Strong Meat for Hungry Souls

The Gospel of St. Mark

CHAPTER 12:18-27


   "And there come unto Him Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection: and they asked Him, saying, Master, Moses wrote unto us, If a man's brother die, and leave a wife behind him, and leave no child, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.  There were seven brethren: and the first took a wife, and dying left no seed; and the second took her, and died, leaving no seed behind him; and the third likewise: and the seven left no seed.  Last of all the woman also died.  In the resurrection whose wife shall she be of them? for the seven had her to wife.  Jesus said unto them, Is it not for this cause that ye err, that ye know not the Scriptures, nor the power of God?  For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as angels in heaven.  But as touching the dead, that they are raised; have ye not read in the book of Moses, in the place concerning the Bush, how God spake unto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?  He is not the God of the dead, but of the living: ye do greatly err."  MARK 12:18-27 (R.V.)

CHRIST came that the thoughts of many hearts might be revealed.  And so it was, that when He had silenced the examination of the hierarchy, and baffled their craft, the Sadducees were tempted to assail Him.  Like the rationalists of every age, they stood coldly aloof from popular movements, and we seldom find them interfering with Christ or His followers, until their energies were roused by the preaching of His Resurrection, so directly opposed to their fundamental doctrines.
         Their appearance now is extremely natural.  The repulse of every other party left them the only champions of orthodoxy against the new movement, with everything to win by success, and little to lose by failure.  There is a tone of quiet and confident irony in their interrogation, well befitting an upper-class group, a secluded party of refined critics, rather than practical teachers with a mission to their fellow-men.  They break utterly new ground by raising an abstract and subtle question, a purely intellectual problem, but one which reduced the doctrine of a resurrection to an absurdity, if only their premises can be made good.  And this peculiarity is often overlooked in criticism upon our Lord's answer.  Its intellectual subtlety was only the adoption by Christ of the weapons of His adversaries.  But at the same time, He lays great and special stress upon the authority of Scripture, in this encounter with the party which least acknowledged it.
         Their objection, stated in its simplest form, is the complication which would result if the successive ties for which death makes room must all revive together when death is abolished.  If a woman has married a second time, whose wife shall she be?  But their statement of the case is ingenious, but only because they push the difficulty to an absurd and ludicrous extent, but much more so because they base it upon a Divine ordinance.  If there be a Resurrection, Moses must answer for all the confusion that will ensue, for Moses gave the commandment, by virtue of which a woman married seven times.  No offspring of any union gave it a special claim upon her future life.  "In the Resurrection, whose wife shall she be of them?" they ask, conceding with a quiet sarcasm that this absurd event must needs occur.
         For these controversialists the question was solely of the physical tie, which had made of twain one flesh. They had no conception that the body can be raised otherwise than as it perished, and they rightly enough felt certain that on such a resurrection woeful complications must ensue.
         Now Jesus does not rebuke their question with such stern words as He had just employed to others, "Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites?"  They were doubtless sincere in their conviction, and at least they had not come in the disguise of perplexed inquirers and almost disciples.  He blames them, but more gently: "Is it not for this cause that ye err, because ye know not the Scriptures, nor the power of God?"  They could not know one and not the other, but the boastful wisdom of this world, so ready to point a jibe by quoting Moses, had never truly grasped the meaning of the writer it appealed to.
         Jesus, it is plain, does not quote Scripture only as having authority with His opponents: He accepts it heartily: He declares that human error is due to ignorance of its depth and range of teaching; and He recognizes the full roll of the sacred books "the Scriptures."
         It has rightly been said, that none of the explicit statements, commonly relied upon, do more to vindicate for Holy Writ the authority of our Lord, than this simple incidental question.
         Jesus proceeded to restate the doctrine of the Resurrection and then to prove it; and the more His brief words are pondered, the more they will expand and deepen.
         St. Paul has taught us that the dead in Christ shall rise first (I Thess. 4:16).  Of such attainment it is written, Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first Resurrection (Rev. 20:6).
         Now since among the lost there could be no question of family ties, and consequent embarrassments, Jesus confines His statement to these happy ones, of whom the Sadducee could think no better than that their new life should be a reproduction of their existence here,--a theory which they did wisely in rejecting.  He uses the very language taken up afterwards by His apostle, and says, "When they shall rise from the dead."  And He asserts that marriage is at an end, and they are as the angels in heaven.  Here is no question of the duration of pure and tender human affection, nor do these words compromise in any degree the hopes of faithful hearts, which cling to one another.  Surely we may believe that in a life which is the outcome and resultant of this life, as truly as the grain is of the seed, in a life also where nothing shall be forgotten, but on the contrary we shall know what we know not now, there, tracing back the flood of their immortal energies to obscure fountains upon earth, and seeing all that each has owed half unconsciously to the fidelity and wisdom of the other, the true partners and genuine helpmeets of this world shall forever drink some peculiar gladness, each from the other's joy.  There is no reason why the close of formal unions which include the highest and most perfect friendships, should forbid such friendships to survive and flourish in the more kindly atmosphere of heaven.
         What Christ asserts is simply the dissolution of the tie, as an inevitable consequence of such a change in the very nature of the blessed ones as makes the tie incongruous and impossible.  In point of fact, marriage as the Sadducee thought of it, is but the counterpoise of death, renewing the race which otherwise would disappear, and when death is swallowed up, it vanishes as an anachronism.  In heaven "they are as the angels," the body itself being made "a spiritual body," set free from the appetites of the flesh, and in harmony with the glowing aspirations of the spirit, which now it weighs upon and retards.  If any would object that to be as the angels is to be without a body, rather than to possess a spiritual body, it is answer enough that the context implies the existence of a body, since no person ever spoke of a resurrection of the soul.  Moreover it is an utterly unwarrantable assumption that angels are wholly without substance.  Many verses appear to imply the opposite, and the cubits of measurement of the New Jerusalem were "according to the measure of a man, that is of an angel" (Rev. 21:17), which seems to assert a very curious similarity indeed.
         The objection of the Sadducees was entirely obviated, therefore, by the broader, bolder, and more spiritual view of a resurrection which Jesus taught.  And by far the greater part of the cavils against this same doctrine which delight the infidel lecturer and popular essayist of today would also die a natural death, if the free and spiritual teaching of Jesus, and its expansion by St. Paul, were understood.  But we breathe a wholly different air when we read the speculations even of so great a thinker as St. Augustine, who supposed that we should rise with bodies somewhat greater than our present ones, because all the hair and nails we ever trimmed away must be diffused throughout the mass, lest they should produce deformity by their excessive proportions (De Civitate Dei, 22:19).  To all such speculation, he who said, To every seed his own body, says, Thou fool, thou sowest not that body that shall be.  But though Jesus had met these questions, it did not follow that His doctrine was true, merely because a certain difficulty did not apply.  And, therefore, He proceeded to prove it by the same Moses to whom they had appealed, and whom Jesus distinctly asserts to be the author of the book of Exodus.  God said, "I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.  He is not the God of the dead, but of the living: ye do greatly err."
         The argument is not based upon the present tense of the verb to be in this assertion, for in the Greek the verb is not expressed.  In fact the argument is not a verbal one at all; or else it would be satisfied by the doctrine of the immortality of the spirit, and would not establish any resurrection of the body.  It is based upon the immutability of God, and, therefore, the imperishability of all that ever entered into vital and real relationship with Him.  To cancel such a relationship would introduce a change into the Eternal.  And Moses, to whom they appealed, had heard God expressly proclaim Himself the God of those who had long since passed out of time.  It was, therefore, clear that His relationship with them lived on, and this guaranteed that no portion, even the humblest, of their true personality should perish.  Now the body is as real a part of humanity, as the soul and spirit are, although a much lowlier part.  And, therefore, it must not really die.
         It is solemn to observe how Jesus, in this second part of His argument, passes from the consideration of the future of the blessed to that of all mankind; "as touching the dead that they are raised."  With others than the blessed, therefore, God has a real though a dread relationship.  And it will prove hard to reconcile this argument of Christ with the existence of any time when any soul shall be extinguished.
        "The body is for the Lord," said St. Paul. arguing against the vices of the flesh, "and the Lord for the body."  From these words of Christ he may well have learned that profound and far-reaching doctrine, which will never have done its work in the Church and in the world, until whatever defiles, degrades, or weakens that which the Lord has consecrated is felt to blaspheme by implication the God of our manhood, unto Whom all our life ought to be lived; until men are no longer dwarfed in mines, nor poisoned in foul air, nor massacred in battle, men whose intimate relationship with God the Eternal is of such a kind as to guarantee the resurrection of the poor frames which we destroy.
         How much more does this great proclamation frown upon the sins by which men dishonor their own flesh.  "Know ye not," asked the apostle, carrying the same doctrine to its utmost limit, "that your bodies are the temples of the Holy Ghost?"  So truly is God our God.


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at Calvin College. Last updated on January 26, 2001.
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