Christian Classics Ethereal Library

Classic Christian books in electronic format, selected for your edification. There is enough good reading material here to last you a lifetime, if you give each work the time it deserves! All of the books on this server are believed to be in the public domain in the United States unless otherwise specified. Copy them freely for any purpose. Outside of the US, check your local copyright laws.


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Christian Denominations by Title


Christian Denominations

Roman Catholic Church

Theology. Doctrine. Dogmatics

Summa Theologica Literally translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province (St. Thomas Aquinas)

Meditations. Devotional readings. Spiritual exercises, etc.

Fire of Love and the Mending of Life (Richard Rolle of Hampole)

Introduction to the Devout Life (St. Francis of Sales)

Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola (St. Ignatius of Loyola)

Treatise on the Love of God (St. Francis of Sales)

Way of Perfection (St. Teresa of Avila)

Practical religion. Christian life

On Cleaving to God (Albert the Great)

Practice of the Presence of God (Brother Lawrence)

Monasticism. Religious orders

Religious orders of men

Holy Rule of St. Benedict (tr. Rev. Boniface Verheyen) (St. Benedict)

Biography and portraits


Autobiography of Madame Guyon (Madame Guyon)

Saints, A-Z

Life and Doctrine of Saint Catherine of Genoa (St. Catherine of Genoa)

Life of Our most Holy Father S. Benedict (Gregory the Great)

Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi (Brother Ugolino)



Anglican Communion

Church of England

Sermons. Tracts. Addresses. Essays

Death's Duel (John Donne)

Sermon Preached to the Lords upon Easter-day, at the Communion (John Donne)

Creeds and catechisms, etc.

Two short Catechisms (John Owen)

Other Protestant denominations

Arminians. Remonstrants

Works of James Arminius (3 vols.) (Jacobus Arminius)


Change of the Sabbath (Thomas Shepard)

Lectures to Professing Christians (Charles G. Finney)

Religious Affections (Jonathan Edwards)

Select Sermons (Jonathan Edwards)

Friends. Society of Friends. Quakers

Autobiography of George Fox (George Fox)

Lutheran churches

Large Catechism [tr. F. Bente and W. H. T. Dau] (Martin Luther)

Small Catechism (Martin Luther)


Journal of John Wesley (John Wesley)

Sermons on Several Occasions (John Wesley)

Presbyterianism. Calvinistic Methodism

Body of Divinity Contained in Sermons upon the Westminster Assembly's Catechism (Thomas Watson)

Crook in the Lot (Thomas Boston)

Fair and Impartial Testimony...Against the Backslidings, Corruptions, Divisions, and Prevailing Evils... (1808) (John Willison)

Fountain of Life opened up (John Flavel)

Lord's Prayer (Thomas Watson)

Selection from his Letters (Samuel Rutherford)

Ten Commandments (Thomas Watson)


Introduction to the Worship of God (John Owen)

Reformed or Calvinistic Churches

Institutes of the Christian Religion (John Calvin)

Of Prayer (John Calvin)

On the Christian Life (John Calvin)


MP3 audio files available

: Palm Docbook edition available

: Microsoft Reader edition available

: ThML (XML) edition

: Document has been proof-read

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on August 28, 2001.
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