63 Gal. ii. 2.

64 [Dr. Holmes not uniformly, yet constantly inserts the prefix St. before the name of Paul, and brackets it, greatly disfiguring the page. It is not in our author's text, but I venture to dispense with the ever-recurring brackets.]

65 This is Oehler's arrangement of the chapter, for the sake of the sense. The former editions begin this third chapter with "Sedenim Marcion nactus."

66 Aliud est si.

67 Sacramentum.

68 Habuit utique.

69 Paraturam.

70 Sed enim.

71 See Gal. ii. 13,14.

72 Compare what has been already said in book i. chap. 20, and below in book v. chap. 3. See also Tertullian's treatise, De Praescript. Haeret. chap. 23. [Kaye, p. 275.]

73 Statum.

74 Propria.

75 Variare convictum.

76 1 Cor. ix. 22.

77 Integrum.

78 Inde nostra digesta.

79 Germanum instrumentum.

80 That is, according to the Marcionite cavil.

81 De titulo quoque.

82 Funis ducendus est.

83 Ratio.

84 Praejudicans.

85 Posterius revincetur. See De Praescriptione Haeret., which goes on this principle of time. Compare especially chapters xxix. and xxx. [p. 256, supra.]

86 Falsum.

87 Passione.

88 Materia.

89 De veritate materiam.

90 Saeculo post.

91 Interim.

92 Communio ejus.

93 De veritate disceptat.

94 Quod est secundum nos. [A note of T.'s position.]

95 Projectam. [Catholic = primitive.]

96 Praeferunt.

97 Penes nos.

98 Post futura.

99 Sane.

100 Eversi.

101 Nisi quod.

102 Matt. x. 24.

103 1 Cor. xv. 11.

104 1 Cor. xiv. 32.

105 Gal. i. 8.

106 [On this whole chpater and subject, consult Kaye, pp. 278-289.]

107 Sacrosanctum. Inviolate. Westcott, On the Canon, p. 384. Compare De Proescript. Hoeret. c. 36, supra.

108 De proximo. Westcott renders this, "who are nearest to us." See in loco.

109 et...et. [N.B. Not Peter's See, then.]

110 Alumnas ecclesias. He seems to allude to the seven churches of the Apocalypse.

111 [Not the Order of bishops (As we now speak) but of their succession from St. John. Jaye, p. 219.]

112 Generositas.

113 De societate sacramenti. [i.e. Catholic Unity.]

114 Eadem.

115 Plane.

116 Censum.

117 Examine.

118 Favos. See Pliny, Nat. Hist. xi. 21.

119 Patrocinabitur. [Jones on the Canon, Vol. I. p. 66.]

120 Proinde per illas.

121 See Hieronymus, Catal. Scriptt. Eccles. c. 8.

122 Digestum.

123 See above, chap. 2. p. 347.

124 Capit videri.

125 Flagitandus.

126 Potius institerit.

127 The Gospels of the apostles John and Matthew, and perhaps Mark's also, as being St. Peter's.

128 Dedicata cum.

129 Competit.

130 Confirmavit.

131 Denique.

132 Apostolica, i.e., evangelia.

133 That is, the canonical Gospel of St. Luke, as distinct from Marcion's corruption of it. [N.B. "Us" = Catholics.]

134 Traducto.

135 Nunc-nunc.

136 Nunc-nunc.

137 Expedimur.

138 Fide, integrity.

139 Posteritati falsariorum praescribentem.

140 [Mark the authority of churches. He uses the plural-quod ab omnibus.]

141 Certe, for certo.

142 Propterea.

143 Conveniemus.

144 Sic habebit.

145 This seems to be the sense of the words, "sub illa utique conditione quaeex utraque parte condicta sit."

146 Scindit.

147 That is, between what is severe and judicial and punitive on one side, that is, the Creator's; and what is mild, merciful, and forgiving, on the other, that is, the Redeemer's side (Rigalt.).

148 Proescriptio.

149 Defigimus.

150 Creatoris pronunciandum.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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