55 [A remarkable word is subjoined by the Apostle (e0ce/straptai) which signifies turned inside out, and so self-condemned, as exhibiting his inward contentiousness and pravity.

56 Nihil, any doctrine.

57 Disciplinam, including both the principles and practice of the Christian religion.

58 Anathema. See Gal. i. 8.

59 Concerning Philumene, see below, chap. xxv.; Eusebius, Hist. Eccl. v. 13; Augustine, de Hoeres, chap. xlii. ; Jerome, Epist. adv. Ctesiph. (Works, ed. Ben.) iv. 477, and in his commentary on Galatians, ii. See also Tertullian, Against Marcion, p. 139. Edinb. Edition.

60 2 Cor. xi. 14.

61 Praestigiis.

62 1 Tim. iv. I.

63 1 Cor. iii. 18 and 25.

64 Denique.

65 Subornantur.

66 Formeae, "Ideae" (Oehler).

67 See Tertullian's treatises, adversus Valentinum, xxv., and de Anima, xxxi.; also Epiphanius, Hae xxxi . 23.

68 Volutatur.

69 Retractatus.

70 "De enthymesi:" for this word Tertullian gives animationem (in his tract against Valentinus, ix.), which seems to mean, "the mind in operation." (See the same treatise, x. xi.) With regard to the other word, Jerome (on Amos. iii.) adduces Valentinus as calling Christ e!ktrwma, that is, abortion.

71 Sententiis.

72 Molestam.

73 Tractaverit, in the sense of conclusively settling.

74 1 Tim. i. 4.

75 Tit. iii. 9.

76 2 Tim. ii. 17.

77 Col. ii. 8. The last clause, "praeter providentiam Spiritus Sancti," is either Tertullian's reading, or his gloss of the apostle's ou0 kata\ Xristo/n-"not after Christ."

78 Because in the beginning of the church the apostles taught in Solomon's porch, Acts iii. 5.

79 Wisdom of Solomon, i. 1.

80 Viderint.

81 Curiositatem.

82 Scrupulositatem, "hair-splitting."

83 Matt. vii. 7.

84 See our translation of the Anti-Marcion, iv. 18 (infra), and Tertullian's treatise, de Bapt. x.

85 Sermo.

86 Suggillationis.

87 Luke v. 39.

88 John v. 39.

89 Matt. vii. 7.

90 Penes.

91 Or, "were for the first time."

92 Isa. xl. 15.

93 Matt. vii. 7.

94 Competit.

95 Matt. xv. 24.

96 Ver. 26.

97 Matt. x. 5.

98 Matt. xxviii. 19.

99 John xvi. 13.

100 Destinati.

101 Multo magis vacabat.

102 Ultro.

103 Doctrina.

104 In personas, i.e., Judaeorum (Oehler).

105 Proprietatem admonitionis.

106 "That is, not a specific command" primarily meant for us, but a principle "to be applied by us" (Dodgson).

107 Sponte.

108 Expetit.

109 Certare.

110 Sensus.

111 Cum.

112 See Oehler's note.

113 Gubernaculo. See Irenaeus, ii. 46, for a similar view (Rigalt.). Surely Dodgson's version, if intelligible in itself even, incorrectly represents Tertullian's sense.

114 Dissoluta.

115 Porro.

116 [Not to be contented with Truth, once known, is a sin preceding that against the Holy Spirit, and this state of mind explains the judicial blindness inflicted on Lapsers, as asserted by St. Paul, 2 Thess. ii. 10, 13, where note -"they received not the love of the truth." They had it and were not content with it.]

117 Constabit.

118 Penes nos.

119 Ne.

120 In modo.

121 This is, "the matter."

122 "The time."

123 "The limit."

124 Invenisti.

125 Fixisti, "determined."

126 Fossam.

127 Statio, "Resting-place."

128 Dum convenero.

129 This is the rendering of Oehler's text, "et velut si nusquam. There are other readings of this obscure passage, of which as wdd the two most intelligible. The Codex Agobardinus has, "et velim si nunquam:" that is, "and I would that I were nowhere," with no fixed belief-in such wise as never to have had the truth; not, as must now be, to have forfeited it. (Dodgeson). This seems far-fetched, and inferior to the reading of Pamelius and his mss.: "et velint me sic esse nusquam;" i.e., "and they (the heretics) would wish me to be nowhere"-without the fixed faith of the Catholic. This makes good sense. [Semler is here mentioned, and if anybody wishes to understand what sort of editor he was, he may be greatly amused by Kaye's examination of some of his positions, pp. 64-84. Elucidation II.]

130 Oportet.

131 Necesse est. Observe these degrees of obligation.

132 Quamvis et errare delinquere est.

133 Vagntur.

134 Anus illa.

135 Luke xv. 8.

136 Luke xi. 5.

137 Luke xviii. 2,3.

138 Luke xi. 9.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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