, at once inevitable and insoluble, How does spirit in any of its forms animate matter, or even manipulate it?  We know not by what strange link a thought contracts a sinew, and transmutes itself into words or deeds.  And if we believe the dread and melancholy fact of the possession of a child by a fiend, what reason have we, beyond prejudice, for doubting the possession of swine?  It must be observed also, that no such possession is proved by this narrative to be a common event, but the reverse.  The notion is a last and wild expedient of despair, proposing to content itself with the uttermost abasement, if only the demons might still haunt the region where they had thriven so well.  And the consent of Jesus does not commit Him to any judgment upon the merit or the possibility of the project.  He leaves the experiment to prove itself, exactly as when Peter would walk upon the water; and a laconic "Go" in this case recalls the "Come" in that; an assent, without approval, to an attempt which was about to fail.  Not in the world of brutes could they find shelter from the banishment they dreaded; for the whole herd, frantic and ungoverned, rushed headlong into the sea and was destroyed.  The second victory of the series was thus completed. Jesus was Master over the evil spirits which afflict humanity, as well as over the fierceness of the elements which rise against us.


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