246 Sive stativo vel ambulatorio titulo.

247 Compagines generis.

248 Comitum.

249 Graeculus.

250 "Aliquis" is here understood.

251 Utitur Graeco, i.e., cinaedo, "for purposes of lust."

252 Or, "is sent into the country, and put into prison."

253 Aliquid recordantur.

254 Publicae eruptionis.

255 Intentatis.

256 Vestris non sacramentis, with a hyphen, your non-mysteries."

257 Comp. The Apology, c. xxxv.

258 Secunda.

259 Severus, in a.d. 198.

260 These titles were borne by Caracalla.

261 Or, "topic"-hoc loco.

262 i.e., whether among the Christians or the heathen.

263 A cavil of the heathen.

264 Sane.

265 Galliae

266 Vesaniae

267 Conveniam.

268 Recognoscam.

269 Festivos libellos.

270 A concilio.

271 Ex fide.

272 Literally, "we make faces."

273 Comp. The Apology, c. xxxiii., p. 37, supra, and Minucius Felix, Octavius, c. xxiii. [Vol. IV. this Series.]

274 Comp., The Apology, c. 50 [p. 54, infra.]

275 A virtute didicerunt.

276 With the "piget prosequi" to govern the preceding oblique clause, it is unnecessary to suppose (with Oehler) the omission here of some verb like "erogavit."

277 Novitatem...dedicavit.

278 Tertullian refers to Cleopatra's death also in his tract ad Mart. c. iv. [See this Vol. infra.]

279 This case is again referred to in this treatise (p. 138), and in ad Mart c. iv. [See this Volume, infra.]

280 Eradicatae confessionis. [See p. 55, supra.]

281 Non invenitur.

282 Eadem voce.

283 Utique. The ironical tone of Tertullian's answer is evident.

284 Gladio ad lanistas auctoratis.

285 We follow Oehler in giving the clause this negative turn; he renders it; "Tretet nicht aus Furcht vor dem Tode ins Kriegsheer ein."

286 Alicui.

287 Jam evasit.

288 Auctoravit.

289 Vestiendum incendiale tunica.

290 Inter venatorios: "venatores circi" (Oehler).

291 "Doubtless the stripes which the Spartans endured with such firmness, aggravated by the presence of their nearest relatives, who encouraged them, conferred honour upon their family."-Apology, c. 50. [See p. 55, supra.]

292 Compare The Apology, cc. xlvii. xlviii. xlix. [This Vol., supra.]

293 Praestruitur.

294 Praesumimus.

295 Est.

296 Interim.

297 Traditum.

298 The heathen hell, Tartarus or Orcus.

299 Reciprocatione.

300 Distributione.

301 Compingite oscula.

302 Eunuchs (Rigalt.).

303 As the Christians were held to be; coming after (1) the heathen, (2) the Jews. See above, c. viii., and Scorpiace, c. x.

304 Eunuchs (Rigalt.).

305 An oft-quoted proverb in ancient writers. It occurs in Hesiod (Opp. Et Dies) 25.

306 Literally, "cease henceforth, O, simulated confession."

307 Omnia ista.

308 This seems to be the force of the "agnitione," which Oehler reanders "auditione."

309 Satisfactis.

310 Jactetis.

311 Quorum reatum.

312 Memineritis.

313 Si potestis.

314 Si putatis.

1 In this part of his work the author reviews the heathen mythology, and exposes the absurdity of the polytheistic worship in the various classes of the gods, according to the distribution of Varro.

2 Miserandae

3 Literally, "unwilling to know."

4 i.e., it does not know that it is error.

5 Nescit.

6 Agnoscit.

7 Liceret.

8 Discuti, or, in the logical sense, "be tested."

9 Nunciatio (legally, this is "an information lodged against a wrong.")

10 Excidere, "falls through."

11 Sed enim.

12 Quidni?

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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