239 Hoc nomine.

240 Aemulus.

241 Another allusion to Marcion's Docetic doctrine.

242 Materiam.

243 Unicum.

244 Ex., literally, "alone of." so Luke iv. 27.

245 Compare 2 Kings v. 9-14 with Luke iv. 27.

246 Facilius-rather than of Israelites.

247 Per Nationes. [Bishop Andrewes thus classifies the "Sins of the Nations," as Tertullian's idea seems to have suggested: (1) Pride, Amorite; (2) Envy, Hittite; (3) Wrath, Perizzite; (4) Gluttony, Gigashite; (5) Lechery, Hivite; (6) Covetousness, Canaanite; (7) Sloth, Jebusite.]

248 Compare, in Simeon's song, Luke ii. 32, the designation, "A light to lighten the Gentiles.

249 [See Elucidation I.]

250 Such seems to be the meaning of the obscure passage in the original, "Syro facilius emundato significato per nationes emundationis in Christo limine earum quae sepetem maculis, capitalium delictorum inhorrerent, idoatria," etc. We have treated significato as one member of an ablative absolute clause, from significatum, a noun occuring in Gloss. Lat. Gr. synonymous with dh/lwsij. Rigault, in a note on the passage, imputes the obscurity to Tertullian's arguing on the Marcionite hypothesis. "Marcion," says he, "held that the prophets, like Elisha, belongs to the Creator, and Christ to the good God. To magnify Christ's beneficence, he prominently dwells on the alleged fact, that Christ, although a stranger to the Creator's world, yet vouchsafed to do good in it. This vain conceit Tertullian refutes from the Marcionite hypothesis itself. God the Creator, said they, had found Himself incapable of cleansing this Israelite; but He had more easily cleansed the Syrian. Christ, however, cleansed the Israelite, and so showed himself the superior power. Tertullian denies both positions."

251 Quasi per singulos titulos.

252 There was a mystic completeness in the number seven.

253 Dicabatur.

254 Sicut sermonem compendiatum, ita et lavacrum. In chap. i. of this book, the N.T. is called the compendiatum. This illustrates the present phrase.

255 Et hoc opponit.

256 Repraesentavit.

257 Quasi non audeam.

258 Vindicare in.

259 Plane. An ironical cavil from the Marcionite view.

260 Si tamen major.

261 Luke v. 14.

262 Utpote prophetatae

263 Emaculatum.

264 [i.e., the Great High Priest whose sacrifice is accepted of the Father, for the sins of the whole world.]

265 Suscepturus: to carry or take away.

266 Legis indultor.

267 Advenit.

268 Atquin.

269 Formam.

270 Ab ea avertendos.

271 Aliquatenus.

272 Jam.

273 Supervacuus.

274 Gradu.

275 Ecce.

276 Sententiam.

277 Matt. v. 17.

278 Quod salvum est.

279 That is, you retain the passage in St. Luke, which relates the act of honouring the law; but you reject that in St. Matthew, which contains Christ's profession of honouring the law.

280 Nostros: or, perhaps, "our people,"-that is, the Catholics.

281 Luke v. 16-26.

282 Isa. xxxv. 2.

283 Isa. xxxv. 3 in an altered form.

284 Isa. xxxv. 4.

285 Animi vigorem.

286 This seems to be Isa. liii. 12, last clause.

287 Isa. i. 18.

288 Mic. vii. 18, 19.

289 Jonah iii. 10.

290 Circumduxit.

291 2 Sam. xii. 13.

292 1 Kings xxi. 29.

293 Resignati jejunii. See 1 Sam. xiv. 43-45.

294 Ezek. xxxiii. 11.

295 Consequens est ut ostendas.

296 Istam.

297 Parem.

298 See book i. chap. xxvi.-xxviii.

299 Admonere.

300 Retractare: give a set treatise about them.

301 Proescriptio.

302 To secure terseness in the premisses, we are obliged to lengthen out the brief terms of the conclusion, virgo est.

303 Si forte.

304 Isa. vii. 14.

305 Si et Dei.

306 Si neque patris.

307 On Marcion's principles, it must be remembered.

308 Compare T.'s treatise, Adversus Valentinianos, chap. xii.

309 Censentur.

310 Si forte.

311 Nominum communio simplex.

312 Defendimus. See above, book iii. chap. xv. xvi.

313 Ex. accidenti obvenit.

314 Super.

315 Proprio.

316 Non convenit.

317 Causam.

318 The context explains the difference between nomen and appellatio. The former refers to the name Jesus or Christ, the latter to the designation Son of man.

319 Dan. iii. 25.

320 Dan. vii. 13.

321 Secundum intentionem eorum.

322 Eum: that is, man.

323 Repercutere.

324 Scandalo isto.

325 Denique.

326 Dispice.

327 Interpellandi.

328 Corpus ex corpore.

329 Plane; introducing the sharp irony.

330 This is perhaps the best sense of T.'s sarcasm: "Atque adeo (thus far) inspice cor Pontici aut (or else) cerebrum."

331 He means Levi or St. Matthew; see Luke v. 27-39.

332 Profanum.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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