249 Hippol., vol. iii. p. 200.

250 Chrysostom.

251 Chrysostom.

252 Works, vol. iv. p. 205.

126 1 [On Clement's plan, see Elucidation I. p. 342, supra.]

2 John vi. 27.

3 Isa. xxxii. 20.

4 Rom. xiv. 2.

5 Ps. cxii. 5, 9.

6 Odyss., xi. 427.

7 Homer, Iliad, xxiii. 315: me/g' a0mei/nwn is found in the Iliad as in Musaeus. In the text occurs instead perigi/netai, which is taken from line 318.

Iliad, xxiii. 315-318.

8 fu/llon, for which Sylburg, suggests fu=lon.

9 Iliad, vi. 147-149.

10 Odyss., xxii. 412.

11 Iliad, ix. 116.

12 Cuno/j. So Livy, "communis Mars;" and Cicero, "cum omnis belli Mars comunis."

13 Iliad, xviii. 309.

14 Cuno/j. So Livy, "communis Mars;" and Cicero, "cum omnis belli Mars comunis."

15 The text has: Ni/khj a0nqrw/poisi qw=n e0k pei/rata kei=tai. In Iliad, vii. 101, 102, we read:

Ni/khj pei/rat' e!xontai e0n a0qana/toisi qeoi=sin.

16 Iliad, xvi. 235.

17 Odyss., xiv. 228.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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