(The Roman Numeral refers to the Volume, the ordinary Numeral to the page. The Index does not extend either to the Notes or to the Appendix.)
Abraham, transcending merits of, i. 271, 272. See Gehenna
Abtalion, saying of, i. 128
Academics, subjects of study in, i. 232;
classes of lectures in, and students, 247
Acco or Ptolemais, fair at, i. 117
Acher, See Elisha ben Abuyah
Acra, Fort, i. 113
Adam, Fall of, to what ascribed. i. 165;
things lost through it 166
Aegina, Jewish inscriptions at, i. 70
Aenon, near Salim, site of, i. 393, 657, 658
Agrippa I., money dealings with Alexandrian Jews i. 63
Agrippeion, built, i. 120
Akiba, R., i. 15; vindicates canonicity of Canticles, 35
Akylas, or Aquilla, version of, i. 30
Alexandra, the Asmon�an, sends portraits to Antony, i. 89, 90;
a devotee to Pharisaism, 97,
descent, and children of, 124,
her intrigues, 125,
murder of, 126
Alexandar, the Great, division of his empire, i. 121
Alexander, son of Herod, history of, i. 126,127
Alexandreion, built, i. 120
Alexandria, Jewish students in, i. 24;
Sanhedrin of 26, 61;
position, harbour and buildings of, 58, 59;
trade and luxury in, 60, 61;
Canobus, 61;
Lake Mareotis, 61;
privileges enjoyed by Jews in, 61;
their Synagogue, 61;
ethnarch and alabarch, 65;
rich Jewish firms in, 63,
gifts to the Temple, 63, 64;
hatred of Alexandrians towards the Jews, 64;
Jewish homes in 250
Alexandrianism, See Hellenists
Am ha-arets, contempt for, i. 85;
who reckoned such, 230
Ananias, high-priest, Palace of, i. 112
Ananos, or Annas, appointed high priest, i. 242;
character of his house, 263;
president of the Sanhedrin, 264;
bazaars of his sons, 371, 372;
their conduct, 372, ii. 547,
Christ before him, ii. 546-548
Andrew, first call of, i. 345, 346;
calls Peter, 347, 348;
final call of, 474-477;
tells Christ about the inquiring Greeks, ii. 390
Angels, one appears to Zacharias, i. 138-140;
their names, whence derived, 141, 142;
N. T. angelology not from Jewish sources, 142;
Fall of man ascribed to their envy, 165, 292;
appear to shepherds of Bethlehem, 187, 188;
minister to Christ after Temptation 306;
Essene intercourse with, 330,
reference to in Pseudepigrapha, 330, 331;
derivation of doctrine of, 331, 332;
Christ's teaching about the Angels in heaven, ii. 122;
Christ strengthened by one in Gethsemane, 540
Anna, meets Holy Family in Temple, i. 200, 201
Annius Rufus, the Procurator, i. 242
Antigonus, of Socho, sayings of, i. 95, 315
Antigonus, the Maccabee, made high-priest by Parthians, i. 124;
executed, 124
Antigonus, the Syrian, conquers Samaria, i. 397
Antioch, Jews in their rights and Synagogue, controversies with Christians in, i. 74
Antiochus III (Great), ruler of Samaria, i. 397
Antiochus IV (Epiphanes), persecutions of, i. 4, 5, 95, 121
Antipater, history of, i. 122, 123
Antipater, son of Herod, history of i. 126, 127, 219;
executed, 218
Antipatris, built, i. 119
Antonia, ancient Baris, i. 112, 113, 118, 244
Antony, gives Jud�a to Herod, i. 124;
summons him, 125
Anxur, Synagogue at, i. 70
Apion, incites Alexandrians against the Jews, i. 64, 65
Apocryphal Literature, origin of, i. 31;
influence of, 33
Apostles, the Twelve, calling of, i. 521-523;
mission of, 640;
Christ's discourse to them on it, 640-653;
eat the ears of corn on the Sabbath, ii. 53-56;
their question about feeding the 4000, 66;
the miraculous always new to them, 66, 67;
the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees, 70, 71;
effect on them of the challenge of a sign, 76, 77;
Christ's question to them at C�sarea Philippi, 78-80;
His teaching as to His death, 86, 92, 110, 111, 345;
the high point in their faith, 91, 92;
fail to cure the lunatic, 106, 109;
dispute on the way to Capernaum, and Christ's teaching thereon, 115-125;
the betrayal would not finally break up their circle, 504;
the question as to the betrayer, 505;
persecutions predicted, 524;
perplexity about Christ's departure and coming again, 526-528;
Christ's prayer for them, 529-532;
breaking up and reforming of their circle, 534, 535;
they flee on Christ's arrest, 544;
power delegated to them, 645;
Christ's last commission, 651;
they witness the Ascension, 651, 652
Arabia, Jews in, i. 13
Aram�an, language spoken, i. 10, 130
Archelaus, son of Herod, i. 126;
accession of, 219;
mission to Rome, 220;
made ethnarch, 220;
banished to Gaul, 220, 236;
wealth confiscated, 236;
changes high-priests, 240
Archisynagogos, i. 63
Aristeas, letter of, i. 25; symbolism in, 34, 36
Aristobulus, of Alexandria, commentary of, i. 36
Atistobulus II., disputes of, with Hyrcanus, i. 123
Aristobulus, brother of Mariamme, i. 124;
made high-priest, and murdered, 125
Aristobulus, son of Herod, history of, i. 126, 127
Artapanus, i. 36
Arzareth, i. 14
Ascension of Christ, ii. 651, 652
Asia Minor, privileges of Jews in, i. 73
Astrology, among the Jews, i. 209-211
Athens, Jewish inscriptions at, i. 70
Atonement, Day of, i. 229
Amora. See Emora.
Baba ben Buta, advises Herod, i. 120;
brings sacrificial animals into the Temple, 370, 372
Babas, sons of, murdered, i. 126
Babylonian Jews, how esteemed, i. 7,9;
seats of, 7, 8;
genealogies, 9;
relations to Palestinians, 10-12;
academies of, 12;
trade and commerce of, 13-14
Bankers, Jewish and Roman, ii. 463;
interest charged by, 463, 464
Baptism, difference between the Baptist's and Christian, i. 272;
Levitical and proselyte baptism, 273;
the Baptist's rite, 274;
the Baptism of Christ, 283, 284;
not expected for Messiah in Rabbinic writings, 285
Bar-Abbas, released, ii. 576, 577, 579
Bar-Kokhabh, coinage of, ii. 385
Bar-Timaeus, healing of, ii. 355, 356
Baruch, Apocalypse of, i. 31;
age and contents of, 81, 82;
the Messiah in, 175
Bath-Qol, declares for Hillel, i. 128;
was such at Christ's Baptism? 285, 286;
declares for Eliezer, ii. 69
Batlanim. See Synagogues
Beelzebul and Beelzibbul, i. 648
Bel and the Dragon, i. 31
Ben Dama, i. 22
Ben-Lakish, saying of, i. 141, 142
Bethabara or Bethany, i. 264;
John the Baptist at, 278
Bethany, Christ at, ii. 144-147;
journeys to raise Lazarus, 314, 315;
leaves it, 326;
the journey and supper there, 357, 358;
Mary anoints Christ, 358-360;
Christ leaves it for Jerusalem, 364;
returns at night, 373;
leaves it next morning, 374;
ecclesiastically included in Jerusalem, 480;
place of Christ's Ascension, 651
Bethesda, Pool of, name, i. 462;
the troubling of the water, 463, 464;
the miracle there, 467-469
Beth ha Midrash, i. 23
Bethlehem, Messiah's birthplace, i. 181, 206;
description of place, 184;
the Birth in the stable, 185;
the shepherds in the plains, 186, 187;
the adoration of the shepherds, 189
Bethphage, identification of, ii. 364;
the colt loosed at, 365;
ecclesiastically included in Jerusalem, 480
Bethsaida, of Galilee, probable situation of, ii. 3,
house of Peter and Andrew, 4;
Christ there, 6;
woe on, 138, 139
Bethsaida-Julias, built, i. 88, 262, 676;
the feeding of the 5000 there, 677-685;
the multitude sent away, 687;
healing of one blind at, ii. 47, 48
Betrothal. See Marriage.
Bikkurim, i. 9
Binding and Loosing, power of, ii. 84, 85;
Church's power of, 645
Boraithas, i. 103;
in the Babylon Talmud, 104, 105
Botnah, fair at, i. 117
Brethren of the Lord, question concerning the, i. 251, 364;
live in Capernaum, 364;
their visit to Christ, 576, 577;
challenge Him to show Himself, ii. 129, 130
Burial, orations at, i. 555;
the mourners, 555; ii. 317, 318;
coffins and biers, i. 555, 556; ii. 317;
procession to the grave, i. 556, 557;
duties connected with, ii. 133;
time of burying, ii. 315;
cemeteries and tombs, 316-320;
mourning of relatives, 320, 321;
visiting the grave, 323;
Jewish ideas about corruption, 324;
Christ's woe on hypocrisy in whitening tombs, 413;
burial and grave of Christ, 617, 618
C�sar, tribute to, the question of, ii. 383-386
C�sarea, i. 88, 119;
residence of Roman Procurator, 236
C�sarea Philippi, built, i. 88, 262;
Christ journeys to, ii. 70-74;
description of locality, 74;
Christ's question and Peter's confession there, 78-85;
the teaching and temptation by Peter there, 86-88;
Christ leaves it, 110.
Caiaphas, appointed high priest, i. 242;
character and policy of, 262, 263, ii. 546;
his unconscious prophecy, ii. 325;
Christ before him: the private interview, 549-553;
the trial before the Sanhedrists, 557-561;
the condemnation, 561
Calirrhoe, baths of, i. 217
Cana of Galilee, marriage in, 344;
site of town, 355, 356;
home of Nathanael, 356, 423;
the first miracle in, 357-363;
the second miracle in, 423-429
Canon, Old Testament, i. 27, 35
Capernaum, home of Christ, His mother, and brethren, i. 364, 457;
site of town, 365, 366;
Synagogue at, 366;
cure of court officer's son at, 424-429;
centre for preaching, 468, 460;
cure of the demonised in the Synagogue at, 479-485;
cure of Peters wife's mother and of sick at, 485-488;
Christ heals the paralytic at, 502-506;
cure of centurion's servant there, 544-549;
raising of Jairus' daughter at, 616-634;
healing of the woman with the bloody flux, 620;
Christ leaves it, 635;
teaches near it, 654;
His discourses on His return there, ii. 4-26;
His teaching in the Synagogue there, 27-36;
deserted by some disciples there, 36;
He leaves Capernaum, 37, 75;
teaching on his return to Capernaum, 115-125;
Christ's woe on. 139
Capua, Jewish tombstones at, i. 70
Carmel, view of, i. 146
Census, that of Cyrenius, i. 181-183;
excitement consequent on, 236, 237, 241
Chaber, See Pharisees
Chanina ben Dosa, cure by, i. 424, 425; ii. 116
Chasidim, rule of, i. 96,
distinguished from Pharisees, 323
Chazzan, generally also teacher, i. 123;
his part in the Synagogue services, 438, 443
Cheber, under the Maccabees, i. 97
Chija, R., restores the Law, i. 12
Children, how regarded by the Jews, i. 227, 252;
what they see before being born, ii. 325
Chitsonim, their Sepharim, or outside books, i. 33;
probably the Essenes, 331-333;
books denounced by Rabbis, 333,334
Chol ha Moed, ii. 148, 156
Chorazin, Christ's woe on, ii. 138, 139
Church, the, disputes in early, i. 7;
foundation laid on 'the Petrine' ii. 82-85,
discipline to offenders in, 123, 124;
authority bestowed by Christ on, 140-142;
its union, communion, and disunion, 519-524;
rule and ordination in the early Church, 555;
its commission and power given by the Risen Christ, 644, 645
Clement of Alexandria, on Aristobulus, i. 36
Coponius, Procurator of Syria, i. 242
Costobarus, Governor of Idum�a, murdered, i. 126
Crasius, spoils Temple Treasury, i. 369
Crucifixion of Christ, preparations for, and procession to, ii. 582-586;
Simon the Cyrenian bears the Cross, 587;
Christ and the women of Jerusalem, 588, 589;
the crucifying, 589; the draught refused, 590;
the titulus, 590, 591;
the lots for the garments, 591-593;
the Utterances of Christ, and the mocking, 593-609;
his death, 609, 610;
the rending of the veil and the earthquake, &c., 610-612;
the crurifragium 613;
Christ's side pierced, 614, 615
Cyrene, Jews in, i. 62, 63, 119;
Simon of, ii. 5-7
Cyrenius, notices of, in St. Luke, i. 181, 182;
orders a census, 236;
Governor of Syria, 242
Dalmanutha, probable derivation of name, ii. 67, 68;
its site, 72;
the challenge of the sign from heaven at, 68-70;
its effect on the disciples, 71, 79
Darshan, studies of, i. 11
Dead, the offices for, i. 554, 555.
See Death and Burial
Death, Jewish ideas of its cause, i. 166;
the Gan Eden and Gehinnom after, ii. 280-281;
invocation of Abraham after, ii. 280, 281, 282
Debtors, bonds or writings of, ii. 268, 271, 272;
various kinds of such legal documents, 272, 273
Decapolis, cities of the, i. 87;
Christ heals one deaf and dumb there, ii. 44-47;
Sabbath controversies in, 53-62;
feeding of 4000 in, 63-67;
Christ journeys through it towards Jerusalem, 132;
certain there who would follow Him, 132-134
Dedication of the Temple, Feast of, i. 121;
how celebrated, 229, ii. 227, 228;
names for it, 226, 227;
Christ's teaching at, 229-232
Defilement, Rabbinic, degrees of, i. 493, 494;
from entering a heathen house, ii. 566, 567
Demetrius, Hellenist historian, i. 36
Demetrius Phalereus, i. 24, 25
Demonised, in N.T., i. 479;
views of Christ and of His contemporaries on, 480;
character and probable rationale of the phenomenon, 480-485, 607-612;
Jewish remedies for, 482;
cure of the demonised at Capernaum, 484-485;
at Gerasa, 607-614.
Demonology of N.T., whence derived? i. 142;
Jewish idea of Beelzebul, ii. 201
Derush, i. 21
Dispersion, the, union with Jerusalem in worship and hope, i. 5, 6, 77, 78, 82, 83;
in all lands, 70;
persecutions suffered by them of the, 75;
places of worship, 76;
Palestinian views of their present and future, 78-82
Dispersion, Eastern, or Trans-Euphratic, nations of, i. 6;
political and religious standing, 7-12
Dispersion, Western. See Hellenists
Divorce, Christ's teaching to the Pharisees on, ii. 331, 332, 334-336;
Rabbinic views on the subject, 332-334
Dorsh� Reshumoth, allegoric interpretations of the, i. 35
Dreams, how regarded, i. 155
Dress, etiquette in, i. 620;
articles of clothing, 621-623;
probable dress of Christ, 624-626;
byssus and purple, ii. 278
Eden, Gan, ii. 280, 281.
See Death
Egypt, Holy Family in, i. 214, 215, 217
Eleazar, high-priest, letter to, i. 25;
Aristeas' account of, 34, 35
Eleazar, son of Boethos, High Priest, i. 241
Eleazar, son of Judas the Nationalist, i. 241, 242
Eleazar, the Mede, i. 12
Eliezerben Hyrcanos, R., i. 15; his stone, 107;
signs in confirmation of his teaching, ii. 69;
questioned as to the shepherd and sheep, 193, 194
Elijah, Jewish ideas concerning, i. 142, 143;
at the Transfiguration, ii. 97, 98;
the disciples' question about his coming, 104, 105
Elisabeth, character and home of, i. 135-137;
her retirement, 143;
greets the Virgin, 152, 153;
gives the name John, 158
Elisha ben Abuyah, R., the apostate, i. 22, 23
Emmaus, Moza, or Colonia, ii. 157;
the walk to Emmaus on Easter Day, 637-642
Eraora, part of, in Synagogue services, i. 445, 449, 450
Enoch, Book of, date and character, i. 38;
restoration of Israel according to, 79;
presentation of Messiah in, 173;
angelology of, 330
En-Soph. See Kabbalah.
Ephraim, city of, ii. 127;
Christ there, 326, 327
Esdras, Fourth, age and character of, i. 80, 81;
Messiah in, 175
Esebonitis, built, i. 88, 120
Essenes, dress of, i. 119;
manner of life, 237;
number and separation of, 324, 325, 328, 329;
was John the Baptist one? 325, 334;
customs and grades in the order, 326-328;
angelology of, 330;
derivation of the name Essene, 332-333;
Rabbinic views of the sect, 334
Eupolemus, i. 36
Excommunication, Jewish kinds of, ii. 183, 184;
what involved in, 184
Execution, Jewish modes of, ii. 584
Ezekias, rising of, i. 238, 241
Ezekiel, Hellenist poet, i. 36
Ezra, return under i. 8;
activity of, 9, 10, 12
Fasting, Jewish views on, i. 662, 663;
days of, ii. 291
Fathers, Jewish, duties of, i. 230
Feasts, attendance at, when obligatory, i. 235
Fig-tree, value of, ii. 246, 247;
parable of, 246-248;
Christ curses the barren tree, 374-377
Flocks at Bethlehem, for what purpose there, i. 187
Gaba, i. 88
Gabinius, rebuilds Samaria, i. 398
Gabriel, angel, how regarded by the Jews, i. 142;
sent to Nazareth, 150, &c.
Galileans, character and dialect of, i. 225;
despised by Rabbis, 225, 226;
slaughter of some by Pilate, ii. 221
Galilee, country of, exports and character of, i. 117, 223, 224;
the stronghold of the Nationalists, 238;
Christ withdraws there, 393;
His first ministry there, 422, 423, 458, 459;
His second journey through Galilee, 490;
once more there: heals two blind men, ii. 49, 50;
returns there from C�sarea Philippi, 110;
last commission to apostles there, 651
Galilee, Lake of, i. 225;
the call of disciples by, 472-476;
fishing in the Lake, 473, 474;
calming the storm on it, ii. 599-605;
walking on the waters of, 687-695;
Christ's appearance after the Resurrection by it, ii. 647-651
Gamaliel I., i. 22;
healing of his son, i. 424
Gamaliel II., knowledge of Greek of, i. 22;
his arguments about the Resurrection, i. 315, 316, ii. 402, 403
Gaza, fair at, i. 117
Gehenna, Jewish ideas of, i. 271, 550, ii. 280, 281, 440;
children of, i. 551, ii. 440
Gennesaret, Land of, beauty of, ii. 5
Gentiles, how regarded by Jews, i. 90-92, 547, ii. 15;
their future according to the Rabbis, i. 271, ii. 440, 441
Genusim, Sepharim, i. 33.
See Apocrypha
Gerasa, i. 606, 607;
healing of the demonised at, 607-615
Gethsemane, site and name of, ii. 533, 534;
Christ's agony in, 538-541
Golah. See Dispersion
Golgotha, site and name of, ii. 585, 586
Gospels, order of, and presentation of Christ in, i. 54, 55
Grecian philosophy, influence on Jews of, i. 22, 23, 31;
views on immortality by, 257
Greek language, influence on Palestinian, i. 22;
price of Greek MSS., 24;
not the language of Christ, 130;
understood by Him, 253
Haggadah, character of, i. 11, 12, 35, 94, 102;
occurrence of in Mishnah, 103;
authority of, and contrast to Christ's teaching, 105, 106
Halakhah, authority of, i. 11, 94, 99-102;
growth and object of, 97, &c.;
contrast to the teaching of Christ and of Scripture, 105, 106, ii. 17
Hallel, the, i. 230;
at Feast of Tabernacles, ii. 159;
after Paschal Supper, 533
Hebrew, by whom spoken, i. 10, 130;
price of MSS., 23, 24;
spoken by Christ, 252
Hellenic cities of Palestine, i. 87-89
Hellenism, character of, i. 31-34;
modes on interpreting Scripture of, 34-36;
Philo's exposition of these methods, 40, &c.;
completion of Hellenism in him, 57
Hellenists, or Grecian Jews, character of, i. 6, 7, 18-22;
origin of name, 17;
religious views of, 18, 19;
studies of, 20-23;
those in Egypt, 62
Heretics, how regarded, i. 91
Hermon, distant view of, i. 146;
description of ascent to, ii. 93-95;
the Transfiguration on, 96-98;
the descent from, 102-104;
healing of the lunatic below, 106-109
Herod I. (Great), orders genealogies to be burnt, i. 9;
architectural works of, 88, 90, 118-120,127;
conduct towards the priesthood and Sanhedrim 120, 123, 238, 240;
political history of, 123-125;
murders by and family troubles of, 124-127;
his death, 127, 217, 218;
hatred of the people for him, 127;
his attitude towards Judaism, 127;
conduct towards the Magi, 204-207;
murder of the Innocents by, 214;
will of Herod, 219;
his opposition to Nationalism, 240
Herod II. (Antipas), political history of, i. 126, 219, 220, 673;
his character, 261, 393, 394;
builds Tiberias, 261;
probable alliance with the Pharisees of, 393, 658;
residence in Per�a, 657;
imprisons and murders the Baptist, 656-674;
his marriage with Herodias, 673;
desires to see Christ, 675, ii. 75;
his threat to kill Christ, ii. 301, 302, 384;
Christ before him in Jerusalem, 572
Herod Philip, i. 219;
marries Herodias, 672, 673
Herodeion, built, i. 120;
burial of Herod I. at, 218
Herodias, her hatred of the Baptist, i. 658, 672;
history of, 673
Herodians, or Boethusians, character and views of, i. 237-240, ii. 384;
seek a sign from Christ, ii. 67-70;
their question about tribute, 384
High-priests, at the time of Christ, character of, i. 263
Hillel, activity of, i. 12, 95;
life of, 116, 128, 129;
how he attained authority, 248, ii. 381;
character and tendency of his school, i. 238-240;
many of his school murdered by Shammaites, 239, ii. 13, 14;
the eighteen decrees, ii. 14;
his teaching on divorce, 333, 334;
character of ordinances imposed by his school, 407
Holy Spirit, the, descent of, at Christ's Baptism, i. 284-287;
blasphemy against, ii. 199;
the promised Paraclete, 515-518, 525, 526
Homeros, Siphr�, i. 23
Homes, Jewish, character of, i. 227, 252
Houses, Jewish, large and small, i. 501, 502
Hyrcania, built, i. 120
Hyrcanus I., breaks with Pharisees, i. 97;
conquers Idum�a, 122;
destroys Samaritan Temple, 398
Hyrcanus II., history of, i. 122-126
Idum�a (S. Palestine), conquered, i. 122
Incensing, ceremonial of, i. 137, 138
India, Jews in, i. 13
Inheritance, Jewish law of, ii. 243, 259;
gifts, and testaments, 259
Innocents, murder of the, i. 214-216
Ishmael, son of Elisha, vision by, i. 138
Israel, unity of, i. 3;
merits of, 84, 86;
their sufferings, to what ascribed, 167, 168;
conditions of their deliverance by Messiah, 169, 170;
future of, 271
Italy, Jewish settlements in, i. 70
Jairus, raising of his daughter by Christ, i. 617-634
James, son of Alph�us, call of, i. 521;
a cousin of Christ, ii. 603
James, brother of Christ, character of, i. 251, 254;
Christ's appearance to him after the Resurrection, ii. 651
James, son of Zebedee, first call of, i. 347, 348;
final call of, 474-477;
witnesses raising of Jairus' daughter, 629;
sees the Transfiguration, ii. 93-98;
his request to Christ, 346, 347;
taken into Gethsemane, 538
Jason, or Joshua, the high-priest, unJewish conduct of, i. 118, 121
Jehudab the Holy, R., collates the Mishnah, i. 102;
views on the Samaritans of, 401
Jehudab ben Tabbai, i. 96
Jericho, imprisonment of principal Jews by Herod in, i. 218, 219;
site, history, and commerce of, ii. 349, 351;
Christ stays with Zacch�us in, 352-355;
heals two blind men at, 355, 356
Jerusalem, description of, in time of Herod, i. 111-113;
shops and markets in, 115, 117, 118;
cost of living and population in 116;
Synagogues and academies of, 119;
magistrates in, 129;
Grecianism in, 129;
character and morals of the people in; 130-132;
the dialect, 130;
houses, letters, and newspapers in, 131;
Christ's last three visits to Jerusalem, ii. 126, 127;
His entry into the city, 363-373;
Jewish ideas as to the Jerusalem of the future, 437
Jesus Christ, annunciation of, i. 150-152;
His Name, 155;
His Nativity, 185-189;
His Divinity, why kept a mystery, 192;
His circumcision and redemption, 193-197;
Simeon and Anna, 198-200;
adored by Magi, 207, 213;
the flight into Egypt, 214, 215;
home at Nazareth, 221;
the 'Nazarene' 222, 223;
His child life, 226-234;
first attendance in the Temple 236-249;
His youth and early manhood, 252-254;
His Baptism, 278-287;
Temptation, 291-307;
Christ the Lamb of God, 342-344,
first week of His Ministry, 344, 345;
first call of disciples and return to Galilee, 345-350;
the first Miracle at Cana, 356-363;
His home at Capernaum, 366;
the first Passover in His Ministry, 366;
purification of the Temple, 372-374;
the sign asked, 374-378;
the signs done at the Passover, 378-380;
Christ's teachlng to Nicodemus, 381-389;
Christ's teaching and His disciples' baptism in Jud�a, 390, 393;
Christ at Jacob's Well at Sychar: the teaching of the woman, 395-420;
the two days in Samaria, 420-422;
the cure of the court officer's son at Capernaum, 424-429;
Christ at Nazareth, 430, 431, 451-459;
at the Unknown Feast, 460-471;
end of first stage of Christ's Ministry, final call of disciples, and miraculous draught of fishes, 472-477;
heals the demonised at Capernaum, 484, 485;
cures Peter's wife's mother and other sick, 485-488;
second Galilean journey, 490-491;
heals the leper, 491-498;
tracked by Scribes and Pharisees, 498, 499,574, ii. 51;
heals the paralytic at Capernaum, i. 502-506;
calls Matthew, 513-521,
calls the twelve, 522, 523;
the Sermon on the Mount, 524-541;
in Capernaum: visit of His friends, 542, 543,
the charge that He had a devil and Satanic power, 543, 575, 576, 609, ii. 8, 197, 198;
heals the centurion's servant, 544-551;
raises the young man at Nain, 552-562;
chronology of this period, 561, 562, 570;
pardons the woman which was a sinner, 563-569;
the women who ministered to Him, 570-573;
heals two blind men and one demonised dumb on way to Capernaum, 573;
the visit of His mother and brethren, 576, 577;
His teaching by parables, 578-586;
the first series, 585-598;
stills the storm on the Lake of Galilee, 599-605;
heals the demonised at Gerasa, 606-615;
raises Jairus' daughter, and heals the woman who touched Him, 616-634;
Christ's personal appearance, 620-626;
His second visit to Nazareth, 635, 640;
sends forth the twelve, 640-653;
withdraws from Galilee, 654, 655;
answers the Baptist's disciples as to prayer and fasting, 662-665;
answers the Baptist's message, 668, 669;
Christ's testimony to the Baptist, 669-671;
feeds 5000 at Bethsaida, 677-685;
will not be made King, 686;
walks on the sea and stills the storm on the lake, 687-695;
at Gennesaret, ii. 5;
returns to Capernaum, 4-7;
discourses by the way, 9-24;
the crisis in popular feeling concerning Christ, 25, 26, 35, 36;
the teaching in the Synagogue at Capernaum, 27-35;
defection among His disciples, and answer of Peter, 36;
heals the Syro-Phoenician's daughter in the borders of Tyre and Sidon, 37-43;
cures one deaf and dumb in the Decapolis, 44-47;
heals one blind at Bethsaida-Julias, 47, 48;
heals two blind men, 48-50;
Christ's teaching as to the Sabbath, 52-58, 303;
heals the man with the withered hand, 59-62;
feeds 4000 in the Decapolis, 63-67;
Christ in the parts of Dalmanutha: the sign asked, 67-70;
teaches His disciples concerning the leaven of the Pharisees, 70, 71;
end of Christ's Galilean ministry, 75, 76;
effect of the challenge of a sign on the disciples and Judas, 76-78;
Peter's confusion and Christ's declaration and teaching thereon, 78-86;
Peter's temptation of Christ, 86, 87;
Christ's teaching about His death, 86, &c., 110, 111, 345, 391, 392, 469, 471;
the Transfiguration, 93-103;
He heals the lunatic, 105-109;
Peter and the tribute-money, 112-114;
discourse to the disciples, 117-125;
chronology of last part of Gospel narratives, 126-129;
Christ journeys to the Feast of Tabernacles, the challenge of His brethren, 129, 130;
the Samaritans will not receive Him, 131, 132;
those who were hindered from following Him, 132-134;
the mission and return of the Seventy, 135-142;
the woes on Chorazin and Bethsaida, 138, 139;
Christ's yoke, 142-144;
the inquiry of the lawyer; 144;
Christ at Bethany, 144-147;
teaches in the Temple at Feast of Tabernacles, 150-155;
plots of His enemies, 155;
teaches on the great day of the Feast, 160-162;
discourse in the Treasury, 164, 166-176;
Christ as Shomroni, 174-176;
heals the man born blind, 178-187;
the allegory of the Good Shepherd, 188-193;
in Per�a, teaches the disciples to pray, 195-197;
discourses in Per�a to disciples and people, 199-203;
the teaching at the morning meal in the Pharisee's house, 205-213;
His discourses to the disciples and multitude, 214-221;
teaching concerning the slaughtered Galileans, 221, 222;
heals a woman in a Per�an Synagogue, 223-225;
teaches in the Temple at the Feast of Dedication, 228-232;
the Per�an parables, 234-297;
the Per�an discourses, 298-307;
Christ's answer to Herod's message, 301, 302;
the raising of Lazarus, 308-326;
the plots of the Sanhedrists, 326;
Christ at Ephraim, 326, 327;
He prepares for His last journey to Jerusalem, 327, 328;
heals ten lepers, 328, 331;
His teaching on divorce, 331-336;
He blesses little children, 336, 337;
His answer to the young ruler, and teaching on riches, 338-343;
answers the request of the mother of Zebedee's children, 346-348;
at Jericho with Zaccheus, 349-355;
He heals two blind men there, 355, 356;
the supper at Bethany and the anointing there, 357-360;
Christ's entry into Jerusalem, 363-373;
He returns to Bethany, 373;
the cursing of the barren figtree; 374-377;
the final cleansing of the Temple, 377, 378;
the children's Hosanna, 378, 379;
He teaches on the third day in Passion Week, 380-383;
tribute to C�sar, 383-386;
the widow's two mites, 387-389;
teaches the Greeks who would see Him, 389-391;
the voice from Heaven, 392;
Christ's last appeal in the Temple, 393-395;
controversy with the Sadducees about the Resurrection, 396-403;
the Scribes' question of the greatest commandment, 403-405;
David's Son and Lord, 405-406;
final woes against Pharisaism, 406-414;
Christ finally quits the Temple, 414;
the last parables, 415-430, 453-467;
Christ's discourse on the Last Things, 431-452;
He rests before His Passion, 468, 469;
He is sold by Judas, 475-477;
He sends His disciples to prepare for the Passover, 480-485;
His probable host, 485;
Christ enters Jerusalem, 488, 489;
the Sacraments which opened and closed His ministry, 491, 492;
the Paschal Supper, 492-507;
Judas goes out, 507, 508;
the institution of the Lord's Supper, 509-512;
Christ's last Discourses, 513-528;
the Lord's own prayer, 528-532;
on the way to Gethsemane, 533-534;
Christ's supplication for, and warning to Peter, 535-538;
His agony in Gethsemane, 538-541;
His betrayal and arrest, 541-545;
Christ before Annas, 546-548;
before Caiaphas, and before the Sanhedrists, 549-561;
Christ is condemned and insulted, 561-563;
He looks on Peter, 564;
the morning meeting of the Sanhedrists, 565;
Christ before Pilate, 565-578;
Christ sent to Herod, 572;
He is scourged, 579;
He is sentenced by Pilate, 580, 581;
Christ is crucified, 582-609;
He dies and descends into Hades, 610;
the rent veil and earthquake, 610-612;
the centurion's testimony, 612;
His side is pierced, 613-615;
His entombment, 615-618;
the guard set, 619, 620;
His Resurrection, 630, &c.;
appearances after, 634-651;
His Ascension, 651, 652
Jesus, son of Si�, high priest, i. 241
Jews, their resistance to Rome, i. 257;
their condition under Augustus and Tiberius, 262;
history of their progressive resistance to Christ, ii. 393-395
Jezreel, Plain of, i. 145
Joanna, wife of Chuza, ministers to Christ, i. 572, 573
Joazar, high priest, quiets the people as to the census, i. 237, 241;
political history and views of, 240-242
Jochanan ben Zakkai, R., saying of, i. 168;
his conduct during the last war, 238, 239
restoration of his child, ii. 116;
parable spoken by 425, 426
John the Baptist, annunciation of, i. 139;
his birth and circumcision, 157,158;
parallelism with Elijah, 255, 264;
his early years, 260;
first public appearance and preaching, 264-276;
his personal appearance, 277;
he baptizes Christ, 278-284;
his testimony to the deputation from Jerusalem, 308-310, 338-341;
character of his preaching, 336-338;
his temptation, 339, 340;
his testimony to the Lamb of God, 342-345;
his two disciples follow Christ, 345, 346;
the disputes at �non between his disciples and a Jew, 391-393;
he is imprisoned by Antipas, 656-666;
the questions of the Baptist's disciples as to fasting and prayer, 662-665;
his embassy to Christ, 661, 667-669;
Christ's testimony to the Baptist, 669-671;
the beheading of John, 671-674
John the Evangelist, object and style of his Gospel, i. 55, 56;
his view of the Logos, 56;
first call of the Apostle, 345-348;
his retrospect on the visit of Nicodemus, 389;
arrangement of his Gospel in cycles, 407, 408;
final call of John, 474-477;
internal evidences of his Gospel, 499;
witnesses the raising of Jairus's daughter, 629;
sees the Transfiguration, ii. 93-98;
forbids a man who did not follow Christ, 117-120;
the parts of Christ's History which are viewed in his Gospel, 126-129;
his request, with his mother and brother, 346-347;
his question at the Paschal Supper, 506;
with Christ in Gethsemane, 538;
in the Palace of Caiaphas, 550, 551;
under the Cross, 601-603;
at the Sepulchre on Easter Day, 633, 634;
by the Lake of Galilee: why he recorded this narrative, 647-651
Jonathan, the Maccabee, history of, i. 96, 113
Joppa, harbour of, i. 117
Joseph, the husband of the Virgin Mary, his genealogy, i. 149;
the dream and vision of, 154, 155;
marries Mary, 155, 156;
journeys to Bethlehem, 183, &c.;
flees into Egypt, 214;
returns to Nazareth, 221;
his search for Jesus at Christ's first visit to Jerusalem, 248
Joseph of Arimathea, the request of, ii. 615, 617
Joseph, uncle of Herod, murdered by him, i. 125
Joseph, brother of Herod, i. 124
Josephus, Grecian thought in, i. 32
Joses, brother of Christ, i. 251
Joshua, R., anecdote of i. 107
Joshua, son of Gamla, establishes schools, i. 231
Jubilees, Book of, its language and character, i. 38;
the restoration of the Jews in, 80;
angelology of, 330, 331
Jud�a, home of Rabbinism, i. 148, 223, 224;
the Roman rule of, 260
Judan, R., discovered the Messiah, i. 175
Judas, R., executed by Herod, i. 217, 218
Judas, son of Ezekias, revolt of, i. 241
Judas Iscariot, a Jud�an, i. 522;
beginning of his apostasy, ii. 36;
history of his gradual alienation, 77, 78, 471-475;
murmurs at Mary's anointing of Christ, 359, 360;
sells Christ to the Sanhedrists, 475-477;
his bearing at the Paschal Supper, 495-507;
he leaves the table, 507;
his character, 535, 536;
he betrays Christ, 541-543;
his change of mind, 477, 478, 573, 574;
brings back the money and hangs himself, 478, 574, 575,
the potter's field, 575, 576
Judas Lebb�us, why so called, i. 522;
his question after the Paschal Supper, ii. 417;
a cousin of Christ, 603
Jude, brother of Christ, character of, i. 251, 254
Judges, in Jerusalem, classes of, ii. 286, 287
Julias, city in Per�a, built, i. 88;
palace of Antipas there, 657
Kabbalah, the, i. 44;
En-Soph in, 45;
Sephiroth in, 45;
what so called, 102
Kal va Chomer, argument by, ii. 285, 286
Khan, or caravansary, i. 117
Kingdom of God, its history and meaning in O. and N.T., i. 160, 161, 265, 266, 269, 270, 275, 276;
announced by John the Baptist, 265, 291;
Rabbinic views of the Kingdom, 266-268;
the yoke of the Kingdom, 267, 268, ii. 142-144;
it was the common hope of Israel, i. 275, 276;
the Baptist's position in regard to the Kingdom, 283;
Christ's consecration to it, 300;
He teaches concerning entrance into it, 385-388, ii. 299, 300;
the Kingdom portrayed in the Sermon on the Mount, i. 529-531;
who are worthy of it, 549;
its mysteries in parables, 583-586, 592-596;
the new and old as regards the Kingdom, 665;
Christ's teaching as to greatness and service in it, ii. 120, 141, 410;
forgiveness in the Kingdom, 123-125;
inauguration feast in it, 300;
the Kingdom compatible with state rule, 386;
the great paradox concerning it, 391
Kypros, built, i. 119
Lamps, of the Ten Virgins, ii. 455-458
Last Things, Christ's Discourse on, ii. 455-458;
the views of the disciples on, 432, 433;
Jewish views on the sorrows of, at Advent of Messiah, 433, 440;
on final judgment, eternal punishment, and the world to come, 440-442;
the Pseudepigrapha and Philo on the last things, 442-445;
Christ's warnings to individuals and to the Church, 446-450;
what is to be the Church's attitude, 450-452
Latin, possibly understood by Christ, i. 253
Lazarus of Bethany, sickness, death, and raising of, ii. 312-325;
is present at the feast of Bethany, 358
Leases and contracts, terms and modes of, ii. 272, 273, 423
Leontopolis, temple of, i. 62
Leper, healed by Christ, i. 491-497;
Rabbinic precautions regarding, 492-494;
how morally viewed by Jews, 494, 495;
Christ heals ten lepers, ii. 329-331
Lord's Supper, the accounts of its institution, ii. 509, 510;
the words, 510;
probable time of the Paschal Supper, 511
Luke, St., Gospel by, its character, i. 54, 55;
the Prologue, 202,
narrative peculiar to it, ii. 126-128;
was he one who went to Emmaus? 638
Lysanias, governor of Abilene, i. 261
Maccabee, Judas, political history of, i. 5, 121, 122
Maccabees, or Asmon�ans, the rising and government of, i. 96, 97, 121-123;
the Palace of the Maccabees, 112, 118;
supposed derivation of their name, 237;
the coinage of, ii. 385
Maccabees, Fourth Book of, i. 32
Mach�rus, built, i. 120;
description of the site, 658-661
Magadan, borders of. See Dalmanutha
Magi, the meaning of the designation, i. 203;
their home, 203, 204;
their mission, 204-207;
their adoration and gifts, 207-214
Magdala, i. 571, ii. 5;
its dyeworks, i. 571
Malchus, smitten in Gethsemane, ii. 544
Mamon, ii. 266, 269
Manahem, son of Judas the Nationalist, fate of, i. 241
Manasseh, priest at Samaria, i. 396
Manna, to be brought down by Messiah, i. 176
Marcus Ambivius, Procurator, i. 242
Mark, St., character of his Gospel, i. 54, 499, 500;
presentation of Christ in it, ii. 127, 128;
probably was the young man in Gethsemane, 545
Mariamme I. wife of Herod, history of, i. 124-126
Mamage and betrothal, in Jud�a and in Galilee, i. 148;
groomsmen, 148, 663, 664;
betrothal of Joseph and Mary, 148-150;
Jewish views on betrothal, 352-354;
the marriage ceremony, 354, 355;
marriage processions, ii. 455
Martha, of Bethany, Christ in her house, ii. 145-147;
her bearing at the time of the death and raising of Lazarus, 312, 313, 321, 322-324;
serves at the feast in Bethany, 358
Mary of Bethany, sits at Christ's feet, ii. 145-147;
her bearing at the time of the death and raising of Lazarus, 312, 313, 322-323;
she anoints Christ's feet, 358-360
Mary, wife of Clopas, ii. 602, 603, 618
Mary Magdalene, i. 570, 571;
under the Cross, ii. 602;
watches the burying, 618;
at the empty tomb on Easter Day, i. 572, ii. 631;
tells Peter and John, ii. 633;
sees the Angels and Christ, 634, 636
Mary the Virgin, her descent, i. 149;
betrothal, 149, 150;
the annunciation to, 150-152;
visits Elizabeth, 152;
Mary's hymn, 153;
is married to Joseph, 154-156;
journeys to Bethlehem, 183, 184;
birth of Christ there, 185;
her inner history and development, 191-193, 249-250;
her Purification, 197;
flees into Egypt, 214;
returns to Nazareth, 221;
her conduct at Christ's first visit to Jerusalem, 236, 248;
her request at the marriage of Cana, 359-362;
lives at Capernaum, 364;
her visit to Christ, 576, 577;
under the Cross is entrusted to St. John, ii. 601-603
Masada, i. 120, 124;
last siege of, 242
Matthew, St., character of his Gospel, i. 54;
presentation of Messiah in it, 54, ii. 127, 128;
Old Testament quotations in i. 206, 458, 459;
Christ calls him, 514-519;
he makes a feast for Christ, 519-521, 663
Matthias, R., executed by Herod, i. 217, 218
Meals, among the Jews, attitude at, i. 564;
the principal meal, ii. 205, 206;
food of the Babylonian and Palestinian Jews, 206;
the benedictions, 206;
the morning meal, 206, 207;
position of guests at, 207, 208;
wines and articles of diet at, 208, 209;
etiquette at, 209, 210
Measures, kinds of, i. 593, 594, ii. 268;
dry measure, ii. 269
Meir, R., treatment of lepers by, i. 495
Memra, the, in the Targumim, i. 47, 48
Menelaus, High-Priest, i. 121
Messiah, the, fiction of the two Messiahs, i. 78-80, ii. 434, 435;
names of the Messiah, i. 151, 154, 155, 175;
0. and N.T. view of Him, 160-162,
O.T. passages Messianically applied by the Synagogue, 163;
Rabbinic ideal of Him, 164, 165;
the sufferings and woes of Messiah, 165, 205; ii. 433, 434;
no room for His priestly office in Rabbinism, i. 167;
the signs, time, and expectation of His coming, 168-171, 293, 308; ii. 68, 69, 154, 433, 434;
Jewish views of the nature, premundane existence, power, and position of Messiah, i. 171, 172, 175-179;
views of Messiah, in the Pseudepigrapha and Targumim, 172-175;
Jewish views as to His birth and birthplace; 175, 178, 180, 181;
the star of Messiah, 211, 212;
Messiah abides forever, ii. 393;
His descent, 405, 406;
the days of Messiah, wars and conquests in, i. 292, 293; ii. 436, 437;
meaning of the term 'Kingdom of the Messiah' as distinguished from the 'future age' and 'age to come' i. 267; ii .435, 441;
the feast in Messianic days, i. 549, 550;
the teaching, law and ritual then, ii. 33, 437, 438;
the Resurrection by Him, 436;
Jerusalem and Palestine in His days, 437-439;
the Gentiles in the days of Messiah, 439, 440;
death then abolished, 439
Mesusah, the, i. 76, 228
Metatron, the, i. 47
Methurgeman, duties of the, i. 10, 11, 436, 444, 445
Michael, the angel, how regarded, i. 142
Midrash, the, origin of, i. 11, 21;
subject of, 94, 102
Migdal Eder, prophecy concerning, i. 186, 187
Minim, Siphrey, i. 23, 33
Miracles of Christ, the wine at Cana, i. 351, 363;
cure of nobleman's son at Capernaum, 422-429;
the impotent man at Bethesda, 462-471;
the draught of fishes, 476, 477;
the demonised in Synagogue at Capernaum, 484, 485;
Peter's wife's mother and many sick, 485-488;
the leper, 491-498;
the paralytic, 499-506;
the centurion's servant, 544-551;
raises the young man at Nain, 552-560;
heals two blind men and one demonised dumb, 573;
stills the storm on the Lake, 599-605;
heals the demonised at Gerasa, 606, 615;
heals the woman who touched Him and raises Jairus's daughter, 617-634;
feeds 5000 at Bethsaida, 676-685;
walks on the Lake and stills the storm, 687-695;
heals the Syrophœnician's daughter, ii. 38-43;
one deaf and dumb, 45-47;
one blind at Bethsalda Julias, 47, 48;
two blind men, 48-50;
the man with the withered hand, 59-62;
He feeds 4000, 63-67;
heals the lunatic, 166-169;
the stater for the tribute-money, 113-115;
He heals the man born blind, 117-187;
heals one blind, dumb, and demonised, in Per�a, 197;
the woman with the spirit of infirmity, 224-225;
He raises Lazarus, 308-325;
heals ten lepers, 328-331;
two blind men at Jericho, 355, 356;
curses the fig-tree, and it withers, 374, 377;
the last draught of fishes, 648, 649;
grounds for rejecting the miraculous, i. 558-560;
evidences for the miraculous, 602-605; ii. 308-312;
the miracles of Christ, how viewed by the Jewish authorities, i. 575, 576;
when not expected by the disciples, 689, 690, ii. 66, 67
Mishnah, the, origin of, i. 11;
contents and order of, 101, 102;
its language, 102, 103
Money, drachm, ii. 257;
stater, 114;
sela, 258;
talent, 294, 459;
perutah, 388;
mina, 466
Morning Sacrifice, i. 133, 134
Moses, at the Transfiguration, ii. 97, 98
Mothers in Israel, i. 229, 230
Nœœman. See Pharisees.
Nain, description of locality, i. 553;
Christ raises the young man at, 554-556
Nard, price of, ii. 358
Nathanael, or Bartholomew, call of, i. 348-350
Nationalists. See Zealots.
Nazareth, description of, i. 144-148;
the Holy Family return there, 221;
no learned Rabbis there, 233;
can any good come out of Nazareth? 349, 350;
Christ's first visit there, 430, 456;
He is cast out of the city, 456, 457;
Christ's second visit to the place, 635-640;
He leaves it for ever, 640
Nehardaa, Jews of, i. 7, 8, 14
Nestorians, the, i. 15
New Year's Day, i. 229
Nicodemus, Christ's teaching to, 381-388;
St. John's retrospect on the interview, 389;
Nicodemus remonstrates with the Sanhedrists at the Feast of Tabernacles, ii. 162, 163;
brings spices to embalm Christ, 617
Nisibis, i. 8
Oil, value of, ii. 268, 269
Olives, Mount of, Christ's last discourse on, ii. 431, 432
Onkelos, the proselyte, repelled by Shammaltes, i. 239
Ophel, i. 111, ii. 157
Ordination among the Rabbis, ii. 381, 382
Orpheus, spurious citations from, i. 36
Palestine, 'the land' i. 7;
its boundaries, and gradations of sanctity, 84-86, 87;
Hellenic and Herodian cities in, 87, 88;
political government of, at time of Christ, 87, 88, 236, 237;
the ideal state in Messianic days, ii. 438, 439
Parables of Christ, characteristics of, and reasons for, i. 579-586;
meaning of the term, 580;
the sower, 586-588, 594, 595;
the seed growing secretly, 588, 589;
the tares, 589-592;
the mustard-seed and leaven, 592-594;
the treasure hid and pearl of great price, 595, 596;
the drawnet, 596, 597;
the watching servants, ii. 218, 219;
the good Samaritan, 234-239;
the importunate neighbor, 239-242;
the foolish rich man, 243-246,
the barren fig tree, 246-248;
the great supper, 248-252;
the lost sheep, 254-256;
the lost drachm, 256, 257;
the lost son, 257-263;
the unjust steward, 266-274;
Dives and Lazarus, 275-283;
the unjust judge, 284-289;
the Pharisee and the Publican, 289-293;
the unmerciful servant, 293-297;
the laborers in the vineyard, 415-421;
the two sons, 421, 422;
the evil husbandmen, 422-425;
the marriage feast and wedding-garment, 425-430;
the ten virgins, 453-459;
the talents, 459-465;
the minas, 465-467;
the three series of Parables, i. 579-580;
character of first and second series, ii. 233, 234
Paracletes, the two, ii. 515-518.
See also Holy Spirit
Parashah, i. 29
Passover, Feast of, pilgrims at, i. 229, 242-243;
the two first days of the Feast, 246;
the first Passover in Christ's Ministry, 366, 367, 378;
Christ's last Passover, ii. 479;
the preparations for the Feast, 479, 480;
the Paschal meal, the benedictions, 496, 497;
the first cup and the hand washing, 497;
the first cup and the hand washing, 497;
the ritual at table, 504, 505;
the sop, 506, 507;
time of the Paschal Supper, 507;
the midnight preparation in the Temple, 508;
end of the Paschal meal, 511-513;
what rendered unfit to eat the Passover, 566-568;
the Chagigah as Pesach, 568;
the ceremony of the wavesheaf and second Paschal day, 613, 618, 619
Patr�, Jewish inscriptions at, i. 70
Paul, St., in Arabia, i. 14;
his journey to Rome, 69, 70
Per�a, seat of Herod's government, i. 395;
Christ's Ministry there, ii. 127, 128;
time and character of it, 195, 196;
Christ's miraculous power there, 197, 223-225;
He is warned to leave Per�a, 301;
Christ's final journey through it, 328
Peshat, i. 21, 41
Peter, Simon, in Babylonia, i. 14;
first call of, 347, 348;
final call of, 474-477;
Christ cures his wife's mother, 485, 486;
Peter sees the raising of Jairus's daughter, 629;
he walks on the water, 693, 694;
is taught concerning clean and unclean, ii. 23, 34;
his dispute with St. Paul, 24;
his testimony at Capernaum, 36;
his confession at C�sarea Philippi, and its import, 80-86, 91, 92;
he tempts Christ, 86, 87;
witnesses the Transfiguration, 92-98;
his conduct as to the tribute money, 111-114;
he asks about forgiving his brother, 115-117, 124, 125;
what reward should they have? 343;
refuses to let Christ wash his feet at table, 499, 500;
questions about the betrayer, 506;
asks about Christ's going away, 509;
Christ warns him of his denial, and has interceded for him, 535-537;
resemblance between Judas and Peter, 535, 536;
is taken into Gethsemane, 538;
smites the ear of Malchus, 544;
denies Christ, 550-564;
his repentance, 564;
Peter goes to the sepulchre on Easter Day, 633, 634;
Christ appears to him, 642;
Christ's three questions and commission to him by the Lake of Galilee, 647-650
Pharisees, contempt of, for Hellenists, i. 7;
their origin and political history, 96, 97, 310;
not a sect, 310;
number, degrees, and admission into the fraternity, 311, 312;
how described in Talmud, and viewed by Sadducees, 312;
their characteristics, 312, 313; ii. 276, 277, 290, 291;
their dogmatic, ceremonial, and juridical differences from Sadducees, i. 314-321;
derivation of the name, 323;
their deputation to John the Baptist, 340-342,
they unite with Herod to imprison the Baptist, 658;
they track Christ, ii. 51, 52;
the controversies about handwashing, 9-15;
about Sabbath observance, 52-62;
they seek a sign from heaven, 68-70;
their leaven, 70, 71;
their treatment of the man born blind, 185-187;
their interpretation of Christ's power, 197, 198;
the morning meal in the Pharisee's house in Per�a; Christ's exposure of their hypocrisy, 204-215;
Christ teaches concerning their giving, 248, 249;
their view of the future blessedness; 249;
the sinners and the righteous, 256;
their hypocrisy in hospitality, and self-seeking, 303, 304;
they question Christ about divorce, 331, 332;
their anger at Christ's welcome in Jerusalem, 368;
the question of tribute, 384;
their arguments with the Sadducees as to the Resurrection, 397-399;
their views on Levirate marriage, 400;
Christ's last denunciations and woes on them, 407-414
Pharos, LXX., translated there, i. 25;
feast celebrated there, 30
Phasaelis, built, i. 119
Phasaelus, brother of Herod I., history of, i. 123, 124
Pheroras, brother of Herod I., history of, i. 126, 127
Philip, the Apostle, call of, i. 348-350;
the Greek proselytes come to him, ii. 390;
his question after the Paschal Supper, 515
Philip, son of Herod I., political history of, i. 219, 220;
his character and works, 262;
marries Salome, 673
Philo of Alexandria, i. 36, 39;
his personal history, 40, 77;
Greek learning and philosophy in his works, 40, 44;
his mode of interpreting Scripture, 41-43;
his theology, 43, 44;
his 'potencies' and 'words,' 44-46;
the Logos in his works, 48-50;
differences as compared with the Epistle to the Hebrews, 49, 50;
cosmology and ethics of Philo, 50-53;
comparison of his works and St. John's Gospel, 56;
his views on the restoration of the Dispersion, 82
Phylacteries, or Tephillin, i. 76;
women dispensed from, i. 228;
the compartments in, 315;
ostentation in wearing them, ii. 408
Pilate, Pontius, cruelty and harshness of, i. 242, 251, 272;
slaughters the Galileans, ii. 221;
gave the band of soldiers, 541, 542;
Christ brought before him, 565-581;
he is made to condemn Christ, 580, 581;
allows the crurifragium, 612, 613;
gives Joseph Christ's body, 615, 616
Pollio, i. 128
Pompeii, Jewish tombstones at, i. 70
Pompey, captures Jerusalem, i. 122;
settles disputes, 123
Pr�torium, in Jerusalem, ii. 566
Prayer, Rabbinic injunctions as to attitude in, i. 438;
as to interruptions in, ii. 137, 138
Priesthood, genealogies of, kept, i. 9
Prophecy and Assumption of Moses, age and contents off i. 81
Proselytes, some Greek proselytes desire to see Jesus, ii. 389-392;
Jewish views on the making of proselytes, 411, 412;
would the Gentiles in Messianic days be such? 439, 440
Proseuche, i. 76
Psalter of Solomon, date and character of, i. 38;
description of Messiah and Messianic times in, 79, 80, 174
Pseudepigraphic Writings, general character and number of, i. 37
Pseudo-Philo, i. 36
Ptolemy I. (Lagi), projects the Museum in Alexandria, i. 24;
rules Samaria, 379
Ptolemy II. (Philadelphus), his love of books, i. 24;
has O.T. translated, 25
Ptolemy III. (Euergetes), i. 25, 27
Ptolemy (Philometor), i. 36
Publicans, classes of, i. 515-517;
character of, 516, 517;
the call and feast of Matthew, 518-520
Purification after childbirth, ceremonial and sacrifices for, i. 195-197
Purifications. Talmudic tractates on, i. 357, 358;
dispute about, between the Baptist's disciples and a Jew, 391;
Christ's woe on Pharisaic hypocrisy, concerning, ii. 413.
See also Washing of hands
Purim, Feast of, how celebrated, i. 229
Puteoli, Jewish settlement in, i. 70
Rabbis, subject of study of, i. 11,
roles of etiquette for, ii. 209, 210;
their authority and place, 381, 407;
manner of ordination of, 382;
Christ's charges against them, 407-409;
their position in both worlds, 408, 410;
their power of binding and loosing, 85, 645
Rabbinic Theology, avoidance of anthropomorphisms in, i. 28, 29, 43;
the allegorical method in, 35, 36;
compared with that of Philo, 42-45;
Jehovah and Elohim in, 45, 46;
Rabbinic views on creation, 50-51;
on the heavenly Academy, 85; ii. 15, 16;
Rabbinic hatred of Gentiles and idolatry, i. 85, 89-92;
essential contrariety of Rabbinism to the teaching of Christ, 84, 145;
views of Israel's receiving the Law, 90, ii. 142-144;
place given to Scripture by Rabbinism, i. 105-108, ii. 17;
the conception of good in, i. 144; ii. 339;
contempt of Rabbinism for Galileans and the ignorant, i. 144, 145, 508;
no doctrine of original sin, 165;
views on death, 166;
the two inclinations in man, 167;
Rabbinic accounts of trials of O.T. heroes, 292;
views of sin and the sinner, 507-511;
Rabbinic teaching about penitence and penitents, 509-513; ii. 245, 246, 253, 258;
fasting, i. 512, 513;
the children of God and of Gehinnom in, 551;
the Rabbinic ordinance of handwashing, ii. 9-15;
decisions as to canonicity of certain books, 12,
the 18 decrees, 13, 14;
Rabbinic views of God's doings in heaven, 15, 16;
the ordinance of vows, 18-21;
the Sabbath laws, 52-62, 153, 154;
signs from heaven to confirm certain Rabbis, 68, 69;
signification of salt in Rabbinism, 121;
teaching as to angels, 122;
views on praying, 137, 138;
prayers of certain Rabbis, 291;
their authority, whence derived, 151;
their views on the sudden appearance of Messiah, 154;
their laws about testimony, 169;
the doctrine of sin before birth, 178, 179;
the spiritual leaders Parnasin, 188, 189;
Rabbinic teaching about nourishment and redemption, 196;
how to inherit eternal life, 235, 236;
separation of Israel according to, 237;
the merits of the fathers, 290;
Rabbinic teaching about forgiveness, 296, 297;
about divorce, 332-335;
the renovation of the world, 343;
Rabbinic teaching about the Resurrection, 397-399, 402, 403;
teaching about the light and heavy commandments, 404, 405, 407;
the abodes of the blessed according to the Rabbis, 513, 514.
See also Mishna, Midrash, Halakkah, Haggadah, Talmud
Redemption of the firstborn, i. 194, 195
Resurrection, Christ's teaching to Martha concerning it, ii. 321, 322;
Sadducean attacks on the doctrine, 397-399;
Jewish and Pharisaic views on it, 398, 399, 402, 403;
Christ's teaching concerning it, 401-403;
the Messiah's part in it, 436;
the Resurrection of Christ: the narrators of it, 621, 622;
the disciples' expectation concerning the event, 623-625;
St. Paul's statements concerning it, 625, 626;
hypotheses concerning it, 626-629;
the women at the sepulchre, 630, 633;
Mary Magdalene there, 631-636;
the guard see the angel, 631, 632;
Peter and John at the sepulchre, 633, 634;
the report of the body having been stolen, 636, 637;
Christ appears to the two who went to Emmaus, 638-642;
appears to Peter, 642;
to the disciples on Easter evening, 642-646;
appears the next Sunday, 646, 647;
is seen by the Lake of Galilee, 647-651;
other manifestations of Christ, 651;
our Resurrection-body, what will it be? 635, 636
Revelation, Christ's teaching as to its unity, ii. 404, 406
Roads in Palestine, the three great caravan ones, i. 147
Rome, views there entertained about the Jews, i. 65-67;
political history and standing of the Jews there, 67, 68, 70-72;
Jewish slaves and freedmen in Rome, 67, 68;
their quarters, Synagogues, and inscriptions, 68-70;
Romans proselytes, 71;
Jewish legend of Messiah at the gate of Rome, 175;
political, social, and religious history of the Roman Empire under Augustus, 256-260;
Jewish legend of the origin of Rome, ii. 439
Sabbath, the, Jewish modes of making it a delight, i. 437, ii. 52, 114, 115;
Christ's controversy on the 'second first' Sabbath, ii. 53-56;
Rabbinic views of labour on the Sabbath, 56-58;
as to danger to life on it, 59-61;
the O. and N.T. teaching concerning the Sabbath, 56-59;
Christ heals the man with the withered hand on it, 61, 62;
is accused of breaking the Sabbath again, 181, 182;
His Per�an teaching concerning healing on it, 224, 225, 303
Sabbatyon, river, i. 15
Sadducees, origin of, i. 96, 238, 310;
characteristics of their system, 313;
dogmatic, ritual, and juridical views differing from the Pharisees of, 314-321;
they were a minority, 322;
origin of the name, 322-324;
had no sympathy with the Baptist, 334, 335;
identified with the Herodians by St. Matthew, ii. 67;
they seek a sign from heaven, 68-70;
their leaven, 70, 71;
their attitude towards Christ, 396, 397;
their arguments with the Pharisees and with Christ as to the Resurrection, 397-399, 401, 402;
their views on the Levirate marriage, 400
Sadduk, a Shammaite, joins Judas the Nationalist, i. 241
Safed, i. 146
Saliva, mode of healing by, ii. 45, 48, 180, 182
Salorne, wife of Zebedee. See Zebedee
Salome, daughter of Herodias, dances before Herod, i. 672;
her end, 673
Salome, sister of Herod I., compasses murder of her husband, of Mariamme, Soemus, and Costobarus, i. 125, 126;
releases the Jews shut up at Jericho, 219
Salt, Christ's teaching about its meaning, ii. 121
Samaria, province of, Biblical history of, i. 394-396;
its temple, 396;
later political history of, 397, 398;
how viewed by Jews, and attitude of Samaria towards Jud�a, 398-402;
beauty of the Plain of Samaria, 404, 405
Samaria, or Sebaste, built, i. 88, 119;
heathen temple at, 88;
fate of, 397, 398
Samaritans, meaning of the designation in Jewish writings, i. 399, 400;
doctrines held by the Samaritans, 402, 403;
they refuse to receive Christ, ii. 131;
the healed Samaritan leper, 329-331
Sanhedrin, the, of Jerusalem, signals of the new month by, i. 9;
of supreme authority, 12;
actual power of, at the time of Christ, 120, 128, 238, ii. 556;
origin of, i. 97;
places of, meeting, 114, 371;
rank in it, and privileges thereby conferred, 96, 131, ii. 555;
character of decisions made by Sanhedrin, i. 129, ii. 557, 584,
teaching by members of it on the Temple-terrace, i. 247;
sent no official deputation to the Baptist, 309, 310;
did not sit on Sabbaths, ii. 182;
the Sanhedrist council against Christ, 326;
mode of ordination, 381, 382, 553-555;
Christ's trial illegal according to their laws, 553;
the three tribunals, 554;
regular mode of procedure in trial by the Sanhedrin, 555, 556.
See Trial of Christ
Satan or Sammael, compasses the Fall of Man, i. 165;
his assaults upon Abraham, 292;
his conquest by Messiah, 292, 293;
Christ sees his fa!l, ii. 140;
also named Shomron, 174
Schools in Palestine, i. 230, 231;
teachers in, 231;
subjects of study in, 232
Scribes or Sopherim, studies of, i. 11;
their position and dignity, 93,
origin, growth, and decay in power of, the institution, 94-96
Seleucid�, troubles of Palestine under, i. 96, 121
Seleucus I. (Nicator) grants the Jews of Asia Minor citizenship, i. 71
Seleucus IV. (Philopator) conquers Samaria, i. 397
Sephiroth. See Kabbalah.
Sepphoris, seized by Judas, the Nationalist, i. 241
Septuagint, i. 23;
legend of its origin and name, 24-26;
its age, 26;
its characteristics, 27, 28;
how regarded and used by Hellenists and Rabbis, 29, 30
Sermon on the Mount, the, contrasted and compared with Rabbinic writings, i. 524-526, 531-541;
its arrangement and divisions, 527, 528;
the Beatitudes, 529, 530;
alms, prayer and fasting in it 530, 531;
analysis of the third part, 531;
its effect on the hearers, 541
Seventy, mission of the, ii. 135;
differences between it and the sending of the Twelve, 135, 136;
their commission and return, 137-142
Shammai, his life and teaching, i. 95, 128, 129;
character of his school, 239, 240;
the eighteen decrees, how passed, 239, ii. 13, 14;
views of the school on hand-washing, ii. 13;
on divorce, 333;
the burdens bound by them, 407
Shaul, Abba, curse pronounced by, i. 372
Shechem, real capital of Samaria, i. 397, 398;
the 'city of fools,' 400;
the valley of Shechem, 404, 405
Shekkinah, the, removed from earth at the Fall of man, i. 166;
lingers over the wall of the Temple, 168
Sheliach Tsibbur, Christ acts as, in the Nazareth Synagogue, i. 439
Shema, the, reason of its order, i. 268
Shemayah, or Sameas, saying of, i. 128
Sibylline Oracles, lament of i. 6;
Jewish personation in, 36;
date and country of, 38;
passed for Erythr�an and Cum�an, 38;
the restoration of Israel referred to in them; their presentation of Messiah, 172, 173
Sickness, Jewish views concerning, i. 554
Siloam, Pool of, i. 111;
the procession thither on the Feast of Tabernacles, ii. 157, 158;
the man born blind sent to wash there, 180;
lessons of the fall of the tower there, 222, 223
Simeon, meets the Holy Family in the Temple, i. 198;
his song and prophecy, 199, 200
Simeon, grandson of Hillel, interferes concerning Temple traffic, i. 370, 371
Simon I. (Jus), described in Ecclus., i. 26, 121
saying of, 95;
sees a vision of an angel every year, 138
Simon, the Cyrenian, ii. 582, 587
Simon, son of Gamaliel, views on Samaritans of, i. 400
Simon, ben Jochai, saying of, i. 540, ii. 291
Simon, the Pharisee, the meal given to Christ in his house, and the woman which was a sinner there, i. 563-569
Simon, ben Shetach, i. 96
Simon Zelotes, a cousin of Christ, i. 251, 522, ii. 603
Sirach, Son of, translates his grandfather's work, i. 26;
Grecian thought in it, 32
Sod, i. 21
Soemus, murdered, i. 126
Sowing, modes of, i. 586
Star of the Magi, i. 204, 205;
probable explanation of it, 211-213;
Jewish expectation of a star, 211, 212
Stoning, Place of, ii. 585
Sagoth, or couples, the, i. 95-97
Susanna, ministers to Christ, i. 573
Swine, keeping them prohibited to Jews, ii. 260
Sychar, i. 405;
roads to the place, 405;
its well, 409;
Christ at Jacob's Well there, 405-420
Synagogue, the Great, duration of, i. 94, 95
Synagogues, Hellenist, i. 19, 29, 30, 77;
the batlanim of, 76, 433, 434;
their tendency in the Dispersion and in Palestine, 77, 433, 434;
the Jerusalem Synagogues, 119, 432;
origin of Synagogues, 431, 432;
plan and structure of Synagogues, according to that at Capernaum, 434-436;
regulations as to conduct in, going to, and returning from, a Synagogue, 437;
the officials, 438, 439;
the service, 439-445;
Jewish preachers and sermons in, 445-450;
Christ in the Synagogue of Nazareth, 452-456
Syracuse, Jewish colony at, i. 69
Syria, reckoned part of 'the land' i. 7
Syrophœnician Woman, healing of her daughter by Christ, ii. 38-43
Tabernacles, Feast of, how kept, i. 229;
pilgrims at it, and how treated, ii. 129, 148, 149;
Christ goes up to it privately, 131;
the booths, 145, 146;
Chol ha Moed of, 148;
symbolism of the Feast, 149, 150;
the illuminations, 150-165;
the services of the great day of the Feast, 156-160;
the Lulabh and Ethrog, 157
Tabor, distant view of, i. 146
Talmud, or Gemara, Metatron in, i. 47;
age and contents of the Jerusalem Talmud, 103, 104;
of the Babylon Talmud, 104;
number of tractates and pages in the Babylon, 104, 105;
its Boraithas, 104;
the birth of Messiah in the Talmud, 175
Tanchuma, R., saying of, i. 178
Targumim, origin of, i. 10, 11, 29;
to write them forbidden at first, 10, 11;
Memra in, 47, 48;
the Messiah in, 175
Targum Jonathan, when sanctioned, i. 11;
Metatron in, 47
Targum Onkelos, i. 11;
absence of anthropomorphisms in, 28;
Memra in, see Memra, also Appendix II. pp. 659-662
Tarich�a, battle of, ii. 68, 72;
the disciples there, 76
Temple, the, how regarded by the Jews, i. 3, 4, 235;
Gentile gifts and worshippers in it, 73, 74;
its porches, 112, 244, 245, ii. 151;
bridge, i. 112;
its gates, 244;
the courts, 245, 246;
the Sanctuary and Most Holy Place, 245, 246;
the veils, ii. 610;
the shops and Temple market, i. 114, 244, 369-372;
the moneychangers, 114, 369;
the Temple rebuilt by Herod, 111-120;
its beauty, 243;
the Sanhedrin in it, 114;
no Synagogue or Academy there, 246, 247;
beggars in the Temple, i. 114, ii. 177;
charity to poor offerers in it, i. 130;
the morning sacrifice in the Temple, 133;
the courses of priests in it, 135; its services a superfluity to Rabbinism, 144;
the teaching on the Temple terrace, 247;
the Temple-guard: cannot seize Christ, ii. 155, 161, 162;
the Treasury, 165;
the Trumpets, 165, 387;
private prayer in the Temple, 289;
its second cleansing; 377, 378;
the children's Hosanna in it, 378, 379;
the widow's two mites: gifts to the Treasury, 387-389;
Christ's last view of the Temple, 431;
the disciples' question as to its destruction, 431, 432;
the midnight service in it on 15th Nisan, 508;
the renting of the Veil: Jewish legends of such a portent, 610-612
Temptation of Christ, i. 291-307
Ten Tribes, seat of, i. 14, 15;
their return expected, 15
Testament, New, quotations from Old in, i. 206
Testament, Old, grand unity of, i. 160, 161;
copies of, possessed by the people, 232, 233
Theodotus, i. 36
Therapeut�, i. 61
Therumoth, from what countries due, i. 9, 86;
once kept close to the roll of the Law, ii. 12
Thomas, Didymus, call of, i. 521;
his conduct when leaving Per�a, ii. 315;
question of, after the Paschal Supper, 514;
his disbelief and confession after the Resurrection. 645, 646
Tiberias, built, i. 88, 261, 657;
its site, 261, 262;
scenes in the last war at, ii. 72
Tithes, due from Babylonians, i. 9;
Christ's teaching concerning the Rabbinic law of tithing, ii. 212;
His woe on the Pharisaic ordinances of, 412, 413
Torah, or Law, dignity and age of, i. 35, 85
Tosephtoth, i. 103
Towel, with which Christ girded Himself, ii. 501, 502
Transfiguration of Christ, ii. 94-101
Trial of Christ, not in regular Sanhedrin, nor according to Jewish law, ii. 553, 556-558;
the false witnesses, 558;
the charge of the 'sign' 558-560;
Caiaphas' adjuration and Christ's answer, 560, 561;
the condemnation, 561;
the Sanhedrists' morning meeting, 565;
Christ before Pilate, 565-569;
the dream of Pilate's wife, 569;
the scruples and charges of the Sanhedrists, 565, 566, 569, 570;
Pilate questions Christ 570, 571;
He is sent to Antipas, 572;
Pilate seeks to save Him, 577;
Barabbas, chosen, 577;
Pilate washes his hands, 577, 578;
Christ scourged, derided and sentenced, 579-581
Tribute to C�sar. See C�sar
Tribute, Temple, amount of, i. 367, 368;
money changers for, 367-371;
its obligation, ii. 111;
privileges accorded to some in paying it, 111;
time of year for so doing, 111;
how applied by Vespasian, 112;
Peter and the tribute money: the miracle of the stater, 112-114
Tsitsith, the, i. 76, 277, 623, 626
Tyre, fair at, 82-83.
Tyre and Sidon, borders of, Christ's stay there, ii. 37, 38
Tyropœon Valley, i. 112
Unknown Feast, Christ alone there, i. 461, 462;
the miracle at Bethesda, 462-469;
His teaching at the Feast, 465, 466, 469-471
Valerius Gratus, Procurator, i. 242
Venusia, Jewish tombstones at, i. 70
Vows, Rabbinic ordinances concerning, ii. 17-21;
the 'hand on the Qorban,' 19;
distinctions between vows, oaths, and ban, 19, 20;
Christ's woe on vows contrary to the fifth commandment, 412
Wages in Palestine, ii. 417
Washing of hands, Rabbinic ordinances of, ii. 9, 10;
the ceremony, 10-12;
Rabbinic teaching on the subject, 13, 15, 210;
Christ's attitude towards this tradition, and his teaching concerning it, 15, 205-211
Watches, night, how many, i. 687, 688
Weeks, Feast of, how kept, i. 229
Wheat, price of, ii. 269
Wines, various kinds of, ii. 208
Wisdom of Solomon, character of, i. 31-33;
allegorical interpretations in, 34
Woes of Christ, on Chorazin and Bethsaida, ii. 138, 139;
on the Pharisees, 212, 410-414;
on the Scribes, 213
Writing materials, ii. 270;
inks, 270, 271;
pens, &c., 271;
the tablet, 271, 272
Xystos, in Jerusalem, i. 118
Yemen, kings of, professed the Jewish faith, i. 203
Yetser ha Ra, i. 52, 167;
final destruction of, ii. 441
Yetser tobh, i. 52, 53, 167
Yoke of the Kingdom, ii. 142-144
Zacch�us, ii. 352-355
Zacharias, home, wife, and character of, i. 135-137;
the annunciation of John the Baptist to, 137-140,
is dumb till the naming of his son, 140-158;
an 'idiot' priest, 141;
his hymn, 158, 159
Zadok, disciple of Antigonus of Socho, i. 322
Zadok, High-Priest, did not give their name to Sadducees, i. 322, 323
Zealots, Nationalists, or Canan�ans, rise and political history of, i. 237, 238-242;
the Sicarii, 241, 242;
their presence in Christ's family, 242;
how described by Josephus, 243;
their principles, ii. 383, 385
Zebedee, sons of, probably Christ's cousins, i. 251;
meaning of the name, 474;
request of the mother of his children, ii. 116, 346, 347,
she is under the cross, 602, 603
Zechariah, the murdered prophet, legend of, ii. 413, 414
Zeqenim, i. 96;
Christ denounces their traditionalism, ii. 213;
the question of one of them about the greatest commandment, 403-405
Zugoth. See Sugoth.