13 [Inconsistent this with Gibbon's minimizing theory of the number of the Christian martyrs.] Elucidation VIII.

14 [Confirming the statement of Justin Martyr. See Vol. I., p. 187, note 1, and p. 193, this Series.]

15 Phaethon.

16 Atys or Attis.

17 Paris.

18 Pluto.

19 ["Sacred hats and purple robes and incense fumes" have been associated with the same crimes, alas! in widely different relations.]

20 [Caricatures of the Cricifixion are extant which show how greedily the heathen had accepted this profane idea.]

21 [A premonition of the Labarum.]

22 [As noted by Clement of Alexandria. See p. 535, Vol. II., and note.]

23 Onocoites. If with Oehler, Onochoietes, the meaning is "asinarius sacerdos" (Oehler).

24 Referring evidently to the Scriptures; and showing what the Bible was to the early Christians.

25 [Kaye, p. 168. Remarks on natural religion.]

26 [Though we are not by nature good, in our present estate; this is elsewhere demonstrated by Tertullian, as see cap. xviii.]

27 [Kaye, p. 291. See Elucidation I. Also Vol. II., p. 334.]

28 [That is, by the consummation of her marriage with Joseph.]

29 [Language common among Christians, and adopted afterwards into the Creed.]

30 Isa. vi. 10.

31 Elucidation V.

32 Proculus was a Roman senator who affirmed that Romulus had appeared to him after his death.

33 [Chapter 1. at close. "The blood of Christians is the seed of the Church."]

34 Herodotus, I. 47. [See Wilberforce's Five Empires, p. 67.]

35 [Castor and Pollux. Imitated in saint worship.]

36 [This testimony must be noted as something of which Tertullian confidently challenges denial.]

37 [Observe our author's assertion that in its own nature, worship must be a voluntary act, and note this expression libertatem religionis.]

38 [See Augustine's City of God, III. xvii. p. 95, Ed. Migne.]

39 Her image was taken from Pessinus to Rome.

40 [Familiar reference to Virgil, Aeneid, I. 15.]

41 Heb. x. 22. [See cap. xlii. infra. p. 49.]

42 [Once more this reflection on the use of material incense, which is common to early Christians, as in former volumes noted.]

43 [A reference to kneeling, which see the de Corona cap. 3, infra. Christians are represented as standing at prayer, in the deslineations of the Catacombs. But, see Nicene Canon, xx.]

44 Matt. v. 44.

45 1 Tim. ii. 2.

46 [Cap. xxxix. infra. And see Kaye, pp. 20, 348. A subject of which more hereafter.]

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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