332 1 Tim. i. 7.

333 1 Tim. i. 5.

334 e0poptei/a, the third and highest grade of initation into the mysteries.

335 A saying not in Scripture; but by several of the ancient Fathers attributed to Christ or an apostle. [Jones, Canon, i. 438.]

336 "That thou may'st well know whether he be a god or a man."-Homer.

337 Matt. xi. 27.

338 Eph. iii. 3, 4.

339 The text has tetraxw=j, which is either a mistake for trixw=j, or belongs to a clause which is wanting. The author asserts the triple sense of Scripture,-the mystic, the moral, and the prophetic. [And thus lays the egg which his pupil Origen was to hatch, and to nurse into a brood of mysticism.]

340 [Timaeus, p. 22, B.-S.]

341 [See Shepherd of Hermas, i. p. 14, ante. S.]

342 Prov. vi. 23.

343 Gen. xvii. 4. "As for me, behold, My convenant is with thee."-A.V.

344 The allusion here is obscure. The suggestion has been made that it is to ver. 2 of the same chapter, which is thus taken to intimate that the covenant would be verbal, not written.

345 Referring to an apocryphal book so called. [This book is not cited as Scripture, but (valeat quantum) as containing a saying attributed to St. Peter. Clement quotes it not infrequently. A very full and valuable account of it may be found in Lardner, vol. ii. p. 252, et seqq. Not less valuable is the account given by Jones, On the Canon, vol. i. p. 355. See all Clement's citations, same volume, p. 345, et seqq.]

346 Strwmateu/j

347 Book i. cap. i. p. 299, note 1.

348 Ed. Rivingtons, London, 1835.

349 Book i. cap. i. p. 301, note 9.

350 See Jones, On the Canon, vol. iii. p. 44

351 Antiquities, vol. i. p. 66, ed. Bohn.

352 Book i. cap. i. p. 301, note 10.

353 Book i. cap. i. p. 302, note 5.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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