8 Probably a quotation from a hymn.
9 Ps. cx. 3. Septuagint has, "before the morning star."
12 [Isa. xlii. 10. Note that in all the Psalms where this expression is used, there is a foretaste of the New Covenant and of the manifestation of the Word.]
18 This may be translated, "of God the Christ."
21 What this is, is not known; but it is likely that the word is a corruption of i\era\n dru=n, the sacred oak.
23 The text has a0nie/rou, the imperative of a0niero/w, which in classical Greek means "to hallow;" but the verb here must be derived from the adjective a0ni/eroj, and be taken in the sense "deprive of their holiness," "no longer count holy." Eusebius reads a0nie/rouj: "unholy interpreters."
24 The cernos some take to be a vessel containing poppy, etc., carried in sacrificial processions. The scholiast says that it is a fan. [I have marked this as a quotation. See below: Eleusinian rites.]
26 The scholiast takes the r9i/mboj to mean a piece of wood attached to a cord, and swung round so as to cause a whistling noise.
27 [See supra, p. 175, where I have affixed quotation-marks, and adopted the word "tokens" (instead of "signs") to harmonize these two places]
28 This sentence is read variously in various editions.
29 [A scathing retort upon those who called Christians atheists, and accused them of shameful rites.]
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |