Christian Classics Ethereal Library

Classic Christian books in electronic format, selected for your edification. There is enough good reading material here to last you a lifetime, if you give each work the time it deserves! All of the books on this server are believed to be in the public domain in the United States unless otherwise specified. Copy them freely for any purpose. Outside of the US, check your local copyright laws.


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Abandonment to Divine Providence Edited by the Rev. J. Ramiere, from the Complete Tenth French Edition, by E. J. Strickland (Jean-Pierre de Caussade)

Absolute Surrender (Andrew Murray)

Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage and other works (St. John of Ruysbroeck)

All of Grace (C. H. Spurgeon)

An Appeal to all who Doubt the Truths of the Gospel (William Law)

An Humble, Earnest, and Affectionate Address to the Clergy (William Law)

An Unpublished Essay on the Trinity (Jonathan Edwards)

Antichrist (A. W. Pink)

Apologia of St John of Damascus Against Those who Decry Holy Images (John of Damascus)

Apostles' Creed (Anonymous)

Art of Divine Contentment: An Exposition of Philippians 4:11 (Thomas Watson)

Ascent of Man (Henry Drummond)

Ascent of Mount Carmel (St. John of the Cross)

At the Masters Feet (Sadhu Sundar Singh)

Athanasian Creed (Anonymous)

Autobiography of George Fox (George Fox)

Autobiography of Madame Guyon (Madame Guyon)


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: Palm Docbook edition available

: Microsoft Reader edition available

: ThML (XML) edition

: Document has been proof-read

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on August 28, 2001.
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