47 [A familiar story of Alexander is alluded to.]

48 [Note this reference to a shameless custom of the heathen in Rome and elsewhere.]

49 [See cap. l. and Note on cap. xl. infra.]

50 Commodus.

51 To murder Pertinax.

52 Tigerius and Parthenius were among the murderers of Commodus.

53 [Cap. ix. p. 25, note I supra. Again, Christian democracy, "honouring all men."]

54 [Elucidation VI.]

55 [Elucidation VII.]

56 [Chap. xxxii. supra p. 43.]

57 [An argument for Days of Public Thanksgiving, Fasting and the like.]

58 [On ordinary Sundays, "they laid by in store," apparently: one a month they offered.]

59 [A precious testimony, though the caviller asserts that afterwards the heathen used this expression derisively.]

60 [Or, perhaps-"One is prompted to stand forth and bring to God, as every one can, whether from the Holy Scriptures, or of his own mind"-i.e. according to his taste.]

61 [Christianos ad leonem. From what class, chiefly, see cap. xxxv. supra. Elucidation VIII.]

62 [Elucidation IX. See Kaye, p. 361.]

63 [The occupation of a soldier was regarded as lawful therefore. But see, afterwards, the De Corona cap. xi.]

64 [An interesting fact as to the burial-rites of Early Christians. As to incense, see cap. xxx. supra. p. 42.]

65 An index of the growth of Christianity.

66 [An appeal so defiant that its very boldness confirms this tribute to the character of our Christian fathers, p. 42.]

67 [Tertullian's exposition of this enigmatical fact (see the Phoedo) is better than divers other ingeniouis theories.]

68 [John xxi. 19. A pious habit which long survived among Christians, when learning that death was at hand: as in Shakespeare's Henry IV.,"Laud be to God, ev'n there my life must end." See 1 Thess. v. 18.]

69 [See Iraeneus, vol. i. p. 377 this Series.]

70 [Elucidation X.]

71 True, in the sense that a shadow cannot be projected by a body not yet existent.

72 [i.e., Caius, used (like John Doe with us) in Roman Law.]

73 Know thyself. [Juvenal, xi. 27, on which see great wealth of reference in J.E.B. Mayor's Juvenal (xiii. Satires), and note especially, Bernard, Serm. De Divers xl. 3. In Cant. Cantic. xxxvi. 5-7.]

74 [Our author's philosophy may be at fault, but his testimony is not to be mistaken.]

75 [Vicimus cum occidimur.]

76 [Elucidation XI.]

77 [Elucidation XII.]

78 Kaye, p. 36. Also, p. 8, supra.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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