139 Viderit.

140 Extranea.

141 Although Tertullian calls her "anus," St. Luke's word is gunh/ not grau=j.

142 Instrui potest.

143 Unde destruitur.

144 Idque dumtaxat.

145 Jam hinc.

146 Primo omnium demissum. Literally, "sent down." See on this procession of the Son of God to create the world, Bishop Bull's Defence of the Nicene Creed,etc., by the translator of this work, pp. 445 and following.

147 Ereptum, having been taken away.

148 Vicariam. [Scott's Christian Life, Vol. III. p. 64.]

149 [See Bunsen (Hippol. III. Notes, etc., p. 129.) for a castigated form of the Latin Creed, as used in Rom. Observe it lacks the word Catholic. But a much better study of these formulas may be found in Dupin's comparative Table. First Cent. pp. 9-12.]

150 Omnem libidinem effundas, "pour out the whole desire for."

151 Doctor, literally, "teacher." See Eph. iv. 11; also above; chap. iii. p. 244.

152 This seems to be the more probably meaning of novissime in this rather obscure sentence. Oehler treats it adverbially as "postremo," and refers to a similar use of the word below in chap. xxx. Dr. Routh (and, after him, the translator in The Library of the Fathers, Tertullian, p. 448) makes the word a noun, "thou newest of novices," and refers to Tertullian's work, against Praxeas, chap. xxvii., for a like use. This seems to us too harsh for the present context.

153 Sciet.

154 See 1 Cor. xii. 8.

155 Luke xviii. 42.

156 Exercitatio.

157 Exercitatio.

158 De peritae studio.

159 Non obstrepant.

160 Interim.

161 Dubitationem.

162 Matt. xv. 14.

163 Insinuent.

164 Tractatus.

165 Or, "by instilling an anxiety into us" (Dodgson).

166 Jam debemus.

167 Refutare.

168 Nondum tenent.

169 Ut defendant.

170 Nec sibi sunt.

171 Patrocinantur.

172 Ipsi.

173 Scilicet.

174 [See Marcion, B. I. Cap. xxii. infra, note.]

175 Obtendunt.

176 Audacia.

177 De Scripturis. But as this preposition is often the sign of the instrument in Tertullian, this phrase may mean "out of," or "by means of the Scriptures." See the last chapter.

178 De consilio diffidentiae

179 Constitutionis, "prima causarum conflictio,"-a term of the law courts.

180 Obsequium.

181 1 Tim. vi. 3,4.

182 Tit. Iii. 10.

183 Matt. xviii. 16.

184 Plane, ironical.

185 Ista haeresis.

186 Aliquatenus.

187 Stilus.

188 "De" has often the sense of "propter" in our author.

189 Literally, "O most skilled.

190 Quid promovebis.

191 Or, "from the Scriptures."

192 Aequo gradu.

193 Statu certe pari.

194 Incertior.

195 Habent.

196 Proinde.

197 Nulla.

198 Parum certa.

199 Conlatio scripturarum, or, "a polemical comparison of the Scriptures."

200 Quibus conpetat fides ipsa cujus sint Scripturae.

201 Disciplina [or, where was the guide-post set?]

202 Mark iv. 34.

203 Matt. xxviii. 19.

204 Ps. cix. 8; comp. With Acts 1. 15-20.

205 Traducem fidei.

206 Mutuantur "borrowing."

207 Omne genus.

208 Censeatur or, "for its origin."

209 Communicatio pacis.

210 Contesseratio. [III. John 8.]

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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