97 Bunsen, p. 134; Theordor., tom, iv. pt. i. p. 343, ed. Hal. 1772.
99 tartarwsaj, 2 Pet. ii. 4. A sufficient answer to Dr. Bunsen, vol. iv. p. 33, who says this Epistle was not known to the primitive Church.
100 See Speaker's Comm., ad loc.
101 St. Hippol., p. 301, with Original text.
103 A translation of Quinet, on Ultramontanism, appeared in London in a semi-infidel series, 1845.
1 In John Damasc., Sacr. Parall., Works, ii. p. 787. That Hippolytus wrote on the Hexaemeronis noticed by Eusebius, Hist. Eccl., vi. 22, and by Jerome, Sncellus, Honorius, etc.
2 These fragments are excerts from a Commentary on Genesis, compiled from eighty-eight father, which is extant in manuscript in the Vienna library. They are found also in a Catenaon Matthew, issued at Leipsic in 1772.
4 This must refer, I suppose, to the words, "And it was so."
7 "My" (mou) is wanting in Origen's Hexapla.
9 [He makes the curse o( Reuben applicable to the Church's truth and purity.]
10 ecairesewj autwn, "of set purpose."
13 After "this " (touto) the word "blood" (to auma) seems to have been dropped.
16 [By the sin of Annas and Caiaphas, with others, the tribe of Levi became formallysubject to this curse again, and with Simeon (absorbed into Judah) inherited it. But compare Acts iv. 36 and vi. 7.]
21 [In thus spiritualizing, the Fathers do not deny a literal sense also, as in "Aser," p. 166, infra; only they think that geography, history, etc., should pay tribute to a higher meaning.]
24 katk podaj, "quickly," " following close."
26 [An important bint that by "heel," in Gen. iii. 15, the "foot" is understood, by rhetorical figure.]
27 Ps. xliv. 17 (English, xiv. 16).
28 Gen. iii 15. [The rhetoric here puts the heel for the foot to emphasize the other part of the prophecy, i.e., the wounded heel coming down on the biter's head.]
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