230 Plato, Rep., book vii.

231 [Pearson, On the Creed, p. 47.]

232 According to the reading in Eusebius, pa=n e!qnoj e9w=|on pa=n de\ e9speri/wn h0|o/nwn, bo/reio/n te kai\ to/, k.t.l..

233 Instead of pro/noian, Eusebius has pronomi/an (privilege).

234 Clement seems to mean that they knew God only in a roundabout and inaccurate way. The text has peri/fasin; but peri/frasin, which is in Eusebius, is preferable.

235 [See p. 379, Elucidation I., supra.]

236 Isa xxxvi. 7, 8, 10.

237 Jonah i. 6, 9, 14.

238 Mal. i. 10, 11, 14. [The prophetic present-future.]

239 Perhaps Bacchylides.

240 a0rxai/an.

241 The reading of H. Stephanus, a0gaqa\s !Wraj, is adopted in the translation. The text has a0gaqa\ swth=raj. Some supply !Wraj, and at the same time retain swth=raj.

242 Jer. iii. 19.

243 [This strong testimony of Clement is worthy of special note.]

244 De Nat. Deor., ed. Delphin., vol. xiv. p. 852.

245 Boston, 1850.

246 In the Provincial Letters, passim.

247 Hippol., vol. iii. p. 200.

248 Chrysostom.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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