1 [Acts xi. 26. Note this as from an Antiochian, glorying in the name of Christian.]

2 Eu!xrhstoj, punning on the name Christian. [Comp cap xii., infra. So Justin, p. 164, vol. i., this series. But he also puns on his own name, "beloved of God," in the text forw= to\ Qeofile\j o!noma tou=to, k.t.l..]

3 Literally, "your man;" the invisible soul, as the noblest pat of man, being probably intended.

4 The techincal word for a disease of the eye, like cataract.

5 The translation here follows the Hamburg editor, others read, "If Father, I say everything."

6 Maranus observes that Theophilus means to indicate the difference between God's chastisement of the righteous and His punishment of the wicked.

7 [Kaye's Justin, p. 173.]

8 The reference here is not to the Holy Spirit, but to that vital power which is supposed to be diffused thorughout the universe. Comp. book ii. 4.

9 Literally, "propagation."

10 Job ix 9

11 Ps. cxxxv. 7.

12 Ps xxxiii. 6.

13 i.e., in the resurrection.

14 [Foot-baths. A reference to Amasis, and his story in Heredotus, ii. 172. See Rawlinson's Version and Notes, vol. ii. p. 221, ed. Appletons, 1859. See also Athanagoras, infra, Embassy, cap. xxvi.]

15 [The fable of Echo and her shameful gossip may serve for an example.]

16 Prov. xxiv. 21, 22. The Greek of Theophilus has "honour" instead of "fear."

17 "The argumentation of this chapter depends on the literal meaning which Theophilus attaches to Christos, the Anointed One; and he plays on this meaning, and also on the similarity of pronunciation between xrhsto/j, `useful,_0' and xristo/j, `anointed._0'"-Donaldson.

18 [Not material oil probably, for it is not mentioned in such Scriptures as Acts viii. 17, xix 6, Heb. vi. 2; but the anointing (1 John ii. 20) of the Holy Ghots. As a symbol, oil was used at an early period, however; and the Latins are not slow to press this in favour of material oil in the chrism, or confirmation.]

19 [This is the famous challenge which affords Gibbon (cap. xv.) a most pleasing opportunity for his cavils. But our author was not asserting that the dead was raised in his day, but only that they should be at the las day.]

20 [Ps. cxix. 130. Note this tribute to the inspired Scriptures and their converting power; I might almost say their sacramental energy, referring to John vi. 63.]

21 [Rev. xix. 10. I cannot reconcile what Scripture says of itself with the modern refinements as to the human and divine element, while fully admitting that there are such elements, intermixed and interpenetrated mutually, beyond all power of dissection by us. I prefer the childlike docility of the Fathers.]

22 Rom. ii. 7.

23 1 Cor. ii. 9.

24 Rom. ii. 8, 9.

1 The words "by some and placed in" are omitted in some editions, but occur in the best mss..

2 This is according to the Benedictine reading: the reading of Wolf, "nature is left to itself," is also worthy of consideration.

3 That is, the existence of God as sole first principle.

4 Literally, "subject-matter."

5 Il., xiv. 201.

6 Hesiod, Theog., 74.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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