Albert, the Great, Saint (1193?-1280)
On Cleaving to God
Anonymous (14th c. English)
Cloud of Unknowing
Baker, Augustine
Holy Wisdom: or, Directions for the prayer of contemplation: extracted out of more than forty treatises by the Ven. F. Augustin Baker
Bevan, Frances
Three Friends of God: Records from the Lives of John Tauler, Nicholas of Basle, Henry Suso
Boehme, Jakob (1575-1624)
Way to Christ
Bonaventura, St. (Giovanni di Fidanza, 1221-1274)
Journey of the Mind Into God
Catherine of Genoa, St.
Life and Doctrine of Saint Catherine of Genoa
Catherine of Siena, St. (1347-1380)
Dialog of Catherine of Siena
de Caussade, Jean-Pierre, S.J. (d. 1751)
Abandonment to Divine Providence
Eckhart, Johannes (c. 1260-1327)
Light, Life, and Love
Meister Eckhart's Sermons / first time translated into English by Claud Field
Gardner, Edmund Garratt (1869-1935)
Cell of Self-Knowledge: Seven Early English Mystical Treatises
Hilton, Walter (d. 1396)
Scale (or Ladder) of Perfection
Inge, William Ralph (1860-1954)
Light, Life, and Love
John of the Cross, St. (1542-1591)
Ascent of Mount Carmel
Dark Night of the Soul
Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the Bridegroom Christ
Julian of Norwich (c. 1342-c. 1413)
Revelations of Divine Love
Lawrence, Brother (Nicholas Herman, c. 1605-1691)
Practice of the Presence of God
Molinos, Miguel de (1628-1696)
Spiritual Guide
Rolle of Hampole, Richard (c. 1290-c. 1349)
Fire of Love and the Mending of Life
Ruysbroeck, John of, St. (1293-1381)
Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage and other works
Suso, Henry (c. 1296-1366)
Light, Life, and Love
Little Book of Eternal Wisdom
Tauler, John (c. 1300-1361)
Inner Way
Light, Life, and Love
Teresa of Avila, St. (Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada, 1515-1582)
Way of Perfection
Therese, of Lisieux, St. (1873-1897)
Poems of St. Teresa, Carmelite of Lisieux, known as the 'Little Flower of Jesus'
Thomas à Kempis (c. 1380-1471)
Imitation of Christ
Underhill, Evelyn (1875-1941)
Cloud of Unknowing
Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness
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