"MEISTER ECKHART," who has been called
the "Father of German thought," was a
Dominican monk, and one of the most
profound thinkers of the Middle Ages. He was
born about 1260 A.D. in Thuringia, and died
at Cologne 1327 A.D. In 1295 he was Prior
of the Dominicans at Erfurt and
Vicar-General of Thuringia. In 1300 he was sent
to the University of Paris, where he studied
Aristotle and the Platonists, and took the
degree of Master of Arts. It is possible also
that he taught at Paris. He already had a
wide reputation as a philosopher, and was
summoned to Rome in 1302 to assist Pope
Boniface VIII. in his struggle against Philip
the Fair. In 1304 he became Provincial of
his order for Saxony, and in 1307
Vicar-General of Bohemia. In 1311 he was sent
again to act as professor of theology in the
school of Dominicans in Paris, and afterwards
in Strasburg. Everywhere his teaching and
preaching left a deep mark. At Strasburg
he aroused suspicions and created enemies;
his doctrine was accused of resembling that
of the heretical sects of the "Beghards"
and "Brothers of the Holy Spirit." The
The importance of Eckhart in the history of scholastic philosophy is considerable. At that period all the efforts of religious philosophy were directed to widen theology, and to effect a reconciliation between reason and faith. The fundamental idea of Eckhart's philosophy is that of the Absolute or Abstract Unity conceived as the sole real existence. His God is the QeoV agnostoV of the neoplatonists: He is absolutely devoid of attributes which would be a limitation of His Infinity. God is incomprehensible; in fact, with regard to our limited intelligence, God is the origin and final end of every being. How then, it may be asked, can God be a Person? The answer is, that by the eternal generation of the Son the Father becomes conscious of Himself, and the Love reflected back to the Father by the Son is the Holy Spirit. Together with the Son, God also begets the ideal forms of created things. The Absolute is thus the common background of God and the Universe. Like as the Son does, so everything born of God tends to return to Him, and to lose itself in the unity of His Being.
This theology is really Pantheism. Of the Absolute we have no cognizance but only of phenomena, but by the resolute endeavour to abstract ourselves from time and space, we can, according to Eckhart, at rare moments, attain to the Absolute by virtue of what he calls "the spark" (Funkelein) of the soul, which comes direct from God. This is really God acting in man; to know God is to be one with God. This is the final end of all our activity, and the means of attaining thereto is complete quietism. But Eckhart shrank from carrying his doctrines out to their extreme logical conclusion, though some of the more fanatical among his followers did so. On account of his insistence on the immediacy of man's approach to God, apart from Church institutions, he may be justly regarded as a fore-runner of the Reformation.
Note.--The best account of Eckhart in English is probably to be found in Vaughan's "Hours with the Mystics," vol. i.