4 [Kaye (p. 366), declares that all the arguments urged in this tract are comprised in two sentences of the Apology, cap. 38.]

5 [For the demonology of this treatise, compare capp. 10, 12, 13, 23, and see Kaye's full but condensed statement (pp. 201-204), in his account of the writings, etc.]

6 Ex. xx. 14.

7 Ps. i. 1. [Kaye's censure of this use of the text, (p. 366) seems to me gratuitous.]

8 [Neander argues with great force that in referring to Scripture and not at all to the "new Prophecy," our author shows his orthodoxy. We may add " that highest authority" to which he appeals in this chapter.]

9 [Cybele.]

10 [Very admirable reflections on this chapter may be found in Kaye, pp. 362-3.]

11 [The authority of Tertullian, in this matter, is accepted by the critics, as of historic importance.]

12 [Though this was probably written at Carthage, his reference to the Flavian theatre in this place is plain from the immediate comparison with the Capitol.]

13 [To the infernal deities and first of all to Pluto. See vol. I. note 6, p. 131, this Series.]

14 [Bunsen, Hippol. Vol. iii. pp. 20-22.]

15 1 Cor. viii. 4.

16 1 Cor. x. 21.

17 Ps. xlix. 18. [This chapter bears on modern theatres.]

18 [The ludi Atellani were so called from Atella, in Campania, where a vast amphitheatre delighted the inhabitants. Juvenal, Sat. vi. 71. The like disgrace our times.]

19 [See Kaye, p. 11. This expression is thought to confirm the probability of Tertullian's original Gentilism.]

20 Matt. vi. 27.

21 Deut. xxii.

22 [De Caelo in Caenum: (sic) Oehler.]

23 [The exorcism. For the exorcism in Baptism, see Bunsen, Hippol. iii. 19.]

24 See Neander's explanation in Kaye, p. xxiii. But, let us observe the entire simplicity with which our author narrates a sort of incident known to the apostles. Acts, xvi. 16.]

25 Matt. vi. 24.

26 2 Cor. iv. 14.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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