236 Iliad, xv. 36-38 (Lord Derby's translation); Odyssey,v. 185,187.

237 Miller reasonably proposes for tw noithe reading stoixeion, "which affirms water to be a formidable element."

238 udwr memigmenon oinw diakrinei: Miller's text is udwr memigmenon ainwdia krhnh. which is obviously corrupt. His emendation of the passage may be translated thus: "And now some one observes water from a wayside fountain, mixed, so they say: and even though all things be intermingled, a separation is effected."

239 Matt. x. 34.

240 kentrw.In other passages the word kerkijis used, i.e., the backbone.

241 Or, "power"

242 Or, "Ama."

243 Herodotus, vi. 119.

244 What Hippolytus here states respecting Justinus is quite new. No mention occurs of this heretic in ecclesiastical history. It is evident, however, that, like Simon Magus, he was contemporary with St. Peter and St. Paul. Justinus, however, and the Ophitic sect to which he belonged, are assigned by Hippolytus and Irenaeus a prior position as regards the order of their appearance to the system of Simon, or its offshoot Valentinianism. The Ophites engrafted Phrygian Judaism, and the Valentinians Gentilism, upon Christianity; the former not rejecting the speculations and mysteries of Asiatic paganism, and the latter availing themselves of the cabalistic corruptions of Judaism. The Jndaistic element soon became prominent in successive phases of Valentinianism, which produced a fusion of the sects of the old Gnostics and of Simon. Hippolytus, however, now places the Ophitic sect before us prior to its amalgamation with Valentinianism. Here, for the first time. we have an authentic delineation of the primitive Ophites. This is of great value. [See Irenaeus, vol. i., this series, p. 354; also Bunsen (on Baur), vol. i. p. 42.]

245 Matt. x. 5.

246 Isa. lxiv. 4; 1 Cor. ii. 9.

247 Ps. cx. 4; Heb. vii. 21.

248 Or, "the rest of the Mysteries."

249 Herodotus, iv. 8-10.

250 Erytheia (Eretheia) was the island which Geryon inhabited. Miller's text has =Eruqaj(i.e., sc. Qalasshj), "the Red Sea." This, however, is a mistake.

251 Some read ton noun, which has been properly altered into tonun, as translated above.

252 Or, "mother."

253 kai agnwstoj, "and unknown," is added in Cruice's and Schneidewin's text, as this word occurs in Hippolytus' epitome of Justinus' heresy in book x. of The Refutation.

254 dignwmoj: some read agnwmwn, i.e., devoid of judgment.

255 eunhn: some read eunoian, i.e., goodwill, but this seems pleonastic where filiajprecedes.

256 See Rev. iii. 14. [Bunsen, i. 39.]

257 Or, "Babelachamos," or" Babel, Achamos."

258 Or, "Kaviathan."

259 Gen. ii. 8.

260 Or, "this one."

261 Gen. i. 28.

262 en auth: some read en arxh, i.e., in the beginning.

263 satrapikhn. The common reading astrapikhnis obviously corrupt.

264 Or, "mixture."

265 katw: some read katwgh, i.e., katwgaioj, earthly; some katwferhj, with a downward tendency.

266 Ps. cxvii. 19.

267 Ps. cxviii. 20.

268 Isa. lxiv. 4; 1 1 Cor. ii. 9.

269 Ps. cx. 1.

270 Or, " the heavens."

271 anqrwpoij pasin. =Elqwn. Some read: anqrwpoij. Palin elqwn.

272 Gen. ii. 16, 17.

273 Or, " in heaven."

274 Gal. v. 17.

275 Or, " in heaven."

276 These words are superfluous here, and are repeated preceding sentence by mistake.

277 Yuxhj: some read euxhj, i.e., prayer.

278 Miller confectures that the parenthetical words should be added to the text.

279 John xix. 26.

280 enteuqen: this word stands at the end of the last chapter in the text of Miller, who suspects that there is here some hiatus. In this opinion the Abbe Cruice concurs. Schneidewin, however, transfers enteuqento the beginning of this chapter as above.

281 paria tw agaqw: or rather, we should expect, into a knowledge of the Good One.

282 Ps. cx. 4; Heb. vii. 21.

283 ontwj: some read outoj.

284 1 Cor. ii. 9.

285 loutron: the ecclesiastical use of this word makes it stand for baptism.

286 John iv. 14.

287 Gen. i. 6, 7.

288 Hos. 1,2.

289 entuxwn: some read eutuxwn, i.e., one who is fortunate enough to meet with the book.

290 Literally " wight, according to his Hercules, by imitating,"etc.

291 amaran. This word means a trench or channel in a field, for the purpose either of irrigation or drainage. Schneidewin and Cruice render it by the Latin Sentinam, an expression applied, for example, to bilge water.

292 ekrhqeih, i.e., ekriqeih: some read ekkriqeih, which might be rendered, " even though, (for the purpose of holding these heretics up to public shame,) there should be made a selection only,"etc.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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