15 Or, "is suffcient."

16 Or, "the question is discussed."

17 [This word, not yet technical, as with us, is thus noted as curious. Of its force see Professor Caird, Encyc. Britannic., sub voce"Metaphysic."]

18 See Aristotle, De Anim., ii. r.

19 Literally, "out of tune."

20 These works must be among Aristotle's lost writings (see Fabricius' Bibl. Graec., t. iii. pp. 232, 404). We have no work of Aristotle's expressly treating "of God." However, the Stagyrite's theology, such as it is, is unfolded in his Metaphysics. See Macmahon's analysis prefixed to his translation of Aristotle's Metaphysics, Bohn's Classical Library.

21 Aristotle composed three treatises on ethical subjects: (r ) Ethics to Nicomachus; (2) Great Morals; (3) Morals to Eudemus.

22 Miller erroneously reads "Matthew."

23 (See Bunsen, i. v. 86. A fabulous reference may convey a truth. This implies that Matthias was supposed to have preached and left results of his teachings.]

24 This emendation is made by Abbe Cruice. The ms. has "incomposite," an obviously untenable reading.

25 Or, "of what sort of material substance," etc.

26 Gen. i, 3.

27 Or, "being declared."

28 John i. 9. [See translator's important note (I), p. y, supra.,]

29 Literally, "throbbed."

30 Odyssey, vii. 36.

31 See Plato, vol. i. p. 75 et seq., ed. Bekker. Miller do; "an obvious mistake".

32 [Foretaste of Cent.IV.] Miller's text has, instead of tou ouk ontos (non-existent), oikountos (who dwells above).

33 Ps. cxxxiii. 2.

34 Or, "unspeakable power."

35 Or, "was produced unto."

36 Miller's text has"-the soul," which Duncker and Cruice properly correct into "body."

37 Megaleiuthtos, a correction from megalhs.

38 A correction from "Arrhetus."

39 This passage is very obscure, and is variously rendered by the commentators. The above translation follows Schneidewin's version, which yields a tolerably clear meaning.

40 Rom. viii. 19, 22

41 Rom. v. 14.

42 Ex. vi. 2, 3

43 Eph. i. 21.

44 Or, "seen merely."

45 Prov. i. 7.

46 1 Cor. ii. 13.

47 Ps. xxxii. 5, 3

48 kat autouj. Ulhorn fills up the ellipsis thus: "And in reference to these localities of the Arghons," etc.

49 This is a more correct form than that occasionally given, viz., Abraxas. See Beausobre, Hist. Manich., lib. ii. p. 51.

50 Eph. iii. 3-5.

51 2 Cor. xii. 4.

52 Luke i. 35.

53 Miller's text has "judgment," which yields no meaning. Roeper suggests "Ogdoad."

54 Rom. viii. 19-22.

55 Or, "their own peculiar locality" (Bunsen).

56 This word is added by Bunsen.

57 John ii. 4.

58 Matt. 11. 1, 2

59 See Clemens Alexandrinus, Strom., ii. p. 375, ed. Sylburg. [Comp, cap. viii. vol. ii. p. 355, this series.]

60 Bernays and Bunsen read ton Peripaton, which Abbe Cruice and Duncker consider erroneous, referring us to Eusebius, Hist. Ecclesiast., iv. 7.

61 See [vol. i. p. 348, this series, where it is Saturninus]; Irenaeus, i. 24; [vol. iii., this series, p. 649]; Tertullian, Praescript. xlvi.; Epiphanius, Haer., xxiii.; Theodoret, Haer. Fab., i. 3; St. Augustine, Haer., iii. Eusebius styles this heretic Saturninus.

62 Epiphanius makes Basilides and Saturnilus belong to the same school.

63 Faeinhs: Millet reads Fwnhs.

64 Gen. i. 26.

65 Miller reads "the Father."

66 Or, "world-making."

67 See [vol. i. p.352. this series]; Irenaeus i. 27; [vol. iii., this series especially p. 257], Tertullian, Adv. Marc., and Praescript., xxx.; Epiphanius, Haer., xlii.: /Theodoret, Haer. Fab., i. 24; Eusebius., Hist. Ecclesiast., v.13, 16; and St.Augustine, Haer., xxii.

68 Or, "quarelsome," or, "frantic."

69 Hippolytus' discussion respecting the heresy of Marcion is, chiefly interesting from the light which it throws on the philosophy of Empedocles.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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