15 In praedicationibus: "in the declarations of the prophets."

16 Scrupulis.

17 See books ii. and iii. of our Anti-Marcion.

18 He means the De Carne Christi.

19 Tanquam penes nos quoque incerta, id est penes Creatorem. This obscure clause is very variously read. One reading, approved by Fr. Junius, has: "Tanquam penes nos incertum, dum sit quotue certum penes Creatorem," q.d., "As a subject full of uncertainty as respects ourselves, although of an opposite character in relation to the Creator;" whatever that may mean.

20 Hoc latere.

21 Compare Adv. Omnes Hoereses, c. vi.

22 Varro's words help us to understand this rought joke: "Ursi Lucana origo," etc. (De Ling. Lat. v. 100.)

23 Iste: rather his subject than his person.

24 i.e. the De Anima.

25 Compare the De Test. Anim. ii., and De Anim. xliii.

26 Isa. xliv. 20.

27 1 Cor. i. 20, iii. 19.

28 Of the resurrection of the body.

29 Frivolae.

30 Isto.

31 Gula.

32 Natandum pulmonibus.

33 1 Cor. vii. 31.

34 John i. 3.

35 Formam.

36 Gen. i. 26.

37 Universitati.

38 Gen. i. 27.

39 Limum de terra: Gen. ii. 7.

40 Gen. ii. 7, 8.

41 It having just been said that flesh was man's prior designation.

42 Quid enim si.

43 Adeo.

44 Ista.

45 Gen. i. 26.

46 Constitutus.

47 Phil. ii. 6.

48 Gen. iii. 19. ["Earth thou art, etc." in text.]

49 Gen. iii. 31.

50 A Valentinian notion.

51 Gen. ii. 23.

52 Rom. ix. 20.

53 2 Cor. vi. 7.

54 Col. ii. 11.

55 Invehi.

56 Dominari.

57 John iv. 24.

58 Instaurat.

59 Una notitia ejus = monogamia.

60 Afflatus.

61 Matt. xxii. 37-40.

62 2 Cor. xii. 9.

63 Luke v. 31.

64 1 Cor. xii. 23.

65 Luke xix. 10.

66 Ezek. xviii. 23.

67 Deut. xxxii. 39.

68 Vacuisset.

69 Isa. xl. 7.

70 Isa. xl. 5.

71 Gen. vi. 3, Sept.

72 Joel iii. 1.

73 Rom. viii. 18.

74 Rom. viii. 8.

75 Gal. v. 17.

76 Below, in ch. xvi.

77 Gal. vi. 17.

78 1 Cor. iii. 16.

79 1 Cor. vi. 15.

80 Ver. 20.

81 Carnes. [To explain the state of mind in which this sentence is written, let the reader kindly turn back to Vol. II. p. 4, the paragraph."As Eusebius informs us, etc."]

82 Licentiam.

83 Oehler explains "devoratum" by "interceptum."

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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