Showing the manifest inconsistence of the Arminian notion of Liberty of Will, consisting in the Will's self-determining Power.
Several supposed ways of evading the foregoing reasoning considered.
Whether any event whatsoever, and Volition in particular, can come to pass without a Cause of its existence.
Whether Volition can arise without a Cause, through the activity of the nature of the soul.
Showing, that if the things asserted in these Evasions should be supposed to be true, they are altogether impertinent, and cannot help the cause ofArminian Liberty; and how, this being the state of the case, Arminian writers are obliged to talk inconsistently.
Concerning the Will determining in things which are perfectly indifferent in the view of the mind.
Concerning the Notion of Liberty of Will, consisting in Indifference.
Concerning the supposed Liberty of the will, as opposite to all Necessity.
Of the Connexion of the Acts of the Will with the Dictates of the Understanding.
Volition necessarily connected with the influence of Motives: with particular observations on the great inconsistence of Mr. Chubb's assertions and reasonings about the Freedomof the Will.
The evidence of Gods certain Foreknowledge of the volitions of moral Agents.
God's certain foreknowledge of the future volitions of moral agents, inconsistent with such a contingence of those volitions as is without all necessity.
Whether we suppose the volitions of moral Agents to be connected with any thing antecedent, or not, yet they must be necessary in such a sense as to overthrow Arminian liberty.